injivii1CiiGAIN DAILY ~., g',,1 * ..~...a...*k., a ~ n.a., U U I-- ._ -e "Ready, Gentlemen?" Qitor;e note City Bond Issue By CRAWFORD YOUNG Daily Managing Editor A NEW AND highly worthwhile program dedicated to "Student Citizenship" gets underway Thursday. Student Legislature seems to have come up with an important service to the cam- pus in the citizenship project. And $he array of speakers and programs appear calculated to set a high standard for the series. It goes without saying that there is real need on the campus for an increased aware- ness of the responsibilities and rewards of the extra-curricular life, particularly on the freshman and sophomore level-at which the SL program is aimed. The problem of the "apathetic vegetables" described by John Jenks on this page' Sunday is a very real and vital one to student organizations, faced by a dwindling supply of new tryout talent. For those who have already tried out for an activity, the program is potentially doubly valuable in providing an orienta- tion to the general sphere of student acti- vities, and giving them at the start the foundations for a perspective on the cam- pus community which heretofore has de- veloped only after a couple of years of experience. In short, SL has set up an attractive and well-planned program in student citizenship. It is more than deserving of the support of both organizations in encouraging their younger members to attend, and individual freshmen and sophomores in taking the initiative to visit the opening session Thurs- day. CONCERT,1 THE INTENT of this kind of review is to evaluate and comment on performance. Some reviewers discuss in these columns tehnical aspects of the music (in this pas- sage note the double counterpoint), or give readers lessons in music history or musical biography (in 1875 Brahms wrote to Clara Sch'umann, "Liebe Klara ... ") And when committed to write a criticism of the Buda- pest Quartet there seems little else that one can do. If, as the theologians tell us, per- fection is not of this world, there was some- thing unworldly about the Budapest's per- formances on Sunday. Their program began classically with a superbly modeled and phrased performance of Haydn's Emperor Quartet. No other composer ever equalled Haydn's mastery of the string quartet, and th Budapest's performance made one aware of Haydn's uniqueness: in his hands the quartet form ecomes the image of an ordered world. It is, of course, an aristocratic world, made up of hierarchy and subordination; it is perhaps not accidental that the cen- tral movement of the quartet is Haydn's hymn to the Emperor Franz of Austria. And during the four variations on the hymn, we never lose the melody; it is heard clearly through the accompanying figuration. The second work, the Quartet in E-fiat by Hindemith, placed us in another world. This is a vigorous, intellectual world, yet softened by Hindemith's very apparent romanticism. indemith's romanticism is not that kind that feels sorry for itself, or attacks us with shock troops of chromatic emotion. Rather it is the romanticism of urban disillusion- ment and ironic despair. Without the disci- pline of craftsmanship and technique, of attention to every detail of form and instru- mental effect, it could degenerate into pathos. But Hindemith never relaxes control of his materials, and all is clear, balanced, and to the point. Nothing is prolix, nothing is confused. Comparing it to the other con- temporary quartet played in the series, Quincy Porter's Eighth Quartet, we can see at once the difference between a work com- pelled by sensibility and genius, and a work of talent directed by vague impulse. The Budapest Quartet are masters in the interpretation of Beethoven's last . quartets, and their readings of these works have the same authority and sense of di- rection that Schnabel's interpretations of the late sonatas had. Authority, direction, consistency are key words here. Authority which results from the deepest under- standing of the music so that performance is re-creation, not the expression of "per- sonality." A work of music is given di- rection in performance in the handling of phrasing and dynamics, and in the proper placing of climaxes. And consis- tency is that sense of a work as a whole: that sense which makes us aware that a movement of a quartet is unified work of art, and not a selection of beautifully wrought details. These qualities were all in evidence in the Budapest's performance of Beethoven's Thirteenth Quartet. And indeed it is these qualities which make the Budapest the su- perb instrument it is. -Harvey Gross T IS NOT SURPRISING thaA groups wish- ing to reduce education in this country to a dissessionless training of their own CITY PROPERTY owners will vote today on a $7,650,000 bond issue which is vi- tally needed to insure Ann Arbor school children a decent education. School offi- cials, faced with rising enrollments and an- tiquated facilities, see the bond issue as the only means to solve Ann Arbor's school problem. In confirming the issue, voters would only increase the authorized amount for school construction by $3,450,000, since an authorization of $4,200,000 was passed in 1949. A favorable vote today would cancel this issue. Funds from the bonds would be used to finance a new high school designed to ac- commodhte 2,100 students. Anne Arbor's present high school, built 50 years ago for 800 pupils is now over-crowded, with more than 1250. Vocational courses have been curtailed and athletics are carried out un- der bad conditions. High school teams must journey to various parts of the city for al- most all their games, and the track team is forced to practice in a basement hallway. Cramped conditions and inadequate fa- cilities are found in many of the ele- mentary schools. Enrollment in Mack and Northside schools has nearly quad- rupled in six years. The junior high school facilities also must be enlarged to take care of stepped up enrollment. Voters must face the fact that their city is growing up while school facilities are de- teriorating. Only by approving this bond issue can they restore the schools to a con- dition in which the city's children can re- ceive a decent education. --Harry Lunn t j~ MATTER OF rtACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The worst not happening is not news, according to an old rule. There must be an exception, however, for the relationship between President Eisenhower and Sen. Robert A. Taft. The worst was widely expected, by friends of both men. In this case, the fact that the best is happening instead of the worst is news of a rather major kind. The difference between Taft, the opposition chieftain, and Taft, the Senate leader of the party in power, no doubt holds the key to the matter. The Ohio Senator, who used to be so strident in his attacks on the Democrats, has now become a rather lonely voice of calm good sense, in a Congress which regrettably alter- nates between rhodomontade and plain drivel. When the witch-hunters were heating up their branding irons, it was Taft who quietly deprecated invasions of academic freedom. When the lawmaker-strategists were talking of bombing Peking to- morrow, it was Taft who pointed out the difficulties and dangers of a China blockade. And when everyone else was still pretending that they could happily combine lower taxes, a balanced budget, an ef- fective national defense and a' creative foreign policy, the bleakly honest Taft was the first to warn that all existing taxes would quite probably have to be continued, at least until July, 1954. A deep respect for facts and intense political partisanship are two of the strongest traits of Taft's character. When he was. in op- position, Taft went to partisan extremes which profoundly alarmed the more moderate and world-minded Republicans. But Taft today is in contact with the facts, and he bears a large share of the res- ponsibility for the success of the first Republican Administration in twenty years. Hence he seems, and in a sense he is, a quite different man. CURENT M iOVIES 1 At the Michigan -:-- THE FOURPOSTER, with Lilli Palmer and Rex Harrison. THE; FILM VERSION of this successful play is more conventional and less sat- isfying than the stage presentation which the Drama Season brought to Ann Arbor last spring. It seems certainly to be better cast-Betty Field and Burgess Meredith were given the responsibility for re-creating it in the live version-and the sequences representing the intermissions are 'superb. Fortunately the scenario writers did not try to blend out those between-action periods; instead UPA cartoonists (Gerald McBoing- Boing et al.) provide highly amusing and very impressive interludes which sometimes threaten to steal the show. Rex Harrison seems much more. appro- priate as the husband than Burgess Mere- dith was. He is infinitely more explosive and suave, and seems to show a greater understanding of the role. Lilli Palmer cap- tures the comic nature of the wife while preserving more of the matronly qualities of the woman. The two pf them bring out all the subtlety and humanity of the char- acters, and seldom lapse into just a "co- medy routine." Unfortunately, however, there seems to have been a, decision somewhere in the Hollywood hierarchy that the action of the play was not enough to sustain the movie audience. There are two or three episodes which didn't appear in the play, and shouldn't have appeared in the film. They are given to exposing the tenderer -perhaps melodramatic would be more accurate-side of this marriage. In one the couple is shown reacting to the death of their son, which gives Miss Palmer a wonderful opportunity for histrionics but only serves to confuse her characteriza- tion. The most obnoxious addition is a new ending, an attempt to tighten up the story and finish it off neatly. It almost kills the whole effect. Despite these changes-which should be evident even to those who didn't see the play since even the dialogue lacks its cus- tomary vivacity-"The Fourposter" is a very entertaining movie; the Harrisons overcome the barriers of the altered story with su- preme skill, and only occasionally does the odd twist of events become really indiges- tible. -Tom Arp t ttg,' TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. ON THE WashingtonMerry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Few people on the out-. side know it, but the jailed Commun. ists are going right on making trouble be- hind bars-except for the most celebrated Communist of them all, Alger Hiss. He is "taking it hard," but is an "excellent pris- oner." This is the confidential, off-the-cuff report, of federal prison boss James Ben. nett, delivered behind closed doors of a Senate judiciary subcommittee the other day. He gave senators the lowdown on names that made headlines yesterday, but are only prison numbers today. They included Hiss, atomic spy Morton Sobell, husband-killer Yvonne Marsen, and kid- napper Harvey Bailey. "The Communists cause a lot of trouble" Bennett complained. "For one thing, they get neurotic and we have to move them to the hospital when there is nothing serious- ly wrong with them. These fellows are dif- ficult. Some of the other men pick on them, steal their shoes, or mess up whatever their work is." "Has Alger Hiss been a good prisoner?" demanded Sen. Herman Welker (R., Ida.). "Yes, he has made an excellent prisoner," Bennett acknowledged. "He has taken it hard, and he is doing what the boys call a 'hard time.' He is thin, neurotic, but he has never asked a favor or a privilege. We have assigned him to the storehouse (at Lewis- buig Penitentiary). "That's another thing you have to wor- ry about with these hot-shot prisoners," added the prison chief, as an afterthought. "If Hiss had not been so notorious, we would have assigned him as a teacher and to the hospital, but I just couldn't do that." Bennett listed Morton Sobell, who was implicated with Julius and Ethel Rosen- berg in the atomic spy case, a4 a "serious offender," but "not so dangerous." * * * IKE AND OIL PRESIDENT EISENHOWER made some frank remarks to Adlai E. Stevenson, at their recent luncheon, about tidelands oil. "All I know about the tidelands oil is- sue," he confided, "I picked up by accident six years ago. "Back in 1947, I was visiting in Fort Worth, Tex., and somebody casually show- ed me a document," Ike continued. "That document is the basis for my belief that the tideland oil reserves belong to the states, not the Federal Government. public lands .. . That, of course, includes tidelands. I believe that a contract is a con- tract and the government, above all, must live up to its word. "Frankly," concluded Ike, "that's just about all I know about the subject. It's as simple as keeping your word." NOTE-The document was shown Ike when he was the guest of Amon Carter, No. 1 Texas citizen. DEWEY-TAFT FEUD THE DEWEY-TAFT fight inside the Re- publican Party is deeper than most peo- ple realize. Sometimes it breaks out even over minor appointments, as it did the oth- er daybehind the closed doors of the House interior and insular affairs committee. The session started as a routine meet- ing to select the committee's professional staff. Before it was over, Taft and Eis- enhower Republicans were at each other's throats. Committee chairman A. L. "Doc" Miller, genial Nebraska Republican and a Taft supporter, began by reading off the names of the staff technicians he wanted the com- mittee to approve. Usually this is a simple procedure, but as Miller finished Pennsyl- vania's pro-Eisenhower Congressman John Saylor objected. "Mr. Chairman," said Saylor, "who's this fellow George Abbott of Grand Island, Neb. -your home state-who's listed as counsel of my subcommittee on etrritories?" "There shouldn't be any objection to him," replied Miller, "He's a graduate lawyer of the University of Nebraska and a very able fellow." Ike-man Saylor and Taft-man Miller sparred with each other over this routine appointment while the Democrats grinned. Finally, California Democrat Clair Engle suggested that the Democrats leave the room until the Republicans could settle their own housekeeping problems, at which point Saylor walked over to Chairman Mil- ler and whispered in his ear. Flushed and angry, Chairman Miller then addressed the full committee. "Saylor ought to say aloud what he just whispered to me," announced Miller. "He said he's expecting a phone call from Mil- ton Eisenhower (Ike's brother) about this appointment. Looks to me like the Dew- ey people are going to try to choose every- body-even our own professional staff!" When the Democrats returned half an hour later. Republican committee members Fraternities . . To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to answer Louis Zako's reply to Harry Lunn'st editorial concerning fraternities. Having one semester of fraternity life and two years of quad life be- hind me, I feel that I can speak with a fair amount of experience on the subject. In my opinion most of Zako's ar- guments against the advantages of a fraternity can easily be eliminat- ed as they are only pure matters of viewpoint. If one is a 'die hard" independent such as Zako then quite naturally quad life would' seem better, but to myself and countless others who feel strong- ly toward their fraternities our sort of life is far more attractive. As for this matter of education In fraternities that was mentioned, allow me to point out another ad- vantage of the Greeks. All frater- nities possess a smaller number of men living in their houses than in the quads and these men are kept under control much more easily because of their fewer numbers. Because fraternity men are bound by deep friendship and common interests they also are much more apt to respect such study measures as quiet hours and others which demand wholehearted co-opera- tion seldom found in dorm life. Everyone who is concerned with fraternities, or who is in a posi- tion to know, will admit that their parties are far from dull and stuffy. The participation is much greater and they still do not be- come overcrowded as quad parties do. I say this because of my ex- perience with both types of par- ties. Fnially I would like to conclude by pointing out to Louie that Fra- ternities are noted for their "homelike atmosphere" instead of the quads. With a group of forty men or so living together in a closely knit group it is much easier to attain a genuine warmth of comradeship than in the quads with their stereotyped rooms and regimentation. Fraternity life is based on the "one big happy fam- ily" idea and with its homelike qualities it is very difficult to beat for real happiness in college. -Bob Sprybroech Backhaut Blues .. . To the Editor: THE YOUNG Republican Execu- tive Board recorded a black day in Y.R. history when it voted unanimously to censure me for a letter I wrote to The Daily in which I asked Democrats and In- dependents to join the Young Re- publicans. The Y.R. board claimed that only Republicans are allowed to join the club. The very fact that I, as an Independent Democrat, was allowed to remain a member of the past four months, with many club members fully knowing I was not a Republican, shows the "Republicans only" rule must ei- ther be newly adopted or suddenly reactivated. However, a more important is- sue is involved than just who should be allowed to join the Young Republicans. By its action last week, the Executive Board as- sumed that it has the authority to censure members whose personal opinions happen to disagree with theirs, and, moreover, they have the right to do so without first giving the accused a chance to de- precedent will be set whereby membership in the club will en- tail surrendering one's right to public expression of his own views. If that happens, the club will be well on its way to total dictator- ship. -Bernie Backhaut Amos Beery .. . To the Editor: A MORE careful reading of Al- lan Seager's new novel, Amos Berry, gives a different impression from that which Mr. Wiegand re- ceived. One discovers that it is not really a book about spinach, spoiled or unspoiled; that it is not a horticultural novel at all. A so- ciologist might conceivably be in- terested in the picture of small- town society; a fanatic might be incited to violence were he to see the novel, as Mr. Wiegand inter- mittently did, as a revolutionary tract.E The theme that is disclosed to a moderately reasonable and atten- tive reader is a tragic one - the "sanctity of the organization over human life." Such a reader would perceive that insofar as they are dehumanized by the system every- body in the novel suffers defeat, but that only the central charac- ter is aware of the enormity of it all. Tragic protagonist that he is, Amos Berry not only suffers, he struggles and is rewarded with vic- tory and illumination. His illumi- nation in part is the realization that his murder of the man who personified the evil fate which isE destroying everybody was a blowI struck not against the system but merely against a man. Amos dies completely unrepentant, his death being in no sense a "moral sop." More inclined to sneer than to praise, Mr. Wiegand found the book disappointing. His review im- pressed one as more vituperative than critical, as- personal rather than objective, as a cellophane- wrapped red-herring that is all bones. b-Edwin A. Engel II Yet this is really only the beginning of the story. The Ohio Senator has not shown much knack, in the past, for forgiving those who have opposed him. Barring Lincoln, few Presidents in the past have given their confidence to their former rivals. Yet a personal relationship is growing up between Taft and Eisenhower which is also immensely important. The President and the Senate majority leader were not-they could not be-on easy terms when their work together began. Even today, Taft is the only one of the Congressional leaders whom Eisen- hower still calls by his title; but this avoidance of the first name, which at first looked like strangeness, has come to seem a mark of special respect. The two men are not only together for the long leaders' meet- ing every Monday, which they jointly dominate. The President also calls Taft into special consultation at least once and more often twice a week. The White House, where at first almost everyone expected trouble from the Ohio Senator, now begins to regard him as the grand Congressional mainstay. By the same token, Sen. Taft, who no doubt began by regarding the President as a mere facile amateur in politics, is beginning to warm up toward Eisenhower. "He's, certainly a man of good will," was his somewhat unexpected way of telling his fellow Congressional leaders that he had admired Eisenhower's handling of a thorny issue. What is more important still, Taft, the greatest legislative or- ganizer this country has seen in a generation, is plainly using all his immense power in Congress to forward the Eisenhower program. The old bull-headedness, the old impatience of any views but his own, seem to have vanished. He not only appears to be enjoying his new situation to the limit. He is also conscious, that in the long run, Republican policy must now be formed in-the White House. According to authentic report, Taft invariably intervenes when the Republican policy committee shows signs of taking off on its own, saying simply, "We'd better wait to find out what Eisenhower thinks." At the White House itself, Taft has repeatedly been the first to sup- port the President; and this has been true even when Taft was re- quired to reverse himself in some measure. Few Republicans have been as strident as Taft about the Yalta pact, for instance, but when Eisenhower declared that "repealing Yalta" was not really desirable after all, Tgft carried the argument on the President's side. At this time, to be sure, some caveats must be entered. Sen. Taft still has the same hot temper that led to his outburst against ap- pointment of Secretary of Labor Martin Durkin. Like every President, Eisenhower still labors under the same handicaps that usually end by generating bad White House-Congress relationships. Much work must be done on both sides, and many very touchy issues must be .resolved, for the Eisenhower-Taft partnership to continue to grow. But if it grows and strengthens, there are few limits to what it can, accomplish. (Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Crawford Young.......Managing Editor Barnes Connable.........City Editor Cal Samra............Editorial Director Zander Hollander....... Feature Editor Sid Klaus .... Associate City Editor Harland Britz... .....Associate Editor Donna Hendleman. Associate Editor Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor Lorraine Butler........ Women's Editor Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor Business Staff Al Green ............. Business Manager Milt Goetz ....... Advertising Manager Diane Johnston. .Assoc. Business Mgr. Judy Loehnberg... Finance Manager (Continued from Page 2) Logic and Foundations Seminar.' Tues., Feb. 24, 3:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. Frank Harary will conclude his talk on Universal Algebras. Concerts Student Recital: John Beck, Bassoon- ist, will be heard in recital at 8:3i Tues., Feb. 24, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, assistrd by Sally Davis, piano, Darlene Rhodus, flute, Ann Shelley, Oboe, Nan- cy Symmonds, clarinet, and Robert Ricks, French horn. The program will include compositions by Telemann, Mo- zart, Hindemith and Beethoven, and will be open to the public. Events Today Debating: Meeting of the debate or- ganization today at 4:30 p.m., Room 4208. Angell Hall. All previous partici- pants are urged to attend in order to fill out this semester's schedule cards. All people interested in extra-curric- ular debating and/or discussion are in- vited. The activities of the organization and plans for this semester will be dis- cussed. Modern Poetry Club. Organization meeting at 8 p.m., Michigan League, Rumpus Room. All those interestd in being members of the club are urged to attend. We will try to select a num- ber of poets to be discussed throughout the term and settle other organizational matters. Congregational Disciples Guild. A very special tea today, 4:30 to 6 p.m. All stu- dents welcome. The Hillel social Committee will meet at 4 p.m., Hillel Bldg. All committee members and interested people are in- vited. Motion Picture. Fifteen-minute film, "Photosynthesis," shown Mon. through Sat. at 10:30, 12:30, 3 and 4 o'clock and on Sun. at 3 and 4 o'clock only, 4th U.J.A. needs clerical helpers. All those interested please report to HillelTues. or Thurs. from 1 to 5, or Wed. from 3 to 5. Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech society, will hold debate practice, 7:30 p.m., 2084 East Engineering Building. Inter-Arts Union. Meeting at 5 today in the League. Square Dance Workshop for budding callers, experienced dancers, and any others interested, Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00 p.m. Intercultural Outing at Lake Huron Camp, February 28 to March 1. Leave Lane Hall at 2 p.m. Saturday, return Sunday afternoon. Make reservations before, Friday p.m. 3-1511, Ext. 2851. Coming Events The Linguistics Club will meet Wed., Feb. 25, at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room, Rackham Building. The speak- ers for the evening will-be Miss Eloise Kerlin and Professor L. B. Kiddie. Miss Kerlin's subject is "Language and Cul- ture: Notes on Whorf." Professor Kid- die will discuss the use of vos in Span- ish-American Spanish. All members and all faculty and students interested in Linguistics are cordially invited to attend the meeting. UNESCO Council. Meeting Wed., Feb. 25, 8 p.m., Room 3-MN, Michigan Union. Dr. Robert E. Ward, of the Political Science Department and Assistant Di- rector for Japanese Studies, will speak on the Formosan Question. Students in international relations, faculty, and townspeople are invited. Wesley Foundation. Morning Matin on Wed., Feb. 25, from 7:30 to 7:50. Also refresher Tea from 4 to 5:30. Society for Peaceful Alternatives will sponsor a program of peace movies at 8 p.m.. Wed., Feb. 25, in Auditorium C, Angell Hall. The movies are "No Place *,-a1. Pon.a.+ Will Xi,, ' and t he 4