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February 17, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-17

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The Case for Yugoslavia

"I Don't Know If I Can Stand It"

THERE are some strange and significant
events taking place east of Italy.
The exact place is tiny Yugoslavia. The,
events are concerned with the attitude of
the United States toward this minute bit
of nationalistic Communism.
This attitude which has been shaped
into a brilliant foreign policy has been
alternately cursed by the right and praised
by the left. The result has been that we
have few real solid discussions of the sit-
* uation-only mention of it when the dis-
cussions are ranging over different trouble
points throughout the world.
Basically the United States policy toward
Yugoslavia is that of "unconditional aid."
It means that we are sending food grants,
financial and technical assistance to Tito's
land, but that we aren't taking a spoiled-
child attitude of demanding in turn several
internal reforms of Yugoslavia. One of the
important results has been the winning of
the goodwill of the people.
IFTO and Yugoslavia have come in for a.
great deal of criticism. This has been
directed toward him mainly because the
nation is Communistic. There is a cult in
America which automatically equates Com-
munism with ruthlessness, dictatorship, re-
ligious persecution, complete loss of civil
liberties and the other horrors of a state
founded on Marxian principles. This school
of thought, probably due to a line of think-
ing, such as Russia is bad, Russia is Com-
munistic, Communism is bad-has so fla-
vored the thinking of many people in the
United States that they have refused to
even critically study our policy and its re-
sults toward Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia is important to us for sev-
Welcome Mat
TWO REASONS are usually advanced for
not rushing and pledging a fraternity.
The first is finance. Many who could af-
ford fraternity life have become convinced,
without investigation, that it costs much
more to live in a fraternity house than in
the quad.
This is a fallacy. Though the cost var-
ies from house to house, the slight in-
crease in cost for fraternity living is nore
than balanced by merely the improved
physical advantages such as better food
and housing conditions.
Facts on the cost of living and other as-
pects of life in individual fraternities are
available from rushing counselors in the In-
terfraternity Council office.
The other argument for rushing has no
logic. It is merely the statement, said with
a great deal of scorn by the confirmed in-
dependent: "I don't like fraternities, the
fraternity system, or what fraternities
stanid for."
Quite possibly this fellow has never
rushed himself, but he has a fine set of
pre-conceived 'ideas about rushing and
fraternity affiliation.
Despite the quad propaganda three dis-
tinct advantages place fraternities in a su-
perior position to the quad system.
. 1. Fellowship. There is no comparison
between the speaking acquaintanceship one
has with 150 dwellers in a quad "house"
and the friendship which exists between
the thirty to fifty members of a fraternity.
A fraternity is bound together by men with
like ideals, interests, and objectives. It is
an association of men who want to live and
work together. A quad or rooming house
has no such ties.
2. Superior living standards. South
Quad, supposedly the epitimy of Univer-
sity housing, is still a big hotel. A fra-
ternity is a home, not just a place to have
a sack at night, and a chair during the
day. But the comparison between the
rooms of East or West Quad and the well
decorated fraternity is even more ridicu-
Mass prepared, unappetizing food is rou-
tine in the Quad,, while excellent food well

prepared and served is standard fare in the
3. Self government. Once one joins a
fraternity, one is independent of Quad
authoritarianism. The fraternity makes its
own decisions, determines its own finances,
and completely handles its own affairs.
In every way fraternity life is the better

eral reasons. To begin with, Tito is val-
uable as a propaganda weapon in the
ideological war. By giving him 'nopgh aid
to keep afloat, he can remain Exhibit A
for the Western allies. They can point
to Tito as a fine example of what other
ambitious satellites might do, or as a case
of discord within the world Communist
organization, or as a product of a selfish
and imperialistic Russia.
It is difficult for us to understand how
hard Tito is trying to remain a third, neu-
tral force in this world of two great armed
camps. His greatest battle as the present is
with Russia on the propaganda front. Both
countries are accusing the other of being
deviates from the dogmatic Marxist-Lenin
Tito claims that the type of Communism
practiced in Russia at the present is an odd
and perverted breed. He says that Russia
is in business for Russia alone and wants
nothing from her satellites but a submis-
sive colonial attitude. The Marshall claims
that the Kremlin has lost touch with the
people, and that any revolution that slips
into such practices, is bound for failure.
Therefore, Tito has gone forward in his
own country with a plan of democratic
Communism. He has cut down the size of
his government and decentralized it. Di-
rect controls over heavy industry, public
utilities and social welfare have been
transferred to the six states which make
up the country. They have given up at-
tempts to strictly control the labor mar-
ket, and are allowing the laws of supply
and demand to channel movements from
job to job. As was pointed out in the
New York Times dispatches, Tito has been
attempting in a small and limited way to
liberalize the control over the individual.
Tito's army and geographic position is
also a vital part of our containment policy.
His force is the third strongest in the West-
ern European camp today. In case of an at-
tack by the Russians from the north, it is
doubtful that Tito would be able to hold
on to the broad, flat plains, but he could
,be very effective in the southern mountains.
By holding this area with its accompanying
border along the Baltic Sea, Yugoslavia

could act as a jumping
allied offense against the
sian defenses.

off place for an
underside of Rus-

Washington Merry-Go-Round

* * *
COLLECTIVIZING the land has been a
difficult problem for Tito for a long
time. Marx and Lenin were rather vague
on the subject and the result has been that
Stalin and Tito have had to do some creat-
ing of their own along the lines of land
collectivizing. The peasants, traditionally
democratic, have violently.opposed the col-
lective plan. They have fought the plan by
refusing to harvest crops during the famine
in 1950.
Finally on Jan. 2, an announcement
was made that Yugoslavia realized the
peasant was not going to accept the Rus-
sian type of collective farm, and therefore
was considering drastic changes in the
farm system. These changes would not
eliminate the collective system, but only
abolish the parts of the plan that the
peasants find unacceptable.
As for the charges of religious persecu-
tion, Patriarch Vikentize of the Serb Ortho-
dox Church on Oct. 8, 1950, claimed that
"full religious freedom prevails all over the
country." Just before the end of 1951 Arch-
bishop Aloysius Stepinac, the religious lead-
er of seven million, Roman Catholics in
Yugoslavia, was released from prison. Be-
fore his release he had declared that re-
ligious affairs in Yugoslavia had improved.
For those who might have some moral
qualms about supporting the Marshall, it
might be emphasized that this is a world
conflict and battle for self-preservation, In
such a battle there is a difference betWeen
a country which, at the consent of its people,
employs an "unwise" system within its
borders, and the country which has the
similar system and wishes to project it onto
other unwilling nations outside its borders.
Actually it is the imperialistic ambition
of certain Communists, not the system as
it might exist within a particular country,
that must be guarded against.
At this stage of the contest Yugoslav Com-
munism is not imperialistic, the Russian
brand is.
-Ron Watts


The Week's News

A Word to Rushees

SINCE THE semi-annual collegiate exer-
cise in insincerity commonly known as
fraternity rushing is beginning today, the
temptation-as a fraternity member of long,
if not particularly good standing-to offer
a few words of advice to this year's crop of
rushees should not be resisted.
This year's rushees, just like the prospec-
tive fraternity men of any year, will be
bombarded with propaganda about the part
which fraternities can play in their educa-
tion. And this time they have already been
informed by the Interfraternity Council
rushing booklet that fraternities aim at the
most complete possible development of their
members' intellectual, social and physical
In the weeks to come, rushees will be
subjected to a barrage of a lot of other
supposed benefits. They will be told of
the benefits of cooperative living, alumni
contacts, social prestige and gracious liv-
ing without housemothers.
The 'home away from home' argument
will become familiar to them. Nebulous
phrases like 'character building', 'self-reli-
ance', 'appreciation of responsibilities', 'so-
cial ease', 'widening of acquaintance', 'nor-
mal adjustment', 'stimulating atmosphere',
'expanded mental horizon', 'crystallization
of philosophy of life', 'group consciousness'
and others of this sort will course through
their nightmares in the next two weeks.
Since fraternity rushees are generally no
less intelligent than other students, much of
this balderdash will make no impression
whatsoever. However, since the prospective
fraternity man is about to make a decision
which will cost him a considerable amount
of money and will return to plague him,
long after he has left college, in the form
of fund drive solicitations, it can scarcely
be expected that he will not grab at some
of these vague generalities. He will do so
if only for the purpose of furnishing some
justification for joining a greek letter group
at all.
A few truths about fraternities in general
would thus seem beneficial to the rushee
who is interested in making his choice with
at least one eye half-open.
0 BEGIN WITH, the most salient char-
acteristic of fraternities on this and, I
suspect, on most campuses is smugness.
After surviving the rigors of both the
rushing and pledging programs, there is a
tendency for members, being somewhat sat-
isfied with their accomplishments, to sit
back and take it easy for the rest of their
college year.
This, of course, is only part of it.
All fraternity members are encouraged
to feel that their fraternity is the most
important thing in their college lives
(except, of course, a mystical entity rev-
erently referred to as "your university.")
At least once a year, prominent alumni
are dragged back to abominably-served
banquets to declare that "my fraternity,
next to God and my family, has been the
most profound influence in my life."
A further impetus toward complacency is
provided at these banquets by the recitation
of the names of brothers who have succeed-

a blotch one makes of his academic career,
nor how many opportunities to widen one's
experience were ignored, one's college career
was still somehow a great success because
of the fraternity.
* * *
THE ENTIRE effort of the fraternity, its
exclusive ritual (written by a group of
callow teen-agers in pre-Civil War times),
its precepts and its purpose is directed
toward turning the attention of its members
inward on a small group instead of outward.
And for what reason? The fraternity
answer is that a well-integrated group can
work most effectively to get the greatest,
social and intellectual dividends out of
college life for its individual members.
This may be a good idea, but, unfortunate-
ly, it is seldom realized. As has been pointed
out, fraternities tend to be anti-social and
cliquish rather than social.
Furthermore, in most fraternities, there
is a marked apathy toward anything of a
really serious nature. Discussion of im-
portant matters in art, in politics or other
factors of contemporary life, while not
deliberately discouraged are certainly not
An outstanding example of this is the pre-
vailing fraternity attitude toward the weary-
ing discrimination controversy. Most frater-
nity men prefer not to consider the charge
of discrimination in itself at all. They mere-
ly assert smugly, that fraternity constitu-
tions are nobody's business but their own,
and if they must be changed, then let them
be changed in such a way that the letter of
the university regulation is observed, but not
the spirit. By this method, it is felt, defeat
may be turned into glorious victory.
The man who declares that it is better
not to waste time on considerations of this
sort because ther are no real answers to
them fits perfectly into the unreal seclusion
of the fraternity living room.
WHAT HAS BEEN SAID so far is a pretty
Sdamning estimation of fraternities. In
fairness to them, however, this is not the
whole story and probably represents an
overstatement of the case against them.
It is not so much because fraternities are
outstandingly venal that these remarks have
been written, but rather because fraternities
are sailing under false colors. They are not
all that they claim themselves to be.
They do not foster intellectual growth
nor "assist the freshman in the crystalli-
zation of his philosophy of life" in any
healthy manner. In short, they do not
contribute anything worthwhile to the
intellectual aspect of a college education.
What they do contribute, and it is a sub-
stantial contribution in these days of sky-
scraper dormitories and the liquor ban, is a
social unit of respectable size. They provide
an opportunity for the average student of
making numbers of lasting friendships and
of living with fewer restrictions than is pos-
sible in the dormitories and some rooming
Another advantage which fraternities
have over dormitories is that, while they
are fully as stagnant intellectually, they
are at least organized about it. Social ac-
tivity of all types is more fully carried on

WHO LIKE IKE?-As the student body wound through the lock-
er room of Waterman gym on the way to registration last week, a
team of Daily staffers attempted to find out who was the student's
choice for president. The results, published this week, showed that 51
per cent of those who answered liked Ike. Another 19 per cent were for
Taft, while only 9.9 per cent wanted another four years of Harry
"Obviously," a campus Democrat explained, "the poll wasn't con-w
ducted scientifically and didn't mean a thing." An interesting side-a
light: only one third of the student body had an opinion. Most fre-o
quent excuse for not having a preference: "I've never thought about it." I
Yesterday the national chairman of the Ike for President cam- e
paign, Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, was in town to help local Republicansr
up onto the Eisenhower bandwagon.W
NEW ANTI-BIAS-Last May, following President Ruthven's vetoe
of the Student Legislature plan to force removal of discriminatoryr
clauses from fraternity constitutions by 1956, the SL cabinet urged
the 1951-52 legislature to pass the same bill again. Wednesday night
the SL did pass an anti-bias motion-but this time without a time
Debate at the meeting centered around the probability of a pland
with a time clause again passing the Student Affairs Committee ors
the president. One faction of legislators, lead by Jules Perlberg, con-t
tended that the time clauses was the heart of the motion. Anothert
faction, lead by Howie Willens, argued that SL had to be practical,r
and if a time clause was unacceptable to the administration at theF
present time, leave it out. There was talk of compromise, and loss of
SL prestige. But when the matter finally came to a vote, the Willensi
group won, with the help of many of the fraternity block who didn't
want a time clause anyway.
IRREGULARITIES-The University admitted Tuesday that two
plant department employes had been fired for "improper use of Uni-
versity materials and labor." The next day, five more men in the de-
partment were ousted, this time as "a budgetary move." Though no
new irregularities were brought to light at week's end, University vice-
president Wilbur K. Pierpont reported that if any further evidence of
negligence or improper action is found, the individual would be fired
"no matter how high his position." ,
OPEN THE DOOR-The Michigan Press Association, clammering
for open meetings of the University's Board of Regents, drew an in-
vitation from the Regents to discuss the issue at the next Board meet-I
ing. Earlier in the week, the secret meetings were called legal by State
Attorney General Frank Millard.-
1600, PENNSYLVANIA-Harold Stassen, the Minnesota wonder-
boy, began to look bigger in the presidential picture than his newspa-1
per inches would testify. As the Ike-Taft battle began to materialize
in the delegate columns, a summer convention deadlock seemed moreJ
likely than ever. And Hustlin' Harold was, strangely enough, in an
enviable position to capture support from both camps in late balloting.
Retaining some loyalty among the liberals who have gradually
jumped on the Eisenhower bandwagon, the ex-Willkie floor leader
entered the race this time with one eye cocked on the GOP right-
wingers. This week's sample: a pledge to return Gen. MacArthur to
On the other side of the ledger, Mr. Truman steadfastly refused
to clarify his part in the political contest although some new hints
were indirectly stemming from the White House. A close friend, Rep.
Sabath of Ill., quoted the president as saying he would run if it was
necessary to keep the peace. But speculation continued to center
around Illinois' gentleman governor, Adlai Stevenson, who pulled the
corruption-ridden state out of the doldrums of the Green administra-
* * * *,
ELIZABETHAN TRAGEDY-Death struck for the third time in
two months in Elizabeth, N.J., hapless next-door neighbor to the bust-
ling Newark Airport. This time, 32 perished when a four-engined pas-
senger plane ripped into a two-family apartment. Public indignation
over the total of 118 fatalities forced an immediate airport shutdown
and officials went into a hurried huddle.
But there seemed to be no logical explanation for the freakish
pattern. Death had ignored the air route since 1932. And. its sudden
and frequent appearance was more of a philosophical issue than an
aeronautical one.
COLD WAR-In Korea, the truce talks were recessed when the
Reds announced they would submit a new peace plan at week's end.
In the air, a fiery fate met up with Amei'ica's leading jet ace, Maj.
George Davis, a 21-plane killer. The MIG-Sabre dogfights increased in
ferocity as the UN's air superiority hung precariously in the balance.
On the ground, the lull lasted until Tuesday, when hundreds of Com-
munists braved a snowstorm to be mowed down by Allied machine
guns in the Mundung Valley.

'7ASHINGTON-This column is
now able to publish for the
rst time excerpts from secret
ocuments showing how the Soviet
atly refused to cooperate with
he United States in certain phas-
s of the war even before V-E day.
Friction got so bad that Rus-
sia actually grounded all Amer-
ican combat planes in, Soviet
erritory at the height of the
Berlin bombing, and Stalin sum-
moned the American ambassa-
dor to the Kremlin and formally
accused the U.S. Air Force of
dropping supplies to the anti-
Communist underground.
When this column reported a
)art of the Soviet's recalcitrance
n April, 1945, it was denounced
or disrupting U.S.-Russian rela-
ions and for being anti-Russian.
3owever, from the secret docu-
nents, it is now possible to sub-
tantiate what happened.
The first ominous sign of Rus-
ian noncooperation was a terse
adio message from Col. Thomas
K. Hampton of the American Mili-
ary Mission, dated March 30,
945: "I have just been informed
y the Soviets that Moscow re-
uses all flight clearances for 31
This automatically grounded
bout 50 American combat planes
n Soviet territory.
Meanwhile, the Chief of the
Red Army General Staff, Gen-
eral Antonov, delivered a formal
letter of protest, dated March
30, 1945, to Maj. Gen. John R.
Deane, chief of the American
Military Mission,
"We have a number of instances
when crews of American airplanes
and individual military personnel
of the American Army rudely vio-
ated the order established by the
command of the Red Army in ter-
ritory occupied by Soviet troops,"
wrote Antonov. Then he cited a
few minor incidents which he call-
ed "rude violations of the elemen-
tary rights of our friendly, mutual
BUT THE crisis came on April
15, 1945, three days after Presi-
dent Roosevelt died, when Stalin
summoned W.. Averell Harriman,
then American Ambassador, to
the Kremlin. What happened was
reported afterward by Edward
Page, Jr., second secretary of the
American Embassy, who acted as
"Marshal Stalin stated that it
appeared that American aircraft
were coming into Soviet-con-
trolled territory for ulterior pur-
poses. Then he went on and
more or less defined the acts.
H~e said they were dropping sup-
plies, wireless sets and getting in
touch with the Polish under-
ground," Page reported. "The
Ambassador asked for the facts,
and Marshal Stalin said the
facts would be forthcoming la-
Actually, no facts were ever sub
Earlier, the Soviets had eve
tried to ground the American mili-
tary officer who was in charge o:
making arrangements for the Yal
ta Conference between Presiden
Roosevelt, Prime Minister Church.
ill and Marshal Stalin.
The -incident was described i
secret testimony by. Rear Adm
Clarence E. Olsen of the America
Military Mission in Moscow:
"I remember hearing that the
airfield was under considerable
snow, that Colonel Hampton had
flown from Crimea to Poltava
and for some reason he was told
he could not land until he was
cleared by Moscow. After cir-
cling the field several times, he
landed anyway. Then, I believe,

he was told that he could not
take off. But, having the respon-
sibility for arrangements for the
conference at Crimea, he felt it
was absolutely necessary he get
back, and he took off without
In other words, the secret rec
ords show that the cold war ac
tually began before the hot wa
ended-though I was called a lia
for so reporting at the time.
THE JUSTICE Department is nc
at all happy about one of tU
biggest antitrust cases in recer
history and the way U.S. Judg
Harold Medina is handling it.
The case is that against the 1'7
m o s t important investament
bankers in the U.S., in which the
government alleges that ti
bankers conspired in the float-
ing of bond issues so that bonds

could not be sold except through
them, and on their terms.
Judge Medina, who is hearing
the "Wall Street" case, has lashed
out at government counsel so
fiercely that four times it has been
necessary to change government
lawyers. And in December, the
Judge called attorneys for both
sides to his chambers, told them
he was near a nervous breakdown
and postponed the case for two
Specifically, the Judge said he
had gone to his father's grave on
a Sunday, then come home to
have dinner with his brother,
quarreled with his brother, and
suddenly found himself running
down the street without his coat
After a two-month recess to al-
low the Judge to rest, the trial
has now resumed.
Meanwhile, several background
facts in this vitally important
anti-trust trial are extremely
The case was brought in 1947
by John Sonnett, then assistant
Attorney General. After retiring
Sonnett went to work for one of
the law firms defending invest-
ment bankers Dillon, Read -
namely, Cahill, Gordon, Zachry,
and Reindel.
* * *
began the trial he disclosedin
open court that two of his sons
were employed by two leading
firms in the case. Ordinarily a
judge disqualifies himself when a
son or relative is of counsel. How-
ever, Judge Medina did not do so.
Instead he asked the attorneys
whether there was any objection
to his sitting in view of his sons'
employment. This put Francis
Hayden, attorney for the govern-
ment, squarely on the spot. Fin-
ally, Hayden replied that this was
a matter for the Judge's own con-
science but there was no objection.
Since then, Judge Medina has
been razzing governmentattor-
neys almost as if he were the
opposing counsel. During the
trial of the 12 Communists he
was most cooperative with the
government. But now, perhaps
because his nerves are frayed,.
he has been just the opposite.
As a result, Justice Department
lawyers are wondering whether
Judge Medina showed good judg-
ment in not withdrawing from the
case when it was disclosed that his
two sons belonged to defense law
firms. The answer depends on
whether therlaw firms involvedin
the "Wall Street" trial are likely
to try to use Medina's sons to In-
fluence him; also, whether Judge
Medina was aware of the past
record of certain members of these
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate,

-Harry Lunn

Sxty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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mowmmmRvawmmmwmm I


A LISTENER at the second seance of the
Budapest Quartet heard cultivated talk,
but seldom the impassioned discourse of
Friday's program. Even more exciting, then,
was the last movement of the opening Mo-
zart, sparked by just-right tempo and car-
red by living tone.
In so short a space, your reviewer can
record only the big puzzle of the new Mil-
haud work. One came away uneasy wheth-
er, after a tenth hearing had penetrated its
virtuoso sheen, a hundredth might confirm
its themes to be too poor and unselected to
be worth it. Neither a style of prevailing dis-
sonance nor heaps of imitation served to
overcome their inertia. Perhaps, with his
dense and intricate texture, the composer

-Sid Klaus and Barnes Connable



= = .-
Oh, hello, O'Malley.
What's wrong now?


[ Six? My. Then you won't need your
Fairy Godfather anymore, will you?

It's a rule of your profession, isn't it,
O'Malley? You have to leave when he's six-

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