I T- - THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1952. Stalemate in Korea Sacredt Cow YOU CAN PAY your money and take your choice as far as the final outcome of the truce talks in Korea is concerned. Probably never before in diplomatic history has there been such a confusion of feints, charges and countercharges, uncertainty, and, above all, lack of even the slightest knowledge of the opposing side's intentions. Even the physi&l scene of the talks, with little or no fraternization, is one to discourage even the most incorrigible optimist. Both sides arrive at the truce site precisely on time, attempting to outdo one another in military precision. Besides, if they get there after the meeting starts, they won't be able to get in the first word. It has been quipped that with no end to the negotiations in sight, a permanent struc- ture should be built to replace the present tent in which the talks take place. In 'order for a truce to be declared, the original negotiators decided when the talks started seven months ago, that four points must be cleared up: 1. A cease-fire line. 2. Means for safeguarding the truce. 3. Prisoner exchange. 4. Recommendations to governments. To date, only the cease-fire line, to be set up where. the battle line is, when a truce is declared, has been determined. An extra item was settled several days ago when final agreement was reached on a post-truce political conference insisted up- on ;by the Reds. This ties in with the fourth point and calls for a high level po- litical meeting to consider "withdrawal of all foreign forces from Korea, the peaceful settlement of the Korean question, etc." Aside from these rather encouraging agree- ments, three major problems yet remain to be settled-behind the lines inspection by a neutral power, airfield construction, and pri- soner exchange. In a move the Communists probably knew the UN would never agree to, Russia and some of her satellites were suggested as the countries to carry on truce supervision and inspection. Countering, the Allies mentioned several Western European nations on the grounds that Russia "has a record of past participation in Korea." Squabbling on this touchy item may go on for months. A FAR MORE crucial problem strategically is airfield construction in North Korea if a truce is declared. So far in the war, Red strategic air-power has been a minor con- sideration for the UN. Allied generals have not had to consider the possibility of com- municatipns and troop movements being in- terfered with by low flying fighters. If the Communists are allowed to build up an air force in Korea within strategic bombing range of the UN lines, it will up- set the Allies' preponderance of power in this field which has allowed them to play havoc behind the enemy's lines. Also, quick movements of troops to intercept enemy attacks such as was used in the defense of the UN bridgehead after the last major Communist offensive will no longer be possible. Whether or not to allow voluntary repa- triation is the snag clouding the prisoner exchange picture. The UN has insisted that individual prisoners of war be allowed to choose between returning to the Reds or re- maining with the Allies. Full excpange is de- manded by the Communists who have lost well over 100,000 men through capture. Both sides have valid reasons for their demands. The UN is not being guided by humanitarian principles in demanding vol- untary repatriation. A wholesale release of close to 140,000 fighting men would bolster depleted Red forces to the point where they may decide to attack. In fact, that is prob- ably why the Reds are against the UN plan, since they feel that many prisoners, sick of fighting and seizing a chance to stay out of the war, will want to remain behind. In addition, there is no precedent behind the UN's demand. It is difficult to analyze the purpose be- hind the extended negotiations. An easy compromise, at first glance, seems logical. But most of the time, the Communists have raised Allied hopes only to back away from proposals. A stall on their part is possible. There may be several reasons for this. The Chinese can be building up for an in- vasion. And here again, the uncertainty that has permeated the entire situation comes in. The stall may be either to tie up UN forces in Korea so that the Chinese can start an invasion of tempting South-East Asia. or they may be hedging while their forces are being strengthened in Korea. The Chinese have lost a considerable number of men and' equipment and by' delaying negotiations through the winter, they can build up strength for a quick offensive once the ground gets hard. Another, although less likely, reason for the delay is "orders from Moscow." Kor- ean truce talks and charges by the Chinese that the UN has repeatedly violated the sanctity of the truce site with armed at- tacks, has added much fuel to the Russian peace offensive. A more hopeful explanation from the UN's point of view, is that there is dissension be- tween Peking and Moscow. Russia probably had South Korea invaded in the first place to test U.S. policy. But the experiment back- fired when the U.S. not only sent armed forces but was catalyzed into speeding up mobilization. However, the Russians, like good strategists, may have sent the Chinese in to sap the UN strength and tie its forces -up so that attacks could be made elsewhere. China had an easy time of it at first, but then began to, fall back. No nation can lose so many men without