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May 30, 1952 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-30

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FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1952


Mayor Outlines New Parking Areas

'Next Week Airks Anniversary

Describing the parking system in
nn Arbor as one of the most suc-
essful in the country, Mayor Wil-
am E. Brown in an interview
ith the Daily yesterday outlined
uture plans for the erection of
wio new parking structures.
With the parking structures still
1 the planning stage, Brown said
hat he hopes to make a definite
nnouncement of the details of
he proposal late this summer.
5* *c
"THE NEED for 250 more car

capacity in the State Street area
and additional parking space in
the downtown South Main Street
area could be solved by building
two multi-deck, automatic type
garages," Brown said.
"Attractively designed the
structures would be nine stories
high with accomodation for 250
cars per unit," Brown indicated.
"Estimated cost of the buildings
would be between $350,000 and
$400,000 each or about $1400 per
car space."
Cost of the buildings could be
met from revenue bonds sold on

look Store

Collections for the fall SL book the jrorlts aerived rrom city-own-
:change will begin next Thursday ed parking meters and the six city
id extend through June 12, Parking lots.
Special agents will collect texts IMMEDIATE action on his pro-
.dormitories, and collection de-____ED_ ATE__cion__nh___pr_-_
ts will be set up at the Union,
e Business Administration Bldg., Opera Records
igell Hall and on the Diagonal.
ooks may be turned in at these Union Opera records will be dis-
ands between 11:30 a.m. and tributed from 7 to 10 p.m. tonight
30 p.m.
Next fall the exchange will op. in Rm. 3G of the Michigan Union.
ate from Rm. 18 Angell Hall. Records are $4.75.

posal is being held up temporarily
by discussion of a compromise
University plan, Brown said.
Going on to point out the ben-
efits of the parking system in
Ann Arbor since its inception in
1945, Brown declared that com-
merce and retail business has
been greatly aided by more ade-
quate parking facilities.
"Shoppers no longer need to go
into Detroit to buy since the park-
ing problem has been solved here,"
Brown continued. "During the past
year 300,000 cars or the equivalent
of 12,000 miles of automobiles
parked bumper-to-bumper were
accomodated by the parking sys-
With a $100,000 profit per year
going into an improvement fund,
the system has the cheapest meter
rate in the country, 10 cents for
two hours and five for each addi-
tional hour.
Justifying city ownership of the
parking system the Republican
mayor declared, "cities should not
go into business unless the public
needs and demands service pri-
vate enterprise cannot accomplish.
Wolverine Club
Selects Officers
Larry Bloch, '53, president of
the Wolverine Club announced
next year's appointments yester-
New officers are, Ken Cutler, '54
and Robin Renfrew, '55, Special
Trips; Dorothy Fink, '55 and Jack
Gray, '53, Flash Cards; Bob Ber-
man, '53 and Joel Kaplan, '55, Pep
Rallies; Janet Reinstein, '55, Exe-
cutive Secretary.

Of Capu


will buy,



HAVEN HALL, once a campus landmark, became a charred ruin two
years ago next Friday.
A roaring four-hour long blaze reduced the three story stone
structure to a gutted pile of destruction in the worst fire Ann Arbor
has ever known.
*,* * *
MORE THAN $3,000,000 damage resulted from the holocaust
which also laid waste countless man hours of work on manuscripts
and research papers.
Fire fighters manning the twisted bulky hoses pumped 700,-
000 gallons of water into the raging building. Often those man-
ping the hoses were forced to race from falling debris and re
treat from clouds of smoke emerging from the building.
Only a few books and typewriters were salvaged from the blazing
inferno which raged unabated until 9 p.m. when it was gradually
brought under control. Final examinations, research papers and
many rare books were reduced to ashes.
AS STUDENTS busily finished final examinations in the building
Alvin Kaplan, '51, spotted smoke pouring out of a second story room.
Unusually calm, Kaplan quickly spread the alarm to other students
and then smashed the fire alarm box. Police cars and fire trucks raced
to the scene with their piercing sirens attracting hundreds' of on-
As they arrived most of the building was cleared of students
who switched from bluebooks to posts on fire hoses. Faculty mem-
bers and students vainly tried to check the blaze with hand ex-
tinguishers, attempting to rescue their research work.
Spreading flames and heavy smoke finally caused a complete.
abandonment of the building. Meanwhile, hoses were dragged up
fire escapes and their operators deluged the upper floors with water
while-other hoses were played on lower levels from the ground.
PEOPLE FROM ALL parts of town, lured by the billowing smoke
as it rose skyward, swelled the crowd watching to 20,000 at one time.
Students skipped their evening meals to aid the fire department, or
to just take in the spectacle.
Health Service received emergency cases of students who were
overcome by the smoke. One fireman fell from the east wall and
suffered slight injuries.
Powerful search lights were rushed to the scene as night fell,
Under their steady glare mopping-up operations continued late into
the evening.
When it was over, Fire Chief Ben Zahn shrugged, "If it hadn't
been for the students there's no telling how far the fire might have
Stacy ArsonC CooRnec
In Haven Fire Recalled.

The three story stone structure-a campus landmark before the disaster.


for CASH


322 South State Street





* Fountain Pens
" Personalized Stationery
" Typewriters .
" Webster Tape Recorders

Thousands of spectators view the four-hour long blaze

Haven Hall
Fire Losses
Still Felt
Thousands of man-hours in
book manuscripts, research pap-
ers and theses went up in smoke in
the Haven Hall blaze-perhaps
the most tragic losses of the holo-
Frantic efforts to salvage the
work of professors and graduate
students went for nought as flames
and smoke drove back volunteers
who tried to kill the fire with hand
extinguishers. Faculty members
and students stood helplessly while
their work was reduced to ashes.
AFTER TWO YEARS the effects
of the Haven Hall losses are still
being felt. Most of the 20,000
volumes stored in the Bureau of
Government Library were dam-
aged beyond recovery by flames
and water. The Library suffered
an 80 percent loss, according to
Director Warner Rice.
Rice said recently that the
Library would never be the same
because most of the lost ma-
'terial had been gathered over
the years and is irreplaceable.
Although the Library is being
rebuilt, it contains only a third
of the number of books it had
before the Haven fire.
A man who was dealt one of
the severest blows in the fire, soci-
ology Prof. Amos. Hawley, has
made great strides toward replac-
ing his lost work, but he can never
regain the lost time, he says. "I've
tried to estimate the man-hours I
lost by the fire but find it im-
Driven by previous publishing
commitments, the sociologist
has already rewritten three of
his manuscripts, with his just-
published Principles of Sociol-
ogy heading the list. A mono-
graph on internal migration
awaits publication and the third
work, on the relationship be-
tween population size and costs
of government, is in the finished
manuscript stage.
Prof. Hawley is slowly rebuild-
ing a personal Itbrary valued at
$3600 lost in the fire.
* * *

Daily Managing Editor
On October 11, 1950, fully four
months after the fire which gut-
ted Haven Hall, a University
teaching fellow named Robert
Stacy was arrested on a charge of
setting it.
After all night questioning,
Stacy confessed to police that he
had committed arson. He had
walked into a second floor room of
Haven Hall on the afternoon of
June 6, touched off a pile of maps
in a corner, and promptly left the
building, according to his state-
PREVIOUS TO the arrest of the
thirty-year-old graduate student
and teaching fellowin the De
partment of Classical Studies,
there had been no definite suspi-

MORRILL'S...314 South State ... Phone 7177





Stacy had been under psychia-
tric treatment at the Veteran's
Readjustment Center, according
to University officials. He unsuc-
cessfully tried to commit suicide
twice before he was finally brought
up for trial before Circuit Judge
James Breakey, on Dec. 13,1950.
Several days after his arrest,
Stacy had completely repudiated
his confession.
The court appointed local at-
torney Leonard Young to be his
lawyer, and before a crowded
courtroom, the arson trial be-
gan, with Prosecutor Douglas
Reading handling the case for
the state.
The nine-woman, three-man
jury was quickly chosen, and Miss
Dorothy Strauss, a former Univer-
sity research assistant, took the
stand. She testified that she had
seen a man resembling Stacy walk
away from her down the hall in
Haven Hall just before the fire.
THE NEXT DAY, the defend-
ant's former girl-friend, Zelda
Clarkson, told the court how Stacy
had described setting the fire to
her during an "uninvited" visit to
Provincetown, Mass., where she
was staying for the summer. She
said that he had been "bothering
her" with telephone calls and let-
ters before and after the confes-
sion, and that she had come to
Ann Arbor in October to petition
to have him committed as insane.
Defense Attorney Young ham-
mered away at discrepancies be-
tween Stacy's confession and
testimony, but to no avail.
Though Stacy had been expected
to take the stand in his own be-
half, at the last minute he told
Young that "he just didn't feel
up to it." Final arguments pre-
sented, the case was handed to
the jury.
Following a three and a half
hour period of deliberation, the
jury found Stacy guilty, and on
Jan. 4 Judge Breakey sentenced
him to a five to ten year term at
This didn't end the debate
about whether or not Stacy ac-
tually set Haven Hall on fire,
however. He began serving his
term at Jackson, while attorney
Young filed a plea with the
State Supreme Court for an ap-
peal. The appeal was denied,
and the next thing heard was
at the beginning of March this
Tn. a Iptt, t. o' " T )lAil. tar.



Students aid fire department in vain effort to save building.




. .. Convicted
* * * t
cion of arson. Rumors to that ef-





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