BOOK CENSORSHIP See Page 4 C, 4c Latest Deadline in the State 4hr 741k, tt lqqq WPF I 14 w F, 4 v FAIR, COOLER SIX PAGES VOL. LXII, No. 170 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1952 SIX PAGES U I 1 Pre-Memorial Day Parade *. * Q STEPPING OFF from the Rack- ham Mall at 7 p.m. yesterday, 30 local groups wound their way through the city to the sound of bands and the throbbing of drums in a pre-Memorial Day parade. Explaining the reason for hold- ing the parade two days in ad- vance of the regular National holi- day . Friday, general chairman Thomas A. FitzGerald said it was to enable all groups to be fully represented. The parade, consisting of vet- I -Daily-Alan Reid eran, fraternal and school or- ganizations led by massed Amer- ican and State flags followed a short course passing the review- ing stand on the court house lawn. Immediately following the pa- rade, Mrs. William H'eusel, a Gold Star mother, placed a wreath on the Civil War Monument on the court house lawn. Three volleys in tribute to the dead were then fired by the Dexter American Le- gion Marksmen Squad followed by the playing of "Taps."' HEARINGS HELD HERE: r Findings In Musetti Case Due in Big Ten Report By ED WHIPPLE Daily Sports Editor Findings of a Conference investigation into the case of Jerry Musetti, prep athlete who mysteriously forsook Michigan for Michigan State, will be disclosed tomorrow, Big Ten Commissioner Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson announced yesterday. Attending the annual Conference meetings which opened yester- day in the Union, Wilson said an official investigator, a former G-man, has dug into the matter and a thorough investigation will be reported. ' * . * . WILSON DECLARED the Musetti probe would be included in his report to faculty representatives and athletic directors on his inves- tigation into Big Ten athletic SL To Drop TugWeekend Next Term Vote To Accept AIM Equipment By HARRY LUNN By a unanimous vote the Stu- dent Legislature last night decided to discontinue sponsorship of Tug Weekend, including the tradition- al Soph Satire and tug-of-war. The new policy will not prevent SL from encouraging or assisting other student groups undertaking these projects but will remove SL's responsibility for the activities. Currently the League, the Union and the Wolverine Club are study- ing plans to hold some kind of Tug Weekend program during the November 8-9 football weekend when Cornell plays here. * * * ACTING ON the controversial AIM office equipment problem, members agreed by a close 19-15 margin to accept the equipment and, in return, to loan the "Little Club" up to $160. When AIM dis- banded earlier this semester, their officers still held possession of the office supplies. Dissension has centered around the question of whether the supplies should go to the new Tri-Quad Council or be held for a future organization model- ed after AIM. AIM representatives have char- ged that the Tri-Quad Council helped bring about the downfall of their organization and request- ed that the equipment not go to the Council. * * * LAST WEEK a similar SL mo- tion failed after heated debate in which some members argued that SL would be considered as favor- ing the AIM position if it accept- ed the office material. However, Bob Ely, '54, who sponsored last night's motion, emphasized that it should not be "construed in any way to condemn or condone the events surrounding the disbanding of AIM." Included in the transfer are a typewriter, a mimeograph ma- chine, filing cabinets and mis- cellaneous supplies. The equip- ment will be collateral for any loan extended to the Little Club.. A proviso in the agreement would turn the materials back to a re- cognized campus group similar to AIM if such a group included re- presentatives of independent men living outside of University dormi- tories. If no organization meeting this specification is set up by June 1, 1960, the equipment will go free and clear to SL. A separate motion by Keith Beers, '52E, to buy the, equipment outright for $125 or less was de- feated 13-12. Members briefly discussed a University suggestion that SL move from their present head- quarters at 122 S. Forest to the Journalism Bldg. on State St. Phil Berry, '52 BAd, reported that the offer would include all of the sec- ond floor and two-thirds of the first floor of the old building which will be vacated this fall when the journalism department moves to new quarters in Angell Hall. Seniors Today is the last day for sen- iors to pick up their ordered commencement announcements, booklets, and personal cards from 1 to 5 p.m. in the lobby of the Adminitration Bldg. Seniors have been asked to bring their receipts for quicker service. Extra copies areavail- able for those who want more and for those who failed to order. By PHYLLIS WILLAR Eight major and 10 minor awards were presented to 16 win-. ners in the annual Avery and Jule Hopwood Creative Writing Con- test yesterday at an impressive ceremony in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Taking top honors in the field of drama, Joan Striefling, '52, of De- Daily Aids Sad Seniors Graduating seniors who want to stay up to date on campus events can do so by subscribing to The Daily before leaving for the summer. Subscriptions may be obtain- ed by calling The Daily circu- lation department, 2-3241, from 1 to 5 p.m. today. Rhee Ignores Vote to End Martial .Law By The Associated Press Korean President Syngman Rhee ignored the National Assembly yesterday and continued martial law in Pusan, the Korean capital. Allied quarters were reportedly trying to coax him to relent. There also were reports that even some of the, South Korean Army's higher officers were beginning to doubt the wisdom of Rhee's'course. The Army has backed Rhee in his long feud with the Assembly. The Assembly yesterday voted 96 to 3 to end the martial law Rhee proclaimed for Pusan last Saturday. Rhee did not comply, apparently on the theory that his implied powers under the consti- tution took precedence over an act which allows the assembly to end martial law. * * * MEANWHILE, on Koje Island, a staff officer said at least 457 Red war prisoners had broken out of this tough island prison but "no one really knows" how many have got away. In London, Prime Minister Churchill said yesterday the Com- munist Army in Korea has been built up to nearly a million men during the long truce talks and "the situation is very grave." But he told the House of Com- mons "the United Nations com- mander-an American general -on the spot believes UN forces are capable of holding a violent offensive should it be made against them on the breakdown of peace negotiations." On the battlefront, the Com- munists hurled the heaviest ar- tillery and mortar barrages of the year at the Allies yesterday in thunderous emphasis of Red threats to renew heavy fighting in Korea. DICK KRAUS SAUL GOTTLIEB DAVE BUCKLEY s * * * ,'S* *' *W * Hopwoods Awarded Sieen Writs troit, won $800 for her play, "Right Around the Corner. " SAUL GOTTLIEB, '52, Ann Ar- bor, top winner in the major poet- ry division, received $1,000 for "A Cold Day." Sharing the poetry awards with him were Allan Han- na, Grad, of Jackson, for "Bene- diction," Jascha Kessler, Grad, from New York City, for "Invoca- tions." and William B. Trousdale, '52, Detroit, for "Poems." Each of the three received $600 in recognition of their out- standing work. Fiction winners of the major awards were headed by Richard Kraus, Grad, from Chicago, who received $1,500 for a short story, "A Handful of Grapes." David Buckley, Grad, from Boston, won $1,200 for "Season of Desire," and Mrs. Henrietta Howell Slote, Grad, from Philadelphia, $1,000 for "The Long Journey." * . * PROF. Roy W. Cowden, Hop- wood Awards director for the last 19 years, made the presentations. Then, with a surprise turnabout, the retiring English professor was presented a gift of $1,000 as a gesture of appreciation from the Imany present and past students who have worked under his stim- ulating direction. Receiving the gift from Prof. Hayward Keniston, former dean of the literary college, the white-haired Hopwood director said, "I've tried to be a good teacher. I've had a good time trying." Awards were also presented to Last 'Block M' Section Seats Available Now All students will have a "last chance" today to get reservations entitling them to sit in the 50-35 yard line "Block M" flash card section for next fall's football sea- son, Wolverine Club vice-president Bob Golten announced. Five hundred reservations are left to be claimed on a first come, first served basis from 1 to 5 p.m. today at Barbour Gym. Golten emphasized that any student, freshmen included, can get .a seat today. Golten also said that "These are not claims to specific seats, but only reservations in the sec- tion. "Friends wishing to sit together in the section can get their reser- vations separately now and then pick up their permanent seats to- gether when tickets are distribu- ted next fall," he added. "This is a wonderful opportunity to sit in the best seats in the sta- dium and at the same time to participate in developing a 'Block M' flash card section com- parable to the best in the coun- try," Golten said. winners in the minor division: two in drama, three in essay, three in fiction and two in poetry, bring- ing the total sum of the awards to $9,250. ROBERT VAUGHN, '52, receiv- ed two awards; $200 for his play, "Sundown," and $200 for "Four Short Stories." Equaling this rec- ord, Harry Miller, '52, was award- ed $200 for his essay, "The Jour- nal of Henry Moon," and $100 for a short story, "The Candle Moths." In addition to the prize given to essayist Miller, William V. Holtz, '54, was presented $100 for "Three Essays," and Theo.. dore Solataroff, '52, was given $200 for his entry, also entitled "Three Essays." Minor poetry awards went to Anne K. Stevenson, '54, $250 for "The Silver Heron," and $200 to See RETIRING, Page 2 Joseph Roberts, '52, for "Nine Poems." The third fiction award went to Allison Shumsky, '52, $250 for "Three Essays in Fiction," and Richard R. Bracken, '52, won the