GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 29, I D52 GE FOUR THURSDAY, MAY 29, 193~ Book Censorship W ITHIN THE past year, censorship of school and college text-books has reach- ed unprecedented heights. According to a report in the New York Times by Benjamin Fine, censorship is being carried out very effectively by ultra-patriotic groups who are easily aroused by books they consider "sub- versive" for one rgason or another. There are also self-appointed censors among or- ganized minorities who feel that passages of certain books tend to be prejudiced. A recent instance of the actions of the former group was the banning of a high school civics text in Arkansas, on the grounds that the book discussed the the- ories of Communism. The banning of A. Hyatt Verrill's book 'Strange Insects and Their Stories" by New York City's Board of Education is an even more ludicrous example of the current cen- sorship rage. The move was apparently jus- tified on the basis that the book "had invi- dious references to the superiority of white ants over black ants." In their excess of lib- eral zeal, the censors didn't notice that the book's references were to red ants, not white ones. Censorship, however, has its more serious aspects. When a small group of citizens sets itself up to judge the compatibility of a book's ideas with its own conception of Am- ericanism, it is time to pause and reflect on the dangerous trend toward thought control which is emerging in this country, carrying with it an element of fear-inspired pater- nalism. In most of these cases, a small and oft- en poorly-qualified minority has haphaz- ardly gone about trying to dictate what reading material should be made avail- able to persons who are probably more ca- pable of analysis and objectivity than the censors themselves. It might be appropriate to remind these Americans that "the test of true democracy lies in the way in which it treats the des- pised opinion-the one with which it does not agree." -Elli Rosenthal DORIS FLEESON: Sen. Kefauver Outlook Continues Rosy in June 3 California Vote WASHINGTON-Edmund G. (Pat) Brown California attorney general and fav- orite son, took a headache to the White House Wednesday but President Truman proved to be fresh out of aspirin. Brown wanted help for the slate of convention delegates vested in his' name for trading purposes at Chicago. The Brown slate has opposition from the ubiquitous Sen. Estes Kefauver who has a complete slate of his own for which he is personally campaigning from now until California's June 3 primary. It looked briefly as if this plea had met with some results but Brown said the Pres- ident hoped the Brown slate would be elect- ed; but the official explainers said that Mr. Truman merely wished him good luck. They quoted the President further as saying that he wanted it made plain he intended no implication about Senator Kefauver. All this left Brownaabout where he was when he left the coast and the outlook for Senator Kefauver continues to look rosy. The personable attorney general actual- ly is not a real candidate and his slate of delegates is a highly artificial conglomera- tion of leading Democrats-some of them at bitter odds with others-who were not consulted by Senator Keafuver and have no place to go since Mr. Truman withdrew from consideration. As usual, it is prov- ing difficult to beat somebody with no- body. As in New Hampshire, more is at stake than the delegates. The slate elected will choose the national committeeman and committeewoman and, in effect, take over the state organization. This means that a number of Mr. Truman's old friends and associates-Mrs. Edward Heller, national committeewoman, oilman Ed Pauley and others-are in jeopardy. In their efforts to stop Kefauver, the Brown party has invited all the other can- didates to come to California and campaign against him even though they are not run- ning in the primary. Sen. Richard Russell has done so; Averell Harriman is on his way. Vice President Barkley has so far ducked. It has been reported here that the Brown delegates have promised to divide their votes on the first ballot among those candidates who come to the state and help fight Kefauver. In Washington, the attorney general piously disclaims any intention of stopping anybody. "We just want to go to the con- vention with a free hand and look over all the candidates," he said. He then charged that on issues important to the state, Sen- ator Kefauver voted wrong-against cloture, for segregation in the armed services, against the continental shelf'quitclaim, and for the Central Arizona project. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate) DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round W ASHINGTON- President Truman was both jovial and paternalistic when he received a California delegation led by At- torney General Pat Brown who came on the forlorn hope of changing his mind on tide- lands oil. "You heard my speech," the President remarked, half humorously. "How can you expect me to change my mind after that?" Brown reminded him that Californians had come to talk to him in 1948 at which time he had refused to take a stand because tidelands oil was then before the Supreme Court. "Yes, and the Supreme Court has now de- cided in favor of the 48 states," Mr. Truman interrupted. However, he agreed to study a memo that the California lawyers promised to prepare for him, though, as an indication that it probably wouldn't change his mind, he told the following story: "It reminds me of an old judge out in Missouri," he said. "He told the court 'Bring the man in. We'll give him a fair trial and then hang him'." The President also enjoyed talking to Brown, who is running against Sen. Estes Kefauver in California, about the various Presidential candidates. Regarding Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia, he said: "If he were right on civil rights, he might be the ablest of all." Averell Harriman he described as "a won- derful man-but imagine a Wall Street banker being elected President!" TAFT'S SOCIALISM SEN. BOB TAFT, author of the Taft Hous- ing Act of which he is quite proud, would not be flattered if he read a letter written by the Los Angeles real estate lob- by calling his act "socialistic." Of course "socialistic" is an easy epithet to hurl these days, and Senator Taft has used it himself at times. However, this column has just unearthed an unusual letter written by the Los Angeles lobby in its effort to defeat a slum clearance- housing program in Los Angeles, to be built under Taft's housing law. The letter puts the bite on the Los Angeles Clearing House Association, Ben Meyer, chairman, to the tune of $15,000 as part of an $185,000 slush fund the real estate lobby is raising to defeat Los Angeles housing. Real estate and housing groups all over the nation are watching the Los Angeles battle, where the city government had al- ready signed a contract with the federal government to proceed with the housing program, when suddenly two city council- men mysteriously changed their minds. After that theCalifornia Supreme Court ruled that the city must continue with its housing contract, regardless of the two councilmen. But the real estate lobby is continuing the battle just the same. In case Senator Taft is interested in what the Los Angeles realtors think of his "so- cialism," here is their letter signed by "George M. Eason, finance chairman, com- mittee against socialistic housing": "Mr. Ben Meyer "Chairman, Los Angeles Clearing House Association "Los Angeles, California "Dear Mr. Meyer: "You are familiar with the fight now going on at the city hall regarding public housing. "This matter will be on the ballot in the election of June 3. "The various organizations interested in financing and building of homes in -Los Angeles have formed the Committee against Socialist Housing. We anticipate that it will take a fund of $185,000, to put on the cam- paign. Many organizations have already pledged the amount that they will raise through their membership. "In the campaign on proposition 10, the Clearing House Association subscribed $7,500. The cost of that campaign was $94,000. We therefore are asking the Clearing House Association to subscribe $15,000 towards this campaign, "The public housers have started their campaign and are now holding meetings in various parts of Los Angeles. We anticipate that they will have unlimited funds at their disposal. "We will appreciate any assistance that you can give us in this matter." BOOMERANG IN MICHIGAN MICHIGAN Republicans are now stuck in their own election loophole, originally devised to trip up the Democrats. Several years ago they split the ballot in order to keep the state ticket from being submerged by FDR's quadrennial landslides. The voters were thus given a chance to vote for FDR on one ballot and for local GOP candidates on the other. But with the prospects of an Eisenhow- er landslide this November, the tables' are reversed. In other states, an Eisenhower victory would probably sweep the GOP candidates for senator and governor into office along with him. But in Michigan, the split ballot will give the voters a Peculiar Twist - To The Editor: THE DEFENSE of free speech has been given a rather pe- culiar twist on this campus. The burden seems to be this: "We all know, fellas, that there are cer- tain horrible ideas you and I don't believe. If we bring them out into the light, we can expose them bet- ter." In accordance with this pat- tern, people can refer to the "vile weeds" of unfashionable thought, and the "attractive flowers" of orthodoxy. This is a great misunderstand- ing of, and departure from, the liberal tradition in defense of civil liberties. The right to hear all ideas, without pre-judgment, is an integral part of this liberal tradi- tion. To add the rider that we know already that certain ideas are foul, and we will hear them to confirm this, is to change the entire position. The free exchange of ideas, in a democratic atmos- phere, "as a means of reaching truth, means just that. If we have made pre-judgments, there is no exchange. We are already con- vinced, are not searching through free speech for truth. Hearing the unorthodox ideas becomes merely a ritual. As one example of this attitude, the statement "We felt that the proposed debate would spotlight the fraudulent misrepresentation and insincere duplicity of the well- publicized charges of planned Ne- gro genocide" (Ted Friedman, "Daily," May 20) is hardly a lib- eral attitude. Though this is fol- lowed by the statement that "we refused, however, to prejudge," it is obvious