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May 28, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State SBOWERS


VOL. LXII, No. 169



New Judic Plan
Hits Serious Snag
Regents Refuse To Give Approval
To New Constitution, SAC Told
The new constitution for the Joint Judiciary Council has hit
a serious snag.
The document, which provided for a more representative and
centralized student judiciary system, was not passed by the Board of
Regents at last Friday's meeting as had been hoped by the Judiciary,
the Student Affairs Committee was informed yesterday.
THE FIVE APPOINTMENTS made May 15 to the Joint Judiciary
under the provisions of the new constitution are apparently to all
intents and purposes nullified.
A close study of the University regulations showed that the
constitution should have been approved by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct instead of the SAC, which gave final approval by
,}unanimous vote May 6, after

Band Entertains Crowd
.E ast


West s

fItaly 's Right
Wing Gains
In Election.
ROME- (P)-Premier Alcide De
Gasperi's Democratic forces re-
tained control of Rome and as-
sorted provincial capitals, but
election tides swept six key south-
ern cities into the hands of a
Fascist-Monarchist combine yes-
Pressed hard by the Communist-
led left and the Fascist-Monarch-
ist right, the Christian Democrats
and their middle-ground allies
appeared holding firmly to a ma-
jority of the 2,400 municipalities
which chose new councils Sunday
and Monday.
HOWEVER, a potential threat
to De Gasperi's pro-Western na-
tional government was spotlighted
by the. gains of the Fascist Ital-
tan Social Movement, which ven-
erates the memory of Mussolini,
and the Monarchists, who seek the
return of royalty.
They captured Naples, now
Allied Headquarters for South-
ern Europe; the key Adriatic
port of Bari, through which U.
S. arms pour into Italy; Fog-
gia, a wartime Allied air base;
Salerno, where Allied troops
landed to deal a death blow to
Mussolini's rule and the cities
of Avellino and Benevento.
The Communists held tightly
to five provincial capitals they
first won in elections of 1946. These
were Ferrara, Rieti, Terni, Aosta
and Perugia. The Communists also
won 22 of the Rome Province
Council's 45 seats. However, un-
der Italian law these councils play
a minor role in local governments.
Returns from the smaller cities
and towns were slow.
An official tabulation of early
returns showed the Christian Dem-
ocrats and their allies had won
364 towns; Communists and pro-
Communist Socialists 187; and the
Fascist-Monarchist combine 51.
Wayne Head
Gets New Job
DETROIT-(A)--David D. Hen-
ry, Wayne University president
since 1945 and a leader of its
large-scale building program, dis-
closed yesterday he had accepted
the post of Executive Vice-Chan-
cellor of New York University.
The 46-year-old educator will
take over his new duties in Sep-
tember. His formal resignation will
be presented to the Detroit Board
of Education on June 10 when
some preliminary action towards
finding his successor will be made.
A native of McKeesport, Pa., Dr.
Henry was graduated from Penn-
sylvania State College in 1925 and
taught there for two years before
coming to Michigan.
SL Will Collect
Books for Fall
The Student Legislature will be
collecting books for the fall book
exchange from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30

devoting considerable time to a
couple of controversial clauses
in the document.
It was pointed out that the
Joint Judiciary in any campus
structural table falls below the
University Sub-Committee on Dis-
cipline, a sub-group of the student
conduct committee.
THE STUDENT conduct group
is an unwieldy, cumbersome body
composed of all the deans and
directors of the University, plus
four students. The committee,
which is chaired by Dean of Stu-
dents Erich A. Walter, has not
met for over two years. Itsfunc-
tions are not clearly, defined.
However, it was emphasized
that this channel must probably
be followed before the constitu-
tion wins approval by the Re-
Meanwhile, the student judicial
operations will revert to the pro-
cedure used before the SAC gave
apparently superfluous approval
to the new constitution.
Under this set-up, the Joint Ju-
diciary was composed of four
members of Men's Judiciary, four
members from Women's Judiciary,
and a chairman, alternating in
sex each year.
* * *
MEN'S JUDICIARY is selected
by the Student Legislature Cabi-
net, while Women's Judiciary is
picked by the League Interviewing
Under the new constitution,.
selections would be made by a
special Interviewing Committee
composed of the president, vice-
president, treasurer and recording
secretary of SL, and the president
and interviewing board chairman
of the League, with the chairman
and vice-chairman of Joint Judi-
ciary advising.
The biggest fly in the oint-
ment in quietly reverting to the
former procedure seems to be
the five already named by the
interviewing group to Joint Ju-
diciary. These were Joel Billar,
54L, Vernon Emerson, '52, Cy-
rille Landes, '53, Alberta Cohrt,
'52SM, and Leah Marks, '52.
The SL cabinet quickly named
Billar and Emerson to Men's Judi-
ciary Monday, making them offi-
cial members of the joint council.
However, it was felt in several
quarters that it would be unfair to
the members of the League Inter-
viewing Board to railroad through
See JOINT, Page 3