complaining, and China has probably done so to the Kremlin. ON THE OTHER SIDE of the coin, even assuming that the Chinese are respon- sible for the delay, the present stall has turned out to be very convenient for the U.S., and makes one wonder whether we are doing everything in our power to effect a settlement. If peace is made with the Chinese, the U.S. can no longer keep them out of the UN by using the potent argument that they are an aggressor and are trying to shoot their way into the organization. In addition, concluding a peace with China would be tantamount to the recognition which the U.S. has denied them. If it oc- curred, this country could no longer say that they are protecting the recognized Nationalists on Formosa from an aggres- sive power and thus'jeopardize our life-line in the Pacific. The recognition of China and their admission into the UN would be more unpopular in an election year than a new outbreak of hostilities, especially if China was blamed. To further understand Chinese uncer- tainty of UN motives, one must consider that when they entered the war, for all practical purposes, an army of an organization (the UN) led by the U.S., which refused to recog- nize them and in the past aided their ene- mies, the Nationalists, was threatening their Manchurian border. It is only natural that a nation go to war to defend the most highly industrialized section of their country. Perhaps the first ingredient to a solu- tion of the Korean problem would be a healthy pinch of willingness to compro- mise. But apparently, both sides have rea- sons to prolong negotiations, and if this be true, no national compromise, even if suggested, would ever be adopted. How long it will continue is a question no one can answer. .-Jerry Helman t 7-71 t (1 j/ 10 FOl2Et6 - TRADE L IM fl rr _ err ... may) ^. . ma w e ette J TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. , 1 r I ,. 1 7 tf {i! t' ®HR 'T1MIi. u1tN Mf Yly paw M . M A'f(ER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP Extended Education EXCESSIVE birth rate of the late 1940's and early 1950's has worried many educators, and various plans have been proposed to cope with the expected ov- erflow of college students about 1960. But the plan most advocated was voiced again last week by President James B. Conant of Har- vard University. President Conant believes that instead of expanding existing four-year colleges to meet this overflow, high school pro- grams should be extended and two-year college courses be made "fashionable" with a liberal arts degree conferred at the conclusion. This would not mean elimi- nating any of the existing four-year col- leges, but merely building up more local two-year colleges for those not going into the professions. Programs in the two-year colleges would be expanded along with the high school programs. The existing four-year colleges would then be developed into institutions with high aca- demic standards, and their curriculums ar- ranged with the thought that a majority of students in these colleges would go on to professional training after three or four years. Along with this, more scholarships would be provided for the high school grad- uates who intend to go into the professional fields. To carry out this program, President Lon- ant urges steps to "create a climate of opin- ion in which education beyond 18 years is not considered a hallmark of respectability." President Conant's idea of expanding high school programs is a good one. This should have been done long ago. Those high school students preparing for col- lege would be given a much better back- ground than the majority of freshmen now possess. And the idea of expanding college curri- culums is also a good one. Much could be done to make the first two years of college more beneficial. But after this is done, coming to a com- plete halt as President Conant suggests, would be a step backwards. It usually takes one or two years to get acclimated to a col- lege, and to discover just, what one can really gain and what one really wants. These two years are the maturing years for the average students, who find that they gain most from college in their last two years. Certainly few students would be ready to go out into the world after only two years of college life. Even the idea of expanding the curriculums of the high schools and local two-year colleges would add only to one's intellectual learning and not to the maturity and better understanding of goals that one usually obtains after the first two years of college. If President Conant's plan were carried out, the excessive number of students might be taken care of, but only those going on to the professions will really benefit. Others will lose much of the col- lege life by going to local colleges, and will get a sparse two-year education also, even though the curriculums will be expanded. A much better idea would be to expand the Romantic .Fire Trap THE DRIED wooden partitions, floors, joinsts and the open stairwell of the Romance Language Building are invitations to fire., Present conditions would turn that fire into a major disaster Because of the lack of classroom space and of finances the administration has found it impossible to tear down and replace the ancient structure which the State Fire Mar- shall has recommended for immediate raz- ing.) However several elementary steps can and should be taken to protect students and faculty using the building. The stairway is already packed to ca- pacity by the crowds leaving the building after each class hour. In the event of a fire the crowding would be even worse; however desks and benches are partially blocking this only major exit. The other ground floor exit has been blocked up for years by an office and is no longer usable even in an emergency. Moreover several of the bannisters are so weak they can readily be shaken by hand. Crowd pressure would break these, shoving many off the stairway to their death or in- jury. The north fire escape is surrounded by stacks of lumber and used forms fromh the Angell Hall addition. These and the fences along the north and west sides of the build.