that he has prejudged. An inquiring attitude of hearing these charges and then deciding about them would have been far more appropriate here. It is in- teresting that many students on campus took this open-minded at- titude, as exemplified by their be- havior at the debate. Yet quite a few articxlate liberals have not recognized this, and remain at the "vile weed" level of oratory. -Devra Landau *,* * Sweet Voices .. * To The Editor: DR. ESSON M. GALE, Counsel- lor to foreign students and Director of International Center should be "congratulated" in his quick observation of the "disgrace- fully" close and friendly relation- ship of the much-liked Mr. Earle Stewart the coordinator of activi- ties, and the foreign students at the Center. Since seventy five perceit of the Center's work is "counselling" to "students from other lands" should not the counsellor-counsellee rela- tionship be maintained at the Center? I welcome Dr. Gale's idea of creating a higher ranking posi- tion than that of the coordinator of activities, so that once again the sweet voices of the foreign{ (pardon me, "students from other lands") students, saying "Good-1 morning Sir" and "Yes Sir" ac- companied by the small graceful' courtsey bow (to their superior counsellors) will be echoed and' seen at the Center after the lapse of one semester. But I would liketo knowfrom where the Center is going to get' the funds necessary for a highera ranking officer when the Center3 has been clamoring for more funds for a number of years. -Dilip Mehta * * * -. Hospital Shows,. To The Editor: ON FRIDAY, May 16th the Mod- ern Dance and Ballet ClubsI gave their second annual perform- ance for a group of 20 tuberculosis patients at University Hospital. With the exception of an occasion- al movie and a party with enter- tainment at Christmastime, this is all these patients ever receive by way of a change from their daily struggle with this disease, which keeps most of them flat on 3 ' b. x; :..- s . : , , " .. 5. S ; ;-:. v . : - . f - ,., f r: Y i : F 3 , P . . + t Y ij f l _ '-y, 0.7 "' a .. ., C..; <. aivF' ''r' '. diHA ' fIG W Nf WiT lt VaST" + . ,LjEBPeGOrL!2heC lo .. "Oh, Yes --Now, What Was It We Were Going To Do?" .. MA T ER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP their backs from a minimum of 12 months to as long as several years. The program was a varied one including sections from the Masque for Dance: "The Silver Heron," a Bach Suite, Chopin Variations, Jazz Lullaby, Der Kon- duktor and Pas de Deux for two of Gulantics fame. This latter satire was especially appreciat- ed. Participating dancers were Blanche Jones, Doris Meleky, Vera Simon, Doris Marsh, Geraldine Miller, Gretchen Bowsma, Doris Taylor, Tulah Kurath, Marvin Carpenter and Mac Emschwiller. In addition, Ann Kaminsky read for the Silver Heron. Sarah Graf presented some of her cabaret song repertoire,- Ed Chudacoff led group folk-singing with his guitar and Sam Irwin served as Master of Ceremoniese. Invaluable help as well as refresh- ments for all were provided by the Occupational Therapy Depart- ment. Judging from the enthusiastic and grateful reception of this type of program for the second con- secutive year, I believe here is a great opportunity for other per- forming groups on campus to bring live shows to these patients. -Karen Irwin * * * The Defense Rests.. . To the Editor: WE ARE ENGAGED in a war. "A war by any other name ... is no less war." (Grier, Prize Cases.) The President is invested with the war power, as well as the Con- gress. (See various proclamations of Lincoln and of Roosevelt, espec- ially the Japanese Relocation Or- der, Federal Register, Vol. VII No. 38.) The very conception of a just government and its duty to the citizen includes the reciprocal ob- ligation of the citizen to render military service in case of need and the right to compel it . . . (Ar- ver v. U. S., 1918; Vattel, Law of Nations Book III Ch. 1,2.) Today, when the whole economy must be geared to the successful prosecution of the war, and the failure of one cog can disrupt the whole, specialized economy, as is the case, the concept of military' service includes the whole of the war effort, which the government, hence the President (Premiss 2) has the right to control and com- pel. The steel industry is essential to the war effort. Therefore the President has competence to act to prevent a disruptive strike. As this competence exists, his action does not violate the due process clause. Nor has the Presi- dent broken a law by refusing to employ the alternative procedure of Taft-Hartley. If the compe- tence exists, as it does, and unless the means chosen is prohibited, as it is not, the choice of means is his, and his alone. (See dis- cussion of means, McCuhlouch v. Maryland.) Further, his action is not amenable to judicial inquiry. (See U. S. v. Belmont, 301 U. S., and U. S. v. Pink, 315 U. S., for a discussion of the due process clause and of judicial review in fields left by the Constitution to the political departments.) Hence the President is the sole judge of the appropriateness of his actions. When the Congress im- peaches, or the electorate votes, they are reproving his judgment in a matter; but judge it them- selves, they cannot. --Wilbur Harvey Friedman, HI * * * Noble Attempt ... To the Editor: CONGRATULATIONS