UR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1952 II U I . I F. German Rearm'ament A Fused Magazine "What's The Big-Brother Routine Today, Chief?" THE DECISION of the Big Three minis- ters Sunday to bar Germany temporar- ily from full membership in the North Atlan- tic Treaty Organization is an example of the selfish nationalism which may prevent any international army in Europe. There was also evidence of a spirit of reticent concession to one of the most important nations in western Europe. The Germans, who have been a subject race since the end of the war, showed their strongly independent tendencies earlier this month when they demanded certain condi- tions before they would provide troops for a Western army. They asked for: 1) The freeing of all war criminals except those wiose crimes were "in the convention- al sense of the word." 2) A guarantee of full membership in NA- TO sometime, in the future. 3) A pledge from France that she would not "prejudice" the settlement of the cur- rent Saar crisis. 4) The lifting of Allied controls on atomic experiments, war production and German cartels. With these demands in mind Dean Ach- eson, Robert Schuman and Anthony Eden meet in London to try to prevent pre-war rivalries from disrupting the tenuous post- war peace. Their answer to Chancellor Konrad Adenaer's Bonn government can hardly be satisfying to the Germans. They asked that Germany accept mem- bership in a European army, implying that avoice in NATO decisions would come later as a natural development. The supposed merit of this plan is that it would show that Germany is willing to cooperate with the West, subjecting its national aims to the general benefit of all Europe. In the eyes of the Germans, however, this plan will probably serve as further evidence that the Allies have no intentions of relin- quishing their hold over Germany. The French in particular, in line with their age-old tradition, have been especially chary about allowing their neighbors to the east any military power. At the present time, with the resources of France in a deplorable state, their position is understandable In a strictly national sense. Yet it is this feeling of na- tionality, as opposed to an international viewpoint, that is theoretically in the po-' cess of elimination. In a spirit of semi-acquiescense to the German demands the Big Three decided to allow Germany a seat on a proposed four- power appeal board that would have the authority to review and modify the sen- tences of more than 1,000 war criminals now serving prison terms. Of the third and fourth conditions brought up by the Bun destag at Bonn little or nothing was said. From all this we can only deduce that the western powers, including Germany, have not yet reached that stage of thought where complete cooperation is possible. Personal in. terests and fears were still in evidence both in the Bonn debates earlier this month and at the London conference Sunday. Until all nations concerned have broadened their viewpoints and have, begun to think in terms of the whole free world we can expect little better than the makeshift plans and deci- sions that were the result of this latest for- eign ministers' meeting. -Tom Arp Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: SID KLAUS MUSIC T HE BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET clos- ed the Twelfth Annual Chamber Music festival Sunday afternoon with an unpreten- tious, essentially light-hearted program which gave the experienced instrumentalists few problems. The opening quartet, one of Beethoven's early works, is by its structure more pre- cise than profound, more graceful than P o e t i c, but nevertheless Beethoven throughout. The precision and a sort of sophisticated gaiety were both present in the Budapest's performance. But even though their study was admirably con- scientious, with perfect attacks and releas- es and harmonious ensemble playing, their interpretation, perhaps meant to agree with the work's immature qualities, was too consciously played down. The opening movement seemed a bit stilted, and the adagio cantabile, particularly with the first violin, could have been more lyric. Samuel Barber's B minor quartet was the focal point if not the highlight of the con- cert. Despite the almost macabre opening measures, its generally romantic harmonic concept sometimes reminiscent of Sibelius proved to be in keeping with the easy-to- Pro .. . HERE IS REALLY nothing wrong with the two magazines on campus. For the 3,000 students who can appreciate esoteric poetry mixed with 16 pages of music, Gen- eration is an ideal publication. And "Who Stole My Dinosaur" seems to satisfy the 5,000 humor-hungry readers of Gargoye Yet, though you can't make all the peo- ple happy all the time, there would be more people happily parting with their two bits if presented with a publication containing elements of both art and hum- or. This could be done by a simple fusion of Generation and Gargoyle into one maga- zine. The idea of an art-humor magazine is nothing revolutionary in itself. Many schools have adopted it with varied degrees of success. Here are several reasons why it could work here: 1. In a step such as this, compromises on the part of both parties would have to take place. Compromise is not always a necessary evil-in this case it could produce vitally positive results. Most of the tradi- tional smut appearing in Gargoyle would have to give way and some of the conscious artiness for which Generation is criticized would also have to be modified. Thus a well balanced publication plus a high literary standard could be set up as humorists and artists blend their products. 2. The dual function of any student pub- lication is to provide a training experience for its staff. Though many of the staffers are there just for the creative effort there are also those who will enter professional magazine work. In the case of Gargoyle or any other humor magazine, it is a type of publication which doesn't exist outside of college campuses. There are no profes- sional pure humor magazines. Thus a more realistic training could be offered on a more general type publication, perhaps something like the New Yorker which blends humor with literary endeavor. Also more talent could be drawn from the part of the student body which writes well but neither has a terrific sense of humor nor wins Hoijwood Awards.. 3. From an economic standpoint a general art-humor magazine would be a sound pros- pect. It is obviously cheaper to publish one magazine than two. And it is equally ob- vious that students might go without lunch to buy one magazine but would be reluctant to miss supper besides for another. Though the quality-of a magazine does not neces- sarily depend on its circulation, being in the red for any length of time never is much of an asset. 4. The actual transition from two maga- zines to one would not be too difficult to achieve. Both publications are situated in one room on the first floor of the Stu- dent Publications Building, so no physical disruption would be necessary. Being in close contact with each other, a combina- tion of staffs could be achieved quite nat- urally and with a minimum of conflict. From all angles this step would seem to be a pretty sound bet. And though immediate action is too much to hope for, an unbiased consideration of the idea should be bene- ficial to both Gargoyle, Generation, and students. _-Jan_ inn Local Electionl SINCERE advocates of honest government have been hopeing that the recent ex- posures of political corruption will result in an increased public determination to clean the soiled character of our public official- dom. If the sparce turnout in yesterday's primary election in Ann Arbor is an in- dication of political behavior elsewhere, the prospects look dim indeed. At stake were the Democratic Party nomination for City Councilman in two wards and the Republican nomination in a third ward.' The total sum of votes cast in the three wards from 8 a.m. to noon amounted to 61 (a figure which could have been at- tained if only the members of the can- didates families voted) and by the end of balloting the total had reached 609. The primary election is an essential com- plement to the regular electoral process. It is the voters' sole opportunity to mold the nature of political parties and prevent cor- xupt machines from entrenching them- selves within their ranks. Senator Kefauver said in a speech last week that the tone of public service is de- termined in the locality-the local unit of government. Ann Arbor is a favored city. Its residents have the opportunity to come in contact with some of the greatest minds of the generation and to become acquainte with political problems, if my no other means, at least through University spon- sored public lectures. If the inhabitants of such a municipality are as complacent about the status of local government (and incidentally turnouts at state and national primaries seldom demonstrate much more public enthusiasm) as was shown yesterday, what right do we have to be shocked at public scandals? In a democracy such as ours elected of- ficials are responsible to the electorate. If the people chose not to make use of the various means at their disposal for con- trolling the character of their public serv- ants no amount of investigations, prose- cutions and dismissals will elevate Ameri- Col... THE PROPOSALto combine an arts mag- azine with a humor magazine has crop- ped up before. In fact, when the Gargoyle returned to campus following World War II it was just that type of book. At this time, and until the time when Generation 'made its appearance, the Gargoyle was a finan- cial, and in many respects, an artistic fail- ure. However, when Generation was con- ceived, a competent board of faculty and student judges was set up, able to devote their full time to the selection of the best in student art-a thing that the harried Garg editors had had neither the time nor the qualifications to do. A combined magazine of the sort pro- posed would result either in an ununified mixture or else become a weak imitation of the New Yorker. The New Yorker staff is doing quite a competent job in producing their own publication, and any imitation of it would be at best an unnecessary repeti- tion and at worst a blend of "sophisticated" literature and smart-alec humor. From the standpoint of training, some con- crete examples will show the value of ex- perience on the older publication. Guerney Williams, cartoon editor of Colliers, is an ex-managing editor of the Gargoyle. George Lichty, the art editor of the 1927-1928 Garg- oyle, graduated from that publication to his famous "Grin-and-Bear It." There are also numerous technical diffi- culties involved in merging the two maga- zines. Generation, which sells for 35c, is pub- lished bi-annually and contains upwards of eighty pages. Gargoyle, on sale for 25c, comes out four times a year and consists of thirty-two pages. If combined, bi-annual publication would result in a great loss of revenue to the Board in Control of Student Publications, and quarterly publication would rush both the writing and editing of literary contribution, lowering its quality. Aside from this, the problem of balance between art and humor would rest with the managing editor. It is highly improb- able that any such editor could strike a balance that would not be influenced by his personal bias. Conceivably, two co- editors could be appointed, but this solu- tion would result in a division of author- ity, causing dissension within the staff, factionalism, and a disunified end pro- duct. Completely ignoring the spiritual discon- gruity, the technical difficulties, financial results, and the overall sagging of standards which would follow from such a merger, to our minds, would make such action un- workable. -Don Malcolm Peg Nimz YD Action THE SELF-ESTEEM in which light Young Democrats seeni to regard themselves is excelled only by their sullen complacency. As yet, the club has done absolutely nothing to justify its existence. To all appearances, the heavy-lidded YD's have lounged around twiddling their thumbs, hashing over the victories of the past, while permitting campus Republican clubs to capture the headlines, the publi- city, and the limelight. The Daily's poll to the contrary, there is every reason to believe that a large segment of the student body has an affinity for the Democratic Party. In this year of political uncertainty, these people expect a vigorous espousal of Democratic ideals. They expect the Young Democrats to book speakers from all levels-local, state, and national, to assemble a group of speakers like Sen. Kefauver, Gov. Williams, and Sen. Moody. No doubt, the above-mentioned, and others, would relish the chance to appear before the YD intelligentsia, even at the expense of a "non-political address." The attitude of the Young Democrats is, in every way, reminiscent of the intrepid, hard-working, idea-pregnant idols -- Bryan, Wilson, and Roosevelt. -Cal Samra [CURRENT MOVIES At The State .. THE STRANGE DOOR, with Charles Laughton and Boris Karloff. THIS picture, with its stars, might have been another super thriller. Sadly, for such a movie would have been preferable in this case, the final result of their efforts is pure melodrama. The story is taken from Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Sire de Maletroit's Door," but the screenwriter failed to make the necessary changes that would have made it acceptable to modern audiences. "The Strange Door" is fraught with wild laughter, lunatic streams, ghostly shadows and clanking chains. Shocks and suspense, the essence of a picture of XettelA TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length,. defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. .1 I ix I h n ti tl ON TlE i -E Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON CHICO, CALIF.-Traveling across the U.S.A. these days you are struck with a new cynicism on the part of the American public. It's a re-i bellious cynicism, inclined to lay all our troubles on the doorstep of Washington a feeling of frustration, of disgust with corruption, andg weariness with the Korean war. It's an, atmosphere that lends itselfx to any flag-waver or tub-thumper who wants to take advantage ofr this cynicism by running for office. This is exactly the atmosphere that swept a lot of Democratic screwballs into office with the anti-Hoover tide of Roosevelt vic- tory in 1932, and it may sweep a lot of Republican screwballs into office this fall. One dangerous part of the current feeling has been a certain dis- allusionment with our electoral system. Folks are resentful of the bosses in both parties and they figure that though President Truman probably didn't mean to blurt out what he did about "eyewash" pri- maries, nevertheless he was telling the truth. On the other hand there is growing interest in the proposal of Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois and Rep. Charles Bennett of Florida to hold a nation-wide presidential primary, which, though not binding on the delegates, might put a crimp in the party bosses and prevent the traditional picking of presidents in the 3 a.m. quiet of a smoke-filled room. The smartest thing Mr. Truman could do. in view of his eyewash remark and this public cynicism is to exert some altruistic leadership and help put across the Douglas-Bennett nation-wide primary. --EYEWASH ROLLCALL-- EANWHILE, HERE IS the rollcall of states conducting eyewasht primaries or conventions plus some of those which do noti BOSSED DELEGATES-In five states it's a fact that the people have no say whatever in the selection of delegates attending the presi- dential conventions. In Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia and Louisiana, the delegates are chosen by party leaders and are simply told how they are to vote.- In 27 other states democracy fares little better. These states1 for the most part follow the plan of state conventions, where the party bosses can railroad the selection of delegates. The bigger states which follow this hand-me-down convention system are: MICHIGAN, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and Virginia. BEST PRIMARY-The state generally conceded to have the best primary system is Oregon, where presidential aspirants are unable to keep their name off the ballot if they feel they won't make a good showing, Eisenhower's name, for instance, has been kept out of the Wisconsin primary on the belief that he wouldn't make a good show- ing there but in Oregon, any candidate's name can be entered without his permission, which makes for a genuine popular test. Nebraska voters had the same "free filing" privilege until 1951 when a reactionary legislature abolished it. New Hampshire, in connection with which, President Truman used his eyewash term, happens to have one of the nation's fairer primaries, though somewhat complicated by the town meeting system. Boss Flynn's Bailiwick-In New York, which controls the largest bloc of delegates and therefore is most influential in nominating our presidential candidates, the delegates do not have to reveal which candidate they favor. Thus, when New Yorkers vote in a primary, they are forced to vote for pledged party stooges. They do not know whether those delegates will favor Truman, Kefauver or Stevenson; all they know is that the delegates will vote the way Boss Flynn of the Bronx and State Chairman Paul Fitzpatrick tell them to. Massachusetts and New Jersey have similar provisions making it possible for the bosses to manipulate unpledged convention delegates like pawns on a chessboard. OHIO'S TRICKS-Ohio has still another gimmick which plays into the hands of the bosses. In Ohio, delegates must remain pled- ged to a certain delegate only as long as their "best judgment and ability" so dictate,.k Though it's never happened, this conceivably could mean that delegates could decide the day before balloting started that their man didn't have a chance, and switch to someone the bosses liked better. Illinois has a similar loophole for countermanding the people's choice. Thus, in both Illinois and Ohio, Senator Kefauver might win the primary but have the delegates run out on him if Boss Ray Miller of Cleveland and Boss Jack Arvey of Chicago so directed. These and other boss-dictated jokers In state election laws have reduced today's presidential primary system to a mockery, which instead of being called eyewash by the President, should be rectified with the Douglas-Bennett popular primary or some other reform. Though the American people elect the president, the bosses fre- quently nominate, under any fair electoral system the people should do both. Say How & When... Io the Editor: Dear Ben: As one nearing the pinnacle in his formal medical education and due to step forth from these hallowed halls; to go forth to serve mankind, I can speak with reflec- tion and retrospective candor of this monstrous socio-pscho-econo- mic problem confronting you. Let me show by way of parallel, the answer to your three major premices. I am the only son of a poor but honest, underpaid, and overworked country surgeon, who despite the mediocrity ,of his staff of assistants, and the smallness of his clinic, has lived to see his son, (of common and honest stock), rise to this role as a servant to humanity. Of personal satisfaction to me was the fact that, despite my f a- ther's reluctant appointment to a duty-demanding, but menial po- sition with the state, (the exact department slips me by), I was able to receive favorable comment from no less than five medical schools. Honest people wrote my recommendations; the general storekeeper, the barber, and our local minister. Additionally, pride welled with- in me as I looked upon my under- graduate-school transcripts of grades, (I'm too modest to tell you publically what they were. The result, however, was due to rugged individualism, perseverance, stick- to-itiveness, and faith in myself. I admire you for your logically sane, sensible, and well modulated approach to this problem. This medical school needs people who demonstrate judgement and read- ily evident abilityr to correlate. It goes without saying that a grad- uate school needs people of gradu- ate school calibre. Good luck to you-Laudes atque carmina, -W. W. Kimbrough, HI Med, '52 The Inquisitors . To the Editor: MR. LUNN seems to be per- turbed because Oliver Clubb resigned his 'position as head of the State Department's Office of Chinese Affairs, after having been cleared of "loyalty and secur- ity charges." (Understand that he was not charged with being loyal and an investment in the security of the state, but just the opposite.) Clubb doesn't play according to the rules: he should have kissed the foot that was giving him the boot. After all, it turned out that the allegations purporting to fir*l him traitorously inclined and a risk to the security of our Ameri- can Republic were refuted; after all, Clubb was vindicated and re- instated. after his six-month's suspension; shouldn't he, then, have trotted back to his office like a good little boy and worked with renewed fervor for the prin- ciples of American democracy and freedom? The trouble seems to be that the investigations of the loyalty board aren't secret enough. Hor- rors! Clubb found out what h was charged with. Perhaps the accused will soon learn who is his accuser, who is making what Mr Lunn admits are. oftentimes triv- ial and inaccurate reports; the informer and crank will thin twice before pointing his finger But better that 500 State Depart. ment employees (how did tha number get out!) face the secret inquisition, than a Hiss and a Remington escape their just des serts. What is needed is an absolute secrecy; and what is needed afte that, is an absolute cooperatio of all investigated personnel Then the inquisition-loyalt; board, I mean-can, without em- barrassment, separate the sheet from the goats; the unavoidabl( mistakes will-no, not never hap- pen-never be illuminated. Isn' that tantamount to never having happened? Then we can successfully figh totalitarianism and despotisni abroad, the communist variety that is. We will be able, then, i the words of many great Ameri can patriots, to enfranchise an( to free the bonded and enslave( of the world; we will give then our own particular brand of free. dom. But please, Mr. Clubb, coma back and work for us. -John Talayco IN LAST SATURDAY'S issue of The Daily dated February 16, 1952, there appeared an article by Donna Hendleman entitled "Coeds Reluctant to Jump at Leap Year Opportunities." This article con- tained several comments which, according to the author, were ut- tered by Michigan coeds: "I think it's a stupid tradition. It's the man's job to do the proposing."- "It's good manners (for the girl) to wait to be asked."-"After all the man's got to think he's got the upper hand. I would like to express my opin- ion that these comments are dog- matic rationalizations designed, either unconsciously or conscious- ly, to perpetuate the present so- cial system of courtship where wo- men play a most ungenerous role. I would like to suggest to those who advocate equality between the sexes (and I, most emphati- cally, am one of these) that there are certain responsibilities which go with the privileges of equality. One of these responsibilities is a more active role on the part of women in courtship. I'would be happy to expand and discuss this topic further with anybody. -David R. Reitz, French Rule .. To the Editor: (STUDENT Legislature's present position concerning discrim- inatory clauses has not been clari- fied by articles discussing the recent passage of the new bias bill. The legal status of bias bill legislation is important to the campus, and it should be realized that the passage of a weaker bias bill in, no way rescinded S.L.'s policy of last year which asks for the removal of discriminatory clauses as of October of 1956. S.L. will continue to work for the. re- moval of discriminatory clauses by that date. In passing' a motion which asks campus groups to fight for the removal of discriminatory clauses from their local and/or national organizations, S.L. was merely attempting to implement a part of that policy already on the books. This means that Student Legislature is still committed'to the time limit policy and merely postponed implementing the whole policy until part of the policy be- came official University law. ' --Leah Marks . ! ; ,,, Rooster Colony .. . To the Editor: 41 ?. t y _' Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board of Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith.............. .City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Rich Thomas.........Associate Editor Ron Watts...........Associate Alditor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ...............Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James...........women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Sally Fish..........Finance Manager Circulation Manager ........Milt Goetz Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor; Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. i° r rf 4, (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) I BARNABY 4. But you can't remain the child's Fairy Godfather if he grows up- How can he help growing-up? ,acv~or/ CROCItT JOMNSolt Dear me. I think you had better abdicate gracefully, O'Malley. Just fade away-. :. E E i I I I 11