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February 24, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-02-24

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Latest Deadline in the State







VOL. LXIII, No. 95




'M' Cagers
Fall Before
Hoopsters Lose
85-84, in Thriller
' Northwesternviced an 85-84
court verdict over Michigan in
Yost Fieldhouse last night with a
last minute freeze, thwarting the
Wolverines' attempt to climb out
of the Big Ten cellar.
Twenty-nine fouls and Wildcat
forward Frank Ehmann provided
Michigan* with its twelfth league
defeat in fourteen starts.
figures in the scoring column but
four of them, Milt Mead, Paul
Groffsky, Don Eaddy, and Doug
Lawrence hit the showers before
the end of the game.
The Wildcats piled up a 32
foul total but converted 29 points
to Michigan's 28 points in this
Ehmann tallied only five points
in the first half as Michigan held
a 50-45 edge, but he sparked the
Northwestern drive that broke the
Wolverines' back in the third quar-
ter, contributing 13 points and
adding four in the last period for
a game total of 22.points.
* * *
ing 76-72 at the start of the final
period, Lawrence broke through
for a layup and Codwell tipped in
Mead's long shot to knot the score,
76-76, with 8Y2 minutes remaining.
From this point the Wolver-
ines were never again on even
terms although continually
breathing down the Wildcats'
neck. With three minutes left
Michigan trailed 83-80 but
Bruce Allen's tip made it 83-
Utilizing a freeze the Wildcats
then worked Lawrence for a foul,
and Jim Bragiel sank both shots
to give them an 85-82 margin.
LAWRENCE then picked up his
fifth personal foul, again trying
to break in on Northwestern's
freeze, but Rob LeBuhn missed
Y both tries.
With a minute left on the
scoreboard Bragiel fouled Law-
rence's replacement Ray Ken-
aga. Kenaga cooly dropped in
both counters, his first points of
the season, to cut the Wildcats'
edge to 85-84.
Pressing Northwestern, the Wol-
verines could not gain possession
See. WILDCAT, Page 3
Chiang Scraps
1945 Treaty
With Russia
The long dead 1945 treaty of alli-
ance and friendship between Rus-
sia and Nationalist China was
formally scrapped yesterday by
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's
government in a cold war move
with hot overtones.
Repudiation of the defunct pact
technically put the Nationalists in
position to sanction the bombing
of the Chinese Changchun rail-
way in Manchuria which is feed-
ing war supplies made in Russia
to Chinese and Korean Red forces

in Korea.
ALSO IT WOULD technically
permit Chiang to apply military
Spressure against the Soviet naval
bases of Dairen and Port Arthur in
Manchuria or take part in United
{ Nations operations against the
ports if such a decision were
reached by the international or-
Divinity Group

Drummond Decorated

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz,
SILVER STAR - M/Sgt. William H. Drummond receives the
Silver Star medal for gallentry in action in Korea from Col.
Virgil R. Miller, commander of the Army ROTC in a formal
ceremony yesterday in front of the Rifle Range. Sgt. Drummond,
now serving as an instructor with the ROTC unit, was cited for
leading his platoon forward in an attack after the platoon leader
and platoon sergeant were wounded. He organized the platoon
and, in a one man charge, battered the enemy position and dir-
ected his platoon to defensive positions.

Item Control
To Be Enided
enhower Administration will aban-
don the allocation system for civil-
ian industry on June 30, the Office
of Defense Mobilization announced
Only scarce and critical items
essential to national defense will
continue to be controlled, acting
ODM director Arthur S. Fleming
IF CONGRESS provides control
authority beyond midyear, in line
with President Eisenhower's re-
quest, the Controlled Materials
Plan is doomed.
Another Government economic
action saw President Eisenhower
tell Congress in an apparent
change of signals yesterday that
he wants to keep an economic ad-
visory council after all.
The chief executive asked the
Senate to provide funds to keep
the council alive-just a week aft-
er the House Appropriations Com-
mittee voted to knock out all but
$25,000 of former President Tru-
man's request for $75,000 to keep
the three-man council in exist-
Ramzi To Lecture
Todayon Mid-East
"Anglo-Egyptian Relations and
Middle Eastern Defense" will be
the topic of an address of Moham-
med Tawfik Ramzi, visiting lec-
turer from Fouad I University,
Cairo, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheater.
'A visiting lecturer in the politi-
cal science department, Ramzi is
also studying American govern-
ment here, a subject he will teach
after returning to Cairo.