are in or- der to President Hatcher in his noble attempt to "bring har- moniously together in a common pursuit all nations, races and creeds." Such courageous altru- ism stirs one's heart and brings to mind all the fine and democrat- ic speeches our president has deliv- ered in the past. Lecture committees, loyalty oaths, McPhaul trials, off-campus speeches, paternalism, bi-racial- ism, anti-bias vetoes-all these serve to gladden the soul of the true American. May we look for- ward to bigger and better things in the future. --Charles Browne SMTRI* * ** * Alarming Tendency .,. To the Editor: THERE has been an alarming tendency inrecent editorials and letters in The Daily to imply that the University administra- tion has a monopoly of vice and the student body a monopoly of virtue. It seems more reasonable to assume that the truth lies some- where in between or better yet that most of the differences of opinion are the result of mis- understanding rather than ill will. I have had a growing feeling over the past months that many of the criticisms would never have ap- peared at all if the critic had asked himself the right questions, among them the following: 1. Before criticizing a decision has the critic been careful to pos- sess himself of all the facts on which the,degision was based? 2. Is the critic being misled by the asstimption that the admin- istration likes to impose arbitrary restrictions and that it is hostile to. student proposals per se? 3. Has the critic made a success- ful effort to avoid the assumption that what he wants or that what he feels is right is really best for the university as a whole? My guess is that many critics, if they stopped to ask such ques- tions, would be pleasantly surpris- ed to discover the willingness of the administration to go halfway or more than halfway to meet them. -Joshua McClennen Geggd* * * Genocide :. To the Editors: THE WORD "Genocide"'has been in use for some time. It may interest some people to know that this name first originated in the report of a Polish professor who charged Russia with genocide in the notorious murder of 10,000 Polish officers in Katyn forest in October, 1939. The case has been well know in Europe for many years,hbut has onlyrecently been brought to the attention of the American public. The Communists in the USA had to divert attention from this, so, in their usual tradi- tion, they introduced a counter- charge of their own. The term "Genocide" means murder of a race or nationality. I may say here that all the persecu- tion of the minorities in US since the Civil War seem puny when compared with the wholesale mur- der, compulsorary teaching of Rus- sian and Communist doctrine, and the amalgamation of the small Eastern-European countries into the Soviet Empire. In the US there are societies for the advancement of minorities, there are even laws for their protection. All that the Eastern-European had is a forlorn hope and a prayer. Americanspshould count their blessings, and only after they have done so, let them talk about things that they know so little about. Predjudice exists. No one is deny- ing that. The present treatment, however, is not helping it any but merely antagonizing the predju- diced elements. Any attempt to force measures of the type, sug- gested in the recent debate down peoples' throats is just as surely totaltiarian as Soviet Russia it- self. The American way is through education. -Stephen G. Jaffe New Trend... To the Editor: WISHING to further The Daily's new journalistic trend, I re- spectfully submit for the edifica- tion of the Editors the following choice bits of news: On Saturday night our boy Nel- son was unintentionally kicked in the face by Harv, who lives down the hall and happened to be spending a few minutes in Nel- son's room. Just a week ago Satur- day, Roy and Ralph participated in an evening-long wrestling bout, with Roy coming out on top. And just the other evening I stubbed my toe in' the shower. Nelson is feeling fine now, Ralph has forgiven Roy, but my toe still hurts. I sincerely hope that Mr. Macdougall is feeling better than I. -Richard Grossman EDITOR'S NOTE: Had your little con- tretemps received important notice on the police blotter, it too might have made The Daily. ir1 i n i : d MINERAL WELLS, Tex.-An Important Republican gathering in Texas used to seem about as likely an event, by the- an- cient rules of American politics, as a synod of atheists in St. Peter's Cathedral. Yet the Republican State Convention held here in this rather bleak little resort town in the Texas hill country can quite easily turn out to be a major turning point in the party's %istory. There has been more here than a bitter and crucial contest between the supporters of Sen. Robert A. Taft and General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower. Behind the usual facade of wilted delegates, ugly ban- ners and party managers exuding false self-confidence, people here have been ar- guing bitterly about what sort of party the Republican party ought to be. The simplest way to describe the concept of the Taft faction is to say they appear to believe that Republicanism is almost like the British peerage, a rare, hereditary privilege. The best symbol of' this viewpoint is Na- tional Committeeman Henry Zweifel, who has driven the Taft