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February 22, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-22

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School OK's
Fund Grant
From. Bigot
Trustees of tiny Piedmont Col-
lege in Demorest, Ga., have an-
nounced that they will continue
to accept grants from the Texas
Education Association financed by
a millionaire who is avowedly an-
ti-Jewish and anti-Negro.
The board, meeting in Atlanta,
voted in favor of the $500 per
month gifts supported by Texas
cattle and oil magnate George
A. T. CINE, chairman of the
trustees, explained that the school
is in financial difficulties and the
board could see no reason why the
grants should not be accepted
since no strings are attached to
One trustee, Miss Josephine
Wilkins, former president of the
Georgia League of Women Vot-
ers, resigned after the board
took action in a closed session.
She claimed that Armstrong's
definition of "constitutional gov-
ernment embraces doctrines of
race and creed that resemble
closely those of Hitler."
THREE YEARS ago Jefferson
Military College of Natchez, Miss.,
turned down a $50,000,000 endow-
ment offered by Armstrong on the
condition that the school imit its
enrollment to "white Christians."
Armstrong once distributed
pamphlets urging that voting be
limited to "white Americans." In
1949 he wrote that certain pro-
minent Jewish financiers should
be "prosecuted and tried as
traitors and, if found guilty,
should be executed."
The action at Piedmot was the
latest in a series of controversies
over the grants that have divided
the 300 students and faculty
members of the college in recent
SRA To Hold
The Second Michigan Confer-
ence on Christian Values in
Higher Education will be held to-
morrow at the Union.
About 75 faculty members, ad-
ministrators and graduate stu-
dents of colleges and universities
throughout the state will attend
the meeting, which will be jointly
sponsored by state religious groups
and the Student Religious Asso-
The conference is designed to
examine the position of the Chris-
1 tian faith in relation to Univer-
sity activities.
" Prof. Werner A. Bohnstedt of
-Michigan State College will be the
moderator of a panel discussion
at 10:30 a.m. The group will con-
sider "The Task of the Christian
in the University."
Main conference speaker will be
Prof. Edwin E. Aubrey of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. He will
speak at a luncheon at 12:45 on
r "Adequate Resources for the
Christian Teacher."






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George Washington's Veracity,
Seen Product of Environment

The survey showed that, of .500
schools, 39 prohibit driving and
162 have no regulations whatever.
Other school's rules range from
edicts governing registration of
the vehicles to parking and speed
regulations on campus only.
The University driving ban was
put into effect in 1927 when the
Regents ruled , that no student
"shall operate any motorvehicle."
The purpose of the act was to
reduce the number of traffic acci-
'Lorraine' Tickets
A limited number of tickets are
still available for "Joan of Lor-
raine", which will be presented
again at 8 p.m. today and tomor-
row at Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. ?
The tickets, which can be ob-
tained at the theatre box office,
are priced at $1 and 75 cents.

Government Asks
Aid from Lederle
The Senate Elections ,Commit-
tee announced yesterday that it
had decided to hire Prof. John W.
Lederle, of the political science
department, to help draft legisla-
tion to revise the election laws.
Prof. Lederle, who is the direc-
tor of the University's Institute of
Public Administration has not in-
dicated whether he will accept the
The committee is studying re-
vision of the laws in an attempt
to reduce campaign abuses and
excessive expenditures.

J. McKeachie of the psychology
"People lie because it is the
easiest way out of a conflict situ-
ation," he commented. Probably
anyone, even the most sterling
character, would resort to false-
hoods if his predicament were
tense enough. And, of course, a
person's early training has a lot
to do with it."
Lying, according to Prof. Mc-
Keachie, is a product of a speci-
fic set of circumstances. It is diffi-
cult to say how a person will
react to any given situation.
"Whether lying is permitted in
in any case is an ethical question,
not a psychological one," he said.
"The problem of 'white lies' or
'black lies' could better be settled
by religion."
At any rate, if the man who
was first - in the hearts of his
countrymen was able fo avoid lies,
he was certainly a man with few
peers, he commented.






Peace Reigns in Subdued Huber House

.. ...





Civil War has been averted in
South Quadrangle's Huber House
-atleast for a little while.
The hotly disputed question of
"unconstitutional assessment" was
brought to a vote last night at
dinner, and, although a majority
of Huber House residents favored
sin a wnrn Anaan-1aln14oe a ipA.ac.

claimed, their representatives
had not asked their opinion on
the assessment and because the
leveling of such dues violated
the house constitution.
The constitution states that
dues shall be collected at the be-
ginning of the fall semester and
maesno provis~io~n fn,asse sant

strongly that the men would
favor the assessment. How-
ever, President Jerry Strauch,
'54, has stated, "We of the
Council feel sorry not only for
ourselves but also for the men
in the house who wanted the
thingsthat money would have

At the Student Publications Building Any Afternoon.



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