'Ensian Sale
Saturday will be the last day
that the '53 Michiganensian
may be bought at $5, accori-
ing to Paul Geiger, '55, Ensian
Due to publishing commit-
ments the price will rise to $6
after that date. The 'Ensian
may be purchased throughout
the week at campus sales coun-
ters, from house salesmen, or
any time during the day at the
Student Publications Bldg.
Durkin Sees
On Labor Law
of Labor Durkin predicted there
will be "a meeting of the minds
on some things" yesterdayuafter
the first meeting of his public-
industry-labor advisory commit-
tee on recommending changes in
the Taft-Hartley law.
"It was a very good meeting,"
Durkin said. "Everyone was agree-
able to getting right to work and
trying to reach some area of agree-
The committee is composed of
15 members drawn equally from
industry, organized labor and
the public. It adjourned after
an hour and a half initial meet-
ing until March 5. Durkin indi-
cated hope that the committee
may come up then with recom-
Durkin has been assigned by
President Eisenhower to draft ad-
ministration amendments to the
T-H law. Eisenhower has said the
law needs changing in the light of
experience since its enactment in
1947. It apparently was Eisen-
hower's idea to call on the public-
industry-labor group to help frame
the suggested changes

TOKYO - W - Gen. Mark
Clark, in a blistering and extra-
ordinary statement, today at-
tacked, Red China's renewed ra-
dio accusations of Allied germ
warfare and expressed deepest
sympathy for two captive Ma-
rine airmen who the Reds
claimed had confessed to drop-
ping germ bombs on North Ko-
Ikse ICleaning
"Mess' --Taft
DELAWARE, . - ' - Sen.
Robert A. Taft, most powerful
voice in the Republican-controlled
Senate, declared yesterday the Ei-
senhower administration is on its
way toward "cleaning up the mess
in Washington."
"The 34-day-old administra-
tion," Taft said in his first major
speech on the national political
situation since the presidential
election, is busy disposing of the
Truman "legacy ofdmistake after
mistake, burden after burden."
*4 * *
IN A "Republican Day" address
to some 1,800 Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity students, Taft detailed
these problems confronting the
Republican party:
" . ..A mess in international
relations, a mess in Korea and a
philosophy and plan for spen-
ing that will be hard for us to
And Taft capped his analysis of
politics past and present with
this comment about the future:
"I don't think the Russians are
going to start another world war.
They are now in a position where
they can make some gains without
fighting. If they risk all in another
world war, they may find com-
munism-their brand of commu-
nism-wiped out."
On the "mess in Korea," Taft
was brief and blunt. He said it is
a war resulting from-the Demo-
cratic administration "practically
inviting the Communists to come
in." There appears to be no solu-
tion except to maintain "a very
strong military position in a situa-
tion Where it is almost impossible
to win."
Festival Needs
New Director
The Inter-Arts Union currently
needs a student director for a
play to be presented during its
Fifth Annual Festival, according
to Anne Stevenson, '54, vice-pres-
ident of the group.
A director will be chosen by the
club along with 'actors, singers
backstage and committee workers
for the festival during a meeting
at 5 p.m. today in the League.
Works composed by University
students which will be performed
during the festival include , an
opera, a play, dances, music and
poetry. Paintings, sculpture and
other art works are now being ac-
cepted for an art exhibit, to be
shown in conjunction with the fes-
"The purpose of the Inter-Arts
Union is to perform and integrate
all forms of art being composed
or written by University students."
Miss Stevenson said. "We will wel-

come students studying in any de-
partment or college in the Univer-
sity," she concluded.

