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February 18, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-18

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Prof. Slosson Leads Busy
LifeAway from Classes





Prof. Preston Slosson of the
history department is one out-
standing exception to the old
adage that history professors are
dull and uninteresting.
THERE ARE few students who
do not recognize him when he
walks on campus. His long grey
hair showing from under an old
felt hat, inveterate brief case in
hand, and slightly slouched walk
set him apart and make him an
object of interest and fascination.
Many students: have even
known him to read a book as he
walked, glancing up only before
crossing the street.
Almost 15,000 students have
known Prof. Slosson through
his history lectures during the
30 years he has been teaching
here. They respect him for his
vast store of knowledge, and are
slightly overawed by the fact
that he never uses notes.
Perhaps even more students
know him, however, for his wil-
lingness to rise to any occasion to
defend the principles he believes
BORN IN 1892 in Laramie, Wyo-
ming, Prof. Slosson spent his first
11 years in the Rocky Mountains,
and then moved to New York City.
His father, Edwin Slosson,
and his mother, Mae Slosson,
were both famous people, giv-
ing him a heritage which he
has not failed to live up to. His
father, a well-known chemist
wrote about 12 books on chem-
istry and philosophy, while his
mother was the first woman
PhD in the country.
Before coming to the Univer-
sity in 1921, he attended Colum-
bia University, where he received
his doctorate in history in 1916.
During the Peace Conference in
1919, the young graduate was
sent to Paris by the U.S. govern-
ment as assistant librarian. .Al-
though the complete document
contains a total of 80,000 words,
Prof. Slosson only takes credit
for one, which he suggested as a
change in wording to his superior.
4,* *
University, Prof. Slosson has com-
bined a variety of interests. Since
1941 he has done professional radio
broadcasts for both the Univer-

-Daily-Welling Squier er.
LATEST BOOK-Prof. Slosson, seated at the desk in his home
study, is in the midst of writing a new history text. At present Bus Ad Text
he isalso revising several books he has written previously.B sAd T x
sity and private companies. In most excitement on the campus P rinted A gain
interpreting the news on the was the Slosson-Phillips debate
radio as, in his lectures, Prof. in a State Street restaurant.
Slosson never uses a script. The Slossons still treasure a A third edition of "The Stock
His numerous writings, which wire recording of this debate at Market" by Prof. William J. Eite-
have made him a 'nationally their home. man of the School of Business Ad-
known figure,' include about a A staunch Democrat, Prof. Slos- ministration and Prof. Charles A
dozen history books, many of son also dabbles in politics. In Dice of the Ohio State Univer-
which are used as texts all over 1948 he ran for congress in the sity's College of Commerce has
the country. One book, written 2nd Congressional district of just been published.
by his wife and himself, is the Michigan. Although defeated, he Covering the history, organiza-
first American history text still makes his views known by tion, and operations of the stock
written especially for British numerous letters to congressmen markets in great detail, the work
schools. and newspapers. is a widely used text.
THE *OSSO S ina b- The latest edition has been re-
Another book, however, is re- THE SLOSSONS live in a rsamb- dasb
membered especially by the pro- ling home on Devonshire Road. eedsto include latest statistics,
fessor. As a sophomore in college A close-knit family, the household meths, and material and in-
he wrote a philosophy book which includes four daughters, two sons- cludes moreillustrative graph
his father paid $300 to have pub- in-law and four grandchildren in than previous editions.
lished: addition to the professor and his
Todate eight copies have been wife. r Last Day To Pick
sold. He proudly displays four
*ld scrapbooks, recording all the Up Unsold Books
BUT PROF. SLOSSON'S favor- events of his career so far. Here
ite occupation, which has lasted he pastes in all "pan-mail,"
since college days, is debate. He "fan-mail", newspaper articles, Today is the last day for uick-
has debated some of the most letters, pictures and even some ing up unsold books and checks
controversial figures in the coun- of his own commentaries writ- for sold books at the Student Leg-
try, such as Gerald L.K. Smith, ten some years ago on what he islature Book Exchange.
Scott Nearing and Laurence Den- likes and dislikes about women, The exchange will be oper
nis. food, architecture, art and from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Rm
The debate which raised the music. 13K of the Union.







The following men have officially registered with the IFC and are
eligible for pledging this semester:

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3oseph Alferl
Richard Allan
Julian Allen
Lloyd Anderson
August Andre
William Andrews
Curtis Atkisson
Gerald Avirn
Fred Baer
Charles Barnhart
Paul Barrows
Jerry Bassler
George Beauchamp
Ross Bechard
Bob Bell
Bob Bergner
Stanley Bernstein
Mac Beth
Joseph Bicknell
Edward Bitzer
Bruce Bjorseth
Walter Boland
Stanley Bohrer
Norm Borgerson
John Borrowman
William Brasher
Jere Brophy
Gordon Brooks
Don Browne
Richard Buck
Elliot Burd
Denzer Burke
Malcolm Campbell
Ross Campbell
Austin Chapman
Charles Chavarria
Bob Chigrinsky
Bob Clapham
Allan Clark
Ross Coates
Edward Chodoroff
Seth Colodney
Carl Corneliuson
Jose Correa
Jack Cox
George Croasdale
Ralph Cross
Gorman Culver
Daniel Curts
Robert Daniels
Francis Dawson
Maurice Decoster
Ron Deng, Jr.
Deane Dixon
Robert Dombrowski

Doi Drake
James Dreyer
Carl Dubac
Don Dugger
Gabriel Duzana
Don Eaddy
Jay Edelson
Richard Ernst
Albert Fey
Peter Fletcher
Richard Fiegel
Tom Forgacs
Charles Forrest
William Fox
David Frank
Louis Freybyler
Laurence Friedman
Howard Frisinger
Carl Fuchs
Paul Geiger
John Gelder
Bob Gold
Jason Good
Robert Goodwin
Gerald Gordon
Hugh Gouldthorpe
John Grant
Paul Groffsky
John Hammond
Don Hanley
Eugene Hartwig
Don Head
James Hellenberg
George Hellwarth
Robert Henderson
John Henkel
Fred Hertel
Fred Hicks
William Hill
Carl Hinrichs
Gerald Hollis
Bob Hoydic
Richard Hulstrand
David Huthwaite
Earl Jacobs
Phil Jacobus
Joe Jefferis
Stephan Jelin
Robert Jewett
Aloysius Jones
Tom Jordan
Joe Kaplan
Robert Karp
Ted Kaufman
Larry Keenan
Bob Kessler



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