-Daily-Alan Reid
TWILIGHT CONCERT-Students and townspeople seated on
"The Mall" enjoy the music of the 'University Symphony Band
augmented by the Varsity Band, conducted by Prof. William D.
Revelli. Feature of the evening was Moussorgsky's "Great Hall of
Kiev" from "Pictures at an Exhibition" played by the band and
accompanied by Prof. Percival Price at the Carillon.
Des GOP Battle as Ike

Nations Sign
For Defense
Links NATO with
European Army
PARIS-R)-Statesmen of the
West signed yesterday a series of
historic agreements cementing
free Europe's defense and solemn-
ly warning the Communist world
to keep hands off.
In a day of momentous events,
the representatives of 15 nations
signed a series of treaties and
protocols linking the full power of
the North Atlantic Alliance with a
European Army, including West
Germany, and pledging the com-
bined might of the west to fight
if any one nation should be at-
* * *
U.S. SECRETARY of State Dean
Acheson hailed the signing as "one
of the most important and far
reaching events of our lifetime."
Six Western European nations
signed a pact committing them
to build a million-man army un-
der unified command. The Unit-
ed States, Britain and France
issued a portentous declaration
in support.
The Big Three warned the Sov-
iet Union that any attack on any
part of free Europe-including
Berlin or West Germany-would
be received as a threat to the se-
curity of the Big Three.
MEANWHILE in Bonn the West
German government made public
an agreement with the Western
Allies that German troops would


TrailsTaft by
By The Associated Press
Presidential primaries, conven-
tion walkouts and demands of
battling Republican and Demo-
cratic presidential candidates for
more equalized publicity grabbed'
the political headlines yesterday.
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
pulled within 20 votes of Sen.
Robert A. Taft (R-O.) in the con-
test for Republican presidential
nominating delegates by winning
Senate Defeats
One Reduction;,
Fights Other
cratic leaders in the Senate stav-
ed off a new cut of a billion dol-
lars in the foreign aid bill yester-
day, but face a tough fight today
to defeat a half billion dollar re-
President Truman recommended
a $7,900,000,000 bill to strengthen
foreign nations against Commun-
ism in the year starting July 1,
1952. The Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee decided that $6,-
900,000,000 was enough, and re-
duced the measure to that amount.
* * *
SENATOR Welker (R.-Ida.) and
10 other Republicans who called
for another billion dollar slash,
were defeated 35 to 27 on a roll-
call vote.
Welker and his associates are
now sponsoring a proposal for
a cut of a half billion, which may
draw significantly more support
when it is voted on today.
Sen. Carlson (R.-K an.),one of
the leaders of the Eisenhower-for-
President movement, said yester-
day he will vote to cut 500 mil-
lion from the bill. He voted against
the billion dollar cut.



at least 20 of Connecticut's 22 bal-
IN TEXAS, bitter divisions with-
in both Republican and Democra-
tic parties erupted in disorder and
conventions walkouts that will
send contesting delegations to the
Chicago conventions in July.
On the Republican side in
Texas Taft supporters took over
the convention at Mineral Wells
and named 8 uninstructed can-
and named 38 untxstructed can-
didates, of whom 35 favor Taft
and three are for Eisenhower.
Most Eisenhower supporters,
however, walked out yelling pro-
tests when the convention seated
Taft delegations from many parts
of the state, and held their own
meeting. They named 33 unin-
structed delegates known to back
the general and five who are defi-
nitely instructed for Taft.,
(D-Ga.) piled up a 17-to-7 lead
last night over Sen. Kefauver (D-
Tenn.) in their primary contest
for Florida's 24 delegates to the
Democratic presidential nominat-
ing convention.
In Washington, meanwhile,
Senators Taft and Kefauver de-
manded radio and television
time equal to what Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower gets for his Abi-
lene, Kans., speech June 4.
Both presidential candidates ad-
dressed demands to three nation-
al radio networks, charging them
with providing unprecedented cov-
erage- for Eisenhower's homecom-
ing speech and asking increases in
their own radio time.

ONE MAN SHOW--Fred Ha per, editor of the University of
California yearbook is marched down a street in Los Angeles,
daubed with molasses and feathers, reportedly because of dispara-
ging remarks in the yearbook against a fraternity.
True Talks .Critic al;
Reds Threaten Offense
By The Associated Press
The bitter and prolonged Korean armistice talks entered a more
critical phase today as the threat of a Communist spring offensive
hung like a thundercloud over the battlefield.
After nearly 11 months of wearying negotiations a truce seemed
farther away than ever-but both sides agreed to meet again today
at Panmunjom at 9 p.m. Ann Arbor time.
* * * *
THE TOP TRUCE teams reconvened yesterday after a three-day
recess. Even before the Allied delegation took their seats in the dusty,
weather-bleached tent, North Korean Gen. Nam Il said angrily:
"The Korean Peoples Army and the Chinese Peoples Volunteers
decidedly cannot sit by while seeing their captured fellow com-
batants being slaughtered by your side at will."

E. German
Police Ready
For Action
Slowed by Reds
BERLIN-(R)- The Communist
East German Government yester-
day told Red Secret Police they
could shoot to kill anyone found
without proper authorization in a
newly-created no-man's-land at
the tense West German border.
Creation of the three-mile-wide
zone was one in a series of retali-
atory moves aimed at West Ger-
many for signing a separate peace
contract with Britain, France and
the U.S.
EAST GERMANY also cut off
all telephone service between West
Berlin and the Russian sector and
some long distance lines to West
Germany. It adopted a new for-
mula for transit visas which could
strangle traffic between West Ber-
lin and the Bonn Republic.
With these steps East' Ger-
many has created machinery
which requires only a little
tightening to blockade- Berlin.
A senior allied official said:
"They have now arranged things
so that we have the alternative of
slowly watching West Berlin
wither away, put the entire place
on the dole, or start up an airlift
(as was done in 1948-49 to break
the blockade). If they claim the
skies above their heads too, that's
IN PARIS, the Big Three West-
ern Powers said they would regard
aggression against Berlin as a
threat to their own security.
The new visa formula requires
all Germans to get an East Ger-
man permit before setting foot
on East German soil. There are
100 miles of this soil between.
Berlin and the West.
The series of steps, with every
sign that there were more to come,
appeared to be based on Commun-
ist reasoning that signing of the
peace contract torpedoed the Pots-
dam agreement of 1945 which set
up the rights West Berlin enjoyed
in its relations with the West.
New Rushing
Plan f or Fall
OK'd by SAC
Revised rushing procedures for
both fraternities and sororities
won approval from the Student
Affairs Committee yesterday.
The Interfraternity Council put
before the SAC an amended set
of rushing by-laws, containing
three notable changes:
1. The rushee will not pay the
$2 rushing fee till1he signs a pledge
card. At present, the $2 is paid
when the student registers for

2. An informal pledging per-
iod from the fifth to the fif-
teenth weeks of the semester will
be held. This was adopted dur-
ing this past semester on an ex-
perimental basis, and was ap-
proved as a permanent fixture
by the SAC with the reservation
that the policy would be subject
to review after a two-year trial
3. Appeals on decisions of the
Executive Committee. on rushing
violations will be made to the
Men's Judiciary, instead of the
House President's Assembly.
Panhellenic Association won
final approval for the fall rushing
scheme. Next year, sororities will
rush from Sept. 20 to Oct. 4.
The usual 2.0 academic require-
ments for initiation will be in

Those students that have not
picked up their 'Ensians yet
must do so between 3 and 5 p.m.
today and tomorrow afternoon
at the Student Publications Bldg.
be supplied with Atomic weapons
and guided missles "on exactly as
favorable a basis" as other units
of the European army.
The German government
promised however, that strategic
weapons will not be made on
German soil without permission
of the European defense com-
The agreement will become ef-
fective when German troops join
the European Army, was con-
tained in an exchange of letters
between Bonn, the European Army
nations and the U.S. and Britain.
The ban on German manufac-
ture covered Atomic weapons,
chemical and germ warfare weap-
ons, long range or guided missles,
naval vessels other than minor de-
fense craft and military aircraft.
ISA Names Six
New Officers
Six new officers have been elect-
ed by the International Students
They are: Taffara de Guefe,
president, and George Messer-
smith, Grad., and Sui-lin Ling,
'52E, vice - presidents. Edward
Planchon, '55, and Slavian Biletz-
ky . were elected secretary and
treasurer respectively.


Prison Killers
Face Possible
Death Penalty

Dawson Declares Intent
To Run for Congress

World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-Gen. Matthew B. Ridg-
way came back to France yester-
day to take command of the North
Atlantic defense forces, confident.
he could pmake a 14-nation army
in Europe work as well as the 16-
nation army in Korea.
CAPETOWN, South Africa--
four-pronged drive to out racist,
anti - British Prime Minister
Daniel F. Malan from office got
under way yesterday.
TUCSON, Ariz. - A military
smoke bomb was set off in a wo-
men's dormitory on the University
of Arizona campus yesterday, and
30 coeds were .overcome as 175
occupants fled the sickening
Sheriff's deputies arrested three
male students and were hunting a
fourth as 30 girls were treated for

LANSING-('P)-A bill provid-
ing electrocution of convicted fel-
ons who commit murder while in
custody squeaked through the
House yesterday 51-27.
Opposed by Democrats as "the
easy way out" and "hysteria fol-
lowing the Southern Michigan
prison riots," the measure attract-
ed support from some Republicans
who normally oppose general cap-
ital punishment.
AN AMENDMENT to submit tho
measure to a popular vote before
it became effective was defeated.
A threatened amendment to
change the bill into one provid-
ing electrocution for all first de-
gree murderers never was offered.

It was a reference to Commun-
ist charges of maltreatment of
Red prisoners-a charge constant-
ly repeated at Panmunjom and by
Red propaganda broadcasts-but
this time it -was much stronger.
* * *
ON THE battlefront itself only
the clash of patrols and an air
battle broke the quiet. During the
more than 10 months of truce
negotiations, the Communists have
built up a strong striking force.
* * *
IN PUSAN a deepening" poli-
tical crisis in South Korea prompt
ed secret conferences yesterday be-
tween President Syngman Rhee,
Gen. James A. Van Fleet and top
diplomatic officials.
Results of the session were not
-disclosed. A sources close to the
United Nations Commission for the
Unification and Rehabilitation of
Korea said members expressed
"deep concern" about the situa-

Professor 'W ill Resign If Necessary'

Lashing out at what he termed
the "contradictions and confusion
of the Republican party," Prof.
John P. Dawson of the law
school, in a speech last night be-
fore the Ann Arbor Democratic
Party organization announced his
candidacy for congress from the
Seventh Congressional District.
Dawson named foreign policy as
the chief issue in the coming cam-
paign. He described GOP foreign
policy as a three-way split between

carrying on a irresponsible cam-
paign of deception and confusion
for partisan reasons," Dawson re-
Claiming General Dwight D.
Eisenhower as his personal
choice for the GOP nomination
because of his excellent qualifi-
cations, Dawson predicted a
sharp decline in the General's
popularity as he begins to make
known his views on foreign and
domestic issues.
In remarks prior to introducing

Revealed as a former Commun-
ist by Whittaker Chambers new
book "Witness," a former Univer-
sity graduate student and present
head of Wayne University's Com-
puting Laboratory told the Daily
yesterday "I will resign my posi-
tion if the publicity caused by me
in any way throws a bad light on

Recalling Jacobson as a "ner-
and petulant Communist party
member," Chambers accused him
of serving as an "underground
agent" in Finland.
Jacobson says that he was in
Finland in 1933 (spending over
two years in jail until the State
Department obtained his release in

by the FBI. While he was with
Ford, Jacobson co-authored an in-
spection manual of the Pratt &
Whitney aircraft engine.
Wayne University has taken
a strong stand in backing Jac-
obson and his half-finished
$500,000 mathematical comput-
ing project now under way to
benefit Detroit industry. Three



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