UN Teams
To Resume
World Talks
Vishisky's Move
Awaited by West
- President Eisenhower's new
team in the UN gave its plans a
last-minute check yesterday' as
leading delegates flocked here to
resume the crucial meetings of
the Seventh UN Assembly today.
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
Jr., the new chief delegate who
sits with Eisenhower's Cabinet,
maintained strict silence on his
Ss * +
DELEGATES in position to know
said they expected him to wait for
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Y.
Vishinsky to make the first move.
Vishinsky,,never known to talk
much in advance about his plans,
arrived in New York yesterday
true to form and almost match-
ed Lodge's silence.
Here in brief are the issues be-
fore the Assembly:
1. Korea. Lodge is slated to
handle this item. The U. S. dele-
gates are expected to stand behind
a peace plan approved last Decem-
ber by a 54 to 5 Russian vote.
2. Disarmament. The Unit-
ed States stands pat on the pro-
posal of Western Powers for an
over-all ceiling on the size of
armed forces in each country.
The Russians havearejected it.
3.Collective measures. This con-
cerns measures to be taken to de-
velop sufficient UN forces to meet
* * * '
4. CHARGES by Greece that
Communist countries with the ex-
ception of Yugoslavia are detain-
ing Greek military personnel cap-
tured during the Greek Civil War.
5. A complaint by Czechoslo-
vakia that the U. S. interfered in
internal affairs of other coun-
tries by organizing subversion
and espionage in the Iron Cur-
tain countries.
6. Measures to avert the threat
of a new war. This is Moscow's
peace package as put before the
UN by Poland. The Assembly is
expected to kill it after having to
listen to long debates.
7. Question of impartial investi-
gation of charges of use by UN
forces of bacteriological warfare.
8. Appointment of a secretary-
general of the UN. Trygve Lie has
resigned but has agreed to stay
on until his successor is approved.
World News
By The Associated Press
House yesterday announced the
nomination of Charles "Chip"
Bohlen as ambassador to Soviet
Russia and Francis White as am-
bassador to Mexico. '
SEOUL - Allied warplanes
bombed and strafed Communist
front-line fortifications and sup-
ply areas yesterday while Eighth
Army troops beat back three small
Red probing attacks on the Korean
Central Front.
WASHINGTON - A new drive
to win Senate approval of legis-
lation to authorize the St. Law-
rence Seaway and power project
was set in motion yesterday by

Sen. Wiley R-Wis.
WASHINGTON -- Dr. Joseph
W. Weinberg, the "Scientist X" of
a congressional investigation of
atomic spying, is scheduled to go1
on trial here today on perjury
Weinberg, 36-year-old theoreti-
cal physicist, is accused of lying
three times under oath in testi-
mony before the House Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee on May
25, 1949. -
WASHINGTON - With prayer
and a new plea to President Eisen-
hower to change his stand, pick-
ets calling for clemency for atom
spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
called off their parading in front
of the White House yesterday.
Play Held Over

- - - - 4 """ """

Spartan Foundation
Head Tells of Subsi
Group on Camp1usO

Says '5A'
Club Exists
At Michigan.
Erikson Charge
Refuted by 'U
The United Press quoted the
president of the Spartan Foun-
dation yesterday as saying other
Big Ten schools had similar groups
which subsidized athletes, among
them the "5-A Club" at Michigan.
Claude Erikson, who heads the
aid-for-athletes group which cost
Michigan State a year's probation
in the Big Ten Conference, re-
portedly said "Iowa has its I'
Club, Wisconsin its Mendona Club,
Indiana its Frontliners Club and
Michigan its 5-A Club."
However, when pressed in an in-
terview with The Daily, Erikson
stated: "I heard of the 5-A Club
at Michigan about 4 or 5 years
ago. I know only that it was in-
terested in sports. I'm not sure .of
anything else."
*. * *
"I'M NOT MAKING any accu-
sations," Erikson continuec. "But
I've heard of these other ,.clubs.
The 5-A. was supposed to send
an athlete a year to Michigan."
Erikson admitted in the interview
he wasn't sure whether the Club
operates at present. !
Existence of a 5-A club which
regulates high school football
games between Ann Arbor, Lan-
sing and Battle Creek was con-
firmed last night by Nicholas
Schreiber, Ann Arbor High
School principal. However,
Schreiber said the group has. no
connection with the University.
University officials last night
denied any knowledge of the
"club" or any group here which
was violating Big Ten Conference

-Daily-Ed Chodoroff
JAPANESE SCENARIO-"So Sorry!" a scenario for the Union
Opera written in Japanese, sent Opera officials seeking a trans-
lator yesterday.
Japanese Scri*-pt Causes
Opera Contest Concern
Union Opera officials called it only a joke when the scenario
for "So Sorry!" a Union Opera in Japanese, was handed to the script
committee yesterday.
"So Sorry!" brainchild of Shigeo Imamura, Spec., caused more
than one set of raised eyebrows in the Opera's Walnut-paneled offices
as the cry went up for translators to reduce the thing to "good down
to earth English."
* * * *
COMMENTED Mimes President John Daugherty, '53, "The whole
thing must be a horrible joke."

Urged -in Talk.
Speaking before approximately
100 persons attending the annual
Brotherhood Banquet, Rev. Frank-
lin H. Littell, former director of
Lane Hall pointed out the signifi-
cance of inter-faith relations
Mr. Littell, who is now the Dean
of the Chapel at Boston University,
called Lane Hall "the social psy-
chology workshop of campus,
where students learn to apply
what they have been taught in the
realm of inter-faith, and inter-
cultural relations."
Having recently returned from
Germany where he worked as a
liason between the church and the
military, Mr. Littell said that in
America, minority groups are not
only tolerated, but that they are
able to make contributions to our
every-day life.

Meanwhile, last year's Gener-
al Secretary of the Opera, Mike
Scherer, '5,4, announced that the
deadline for script contest en-
tries is March 16.
"Scenarios should include a
complete outline of the show, in-
cluding musical numbers and sev-
eral pages of sample dialogue,"
Scherer said.
Entries may be turned in at the
main desk of the Union addressed
to he Michigan Union Opera, in
cart of Mike Scherer. Details and
entry blanks may be obtained by
phoning 'Scherer at 2-3256.
SDA To Choose
Officers Today
Students for Democratic Action
will meet in Rm. 3-G of the Union
at 7:30 p.m. today.
Election of officers and plans
for the semester will be discussed.
The meeting is open to the public.

Law School, who took part in the
Big Ten Faculty Representatives
Conference Sunday which hand-
ed MSC the public condemnation,
and head football coach Bennie
Oosterbaan claimed they had nev-
er heard of the alleged organiza-
University Director of Univer-
sity Relations Arthur Brandon
added he doubted such a club
could exist without th Univers-
ity's knowledge of it and that
"certainly the University would
neither condone or encourage
such an organization."
Earlier, Michigan State's Dean
Lloyd Emmons released the names
of the Spartan 1951 team who
were the recipients of the under
cover financial support the Spar-
tan Foundation gave athletes.
The 1951 stars named were:
Don Coleman, All-American tackle
from Flint; Al Dorow, quarter
back; linemen, Jim Creamer,
Frank Kapral, Dean Garner, Wil-
liam Horrell and Marvin McFad-
den; substitute backs, Allen Jones
and Louis Smith.
The total given to these ath-
letes, Dean Emmons revealed, was
THE SPARTAN Foundation,
which was dissolved in December
at the request of MSC president
John A. Hannah, was composed
of alumni and other supporters of
MSC. According to Erikson the
foundation helped needy students
in the form of loans and did not
place special emphasis on athletes.
However, Dean Emmons said.
that while the Foundation classi-
fied the money as loans, there is
no record of any ,repayment ever
being made. He termed the money
"gifts" not loans.
The probation meted out by
the Big Ten means that Michi-
gan State, which formally en-
ters Big Ten competition this
year, may face loss of confer-
ence membership unless it con-

Government Curtais Free Enterprise

Dutch Student Indirect
Victim of Severe Flood

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the
fourth in a series of articles on the
present situation in Germany.)
In the Soviet occupation zone
of Germany, less than 26 per cent
of business enterprises remain in
private hands, the rest belonging
absolutely to the State after con-
fiscation without renumeration to
former owners.
Not the balancing forces of sup-
ply and demand but, economic
ministers and a five-year-plan de-
termine the course of economic

The annual meeting of the
Michigan Association of Church-
Related Colleges will discuss "The
Job of a Liberal Education," at
10 a.m. today in the East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Amphithea-

goes in'to reparations and other
Soviet takings.
In paying their reparations debt,
east Germany receives credit in
1944 prices, which are considerably
lower than current prices. .Thus,
the government must subsidize in-
dustries which are faced with
greatly increased costs of produc-
Because of the costs of So-
viet exploitation and expensive
government, goods and services
available for private consump-
tion constitute only one-half of

ance of the East German economy
are manifold. First and foremost
is the severe shortage of needed
Reduction of legal trade with
West Germany has forced the
Communists to rely on scanty
imports from other Soviet satel-
lites or from several western na-
Secondly, administrative chaos
and bungling of planners are a
significant bottleneck of efficiancy
and production.
Thirdly, organizational changes

Tomorrow's all-campus Dutch
Flood Relief Drive will mean more
than just international aid to one
University student.
Irmgard van den Berge, '56. is
an indirect victim of the worst
North Sea disaster in 250 years.
The flood has left most of her
family, with the exception of her
parents in Washington, D. C., com-
pletely homeless.
THE FAMILY formerly lived in
Schouwen Duiveland in the pro-,

place of refuge,' and from cousins,
who gave accounts of persons wait-
ing on roof-tops for days for relief
from the winter storms.
and clothes has been "wonderful,"
she said, but long-range rehabilita-
tion programs are still necessary.
Since repairmen can work
only a few hours a day, dike re-
construction will take at least
a year, Miss van den Berge es-
timated. It will take five years

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