SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1952
President Ho
The Acacia Plan's Merits
PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher deserves
congratulations for his commendable
action regarding discrimination in campus
fraternities and sororities.
His short, well reasoned statement,
which accompanied the veto of the Stu-
dent Legislature's unnecessary anti-bias
plan, deserves attention by everyone who
is sincerely interested in bias dlause re-
moval, for it outlines the only effectual
way of achieving such removal.
The statement-"We believe that the
processes of education and personal and
group convictions will bring us forward fas-
ter and on A sounder basis than the pro-
posed methods of coercion"-is the essence
of the Acacia Plan, which is now the basic
policy not only of the Michigan Interfra-
ternity Council and Panhellenic, bit also of
the Big Ten IFC and Panhel organizations.
The slate is now clean of unwise, in-
timidating proposals. The responsibility
for removal rests where it should: with
the individual houses having bias clauses.
Though other students may be concern-
ed with discrimination, it is unfeasible
that students outside of the affected
houses should dictate fraternity policy,
since they know nothing of the problems
br troubles co-incident with bias clause
Moreover, as a matter of record, houses
respond with negatism when they are con-
stantly subjected to uninformed pressure
tcher's Veto
The Acacia Plan's Inadequacy
MUCH HAS BEEN said by all sides about
President Hatcher's veto of the Student
Legislature's anti-bias clause resolution. But
in spite of the welter of emotion surround-
ing the topic there are still several facts
remaining which speak for themselves.
The only plan left with the avowed
purpose of removing discriminatory claus-
es is the Inter-fraternity Council's ."Aca-
cia Plan." This plan, which provides edu-
cational and counseling services to ac-
commodate fraternities who want to re-
move their clauses, was passed with high
hopes last semester but has, until recent-
ly, been left to gather dust.
It was revived at an IFC House President's
Assembly meeting three weeks ago when
Acacia fraternity demanded that the IFC
take some action for the plan's implementa-
tion and asked for help in removing its own
bias clause.
But, thus far, there is no reason to be-
lieve that anything but talk will come
from the Greek Stoics. To date, no other
fraternity other than Acacia has asked
for help. Definite material, outside of
some old Daily articles, which would help
"educate" fraternity men, has *not been
gathered, and no action has so far been
taken in arranging lectures which would
aid in stimulating a bit of thinking.
It should be pointed out that IFC's sup-
port of the plan has risen and fallen with
the threat of outside action. It therefore
seems that fraternities, 'in the future as
they have in the past, will use the plan
merely as a symbol of their unprejudiced
It is still questionable whether many
fraternities want to remove their clauses.
Six of the 14 houses with bias clauses,
when questioned Thursday by The Daily,
indicated that they were not sure what
stand they will take on bias clause re-
moval at their national conventions.
This fact also remains-that many stu-
dents, because of their race or religion, will
be unjustly hurt in the future by frater-
nities which insist on keeping and enforcing
an irrational and anti-democratic clause.
-Jerry Helman
Indeed, if the SL sponsored proposal had
been passed, it would probably have been a
step toward a full-fledged time limit meas-
ure, which eventually would have proved
disastrous for many houses. In this event
we might have lost five, ten or fifteen
houses from the campus. Though oppon-
ents to 'the fraternity system (many of
whom have crusaded for a time limit) would
find this pleasant enough, it would be a dis-
graceful result from the standpoint of tle:
campus as a whole. It is far better to under-
take a gradual process than to force any
groups off campus.
From the statements of fraternity and
sorority presidents printed in yesterday's
Daily, it is evident that many houses with
clauses are working on their own problem
and intend, on the whole to take. some ac-
tion at their next national conventions.
We cannot be impatient with the houses
affected by clauses for they must meet
formidable alumni opposition and will
have trouble convincing all their chapters
that clauses must be removed. We should
not be discouraged if efforts this summer
prove unfruitful, but through the new Big
Ten Counseling and Information Service,
constructive work can be undertaken
which will make clause removal easier to
It might well be suggested that critics of
President Hatcher's action accept a more
rational viewpoint and support the IFC-
Panhel group in their work, for it offers
the soundest, most constructive method of
removal. On the other hand, fraternities and
sororities must live up to their responsi-
bility and earnestly work to remove their
clauses through this method.
-Harry Luna
1940, depriving people of their liveli-
hood for holding or investigating un-
popular ideas was not one of the major po-
licies of Congress, nor was it a lucrative
private profession sanctioned by influential
elements of the population. In 19404 the
hoodlums were not so solidly entrenched in
our culture."
--Brooks Atkinson, reviewing 'The Male
Animal' in the New York Times
Ike & Clay
WASHINGTON - When General Eisen-
hower comes home, the development of
greatest interest to his many managers,will
be the extent to which he himself seizes the
reins of his campaign.
The politicians who have put them-
selves back of the Eisenhower candidacy
are committed no matter what happens.
What they would like to do is to improve
their personal contacts with him. For it is
no secret among them, when they talk
privately, that the decisions they are cur-
rently carrying out are being cleared
through General Eisenhower's personal
friend and military associate, Gen. Lucius
Which one dominates in the Eisenhower-
Clay conversations, the politicos can't quite
tell. As of now they incline to the view that
Ike defers to General Clay's judgment. They
do not criticize that judgment as such; they
only hope that Ike does not think politics
is too important to be entrusted to politi-
Some of Ike's backers feel that Clay's ex-
treme conservatism in domestic matters is
influencing General Eisenhower to take po-
sitions to the right of Senator Taft and that
this is not desirable. Senator Taft is one
expert who says Ike is rapidly moving to
the right of Taft. Should the trend con-
tinue the liberals will probably be heard
from on the subject of General Clay and his
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate)
The Abortive
A SMALL CREW OF students gathered
in front of the Administration Bldg.
for a while yesterday, armed with a
ghastly red-smeared sign and some more-
or-less husky shouting voices.
They were the leaders, and happily the
only participants, in what was apparent-
ly conceived as a protest rally against
President Hatcher's Veto of the bias-
clause bill. For a little more than an hour
they alternately shouted for the Presi-
dent, called down the veto, and demand-
ed their rights. For lack of support, this
abortive demonstration came to a foolish
Of course many students resent the
President's veto. But fortunately, the
majority of them know that pure emo-
tional harangue is a useless mode of ex-
pression, even if a cause is right.
Whatever the intentions of the rally-
ing crew, the demonstration succeeded in
nothing other than making them look
exceedingly ridiculous. Their action had
no place on a supposedly rational cam-
-Donna Hendleman
WASHINGTON-For months able Con-
gressman Frank Karsten of Missouri
has been sitting on various congressional
proposals to investigate the China Lobby.
He has been authorized by his committee
chairman, Congressman William Dawson of
Chicago, to proceed with a probe of mis-
expenditure of U.S. funds sent to China,
and various material along this line has
reached his hands. However, Karsten hasn't
moved and some people are wondering why.
Here is a secret Chinese cable which
may give the answer. It indicates that in
any probe of the China Lobby, other Con-
gressmen would be involved, and members
of Congress have an unwritten rule
against embarrassing a fellow member of
the "club."
The cable, dated March 1, 1951, was sent
to Chiaig Kai-Shek from his military atta-
che in Washington, Gen. Pee Tsung-Kan,
and involves Congressman Walter Judd of
Minnesota. It indicates first, how American
politics have been mixed up in Chiang's af-
fairs; second, how changeable Chiang has
sometimes been about different American
leaders. The cable reads:
"Yesterday your humble subordinate
called upon Congressman Judd to deliver
your oral message. Judd requested me in
turn to cable the following message to
"Last year Congressman Judd . cabled
General MacArthur persuading him to ap-
point General Wedemeyer to go to For-
mosa to assist us. However, General Mac-
Arthur, after his visit to Formosa, discov-
ered that we were utterly disgusted with
General Wedemeyer and intended not to
accept him. Therefore, the proposal made by
Judd ended without action. Now, Judd is
trying to convince us to forward a secret
message to General MacArthur expressing
our intention of welcoming General Wede-
One significant question raised by- this
cable was whether Congressman Judd was
violating the Logan Act by trying to get
certain U.S. officials appointed to foreign
posts when it was not within his province
to do so. It is a criminal offense for an
American citizen to tamper with foreign
affairs when not so entrusted.
Another revealing angle is the manner
in which Republicans in Congress ap-
parently have bee'n operating with Gen-
eral MacArthur for some time behind the
back of the White House. March 1, 1951,
when the cable was sent, was before Mac-
Arthur was fired and at a time when
Truman had already warned him to re-
frain from meddling in State Department
policy in Formosa.
The White House had long suspected Mac-
Arthur of working secretly with ex-speaker
Joe Martin of Massachusetts to whom he
sent the final letter resulting in his dis-
missal. However, the Judd contacts with
MacArthur were unknown.
NOTE - During the war Wedemeyer
spurned an offer from Chiang to resign
from the U.S. Army and go to work for the
Chinese Nationalist army for a five-million-
dollar fee. This is probably how he got on
Chiang's black list.
LEN SCHMITT, Republican leader who
ran against Governor Kohler of Wis-
consin, is being urged. by GOP politicos to
take on Senator McCarthy in the Wisconsin
primary in September . . . Senator Mc-
Carran's advertising boycott of the Las
Vegas Sun has begun to backfire. Mark Pe-
terson, one of the twelve apostles of the
Mormon Church and on the Board of Direc-
tors of the Deseret News of Salt Lake City,
official Mormon newspaper, has gone on
record publicly against McCarran's boycott.
Since the Mormon population of Nevada is
considerable, this will not help the Senator
from Nevada when it comes to votes. Hank
Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun,
HURRAH FOR the rock-ribbed
incorruptible principles of
The Daily and the SAC! Safely
nestled in their cleft in the Rock
of Stupidity, neither the winds of
logic nor the storms of intelligent
reason shall prevail against them.
Alexander Ruthven, Doctor of
Philosophy, Doctor of Laws, Doc-
tor of Science, president-emeritus
of the University, and Harlan
Hatcher, Doctor of Philosophy,
Doctor of Laws, and Doctor of
Letters, president of the Univer-
sity-both acclaimaed as being
among the country's top educa-;
tors and administrators-reacph
the same decision regarding the
anti-bias clause; viz., that it is an
infringement on the affiliated mi-
nority's liberty and that no person
has an inherent right to member-
ship in an organization (as Dr.
Ruthven put it). Yet their years
of experience are forgotten, and
from the lofty heights of four
years on campus the DAILY writ-
ers have the temerity to look
down and call Hatcher a "fresh-
man president" because he is
Immaturity' .
To the Editor:
newly arrived in Ann Arbor.F
It was incongruous to print Mr.
Samra's defense of college stu-
dents' maturity on the inner pages
of a paper whose headlines bla-
zoned forth another peevish, ado-
lescent temper-tantrum against fears at such a brotherhood gay
the decision of wiser, cooler heads. meeting.
If the die-hard independents Could you please send it back to
seriously are interested in reform- me now? I shall be very. grateful
ing the membership policies of for your cooperation and believe
fraternities and sororities, let me when I go back home, I shall,
them sign up for rushing, join the be glad to find another dagger for
groups involved, and try working you. It so happened that this dag-
from within; if they object to fra- ger was bought to be presented to
ternities on principle, let each go a very dear American friend to
his separate way, and let theni whom I do not-wish to say, "Your
stop trying to meddle in the af- dagger was stolen at the Univer-
fairs of groups in which they have sity of Michigan."
no other interest. I live in Stockwell Hall, 2033.
The affiliated groups aren't Thank you.
fighting among themselves and -Dounia Mrowa
killing the IFC and Panhellenic , M
Associations, as the independents
killed the AIM; the affiliated ISA Plait ...
groups had nothing to do with the t
puerile "panty riot" here which To the Editor:
set the precedent for springtime . N BEHALF of the International
fun on the nation's campuses; and Students Association I would
the affiliated groups, though they like to point out that the Michi-
work actively in all phases of gan Daily coverage of policy mat-
campus life including the SL and ters carried out at the last ISA
similar administrative bodies, ob-' meeting was incomplete, and in
serve the rights of others and some places inaccurate. The ISA
don't attempt to run thedonaffairs passed unanimously the following
of groups to wh heyd e-esolution which was introduced
long.- by Richard LaBarge of UNESCO
President Hatcher's decision and seconded by Lisa Kurcz of the
was just, intelligent, and in the Student Legislature: "Be it re-
light of the childish howling di- solved, that the International Stu-
rected at it, courageous. Undoubt- dents Association ask the President
edly it's a great comfort to him to of the University of Michigan to
know that his freshman footsteps give serious study and considera-
along the thorny and tortuous tion to a program whereby mem-
path of educational administra- bers of the faculty of the Univer-
tion are being guided by the in- sity Law School would be made
finite wisdom of his senior ad- 'available to foreign students with-
visors on the DAILY, the SL, and out charge for cases involving im-
the SAC.dmigration and dportation diffi-
result of the current Indian pend-
ing deportation case. The motion
was passed by the members be-
cause it was felt that there has
been a need of long standing for
such counsel regardless of current
events or future threats. A "Special
Investigating Committee on Legal
Advice" has been established to
prepare a thorough and complete
bried regarding the needs for the
proposal. In it will appear the
numerous instances requiring the
legal advice program. This com-
mittee is due to report before the
main body of the ISA before No-
vember 1, 1952. Upon its reporting
the brief will be reviewed by the
main body of the ISA before pres-
entation to the President of the
University. In the meantime this
committee will strive to secure the
passage of similar motions in other
representative organizations on
campus and serve to mobilize pub-
lic opinion in favor of it.
-Edouard Planchon,
Secretary International
Student Association
* * *
A Parable ...
To the Editor:
N THE DAYS when gods tripped
lightly through Elysian fields
sipping Ambrosia while men toiled
lightly for their sustenance, Her-
mes - God of Commerce and
Trade, Cheats and Thieves among
others looked out at the world
filled with beautiful flowers and
attractive fruits. But in several
places, poking up their ugly heads,
Hermes noticed vile weeds. The
sight of this ugliness appalled him.
He straightway conceived a plan
and flew to the foot of Mighty
Zeus' Throne.
"Almight Zeus," he intoned,
"the vile weeds' ugliness revolts
me. I know that the sun causes
the vile weeds to grow. If you
would only prohibit Helios from
driving his chariot across the
skies, then the vile weeds with
all their evil would lose their nour-
ishment and die."
Zeus in his infinite wisdom knew
that Hermes must learn by ex-
perience. So Almighty Zeus grant-
ed Hermes' petition. The next
morning Helios did not rise with
the sun. The fiery steeds champed
in their stalls. And so it passed
day after day. The vile weeds with-
ered and died-but so did the
"This Will Keep Out Competition"
GOODS OF ;~i:iy~ c~YJ
FOR MAL -i.-
ONLY } , £..j
beautiful flowers and the attrac-
tive fruits. Men poured out their
libations to the Gods to return
Helios to his path. And the Gods
supplicated AlmighV Infinite Ze-
us. "Our God, Our God, why hast
thou forsaken us? Hw long, oh
Finally Zeus called Hermes to
his feet and explained to him how
the destruction of the several vile
weeds also caused the destruction
of the myriads of beautiful flowers
and attractive fruits. And so Zeus
summoned forth Helios again, and
revitalized the world. And that
is why now, because of the infinite
wisdom of Zeus, the ". . . Dawn
with her rose-tinted hands" .,
still lights . . . "the East."
Moral: Down with the Lecture
-Sam Davis and Dan Greenberg
Sincerest Regret?.. .
To the Editor:
AS A STUDENT of the Univer-
sity I would like to express
my sincere thanks to the members
of the Administration for the un-
paralleled educational opportuni-
ties they have presented to us in
the past several years.
As guardians of the highestn
American Education they have en-
abled us to learn the principles of
Greek Grammar, Quantum Phy-
sics, Baroque Painting and even
advanced Ethics. Moreover we
soon will be allowed to learn of
the purest in Christian aspira-
tions and indeed of the quintes-
sence of all religions.
Last, but not least, through their
outstanding example they have
imbued us with an abiding belief
that action and belief do not coin-
cide, can not coincide, and should
not coincide.
It is with the sincerest regret
that ' will leave this, my Alma
Mater, a year from now, secure'in
the knowledge that nothing im-
proper will ever be said on its cam-
pus; that nothing improper will
ever be done on its campus-se-
cure in the knowledge that demo-
cratic ideals will forever be tip-
held-within its halls.
Thank you Sirs, for your best
taught lesson.
-Carl E. Wulfman
The Veto . .
To the Editor:
trary decision of vetoing The
Student Legislature Anti - Bias
Clause bill is to be condemned by
every student on this campus who
believes-in democracy and in stu-
dent government!
Following in the path of his
predecessor who waited until vir-
tually the last day of the semester
to issue a veto, President Hatcher
has delivered a slap in the face to
student government which will
take a long time to forget.
It is indeed regrettable in these
times of bigotry and fear that we
do not have bigger men sitting at
heads of our great Universities!
-Gene Mossner
On Record...
To the Editor:
MAY I FOR ONE go on record
as saying that the debate
"Is the U.S. Government Prac-
ticing Genocide Against the Negro
People" was more interesting and
educational to me than some of
the courses offered by the Uni-
-Bunker Clark
'I I tItMt t.l
. - -.eer to *e o . . .
-Jas. E. Brodhead III
(EDITOR'S NOTE: After reading Mr.
Brodhead's letter, Mr. Samra takes
back everything he said about the
maturity of college students.)
* * * ,
Stolen Sabre.. .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS everyone admired the
displays of the Arab Club booth
during the International Ball on
Friday, May 16, at the Michigan
Union Ballroom. Someone must
have enjoyed it so much that he
felt compelled to take a little
sabre from those displays. It took
me great pains to shop for it when
I was at home, and it did really
hurt all of us in the Arab Club to
find it missing in spite of the as-
surance of the International Cen-
ter officers that we should have no
culties when the International
Center ' cannot take further ac-
tion." The motion definitely does
not request free legal aid for all
cases in litigation. The members
of ISA felt that the extreme ex-
pense that some times arise from
immigration and deportation cases
constituted an unfair burden upon
the financial resources of the for-
eign student. At the present time
the International Center provides
legal council to foreign students in
good standing but once the stu-.
dent has lost his status a federal
ruling prevents the International
Center from acting as an official
attorney to the student in cases of
pending deportation. At present
the procedure is to turn the case
over to a private attorney. One
such case recently cost a student
The ISA action is not the specific
May Festivals
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article, writ-
ten by music critic Julian Seaman, is reprinted
from the May 13 issue of The Toledo Blade.)
M AY WOULD seem to be a month of song
and fiesta. The Music Festival, out
.and indoors, becomes rampant; multitudes,
winter toward circumscribed sound and its
indifferent or casual through the darkling
blandishments, brave thick heat, sticky and
ill-ventilated halls or churches, to hear once
more what they have been bearing all along.
It is a flat diversion nowadays, stem-
ming from a European counterpart now
become an avid lure for tourists. Inter-
vening years have built a tradition, and
some festivals in this country have en-
dured, by momentum alone, long after
original purposes and visions have been
Unfortunately, the managements of these
cultural ventures have not grown with the
years around them. Hence a dull, myopic
routine has replaced the first zest and ad-
venture. So we have mediocrities, inepti-
tudes, the bromides of sound, and programs
cleansed of all thought or excitement.
Two specimens come to mind. They are
old enough to have sustained the moss of
age, they have just concluded current se-
ances, both show the same symptoms of
inner decay and boredom.
The 59th annual May Festival at Ann
Becket also is dying of dry rot. J. H. Thu-
man has been manager since 1908.
I have just reviewed each concert in both
of these festivals: six in Ann Arbor; four
in Cincinnati. In each, I have found much
the same situation-each, started in high
hopes on a national basis, has deteriorated
over ti years into a predominently local
affair. A disposition on the part of each
management to rely upon limited, semi-
informed judgments for selection of artists
and programs is apparent. Enterprise, ori-
ginality and professional shrewdness are en-
tirely absent.
No commissions for new works by emi-
nent American or European composers
have been extended; no American debuts
of outstanding European artists, in every
category, have been arranged; there have
been no efforts to invite the cooperation
of varied organizations; the degree of
scholarship and musical perspicacity em-
ployed in the choice of works to be pre-
sented has been infantile.
All festival managers in this country
should spend some time every year in the
musical purlieus of Europe; should survey
carefully, in the light of past standards, the
field of musical artistry and resource here
and abroad.
I would recommend, in the cases of
Ann Arbor and Cincinnati particularly,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility.. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1952
VOL. LXII, No. 166
Late permission for women students
who attended "Come Back, Little She-
ba" on Tues., May 20, will be no later
than 11 p.m.
Late permission for women students
who attended "Come Back, Little She-
ba" on Wed., May 21, will be no iater
than 10:55 p.m.
Late permission for women students
who attended the University Choir Con-
cert on Wed., May 21, will be no later
than 11 p.m.
Department of Anthropology and the
Center for Japanese Studies. "Incidents
in Asian Folklore." Eiichiro Ishida, Pro-
fessor of Anthropology, University of
Tokyo. Mon., May 26, 4:15 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
seminar in complex Variables. Mon.,
May 26, 3 p.m., 247 W. Engineering. Mr.
Brauer wil conclude his discussion of
"Jentzsch's Theorem."
Doctoral Examination for James Sid-
ney Murphy, Aeronautical Engineering;
thesis: "Some Effects of Surface Curvat-
ture on Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow,"
Sat., May 24, 9 a.m., 1077 E. Engineering
Bldg, Chairman, A. M. Kuethe.
aDoctoral Examination for Seymour
Calvert, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"Vertical, Upward, Annular, Two-Phase
Flow in Smooth Tubes," Sat., May 24,
10 a.m., E. Engineering Bldg, Chairman,
G. B. Williams.
Doctoral Examination for Richard Al-
Management," Mon., May 26, 1:30 p.m.,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg.
Chairman, S. T. Dana.
Doctoral Examination for Roy E.
Sommerfield, Education; thesis: "The
Relationship of Reading Ability to
Measures of Perceptual Span with Spe-
cial Reference to Tachistoscopic Span
for Digits," Mon., May 26, 1:30 p.m.,
West Council Room, Rackham Bldg.
Chairman, L H. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for Dorothy
Eyke, Chemistry; thesis: "A Polargra-
phic Study of Some N-Mono-Substi-
tuted Ethylenediamine Complexes of
Copper, Cadmium, Lead, - and Zinc,"
Mon., May 26, 2 p.m., 3003 Chemistry
Bldg. Chairman, R. W. Parry.
Probability Seminar. Mon., May 26, 4
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Prof. D. A. Darl-
ing will be the speaker.
Zoology Seminar. David R. Cook will
speak on "Genera of the Hydracarina
in Michigan, with a Revision of the
Michigan Arrenuridae," Mon., May 26,
8 p.m., 2116 Natural Science Bldg.
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott.......Managing Editor
Bob Keith...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ... .Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker.Associate Sports Editor
Jan James............Women's Editor
Jo Retelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Busness Staff
Bob Miller.........Businein Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager