25, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - FOREIGN STUDENTS: Language Institute Puts Emphasis on Oral Work Reborn Saar Loo s to United Europe * * * * * * * * * By PAT ROELOFS A e n e z e a n businessman learned to speak English in only eight weeks at the University. He was one of sixty students ' who took part in one of the Eng- lish Language Institute's acceler- ated programs. Unlike the system used to teach most foreign languages, where reading, writing and speaking are usually combined in each year's work, -the theory of the English aguage Institute is that oral training is the most important meant to learning language. THE INSTITUTE, headed by Prof. Charles C. Fries, operates under a three point creed based on extensive research by linguists. Learning a language orally is considered the most important Exploitation Marks Soviet Zone Labor (Continued from Page 1) Individual shop agreements, based on industry-wide models signed by the top trade union organs and economic ministries, committed the workers to car- ry out the planned increases in labor productivity and reduc- tions in manufacturing costs. Workers were forced to under- take "voluntary" obligations, were severely fined for defective pro- duction and were deprived of many privileges relating to over- time pay, paid leave and bonuses for night shifts. * * * AT THE ANNUAL Congress of the Communist Party of the So- viet zone last July, party secre- tary Ulbricht called for the collec- tivization of East German agri- culture along lines of Russian ex- perience. This is the culmination of a planned program of land reform which began with the Red ar- my's 1945 dissolution of large land estates and parcelling out of small shares to win peasant support and make farmers in- dependent. The tactic has had precisely the desired effect, because the land tillers have always known the land could never be productively and efficiently managed when splintered into countless small pieces. Thus, they feel compelled, for the sake of survival alone, to ask for reunification, which the Com- munists will permit only under a system of collectivization. Numerous privileges will be ex- tended to those participating in the new scheme, including a 10 percent reduction in the compul- sory share of production given to . the state and 25 per cent reduc- tion of taxes for the current year. Critic To Give Film Lecture Developments in movie produc- tion, especially three-dimensional filming, will be discussed 'y Ar- thur Knight, film critic !or The Saturday Review of Lite7 ature, at 4:10 p.m. today in Auditorium C, Angell Hall. The talk, "The Revolution in Hollywood," will Foal largely with new techniques and the import- ance of three-dimensional pictures to the movie and television in- dustries. Mr. Knight is visiting the Ann Arbor area in connection with the opening of the Detroit Music Hall. The Detroit theater will be the first to show three-dimensional films without the use of special lenses by the viewers. phase, according to Prof. Yoo Shen of the Institute. The first stage of learning must be in- tense because gaps in time de- crease efficiency, she continued. Last of all thedstudent is con- stantly influenced by patterns in his native language. Therefore, English presents different prob- lems to Chinese speakers than it does to Spanish, Italian or Japan- ese students, Prof. Shen said. Differences.between English! and the other languages gets special emphasis, enabling the1 influence of a native language to be reduced to a minimum, she explained. A high school education or its equivalent is the entering prere- quisite for Institute students. Peo- ple of all ages and occupations come to one of the eight week courses which are presented each semester. * * * IN ADDITION to the orthodox requirement of 20 hours in class per week, four hours of laboratory and nightly activity periods are planned. During these times stu- dents are taught American songs, plays and games which add to their everyday mastery of the language. Further orientation into Eng- lish-speaking life takes place when the students eat lunch and dinner with their instruc- tors, for only English may be spoken at these meals. Between twenty and thirty per- sons are employed in the Institute each semester, making it the lar- gest English Language department of its kind in the United States. Other schools with' similar pro- grams are the Universities of Illi- nois, Indiana and Columbia. The system of teaching English has been so successful that every year the State Department sends hundreds of English teachers from foreign countries to the University training course, Prof. Shen said. People from all the South Am- erican countries, Egypt, Ceylon, Pakistan, Germany, Indonesia and Greece and many other countries are studying at the Institute at the present time. Display Shows Ohio History Reports of Indian massacres, plans for early American defenses and journals written about the "Northwest Territory" are now on display in the Ohio Sesquicenten- nial Exhibit at Clements Library. Directions for traveling down the Mississippi, Monongehela and Ohio Rivers may be found in Za- dok Cramer's "The Navigator." Another document on exhibit which once encouraged settlers to homestead the Northwest Terri- tory is a map engraved by Will Barker, showing seven large town- ships originally surveyed by Thom- as Hutchins. A featured article in the Ohio Sesquicentennial Exhibit is "The Capitulation," by James Foster. This work is the first campaign commentary written by a soldier in the ranks, and deals with the well- known 1812 wars in Ohio. In one showcase is a copy of the famous Northwest Ordinance, the official Chillicothe convention journal and the original Ohio con- stitution. Conlon Receives Committee Post Prof. Emerson W. Conlon, chairman of the aeronautical en- gineering department, has been reappointed to the Committee on Aircraft Construction of the Na- tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. The tiny Saar, politically an autonomous nation, eco- nomically a bailiwick of France, culturally an extension of Germany, shared the spotlight with six other nations of the European Coal and Steel Community this month, when they' threw their coal and steel resources into a single giant market. The Saar has been steadily preparing for such steps' toward Europeanization since 1945 when the remnants ofi Saarland's contribution to Hitler's army viewed a starving, ravaged homeland. The "indestructible" Siegfried Line had1 stretched across rolling green hills of the Saar basin and had proved as destructible as the homes and towns surrounding it. But from smoldering ruins a reconstructed Saarland has arisen. There is almost full employment (as com- I pared to a million and more unemployed in Germany) and the hearty, sausage-eating Saarlanders and their buxom wives enjoy one of the highest standards of living in Europe. Just as war has taken its toll, so has recovery. From the' depths of her coal-rich mines emerge the Saarland youth and manhood. Numb with fatigue they must face a crossfire of national, rational and irrational truths and fiction. Threaten- ing letters to local priests, truck loads of jeering pro-German mercenaries and a death which Bonn newspapers were quick to label "political murder" highlighted the recent Saar elections. The size of the controversy seems far out of proportion to the actual dimensions of the Saar itself, only half the size of Luxemburg, yet one of the most densely inhabited areas in Europe. But the Saar's boundaries have always been a political issue and German sentiment is loathe to give up her former possession without a prolonged squabble. Bombarded by intimidating pro-German unity propa, ganda, the Saarland's 960,000 inhabitants who speak, think, eat and dress German recently voted approval of their autono- mous status quo with the hope that the Schuman Plan High Authority might be set up in the Saar and Saarbrucken be transformed into the first capital of a United Europe. Gayle Greene, '55, member of The Daily editorial staff visited Saarbrucken for the ten days preceding the area's, recent elections and collected the pictures below. The first in a series of articles on the Saar will appear on tomorrow's editorial page. * * * * * * V-E DAY DAWNED ON A DEVAST ATED, BOMB SCARRED SAARLAND MAIMED, CRIPPLED MEN MEANT BOYS MUST WORK MINES AND PRODUCE THE STEEL THAT BRINGS RECOVERY ENDURING FATIGUE, CONFUSION AND .. . PROPAGANDA, BLASTING DREAMED-OF EUROPEANIZATION We Have Everything in the way of career opportunities We will continue our additional training throughoutMarch in preparation for our summer business. If you are interested in work that is interesting, pleasant, and profitable, investi- gate immediately in the possibility of a position for you! For those of you who have had PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE, did you know that Michigan Bell will give you a liberal in- crPeasein wgsVsi s ose.whtJi sat i s 'i I :' :i:3'?:'iC,:,?9 : .':i :+s iiiii::-y ii: i+ ::>$: ::f %i : i: i i : ''Y " :.: