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March 06, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-06

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FRIDAY, IY "Ol 6, 1953

PAGE FOUR kJ.tkI)AY, MARCH 6, 1953


The Possibility of a Red Power Struggle

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is indebted to
Prof. James Meisel, of the political science de-
partment, and teaching fellow Milt Feder for of-
fering him some excellent off-the-record informa-
tion and for filling the gaps in his knowledge.
The interpretations below, however, are not nec-
essarily those of Prof. Meisel or Mr. Fader.)
Daily Editorial Director
ANYONE WHO would venture an opinion
as to who will succeed Premier Stalin is
either incorribigly stupid or an inbecile. By
the same token, anyone who would suggest
that the imminent turnover in Soviet Gov-
ernment will bring either war or peace closer
must be insane. There are too many inter-
pretations, based on too many facts, both
reliable and unreliable, for anyone to be
certain of anything regarding the U.S.S.R.
Whatever the disagreements as to in-
terpretation, however, the entire situation
is fraught with implications. Will a power
struggle result between the three leading
contenders: Malenkov, Beria, and Molo-
tov? What significanse would such a strug-
gle have for the West? Will a ruling tri-
umvirate be formed? What will be the
new ruler's or rulers' outlook toward the
West? These are burning questions which
both scholars and newsboys are asking
themselves. Unfortunately, the answers to
them may be long in coming.
The following interpretation is offered
with the utmost of diffidence, and this writ-
er wishes to make it clear that it may be
no more valid than that of your fraternity
brother or house mother.
From all outward appearances, it would
seem that the balance of power within the
Communist Party is such that a triumvirate
is likely to rule the Soviet Union for the time
being. How long a triumvirate can govern
harmoniously, however, is another question.
Itis conceivable that the party is, in reality,
monolithic, that it is more powerful than
individuals or cliques, and that political pow-
er is distributed in such a way as to pre-
clude conflict.
On the other hand, it is equally valid
to presume that seeds of conflict are em-
bedded within the party, and that per-
sonality differences, possible ideological
schisms, and a clash of economic inter-
ests may result in a power struggle dis-
rupting the entire party and governmental
While this may be wishful thinking, it is
not an impossibility. The clash between Leon
Trotsky and Stalin after 1924 encompassed
all three of these differences. In that case,
the ideological disagreements between the
two were probably the predominant disrup-
tive influence. Trotsky and Stalin locked
horns on a score of issues, including col-
lectivization, industrialization, the kulaks,
war and peace, Chinese policy, and "democ-
racy" within the party.
The personality factor also entered in, as

Stalin and Trotsky were incompatible tem-
peramentally, the one being a rock-ribbed
"go-slow" conservative bent on consolidat-
ing, the other being a flaming, irrepressible
rebel whose mind was better fitted to the
idea of "permanent revolution" which he
Today, the Russian Communists are
still plagued with a number of issues
over which there could be serious dis-
agreement. Stalin will pass on to his
successor or successors, among other
things, the problems of peasant opposition,
friction with national minorities, treat-
ment of Jews and Zionists in Russia and
the world situation.
As regards possible personality conflicts,
there has been, earlier, friction between Mol-
otov and Beria, and lately, between Malen-
kov and Beria. Personality factors, how-
ever, are imponderable, and cannot be ade-
quately defined.
In addition to possible personality and
ideological conflicts, there could conceivably
be a competitive struggle between pressure
groups repesented within the party. In the
Soviet Union, there are a multitudinous
number of such groups, many of which rep-
resent economic interests-labor unions,
bureaucrats, collective and state farms, the
state police, the Red Army . . . These groups
have always been determined to extert their
influence as extensively as possible on the
party and governmental machinery. The
herd-instinct is a reality even inm the U. S.
S. R.. and pressure groups have to protect
their interests.
Historically, ruling directorates have
never been able to survive as such, but
always tend to disintegrate and to be
replaced by. the rule of one powerful auto-
crat. This occured in France prior to the
rise of Napoleon; later in the Soviet Un-
ion in the 20's, when the Zinoviev-Kam-
enev-Stalin triumvirate collapsed.
The chances for an ideological or pressure
group clash within the party today are not
yet ascertainable. Assuming, however, that
a triumvirate is formed and that Malenkov,
Beria, and Molotov eventually do come to
grips for one or several of the reasons stat-
ed above, then such a struggle would weaken
the Soviet Union consideralb.ly. And the pos-
sibility of civil war, though perhaps still
remote, must be taken seriously.
The important question, then, is how
will the United States exploit the situa-
tion? This problem will have to be left
up to the diplomats, but undoubtedly, the
State Department will not stand by an-
gelically if the opportunity to further dis-
sension within the Soviet Union presents
itself on a silver platter.
As regards the matter of war or peace
now that there will be a turnover in Soviet
government, only an idiot could be abso-
lutely certain. All that can be said is flip
a coin, brother, and keep on praying.

WASHINGTON-The Senate Interior Com-
mittee called a special secret session
early this week to consider the question of
disciplining or even recording the indictment
of Bernard Tassler, managing editor of the
American Federation of Labor magazine
"The American Federationist" for his crit-
icism of tidelands oil senators.
This unusual procedure was hushed up
behind closed doors, but Senators were
told to be present at 9:30 a.m., 30 min-
utes before the public session opened. A
special request was made to have a quor-
um present in order to take important
Simultaneously, Editor Tassler was called .
by Stewart French, clerk of the Interior
Committee, and asked to be present. Tass-
ler replied that he would be glad to appear
before a public session, but said he would
not participate in any star-chambered pro-
What caused all the Senate indignation
was an editorial in the Washington News
It was signed by the "Citizens Committee
Against the Offshore Oil Grab," of which
Tassler is a leader.
** *
THE MAN who got literally purple of face
over this ad and iwanted to discipline
Tassler was freshman Senator Price Daniel
of Texas, who received heavy campaign con-
tributions from Texas oilmen and who made
tidelands oil one of the chief issues of his
campaign. The paid ad raised the question
as to why a small group of senators were in
such a rush to pass the Tidelands Oil Bill.
"Is it," the ad asked, "a pay-off for lavish
campaign contributions last fall?"
When the secret meeting convened, how-
ever, Senator Daniel, a freshman Repub-
licrat, kept silent. He let older GOP Sen-
ator Guy Cordon of Oregon carry the
"The American people want to know,"
Cordon read the ad, his face flushing, "Why
Congress is in such an unseemly rush to
give away $300,000,000,000. What's the ex-
plantation? Is it true that the plan is to rob
the American people for the benefit of a
few, greedy, powerful interests?
"Let there be a searching, open, honest
bipartisan investigation to find out whether
it is true that some high Administration
leaders and some members of Congress now
sweating to rush through the offshore give-
away . . . had their election campaigns of
last fall lavishly financed by the oil in-
dustry? . ..
"The American people are highly sus-
picious, because they know that it just
doesn't make sense for senators and con-
gressmen from the 45 states which would
lose heavily by the proposed giveaway, to
be working for the giveaway legislation -. .
"This is the reason for the widespread
charge that the giveaway deal is just a pay-
off to those who contributed lavishly to
campaign funds last fall. It this really true?
Or is the charge untrue? . .."
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)
A rchitecture A uditoriumr
AS YOU LIKE IT, with Laurence Olivier and
Elizabeth Bergner.

THIS MUST be one of Olivier's first at-
tempts at a movie version of Shake-
speare, and for many reasons it is a 'disap-
pointing picture. Olivier does not seem to
have much understanding of the love-strick-
en Orlando; at least he isn't able to make
him appear anything but shy in any situa-
Perhaps the most unfortunate circum-
stance in this showing is that the film is in
poor condition. The voices, when they are
not so subdued or so strongly British that
they are undecipherable, are muffled and
at times almost gargled, so that any at-
tempt to follow the plot must rely heavily
on previous knowledge of the play. At times
the screen becomes too dark to distinguish
the action, and the breaks in the film at
the beginnings and ends of the reels are
almost pitiful.
The conception of the play is rather stan-
dard, and, with the exception of Olivier,
most of the characters seem to be aware of
what they are saying and why. Elizabeth
Bergner as Rosiland is the most convincing
member of the cast, but is hampered by her
German accent. It is charming, but makes
her the least understandable person in the
picture. However, she is lively and sharp,
and is the one most responsible for any at-
traction the film might have.
Since this is really such a poor picture,
and from any point of view it must be ad-
mitted that it is, we might ask why it has
been chosen. If so compare it with Olivier's
lavish and more successful later Shake-
speare productions, then most of its in-
terest would be for the movie historians.
It i snien to know hat hah e isnnved

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"Baby, It's Cold Outside"


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


4 l

'0107 "" '.4wM~iW4TS on-r"


(Continued from Page 2)

7-1996a in the Office of Veterans' Af-
fairs, 555 Administration Building, be-f
fore 5 p.m. Mar. 6, to insure receipt of1
allotment check for February.
Late permission for women students1
who attended "Faust" on wed., Mar. 4,
will be no later than 11:15 p.m,
Late permission. Because of the
Assembly Ball all women students will1
have a 1:30 late permission on Sat.,!
Mar. 7.-
To all Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts. Any student'
with the grade of "I," '"X." or "no 7
report" on his record for a course tak-
en the last period he was in residence,
must have the course completed by
Fri., Mar. 6, or the grade will lapse to
an "E." Extensions of time beyond,
this date to make up incompletes will
be for extraordinary cases only. Such
extensions may be discussed with the
Chairman of the Academic Counselors
(Freshmen and Sophomores) or the
Chairman of the Board of Concentra-
tion Advisers (Juniors, Seniors, and
Schools of Education, Music, Natural
Resources, and Public Health. Students,
who received marks of I, X. or "no re-
ports" at the end of their last semes-
ter or summer session of attendance,
will receive a grade of "E" in the course
or courses unless this work is made up
by Mar. 9. Students wishing an exten-
sion of time beyond this date in order
to make up this work should file a pe-
tition, addressed to the appropriate of-'
ficial in their school, with 1513 Admin-
I istration Building, where it will be

the 1952-53 Lecture Course. Pulitzer
Prize winner and authority on nation-
al and international news, Mr. Reston
Is the leading diplomatic correspond-
ent of the Times. "Reston Views the
News" is the subject of his talk. Tickets
will be on sale Monday 10 a.m.-8:30
p.m. at the Auditorium box office.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John Swin-
ton King, Physics; thesis: "Angular
Distributions from the Reactions
C135(dp)C136, Sc45(d,p)Sc46, and
V5l(d~p)V52 as a 'rest of the Shell Mod-
el," Fri., Mar. 6, 2038 Randall Labora-
tory, at 2 p.m. Acting Chairman,
P. V C. Hough.
Psychology Colloquium will meet
Fri., Mar. 6, at 4:15 p.m., in Auditorium
C. Mason Hall, Dr. Merle Lawrence, As-
sociate Professor of Physiological Acous-
tics, will speak on "Recent Develop-
ments in Auditory Theory."
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, Mar. 8, in Hill Auditorium. This
is the second of two Sunday afternoon
recitals by Mr. Noehren. It will include
the following works by Johann Sebas-
tian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in D
major, Chorale Preludes, "Jesus Chris-
tus, unser Heiland, der von uns," "Al-
lein Gott in der Hoh sei Ehr'," and
"Wir glauben all' an einen Gott;" Fu-
gue in G major. Prelude and Fugue in
A major, Trio Sonata No. 6 in G ma-
jor, and Toccata and Fugue in D minor
("The Dorian"). The recital will be
open to the public.

On Science . ..
To the Editor:
PROFESSOR Marston Bates is at
biologist as articulate as heI
is able, and indeed the two qual-N
ities yield a neat and comely weave.
But somewhere along the way, Ir
fear he has gone and snared;
his skeins and come up with aI
trapping two sizes too small for£
the Daily's subscription bound1
The suit, a London import fromt
the looms of Julian Huxley who is
forever turning out the newestr
things, is called "science" thisv
season, and it has found its way
into (or onto, as suits will) aj
model called "the humanities."
Professor Bates, having pressed his
fingers to his lips and thrown themI
out in a majestic expression off
satisfaction, has cried "Hoalla ...s
the perfect fit."
Once out on the avenue, how-t
ever, I think we may see that the
habiliment, "science," seems sortI
of youngish on its ancient andI
savant model, and perhaps a bit
skimpy about the shoulders. "TheI
humanities," virile and stable to-
day, have found their place in the
hearts and minds of the pioneersi
of the twentieth century, despite
the obdurate attempt of science to
preempt them in the modern
scheme. (The clothes do NOT
make the man!) Surely, at one
and the same time science has im-
proved its methods, cultivated new
styles, and discovered new and re-
markable fabrics with which to
work. Nevertheless, it still hangs7
precariously from its plain, and1
perhaps not so sturdy pipe racks,i
anathema to all who believe that
there may be possible a conscious
plan for human destiny.
We can, and are( though not
goaded in any very great way by
the schools) building on human-
ism, making the past important in
the present and future, and de-
riving real ad ultimate values
from the truths of philosophy, the
languages, the arts, and literature.
Until science can show that it
is more than a caprice and seem-
ingly aimless struggle to free man
from the oppressive insecurity
which scienceitself has frought;
until it can demonstrate some real
meaning, some human purpose,
until then has it little place on a
model of such dignity, beauty, and,
splendor as humanism or in the
lives of those bound with ideals
and with a faith.
-Norman Starr
* *
Ed. School ...
To the Editors:
OBJECT to Donna Hendleman's
recent attack on the sad state
of the School of Education. It is
perfectly legitimate to express a
personal opinion, but it is unfair
for Miss Hendleman to assume the
role of critic of something she ap-
parently knows little about.
Miss Hendleman reported that
the School of Education has low-
ered its grade point requirement
for admission from a 2.25 to a
2.00 in a "poor bid for a higher
enrollment." Actually, there were
several more important reasons
for the action which she has ig-
The first is an attempt to be
more fair to the transfer students
from other colleges and univer-
sities, where a "C" average is con-
sidered quite adequate for grad-
uation. Many students from our
own university want to graduate
from Lit. School, which continues
to cater "to the 'C' student," and
also earn their teaching certificate
This has been impossible for the
"C" student until now. Miss Hen-
dleman admits that the "correla-
tion between grades and post-
school success is shaky" and yet

she argues that the lowering by
3 of an honor point will mean
that "good people" will no longer
be attracted to the profession.
Students enter the School in

their junior year after having
proven their ability to survive the
initial weeding-out period along
with all the others, regardless of
their professional plans. It is a
little far-fetched to presume that
very many students who* have
shown they can maintain the
necessary "C" average in Lit.
School would suddenly switch into
Education simply because it was
an "easy way to get through col-
lege." Why, then, should the school
place additional emphasis on aca-
demic standing when there are
so many personal factors that
make for a successful teacher
which are not measured by marks?
These factors are more fairly
judged during the practice teach-
ing experience.
One more result of this action
will be more freedom in marking.,.
As it has been, with a 2.25 neces-
sary for graduation, teachers gave
few C's. It was similar to the situa-
tion in graduate school.
The prospects are really not
nearly so grim as Miss Hendleman
has presented them. Actually, the
action should promote better rela-
tions with other schools; it will
give Lit. School students equal
opportunity to get their certifi-
cates; and i$ will give teachers a
fairer marking range.
--Nancy C. Anderson
*% * *
Gershwin Concert .. .
To the Editor:
AFTER READING the "soft-
soap" review that was printed
following the Gershwin Concert, I
had a strange longing for the good
ole Tom Arp "lye."
--Cynthia Diamond, '56
* * *
Food for Thought .. .
To the West Quadders:
HOW CAN YOU say such things!
What do you expect-FOOD?
Emaciatedly yours,
-Susie Sacher
Barbara Sussman
' Judy Greenfield
r 4





The Queen's University, Belfast, Ire-

Commentary on Red Series

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article, writ-
ten by columnist William E. Bohn, appeared
recently in an issue of The New Leader, a na-
tional magazine printed in New York. It is a
commentary on The Daily's recent expose of
Communist activity in Ann Arbor.)
A DISTINGUISHED team of Washington
sleuths threatens an attack on some 25
American schools of learning. It consists of
Congressman Harold H. Velde, new Chair-
man of the House Un-American Activities
committee, and his more illustrious Senator-
ial colleague, Joseph R. McCarthy. But be-
fore the show goes on the road, before any
experts have been hired or any money has
been spent, I want to give the top impres-
sarios a piece of advice which may save them
disillusion and remorse. There is one great
university which they may safely omit from
their itinerary.
I refer to my old school, the University
of Michigan. In Ann Arbor, there is no
call for the activities of Big Government,
The local authorities have proved them-
selves capable of protecting' themselves
against Communism. The members of the
faculty, the Regents, the President and,
especially, the students themselves have
got beyond the Red Ridinghood period.
They are not going to be deceived by any
big, bad wolves.
I have reached this conclusion after run-
ning through a file of the "Michigan Daily."
What a paper! What a Letters to the Editor
column! The editors started the new year
by snatching the Communist ball from the
} Washington team. They ran on their front
page a series of articles on the Communist
set-up at the university. The job was done
by a young man named Zander Hollander,
feature editor of the paper. The Communist
students have yelled bloody murder in the
letters column and have continuously ac-
cused Mr. Hollander of inaccuracies. But I
note that they have failed to draw attention
to one definite misstatement.
The series of articles, five in all, is based
on careful research. At the sessions of the
Un-American Activities Committee in fe-

there are three Communist cells in Ann
Arbor. Since then, there must have been
some withering away. The official party or-
ganization seems to be the Ralph Naefus
club (named after a soldier in the Spanish
Civil War). This cell controls the campus
group called the Labor Youth League. It is
this LYL which carries on whatever Stalinist
activity is promoted on the campus. All ac-
tive Communists in Ann Arbor are said to
belong to it.
The editors of the "Daily" got posses-
sion last spring of a report dealing with
the progress and failures of the LYL. It
covered the work of the organization from
September 1951 to January 1952. It is
amusing and enlightening to see how
faithfully the authors of the document im-
itate the pattern of the big wheels at the
head of the party. Students are urged to
agitate among Negroes: "We must grasp
the idea that the Government practices
genocide on the Negro people and direct
all the resulting indignation against Jim
Crow." Failures of the past are blamed on
false technique of laziness-never on ba-
sically false ideas.
The members of the LYL operate, of
course, as Communists outfits operate ev-
erywhere. They organize or get control of
"front" groups which have a large enough
membership to be of any real importance.
Mr. Hollander tried to get statements
about the work of the LYL from its lead-
ing members. The latter are well known for
the fact that their letters on campus affairs
are constantly appearing on the "Daily."
But not one of them would open up. To sub-
stitute for them, the young editor finally se-
cured an interview with Balza Baxter, the
state LYL Chairman. This man is a profes-
sional. He gets enough to live off of.
There are 13 LYL clubs in the state, six
of them in Detroit. Testimony before the
house Un-American Activities Committee
indicated that there were about 210 mem-
bers in the state. The University of Michi-

land, again offers, through a reciprocale
arrangement with the University of I
Michigan, an exchange scholarship for'
a graduate from the University of Mich-
igan, which will provide fees, board, and1
lodging for the next academic year, but '
not travel. Economics, Geography,1
Mathematics, Medieval History, Phi-l
losophy, Political Science, and Romance
Languages are suggested as especially
appropriate fields of study. Further in-
formation is available at the office of
the Graduate School, and applications
should be filed with the " Graduate
School before April 10.
Boy Scout Counselors: The Detroitj
Area Council of the Boy Scouts of]
America are seeking counselors for,
their summer camp. They will inter-I
view candidates at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments Fri., Mar. 6. For furthera
information please contact the Bureau
of Appointments. 3528 Administration
Building, telephone University exten-j
sion 2614.-
Camp Counselors. Mr. Ken Smith, of
Camp Charlevoix, Mich., will be inter-
viewing prospective camp counselors at
the Michigan Union Fri., Mar. 6, from
I to 5 p.m. For further information
please contact the Bureau of Appoint- ;
ments, 3528 Administration Building, or
telephone University extension 2614.
Personnel Interviews.
Montgomery Ward of Chicago will in-
terview June graduates on Wed., Mar.
11, for the following positions: Junior
Accountant, Auditor Trainee, Buyer
Trainee, Advertising Trainee (women,
too), Industrial Engineer, and Retail
Store Management Trainee. They would!
also like to see men in accounting for
summer Junior Accounting positions.
On Wed., Mar. 11, there will be a rep-
resentative here from the Continental
Illinois National Bank, of Chicago, to1
see Bus. Ad. and LSA students gradu-
ating in June and August (both men
and women) for available positions
within the firm.
The Northwestern Trust Co., of Chi- I
cago, will be here on Wed., Mar. 11, andj
the representative is interested in in-
terviewing Bus. Ad. and LSA students'
receiving their degrees in June for
Management Trainee positions.
Personnel Requests.
The Civil service Commission of
Wayne County announces examination
for Personnel Assistant. This is open
to students expecting their degrees in
June, 1953, and offers appointees a
chance to learn the techniques of pub-
lic personnel administration and to
gain experience in public service. Ap-
plication blanks are available at theI
Bureau of Appointments.I
The Vokar Corp., of Dexter, Mich.,
has an opening for a young man to
work part-time during the afternoon.
The work would include handling the
stores and supplies.
The Household Finance Corp. in Ann
Arbor has openings for young men to

Program of American Music spon-
sored by Sigma Alpha Iota, will be pre-(
sented at 8:30 Sunday evening, Mar. 8,
in Auditorium A of Angell Hall. It
will include-works by Elaine Friedman,
Arthur Foote, Aaron Copland, Victor
Landau, Walter Piston, Walter Hendl,
Vincent Persichetti, and Burrill Phil-
lips, and will be open to the general
Events Today

Forum on College and University
Teaching, Second session, Mar. 6, 3-5
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. A panel
composed of Professors Ronald Freed-
man, William C. Gibson. Lawrence B.
Kiddle, and George A. Peek, with Pro-
fessor Wilbert J. McKeachie as chair-
man, will discuss "Hew to Plan a
Course." Faculty of the University and
graduate students are invited.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. The
Graduate Professional and Young Mar-
ried Students groups will meet at 8
p.m. in the Congregational Church for
their joint March meeting and party.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour with Mrs.
Barbara Ward Jackson guest of hon-
or on Fri., 4:15 to 6:00 p.m. Lutheran
Student Association co-host. All stu-
dents and faculty cordially invited.
Westminster Guild is sponsoring a
roller-skating party this evening. Meet
at the Student Center at the First
Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. Your
friends are welcome to join us.
Motion Pictures, auspices of Uni-
versity Museums, "Realm of the Wild,"
(color), 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditor-
ium. No admission charge.
Gilbert and Sullivan Square Dance.
Tonight at the Women's Athletic
Building at 8:30. Come one come all
past and present members of the so-
ciety, and bring your date if you al-
ready have one.
Roger Williams Guild. Work party at
8 p.m. in the Guild House. Wear old
clothes-some you wouldn't mind a lit-
tle paint on. Refreshments and a good
time are in store for all!
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Im-
portant meeting for all members and
friends at 7:30 p.m. in the Fireside
Room, Lane Hall. Miss Emma Pickett,
who has worked with the Wycliff Bible
translators in Mexico, will be our guest,
Graduate Students at the First Pres-
byterian Church have planned a dra-
matic presentation of one of the na-
tion's best-sellers, to be given at 8
p4n. in the social ball of the Church.
Come and get acquainted with other
post-college young people.
Beacons meet at 6 p.m. in the League.
Wesley Foundation. Square dance
and lunmmy sticks 8 p.m., Wesley


Sixty-Third Yeai
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of tht Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable............City Editor
Cal Samra............Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.....Feature Editor
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by Dick Bibler



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