- ing wo'ild seriously hinder any persons us- ing that exit to escape a fire. ' A little time and work could easily cor- rect the above conditions. It would require more time and money to correct the situation presented by the ex- ternal fire escapes. The fire escapes (one each at the north and south ends of RL) are of the obsolete ladder type. They cannot begin to handle the number of people that would attempt to use them if the central staircase were blocked by fire. In a major conflagration they could well be a cause of death or serious injury. If the building is to be used for some time (and it is doubtful that it can be replaced in the next few years) the necessary expendi- tures would be justified. For the safety of students and faculty the dangerous conditions now existing in the Romance Languages Building must be cor- rected as soon as possible. -John Somers WASHINGTON-The Democratic Party will be torn to pieces, if1 President Truman decides to run again. This conclusion is very clearly suggested by the nature of the strategy decided upon at a re-; cent meeing in Washington, attended by such Southern leaders as Gov. James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, and Sens. Richard Russell of Georgia and Harry Flood Byrd, of Virginia. Since this Southern stra- tegy may well determine the outcome of the election, it is worth re-i porting in some detail. First, it was decided that there will definitely be an indepen- dent Southern ticket, well-organized in advance, if Sen. Robert A.Taft is nominated by the Republicans and President Truman is renominated by the Democrats. The standard bearer of the Southern revolt has not yet been picked. Byrnes and Byrd spent; upwards of two hours trying to persuade Russell, one of the most powerful and respected men in the Senate, to take on the job. In the end, Russell refused, and this refusal is believed final. Byrnes has also signified his refusal, and so has Byrd, who must; run again for the Senate this year. Accordingly, a number of other names, conspicuously including that of Gov. Alan Shivers of Texas, are being canvassed. Whoever is finally chosen to head the Southern ticket in case of a Taft-Truman race, the Southern leaders fully ex- pect to capture at the very least seven or eight states for their ticket, instead of the four taken by the Dixiecrats in 1948. The participation in the current movement of such top Southern leaders as Byrnes and Russell, who stayed away from the Dixiecrats, suggests that this is not, an overestimate. * *. * THIS IS LIKELY to mean, moreover, a permanent, almost unhealable,{ infinitely bitter split in the Democratic Party. Such a powerful Southern movement would also obviously immensely reduce Truman's chances of taking the clear majority of the electoral vote, required by the Constitution. But here it should be noted that it would not in- crease Taft's chances of taking the needed majority, since t ese Southern votes would go to a third candidate. Indeed, this Southern strategy foreshadows the Constitutional nightmare of the election being thrown into the House of Representatives. If the Democrats nominate Stevenson, on. the other hand, the Southerners do not now plan to bolt. This may seem myster- ious, in view of the fact that Stevenson is just as committed as Truman on the hated civil rights legislation. Actually, the civil rights bills, which have no chance of passing anyway, are not the real stimulus to a Southern bolt. The Southern revolt is actually stimulated instead, by the accumulated political frustrations and personal animosities of Truman's seven years in office. As one Southerner put it, "Stevenson has one great asset 'in the South- his name is not Truman." In case of an Eisenhower-Truman race, some very shrewd South- erners very seriously believe that Eisenhower, who has extraordinary personal popularity in the South, would take a whole slew of Southern states running on the straight Republican ticket. This obviously poses a problem for the Southern leaders, since it might endanger their local party tickets. Thus the Southern strategists are seriously con- sidering organizing a "Democrats for Eisenhower" movement, rather than a straight Dixiecrat operation with a third candidate. DEMOCRATIC TICKETS would stand, under this arrangement, with. local candidates running as Democrats. But Eisenhower would head the ticket. Preliminary spadework for this sort of operation is already under way in Alabama and elsewhere. The difficulty is, of course, that this might split the pro-Eisenhower vote between "Democrats for Eis- enhower" and the straight Republican vote. However, provided this danger can be overcome, and provided also that Eisenhower does not favor compulsory fair employment legislation-which he almost cer- tainly will not-the Southern leaders give Eisenhower an odds-on- chance of capturing