other drama award, $250 for "Neo- lithic." JUDUES in the poetry contest were: Louise Bogan, poet, review- er of poetry for the "New Yorker"; John Ciardi, author of four vol- umes of poetry; and Delmore Schwartz, associate editor of the "Partisan Review." Essay judges were: Prof. Bax- ter Hathaway of Cornell Univer- sity; Charlese Morton, associate editor of the "Atlantic Month- ly"; and editor-author-lecturer Sterling North. Drama judges were: Associated Press critic Mark Barron; author and critic John Gassner; and Jack Gaver, drama critic for United Press. The fiction judges were: Taylor Caldwell and Granville Hicks, novelists; and associate edi- tor of the "Saturday Review," Harrison Smith. As an entree for the literary af- ternoon, Prof. Gregory Horace, of Sarah Lawrence College, spoke on "Dramatic Art in Poetry." With his eyes figuratively searching the audience for the students honored in all phases of creative writing, he suggested, "Dramatic action can best be compressed through the use of the simile, paradox, wit, rhythm, and line." Kaplan To Speak On Politics Today Prof. Abraham Kaplan, newly appointed head of the philosophy department at UCLA and guest lecturer at the University, will speak to members of the Political Science Round Table on "Values and Politics" at 7:45 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A social hour will follow the meeting, which is open to the pub- lic. Hopwood Award Winners Cmunist Mob Protests Ridgway Arrival in Paris Number One Red Leader Duclos Arrested During Violent Rioting PARIS--(R)-Jacques Duclos, France's No. one Communist, was arrested last night during violent riots against the arrival of Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway as European Defense Commander. At least one rioter was killed, 20 police needed hospital treatment and about 80 other persons were arrested of the thousands who took part in the demonstrations. The Reds were charged with a revolutionary conspiracy against the republic. AT A DRAMATIC midnight news conference. the cabinet's police chief said the uprising had been conquered and "we will al- ways be masters of the situation. The Red boss, Jacques Duclos, Secretary of the French Com- munist Party, was- arrested at his car during the armed Red rioting. Police said they found in the car a loaded revolver, a blackjack, a special radio receiver and, under a blanket, a covey of carrier pigeons. * * * FRENCH police, outnumbered at some places against Red at- tacks with spiked clubs and other weapons, put down the uprising that swirled on several fronts through the bloodied streets of Paris., One man was killed in the rioting. He was identified as a resident of the Northern Parisi- an suburb of Aubervilliers. He was fatally injured in the fight- ing around the Gare de L'est (East Station) which handles traffic from the east and serves many commuters. An American reporter at the Gare de L'est said the police were outnumbered 10 to one by the rioters and fired into the mob. REPORTS late last night indi- cated nearly 100 persons in all were injured in Paris. At least 20 police needed hospital treatment and 20 more had to have first aid. The main Communist weap- ons were clubs studded with nails, metal folding chairs and blackjacks. Interior Minister Charles Brune held the extraordinary midnight news conference to tell reporters France is, and will remain, in control against Communism. HE SAID the Communists are using the name of Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway as a pretext for mak- ing attempts against the security of the French Republic. Ridgway is succeeding Gen. Dwight D. Eis- enhower as commander of Allied Forces in Europe. "Armed commandos of the Communist party," he declared, "have in effect attempted a con- spiracy against our republican institutions." He said Duclos was caught red- handed and was arrested at once. Brune refused to tell reporters where Duclos is being held.. Dispatches from over the coun- try indicated similar demonstra- tions were called by French Com- munists against Ridgway. At Nice, on the Riviera, mobile guardsmen used tear-gas on crowds screaming anti-American slogans. In Marseille, the big Mediter- ranean port city, 150 demonstrat- ors were arrested in a four-hour battle with police. Rise in Food yPricesOK'd WASHINGTON-(UP)-The gov- ernment last night authorized an estimated 350,000 retail grocers to boost their ceilings about a penny each on hundreds of food items. Price Stabilizer Ellis Arnall said the increases mean the public food bill will go up between 100 and 150 million dollars a year. * * * ARNALL TOLD a news confer- ence the increases were granted after repeated requests from the food industry. The Office of Price Stabiliza- tion said that translated into terms of the family budget, the increase is expected to average five cents per week for each fa- mily. It is said that, percentage wise, the increase.-is small in relation to the nearly 32 billion dollar busi- ness done by the food industry yearly. The higher ceilings, effective June 2, apply in both independent and chain stores. They result from higher markups granted the groc- ers. A markup is the difference between cost to the grocer and his selling price. On some of the affected items, OPS said, the higher margins will not result in higher retail ceilings or selling prices. New South Quad Officers Elected New president of South Quad- rangle by a vote of the South Quad Council is Chuck Weber, '53, practices. He added that the gen- eral investigation was authorized a year ago and takes in all mem- bers of the Conference. Musetti, regarded as one of the best backs in Detroit high school football last fall, gradu- ated from Denby high school in February and took up residence in the South Quadrangle for the spring semester. Two days later he disappeared here and turned up at Michigan State. * * * WILSON visited East Lansing a few days after Musetti appeared there, but the visit was for "other business. I didn't check into the case myself," the Conference Com- missioner asserted. Before Wilson's report, how- ever, football coaches and ath- letic directors will have com- piled the football schedules for 1955 and 1956. They went into closed session yesterday for that purpose as the first order of business at the an- nual four-day meeting of Confer- ence officials. The meeting is be- ing held in conjunction with the track and field championships on Ferry Field tomorrow and Satur- day. An announcement on the sched- ules is expected after further de- liberations today. The Michigan State delegation of Athletic Director Ralph Young and Coach Biggie Munn are avow- edly dedicated to a better break for MSC on scheduling. For 1953 and '54 State has only two home Conference games each season. "We will go to Iowa those two years, and, the way we look at it, Iowa owes us two games at East Lansing; that goes for other Cut Foreign Aid Bill Gets SenateOK WASHINGTON-(A)-The Sen- ate passed a $6,700,000,000 foreign aid bill last night after making an eleventh hour cut of 200 million dollars. President Truman had asked for $7,900,000,000, but Senate com- mittees knocked out one billion before the bill reached the floor. ADMINISTRATION leaders then staved off additional cuts of one billion, 500 million and 400 million. They were unable, however, to defeat an amendment by Sen. Long (D-La.) for an across- the board cut of 200 million. Long'- amendment, one of the last considered before a vote was taken on final passage, was adopted by a three-vote margin -37 to 34. The roll call vote was 64 to 10. The big mutual security meas- ure-one of the "must" bills on the Administration slate this ses- sion-now goes to conference with the House, where a companion bill was chopped down to $6,162,600,- 000 before passage last week. THE LEGISLATION authorizes American military and economic aid to a world-wide chain of na- tions allied with this country against Communist aggression and threats of aggression. It must be followed by an appropriations measure which would actually make the money available for the fiscal year starting July 1. On the final roll call 39 Demo- crats and 25 Republicans voted for the bill. One Democrat, Olin Johnston (D-S.C.), and nine Rte- publicans opposed it. * * * * TWENTY-SIX Republicans and 11 Democrats, mostly Southerners, joined forces to cut the bill 200 million on the floor. Voting against the cut were 27 Democrats and seven Repub- licans. Administration leaders avoided bigger cuts with the help of a group of Republican senators who are supporting Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower for the presidential nomination. MOST REPUBLICANS who are supporting Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio for the nomination voted in favor of cutting. Sen. Kem (R-Mo.) won ap- proval of an amendment that he said would cut off aid or a- sistance to any nation which exported military materials or conunodities to Russia or other Iron Curtain countries. He said England sold Russia nearly 50 million dollars worth of rubber the first three months of this year and other Western European nations are selling war potential goods behind the iron curtain. GI Deferment Slips Available Students whose deferments end before the beginning of the fall semester or whose boards require DRAMA SEASON PRODUCTION: 'A Date With April' To Feature Constance Bennett World News Roundup By The Associated Press LANSING--Gov. Williams yes- terday pledged the full coopera- tion of all state agencies in a fed- eral survey of flood damage along the Great Lakes shore in Michi- gan, while in Chicago, U.S. Army engineers estimated $61,252,900 worth of total damage by the rampaging waters during the past year. J * * * The South posted .a double- * * * e By MARGE SHEPHERD Constance Bennett will star in the Drama Season's Broadway prevue of the George Batson comedy, "A Date with April," from Mon- day through Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A sparkling comedy, scheduled to open with Miss Bennett in the lead in New York this fall, "A Date With April" is the story of a / P.asame r. >. _: :: :>