THlE CITY EDITOR'S SCRATCHPAD SSee Page 4 Y Lt irni Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaii4p SNOW FLURRIES, COLDER VOL. LXIII, No. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1953 SIX PAGES s * * * *s I Ward Discusses ReligionIssue Claims Totalitarianism Rises in Era; Will Address Economics Club Today By MARK READER Charging that the main contribution of Western society to the world has been to turn men's minds from religion to a materialistic, non-religious way of thinking, Barbara Ward Jackson initiated the Mott Foundation lecture yesterday. x Speaking on "Are Today's Problems Religious," the famed assist- ant editor of the London "Economist" also said, "The 20th century has not been one of democratic development but rather a century of totalitarianism." * * s * MRS. JACKSON is scheduled to address the Economics Club at Arraignment Of Thomas Due Today Continued questioning of former University Hospital janitor, Ben- ny Thomas, by city police will wait until Thomas is arraigned in Circuit Court this morning on charges of car theft and assault- ing an X-ray technician at the Hospital Saturday. Lt. Walter Krasny said last night. Although the suspect was iden- tified by assault victim, 22-year-old Virginia J. Wrobleski, as "with- out doubt" the assailant who knocked her down and choked her, Thomas has not made any con- fession or offered any alibi to the charge, according to Krasny. FIFTEEN minutes before Mrs. Wrobleski was attacked Saturday, a stolen car report was received from hospital employe Kenzie Locke who thought a former rider and discharged janitor had tak-. en it, police said. Officers connected the two incidents and spotted Thomas near his Willow Village home Monday while he was driving the car. A chase by car and foot followed -with county and city policemen capturing the sus- pect at gunpoint. Throughout questioning, how- ever, the 30-year-old suspect has refused to"admit anything other than that he "borrowed" the car from an aquaintance who used to drive him to work, police reported. Meanwhile, detectives are still investigating the possibility that the prisoner was the thug who forced his' way into an Ann Ar- bor home Thursday at gunpoint and held four women captive while he searched the house for an un- known object without stealing anything. An assault and battery warrant also stands against him in Ypsi- lanti township for an attack on a Willow Village woman which oc- cured shortly before his arrest Monday. YD's Discuss Controversil EDC Situation Young Democrats braved the Ann Arbor downpour last night to discuss the European Defense Community at its weekly meeting in the Union. TLhL SJUUin :iatirinaVU d. 48 p.m. today in the Rackham Am- phitheater on "Problems of In- vestment in Underdeveloped Areas." The noted Englishwoman claimed that materialistic thinking has made man an instrument of "an historical process" and was reduc- ing him to a position "without sig- nificance." She believed that if Marxism is carried to a logical, conclusion man would be com- pletely subject to matter. 1MRS. JACKSON saw basic sim- ilarities in all worldreligions and catagorized them ifive groupings: 1--A godhead or a source of re- ality which serves as a deity and is present in both Eastern and Western religion. 2-A varying concept of man which flows from the concept of individual dignity. She said that views on the aim and purpose of the individual were 'essentially a desire to be delivered entirely from oneself by contem- plation of God or a hope of union with a supreme being by express- ing love. 3-The concept that union with God can only be achieved through a moral way of life is also needed. Mrs. Jackson said that a moral way of life in re- ligion consisted of placing a check on oneself. "Assertion of self," she went on, "has been held to be an obstable to the aim of life by religious philoso- phers." 4-In all religions a moral law is present. She said all religions feel that transgressions of moral law will result in disaster. 5 -Implicit in all religions, she felt, was an underlying sense of responsibility enabling man to have the power of choice. "Man has the power to be free," she argued, "because he has the power to choose." Mrs. Jackson also saw an "in- finite pessimism in ancient relig- ions." She believed that this was a result of the feeling that the world was nothing but illusion by classical philosophers. * * * THE reknowned author traced the failure of the Medieval Ages to synthesize Christian concepts and create an earthly "City of God" because the men who were tryingto accomplish it failed spiritually and also because cer- tain "vitalities in that society re- fused to be put in moral restraint by the Christian Church." "These vitalities," Mrs. Jack- son continued, "were the force of discovery, the rise of nationalism and the concurrent rise of capi- talism." Another major reason for the failure of the Medieval unifi- cation wasthe inadequecies of knowledge and measuring instru- ments. Mrs. Jackson believed that sci- ence and the concept of evolution had supplanted moral law, and finally had resulted in a negation of religion in this centry. .Petitions Tomorrow is the deadline for student organizationsto file pe- titions for sponsorship of Stu - dent Legislature Cinema Guild movies. Any recognized campus group can pick up a petition at the SL Bldg., providing it is complet- ed and returned by 5 p.m. to- morrow. Sponsoring groups get 70 per cent of film profits. IF, C Plans 'Bias Clause Discuss ion The first local move to aid fra- ternities in removing restrictive membership clauses from their constitutions was announced last night at the Interfraternity Coun- cil's House Presidents Assembly meeting. Dick Manchee, '54, chairman of' the IFC Big Ten Counselling and Information Service committee, told the group that the first step would be a meeting next Wednes- day of the presidents of the thir- teen fraternities which have re- strictive clauses. AT THIS meeting, Manchee said, he will explain to the presidents what work can be done both local- ly and nationally to remove the clauses. The presidents will then take the information back to their houses for discussion. The Big Ten Counseling and Information Service was set up last May by the Big Ten IFC, Panhel conference and has work- ed during the year gathering in- formation concerning restrictive clause situations on other Big Ten campuses. Earlier in the meeting, Bill Cap- itan, '54, co-rushing chairman termed the spring rushing 'good' with 61 per cent of the men who rushed having pledged. * * * SIX FRATERNITIES responded to a plea by Phil Nielson, former Series Continues A new branch of sociology known as group dynamics is try- ing to prove that parliamentary rules aren't the only laws govern- ing group functions, and the cam- pus will get a chance to see the proof tonight. The second of Student Legisla- ture's Student Citizenship pro- grams, scheduled for 7:30 today in Auditorium B, Mason Hall, will be devoted to demonstrations of group dynamics techniques. LED BY MEMBERS of the Re-j search Center for Group Dynamics. the open session will put the aud- ience to work as observers of test discussion groups. Each group and its leader will go over a typical campus prob- lem, such as student apathy or faculty evaluations, with general recommendations on the topic as its aim. The job of the audience-turned- sociologist is to observe and eval- uate the group's actions from three standpoints: the function of the leader, the effect of the leader on the group and group interactions. Members of the Group Dy- namics Center will distribute in- formation on past findings in the new sociological field following the demonstrations. Audience questions will be answered at this time. Student Citizenship Program chairman Bob Neary, '54BAd., urg- ed campus organization members to turn out for the meeting in order to increase their awareness of the dynamics of group func- tions. Tonight's meeting is in line with the SL program's purpose of de- veloping students understanding of their leadership responsibilities. Sociologists To Present Views Today SL Citizenship VYACHESLAV MOLOTOV JOSEPH STALIN a possible successor? . . . in serious condition RIDICULOUS : Rebuke to Economists A ae . Amazes Prof. Boutdi By ARLENE LISS Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding ofj the economics department, was left speechless by a recent Detroit Free Press editorial stating that there probably are not more than a dozen economists worthy of the name in the United States. Recovering from his initial re- action that the whole editorial was "beyond comment,"tProf. Boulding said of the editorial's definition of a true economist that it was "too ridiculous." The article had said that the true economist "really understands why human beings act as they do in the mar-, ket place." SOAKED: Spring .Rains DrenchCity Ann Arbor's first spring mon- soon deluged the city with more than one and a quarter inches of rain yesterday, bringing floods on campus and automobile collisions on city streets. A burst water main flooded the Women's Athletic Bldg. basement, last night and was threatening theI ACCORDING TO Prof. Bould-s ing, "On the whole, economists are not interested in how human beings act in the market place. That is not their main function." Concerning a statement by the chairman of the House Approp-1 riations Committee that he would cut the 2,498 economists on the federal payroll of 200, the Free Presssaid "the fewer of them on the public payroll the better." Prof. Boulding, however, dis- agrees. He thinks that even with so many employes the federal gov- ernment is lacking in economic in- formation. He pointed out that the country needs as much infor- mation as it can afford and "We can afford A lot." Prof. Harold M. Levinson of the economics department comment- ing on the government's need of economists said, "The function of government in economic spheres is so extensive and so complex that it is essential that the government has trained economists to advise them." Other members of the depart- ment contacted said the editorial was laughable and did not war- rant any comment. Wider Waslitenaw Ruled by Council The city council ruled at its bi-weekly meeting that Washte- naw Avenue will be widened by two feet froi S. University to Tuomy Rd. with the loss of only seven or eight trees. The widening will be accom- plished this summer in connection with the State Highway Depart- ment's plan to resurface Washte- naw. Barrows To Talk To PoetryGroup Prof. Herbert Barrows of the English department will talk to the Modern Poetry Club on the works of English poet Gerard Manley Hopkins at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in Rm. A of the League. Premier Suffers Paralytic Stroke Radio Moscow Says Red Leader Stricken Sunday by Hemorrhage By The Associated Press MOSCOW - Moscow Radio said today that Joseph Stalin has suffered a 'paralytic stroke and is in serious con- dition. The broadcast said the 73-year-old Russian premier is unconscious, his right arm and leg are paralyzed and his heart has been affected. Start of the illness, identified as a brain hemorrhage, occurred Sunday and is spreading, the official announcement said. The broadcast, attributing the report to the official Soviet news agency Tass, said the Red chief is suffering from loss of speech and is breathing with difficulty. Text of the announcement follows: "The treatment of Comrade Stalin is being conducted under the guidance of A. F. Tretyakov, minister of public health of the USSR, and I. Kuperia, chief of the Medical Sanitary Board of the Kremlin. "The treatment of Comrade Stalin is being conducted under the constant supervision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government. "In view of the grave state of the health of Comrade Stalin, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers of the USSR I found it necessary to publish, beginning with Wednesday, medical bulletins on the state of health of Joseph Vissariono- vich Stalin." Speculation was rife among Washington correspondents early this morning that Premier Stalin might already be dead. Veteran reporters recalled how during the last war important -news releases were often held back a week or more before being given out. World News* ,L oulLi l "pull student at the Free University ofIA C Wbolverine CIut> bowling alley with immersion be- Berlin, to sponsor a program of ex- I Irn fore the flood was halted after change students. The plan would 9:30 p.m. entail two fraternities housing a Petitioning for Wolverine Club * I Berlin -,ttirlpnt fnr n vpnr while at. 1 .,x441 1 nurna w ' .y uo ra eru nn. ac the same time University student would go to Berlin. Amending the IFC constitution, the Assembly voted a stipulation that the IFC executive committee be composed of house presidents and undergraduate former house presidents. In the present set up the executive committee is open to any fraternity man. positions wil remain open until 5 p.m. Friday. Chairmanships for applicants who will have sophomore or high- er standing next fall are for. spec- ial trips, pep rallies, publicity, spec- ial affairs and block 'M' commit- tees. , Petitions can be picked up every day this week in Rm. 1020 Admin- istration Bldg. OTHER RAIN damage occured at the West Engineering Automo- tive Lab where a leaky roof neces- sitated placing buckets through- out the lab to catch rain water. Slippery streets caused at least seven local accidents, none involving University faculty members or students, police re- ported. In one collision an estimated $1,600 damage was done to two cars with minor damage reported in other accidents. A freakish crash occured when a driver back- ed through a fence into a Univer- sity parking lot, damaging a car parked there. The Willow Run weather bur- eau predicted the rain would turn to wet snow early this morning with falling temperatures and snow flurries later today. Roundup By The Associated Press TEHRAN, Iran-Premier Mo- hammed Mossadegh's opposition boycotted a Parliament meeting yesterday and blocked a vote of confidence in his struggle for pow- er with youthful Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi. SEOUL-Allied fighter-bomb- ers yesterday flattened two Red centers near Manchuria with fire bombs and high explosives, touching off fierce air battles in which U. S. Sabres probably shot down one MIG and dam- aged five more, the Air Force said. * * * WASHINGTON - The Hawaii! statehood bill won approval from the House Interior and Insular Affairs Committee yesterday but the group turined down by a 14-13 vote a move to add Alaska. Author Seager STALIN MADE his last public appearance January 12. He met with Indian diplomats Feb. 18. On neither occasion was he re- ported to be ailing. However, there had been per- sistent rumors during the past few months that the aged pre- mier's health was failing. Reports have been circulating that Vyacheslav M. Molotov, long- time Communist Party leader, would succeed to the leadership of the party on Stalin's death. HOw- ever, informed sources give Georgi Malenkov, former private secre- tary of the stricken premier, the inside chance for succeeding to the Red leadership. Lavrenti Beriya, supervisor of the powerful Ministries of Inter- nal and State Security, also figures in the struggle for power which seems certain to follow the pre- mier's death. WHEN a reporter tried to con- tact Soviet foreign minister An- drei Y. Vishinsky, now in New York for the United Nations meeting, Vishinsky's secretary answered the phone. The aide said Vishinsky was sleeping and that he had not heard the announcement. The first report to the world of the critical illness was made at 12:15 a.m. today (Ann Arbor time). It came in the regular service of Tass, broadcast in Russian for the press abroad. The Moscow Radio's Home Serv- ice Bulletin was not broadcast un- til 15 minutes later. Thus the out- side world apparently received the news before the bulk of the Rus- sian people themselves. Marshal Stalin, in addition to being USSR premier, is com- mander-in-chief of the Red .-m mi:ic . of rpfpn p at BRAINS BUT NO BRAWN: Thieme Gives Preview of Future Man x e group parracipated as a whole in the discussion which was led by Phil Converse, Ralpho Goldberg, and Sue Sharfman, '55, YD members. Backhaut Delegates meeting in Rome this week will vote on the controver- sial EDC program. The case of Bernard Backhaut Goldberg, speaking on the '55, vs. the Young Republicans French political reactions to the will come to a head in tonight's E , S s By ELSIE KUFFLER I The 98 pound weakling, lacking muscles, but with the mentality of an intellectual giant is 500.000 years ahead of, himself. This was the picture of the man of the future presented by Prof. Frederick P. Thieme of the an- thropology department in This Week magazine. ACCORDING to the anthropol- ogist, the future generation may not resemble Charles Atlas, but S * * less hair and fewer and smaller teeth. * * * "HIS NOSE WILL appear to be of immense proportions, thus sup- plying the alternative occupation of plastic surgery for barbers out of work because of the lack of hair on future heads," Prof. Thi- eme predicted. "Already practically useless, the little toe may be a thing of the past by 500,000 AD," he speculat- ed. ------------------- - -- - - - ------- :: .....