, r- - FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY bulllijrkl, -NiAi 25, 195Z I OUR ~I~jjE MICHIGAN DAILY .- . . he Lecture Committee Government & Freedom FOR SEVERAL MONTHS, debate on the Lecture Committee has taken place in campus political clubs, discussion groups, and classrooms. The debate has centered chiefly on six questions. Listed below are these questions and the viewpoint of those who are against and those who favor the Lecture Committee: 1-Is the disapproval of the Lecture Committee, expressed by the students in a campus referendum and the Student Leg- islature in a recently approved resolution, a good reason for eliminating the Lecture Committee? YES:, Unless University officials have no faith in student opinion and government, hey should abide by the student's desire to eliminate the Lecture Committee. NO: The student's opinion of the Lecture Committee is to be seriously considered. But, so must the Administration's, faculty's, 'egents', alumni's, and State Legislature's opinion be taken into account. Although the ;tudents seem to be opposed to the Lecture Committee, the opinion of the other five ;roups outweigh the student's position on ;his question. 2-Does state law adequately protect the University from the "danger" the Lecture Committee is trying to prevent? YES: State and national law prohibits overthrow of the government. If any speak- er was to advocate this, he would be subject ;o court action. N,: The University created the Lecture Committee because it wishes to prevent any advocacy of overthrowing the government oefore it occurs. 3-Is the publicity coming from ban- ning a speaker worse than the publicity that comes from allowing him to speak? YES: Many high school students who ead of a speaker's ban believe the Univer- ity 'prohibits free speech. They prefer to o somewhere else where they can hear anyone they wish. NO: Many of the adults hearing about a onmunist speaker coming to the Univer- sity believe the school is infested with Reds. There is constant pressure on the Univer- sity to prevent these.speakers from coming again. '4-Is a speaker glamorized by being banned? YES:* A certain degree of curiosity, ad- venture, and martyrdom surrounds any banned speaker? NO: Just as any admiration received by criminals or other irresponsible people is not a reason to stop arresting criminals, any martyrdom received by a banned speak- er is hardly reason not to ban a speaker. 5-Is there danger that the Lecture Committee might extend its powers to in- clude any "unfavorable" political speaker? YES: The Lecture Committee is constant- ly extending its ban so that it now prohibits anyone who belongs to an alleged "subver- sive" group from participating in any event on campus. There is no telling how far the Committee might extend its ban, nor are there concrete limits on its powers. NO: In every law,'there is danger in using it as a means for discriminatory action. But the Lecture Committee has not extended its powers beyond itsoriginal limits. The only rational approach to this problem is to take each application of a iule separately, pro- testing only when the rule has been abused. 6-Is the Lecture Committee practicing guilt by association?' YES: Guilt by association, the present method used in screening speakers, was im- plicit in the banning of Abner Greene, Ar- thur McPhaul, and Ann Shore, because they hold membership in the Civil Rights Con- gress. NO: The Lecture Committee bases each decision on individual merit. Those speak- ers banned thus far were not banned be- cause of the organizations they belong to, but, rather, the activities they engaged in while in their organizations. Though there are, of course, other argu- ments that have been advanced, these rep- resent the core of the controversy, which promises to continue as long as the Lecture Committee exists. -Bernie Backhaut M A rTER O 96,AC '! l By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON -- While Sen. Taft is straining to beat Gen. Eisenhower at the Republican convention in July, Presi- dent Truman is blocking out his ,plan for defeating the General in the election in November. This is the real meaning of the otherwise amazing Presidential gyration of recent weeks. The President's idea of his own role in his party is that of a pilot who charts the ship's future course before he leaves the bridge. Until fairly recently, the course he was charting was laid out in the be- lief that Sen. Taft would be the Republi- can nominee. With Taft as the Republican standard- bearer, the President rightly anticipated that foreign policy would be the main issue of the campaign. Being firmly convinced that national survival depends on the con- tinuity of American foreign policy, Truman tackled his problem with the sobriety he reserves for the weightiest issues. The re- sult was a beat-Taft plan based on uni- fying the Democratic Party, and attracting the maximum number of moderate inde- pendents and anti-isolationist Republicans to the Democratic standard. Both the great factions among the Dem- ocrats were to be conciliated by the nomina- tion of Gov. Stevenson of Illinois for the Presidency and Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia for the Vice Presidency. Civil rights and other controversial domestic issues were to be subordinated. Persons of every sort of view on internal policy were to be rallied by the battle cry, "Save freedom in the world." The beat-Eisenhower plan is almost the exact opposite, both in mood and; content, of the beat-Taft plan. With Gen. Eisenhower as the Republican nominee, the President does not expect foreign pol- icy to be a dominant issue. By all the signs, moreover, he feels a strong sense of release because foreign policy will be out of the way, and the coming campaign will thus not be such a solemn, life-and- death business. At any rate, the beat-Eisenhower plan casts party unity to the winds. The Presi- dent inclines to think that nothing can prevent the- General from making inroads in the South. Hence, anticipated losses in the South are partly to be balanced by the strongest kind of line on civil rights, which is to attract a solid Negro vote to the Democrats in the North. By the same token, the President sus- pects moderate, middleclass voters may be hard to detach from Eisenhower. Hence, losses in this sector are to be compensated for by the most powerful appeals to every sort of special interest in lower-income groups. Gen. Eisenhower is meanwhile to be portrayed as the un- witting tool of the sinister barons of big business, right perhaps in his instinct, but the prisoner of those who would oppress the farmer, enchain the laboring man and grind the faces of the down-trodden. Meanwhile, however-and this should ir- ritate the Republicans-Truman none the less retains his power of maneuver. If Sen. Taft is nominated by the Republicans, the strategy can be altered overnight. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)j FROM THE earliest days of our Constitu- tional history, the dominant idea of American political philosophy has been gov- ernment by law rather than by men. Today, however, after two devasting world wars and with the prospect of a third looming large, the American people have become so fearful and insecure that they have given government a man- date to expand the powers heretofore stringently restricted by law. The body and spirit of the Constitution has been in- vaded in the process and, as a result, very little now stands in the way of a comple- hensive grab of power by the President and Congress, which may sweep away both property and civil rights. The present trend, which may culminate in a governmental dictatorship, has been ap- parent in recent court decisions, presidential directives, and congressional laws. Take for example the summary seizure of the steel industry which seems to be a blat- ant negation of the Fifth Amendment. Pres- ident Truman, regardless of any extenuating conditions, has set a precedent which is harmful to our democratic foundations. The President has also identified himself with the times by publicly declaring in an off- the-cuff statement that he has the right to take over the press and radio. Consider also the Constitutional guaran- tee of freedom of speech, which has often been violated. The recent conviction of the eleven Communists, who were tried for vio- lation of the Smith Act, bears testimony to this fact, and also has set a pattern for other infringements. This act makes it un- lawful "to knowingly or willfully advocate ... or teach the duty, necessity, desireability or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence." The Supreme Court in upholding the lower court conviction of the defendants asserted the "Gravity of Evil" doctrine, which contends that speech may be limited if it would tend to produce the substantive evils (such as overthrow of the government by force or violence), which Congress is empowered to prevent. Mr. Justice Black in a dissenting opin- ion alludes to the danger of such inter-, pretations and their consequences. "Pub- lic opinion being what it now is, few will protest the conviction of the Communist petitioners. There is hope, however, that in calmer times, when present pressures, passions, and fears subside this or some later court will restore thi first amend- ment liberties to the high preferred place where they belong in a free society." Another facet of American liberty recent- ly endangered is the oft-heralded principle which seeks to maintain education and poli- tics as separate entities. The Supreme Court has upheld New York's Feinberg Law which forbids teachers, under penalty of dismissal to belong to any organization labeled sub- versive by the State Board of Regents. The impilcations of this law are clear. Now, any teacher in any group or teachers' union is directly at the mercy of the State's regents. Furthermore, the passage of the Mc- Carran Act by Congress is another exam- ple of this trend towards wielding a club. This act makes legal the immediate de- portation without trial of an alien on the grounds of previous association (not ne- cessarily active participation) with any "totalitarian" group. This act also pro- vides for the arbitrary detention of all .suspected subversives in a "national" emergency; it denies, in effect, the right of habeas corpus. Numerous other examples could be cited to illustrate this trend toward governmental encroachment. Meanwhile, the American people have made themselves vulnerable to the attacks of home-grown demagogues as well as Com- munist infiltrators. This has opened the door for the House Un-American Activities Committee. Acting with the sanction of public sentiment, this committee, aided by a certain vociferous Senator, has used its cloak of immunity without restraint, smear- ing honorable as well as dubious characters, condemning in the present the peccadilloes of the past. Fear, hysteria, and insecurity on the part of the American people have condon- ed' these practices. The present trend in the United States is an indication that a new, potentially dan- gerous, relationship between government and governed is forthcoming. It may well be likely that a form of totalitarianism will supercede our present structure. --Dave Markowitz Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LUNN War&Peace "AS LONG AS capitalism and Socialism THE WEEK'S NEWS IN RETROSPECT . . A CHAIN OF related incidents ANOTHER BAN-In its fourth occuring last week seemed to and most muddled banning since confirm observations that an un- early March, the University Lee- pleasant rift was growing between ture Committee last Saturday told students and the University ad- student sponsors of a planned ministration. genocide debate that Civil Rights Indications that the University Congress officer Ann Shore was held a low opinion of student gov- --barred from speaking on campus. ernment and student expressionEx ig e so* seemed apparent as Ann Shore Explaining the decision, Coin was banned from campus, the mittee secretary Prof. Carl G. anti-bias bill was vetoed by Pres- Brandt of the speech depart- ident Hatcher and the SL fund re- ment said no positive evidence quest was turned down by admin-. existed to balance the "negative" istration officials. fact that Mrs. Shore belonged to s s * an allegedly "subversive" or- ganization. The decision assum- months of consideration on the ed a contradictory aspect when SL-sponsored SAC-approved anti- prved ater Lebrn Sim n bias plan, President Hatcher hand- had appeared in the recent Un- ed down his veto Thursday with ahadereAcitercent Un- shor, trse tatmen of is ea-American Activities Committee's short, terse statement of his rea- $Detroit probe. sons. The essence of his veto was expressed in the words "we be- z;But campus reaction to the word lieve that the processes of educa- "ban" had, In the course of Co- tion and personal and group con- I mittee actions, evidently been victions will bring us forward fast- dulled. By comparison with the er, and on a sounder basis, than banned Slosson-Phillips debate in the proposed methods of coercion." t 1950 which drew 2,000, the 100- odd student group, packed in a President Hatcher relayed hissmall church chap for the off- veto through the SAC which im-scmugcdch eote of- stateen ';campus genocide debate, was or- mediately issued a statement derly and mild. In the debate it- taking "strong exception" with r self, Prof. Preston Slosson of the his action. SAC members em- - - ----- itrteatmnoeo h phasized that the legisltion was history department, one of. the non-coercive and saw the deci- negative speakers, had no trouble nion-coercivandow sawsthdeci- -answering Mrs. Shore's charge of sonme asa blow to student gov- genocide by the United States einent. -Daily-Bill Hampton Government. Meeting on Friday, the SL cab- "Run around to the other end, Schultz, and see if it's true!'" Student Legislature, taking erx inet called the veto "regrettable" ception to apathetic reaction to the but decided that an educational banning, ended week-long contro- rather than a legislative approach President Hatcher's action was submitted requests to the admin- versy with a middle-of-the-road was the answer for the time be- "just and realistic" and continued istration for grants from student move to give recognized student ing. They discussed plans for work- work on the new anti-bias or- fees. groups their own hand in choos- ing with the newly created IFC- ganization. -*However, the University was not ing speakers. SL's proposal, how- Panhel Big Ten Counseling and * * prepared to give further grants to ever, has to pass the Board of Re- Information Service as well as FUND VETO-Earlier in the "that area of student activity," gents before any liberalization of fighting bias through their own week SL members had received a and the SL request was loped off the speakers ban goes Into effect. Human Relations Committee. serious blow in the worst place- as administrators sought ways to IFC and Panhel leaders as well their treasury. After a long study, take care of all University needs in -By Harry Lunn and as most campus greeks thought student government leaders had a curtailed budget. Virginia Voss o ,CC tkPtO CditOP *0+ A 4. :y Shore Recording .. . To the Editor: THE L E C T U R E Committee's .reason for banning Mrs. Shore was that her past connections in- dicated a high degree of probabil- ity to them that she might deliver a subversive speech. A tape re- cording was taken of the entire meeting. It is now a matter of ob- servable fact that the speech of Mrs. Shore is not subversive by any stretch of the imagination, Both Mr. Ragland and Prof. Slos- son stated this the next day in The Daily. Thus the original ob- jection of the Lecture Committee, that the speech might possibly be subversive, was invalidated. After discussing this with Dean Rae, permission to play the re- cording in Lane Hall, a University building, was granted. Before do- ing this Dean Rea sought the ad- vice of Prof. Brandt of the Lecture Committee. Prof. Brandt said that he did not wish to call a meeting of the Lecture Committee and felt that permission should be granted on my word that the speech was not subversive. This method of approving the recording to be played worked out to the satisfaction of both the ad- ministration and the Unitarian Student Group. Rather than de- veloping a spirit of anltagonism which is quite often connected with the Lecture Conxiaittee, a spi- rit of cooperation prevailed. It is this policy toward outside speak- ers that the SL has advocated. Therefore, a complete recording of the two hour debate will be played at the U.S.G. meeting Sun- day night at Lane Hall. It will start at 7:00 promptly. An oppor- tunity for discussion and criticism wil periodically be provided by stopping the recorder. The U.S.G. regrets that all those who wanted to were unable to hear the debate Tuesday night. We therefore wish to afford an opportunity to those who are interested to hear the program. .-Dick Phillips Chairman Unitarian Student n Chairman Unitarian Student Group * .* . tisrepresentation . To the Editor: AS one of eight students chosen to represent this year's gradu- ating class in the 1952 Ensian, I was shocked to discover that I had been misquoted. By this misrepre- sentation, the obvious picture of me as a graduating senior was one of a stage-struck young thing totally uninterested in anything but "knocking on every door on Broadway." Having spent an hour at the Ensian office being inter- viewed on every subject from the "world situation" to my own indi- vidual plans for the future, I feel it is grossly unfair of the writer to have presented such a distorted picture of my aspirations. I had specifically made a point of in- forming him that I was going to try radio and television in Detroit rather than starve artistically in New York. My interviewer took no notes and I can only conclude 1) that by the time he wrote the article he had forgotten what I had said, 2) that he was only looking for "types" and ignored anything that might not establish me as one, or 3) that he simply has no sense of responsibility to me as a person, but more important to the student body in general who will be read- ing the Ensian and who rightly expect such a publication to pre- sent a somewhat authentic picture of the University and his students. I can only hope that if the idea of having students representing their class is to continue in future yearbooks, that less exploitation and a more honest presentation of the facts will grow out of this year's mistake for I strongly sus- pect that this blatant misrepre- sentation applies not only to me but to the other selected students as well. -Shirley Forsyth * * * it to become a part, albeit small, of that hysterical phliosophy which could carry us all the way to de- struction. -Lyle A. Carr * * * Hysterical Philosophy.. . Causa Belli .. . To the Editor: The point I wish to make is that the philosophy underlying the Lecture Conenittee as it exists all over the country in various forms and degrees of intensity is funda- mentally wrong because the free- dom it disapproves cannot be crushed without also crushing the freedom it approves.. The whole philosophy behind lecture committees and the like, like an organism, will continue to grow until it encompasses an ever widening area. For example, if students are denied the right .to hear a speaker, how long will it be until the books we can read, the movies we can see and the editorials we can write are also determined for us? It might not be as long as we think. If so and so cannot speak here, it would be inconsistent to allow this or that book to be used, or permit a pro- fessor to teach whose views on economic organization differ from some committee's. Loyalty boards are already on the scene at some colleges. This is partly speculation and speculation it is true, may go astray, but speculation frequently hits the bulls-eye, as any scientist will attest.' By denying a student organiza- tion the right to invite a speaker to campus the University seems to be admitting that its library, its world famous faculty and its students are not equal to the task of refuting any nonsense any speaker might utter. I think the University underestimates the ans- wers its libraries can yield up, the wisdom of its faculty and the in- tellectual wisdom of its students. Such underestimation has allowed To the Editor: YOUR EDITORIAL of today has charges against the Interna- tional Center; those charges -are not ;ipported by any other infor- mation in The Daily. I would be certainly very sur- prised if the foreign students- who- are supposed to know best about their own organization- share your opinion or find it rea- sonable. Perhaps none of you has ever been in the International Center, only that would explain your com- ments. The International Center has a very wide variety of func- tions and activities. Among others are, Cultural, Financial, Social, e Sports, Field Trips and above all an evident, sincere desire to serve. Your informer must be a very misanthropic character, indeed, if he becomes antagonistic to things that usually please people. It's very remarkable that in spite of what you said even the students from other campuses in this vicinity come continuously to Ann Arbor for advice and help which in many cases has been of a very personal kind. Would you call this a failure? I think you would do a great fa- vor to the foreign students, for whom you seem to be so concern- ed, by not making of our Inter- national Center a "causa belli" for entirely different issues or by guessing, so wrongly, of our own feelings. -Luis B. Escobar ;I .' ' ,a 1' BOOKS THE LOVELY SEASON by Virginia Ev- ans. Appleton-Century Crofts, Inc. THE LOVELY SEASON deals with one of the more tragic figures in society-the epileptic. Frank and Margaret Higgens, the cen- tral characters, are a completely happy young couple, even though they are so poor that Frank has to get the daily news- paper by picking it out of the subway station wastebasket. Everyone admires them, and they in turn, are crazy about the whole world-especially Margaret who has a certain charm which makes people feel important and self-confident. Frank is a struggling law clerk-the twentieth man in a twenty-man law firm--with "purpose straight as an arrow." That pur- pose is "To love my wife, to ge good at the law, and, when we can afford them, to raise our children well. Suddenly, the couple's life of ideal happi- ness is thrown out of its rosy cloud with the discovery that Margaret has epilepsy. However, much worse than the physical manifestations of the affliction are the spir- Frank, too, feels homself becoming more and more like his father, an insecure and cow- ardly individual. He fears that someday he will run away and leave the wife he loves. Society also seems to be turning its back to the young couple at a time when they need help and understanding. Thus, Mar- garet and Frank begin to hate everyone from the stupid woman who screams at Margaret, "Don't touch my babies," to the pet shop owner who knows that Margaret insists on buying guppies of opposite sex because she knows she can't have any children. However, the young Higgens couple fin- ally manage to rise above these setbacks when Margaret, mysteriously enough, begins on her way toward becoming' a psychologi- cally, though not a physically, normal per- son. The subject of the epileptic has the po- tential of providing a really fine piece of literature. Unfortunately, Miss Evans has not developed her talents enough to treat the pathetic story of an epileptic with the sensitivity and understanding it 'deserves. This lack' is especially evident in her pol- I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) and Mozart's Requiem, and will be open to the general public. University of Michigan , Symphony Band, william D. Revelli, conductor, presents its second twilight concert of the season "On the Mall," Tues., May 27, 7:15 p.m. PROGRAM March-U. S. and You .............. ......................Louis Castellucci Cachucha from the Suite "In Malaga" ........Frederic Curzon The Trumpeter's Lullaby ............ .......................Leroy Anderson Marvin Andersen, Soloist members of the University Varsity Band. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be presented on wed., May 28, 7:15 p.m Exhibitions Rackham Galleries: 1st Michigan Re- gional Art Exhibition, auspices Exten- sion Service, Museum of Art, College of Architecture and Design. Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., through May 31. The public is invited. Events Today nmmaD net2 .Lutheran Stiident 7 p.m. at Lane Hall to hear the re- cording of the Genocide Debate. An opportunity for discussion and criti- cism of the debate will be provided' Graduate History Club. Picnic. Meet at 1:30 at Rackham for transportation. Actuarial Club Picnic. Meet in front of Angell Hall at 2 p.m. Transportation furnished-to be held at Pleasant Lakes Club on Bass Lake. Coming Events The University of Michigan Marching Band will hold a meeting for all pros- Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University o1 Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ................ City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial ,Director Vern Emerson ..........Peature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ........... Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James .............Women's Editor Jo Keteihut. Associate Women's Editor Binstn'ss Sea f Bol Miller.........EusinessManager Gene Kuthy Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... .Advertising Manager .1 , 'IT