EDUCATION SCHOOL ADMISSION See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State E43aii4t - , ' c--------- , ; . _ ,. tu " ti; , CLOUDY, COLD VOL. LXIII, No. 96 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1953 EIGHT PAGES 'U' Official Sees Raise In Quad Fees Food Problems, Budget Discussed By BOB JAFFE A University official predicted another rise in residence hall rates for the coming semester. At a meeting of the Inter-House Council last night, Francis C. Shiel, Manager of Service Enter- prises said that while the exact amount of the increase is not known as yet, there will be some advance in fees. Shiel said that similar increases are predicted for all Big Ten residence halls. * * * SHIEL, together with Wilbur K. Pierpont, Vice-President of the University and Leonard A. Schaadt, Business Manager of Residence Halls, met with the group to an- swer questions previously sub- mitted by the IHC dealing with residence hall food and budget problems. Asked whether some provision couldn't be made to improve the preparation and quantity of food, Schaadt said that to do this would necessitate a corres- ponding decrease in other quad- rangle services. This could ob- viously not be effected, he said. Speaking on the residence hall budget, Pierpont told the group that while the detailed accounts are not open to public examina- tion, an authorized representative from the IHC could obtain the ex- penditures on certain specific items which pertain to the quadrangles. When asked how much of the total amount which residents pay for room and board goes for food, Schiel said that 31 per cent is spent specifically on the purchase and preparation of food, while an ad- ditional 19.2 per cent goes toward ding room labor. It was estimated that approximately two dollars a day per resident is spent on food. Nine Students Win Hopwood Annual Prizes Nine University students won Hopwood awards yesterday in the University's annual freshman cre- ative writing contest. Prof. Arno L. Bader of the Eng- lish department presented the prizes for works in the fields of essay, prose narrative and poetry. Judges in the contest were Pro- fessors Kenneth T. Rowe and Al- lan Seagar also of the English department and Prof. Bader. Essay winners included Harold H. Horwitz, $50 first prize for "Dis- sertations on America;" Lawrence E. Schreib, $30 second prize for "The Passing of an Age;" and James G. Wills, $20 third prize for "Two Essays." '' Winners in the prose narrative division were Gay E. Duerson, $50 for "Two Short Stories;" Karen A. Holcomb, $30 for "The Gift;" and Russell A. Brown, $20 for The Homecoming." Poetry winners were Nancy J. Somers, $40 for "Moods;" Bar- bara C. Faulkner, $30 for "Po- ems;" and Lois H. Klausner, $30 for "Emotions and Thoughts." I MSCGame Tickets for the Wolverine Club trips to East Lansing for the Michigan-Michigan State hockey game March 4 and the basketball tilt March 7 will go on sale at 1 p.m. today in the Administration Bldg. The tickets, which include the bus ride and admission to Talk with Dutch Consul -Daily-Don Campbell RADIO INTERVIEW-Netherlands Consul from Detroit, W. K. Von Weiler, (center) and Dutch Student Irmgard van den Berge, tell a WUOM newscaster, John Benjamin, (left) of the Dutch flood disaster. ** * * Campus To Join Drive Fo Flood Reief Today By VIRGINIA VOSS Today's all-campus Dutch Flood Relief Drive will give students a chance to follow up with financial aid an expression of sympathy sent by the Board of Regents to Queen Juliana. Members of 12 student organizations will man buckets at strate- gic points on campus to collect monetary contributions for the stricken Netherlands nation. Proceeds from the drive today will back up a letter of condolence 'U' Students Sympathize WithMSC Approve Game Switch to Lansing By ALICE BOGDONOFF University students hurdled the traditional Michigan State College rivalry yesterday to express under- standing of the Spartan viewpoint over the decision to keep next fall's State-Michigan game in East Lan- sing. By a unanimoys vote Monday the MSC athletic committee ve- toed the proposed switch of the game to the Michigan-Stadium. BOB GOLTEN, '54, Wolverine Club president, called the decision "a fair one since any switch would have been on a commercial basis." Golten explained that the Wolverine Club will probably not be able to sell tickets as a group to students, but will pro- vide transportation. Approximately 10,000 tickets will be on sale to the public. A spokesman of the athletic depart- ment who declined to be named, said that this number of tickets "will hardly be enough." A" club president and football player, Lawrence LeClaire, '53Ed., claimed that the question of at- t