in his own name most of the Southern electoral votes from Truman. No final strategy has been determined in case of a contest between Eisenhower and Stevenson or any other Democratic can- didate. But obviously in this situation there would be less chance of organizing a successful "Democrats for Eisenhower" ticket, al- though Eisenhower might well still break into the South, especially into the border states. This strength in the normally solid south is, of course, one of Eisenhower's most important hard political assets. For the South's 146 electoral votes are entirely likely to decide the outcome this year. Taft cannot hope to break into this vote, as even his most fervent Southern admirers agree, whereas Eisenhower can. This asset is something which the Republican professionals, who are after all in- terested above all in winning the election, are undoubtedly bearing well in mind. Meanwhile, Harry Truman himself, who is nothing if not a loyal party man, must also be earnestly considering whether it is worth tearing his party apart, in order to try again for an office he does not very greatly enjoy. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) 'All-American' Rangers To the Editor: 'M a senior now, but when I was; still in high school I read ail kinds of articles about' fraterni- ties and how bad and undemo- cratic they are. After all this is America and that kind of stuff doesn't go here. So when I first came to Michi- gan I knew what the score was. I sat back and found it was all true. These guys get into a fra- ternity and right away every- thing is for "thehouse" and noth- ing else. They have all kinds of athletic teams andveverything is "do or die" for that team. I have to admit that they may give good parties, but, then, they pay extra for them. The worst thing, though, is rushing. Everything is false and fraternity men walk around pick- ing out just who they want-real undemocratic. But those frat songs they sing are the straw that broke the camel's back. Well, I lived in the Quad for a while, but I couldn't stand it. So finally I hit upon an idea which worked out swell. About 15 of my quad buddies and I moved into an old house we rented. We en- tered a couple of teams in the IM competition and had a great time. We called ourselves theRangers, and soon everyone started calling us that. After a while we figured out a way where we could serve meals in our house, and soon we were all eating and living right there! We really had tremendous spirit-- we would do anything for each other. We even had a whole mot- to and coat of arms designed, and we ordered a special ring made up and some fancy T-shirts with our crest on them. Pretty soon we began having such a good time that we started giving parties and making an assessment for each party. We even made up a whole col- lection of songs just about us, the Rangers. With a lot of fellows leaving each year, we decided to pick new fellows to replace the ones gradu- ating. There were a whole lot who wanted to join, but we just picked the ones we wanted. It may seem kind of rough on the ones that don't make it, but after all we can only take a certain number and since we have to live with the guys, we might as well take the ones we think are tops. Be- sides, if you can't pick your own friends it really wouldn't be American, would it? Yes, we really have a great or- ganization. You frat guys could profit from all this if you'd only realize what false and undemo- cratic places you have. I know that I certainly am glad that I never joined a fraternity-but like I said before, I knew what the score was right from the start. N -Bob Siegel Answer to Frats .. . To the Editor: IN Sunday's paper Mr. Lunn list- ed three advantages of frater- nity living. He pointed out that they were lacking in the Quads. Well, here's one independent's views concerning those three ad- vantages: 1. Fellowship. In a Quad there is a greater opportunity to find and select the friends one desires -in a fraternity one's choice is rather limited and binding. 2. Superior living standards. The several fraternities I have visited overnight were places where everyone dumped clothes and books on the most convenient and dusty parts of the floor. As for food-it was tolerable, but the filthy, antiquated kitchens gave my stomach a few dubious turns. As for the beds, I'll take my Holly- wood bed at South Quad anytime. 3. Self-government. Can you or I really be free of authoritarian- ism? Is there any place on earth that works smoothly and effici- ently that doesn't have rules, obli- gations, limitations? Quads are just what the men living in them make them. Each individual determines whether the dormitory will be a series of in- sufferable or pleasant experiences. I doubt whether the incessant Complainer in the dormitory ever changes when he~ moves into a fraternity or rooming house. I sus- pect he will spend the rest of his life complaining. Life today is recognized to be complex. This is no longer the age of isolated groups. Just as one fails to get the 20th century out- look in a small college, one will fail to comprehend today's highly organized and demanding life by living in a fraternity with a small group of "select" friends. If you cannot make a success out of liv- ing in the Quad system, you're going to have a tough time coping with a lot of things you will meet after graduation. -Roy Wilson The Silent Beavers... To the Editor- CAL Samra-as a journalist-- owes the Young Democrats on this campus