steamroller here. Zweifel is a graying, aging Fort Worth lawyer-business-man who was a United States Attorney in the happy Republican years of the '20s. He took the lead in the campaign of naked religious prejudice that won this state for Herbert Hoover on the only occasion when Texas has gone Repub- lican. He inherited the state leadership from the late Col. R. B. Creager, whose name carries the tradition back to another big Taft convention, 1912, when the word "steamroller" was added to the American political vocabulary. The Zweifel political approach is dis- closed by his public declaration that he would rather "lose with Sen. Taft" than sinfully compromise with Republican principles by nominating Gen. Eisenhow- er. Like Creager before him, Zweifel has run the Texas Republican Party like a small private club. Like Creager, to be sure, he has also is- sued pious statements, before each national election, that now was the time for a two- party system to develop in Texas. But in fact, the emergence of a two-party system in Texas is the last thing Zweifel wants. His here were anything but a small private club the competition would be too stiff for Henry Zweifel. Sen. Taft long ago sewed up Zweifel and the other Southern leaders like him, whose support in fact was classed as a prime as- set in the original Taft plan for victory. It can be imagined, then, with what horror Zweifel and most of the other Republican club members heard the sudden knocking of uncontrollable masses of Texas voters on the club doors. This was the Eisenhower surge in Tex- as. Certain regular Republicans, like the former candidate for Governor, Alvin Lane, participated in the movement. The great mass of the Eisenhower rooters was composed, however, of former Democrats, or independents, or of younger men and women who had never troubled to vote. They had two things in common. They wished to get rid of the Democratic Na- tional Administration. And they saw in Gen. Eisenhower a Republican candidate they could vote for with enthusiasm, a man offering them final escape from the one party prison in this state. As the law here requires, these Eisenhower enthusiasts paid their poll taxes; they sign- ed the necessary pledge of Republican al- legiance; and they flocked into the Repub- lican precinct meetings. In the majority of counties, they overwhelmed the Zweifel or- ganization by sheer weight of numbers. In big Dallas County, for example, attendance at Republican precinct meetings actually ran higher than attendance at the Demo- cratic gatherings; and the Eisenhower en- thusiasts polled close to 80 per cent of the Dallas County Republican votes. The riposte of the Zweifel organization has been, very simply, to ignore the ma- jority against it. The State Executive Committee has seated pro-taft delegations. Those delegations chosen here to go to the Republican National Convention will hardly represent more than a third of the people who have signified their wish to vote Republican by signing up and going to the precinct meetings. The pro-Eisen- hower contesting delegation will represent the other two-thirds. The Zweifel tactics have beenfcountenan- ced and approved by Sen. Taft's personal DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from page 2) M Music degree. A Teaching Fellow in Voice, Mr. Elson will sing compositions by Monteverde, Cavalli, Scarlatt, Han- Concerts del, Fevruerin Kiretm Nassenet, Wolf, Strauss, and Harrison. He studies with Student Recital: Paui Jenkins, Or- Arthur Hackett; and his program will ganist, will play a recital at 4:15 Sun- be open to the public. day afternoon, June '8, in Hill Audi-b torium, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Master of Exhibitions Music. It will include works by Lubeck, Bach, Brahms, and Reubke. Mr. Jen- Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial kins is a pupil of Robert Noehren. Hall: Michigan Water Color Society -- On Wed., June 11, at 5 p.m., Mr. Jen- Sixth Annual Exhibition. June 1 kins will play a carillon recital on the through June 29. Gallery hours: Week- Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Tow- days 9 to 5, Sundays 2 to 5. The public er. Among other compositions Mr. Jen- is invited. kins will play Gluck's Gavotte from "Alceste," Bach'saChorale Prelude, "Sleepers Wake!" and the Negro Spirit- U vet fM c CL ig ual,"Dep Rr" wic heha a- University of Michigan Marching Co-op Apartment interest group will meet at 7:30 p.m., 1017 Oakland. Phone 7211, Luther Buchele, for information. Graduate Political Science Round Table. 7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphithe- ater. Dr. Abraham Kaplan, visiting As- sociate Professor of Philosophy at the University of California at Los Angeles, will speak on the topic, "Values and Politics." Refreshments following meet- ing. All interested invited. New Senior Class Officers Meeting. 5 p.m., League. Room will be posted. All Senior class officers are urged to at- tend. Informal discussion concerning plans for next year. Coming Events --v- Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Eliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith...............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Bnss uStaff Bob Miller ...........Businews Manaser Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager