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February 21, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-21

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Np. 94





SL Raps Ending
'Of Marital Series
Hit 'U' Administration 'Influence'
In Discontinuing Lecture Course
Highly critical over the way University officials "used their in-
fluence" on the Marriage Lecture Committee, Student Legislature
last night moved to recommend continuing the recently suspended
marriage lecture series.
More incensed over the methods of the Committee than the
cancellation of the lectures, several legislators maintained the sup-
port of several student representatives for the lectures did not warrant
the sudden decision.
THE SERIES was discontinued last Thursday at a meeting of
the faculty-studded committee because of an alleged lack of interest.
* * * OSL Vice-President Bob Baker, '52,

Hours' Halt
R ightsVote
r Student Legislature came close
to asserting women's rights on
the athletic board last night, but
their efforts were snafued by the
10:30 p.m. curfew for women.
Just prior to the sudden ad-
journment, the group was getting
set to vote on a motion by Mike
McNerney, '53, which would re-
quest the Board of Regents to al-
low women to vote for, and serve
as members of the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics.
The measure seemed sure of ap-
* * *
AT PRESENT, only male stu-
dents serve on and vote for the
board, as provided in the Regents'
by-laws. However, all University
students contribute, through their
tuition, $3.50 to the ,.athletic
This condition was termed by
McNerney as a clear case of
' "taxation without representa-
tion," He also claimed 'athle-
tic board funds certainly do not
go primarily for men's activi.
ties," pointing to. Athletic Di.
rector H. O. (Fritz) Crisler's
salary and a retirement fund
for Mrs. Fielding Yost.
An amendment proposed by Bob
Baker, '52, and passed by the leg.
islature, also would have the Re-
gents discontinue the policy of
allowing the student manager of
athletic teams to endorse can-
Senate Arms
Passes UMT
WASHINGTON - ()- Univer-
sal Military Training for 18-year-
olds moved a long stride nearer
reality yesterday.
By a 12 to 0 vote, the Senate
Armed Services Committee ap-
proved a bil to permit the start of
UMT before the end of the year.
committee earlier had approved a
}similar measure, and theHouse is
scheduled to begin debate on it
next Thursday. Sen. Russell (D-
!Ga.), Chairman of the Senate
committee, said the Senate prob
ably will delay action on its bill
luntil the House has acted.
While the bills are similar,
there are some differences to be
worked out if each house passes
the, legislation. One provision of
the Senate bill is designed to
force an eventual reduction in
the strength of the regular
Army, Navy, Air Force and
This requires the secretary of
defense to make semi-annual re-
ductions in the regular Armed
#"orces as soon as 300,000 youths
have completed the required six
months of basic training and go
Into the reserves. The reductions
would be on the basis of one
regular for every three trainees.
Sen. Russell estimated this
eventually could lead to a reduc-
4tion from, a present planned
'trength of 3,640,000 to 2,006,000.
But he said it probably will be five
or six years before enough reserves
could be trained t bring about
such a major reduction.
Campus Taft Club
' *r _ - dPO .

who attended the meeting, said
the announcement was made by
Chairman Eric Walter, dean of
students, after he had polled both
student and faculty members.
There were no protests at the
The chairman's decision,
Baker related, came after a re-
port from Social Director of
Women, Ethel McCormick. Miss
McCormick reported, Baker said,
that women showed "little inter-
est" in the program.
Miss McCormick based her claim
on a poll of the League's Board
of Representatives, Baker contin-
ued. She reported at the meeting
that 95 women voted against
continuing the series, he added.
However, Baker maintained,
minutes of the board meeting
showed that 13 voted favorably.
This brought an immediate
protest from legislator Mary Jo
Downer, '54, who maintained
that no vote was taken against
the ipeasure, it being assumed
that all of the other representa-
tives were opposed.
Janet Netzer, '54, representing
the League, then rose to maintain
that though she did not attend
the board meeting she knew the
board had polled .women's resi-
dences and found that there was
little support. -
This condition, Miss Netzer
claimed, was due to the general
and impersonal technique used by
the lecturers, which did not per-
mit the airing of more personal
* * *.
IMMEDIATELY, Baker main-
tained that people attending the
lectures had filled out question-
naires, showing their approval of
the course.
SL Treasurer Phil Berry, '52
BAd, said that "it was a dis-
graceful way for a University
committee to handle a subject.
The students were mildly in fa.
vor of it," he claimed, but high-
handed administrative tech-
niques defeated the series.
In other SL action, Bob Ely,
'54E, and Bill Jentes, '53, were
named, to vacant seats. Ruth
Rossner, '52, was named head of
the office staff of the new Ad-
ministrative Wing.

HST Blasts
Of Immunity
Denies Promising
Men To England
WASHINGTON - () - Presi-
dent Truman said yesterday a
House group's refusal to give
Newbold Morris power to grant
immunity to witnesses in investi-
gating Government corruption
would hamper the inquiry.
He told a news conference he
assumed full responsibility for
recommending such a grant of
powerito the special "clean-up"
investigator and the Administra-
tion has nothing to cover up.
* * *
AT THE SAME conference,
Truman denied making any se-
cret commitment to Britain's
Prime Minister Churchill to send
U.S. troops anywhere in the
The President's denial came
after the House of Representa-
tives demanded in a formal
resolution that he furnish "full
and complete information" on
any such commitments he might
,have made in his talks with
Churchill last month.
This resolution wasn't binding
on Mr. Truman.
- And when reporters asked him
about it at his weekly news con-
ference he declined comment,
saying the resolution hadn't
reached him officially.
However, following the confer-
ene the President told a report-
er he had not committed this
country to send troops anywhere
in the world, without reference to
the House resolution.
*' * *
CONCERNING the immunity
question, Mr. Truman added that
without power Morris would be
prevented from doing the bang-up
job that both he and Congress
Morris had not requested such
power, but had sought authority
to subpoena witnesses and docu-
ments which the President also
The House Judiciary Committee
voted unanimously Tuesday
against giving Morris power to
grant witnesses iimmunity from
prosecution for testimony that
might otherwise incriminate them.
The President explained fur-
ther his immunity request by
saying whenever there is an in-
vestigation by a grand jury the
man who testifies to help catch
a criminal is granted immunity.
Earlier in the day, the President
issued an executive order formally
giving Morris authority to require,
among other things, any Govern-
ment employe to give testimony at
the inquiry and all Government
departments and agencies to sup-
ply information and personnel
Morris might request.
Mr. Truman also announced he
had set up a special commission,
headed by famed flyer James H.
Doolittle, to investigate the recent
wave of air crashes at Elizabeth,

Korean Lull

Two Tugs
Tow Broken
Ships Home


Study Underway

G.I.'S PAUSE-Two G.I.'s rest during a lull in the Korean
ground battle as the fight continues in the skies. In the four days
of blazing air action in which the Reds have thrown in as many
as 300 jets in one day, jet pilots have shot down eight MIG's.

IFC Reports,


s Renew Cry
Russian Seat



Registered for Rushing

A total of 327 men registered
for Spring semester rushing, the
Interfraternity Council Executive
Committee was told at its regular
meeting last night.
The figure is above a rough es-
timate of the number of men ne-
cessary for all houses to open next
Worid News
By The Associated Press
NEW ORLEANS-Louisiana re-
belled against Gov. Earl Long
yesterday and swept into the gov-
ernor's office Robert Herron, a
homespun country judge who
flayed "Longism" and voiced dis-
like of Mr. Truman.
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man yesterday ordered the assign-
ment of draft-eligible conscienti-
ous objectors to 24 months of
consecutive work in civilian capa-
cities approved by their draft
DENVER-Representatives of
22 unions in the oil industry
met here yesterday to set a date
for a strike to back up demands
for a wage increase.
WASHINGTON -- The Defense
Department announced yesterday
a new total for American battle
casualties in Korea-105,841.
BONN, Germany -- Deputy
Franz Richter, a leader of the
Nazi-like Socialist Reich Party,
w a s arrested yesterday on
charges that he won election to
parliament under false name.
James W. Curran, one of the Do-
minion's best-known newspaper-
men, died here yesterday after an
illness of several years.
Big 3 To Let
Bonn Make
War Material
BONN, Germany-(MP)-The Big
Three Western powers have agreed
to let West Germany start making
weapons-baring such things as
atomic bombs, guided missiles and
battleships-when she enters the
European Defense Community,
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, said
last night.
Back from the Big Three For-
eign Ministers' meeting in London,
Adenauer announced the Germans
also will be permitted to resume
atomic and bacteriological re-
search though weapons of that
kind are out.
The authorization takes ef-
fect when West Germany rati-
fies its membership in the six-
nation EDC and the proposed
unified European Army, he said.
That may be some months away.