a letter of apology. As an alleged Democrat himself, he owes it to himself to look at the record. Headlines and front page news stories have rarely gone to the Democrats. Elections, on the other hand, have. I am just one of those naive persons who still thinks that theslatter is more important. Elections are not won in the newspapers. They are won at the grass roots level-and that is where yo will find the Young Democrats working-hard! In December, the Young Demo- crats of this campus helped in preparing for a two-day political workshop, held at Haven Mills, near' Pontiac. We didn't make the headlines, but we certainly learned a lot about how to win elections. On February 2nd, the Y.D.'s of Michigan joined the Women's Organization of the state in sponsoring a Keynote Day in Detroit, inviting speakers like Kefauver, McKinney, Moody, Wil- liams, and others. There were no headlines, but the practical exper- ience gained was well worth our while. The Young Democrats have al- ways felt that hard work is the best way to win an election. Events have proved them to be right for 20 years. Having speakers is all well and good, and you may be well assured that when the time comes, the Young Democrats will have their share. Right now we have plenty to do besides bickering over who should invite whom to campus to speak on a "non-political" topic. We will be ringing doorbells, canvassing, telephoning, and do- ing a hundred and one other jobs which are necessary, and we in- vite the up-and-coming Mr. San ra to join us. He may not get his name in the paper, but he will have the satisfaction of learn- ing t h at journalistic jargon never won an election for any- body. And while he is learning this, he may regain the friendship of that loyal band of people who are still very proud and honored to bear the title of DEMOCRAT! --James Orford 1g 4 f I Dewey's Aspirations WASHINGTON-It is by now generally recognized that the Eisenhower band- wagon is on the ramshackle side with more drivers than passengers. Adding to the dis- hevelment, all aboard are singing by ear. The public Taft taunt is that the Eisen- hower forces have no campaign manager, no organization and no candidate. This is not wholly true but too close for comfort. Privately the Taft operatives say that they are getting the concrete proposition that hurts, as distinguished from Eisenhower pro- motion, only from the old Dewey profession- als. This experienced cadre has carved up the senator from Ohio rather neatly in sev- era locales, including Oklahoma. It is handicapped by orders to operate undercover, a concession to the widely held assumption that Governor Dewey is bad news within the party. The trade assumesj also that Governor Dewey, if not General Eisenhower, is keeping a careful record of the Dewey services to the cause. Hence the frequent question: "What does Dewey want?" The New York Gov- ernor, who probably never again will count his chickens before they are hatched, isn't talking. His actions, however, are talking for him. They indicate that Dewey is ready to be- come General Eisenhower's Secretary of State if a victorious Eisenhower twists his similar to NATO. This made a nice punchy headline and it sounded fair enough, su- perficially, to insist that the Pacific be treated like the Atlantic. Those actually responsible for Far East decisions quickly pointed, however, to cer- tain stubborn facts which Governor Dewey either did not know or airily ignored. For example, Dewey recognizes Chiang as the legal government of Formosa; Australia and New Zealand will not sign a Pacific pact with Chiang. The South Koreans will hard- ly sign one calling for less than the integra- tion of Korea. These and related dilemmas are of course well knswn to the Department's Far Eastern trouble shooter and author of the Japanese Treaty, John Foster Dulles. Dulles has been Dewey's foreign-polcy mentor. It is a nice question whether he still is, at least as of the occasion of the Pacific speech. Washington has been assuming that Dulles had fairly earned the post of Sec- retary of State from any Republican in- ternationalist president who wants con- tinuity in foreign policy. A close friend and adviser of the late Senator Vanden- berg, Dulles has scrupulously maintained his fences with Republicans on the hill, He consulted them before he agreed to Mr. Truman's request to fly to Japan and reassure its government, following the sud- Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor Bob Keith............... City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson........Feature Editor Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor Ron watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn..........Associate Editor Ted Papes..............Sports Editor George Flint ... .Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Keteihut, Associate women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Sally Fish.........Finance Manager Circulation Manager.......Milt Goetz Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for %republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. 4 BARNABY - t ~,.1....4 ~1 I'C SU 3r.4I..t.. IMP ~I' NN. jUl C?.cU~t J.h~M. R*I~ U. U. ?.~ (1ff U, IFI I --" dby Ts W IM 1l82 ChXkttt J*bWm SK. W K t" Off" 1 Asc orl ' LL _Lt._ ly Mr. O'Malley! And Gus the Ghost! And the invisible Leprechaun! You didn't go away! Even though I'm six years old- But we're on ou to6d bye, little boy. way. Your Fairy ... Come, McSnoyd- Godfather had to No windy -d I