Y EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 Sir& 74Iaii4 CLOUDY AND COLDER. 4 Latest Deadline in the State i n..r ern wr.. ar CLOUD AND OLDE V UU LXU, NO. 95 ANN, ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 fi X PAVIVA ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 QIV I&a1~'@ hJ54~ 5. £~~JZ~db I i3 Threatened Steel! Walkout Averted Two Kentucky Coal Pits Picketed; Lewis Asks Added Mine Safety By The Associated Press A nation wide steel strike was averted yesterday in Pittsburgh but production at two Hyden, Ky. coal mines was tied up by 400 pickets of the United Mine Workers in the climax of a 10 month union organization drive marked by repeated violence. The CIO United Steelworkers called off a threatened walkout for at least another 29 days. The deadline for the strike was postponed to March 23-in order to give the Wage Stabilization Board time to draw up its suggested recommendation for settling the steel contract disputes 'It's Never Too Late' Talks Tense Over Issue Of Russian Inspection IJ d * *. * * THE TWO Kentucky coal p act Chiefs elicberate ew Plans LISBON -(P)- The Atlanti IA Pact ministers pondered yesterda the possibility of revamping Euro pean defense plans in the light o t the shift of Soviet pressure to Asi, Foreign, defense and financ ministers of the 14 member na tions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization met here behind closed doors to hear top-level re ports on the Soviet Union and it latest world policies. * * * U.S. SECRETARY of State Dean Aheson was reported to have told the NATO council there are good c hances for a K'orean armistice before spring. But, far from cheer ing the NATO partners, Acheson' statement was said to have stirre up fears that such an armistic will free the Communists to- un dertake new adventures else where in Asia. Reports of Increased Soviet attention there and a slacken- ing of Ruslan cold war activities In Europe caused the ministers to consider at length the possi- bility of scaling down plans for 50 to 60 European divisions by the end of 1952 and nearly double that by the end of 1954. * But there was no hint that any definite decision along these lines had been reached. The 1952 target of combat ready troops - recommended by NATO. military chiefs - was ap proved earlier yesterday by the defense ministers in a separate meeting and then was turned over for study by the full council. * r 4' THE MINISTERS put off until e today the most ticklish question facing them-the role of Wesi Germany in Europe's defenses. Then they will discuss the rela- tionship between NATO and the k European Defense Community, from whose projected six-nation European army the council hopes to get 43 divisions-including West German units-for Western defense. The key to the EDC prob- lem is West Germany's demands for equality with her partners and 1 France's fears of a rearmed former enemy nation. 'Aid in Detroit Area Called Unnecessary WASHINGTON-(1)-The bat- tle over Detroit unemployment raged on yesterday. A second spokesman for Detroit employers told the Senate Finance Committee that Detroit "unem- ployment isn't critical with re- spect to getting more jobs into Detroit., srank E. Cooper of the Michi- gan Manufacturers' Association repeated views expressed earlier by Willis H. Hall of the Detroit Board of Commerce. "Unemployment levels in Mich- Igan are not critical," Cooper told the Senators. He testified in opposition to a bill sponscred by Senator Moody (D-Mich.) which would provide a federal supplement to state un- employment compensation. Moody is scheduled to take the stand today. Hall said he was "appalled" by pits, which normally employ 60 men, -- were picketed as the result of a drive to organize Leslie and Clay counties, the last strongholds of non-unionism in the southeastern Kentucky coal fields. Dynamitings and other vio- lence accompanied the organiz- ing campaign, directed at ap- proximately 3,000 miners in the two counties, and UMW Chief- tain John L. Lewis complained that his organizers were being c subjected to a "reign of terror." y The coal operators and county - officials denied Lewis' statement, of but the FBI sent men to investi- a. gate. e Meanwhile in Washington Lewis . served notice on Congress yester- y day that "we'll think of some- d thing to do" if Federal mine safe- - ty laws are not strengthened. s The heavy-eyebrowed chief of the United Mine Workers gave no hint as to what the "something" n might be. But some immediately A thought of a work stoppage in the d oalfields. Under its contract, ,e theUMW may call for "menor- - ial" periods, during which mem- ,s hers do not work, as a tribute to d men killed in mine disasters. e IN THE STEEL controversy both - union and major steel companies had agreed to submit the contract controversy to the WSB after their negotiations deadlocked. U.S. mediators failed to break the impasse. The union wants wage in. creases of 18Y cents an hour, a guaranteed annual wage, union shop, improved premiumpay and other benefits. The Indus- try has proposed that the union forego its wage demands if steel companies give up hopes of get- ting price relief. The companies steadfastly con- tended that no wage increase can - be granted without price ad- vances to match. Belated Neighborliness SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO-(M)-Some Southwood residents have had a change of heart about the Sing Sheng family--the Chinese they told by a 174-28 vote they did not want as neighbors in the all-white residential district. This group plans to meet tonight to initiate a movement to persuade the neighborhood to reverse its stand and invite the Shengs to move into the golf-course-bordered suburb. The Shengs had made a down payment on a house there but gave it up after the anti-vote in last week's unofficial election. Mrs. Warren Mooney, a resident of the area, said the original opposition to Sheng, a 26-ear-old Pan American Airlines me- chanic and one-time Chinese Nationalist officer, stemmed from a group of persons who campaigned from door to door. Sheng said he did not know what he would do if the neigh- borhood should invite his family to return. Civilians Riot Against U.S., In Prisoners Camp Ja pan By The Associated Press Riots in a Korean and Japanese prisoners' camp climaxed a cam- paign of Communist-inspired civilian anti-American feeling this week. Communist-led Korean civilian prisoners attacked U.S. troops guarding a Koje island compound Monday. Seventy persons including one American soldier were killed and; 165 injured before the riot was quelled in intense fighting, U.S. auth- orities said today. About 1,500 civilian inmates-irate over private screening of in- --oi.y-jacK bergstrom AUTHOR GREETS CAST-Jim Kemper, '52, author of the 1952 Union Opera, "It's Never Too Late" briefs part of the newly chosen cast for hi s musical to be presented here Mar. 26, 27 and 28. His attentive listeners include (1 to r) Don Ghareeb, '54L, Jay Mills, '53, Bob Ely, '54E, Lloyd Evans, '54, Jim McGlincy, '52, and Bill Schreiner, '55. The cast is set to begin full time rehearsals today. Officials oc Union Opera Cast C Ten days of reading, singing, dancing and waiting were cli- maxed yesterday when director Fred Evans announced the leads for the 1952 Union Opera, "It's Never Too Late." The main speaking'parts in the all male musical will be played by Bob Ely, '54E, Jim McGlincy, '52. Jay Mills, '53, Sheldon Rose, Grad., and Curt Verschoor, Grad. * * * FEATURED IN the "feminine" i roles will be Don Ghareeb, '54L, Lloyd Evans, '54 SM, Bill Schrein- er, '55, and Don Strout. In releasing the cast, opera officials also revealed, for the first time, a brief outline of the Plot of "It's Never Too Late." Written by Jim Kemper, '52," the play related the adventures of Maggie Jenks, wife of a sweaterI manufacturer, who wins first prize in a radio audience partici- pation show and is promised the fulfillment of her greatest desire. Thinking her husband had be- come mixed up with an attractive secretary in his sweater factory, Maggie decides her wish is to leave him and seek an acting ca- reer in Hollywood. * *' * THE COMPLICATIONS that arise combined with the lively songs and dances Director Evans is arranging will provide one of the livliest operas in recent years, General Manager J i M. Yobst, promised. Contractors on Angell Addition Report No, Workers Overpaid Yobst announced phases of production swing for the opera. that all are in full While attornies for one con- struction firm prepared toappeal an assessment for overpayment of local brick layers, contractors for the Angell Hall addition reported they have not found over payment necessary in Ann Arbor. TOOTH TROUBLE TOLD: Letter by Washington In-C lemnents Collect ion A new way in which George Washington put the bite on the British duringuthe Revolutionary War is brought to light by a let- ter now on display in the Cle- ments Library. THIS LETTER which caused a. stir in the Red Coats' general staff was written by the General at * * * New Windsor, Conn., on May 29, 1781 and was addressed to Dr. Baker, a Philadelphia dentist: "Sir: A day or two ago I re- quested Cole Harrison to apply to you for" a pair of Pincers to fasten the wire of my teeth. I hope you furnished him with them. I now wish you would send me one of your scrapers, as my teeth, stand in need of cleaning, and I have little prospect of being in Philadelphia soon. It will come very safe by the Post and in re- turn the money shall be sent so soon as I know the cost of it." The letter did not go "very safe by post." It was captured by the British before it got to Dr. Baker, The English, puzzled by a Commander in Chief who would, be having trouble with his false teeth and take the time to write his dentist, were suspicious. UPSET OFFICIALS sent copiesj of the letter to London and other' British army units in America, apparently in an effort to break this new secret code of the Colon- ists. There is no historical indication of whether or not General Wash- ington ever received the scraper- for his teeth. But history does show that at the conference which Washington had just attended at Wethersfield, Connecticut, before writing the letter to Dr. Baker, the final phases of the American Revolutions were planned. These plans culminated in the Battle of Yorktown in the fall of The J. D. Hedin Construction Co. builders of the Veterans Ad- ministration Hospital and the Out-Patient Clnic had been ac- cused of hiring brick layers at wages over the Wage Stabilization Board local ceiling and were as- sessed '$80,000 by the Detroit branch of WSB for the violation. The case will be heard by the WSB of ice in Washington Feb. 29. * * *4 THE COMPANY claims that be- cause of the shortage of bricklay- ers in Ann Arbor, where the ceiling is $2.75 an hour, it has been forced to hire workers from Detroit where the prevailing rate is $3 an hour. However, Bryant and Detwiler, contractors for the South Quad and Angell Hall addition said yes- terday that securing bricklayers locally is no problem. They' have hired 30 new bricklayers within the past three weeks. The hearing in the second al- leged wage control violation local- ly, involving the Anchor Fireproof- ing Company, subcontractors on the Out-Patient Clinic has been delayed, pending a decision on the Hedin case. The Anchor Company is accused of paying about $60,000 in over ceiling wages to bricklay- ers. "Committees on production, scenery and costumes and promo- tions are at work readying the show for its March 26 premier at the Michigan Theatre," he said. After Ann Arbor performances March 26, 27 and 28, the cast will take to the road for orie night stands April 2 through 5 in Flint, Toledo, Detroit and Buffalo. Hatcher Slates LansingTalk President Harlan aF.Hatcher will be "happy to accept" the State Legislature's invitation to address a joint meeting of the House and Senate, it was infor- mally announced yesterday. President Hatcher will probably make an official statement today in response to the Legislature's bid. As a rule, only the governor ad- dresses the joint sessions, although Gen. Douglas MacArthur also re- ceived an invitation earlier this year. The House offered the invita- tion week ago, and the Senate confirmed it Wednesday. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Senate inves- tigators discovered yesterday that mechanics have been drawing wages at a rate of $17,000 a year on a highly secret air base project near the North Pole, while labor- ers have been earning $13,000. ** WASHINGTON - In another blast at Joseph C. Nunan and.-the Internal Revenue Bureau, Sena,- tor Williams (R-Del.) said yes- terday "not one dime" has been collected on tax claims of almost two million..dollars against four of Nunan's law clients. WASHINGTON-The Senate- House Atomic Energy Commit- tee yesterday held a secret "full dress review" of the hydrogen bomb program with the Ato- mic Energy Commission. WASHINGTON - Immediate construction has been ordered of a second type of atomic-powered engine for submarines, the Ato- mic E n e r g y Commission an- nounced yesterday. * * * NEW YORK - Gen. Douglas MacArthur issued a statement last night disclaiming any support of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's "candidacy for political office." WASHINGTON - Wayne Coy quit yesterday as Chairman of the Federal Communications Com- mission to look for a better-pay- ing job. 'Ensian Going Up One more week remains for purchasing '52 Ensians before the price is raised from $5.50 to $6.00 onaMarch 1. Yearbooks c a n b e ordered through Ensian house representa- tive by calling 2-3241, ext. 34. ternees to separate loyal South Koreans from Communists - at- tacked their guards with a vicious array of homemade weapons, ac- cording to Army officials. - They fought with steel pickets, wooden clubs, barbed wire flails, black jacks, metal tent pole spikes, iron pipe, rocks and knives. MEANWHILE, yesterday Com- munists in Tokyo and other Jap- anese cities staged the biggest series of riots and anti-American demonstrations since the outset of the occupation. Simultaneously the Peiping ra- dio broadcast what it called a Japanese Communist party mani- festo declaring the "traitorous" Japanese government "must be overthrown." * * * BEFORE ORDER was restored at nightfall, thousands of Jap- anese Communists and sympathiz- ers had stormed through Tokyo's streets. They battled police with rocks, tear gas bombs and fists. At least 14 Japanese