idance rather than money was th , main impetus for the proposed switch. Another team member, Don Dugger, '55Ed., pointed out that while financially the decision was a "bad idea," it will strengthen University relations with State. Student Legislature president, Howard Willens, '53, said that the decision accurately reflects MSC opinion and "this should be the primary consideration." THE POPOSAL to change the annual Spartan-Wolverne grid duel grew out of conversations and communications which began in January between Unive~sity ath- letic director Herbert . "Fritz" See STUDENTS, Page 6 World News Roundup By The Associated Press SEQUL-Allied raiders, striking with flame-throwers and automat- ic weapons and supported by tanks, burned and shot up two Red strongholds on the Western Ko- rean Front today. Other U.N. troops smashed back a heavy, three-hour assualt on the Central Front. * * * WASHINGTON -- Top aides of President Eisenhower purportedly told Congress yesterday they see little chance of drastic cutbacks in defense-foreign aiduspending now, and that it is questionable whether the budget can be bal- anced in the coming fiscal year. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y,- -President Eisenhower yesterday welcomed U.N. delegates back to the seventh General Assembly with a message expressing hope that the U.N. will be an increasingly effec- tive instrument of peace. House Passes Budget for Record Red Probe d sent yesterday to Holland by Political Clubs Plan Student- Faculty Meet Final plans for the coming CLC- SDA Student Faculty Discussion Forum were approved last night at a meeting of the Students For Democratic Action. Prof. Henry Aiken of the phil- osophy department and Prof. Ar- thur Eastman of the English de- partment will head the Forum with the third speaker yet to be named. Prof. Aiken will open the program in three weeks. SDA members also elected Fran Leffler, '55, president. Elected to serve with her for the coming six months were: Saul Plofkin, vice- president; Joan Cooper, '54, secre- tary, and Neil Weller, Grad., and Nancy Luce, '54, to the execu- tive committee. Plans were made to establish a Labor Education Committee to acquaint SDA members with the problems facing labor, and a com- mittee to actively work for the repeal of the McCarran-Walters Immigration Act. A discussion next Thursday on the Russian anti-semetic purges was also set. Don Harris, Secre- tary of the Socialist Youth League, who will be in Ann Arbor at that time will be one of the partici- pants. University' Secretary Herbert +Watkins for the Regents. *1*.l G. THE FINANCIAL plight of the North Sea area countries was de- scribed yesterday by Netherlands Consul from Detroit, W. K. Von Weiler. On campus for a special radio interview, Von Weiler estimated Holland's reconstruction costs at one billion guilders (about $265,000,000 in United States currency). "The response to the appeal for food and clothes from this coun- try has been overwhelming," Von Weller pointed out, "but such nec- essary programs as rebuilding farms, fertilizing land and replac- ing lost livestock have created a desperate financial need." See DUTCH, Page 6 Regent Connable To Open Series Student Legislature's nine-ses- sion Student Citizenship Program will get underway at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow in Auditorium B, Mason Mall, with a talk by Regent Alfred B. Connable on the rewards of campus activities. Open to the campus, the pro- gram will survey several prob- lems of the educational commun- ity in succeeding weeks. The final sessions include an outline of the organization of campus activities. The SL project will take the form of panels, talks and discus- sions by students, faculty and ad- ministration members. and out- side speakers. SAC Denies Fund .Drive Plea by YD By CRAWFORD YOUNG Daily Managing Editor The Student Affairs Committee yesterday by an 8-6 count denied permission for a Young Democrat sponsored campus fund drive. The money-raising "Dollars for Sense" campaign was designed primarily to help unsuccessful Democratic candidate Adlai E. Stevenson serve, as "party leader and provide money for further ra- dio and television appearances. * * * THE SAC decision was based on a University regulation which places stringent limitations on so- licitation of students on campus or in organized residences. Drives may be held if the ap- proval of the SAC is obtained. However, in the past the bars have only been lowered in the case of well-established chari- ties such as the Red Cross, and March of Dimes, local welfare projects like Galens and Fresh Air Camp, Tag Day, and emer- gency charity drives, such as the Dutch flood relief campaign to- day. YD Chairman Blue Carstenson, Grad., declared that the faculty drive, which does not require SAC sanction, will continue. ALSO AT yesterday's meeting, SAC denied a request of the Stu- dent Bar Association for 1:30 per- mission for their annual dance March 14. Strong protests to a campus- wide late permission on that date were made by the Men's Glee Club, which has an invest- ment of $8500 in a Fred Waring concert scheduled on that date. Dave Callahan, '53BAd, spokes- man for the Glee Club, declared that a late permission grant would induce many groups to sponsor social events competing with the Waring appearance. Ensians An all campus 'Ensian sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today on the Diagonal. This will be one of the last chances to buy 'Ensians before the prices rise to $6.00 Satur- day. Robert LaFollette Commits Suicide WASHINGTON -- (o) -Former Sen. Robert M. LaFollette Jr., member of a famous Wisconsin political dynasty, shot himself to death in his home here yesterday. LaFollette was 58 and served in the Senate 21 years. -Daily-Chuck Kelsey LATE VOTERS CROWD POLLS AT ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL * * V t5 In New School Bonds By HARRY LUNN Ann Arbor School District voters registered a resounding three to one affirmative vote on the pro- posed $7,650,000 school building program in yesterday's special elec- tion. Both propositions passed by wide margins as a total 4,236 voters went to the polls in all-eca.- bal- loting at five city schools. PROPOSITION ONE, which canceled an authorization of $4,- 200,000 in bonds passed in 1949 and asked permission to sell $7,- 650,000 in new bonds, was approv- ed by a 2,901 to 1,030 tally. Only school district property taxpayers and their husbands or wives could vote on this ques- tion. Proposition Two, which sought permission to raise the tax limit from nine to 10 mills ($10 per $1,000 assessed valuation), passed by a 3,195 to 1,041 vote. All registered voters were eli- gible to vote on this issue. Altogether, only 17 per cent of the district's qualified voters turned out at the polls. . * * PASSAGE of the huge bond is- sue will bring Ann Arbor school children .z modern $5,500,00 sen- icr high sc ool to be located on Sadium Blvd. near the city's edge. .slanned for 1,500 to 1,800 stu- dents, the high school will re- place the present State St. struc- ture which was built 50 years ago for 800 pupils, but now has an enrollment of 1,258. Elementary and junior high school pupils will get a $700,000 new northwest elementary school, a $120,000 addition to Northside Elementary School and a $700,000 See BONDS, Page 6 Group Votes For Probes Public Hearings To BeginToday WASHINGTON - () - The House wrangled hotly yesterday over a prospective hunt for com- munism in schools, then handed its un-American activities commit- tee a hefty $300,000 for this and other investigations. In the end, the vote was an over- whelming 315 to 2 to set up the big expense fund for the next two years. * * * AND, WITH cash in the till, the committee starts today a hearing on communism in education-its first public hearing since the new Congress came in. Over in the Senate, where the internal security subcommittee already is digging for Reds in colleges and schools, a professor once groomed for Communist party membership testified he personally knows of Communist activities in the faculties at Col- umbia University and Queens College in New York City. William Withers, professor of economics and contemporary civ- ilization at Queens and formerly a professor at Columbia, said Com- munist teachers do their worst damage outside the classrooms and actually ruin the lives of young Americans. He said he could name 20 or 30 who have been ruined and two who are under the care of psychiatrists. * * *. WITHERS SAID he first ran into Reds in education in 1934 or 1935 when he was teaching at New College, a teacher training institution now part of Columbia. He himself was not unsympathetic to Communism at the time, he said, adding that he was invited to join the party and was groom- ed for membership but never went in. Two instructors at Brooklyii College in New York, Elton T. Gustafson and Murray Young, refused to tell the senators whether they are or ever were Communists. While the lawmakers pressed on with the studies, Methodist Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam tore into the methods he said committees are using. Toll Roads Get Senate Action Special To The Daily LANSING -- Preliminary ap- proval was granted the Michigan toll highway bill yesterday by the State Senate as the proposal was sent to the Senate Appropriations Committee. The Senate action represented a major victory for a citizens com- mittee headed by Ann Arbor Mayor William O. Brown, Jr. which has been working for passage of the legislation. Last week Mayor Brown called a special meeting of Michigan mayors in Ann Arbor where 25 city executives unanimously gave approval to the bill which calls for construction of a toll high- way between the Bay City area and Toledo, and one between Detroit, and Chicago. Fast action on the bill was prom- ised by appropriations chairman Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss- field). The bill was sent to his committee since it provides for a - $650,000 loan from highway funds to cover initial expenses. UNESCO Group To Hear Ward CALLS MSC PRORATION JUSTIFIED: Green Hits Double-Standards for Ath SOVIET PRODUCTION: Exploitation of Labor In Russian Zone Cited (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles on the present situation in Germany.) By PHIL R. NIELSEN Labor productivity has become synonymous with labor exploita- tion in the Russian zone, and any labor productivity drive means sim- ply the intensification of exploitation, aided and abetted by the gov- ernment-controlled trade unions. Every Wednesday morning, for example, mandatory ideological Sindoctrination is given all em- ployees of state-owned factory and government bureaus for a pe- riod of two hours. Tletes THE METHODS of exploitation ileten .are familiar: piece-rate wages, raising of norms continuously, la- bor brigades, decorations and hon- edge--including the Topor Case." ors for "heroes of labor," extra k Ted Topor's controversial grant shifts, overtime without extra widespread publicity. pay. ces, Green thought "The Big Young East German workers unlike the South where schools who had escaped to the refugee uilt." camps in West Berlin told of la- f several cases in the Conference boring 16 hours per day in cold high school athletes. water up to their hips, protected ffect of Conference regulations on only by thin rubber boots. merely force colleges to' be more The labor took place in Russian operations." operated uranium mines, where no sell itself," he noted. "But there consideration at all was given to buying." matters of health or safety. Men a moral re-awakening in the na- suffered terrible headaches and t recruiting and double-standards sometimes 'sterility from emana- to the coaches and the college tions of the uranium ore they were t they oacheshan the coplly. handling. f ethics they wish to apply." Their quotas were nudged stead- e game itself, Green had special ily higher by the authorities so engae iselren hthe average miner could not re- ene staan. " d m ceive adequate pay. ,een explained. "He made it more adqut the games will be $3.50 $3.90. and Wolverine Club To Discuss Policy By BARNES CONNABLE Daily City Editor Retiring Wolverine football captain Merritt "Tim" Green yester- day called Sunday's probationary move against Michigan State "poetic justice." But at the same time the 21-year-old senior said the action "does not strike at the heart of the problem." * * * * "THE CONDEMNATION was certainly justified," Green said. "But such practices are going on at other schools. State is one of the major offenders and the reforms should start there." In a Daily interview, the bespectacled political science major called double-standards for athletes in the classroom the greatest evil threatening college football today. Green also lashed out at: 1) "Shady recruiting practices which are corrupting our youth and damaging the reputation of higher education in general." 2) "Pressure on coaches by sports writers, fans and college alumni which tends to destroy the real values in football." As for subsidization of players, Green urged that it be "cracked down on, particularly where state funds are involved." * * * (4- _ of a double-standard to my knowl He was referring to star quarterbac of eligibility in 1951 which received Concerning recruiting practi Ten is pretty good on that score, don't even bother to deny their g However, he added he knew of involving lucrative inducements to Green was dubious about the e proselyting. Such rules, he said, " subtle or limit the extent of their "It is the duty of a school tot is a point where selling becomes 1 The real effort must consist in tion's colleges, Green said. "Shady can be disguised. It's squarely up administrations as to what kind of ON THE PHILOSOPHY of th praise for Wolverine head coach B "Oosterbaan loves football," Gr The Wolverine Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3D of the Union to reorganize and formu- late policy for the coming year. Panel Talk Slated Following tonight's performance of4 the, A .rc mP ta r . nrnti-tinn I 1 ! .' '' ' F I I