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March 01, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-01

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$UNDA, 1 tU ~k 1, 1953



£4itt& Ilete
Daily Managing Editor
FOR 14 YEARS, there has been lying dor-
_mant a bad jurisdictional overlapping
between the Residence Halls Boards of Gov-
ernors and the Student Affairs Committee.
At last, with the sudden burgeoning
forth of an ambitious and determined all-
quad government seeking a place for it-
self on campus, the confused jurisdictional
area has been dramatized-and the neces-
sity for a solution becomes inescapable.
The overlapping arises from a presumably
unintentional dual grant of authority by
the Board of Regents in constituting the
two groups.
The Student Affairs Committee is invested
with "full supervision and control of all stu-
dent activities, other than athletic activities,
and those falling within the jurisdiction of
the Committee on Student Conduct .*
and no such activities shall be organized or
launched without first obtaining permission
from the committee."
There can be no question that quad gov-
ernment falls under this blanket grant of
authority. It is neither an athletic activity
nor under the jurisdiction of the Committee
on Student Conduct.
On the other hand, the Board of Gov-
ernors, in article four of its charter, is
granted supervision and control of stu-
dent activities and student government
within the residence halls. There is no
specific reference tying it into the SAC's
realm, or any clause excepting it from
SAC's jurisdiction.
Adding an ironic sidelight to the confu-
sion is the fact that the Dean of Students,
Erich A. Walter, is specified as chairman of
both groups,
It is unfortunate that problems are never
faced until they are forced upon the public
by a specific issue spotlighting the overlap-
ping. However, it would be compounding
short-sightedness with sheer folly for the
groups to delay consideration of the issue
The Board of Governors began tenta-
tive consideration of the difficulty at their
December meeting. However, since that
time, the body has been concentrating on
the quad judicial system.
The SAC has been postponing deliberation
of the problem on the presumption that it
was up to the Board of Governors to make
the first move, and the assurance that that
move was imminent.
It is time now for concrete progress to-
wards a resolution of the problem. It is ob-
vious to all that the dormitory government
must not be allowed to mushroom into an
uncontrolled, walled-off entity which in its
all-campus dealings is not required to fol-
low the same channels and procedures re-
quired for all other campus groups.
On the other hand, it would be senseless
to demand that the Board of Governors
hand over all of its authority over internal
dormitory functioning to the SAC. Some-
where between the two lies the answer.
The solution would seem to lie along
the lines of requiring the Inter-House
Council, the Quad Councils, and perhaps
-although not necessarily-the individual
houses to file constitutions with the SAC.
This is mandatory for every other stu-
dent organization existing on campus-
there is no logical reason why the quads
should be exempt from this procedure.
Insofar as the machinations of these var-
ious groups affected the rest of the campus,
they would be responsible to SAC. In purely
internal matters, the Board of Governors
would be their parent body.
It is true that the IHC submitted their
tentative articles of confederation to SAC

for approval-but quad leaders maintain
this was "merely a courtesy." A number of
examples this year of exuberant chauvin-
ism and hyper-defensive attitudes on the
part of IHC illustrated vividly the neces-
sity of clearly stating a channel of con-
trol to ensure tranquil quad governmental
growth into its rightful place of import-
ance In the campus structure.-
It is time to stop permitting this problem
to drag on. The groups concerned must face
the issue and take action designed to inte-
grate, not to wall off, the quad governments
from the rest of the campus.
At the State.
NIAGARA, with Marilyn Monroe, Jo-
seph Cotten and Jean Peters.
IT MUST certainly be conceded that Mari-
lyn Monroe has proved herself a one-role
actress. That she will ever be able to play
anything but a loose, over-sexed blonde is
doubtful. But when a picture is built around
her meagre talents, when she is called upon
to do nothing more than she is able, then
she can fill her role as fittingly as, any of
Hollywood's best dramatic actresses have
ever done.
"Niagara" has been filmed along these
lines. Within the framework of this pie-
ture Miss Monroe does exactly what she


The New Broom

" r:



This Science Business

(EDITOR'S NOTE: With this article, The Daily
is inaugurating a weekly, series which will en-
able certain prominent University faculty mem-
bers to present their viewpoints on a variety
of subjects, including sciences, politics, eco-
nomics, literature, and philosophy. These arti-
cles have been solicited by The Daily.
Today's article is written by Frof. Marston
Bates, an outstanding natural scientist with
The Rockefeller Foundation. An author and crit-
ic who often contributes to The New York
Times and the Saturday Review, Prof. Bates
has an interesting outlook on the role of sci-
ence in education. The book. to which Prof.
Bates alludes in the article below is "Evolution
in Action," by Julian Huxley, Harper & Broth-
ers, 1953, Courtesy of Slaters.)
Professor of Zoology
CAL SAMRA is a very persuasive sort of a
fellow, and it seemd easy enough to say,
"oh yes" I'll write something for The Daily
next month." But here is the deadline, and
a large expanse of blank paper in the type-
writer. It is the same problem, exactly, as
getting that book report or term paper in on
time-and no easier in middle age than as
a sophomore. Maybe Samra is plotting to
get even with the faculty.
There is, of course, the possibility that
represents student interest in faculty
ideas-but this possibility seems too re-
mote to be taken seriously. The faculty,
to be sure, may have ideas, but they get
plenty of opportunity to air them to cap-
tive audiences; and the problem, really, is
to stretch available ideas out to last the
whole semester. I, at least, don't feel that
I have any to spare and if I overwork my
stock, it may get worn out.
Samra, I must say, was sympathetic about
this. As a way out, he suggested that I
might write a book review, giving me Julian
Huxley's new book, "Evolution in Action," as
a possibility. That way I would be able to
use Huxley's ideas and save wear and tear
on my own dwindling supply. I have looked
through the book (it isn't cricket to read a
book if you are going to review it) and it
looks like the kind of thing professors ought
to try to persuade students to read. Only
there doesn't seem to be any way for profes-
sors to get students to read books, except by
requiring a book report next Thursday. (How
students can persuade professors to read
books is another question; perhaps it should
be explored.)
Some years ago Huxley wrote a thick and
learned book on evolution ("Evolution: The
Modern Synthesis") and by this performance
he demonstrated to fellow biologists his mas-
tery of the details of the subject. In the
present book, then, he dares to skip the de-
tails and to paint in the background with
broad strokes, with the idea of bringing out
the relevance of evolutionary thought to
human problems-of showing man's place in
nature, or nature's place in man. Now this
is something that interests (and worries)
all of us, I think, whether faculty or stu-
dents, and whether specializing in chemistry,
philosophy, engineering or history.

Huxley, in his last chapter, avows his
belief in something he calls "Evolutionary
Humanism" and the last paragraph of the
book states its thesis explicitly. "Human
history and human destiny are part of a
larger process. Only by getting some over-
all view of reality, in its dual aspect of
self-transforming pattern, and continuing
process, can man hope to get a clearer
view of his place-his unique place-in the
process, can man hope to get a clearer
future. This is my firm conviction, and if
I have succeeded in any degree in persu-
ading my readers of its validity, I shall
be content."
Huxley writes easily-it seems to go in
the family-and he has avoided technicali-
ties, so it should be possible for students (or
professors) to test the persuasiveness of his
thesis by reading the book. I was not a fair
guinea pig for this experiment because I
was already persuaded before I opened the
"Evolution in Action" thus seems to me
a nice demonstration of the idea that science
is one of the humanities. That statement, of
course, doesn't mean anything without some
explanation of what is meant by "science"
and "humanities." I think I know what I
mean by "science." I don't know what I
mean by "the humanities" but I am sure
they are good things, so science ought to be
one of them. I have a vague feeling that
they are concerned with values and mean-
ings and perspective and significance-with
getting that overall view of reality that Hux-
ley writes about.
The physico-chemical sciences have pro-
vided us with a universe in which we have to
learn to live-we can hardly doubt its re-
ality since they have also provided us with
the means whereby we can blow ourselves
out of it. The biological sciences have provid-
ed us with some inkling of how man develop-
ed in this universe. The social sciences are
giving us clues to the unique nature of the
human system. And as we learn to put the
pieces together, man seems to have gained,
rather than to have lost, dignity and mean-
At any rate, I don't see how we can
simply turn our backs on this world of
science, and look for meanings only in the
older disciplines. Any solid understanding
has got to include the sciences-and keep
them in their place. If we put all of our
faith in science, we might well end up with
some horror like that pictured by Julian's
cousin Aldous in his "Brave New World."
The scientists must turn to history and lit-
erature and philosophy in their search for
meanings. Hence the distribution system
that causes so much pain to undergradu-
Education involves lots more than taking
courses, or reading books. But reading books,
surely, is a part of it; and this new book of
Huxley's may be helpful, even if the profes-
sor doesn't require a report on it next Thurs-


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Washington Merry-Go-Round

YR 'Czar' . ..
To the Editor:
Republican club moved sev-
eral steps closer to dictatorship.
A constitutional amendment was
introduced by Czar (CAL: please
use Mr. instead of Czar if Czar is
libelous) Reid enumerating sever-
al new grounds for terminating a
student's membership in the club.
One clause would prevent a mem-
ber from joining certain other po-
litical groups while in the Young
Republicans. Another c 1 a u s e
would require creation of a dis-
ciplinary committee. Full prose-
cution of the amendment necessi-
tates the establishment of either
a club loyalty oath or an investi-
gating committee.
Czar Reid seems ready to go to
any lengths to show that he thinks
and the members approve. The
adoption of the amendment would
therefore, only encourage further
restrictions on the freedom of club
members. That is why the mem-
bers should emphatically reject
the p r o p o s e d constitutional
-Bernie Backhaut
'Child of Scorn'.. .
To the Editor:
Grew lean while he assailed the
We wept that he was ever born,
And we had reasons.
Bernie wrote the Daily daily,
Sedulously sophomoric.
Bernie babbled glibly, gaily.
-Alas, poor Yorick!
Young Demo's and Repub's kept
Bernie'd find new friends:
Who says the laddie's not for
at both ends?
B e r n i e Backhaut, born too
Scratched his head and kept on
Bernie coughed-his hands he
And kept on writing.
Does The Daily have a backlog
of Backhaut letters unprinted
which it uses as filler, or is each
letter a brand new contribution to
the fund of learning Mr. B. has
provided us?
-Chick LaDue

'Anvil Chorus' . .
To the Editor:
WHEN IS THIS nonsense going
to stop?
For the past four weeks work-
men from the Lands and Grounds
Division have been cleaning the
inside of the Law Library in total
disregard of the rule of silence
that normally prevails.
Concentration is practically im-
possible while to the tune of the
"Anvil Chorus" the workmen erect
and tear down scaffolding, slam
down planking, and in otherwise
rent the air with noise.
Speaking for myself and other
law students who must use re-
search volumes within the main
reading room, I ask: Why can't
this work be done when school is
not in session?
-Frederick F. Stannard, Jr.
Law '53
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra.......... .Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz......... Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman..Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green.............Business Manager
Mtilt Goetz ....... Advetsing Manager
Diane Johnston. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail $7.00.

Daily Managing Editor '07
Paints Rich 'U' Panorama
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Arthur Pound was managing editor of The Daily in
1907, graduating from the University in that year. An author, historian,
and journalist, he has been editor and publisher of the Adrian Daily Tele-
gram, editorial writer on the Grand Rapids Press, and an editor of the Akron
Beacon Journal, the New York Evening Post, the New York Herald, and The
Atlantic Monthly. Mr. Pound is also the author of 11 novels, among which
is "The Iron Man in History."
This is the third in a series of articles by prominent Daily alumni
re-evaluating their college life in terms of their later experience.)
Daily Managing Editor, 1906
YOU REQUESTED a Daily piece; but your letter went to an aban-
doned rooftree down East, whereas we are in winter storage at the
Madelon Pound House here in Ann Arbor. So instead of pontificating
on one of your serious themes, let me rack up a few informal compari-
sons between your University of Michigan and the quite different in-
stitution in which I enrolled fifty years ago come September.
In 1903 this state was still in the lumberjack era, and its
5,000 University students were shock troops of culture tangled in
a backwoods swamp. Here were as yet no dormitories, no Union,
no Stadium, no platoon system, no de-emphasis. Hurry-up Yost
had just arrived, fetching with him the nucleus of his point-a-
minute team. I was a junior before I had an automobile ride-
in a one-lunger Cadillac owned by a rich '06 named Baker, A true
pioneer who rates a statue on North Campus as the first student
car owner and as such author of a mighty trend that now makes
mass migration necessary. In all my undergraduate days I never
saw a woman smoking in Ann Arbor. We men went in for pipes
and cigars, pure Havanas at ten cents when in the chips, Red
Roosters at two-for-a-nickel when flat. Graduate students were
scarce and heartily scorned as serious contenders for knowledge
who neither smoked nor drank.
Few in numbers though we were, we overflowed our miserable
accomodations. The factory code did not protect us. We went to
classrooms in basements and foul, decrepit buildings and dwelt-I do
not say lived-in characteristically ugly and jerry-built frame houses,
some of which still affront the eye, in quarters which were plain, spare,
crowded and insanitary. Distance paid off; I kept moving west and
eventually found quarters on Liberty near Main where I was properly
babied. Fraternity members were better housed; yet a good one-mine
own, in fact-had only one bathroom for twenty-eight men. But there
were compensations. Costs were low, tuition around $30.00, with two
men in a room $2.00 a week each sufficed for shelter and board when
I arrived was only $2.25 a week-twenty-one meals of full courses from
soup to pie, heaped plates and second helpings if you hollered. For
breakfast, after applesauce, oatmeal, toast, milk and coffee, you could
finish off with a small steak or two eggs.
Maybe it's your lower diets, but today's studious young gentle-
men seem less hearty than we were. More serious, more respon-
sible, but not as gay. No doubt war has left scars, if not of conflit,
then of foreboding and disappointment, which can also wound. As
a people we have grown older, more weary, less certain that all is
for the best. By contrast, we of 1907 arrived here in a blessed
interregnum after America had blossomed forth as a world power
by victory over Spain but had not yet been required to pay the
price of that painfully high status in World War I.
Then, too, you worthies work harder than we did. I cannot recall
any 1907 Lit being busted for poor work; instead an ancient and un-
derstanding Dean shifted our loafers and dullards into suitably soft
courses. The precision departments such as medicine and engineering
dusted off their tens and scores; but we Lits were mercifully endured
and eventually gowned and crowned, so that education never seriously
interfered with our college days or nights. This may account for our
enduring tenderness toward an indulgent Alma Mater, whose spoiled
brats we were. No senior was expected to do any substantial work; but
those so exempt were bound in honor not to appear on campus inebria-
ted. I am sure we did more drinking and played more poker then, but
other recreations were few and dismal.
Although we had the better of it in food and leisure, our fortunate
successors have won their way to certain privileges undreamed by the
likes of us. I note that a touching cordiality marks the progress of
youth hereabouts. Enviously I behold young lovers perambulating in
distorted embracements. No such opportunities lay open to us. Why, I
recall a personable young lady who was bounced for good merely for a
little eye-to-eye flirting, just that and nothing more! Think what an
Eveless Eden this would be if such harsh judgments now prevailed!
Our co-eds dressed well, but not expensively, for money was
then a scarce article of known worth. There were no beauty par-
lors in all Washtenaw County, cosmetics were taboo, and corsets
were designed to conceal rather than reveal the mammalian fea-
tures of the form divine. Our girls wore pompadours above, high
button shoes below, and between ankle and ear they were masked
by long, dark skirts and white starched shirtwaists, overlaid by
short jackets in cold weather when hand-muffs were also in favor.
Our co-eds, dormless like ourselves, dwelt just anywhere. Often
they were ridiculed by our boorish selves and sometimes even derided
by smart-aleck professors. This seemed to increase their ardor for
learning, in which they out-distanced us hands down: Across the years
I can testify to their good conduct far above and beyond the call of
duty. Dean Mosher may have improvised a mild honor system known
only to the sisterhood and she may have introduced some degree of

supervisory responsibility into the naturally censorious minds of their
landladies. But I judge the true effective censor was a serene moral
climate which made for inner modesty and outward order.
Moreover, these were maids with a mission, front line troops in an
urgently revived battle for women's rights and opportunities the world
over,-since our class entered college the very year Mrs. Pankhurst began
hammering London bobbies with her famous handbag which concealed
'arf a brick. Some of our girls were rabid suffragettes, some not; but
the strong ones argued themselves into leadership and held the falter-
ing in line for the cause. How precious for youth is a cause, any cause!
All of our girls knew there was a fight to the finish for the liberation of
women, and that in this fight every coeducational college was at once
a political battlefield and a social laboratory.
Come to think of, it, and many of us backward males did even-
tually rise to the challenge of independent thought, it was absurd
to keep votes and opportunities from these cool, poised, neat be-
ings, who were obviously our superiors in manners, morals and
marks, while we crude merrymakers could vote early and often.
Although the manifest aim of the Lit department was a well-
rounded citizen with a firm grip on a slippery and elastic existence,
none of us at the age of twenty-one looked or acted like respon-
sible citizens. We gents were thei the sloppy sex. Our ruling
garb was the turtleneck sweater; and since we wore our hair long,
parted in the middle and plastered down, it was always a problem
whether to remove the good old turtleneck between one Saturday
night bath and another, or just sleep in it through the week. So,
when our neat, clean and willowy damsels tripped into view, we
came gradually to a secret conviction that they represented a bet-
ter world than ours and eventually would rescue some of us from
low bachelorhood. Oddly enough, marriages born of such distant
views have proved remarkably durable.
Our little Daily of 1903-07 had no such quality or quantity as
yours. Ours was a mixture of town crier and village scold, with no
wire news and no opinions beyond Campus. Within that circle, how-
ever, we were as saucy-or shall I say as radical?-as you are. We
jousted against the established order on a narrow field, won some-vic-
tories, lost others, came some croppers, shed some fool notions, and
through trial and error learned ever so little of the noble, slapdash art
of journalism. By contrast, you whack manfully along the edges of lar-
ger fields, and no doubt will survive to recall fifty years hence how
goron1uv vns lugged it out wiN the everlasting dragon of reaction