year, compiled by the IFC from
data provided by individual house
rushing chairmen.
* * *
HOWEVER, NO valid conclu-
sions can be drawn from this
number, according to Pete Thorpe,
'52, IFC R u s h i n g Committee
.Chairman. The actual condition
of fraternities is dependent upon
the number of men who pledge
and the financial support expect-
ed from alumni in maintaining
the chapter, among other consid-
Actually, 347 men registered,
but twenty were disqualified
because they failed to meet
scholarship requirements set up
by the fraternities.
The rushing total shows a drop
from the number of men that
rushed last spring when 393 reg-
istered. The latter figure is also
lower than the one for Spring,
1950, which 426 men rushed.
However, according to Joseph
H. Fee, Assistant to the Dean of
Students, the drop is consistant
with the lowering in University
A rushing violation was also
considered by the Executive Com-
mittee, and a $50 fine levied.
Formal rushing will continue
for the rest of the week with
lunches and smokers until 9 p.m.
today, and rushing to 6 p.m. to-
morrow and Saturday. There will
be no rushing Sunday.
Sub-Group Asks
For Hiss Memos
Internal Security Subcommittee,
probing for any subversive influ-
ences on American policy in the
Far East, decided yesterday to ask
the State Department for hand-
written notes taken at the 1945
Yalta Conference by Alger Hiss.
Sen. Watkins (R-Utah) directed
the action during testimony by
Edna Fluegel, former State De-
partment employe. She testified
that in 1948 she had been given
access to notes Hiss took at the
Yalta Conference attended by the
late President Roosevelt, Prime
Minister Churchill and Marshall

By Coast Guard
BOSTON-(P)-Two tugs start-
ed towing the stern section of the
storm-broken Fort Mercer toward
land late yesterday.
The hulk has 13 seamen pass-
engers aboard.
THE COAST Guard received a
message at 4:45 p.m. (EST) that
the tow was under way off Cape
Cod. Two tugs, the Foundation
Josephine and the M. Moran, took
the derelect section in tow, bound
in the direction of Nantucket
At the New York office of the
Moran Towing and Transporta-
tion Co., Inc., owners of the M.'
Moran, it was said the course
of the tow would be to Block
Island, R.I., since that was con-
sidered less risky than to Boston
direct. It was considered pos-
sible the ultimate destination
would be New York.
The tug Ocean Prince was
standing by and the Coast Guard
cutter Eastwind was escorting the
got a line abroad the stricken
stern section in midafternoon.
Shortly after, the Moran trans-
ferred medical supplies from the.
cutter to the stern hulk.
The 13 aboard Were the last
of 84 men who were on the Mer-
cer and another tanker, the
Pendleton, when a northeaster
cracked them both in two Sun-
day night and Monday. They
stayed aboard to help in sal-
vage attempts; 21 of their com-
panions had been removed ear-
Six men were killed in the bat-
tle with the elements, eight were
missing and presumed dead, and
57 were rescued.
WHILE THE latest chapter in
the drama of the seas was being
written at a point about 90 miles
east southeast of Nantucket Is-
land, a Coast Guard investigation
in Boston heard testimony from
crewmen of the Pendleton.
James M. Young, Galveston,
Tex., chief pumpman, said the
tanker had "a bad three-way
fracture in the bulkhead be-
tween the No. 4 starboard and
center tanks" when he inspect-
ed her in drydock last month.
Decla"re War
Weary of small potato combat-
plastering passing cars w i t h
snowballs-the lads of University
Elementary School yesterday de-
clared war on campus military
and naval forces.
Spurred on by the cold-blooded
retaliation of East Quadders re-
turning from ROTC drilling, the
band of courageous kids made dis-
organized charges across E. Uni-
versity to flush the cowardly Uni-
versity students out from behind
parked cars.
Despite the arrival of NROTC
reinforcements, the youths, prod-
ding before them a four-year-old
curly-headed moll as a shield,
eventually reached the walls of
the East Quad. Drunk with suc-
cess, they spared neither woman
nor oldster as they threw at
everything that moved until irri-
tated mothers arrived to corral
them home for supper.

MEANWHILE, U.S. jet pilots
yesterday shot down two of about
200 MIG-15 jets which the Com-
munists sent into the skies of
northwest Korea. Five other MIGs
were damaged.
It was the eighth kil lin four
days of blazing air action that
has seen the Reds in one day
throw in as many as 300 jets
from Manchuria. Allied losses, if
any, will be given in a weekly
Fighter-bombers cut Red rail'
lines in 68 places, ripping up the
tracks running down from Man-
churia to Pyongyang, North Kor-
ean capital.
* * *
ALLIED infantrymen shifted
their probing attacks from the
central to the western front yes-
terday. One raiding party killed
20 Chinese northeast of Panmun-
jom, the armistice conference
Another brief fight developed
farther east, where another Al-
lied raider outfit tangled with
Chinese west of Chorwon. Ac-
tion fell off on the central and
eastern fronts. The mercury
dropped to around zero at some
places after several days of
spring-like weather.
In Tokyo the "Voic of the
United Nations Command" radio
in a broadcast to Korea accused
the Communists of deliberately
stalling for time under orders.
The Allied broadcast said the
Reds were "thunderstruck" by
swift Allied acceptance Tuesday
of Red recommendations for a
post-armistice political confer-
At yesterday's staff officers'
meeting the Reds refused to be
diverted from their campaign
for acceptance of Russia as a
Korean "neutral" inspector.
The UN command tried to speed
up progress on truce supervision
by cutting its requirement for
troop rotation from 40,000 to
35,000 monthly during a truce. The
Reds want a limit of 30,000 rotat-
The Reds immediately turned
turned thumbs down on the Al-
lied compromise, saying no re-
quirement exists for the UN to ro-
tate its personnel at this rate.
Angrily, Col. Don O. Darrow,
chief UN staff officer, told the.
Communists that if they had no
intention of making any pro-
gress the meeting might as well
adjourn for the day.
The Communists refused and
pressed their support of Russia.
Since Sunday the UN command
has turned down the Red nomi-
nation of the Soviet Union as "not
acceptable" on the grounds that
both sides had agreed the six
neutral nations invited to serve in
Korea must be agreeable to both

M~etal Quota,
Cut by NPA
WASHINGTON - (A) - Makers
of most important household ap-
pliances yesterday faced new pro-
duction cuts as their copper and
aluminum supplies were trimned
14 per cent, starting April 1.
But the National Production
Authority, in announcing second-
quarter quotas, came to ,the aid
of hard-hit firms which produce
"less essential" items such as cos-
tume jewelry. It announced that
their lean metals supply was be-
ing fattened.
Fowler said that NPA, by making
the supply more uniform for all,
hopes to minimize the number of
firms "which otherwise might
have to shut down."
If the curtailment of metals
for household appliances threat-
ens to cause "serious shortages
in essential consumer goods,
such as refrigerators, ranges,
washers and vacuum cleaners--
Fowler said NPA stands ready
to provide relief.
Supplies were boosted substan-
tially, on the other hand, for the
makers of venetian blinds, cigar-
ette lighters, costume jewelry and
other so-called "less-essentials."
These lines now are getting as
little as 10 per cent of their pre-
Korea copper and 20 per cent of
Mo rris'Law
Partner Cited
WASHINGTON -- () - Jdseph
E. Casey testified yesterday a
high-speed deal in which he and
two friends made $450,000 on a
$1,000 investment in surplus ships
was born in the law offices of a
partner of Newbold Morris, chief
detective of President Truman's
anti-corruption drive.
The project was quickly blessed
by the old U.S. Maritime Commis-
sion, Casey told the Senate Inves-
tigations Subcommittee, and from
then on things moved so fast that
"I was puzzled by it, too."
CASEY IS AN affluent Wash-
ingtoh lawyer and former Demo-
cratic member of the House from
He testified it was in the New
York office of Houston W. Was-
son, Morris' partner, that he
first learned that substantial
profits were possible and that a
decision was made to launch
the complicated transaction.
Subsequently, he said, the Com-
mission authorized the sale of
three war surplus tankers to a
corporation headed by Casey be,
fore the new firm actually was
Casey stated the authorization
was recorded in official records
as a formal Commission action,
although he expressed doubt that
the Commission actually held a
meeting to consider it.
Casey acknowledged that he
had not given a full disclosure of
facts to a subordinate Commission

On Truce Group
Eight Red Fighters Brought Down
In Four Days of Fierce Air Battle
MUNSAN, Korean, Thursday, Feb. 21-(R )-The UN com-
mand told the Reds today that Russia was not acceptable as a
neutral truce observer because she has "a record of past partici-
pation in Korea."
MUNSAN, Korea, Thursday, Feb. 21-(A')-The Communists in
a loud propaganda outcry yesterday demanded the United Nations
command accept Russia as a "neutral" to help supervise the Korean
At the same time the Red Peiping radio rapped the Allied nomi-
nation of Norway and Sweeden to a six-nation neutral supervisory
organ for policing a truce.
"* * sA

Norway's SingingBoys
g~ w. ~' I - '--w
' LlA A 1 ' 1 U '"~si! re tea E N 53MEV'

Despite the lure of American
bubble gum, yo-yos, paper match
covers and neon signs, the 60
Singing Boys of Norway who ap-
peared at Hill Auditorium last
night still think there's no place
like home.
The current tour of America,
which marks their 25th anniver-
sary as an organization, is the
first look at this country for the
entire group of boys, who range
in age from 12 to 25.
ALTHOUGH THE lads are im-
pressed with everything in the
United States from the New York
skyscrapers to yo-yos, few will ad-
mit that anything here is better
than in Norway-evefi though it
may be bigger. Noted exception:
the coke, which all eagerly drink
whenever allowed.
Because the bass and tenor
parts are sung by boys from 19
to 25 who were formerly so-
pranos in the choir, many have
had college educations. The boys
report that our educational fa-
cilities are far superior to those

rccarti our
Anld admitted he and the other
boys have missed skiing and other
winter sports they enjoy in Nor-
way. All the lads keep close track
of Norway's progress in the Win-
ter Olympics and constantly tease
the American managers who tra-
vel with them about America's in-
ferior showing.


, Another fair-haired lad could-
n't understand why American
boys would object to girl's wear-
ing knee socks, explaining that
everyone in Norway did.
Biggest objects of fascination
for the younger boys are paper
match covers. Norway has only
the wooden boxed matches. All
have accumulated extensive col-
lections illustrated with every-
thing from places they have stay-
ed to American glamour girls.
Another favorite pastime is
taking photographs to show their
friends at home. The boys were
particularly impressed by the
elaborate buildings and the vast
amount of commercial advertising
they have seen. Neon signs, wa-
ter guns and bubble gum have

NATO Faces Tough Going--A cheson

LISBON, Portugal - P) - A
grave-faced Dean Aches.on told the
Atlantic allies, opening their ninth
council session yesterday: "We
must take actions that will strain
all of us to the utmost."
"It is a task for governments
and for peoples," the U.S. secre-
tary of state said. "We must de-
velop the concrete military
strength which alone can insure
our people against the destruction

He blasted Spain's exclusion asS
a strategic absurdity, and said de-
fense of the Iberian Peninsula was
indivisible from European security.
' * *
W. AVERILL Harriman, chair-
man of the temporary council
committee, submitted a resolution
to the NATO powers containing
concrete proposals for achieving a
"maximum of combat-ready forces
in 1952 on a balanced collective

But he declared the creation of
the European Defense Community
(EDC), the diplomatic name for
a European army uniting Germans
and French with the soldiers of
four other nations, "has been
brought to a point where the ap-
proval of this council for its form
and authority can be obtained."
The planners look"for the Ger.
mans to provide 12 divisions in
this force. Acheson was fresh

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