police- men had been injured. Approxi- mately 11,300 policemen were mobilized. Few arrests were made, however. The chief of the metropolitan police board, told a news confer- ence the rioting probably was "a Red test of training and discipline among the ranks." MSC Hockey Allies Blame Difficulties On Moscow Stalemate Hits All Other Points MUNSAN, Korea, Feb. 22 ()- Communist insistence on Russia as a "neutral" inspector tightened the Korean true talk deadlock yes- terday, and an Allied broadcast laid the blame on Moscow. In the gloomy atmosphere of fresh stalemates, staff officers agreed to return to the conference tents of Panmunjom at 11 a.m. (9 p.m. today, Ann Arbor time), ttry again. THE UNITED Nations staff of- ficers for the first time yesterday told the Communists why Russia is unacceptable as one of six neu- tral nations which would provide teams for supervising an armi- stice.' It was Russia's "record of past participation" in Korea. While this was not elaborated, it was obviously a reference to Russia's arming of the North Koreans for the war and its sup- ply of guns, tanks and planes that have been flowing since into the conflict. Communist staff officers in re- ply argued that Russia was for peace and that the UN command position was without logic. In the shadow of the debate over Russia, no progress was made in the talks on item three-super- vision of a truce. The Communists held firm to their figure of a maximum of 30,000 troops to be rotated by each side monthly. The Allies have scaled down their figure to 35,000 and seem unwilling to compromise further. In the fighting war helicopters, dodging Communist fire, rescued a trapped Allied patrol on the snowy eastern battlefront yesterday while-. reinforcements drove off a Korean Communist ambush party. U.S. Eighth Army headquarters said Allied artillery silenced an intense stream of Communist small arms and mortar fire which had pinned the patrol to the ground for more than three hours. Two, groups of reinforcements were sent to the aid of the am- buhed patrol.. The first was pinned down until artillery cleared out the North Korean amuscade. When the second group of rein- forcements arrived the Reds were in retreat. The action took place west of Kansong where the Reds lay in wait along the Nam River The' patrol was described as small. Reds Blamed For Mexican Pact Failure TripPlanned, TrL Tickets for a special student cut-rate trip to the Michigan- Michigan State hockey game Feb. 29 will be on sale from 8 to 10:30 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Coliseum. Sales on the $2.90 ducats will continue from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 25 to 28 at the Administration Bldg. The price includes game and transportation costs. The bus will leave at 5:45 p.m. from th1e Union and will leave the MSC Union at 11 p.m. Special 1:30 a.m. late permission has been granted women making the trip. KOREAN PLASMA NEED URGENT: Drive for Blood To Begin March 10 By MARGE SHEPHERD Stressing the desperate need for reserve blood for defense pur- poses, Joseph H. Fee, assistant to the dean of students, yesterday urged all eligible students to sign pledges for the all-campus blood donation drive Mar. 10 to 21. "Every blood donation made on campus contributes to fulfilling the urgent demand for whole blood and plasma in Korea," he said. The local drive is a small but significant part of the tremendous na- tional defense program, he added. ,'. * * THUS FAR IN THE DRIVE for pledges only about 200 cards have been received from 44 different distribution points.' Pledge cards for faculty members are available in University ydepartmentsand offices and may be secured by studentsfrom "-----"-------- """ I CONSENT OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN Ii I hereby give my consent for Name to donate blood to the University of Michigan Blo6d Drive. I I :1 S(Parent or guardian) 11 AddressI . MEXICO CITY-('P)-Mexicos small Communist party appeared last night to have sabotaged Uni- ted States efforts to reach an agreement with Mexico on nili- tary aid. The U.S. mission on the arms project left for Washington and the Mexican foreign office issued a statement saying the talks had ended. THE MISSION came here a month ago in an effort to arrange for sending arms to Mexico in re- turn for a strong public Mexican stand against Communism. But the talks coincided with the presidential election cam- paign in Mexico in which the government is more than or- dinarily sensitive to Red party criticism. The party has only 30,000 to 40,000 members in Mexico among 5,500,000 voters but in election year its weight is out of propor- tion to size. *. * * ALTHOUGH the talks were only suspended, it is improbable that they will be renewed before -Daily-Cal samra Gen. Ike' Enters OregonPrimary WASHINGTON - (MP-- The rI