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February 16, 1952 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-16

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Queen Bids Father Goodbye


of Practice

v' Dr amas

Editor's Note: Alvin Steinkopf, as
an Associated dress correspondent in
London, has covereI the news of
British royalty for several years. At
Windsor Castle yesterday he held one
of the three tickets allotted the asso-
ciation of American correspondents
in London.
WINDSOR-(IP) -Queen Eliza-
beth II looked alone and forlorn
yesterday when the moment came
for final parting with her father.
As the last white blossoms lying
an the coffin of King George VI
vanished slowly into the crypt of
kings beneath the altar of St.
George's Chapel, her lips seemed
to be whispering her own farewell,
from a daughter's heart.
New editor
Named for
Mel Zerman, '52, was appointed
managing editor of Generatin
Magazine yesterday by the Board
in Control of Student Publica-
Zerman, who has been on the
"Generation" staff for two years
and till now held the post of
drama editor, is replacing Don
Hope, who graduated in January.
He is 21 years old and is a resi-
dent of New York City.
s *s
ZERMAN'S first act as editor
was to issue a call for manuscripts
for the spring issue of Generation,
which will go on sale April 30. He
asked for short stories, poetry,
plays, essays and art. Deadline
for contributions will be March
Zerman spoke with pride of
last semester's issue of Genera-
tion, which sold enough copies
to pull it out of the red for the
first time in its history. "Now
we're thinking of increasing the
size to make room for more
short stories," he said.
After graduation, Zerman plans
to do magazine work or teach
English. He is interested in a
writing career. The 1950 winter
Issue of "generation" carried his
byline on a short story, "The Sat-
urday Plan."
Also approved by the Board was
the petition of Marriane Kull for
the position of Gargoyle art edi-
Hint 200 Crib
At Florida U
investigation came to light yes-
terday into suspected cheating by
about 200 University of Florida
students, including some football
John Trinkle, law student and
president of the University's hon-
or court, confirmed the investi-
-gation is under way. The stu--
dents represent a true cross sec-
tion of the student body of about
9,000, Trinkle said.
* * *
FUOM .A reliable University
source, who would not let. his
name be used, came the report
that "There are a few football
players involved but they are a
minr part of the total group.'
-No names were revealed and
a 11 official maintained a

hands-off policy, leaving the
case up to the student govern-
ment organization.
Frank Harris, chairman of the,
Board of Control over State Col-
leges, admitted the Board had
been advised informally of the
situation. But, he said, "We feel
that the matter is one entirely
under the jurisdiction of the hon-
or court."
The suspected cheating was on
an examination just before the
close of the scholastic term last
Students May Be,
Drafted Until 35
Students presently deferred be-
cause of their college status are
eligible for induction into the
armed forces until they are 35
years old, it was revealed by the
Selective Service Board.
Their message w a s directly
aimed at students who believe
they are totally exempt from serv-
ice after their 26th birthday.

But, a trim figure in black, she
was composed.
* * *
SHE sprinkled red earth on the
flag-draped coffin as the Arch
bishop of Canterbury intoned the
solemn words of committal--
"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."
Then, the opening in the blue-
carpeted stone floor still yawn-
ing, the Queen walked slowly to
a side door to step into pale
sunshine, followed by the Queen
Mother, Princess Margaret, the
Dukes of Windsor, Edinburgh,
Gloucester, Kent and other
royal mourners.
It was a 26-minute ceremony
of utmost dignity at which no tear
was shed, though on it were
focussed the emotions of an em-
The King's body was brought
from London in a blackdraped
royal funeral train with drawn
blinds. °
HERE THE burden was deliv-
ered to the Archbishop of Canter-
bury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, at the
great West Door of the chapel,

in which about 1,500 mourners had
started gathering three hours in
Eight guardsmen in ceremonial
grey greatcoats with white belts
carried the coffin slowly up the
30 steps to the broad landing in.
front of the door.
As. they climbed, distant
artillery counted off"the-56
years of the King's life.
As the coffin was brought in, a
50-voice chair sang:
"I am. the resurrection and the
At this dramatic moment, si-
lence fell through the land, the
Commonwealth of Nations and
Britain's far-flung possessions.
For two minutesby command of
the new Queen, every-day life was
at a standstill.
The young Queen, with a last
sidelong glance at the opening in
the floor, moved off to the door
at the left of the altar.
Then Queen Elizabeth II took
a step forward toward her car
and then turned impulsively. She
raised her. mother's veil and
placed a kiss on her cheek.


Actors, Crewmen Overcome
Pre-Performance Headaches

The curtain goes up at any theatrical produc-
tion only after a lot of activity has gone on behind
the scenes. The Student Players have been at work
since before Christmas, planning and preparing
for Wednesday's opening of "Joan of Lorraine."
Their efforts in acting, production and promotions
might typify the endeavors of any amateur group,
working to. effect a good illusion when the lights
dim on their performance. 4

Solar Blowout Predicted
By Astronomy Professor
Hold on to your hats?!-the sun is going to blow up.
Yes, blow up. That's the shocking prediction of Prof. Lawrence
H. Aller of the astronomy department.
In scientific verbiage, it seems that the nuclear' fission in the
sun's hot core is exhausting its supply of hydrogen through transfor-



mation into helium atoms.
mixed, this process will res

*, *
ous mat
sult in t

New Addition
To Rare Book
Room Shown
A recent valuable addition to
the University Library's rare book
room, a collection of first editions
of Anthony Trollope's works, is
now on display on the main floor
of the General Library.
The collection includes all but
nine of the sixty-eight titles by
the English novelist, whose great
versatility as a writer stemmed
from his travels and experiences
as a post office clerk.
* * *
lope's works are the "Barsetshire
Chronicles," concerning the social
life of a small cathedral city, and
the "Parliamentary Series," which
are political novels.
He also wrote four novels on
Ireland, the material for which
he acquired while serving in Ire-
land for 18 years as postal clerk,
surveyor and investigator.
Other books by Trollope include
political novels, novels of man-
ners, social satires and short
stories. Many are illustrated by
Sir John Millias, a good friend of
The exhibit now on display was
given to the University last year
by the late John Watling, a 1904
graduate. It includes first editions
of all but nine titles, seven of the
eight novels which were published
in parts, and the original manu-
scripts of two.of Trollope's books,
"The Fixed Period," and "Kept in
the Dark."
Also in the collection are some
of the author's letters, books by
his mother and brother and
biographies of Trollope.
'U' Professor
To Lead .Panel
Prof. Lawrence E. Vredevoe, di-
rector of the University's Bureau7
of School Services, will act Mon-
day as discussion leader of a
group studying "the most effec-
tive methods and practices for
elimination of fraternities and
The study Panel is part of the
program at the 36th annual con-
vention of the National Associa-
tion of Secondary-School princi-
pals which Prof. Vredevoe is at-
tending in Cincinnati.
-Oakes Selected
Head of ICMA

* *
terial in the sun's interior is well
the sun getting hotter and hotter
until it eventually goes "bank-
rupt," Prof. Aller explained.
The corresponding effect on
the earth will probably satisfy
the Fundamentalist interpreta-
tion of the Bible--that is, Hell.,
It's going to be plenty hot down
here. It may even lead to the
frenzied construction of under-
ground, air-conditioned caves.
Nudist colonies may well be legal-
ized. (The latter are the specu-
lations of less scientific seers, not
Prof. Aller's.)
BUT WHEN will the sun ex-
plode? Well, it's annual temper-
ature rise is actually so small as
to probably warrant a few billion
years before we need worry about
it, Prof. Aller grinned.
But wait a minute! We're
not getting off that easy.
There's another threat to our

The trial of Saint Joan of Are
will be presented beginning Wed..
nesday on the stage of the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre when the
Student Players presen teir sec-
otd n.Paespeetter nd offering of the school year,
"Joan of Lorraine."
The trial depicted in Maxwell
Anderson's play is not the only
one the Players will have ' been
involved in, however, before they
put their show before the public.
THEY HAVE been working on
the production since way before
finals, involving themselves In the
inevitable hitches and tasks which
go with putting on what they
hope will be a first-rate amateur
Student actors and actresse
led by director, Marie Miller,
have had nightly bouts with the
scripts. While they labor to
iron out the dramatic kinks,
production crewmen ahd women
have taken over a basement
room in the University high
school. There they spend their
time hammering, sawing, sew-
Ing and splashing paint, con.
structing props for the produc-
And while work goes on behind
the scenes, the army of eager pro-
motions people have been disti-
buting posters, making speeches
and inserting ads so that the
maximum number of people will
witness the fruits of the Players'
THE PLAYER groiip, born out
of the active minds of somestu-
dent veterans back in the days
when Willow Village housed thou-
sands of University people, began
as the Willow Village Little Thea-
tre, a community enterprise for
interested residents.
The Little Theatre laid the
foundations for the current
group, planning to present plays
of contemporary popularity,
and opening their ranks to any
,Village inhabitant who wanted
to act or work.
In 1949 the group turned into
the Student Players, and held
their first on-campus production.
Since then they have played In
various auditoriums in town, an-
nually producing from two to
four shows.
LAST SPRING the group hit an
all time attendance record when
they packed Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre for a four-performance
run of "Finian's Rainbow".
They hope that "Joan of Lor-
raine" will be another smash for
the group. It will run Wednesday
through Saturday at the Thea-
tre, culminating the weeks of
work and planning behind the
Tickets can be obtained at the
Mendelssohn box office for a
special student opening night
rate of 50 cents. The following
performances will cost $1 and 75
A Daily
Photo Feature
Story By
Pictures By





There's a possibility that one of
the universe's two billion stars
will collide with our sun-or with
the earth, for that matter.
But don't jump off Burton
Tower yet. The chances of sev-
eral motorists crashing into each
other while driving aimlessly over
an area as big as Texas would be
even greater, Prof. Aller calmed
this reporter, as he quietly shoved
him out of the room.
Regents Invite
Press Views
On Meetings
(Continued from Page 1)-
project, as the National Associa-
tion of Cost Accountants donat-
ed .$10,000 for i cost-accounting
stud, to be directed by Prof.
Robert L. Dixon of the business
administration school.
New York's Field Foundation,
Inc. gave $8,628 to continue the
children's reading research project
here another year.
NUMEROUS smaller gifts round
out the list of donations accepted
by the Board.
A new Transportation Institute
within the College of Engineering
received official Regent sanction
at the meeting.
The institute is being estab-
lished to meet the serious need
for better understanding of the
relationships between the vari-
ous means of transportation and
their efficient utilization in the
best public interest, according to
President Harlan H.' Hatcher.
Three new faculty appointments
an dthree shifts within the Uni-
versity staff won approval from
the Board.
Philip F. Elving, now a visiting
lecturer at Harvard University,
was named professor of chemistry
effective this September.
* * *






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