REANS-The Defense Department has
bad news for economy-minded senators who
hope to build up the South Koreans and
Chinese Nationalists yet reduce defense costs
at the same time. Military men figure it will
cost the United States two hundred million
dollars a year to train and equip each South
Korean and Chinese Nationalist division.
' SPIES IN ALASKA??-The Air Force
has been spotting the vapor trails of Rus-
sian jets along the Alaskan coast more
frequently of late. Eskimos have also re-
ported sighting strange white men in
Alaska. However, the Air Force has found
no evidence that anyone has been landed
from Russian subs. In fact, some of the
strange men have turned out to be bush
pilots unknown to the Eskimos.
OIL PRESSURE-The oil industry has
taken a back-slap at the Army-Navy by cut-
ting off vital information on the world's
aviation gasoline stocks to the Pentagon un-
til the oil companies are assured that they
won't be prosecuted for violating the anti-
is too bad that film neurotics cannot be con-
tent to be just slightly abnormal, but always
find it necessary to seem like complete luna-
tics. However, he quite capably acts as the
violent force driving the story to its conclu-
sion, and is perhaps the kind of foil which
Miss Monroe has needed all along.
Much of what is good in the picture can
be attributed to the fact that it was ac-
tually made at Niagara Falls; while there
is a trace of obtuseness in the continual
equation of Miss Monroe's fatal attraction
and the wonderful power of all that water,
still it is not a bad idea. Two such awe-
some natural phenomena are at times al-
most too exhausting.
rT- r ._...,, a._ r. . ., - - . ...,- ..y ,.,...,4.

trust laws .. . What's more, the Defense De-
partment is letting them get away with it in
order not to upset the delicate oil negotia-
tions in the Near East . . . The Pentagon
has also put pressure on Attorney General
Brownell to overrule his own antitrust divi-
sion and drop the grand jury action against
the oil companies. The Pentagon even wants
Brownell to approve an agreement allowing
19 oil companies to consult each other on
foreign oil production without government
Stevenson were shocked and angered
during their recent lunch by tales of Rus-
sian terrorism behind the iron curtain.
The information was given them by
kindly Congressman Emanuel Celler, New
York Democrat, who had just returned
from the edge of the iron curtain.
"The Kremlin's brutality is reaching new
peaks every day," Celler told the President
and his Democratic opponent. "Every day
the tension and unrest is growing, but so is
the misery. For example, all Jewish chil-
dren are being ruthlessly taken fron, their
families and made wards of the Kremlin.
In panic, Jewish mothers are frantically tat-
tooing secret symbols on their children in
the hope of locating them in later years."
Other Congressional guests remained in
dead silence while Celler continued his gra-
phic acount of ruthless Red tyranny. Ste-
venson unconsciously shook his head in des-
pair as he listened. Once Ike muttered "hor-
rible" under his breath.
Celler ended on a lighter note.
"Where there's humor there's hope," he
said. "And in the underground there's a
grim humor. For example, word is passing
through the Czech underground that Rus-
sian scientists have successfully developed
a new animal known as the cow-raff. It's
a cross between a cow and a giraffe. It
has a tremendously long neck so, without
moving, it can eat in Czechoslovakia and
is milked in Moscow.
"And despite all the secret police," con-
cluded Celler, "more and more people are





by Dick Bibler

V, V(




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