. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1952
______________________________ U
Regents OK
Cash Grants
For Proj els
(Continued from Page 1)
Charles W. Pearman, instructor
in the College of Architecture and
Design, James N. Spuhler, re-
search associate in. the Institute
of Human Biology, and James C.
MacDonald, instructor in jour-
nalism, were granted military
leaves of absence.
William R. Leslie, assistant pro-
fessor of history has been granted
a, leave for the second semester
during which he will study history
of canon law in England under a
* * *
the second semester was granted
to Prof. William J. Schlatter, pro-
fessor of accounting who intends
to revise a book on. cost account-
Prof. E. L. Erikson, chairman of
the Department of Engineering
Mechanics was granted a 23 day
leave of absence in order to leave
for Europe. He will visit labora-
tories and will represent the Uni-
versity at the International Con-
gress of Applied Mechanics inIs-
Leave from June 1 to 23 was
granted Prof. Gordon B. B M.
Sutherland, professor of physics
in order to visit England at the
request of the Navy and evaluate
certain restricted research.
Elizabeth M. Douvan, study di-
rector in. the Survey Research
Center was granted a'three month
leave to p3ermit her to visit sev-
eral public opinion research insti-
tutes in Europe.
LEAVE FOR THE month of
July was granted to DeWitt C.
Baldwin, director of Lane Hall.
He has been asked to organize and
direct the Lisle Fellowship Unit
in Denmark.
Dr. Sigurd P. Ramfjord, pro-
fessor of dentistry, has been in-
vited by the Swedish Dental Soci-
ety to give a postgraduate, course
during July and August.
Buyers To Seek Bike Sale Bargains
About thirty abandoned bicycles
are destined for new owners today
as they go on the block at 10 a.m.
at the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment's bicycle auction.
Thq tri-annual bike auction will
be held in the station yard on the
corner of Huron and Fifth Streets.
Everything from plush imported
models to dilapidated castaways
are slated to go under the ham-
Prices in the past have ranged
from 50 cents for well used
"heaps" to $50 for thin-tire, hand-
brake models in good condition,
including accessories. Starting pri-
ces are usually set by the auc-
tioneer according to the value of
the bicycle.
Walter D. Schmid, an officer
on the Ann Arbor force, will wield
the gavel at the sale. Schmid, a
familiar auctioneer at sales and
auctions in the Ann Arbor vicinity,
is noted for his wit and bargain-
ing instinct.
"Bicycles have always been a
commodity of quick turnover in
Ann Arbor," commented Sergeant
Howard Remnant, head of the
Bicycle Bureau. "An average of
eight unclaimed, stolen or strayed
bicycles are picked up each month
by the squad."
The auctions are designed as a
method of disposing of the two-
wheeled vehicles. Profit from the
auction is marked for the police
and firemen's widow and orphan
Acting on a recommendation
from the City Council four of the
abandoned bikes will be turned
over to the Veteran's Rehabilita-
tion Center this week, Remnant
Dawson Expected
In Congress Race
Prof. John P. Dawson, of the
Law School is expected to an-
nounce his candidacy for the Sec-
ond Congressional District post
now held by George Meader, at
next Tuesday's annual meeting of
the Ann Arbor Democrats at City
J4.4 40 * t t p.
f~ F
4 '
~ .1/ *~~'T ' /
Daily-Stu Ross
.. .going, going, gone!
Chavr-Indicates Differences
In State Voting Qualificat ions
To Perform
The University Symphony Or-
chestra, conducted by Wayne
Dunlapand featuring R o b e r t
Courte, violist, will present a con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Opening the program swill be
music by Giovanni Gabieli, the
outstanding musical genius of his
generation and the first composer
to write extensively for large in-
trumental ensembles. He is known
as the creator of orchestral music
and the initiator of specific in-
strumentation. The orchestra will
play "Canzon a 10," the orches-
tration for which was done by
Hans T. David of the music school
* * *
sity Symphony will play the well-
known Brahms "Symphony No. 2
in D major, Op. 73," a piece in
which the composer's lyric gifts
are said to be most apparent.
Robert Courte, viola soloist,
will open the second half of the
program with Milhaud's "Con-
certino d'Ete," a one movement
work and Hindemith's "Music
of Mourning," for Viola and
String Orchestra.
According to a note on the pub-
lished score of "Music of Mourn-
ing," it was written the day after
the death of King George V of
England and was first performed
in a broadcast by the BBC the
next day with the composer play-
ing the solo part..
Ending the concert will be "Pe-
trouchka," a ballet by Stravinsky
which is a burlesque in four
scenes. In its final form the ballet
tells the unhappy story of three
puppets and a Moor who were
given life by a conjuror in the
midst of the carnival festivities in
St. Petersburg.
Events Today
Guild together with Wyvern and
Mortar Board will present "Movie
Crazy," starring Harold Lloyd at
7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at Hill Audi-
torium. Admission is fifty cents.
LECTURE - Prof Kurt Gold-
stein, from the City College of
New York will present a lecture
on "Naming and Pseudonaming,"
at 1:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, sponsored by the
psychology department.
,, * *
Events Tomorrow
TV HOUR-Representatives of
three special interest groups will
appear on the University Tele-
vision Hour at 1 p.m. over WWJ-
TV to discuss their part in the
political process. "Comets and
Meteors" will be described on the
Telecourse program by Stanley
Wyatt of the astronomy depart-
ment. The Sunday Teletour will
feature the pharmacy college with
Dean Tom Rowe as special guest.
SPRING SING - Eight music
school students who are now act-
ing as student teachers at Ann
Arbor High School will direct their
groups in the first annual "Spring
Sing" concert at 4 p.m. in the
West Park Shell.
(Continued from Page 1)
ie, '52E: Camilla Duncan, SM; Su-
san Dwan, '52.
D James L. Edman, L; Emma S.
G. B. Ehrmann; Mary A. Elferdink,
'52Ed.; Stacy L. Elliott, '52E; Rob-
ert A. Elson, Grad.; Jack E. Engel-
hardt, Grad.: Janet L. Erickson,
Grad.; Paulo D. R. Ferreira; Grace
. Fink, '53E James B. Fish, M;
Ethel M. Foote, '52N.
Arthur i. Freedman, '53;
Johny . Gannon, Grad.; Edward
G. Gilbert, '52E; Elmer G. Gil-
bert, '52E; Gerald J. Gleich, '53;
Irving M. Goldberg, '52BAd.;
Saul F. Gottlieb, '52; Louis A.
Govatos, Grad.: Margaret L.
Grahamd, '52; Laurence Gray,
'52BAd.; Milton M. Green, '52;
Mary A. Groves; Richard Hk
Graves, '52BeAd.; Glenn E. Guth-
re, Grad.
John C. Hall, '52; Dale D. Has-
kin, '52E; Norman S. Hayner, M;
Charles Hays, '52E; James R.
Hean, Grad.: John C. Hensel, '52-
E; Carl A. Heyer, '52; William T.
Hicks, '53: James A. Hildebrand,
'64L; Jennie P. Hildebrandt, '52-
SM; Harry F. Hillman, '52E; Rod-
erick L. Hines; Edward W. Hink-
en, Grad.
Paula M. Hoenecke, Grad.; El-
len A. Hook, '52; Paul Huber,
Grad.; Thelma W. Huff; Thomas
A. Hunter, Grad.: John B. Hunt-
ington, '55M; Jacob I. Hurwitz,
Grad.; DavidP. Jahsman; Jerome
M. Jelinek, '52SM; Jack R. Jen-
nings, '52E; Ray E. Johnson, '52D;
Ronald H. Johnson, '52BAd.
A. Kadlec, '52NR ; Hiroaki G. Ka-
kiuchi. '52; Herbert E. Katz, '53;
Eva G. Keeler, -'52Ed; Mary J.
Keeler, '52Ed.; Anita E. Keller, '52;
John E. Kelley, Grad.; Fred N.
Kerlinger ,Grad.; William M.
King, '52; Kiyoshi Kitasaki, '52P;
Norman G. Klein, '52BAd.; Elaine
F. Kleinschmidt, Grad.; Alton E.
Klickman, '53.
Robert S. Lancaster, Grad.;
Alfred B. Lang, '52E; Frank W.
Lanham; Eizens Lapkass, '52;
Alex P. Lee, 152E; John LeVal-
ley IV ; Raymond E. LewkowicL,
'52; Gordon C. Lofquist, 152E,
jPhillip R. Lucasse, Grad.;
Carol V. Lutz, '52 Ed.; Edward N.
MacConomy, Jr.; William L. Mc-
Cracken, Grad.; J. Patrick Mc-
John L. McKnight, '53; Orville
G. Manion, Grad.; Lenore J. Mar-
ti; Richard E. Mason; James R.
Mellor, '52E; John E. Merow, '52E:
Victor H. Miesel, Grad.; Herbert
D. Millard, '52D; Richard D. Mil-
ler; Robert H. Miller, '52E; John
D. Milligan, '52; Stanley M. Mill-
man, '53; Jerry Miner, Grad.; Ro-
bert J. Moffat, '52Ed.; Nelle Mor-
gan, '52; Marvin G. Morillo, Grad.
Robert W. Moulton; Warren R.
Mullen; Paul F. Munger, Grad.;
John H. Nadeau, '53; Jules S.
