1 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1952 IU I_ PREXY CANDIDATES: Liberal Harriman Supports Democrat Fair Deal Policy ALTHOUGH HE HAS not yet fully emerg- ed as a powerful presidential candidate, W.^ Averell Harriman, an outspoken New York Democrat, seems to have many of the qualities necessary to fill the position, and the energy to carry on a fighting campaign. Harriman, at present Mutual Security Director, has long been an inside man on national polity-making in both the Roose- velt and Truman Administrations. He has been closely connected with the imple- mentation of our foreign policy for the past twelve years, holding such jobs as first administrator of Lend Lease, Euro- pean Director of the Marshall Plan, and special consultant to NATO. As director of the foreign ail program, Harriman has been anxious to see that our allies are built into strong assets. He feels that arming our allies is the best way to keep America's young men at home, while arguing vigorously that the congressional foreign aid cuts are playing right into the hands of the Kremlin. "Europe could never have advanced as far as it has without our leadership." Harriman, who has been present at every important world-wide conference since the beginning of World War II, has a great deal of; insight into international situations. He says, with little compunction: "No man knows more about the Kremlin than I do," -and he is probably right. After returning from his war-time post as ambassador to Russia, he was one of the first to predict that the Russians would not be willing to cooperate with us after the fighting was over. On domestic.issues, Harriman is much more to the, left than other candidates. He is the only candidate who doesn't hesi- tate to give fall support to the entire New Deal-Fair Deal Program. Harriman is in favor of replacing the Taft-Hartley act with a new labor law, which will be fair to both labor and man- agement. He approves of Truman's seizure of the steel industry because he feels it essential to keep the mills open in view of the hos- tilities in,Korea. The Smith Act, under which court ac- tion can be taken against those who ad- vocate the overthrow of government by force, has his approval. But he would like to See the repeal of the McCarran act on the grounds that many of its provisions jeopardize civil liberties. Harriman is in a position to get the sup- port of labor and, perhaps, of management. Recently, he was invited to address the AFL Executive Council, an invitation which is usually not extended to Presidential hope- fuls. As former president of the Union Pa- cific Railway and a one-time investment banker, Harriman also may be able to win a good deal of backing from management. In addition to being President Truman's rumored second choice for the Democratic nomination, the popular administrator has the solid support of New York State. Democrats and the Americans for Demo- cratic Action. A new political development may be forth- coming today when Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois gives an introductory speech for Harriman at a Roosevelt College convoca- tion honoring the latter as "Man of the Year." Stevenson is expected to endorse Harriman's candidacy. If he does, the New' Yorker's chances will boom, and he may well be on his way to the Democratic nomi- nation. -Phyllis Lipsky DORIS FLEESON: Sen. Taft Has Tactical Advantage Over Ike in Pre-Convention Moves WAS HINGTON-Senator Taft's managers now claim that they have 474 delegates as against 310 for General Eisenhower. They will continue to beat the drums on the delegate count, which by any listing favors them, in an effort to minimize the inevitable fanfare accompanying General Eisenhower's return here June 1. This s the situation underlying a tacti- cal struggle now in progress between the Taft and Eisenhower forces. The win- ning votes might lie in a contested dele- gation which makes the credentials com- mittee a vital, possibly controlling factor. The public will get its first glimpse of this aspect of the situation June 10-11 when members of the national committee meet in Chicago to name the temporary chairman, who will deliver the keynote address at the July Convention, and a permanent chair- man. General Eisenhower's backers, admitting they are a minority of the national commit- Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: ALAN LUCKOFF tee, will demand only that the men chosen shall not be partisan. There are some Taft backers they will not take, some they might. There seems to be general agreement that Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr., House minority leader, who has been permanent chairman for three conventions, can have it again-a record for one man. The temporary chairman is a different story. The national committee itself decides which of contesting delegations shall go on the temporary roll of the convention. But the temporary chairman rules whether or not such temporarily seated delegates can vote on the final seating, after the creden- tials committee brings in its recommenda- tions. These, as the experts know, are the spots where the decisive votes might be cast. A Senator proposed in some quarters for temporary chairman says he believes the man who gets that job will be the most hated man at the convention. He cannot possibly satisfy both sides in a difficult struggle and'he has, the Senator claimed, no exact precedents to guide him. There can be no doubt that Senator Taft has the tactical advantage; the greatest re-* straint upon him and his managers will be their knowledge that the candidate named must have the support of the whole party. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate) DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-The pact for a European ITArmy which the Foreign Ministers ini- tialed Monday is not a lengthy document. It is quite short. But behind its written pages are thousands of unwritten chapters re- cording the hopes of the future, the history of the past, and the hurdles in the path of peace. Historically, the signing marked the cli- max of 300 years of warfare, back and forth across the Rhine, back and forth between the French and German armies, back and forth-until the wheat fields and the forests were tangled with barbed wire and drenched with blood. So this pact, putting the armies of two bitter enemies-France and Germany-un- der one flag and in one uniform, could be the most significant milestone for peace the world has ever seen. But because it does carry the hopes of millions, and because the goals of the Krem- lin do not flourish in the soil of peace, the European Army pact faces terrific hurdles. Moscow is determined that this pact never shall go into full force. So the signing will mark the beginning of the greatest war of nerves since V-E Day. JEERS FOR RIDGWAY Even before the ceremony, Moscow was martialing its forces to scare Western Eur- ope out of this momentous agreement. Here are the moves which will come to a climax in the immediate or near future: 1. General Matthew Ridgway's arrival will touch off a vociferous anti-American demonstration. He will be branded the butcher of Korea, held responsible for the highly exaggerated prisoner troubles in Korea, and accused as a user.of germ warfare. Communist propaganda regard- ing germ warfare has been so successful that about half the people of Europe re- ally believe it. 2. Soviet rearmament of East Germany will be increased. This is probably a psycho- logical move made to worry the French and scare the West Germans away from the Eu- ropean Army pact. SEIZE BERLIN 3. There's been a heavy Russian build-up around Berlin. Simultaneously Communist civilians are reported planning to flock into West Berlin, stage riots, and give an ex- cuse to Communist troops to enter the city. This time, it's reported, the Russians plan to seize both Berlin airports, thus making it impossible for usto repeat the airlift. In such event, Berlin would be starved out and have to capitulate. The alternative would be war. 4. European inflation is on the increase and is our second worst enemy. Some peo- ple claim it is even enemy no. 1. For, with prices high and wages low, inflation makes for Communism. Communist par- liament members in France and Italy are endeavoring to create as much economic instability as possible in order to increase inflation. Inflation has brought substantial business to a standstill throughout Western. Europe, and this will be increased if there is any substantial cut in U.S. aid to Europe. 5. Ratification of the United Army pact is uncertain, and will be made more so by the above events. This is Moscow's real goal-namely, to discourage, frighten, dis- illusion the peoples of France and Germany to such extent that their parliaments re- fuse to ratify the historic pact. Twenty-four years ago I was present in the Salon D'Horloge at the signing of the famed Kellogg-Briand Pact. The August sun spread its slanting rays over the Seine, penetrated the deep-curtained windows of the Quai D'Orsay and danced among the great crystal candelabra of Louis XVI as Europe's statesmen scratched their names on the parchment outlawing war supposedly forever. But in the background lurked forces ,of Fascism and Nationalism which gradually undercut that treaty and edged the world toward war. Today the same forces, this time under Jhe name of Communism, are equally in- tent on wrecking the pact being signed. The question is, will they succeed? The answer, in reality, is up to us. It is supposed to be axiomatic that his- tory repeats. But nothing is really axiomatic. And if the more enlightened people of the world remember the mistakes of the past, history need not repeat. * . * TIDELANDS OIL This city has seen all sorts of lobbyists in its day, but seldom such a high-powered, high-level group as that now pulling wires to defeat the President's pending veto on tidelands oil. Most significant thing about the lobby is that this time it's not being directed by the oil companies. The Federal Govern- ment has promised that oil company leas- es will be protected under federal opera- tion, so the oil companies now don't care whether they pay royalties to the Govern- ment or to the three states which are cla- moring for tidelands oil-Texas, Califor- nia and Louisiana. All the oil companies want is to have the dispute settled so they can get down to work. But having created a Frankenstein, the oil companies are today unable to control it, with the result that such solons as Sena- tr Hlandri nf Wnrirdaanei xentorn now. "Gee ~Ambidextrous" ' r 4 (lot . / coAJc ESS T u -: o a XeteP'4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. changed without the consent Schedules. Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 MONDAY (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 of the Committee on Examination Stewart Dismissal .. . To the Editor: MANY PERSONS have sought from me an explanation of my position in the last special ses- sion of ISA. The request is not an unreasonable one. Along with many other ISA delegates I was present at the three inquiries on the Erle Stewart dismissal case. Along with those delegates I was forced, by the facts of the testi- monies, to conclude that the ac- tion of the International Center's Board of Governors, chairmaned by Dr. Gale, had been deplorably hasty. One can reach no other conclusion when one learns that indictment, prosecution without defense, and conviction occur si- multaneously in one short session. However, it is one thing to agree with the intent of a resolution and quite another to agree with its tone. The final resolution was far too powerful for the occasion. Had Dr. Gale been unwilling to discuss the question or had he dis- cussed it arbitrarily I would have held the resolution to be just. But such was not the case. Dr. Gale in his inquiry session with us dis- cussed the matter openly and freely; he was anything but dic- tatorial or inconsiderate of our stand, even stating that he might recommend Mr. Stewart's reap- pointment to the Center staff this June. In view of these facts I found the language of the ISA resolution quite out of taste. As the assembly censured an unfair dismissal under threat of request- ing a University investigation of the matter, I concurred. As the assembly threatened "unremit- ting" opposition to the Director's policies if the case were not re- considered, I offered my mild op- position. But as the assembly dar- ed go so far as to demand Dr. Gale's resignation should he not concede to ISA demands, I re- signed. Some things simply are not done in decent society. --Richard A. LaBarge, President, UNESCO Council Time of Examination Saturday, June 7 Tuesday, June 10 Monday, June 2 Wednesday, June 4 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 11 Tuesday, June 3 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Wednesday, June 4 ,9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 r'r TUESDAY (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 1o 11 1 2 3 These regular examination periods have precedence over any special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be ar- ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class. .a I Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 Russian 2+ German 1, 2, 11, 12, 31 Chemistry 4, 21 English 1, 2 Psychology 31 Sociology-Psychology 62 Economics 51, 52, 53, 54. 102, 153 (sections 2 and 3) Sociology 51, 54, 90 Political Science 2 French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32, 61, 62 Speech 31, 32 Monday, June 2 Monday, June 2 Tuesday, June 3 Wednesday, June 4 Saturday, June 7 Saturday, June 7 Saturday, June 7 Monday, June 9 Tuesday, June 10 Tuesday, June 10 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS HORACE M. RACKHAM SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIFS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SCHOOL OF NURSING SCHOOL OF MUSIC JUNE 2 - JUNE 12, 1952 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the time-of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examin- ed at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12 o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "ir- regular" classes may use any examination period provided there is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arranged for by the "irregular" classes). Each student should receive notification from his instructor as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be Wednesday, June Wednesday, June 11 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * * * S UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS June 2 to June 12, 1952 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 CuR t -I 1 At The Orpheum. . . THE WINSLOW BOY, with Robert Do- nat and Cedric Hardwicke. THIS SHOWING could almost be consid- ered a double-feature. There are 45 minutes of short subjects, including a car- toon and Fitzpatrick travelogue left over from last week's program. This brings the total to two cartoons, two travelogues, an attempt to enlist all the young ladies in the audience in the female branch ~of the Marine Corps, and a preview. This is de- plorable. The feature, once it gets on the screen, is rather pleasant. The Winslow boy is the son of a retired banker who is expelled from a naval academy for stealing five shillings. Up to this point the picture seems to be trusting to a somewhat sentimental story and slightly ludicrous characterizations of middle-class English types to carry it along. Then Sir Cedric Hardwicke, convinced of his son's innocence, decides to petition the king to reconsider the case. He hires one of the country's best lawyers to plead for his son's acquittal. Robert Donat, as the lawyer, a front. bencher of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition, is really a very humorous crusader for "right," and accepts the case. Alternating between mock histrionics and fiery ora. At The Michigan . .. MY SIX CONVICTS, with Millard Mit- chell and John Beal PRISON PICT&RES have probably fallen victim to the sterotype treatment as often as any other genre in Hollywood. That is why it is a welcome. relief to find a movie where the convicts are doing something more with their time than planning breaks and beating on the bars with tin-cups. These popular penitentiary pastimes are engaged in during the course of "My Six Convicts," but accomplished with a cer- tain finesse and savoir faire that, for my money, James Cagney always lacked. This is a kind of service to popular intelligence. My prison inmate become, through this story something close to a human being and although the movie does not make his a character of many dimensions besides, the conception is a step in the right direc- tion, both as drama and as frank propa- ganda for the ex-con. The central focus in this adaptation of the Donald Powell Wilson best seller is on the pioneering psychologist, Dr. D. P. Wilson, who enters a California prison as the. insti- tution's first "bugs doctor." While no Vernon Fox, Dr. Wilson, as por- trayed by John Beal is an engaging young (Continued from Page 3) Doctoral Examination for Helen Lun Chen wu, Biological Chemistry; thesis: "The Relation Between the Nature of the Dietary Protein and the Production of Experimental Alcaptonuria in the White Rat," Mon., June 2, 1:30 p.m., 313 W. Medical Bldg. Chairman, H. B. Lewis. Doctoral Examination for Edith Beck- er Bennett, Social Psychology; thesis: "The Relationship of Group Discussion, Decision, Commitment and Consensus to Individual Action," Tues., June 3, 2 p.m., West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, R. W. Heyns. Doctoral Examination for Francisco Viliegas, Romance Languages & Litera- tures: Spanish; thesis: "Glosario del Argot Costarricense," Wed., June 11, 3 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bdlg. Chairman, L. B. Kiddle. Concerts Opera Workshop Class under the di- rection of Wayne Dunlap, will perform scenes from operas at 4:15 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, May 27-29, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. During the Tuesday performance Menotti's Telephone will be sung; scenes from Rodgers' Carousel, and Weill's Street Scene. Standard Opera will be represented on Wednesday by Flo- tow's Martha, Verdi's Aida and Rigolet- to. Friday's performance will be devoted to the Menotti operas and will include scenes from Amahl and the Night Visi- tors, The Medium, and the Old Maid and the Thief. The public is invited. student Recital: Juliana Tung, pian- ist, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening, May 28, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall, in a program of composi- tions by Bach, Liszt, Bartok and Schu- bert. Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, the recital will be open to the public. Mrs. Tung is a pupil of Benning Dexter. Student Recital: Paul Jenkins, Or- ganist, will play a recital at 4:15 Sun- day afternoon, June 8, in Hill Audi- torium, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Master of Music. It will include works by Lubeck, Bach, Brahms, and Reubke. Mr. Jen- kins is a pupil of Robert Noehren. On Wed., June 11, at 5 p.m., Mr. Jen- kins will play a carillon recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in Burton Tow- er. Among other compositions Mr. Jen- kins will play Gluck's Gavotte from "Alceste," Bach's Chorale Prelude, "Sleepers Wake!" and the Negro Spirit- ual, "Deep River" which he has ar- ranged for carillon. Student Recital: Suzanne Hendrian. Soprano, will present a program at 8:30 Strauss,andkHarrison.He studies with Arthur Hackett; and his program will be open to the public. Events Today Delta Sigma Pi. Final meeting of the semester. A group picture will be taken at 7:30 p.m., followed by installation of the new neophytes. Wesleyan Guild. Do-Drop-In for tea and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Guild lounge. Linguistics Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. "The Plural Nouns of Measure in the Eastern Unit- ed States" by Mrs. R. I. McDavid, Jr., doctoral candidate at the University of Minnesota. "Notes on the Speech of Aphasics," by Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, Director of Speech Clinic, University of Michigan. Election of officers. All stu- dents and faculty members interested in the scientific study of language are invited. Coming Events Kappa Kappa Psi: Special meeting for all members, Thurs., May 29, 4:15 p.m., Harris Hall, to discuss next year's big project. It is important that all members attend. S.R.A. Picnic, Memorial Day, 2-11 p.m., at theBaldwin Home, 3039 Pitts- view Drive. Square dancing, games, and singing. Transportation furnished from LaneĀ±Hall at 2 p.m. Call reservation to Lane. Hall by Thursday noon. All in- terested members of campus religious groups invited. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ... ..............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ......... .Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Bu~sness Sta ff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager sent of the Classification Comi Time of Class (at 8 (at 9 (at 10 MONDAY (at 11 (at 1 (at 2 (at 3 NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the first quiz period. Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assign- ed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Building between May 14 and May 21 for instruction. To avoid misunder- standings and errors each student should receive notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in each course during the period June 2 to June 12. No date of examination may be changed without the con- TUESDAY ,.< 4 (at (at (at (at (at (at (at 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 mittee. Time of Examination Saturday, June 7 Tuesday, June 10 Monday, June 2 Wednesday, June 4 Friday, June 6 Thursday, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Monday, June 9 Wednesday, June 11 Tuesday, June 3 Friday, June 6 Thurslay, June 5 Thursday, June 12 Wednesday, June 4 *Monday, June 2 *Tuesday, June 3 *Wednesday, June 4 *Thursday, June 5 *Saturday, June 7 *Monday, June 9 *Tuesday, June 10 *Wednesday, June 11 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 9-12 9-12 9-12 9-12 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 9-12 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 E.M. 1, 2; M.I. 82; Spanish Draw. 1; M.I. 135; German Chem. 4, C.E. 21, 22 P.E. 11, 12, 13 P.E. 31, 32, 131; Psyc 31 Ec 53, 54, 102, 153 (Sec 2, 3) C.E. 1, 2, 4; Draw. 3; M.I. 136; Eng. 11 Draw. 2; E.E. 5; French Irregular classes may use vided there are no conflicts. any of the periods marked* pro- SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board. SCHOOL OF MUSIC 4