See Page 4
irs Diha
Latest Deadline in the State
a 4
VOL. LXIII, No. 101
Barbara Ward
Outlines Problems Facing West;
Suggests Program In Early Talks
Chatting her way through a barrage of questions, Barbara Ward
Jackson, first Mott Foundation lecturer, found time yesterday to
level a brief and sharp analysis of the major problems confronting
Western society and to offer a partial solution to some of them.
Miss Ward is scheduled to inaugurate the Mott series with an
address on "Are Today's Problems Religious?" at 8 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
* * * *
THE NOTED assistant editor of the "London Times" proposed
" at a press conference that nations
with the highest per capita in-
r omes donate one per cent of their
1: W orld, ew s total income to help raise the
By The Associated Press
SEOUL - Chinese Communist
forces called off an attempt te
crack the main Allied line at Lit-
tle Gibralter on the rain-soaked
Korean Western Front yesterday
after one-third of the Red attack
force was killed or wounded in
close-quarter battle.'
LONDON' - Prime Minister
Churchill yesterday refused for
the time being to accept a
Communist offer to swap a Brit-
on imprisoned in Hungary for
a Red Chinese woman guerrilla
hsentenced to die in Malaya.
TEHRAN, Iran-Roaming mobs,
swinging, to the support o
Premier Mohammed Mossadegh,
shouted anti-American slogans
and stoned American homes and
cars in Tehran yesterday.
* * *
WASHINGTON-President Eis-
enhower's plan for reorganizing
the Federal Security Agency pro-
bably will be sent to Congress next
week, Sen. Taft (R-Ohio) said
WASHINGTON - Angrily pro-
testing that secrecy is merely
garbling history, Sen. Humphrey
(D-Minn.) demanded in vain yes-
terday the Senate let the public'
in on its inquiry into once-secret
World War II agreements between
U. S. and Russia.
O * "
America official testified yester-
day the agency seemed to fol-
low a policy of attacking Soviet
Premier Stalin personally while
treating Marxism, the keystone
of communism, with respect.
* * *
CHICAGO-Du Pont attorneys
said yesterday Secretary of De-
fense Charles E. Wilson will be
called as a witness, probably next
month, to dispute government
charges that du Pont operated
"arm in arm" with General Motors
Backhaut Oust
By YR Group
The Committee of Discipline of
the Young Republican Club yes-
terday recommended the expul-
sion of Bernard H. Backhaut, '55,
from the group.
The committee charged Back-
haut with " . .. giving financial
and moral aid and support to the
Democratic Party, falsely repre-
senting the Young Republican ob-
jectives in the press" and being
"guilty of conduct unbecoming a
Young Republican."
Backhaut, commenting on the
committee action, said. "I bear
neither rancor nor hostility toward
the Disciplinary Committee or any
member of the Young Republicans.
I shall always recall the members
as sincere and determined. Re-
gardless of the final outcome,, I
wish all the YR members the
best of luck in the years to come."
Defending the committee's ac-
tion, Seymour D. Greenstone, '55,
YR vice president and chairman of
the committee, said, "The Young
Republican Club has always wel-
comed to its membership students
believing in general Republican
ideals. The past actions of 'exhi-
bitionist' Backhaut have required
the committee to recommend ex-
-Daily-Don Campbell
* * *
standard of living in underdevelop-
ed areas throughout the world.
"The Point Four Program of
economic assistance is first
t class," she said, "but it is not big
enough. We must arrive at a
welfare conception on an inter-
national basis," she continued.
Miss Ward felt private enter-
prise will not enter fields which
appear unrewarding. These fields
are transportation and utilities,
she went on. "By building rail-
roads and electric plants the pre-
conditions for private investment
will be created in these areas."
The one per cent income contri-
bution would supply the neces-
sary capital, she added.
f* *
scene, Miss Ward contrasted Con-
gressional investigation of Com-
munists in our Universities with
the British attitude toward the
"In England," she said, "Uni-
versities fight savagely for inde-
pendence from state controls." She
saw a danger in the fact that elect-
ed politicians are conducting the
present investigations here, be-
cause of their desire to make politi-
cal capital out of their findings.
Retired civil servants handle the
job in Englands she concluded.
Earlier in the day, Miss Ward
said England should join the
Schumann coal and iron pool in
Europe, and foresaw in India a
general movement toward free-
dom within the next 50 years.
Steigerwalt Rites
To Be Conducted
Funeral services will be held at
3:30 p.m. tomorrow for Albert K.
Final rites for the 61-year-old
manager of the parts and acces-
sories division of Kaiser-Frazer
Corp. who died Sunday will take
place at the Muehlig Funeral
Stud ent Groups
Urged To Register
The Office of Student Affairs
yesterday urged all student organ-
izations to turn in completed reg-;
istration forms immediately.
'M' Rolls Up
Record 99.
Over Purdue
Cagers Move Out
Of Big Ten Cellar
Much-abused Michigan broke
loose from the depths of the Big
Ten basketball cellar last night to
bury Purdue, 99-81, and set a
Yost Field House scoring record
in the process.
The hot-shooting Wolverines
(they made 37 of 90 attempts for
a fancy 41.1 percentage) broke the
ball game wide open in the final
period with a 33-point splurge
that just missed the century mark.
MICHIGAN'S 99-point total, the
third highest in Western Confer-
ence history, erased the Field
House standard of 91 set by In-
diana earlier this season.
At the same time it gave Coach
Bill Perigo's fired-up charges
their third victory in 16 league
starts, and broke a 7-game los-
ing streak against Big Ten op-
By the three-quarter mark, the
Maize and Blue five had rolled up
a 66-54 advantage, and in the next
four minutes and 15 seconds the
Wolverines poured through 17
more tallies to up the ante to 83-
69 with better than half of the
final session remaining.
HERE IT became only a ques-
tion of whether Michigan could
reach the coveted 100 tallies so
seldom reached in the hardwood
Reserve forward Bruce Allen,
who just entered the contest
after Ralph Kauffman fouled
out, netted six successive mark-
ers to make the tally read 89-
ยข6 with 4:15 left on the clock.
Captain Doug Lawrence, making
his last appearance at the Stte
Street sports arena, converted on
the end of a well-executed fast
break and the score advanced to
91-67 at the 3:55 mark.
, , ,
JUST 30 SECONDS later, high
scoring Wolverine guard Don Ead-
dy pumped in one of his favorite
jump shots to put his team's total
at 93, and Allen followed with a
one-hander and a pair of free
throws that made it 97-71 with
2:45 to go.
A chorus of boos went up
from the screaming throng as
Purdue began a' methodical
weave at mid-court. The Boiler-
makers froze the ball for better
than thirty seconds until Ray
Kenaga committed a personal
foul to put an end to that part
of the stall.
Purdue's Jim Schorr missed the
second of his two charity tosses
and was immediately fouled by
center Tob Topp as he gained the
rebound. Schorr put both in this
time to give Michigan badly-need-
ed possession.
court but was charged into by
bulky forward Ted Dunn. The
Michigan center proceeded to
calmly drop in both of his free
throws to the delight of the better
than 1200 wild-eyed fans, and the
scoreboard read 99-74 with 1:56
But that was it as far as the
Maize and Blue quintet was con-
cerned. Coach Ray Eddy's in-
vaders successfully executed the
freeze during the final two min-
utes as the Michigan reserves
fouled nine times in a vain at-
tempt to gain possession.
Things weren't looking so bright
for the Michigan supporters at
the start of the evening's festivi-
ties. Purdue, led by forwards Jack
Runyan and Dunn, got off to an
eight-point lead in the opening
session which was shaved to 23-
19 at the quarter.
RUNYAN HAD ten free throw
attempts in that quarter, convert-
ing on three of them and adding
a couple of field goals. He even-
See SIX, Page 3 1
-Daily-Don Campbell
States delegate Henry Cabot Lodge
Jr. promptly rejected Vishinsky's
In his brief, seven-minute
reply to Vishinsky's one hour
and 33-minute speech, Lodge
did not refer specifically to Vish-
insky's attack on the Republi-
can party.
Vishinsky's blast was in fact the
first Soviet assault in the UN on
the foreign policies of the Eisen-
hower administration.
* * *-
VISHINSKY took the fl to
answer 10 charges laid dc y-
Lodge last week to the effe .t
the Russians instigated the i.or-
ean War and are sending arms and
equipment to the Communists. He
said that Lodge doubtless does not
take his own words seriously and
"The Republican party, as has
been proved again and again,
pursues not the policy of peace
but rather the reverse."
Donna J. Speerman, a mem-
ber of the stage crew for the
speech department's opera
"Faust" was injured last night
when she was hit on the head
by a piece of scenery during a
scenery change.
Taken tohealth Service, Miss
Speerman was treated for cuts
and released.
Phi Gains Sing
At Cooley High
As part of a program to further
public relations between Detroit
area high schools and the Uni-
versity and its fraternity system,
the Phi Gamma Delta glee club
will sing at an assembly in Cooley
High School in Detroit 1:45 p.m.
The group, under the leader-
ship of Jerry Strauch, '54, tied for
second place honors in last year's
IFC sing. Other IFC sing winners
are slated to sing at ten other
Detroit schools scheduled for fu-
ture visits.
Today's program, given in coop-
eration with the University Of-
fice of Admissions, will be intro-
duced by Sandy Robertson, '53
BAd., IFC vice.president who will
speak on the University and Mich-
igan fraternities.
Club, Positions
Now Available
Petitioning for Wolverine Club
chairmanships is now open to any-
one who will have sophomore
or higher standing next fall, Bud
Charlip, Spec., club vice-president
has announced.
Chairmanships now open for
applicants are special trips, pep
rallies, publicity, special affairs
and block 'M' committees. Sub-
committees under Block 'M' which
are open to petitioning, but are
not cabinet positions, are opera-
tions, facilities, design, member-
ship and public relations.
Charlip said petitions can be
picked up every day this week in
1020 Administration Bldg. and are
due at 5 p.m. Friday.
IFC Presidents
The Inter-Fraternity Council
house presidents meeting will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today at the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon house.
Scribe Predicts Drop
Of MSC from Big Ten
By ERIC VETTER atmosphere of mutual esteem!
Another page was written in and good sportsmanship."
the saga of Michigan State Col- Prof. Aigler said he hadn't
lege's Spartan Foundation yester- heard "anything on the situation
day when George Alderton, sports from other schools" and that
editor of the Lansing State Journ- "most of the excitment seems to
al, flatly predicted MSC would be come from East Lansing."
"tossed out of the Big Ten within *
a year." ALDERTON, veteran sports writ-
This was greeted with surprise er in Lansing and considered by
by University President Harlan some as the unofficial voice of
H. Hatcher and Western Confer- MSC, based his statement on eco-
ence Faculty Representative Prof. nomic matters which he said have
Ralph W. Aigler, who both said reduced revenue for other Confer-
"It's news to me." ence schools since the Spartans
* * * entry into the loop.
He said the administration
taken a number of measures
signed to expand the war in
Far East.
Vishinsky Blasts
GOPAsian Policy
In Speech to UN
Says Asians 'Cannon Fodder' to Ike;
Lodge Rejects Red Korean Proposal
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-(P)-Andrei Y. Vishinsky lashed at
the United States Republican party and its Asian policies yesterday
with the direct charge that it is not pursuing a policy for the strength-
ening of peace but rather the reverse.
He said the Eisenhower administration wants to use the Asians
as "cannon fodder."
THE SOVIET foreign minister told the UN Political Committee
the only way to end the Korean conflict is to accept the Communist
terms for an armistice. United
Local Police
Hold Suspect
For A ssault
Following a dramatic Willow
Village arrest yesterday afternoon,
a former University Hospital em-
ploye, Benny Thomas, was being
held by Ann 'Arbor police last
night for assault on a hospital
technician Saturday.
Lt. Walter Krasny said late yes-
terday after questioning Thomas
he was quite sure the suspect was
the same man who had knocked
down and attempted to choke 22-
year-old Virginia J. Wrobleski in
the hospital Saturday afternoon.
Thomas; however, has not admit-
ted the attack, Lt. Krasny said.
FORTY MINUTES before, his
arrest by city and county officers
yesterday Thomas entered the
home of2deaf-mute Virginia Ed-
wards, 221 Outer Lane, Willow
Village, and struck Mrs. Edwards
after chasing her daughter from
the house, sheriff's officers said.
Meanwhile, Ann Arbor police
officers had learned Thomas had
been discharged from the Hos-
pital Feb. 18 after he struck a
nurse's aide.
They also discovered the suspect
had borrowed a car from a hos-
pital employe without his permis-
Covering the 30-year-old sus-
pect's home at 174, Groton, Wil-
low Village, police spotted Thomas
in the stolen car and gave chase.
When he abandoned the auto-
mobile, officers caught him on
foot shortly after 3 p.m.
He was later identified by
Mrs. Edwards as the assailant
who had entered her home 40
minutes earlier, Sheriff's officers
Thomas was being held on
charges of assault and possessing
a stolen vehicle by City police,
and county officers have a war-
rant on him for assault'and bat-
He is currently on parole from
Jackson Prison after serving a
term for robbery unarmed, ac-
cording to Lt. Krasny.
PRESIDENT Hatcher said that
at Big Ten meetings he has seen
"no indication of any such de-
velopment, and such an idea has
never been discussed in my pres-
He added he regretted the cur-
rent furor, "for it had been
hoped Michigan State could be
absorbed into the Big Ten in an
Suspended by
ple University professor who re-j
fused to testify before the House
Un-American Activities Commit-
tee has been suspended from his
teaching position by the man who
yesterday took over as head of the
International Information Admin-
istration, which operates the
"Voice of America."
Prof. Barrows Dunham of the
Temple philosophy department
was removed by university Presi-
dent Robert L. Johnson, the new
government appointee, under pro-
visions of a state loyalty law which
requires the university to guaran-
tee no "subversive persons are in
its employ."
* * *
PRESIDENT Johnson, in a let-
ter to the professor yesterday, said
the refusal to answer questions of
the House committee "created a
doubt as to your loyalty status."
Prof. Dunham replied strong-
ly, "I conceive no act of mine
could have better displayed my
loyalty to this country and its
traditions than the course I
followed last Friday.
President Johnson wrote, "I
cannot agree that this lack of co-
operation is consistent with your
obligations as a teacher and your
responsibilities to all members of
Temple University and to the so-
ciety of which it is a part."
His prediction overshadowed
a statement earlier in the day
by Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson,
Big Ten Commissioner, which
said State must account for
$17,500 which the Spartan Foun-
dation dispersed between 1949-
Claud Erickson, president of the
now defunct Foundation, which
allegedly offered undercover aid to
State athletics, said it would be
virtually impossible to provide the
information because records of
disbursements were not kept.
The prediction by Alderton said:
"On or before Feb. 24, 1954, Mich-
igan State will ~be an ex-member
of the Western Conference." He
said a growing movement is on to
drop State "whose entry into the
Conference was never warmly ac-
cepted by athletic figures at other
Big Ten schools."
As the situation grew more com-
plex, wire service reports said Chi-
cago reaction to the case was
against any lifting of the proba-
tion on State. Reporters who in-
terviewed MSC athletics wrote
stories of offers Spartan lettermen
received from other Conference
schools before entering State.
VISHINSKY acknowledged the
Russians are selling arms to Red
China and said this wasiin accord
with the treaty of mutual friend-
ship between Moscow and Peiping.
Lodge said this is an admis-
sion the Kremlin is helping a
party that the UN has ruled .is
an aggressor.
Vishinsky's peace plan called
1. An immediate end to the hos-
tilities on land and sea and in the
2. Convening of a conference of
11 nations, including some of
those involved in the conflict and
neutrals, for a settlement, with
decisions to be taken by a two-
thirds vote. This is the obstacle
Lodge indicated.
'Top Banana' Trip
Tickets on Sate
Tickets for the Union theater
trip to Detroit for the March 15
billing of the New York musical
hit "Top Banana" at the Shubert
Theater will remain on sale in
the Union lobby until March 5.
The cost of tickets for the trip
and show is $3.35. In order to de-
termine the number of people go-
ing, money and orders should be
brought in as soon as possible.
Kappa Delta DeniesBid
To Visit British Festival
271 Men Pledge Campus Fraternities
4 -.----- -- --- - --
Reports that 12 Kappa Delta
sorority members had received in-
vitations to Saturday's Reading
University carnival were scotched
yesterday by KD president Betty
Gruschow, '54A&D.
Miss Gruschow was at a loss to
explain the origin of the rumors
which she termed "pure fiction."
She added even if an invitation
had been received the sorority
would have refused rather than
risk becoming embroiled in an in-
ternational incident.
PARISIENNE co-eds apparently
had no such scruples, however.
Churchill should "correct this
disgraceful situation."
The Prime Minister, an old hand
in international affairs, kept his
feelipgs to himself, but an aide
accepted the girls' petition polite-
READING males said they want-
ed the Paris imports to lead the
carnival parade because Reading
women weren't glamorous enough.
The rumpus scared off the
mademoiselles but it istrumored
the French plan to establish a
fund enabling the disappointed
girls to attend the coronation of
Queen Elizabeth II in London,
June A2.
Session Set
Audience participants will be
called on to illustrate a session
in group dynamics, the second in
Student Legislature's Student Cit-
izenship series at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row in Auditorium B, Mason Hall.
Led by members of the Research
Center for Group Dynamics, the
meeting is open to the campus.
By demonstration of leadership
and group functions, the session
should provide a valuable supple-
ment to the more basic know-how
of parliamentary procedure, ac-
cording to program chairman, Bob
Neary, '54BAd.
Neary urged present members
of campus organizations to broad-
en their understanding of the in-
dividual's role within a group by
taking part in tomorrow's session.
Gounod's 'Faust'
To Complete Run
The final two performances of
the speech department and the
Spring rushing ended for fra-
ternities Sunday with 271 rushees
'56E; William Kolesar, '56; James
Ryan, '54E.
Campbell, '56E: George Condon.