Needle, Bruce K. Nelson, Grad.;
Donald F. Nelson, '52; Leslie J.
Noaker, '52E; David C. O'Brien;
Theodore R. Oegema, Grad.; Gun-
hard Oravas, Grad.; Dorothy L.
Ouradnik, Grad.; Allen N. Palmer,
'52D Navnitlal B. Patel, '52E.
Frederick H. Pierce; Donald W.
Porter, '52A&D; Nancy J. Porter,
'52; Helen J. Poulton; Robert H.
Price, '52BAd.; Gladys R. Quale;
Robert M. Radner,k'54L; Sister
Marie Fidelis Remski, I.H.M.
Charles D. Richards; John E.
Riecker, '54L; Thomas W. Ro-
berts, Jr., '53; Robert L. Ro-
ensch, '52E; John B. Rogers,
Jack W. Rose, '52Ed; Ken-
neth. M. Rosen, Ed; Donald S.
Rotwein, .'52A&D; .William .H.
Phi Kappa Phi Initiates Announced
Rueckert, Grad.; Edward F. Sa-
lim, '52P; Eugene H. Sanders,
Grad.; Jay P. Sanford, '52M;
Ralph H. Schatz, Garry L.
Schott; Eleanore M. Schmidt,
'52; Sarah M. Schoonover, BAd.
Donald R. Schultz, Grad.; Elea-
nor C. Schulz, '52; Eirvin H.
Schwarcz, Gr ad.; Sanford D.
Schwartz. S2BAd.; Jack G.
Scruggs, '52P; Josephine W. See-
ley; Joan H. Silvers. '52; Richard
W. Shoemaker, Grad.; Dorothy I.
Slaman, '52Ed.; Mary D. Sleator,
Grad.; Bryce E. Smith, '52NR;
Katherine T. Smith, '52; Jerold
S. Solovy, '52; John A. F. Spell-
man. Grad.
Norma K. Stecker, '53; Albert,
K. Steigerwalt, Jr., Grad.; Her-
man W. Stein, Jr.; Ruth E. Stein,
Grad.; James H. Stoddad .'5E;
Alfred W. Storey, Grad.; avid L.
Stratmon, Grad.; ga Sussman,
'52; Lawrence C. Sweet, '53; Wil-
liam N. Sweet, '52E; Chi Kun Tao.
Grad.; Lyle C. Tom, '2NR; Nor-
man C. Thomas, '53; RayS Tit-
tle, Jr., '52BAd.; Helen J. Turpin,
Grad.; John H. Van Den Bosch.
John H. Varterasian, '52E,'Ros-
lyn E. Viedrah, a'53Ed.; Myron
Vinocur, '53; Goerge J. Viscomi,
'53; richard W. Warren, 52E;
William G. Warren, '52; Nancy K.
Watkins, '52; David C. Way,
Grad.; Helen V. Weaver, Grad.;
Justin L. Weiss, Grad.
Elizabeth M. Weist, Grad.; Du-
nine K. Wenzel, Grad.; William A.
Werner, '52A&D; Franklin H.
Westervelt, 152E; Francis L. Wha-
ley, Grad.; Carolyn R. Wheeler;
George B. Whinery, 152E; George
B. Wilson, Grad.; Maryland W.
Wilson, Grad.; Israel Woronoff,
Arthur N. Wright. '52; Doreen
M. Yorkston, Grad.; Henry N.
Yokoyama, M.; David J. Young,
Variations in, voting qualifica-
tions throughout the country are
strikingly pointed out in a chart
recently compiled by the League
of Women Voters.
Minimum age, citizenship and
residency requirements listed show
the wide divergencies among the
48 states.
* -* .
THE MINIMUM AGE is the only
uniform requirement being 21 in
all the states except Georgia
where the age is 18.
The residency and citizenship
requirements, however, vary
from state to state.
Although U.S. citizenship is re-
quired in all the states, Arkansas,
Minnesota, New York, and Utah
call for citizenship of only 90
Acute Asthma Held
As Cause of Death
State health authorities in Lan-
sing have reported that the death
of former law school senior James
R. Story on April 2 had been de-
termined by an acute attack of
Story had been suffering from
a chronic illness when he entered
the Health Service at 9 p.m.April
days and Connecticut demands
five years citizenship.
In 39 states county and district
residency is required, the time
running from ten days in districts
in Iowa to one year in several
other states.
subject to some rather interesting
exceptions, according to the chart.
In Mississippi ministers may vote
after six months residence where-
as other persons must live in the
district for one year.
In Connecticut the 15 day dis-
trict residency qualification is
changed to 30 days in towns and
cities. And in 'Louisiana, urban
dwellers must be residents of four
months while rural citizens are
required only three months' resi-
With the exception of Missis-
sippi,, Pennsylvania and South
Carolina absentee voting is per-
mitted in all the states. In Mary-
land and Massachusetts absentee
voting is limited to persons in
miltary service and those unable
to vote in person because of physi-
cal disability.
Officers Installed
By SpanishClub
The Sociedsd Hispanica in-
stalled four new officers at its
meeting last night.
The new officers are: president,
Lois Wasserman, '54; vice-presi-
dent, Josephine Gomez, '53; sec-
rary, Sue Goodman, '54 and treas-
urer, Ann Bandler, '55.
Four new members were initi-
ated into Sigma Delta Pi, national
honorary for students in Spanish.
They are: Josephine Gomez, '53,
Lilia Panchon - Gomez, Grad.,
Shirley Ginsberg, Grad., and Dav-
id Berg, Grad.
1833 Washtenaw,
OF CHRIST, Scientist
!. ,d
PLEASE Notify Us
of any
Change In Address
Main and Huron Sts.
State Street at Nickels Arcade 1108 South Unviersity
Ukrainians Mark
Independence Day
The Ukrainian Students Club
will hold a meeting at 7 p.m. to-
day at the International Center
in celebration of Ukrainian Inde-
pendence Day and in commemora-
tion of Simon Petlura and Eugene
Kolowaletz, two Ukrainian na-
tional figures.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
May 25-Soul and Body
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
5:00 P.M.: Sunday Evening Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 to 5, Friday evenings
from 7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30
to 4:30.
State and E. William Streets
Minister--Leonard A. Parr
Director of Church School, Mrs. Gertrude B.
Couch -
- Student Work-Marilynn Paterson,
Robert IngRs
Director of Music-Harold Haugh
Organist-Howard R. Chase
10:45 A.M.: All Church School Departments will
meet in the new Parish House. Small children
will be cared for in the nursery.
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship. Dr. Parr's subject
will be "Taking Time."
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdahl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:30 A.M.: Breakfast Seminar. Pine Room.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. "Ashamed of
Our Best." Dr. Large preaching.
3:00 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild picnic and outing,
to be held at Campbell's residence on Barton
Hills Drive. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m.
Cars will leave the church at 3:00 and 5:00
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open daily.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Phores Steiner, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Unitarian Adult Group and Church
11:00 A.M.: Sermon: Grey Austin on "Ethic of
Black and White."
1432 Washtenaw
Rev. Wm. P. Lemon, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. John Bathgate, Minister to Students
9:30 A.M.: Bible Seminar.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Rev. Bathgate
6:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild picnic at the
church. Program: Colored slides of India,
shown by Rev. Bathgate.
and The Episcopal Student Foundation
North Division at Catherine
The Reverend Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Reverend Ellsworth E. Koonz, Curate
The Revererd Bruce H. Cooke, Chaplain
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast, Canterbury House).
11:00 A.M.: Church School (Nursery - 9th Grade)
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer Sermon by the Rev.
Dr. Lewis.
5:30 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper. Address by
the Rev. Ellsworth E. Koonz.
6:45 P.M.: Seminar on Christian Living.
8:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer.
Wednesday 8:00 P.M : Chaplain's Open House,
1005 Lincoln.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Associate Student Work Directors:
Marilynn Paterson, Robert Inglis
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Church School, Junior High - Adults.
1045 A.M.: Church School, Nursery to 6th Grade.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship, Mrs. J. Warren
Hastings, guest speaker. Sermon: "Going His
Student Guild: 7:00 Informal program at Guild
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:30 A.M.: Service, with sermon by
,/the pastor.
Sunday at 6:00 P.M.: Annual Fellowship and
Recognition Dinner. Speaker, the Rev. Erwin
Kurth of Detroit.
423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
William H. Bos, Minister to Students
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
10:45 A.M.! Worship Service. Sermon by Rev.
Press: "The Responsibilities of Churchman-
ship-Witness Courageously,"
6:15 P.M.: Student Guild. Discussion, "How
Should We Interpret the Creation, the Fall,
the Final Judgment, and the Second Coming
of Christ?"
.. ._ -
Chance of
Qa Lifetime
if you are a male graduate interested in a Six-Month Training Program leading to supervis-
ory positions in industry, we have an excellent opportunity for you.
Base Rate - $307.00 per month plus cost-of-living while in training.
Plant is located in Northeastern Michigan close to hunting, fishing, and water sports.
This is an ideal position for anyone who feels he has leadership ability.
First group will begin training early in July.
ed. Draft status not important.
Employment can be arranged earlier, if request-
512 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor
Betty Lou Cooke, Assistant Student Counselor
9:45 A.M.: Bible Study.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leosard Verduiri, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard
Verdui .
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Veduin..
Please write giving degree expected, age, height, and other pertinent information to: Box