PRESIDENT HATCHER'S VETO Latest Deadline in the State :4Iaittii C N-E OCCASIONAL SHOWERS See Page 2 VOL. LXII, No. 166 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1952 FOUR PAGES 'U' Accepts Cash Grants For Projects T Survey Researcl. Gets Largest Gif By MIL PRYOR Gifts and grants totalling $146 389 were accepted by the Unive sity Board of Regents in thei May meeting yesterday. The University's Survey Re r search Center received the large of the grants, President Harlan B Hatcher announced. The Soci Science Research Council of Ne York City has provided $90,00 towards the cost of non-politica and non-partisan research oo political behavior. FROM Parke, Davis and Co., C Detroit two grants totalling $17, 000 were accepted. The Calumet and Hecla Con- solidated Copper Co. has pro- vided $10,493.04 to cover the cost of printing and shipping "Red Metal: The Calumet and Hecla Story" a book written and published by the University of Michigan Press. Three grants from the Joh Harper Seeley Foundation of An Arbo amounting to $6,500 wer accepted for fellowships. Als $2,400 was accepted from Th Carnegie Corporation for fellow ships and the Dow Chemical Com pany renewed its fellowship i: physics in the amount of $1,500. The Atlas Powder Company ha given $6,000 for investigations c the effect of oral mirco-organism or* sorbitol. Charles E. Odegaard, who wi become dean of the Literay Schoc in September, was given the addi tional appointment of professor c histdry yesterday. In addition to this appointmen J.A. Dieudonne was appointe visiting professor of mathematics J. Thijisse was appointed visitin professor in civil engineering Marstan Bates, professor of zool ogy; A.L. Weaver, associate pro * fessor of conservation; R. B Pringle, assistant professor o bacteriology; D.L. Wood, assistan professor of physics; and Pau Gibbons, assistant professor o dentistry. Prof.. James C. O'Neill was appointed as the University Senate member on the Lane Hall "Board of Governors replacing Prof. Edward B. Ham whose term has expired. H.M. Logan of Ann Arbor was reappointed . as the alumni member. Two four-year terms on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics were filled by the ap- pointment of Prof. Gardner Ack- ley to succeed Prof. H.C. Carver and Prof. Robert H. Sherlock whc succeeds himself. A.D. Robinson was appointed tc the Board for a three-year term. He succeeds Goodlow Rogers. On the literarycollege executive committee. Prof. Wesley H. Maur- er. was named to succeed himself for a three-year term and Prof. Otto LaPorte, who succeeds Prof. Rual V. Churchill, was appointed for a similar length of time. Harry G. Gault of Flint and Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School were reappointed for two- year terms, to the Board of Gov- ernors of the Lawyers Club. ON THE COUNCIL of the Great Lakes Research Institute, Prof. Clarence J. Velz and Dean Stanley G. Pontanna were named to re- place Prof. L. A. Baier and Prof. H.B. Lewis for terms of six years and Prof. A.H. Stockard was named to complete the four re- maining years of Prof. S.T. Dana's term. Prof. Dana will begin his retirement furlough at the end of this semester. The Regents approved six ap- pointments to the newly organ-4 ized executive committee of the School of Education. Prof. Wil- liam Clark Trow and Prof. Irv- isg H. Anderson were named for one-year terms; Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell and Prof. G. Max Win- go were appointed for two-year terms; and Prof. Stanley E. Di- mond and Prof. Howard Y. Mc- 4 Clusky were given three-year terms. Fourteen leaves of absence were approved by the Regents yester- day. Prof. Percival Price, profes- sor of campanology and Univer- it.. n ani nn amn. cnarnsnfdsnA a Union Opera NEW UNION OPERA EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS-Pat Heck (right, seated) discusses plans for next year's Union Opera with his newly appointed staff; Paul McDonough, '52, music chairman (left, seated), (1 to r standing) Pete Reed, '54E, pro- duction chairman; Harry Blum, '54, promotions chairman; John Messer, '53, finance chairman and Mike Scherer '54, general secretary. Missing, Bob Golte'n, '54, programs chairman. DEFENSE MEASURE: Big] ThreSinPc To Build German Army By The Associated Press The Allied Big Three Foreign Ministers gathered in Bonn, Ger- many last night to sign the pact that will set the West Germai key- stone into the ramparts of Western defense against Communist aggression. After final talks today and possibly tomorrow to iron out three still unsettled points, they are due Monday to sign a peace contract with West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer granting nearly full sovereignty to 48 million Germans living on this side of the iron curtain. Then they will fly to Paris to"- SL Cabinet Seeks New Bias Solution Sees No Further Legislative Acts By HARRY LUNN The Student Legislature cabi- net decided yesterday to recom- mend an educational rather than. a legislative approach to the bias- clause problem. Meeting to consider follow-up action on President Hatcher's veto of the SL sponsored, SAC ap- proved anti-bias mneasure, SL leaders ruled out any further leg- islative methods as unfeasible at this time. s * - THEY DISCUSSED possible means of action on the problem for next fall. Wednesday the cab- inet issued a statement calling President Hatcher's decision "re- grettable" and reaffirmed their belief in the basic principles of the vetoed proposal, but prom- ised further action in the human relations field. Cabinet members are plan- ning to work on the discrim- ination problem through a pro- gram of continued action by the SL Human Relations Com- mittee and cooperation with the newly formed Big Ten IFC- Panhel Counseling and Infor- mation Service. Commenting on future anti-bias action, Panhel president Diane Harris, '53, and Interfraternity Council president Pete Thorpe, '53, said last night "we hope that the SL too will feel that an education- al and informative policy will be cne of the best methods of solving this problem." "Certainly a feeling of coopera- tion between the two groups would be of great benefit to the whole counseling service," they added. OUTLINING the progress of the Big Ten Counseling and In- formation Service to date, Miss Harris revealed that letters had been sent to all the Big Ten schools asking them to appoint students from the local ]FC and Pan-hel to head up the individual campus programs. Newly appointed Michigan leaders, Dick Manchee, '54 of IFC and Joan Pruitt, '53, of Panhel are now recruiting stu- dents from all fraternities and sororities to help staff the cam- pus organization. Manchee and Miss Pruitt will be in charge, of the Big Ten organization which will be connected with the local program. Locally, Panhel last week held a meeting of all sorority delegates to national conventions scheduled for this summer. At that time an outline of the campus situation covering past SL arid Panhel ac-] tion and the new Big Ten pro- gram was given to delegates for their use at the conventions. ; The IFC is planning a similar meeting before the end of the se- mester. Trimmed Proposal European Sent to Senate sign an accompanying European Defense Community (EDC) treaty Tuesday that will put some 400,- 000 rearmed German troops into a million-man, ' one-uniform Euro- pean army. Terms of the EDC treaty were completed at Stras- bourg yesterday by ministers of the six participating nations- West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands andl Luxembourg. * * * IN THIS weekend of decision, the Big Three Foreign Ministers are meeting on German soil for the first time since World War II. U. S. Secretary of State Ache- son, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden an'd French For- eign Minister Robert Schuman are giving official approval to an accord denounced by Com- munist East Germans as a threat of civil war and by Soci- alist West Germans as a hazard to ultimate reunification of the Nation. * * * OMINOUS activity developed in East Germany. Communist Prime Minister Otto Grotewohl got approval by his rubber stamp parliament in Berlin to expand his cabinet. Students Rally To Protest Veto A small group of students gath- ered in front of the Administra- tion Bldg. yesterday afternoon to protest President Hatcher's veto of the Student Affairs Committee anti-bias clause measure.; Aid Lectureship Established To LaudDean A Hayward Keniston Lecture- ship was founded yesterday when the Board of Regents accepted a grant for its establishment. The Lectureship has been -founded as an "appropriate form of public recognition" for former Dean Keniston who stepped down from his post as Dean of the Literary College last year and will retire this month from the teach- ing duties he subsequently took on in the romance languages department. One speaker a year will be brought here with the money which was collected from the Literary College faculty. The lecture will deal with some phase of the relationship between lib- eral education and democratic institutions. Prof. F. Sanchez y Escribano of the romance language depart- ment led the fund raising com- mittee and Prof. I.L. Sharfman of the economics department acted as treasurer. The three other members of the committee were Prof. William Haber of the eco- nomics department, Prof. George H. Forsyth of the fine arts de- partment, and Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the School of Journal- ism. -Daily-Alan Reid GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY-Student Legislature President Howard Willens, '53, breaks ground for Cooley Memorial Laboratory, the first building of the new North Campus, as University vice-president Wilbur K. Pierpont looks on. , , , * , ,.C . pu GrounRd BroAken for. North Cam pus By VIRGINIA VOSS In a brief dedication ceremony, attended by the Board of Regents and about 60 University and local officials, the 267 acre North Cam- pus extension officially got under way yesterday afternoon. President Harlan H. Hatcher, in a short talk preceding ground- U.S. Demotes Dodd, Col son. To Colonels WASHINGTON -(jP)- The Ar- my yesterday "broke" the two brigadier generals involved in the Koje prisoners' revolt fiasco in Korea, reducing them to the rank of colonel, and ordering a formal reprimand for the immedi- ate superior. Demoted were: 1. Brig. Gen. Francis T. Dodd, the Koje commandant who was seized and held for several days by the Red POW's until their "ransom" demands were met. 2. Brig. Gen. Charles F. Colson, the man who agreed to the pris- oners' terms for releasing Dodd. Both were reduced to their permanent rank of colonel. As a result, each will lost $133.38 a month in pay and $34.20 in rent alowance. In addition, the Army ordered an "administrative reprimand" for Brig. Gen. Paul F. Yount, com- mander of the army base section at Pusan which has jurisdiction over the Koje Island Prison Camp. Although mild sounding, a rep- rimand goes down in the Army's book as a black mark against the offender and makes it harder for him to gain promotion. breaking for the $975,000 Cooley Memorial Research Laboratory, called the initiatory ceremony a "recognition of another great landmark in the development of the University." He dedicated the Cooley engi- neering lab to continued teaching and research. * * * AFTER President Hatcher's dedication, Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel turned the first shovel- ful of earth for the Huron River area campus, leading a list of ten dignitaries. He was followed by Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school, Dean George G. Brown of the en- gineering college, director of the Engineering Research Institute Prof. Albert H. White, Dean Earl V. Moore of the music school, Dean Wells I. Bennett of the Col- lege of Architecture and Design, president of the City Council Cecil 0. Creal, Milton Kendrick, Ann Arbor representative of the Alum- ni Association, Student Legislature president Howard Willens, '53, and Walter M. Roth, superintendent of Plant. University vice-president Wil- bur K. Pierpont directed the brief ceremony held on a speci ally constructed platform ad- joining the newly excavated site of the Cooley lab. Named after former dean of the sngineering college Mortimer F. Cooley, the engineering research laboratory will be the first of the Agree on Wages WASHINGTON-(P)-An agree- ment was reached yesterday for settling the 51-day strike of West- ern Union employes but early re- ports indicated workers might re- ject the pact. new campus' four blueprinted buildings to be constructed. The two-story, glass-block lab- oratory will be coirpleted one year from now. Two experimental sound chambers make up the bulk of the planned building. The $1,000,000 Phoenix Memor- ial Laboratory, the next to be constructed, has not yet been con- tracted. Allies Warned Against New Aggression By The Associated Press The United States has inform- ally warned its 16 United Nations Allies to be on guard against the possibility of "renewed Commun- ist aggression" in Korea. The State Department belatedly disclosed yesterday that the warn- ing of a possible renewal of the offensive in Korea was given 10 days ago to diplomats represent- ing UN nations with forces in the Korean conflict. Meanwhile armistice negotiators began a three-day "cooling off" recess during which the Allies hope the Reds will abandon their adamant stand on the prisoner issue. Prisoner exchange, with the Reds insisting on getting back prisoners who do not want to re- turn, is the last issue blocking an armistice for war-shattered Korea. On the battle front Allied war- planes struck the greatest-air blow of the Korean war, turning a huge Red supply arsenal complex into. what one pilot called "a little hell." House Votes Close, to Two Billion_ Slash Taft Supporters Dominate Debate WASHINGTON - MP) - The House last night passed a $6,162,- 600,000 Foreign Aid Bill after cut- ting $1,737,400,000 from President Truman's requests. The measure now goes to the Senate. The roll call vote was 245 to 110. * * * TEMPORARILV dominated by Republicans, the House sliced $726,500,000 on the floor in addi- tion to $1,010,900,000 which the Foreign Affairs Committee prev- iously trimmed from the Presi- dent's $7,900,000,000 program. Backers of Senator Taft (R- Ohio) led the forces demnding the cuts. They overrode more moderate reductions proposed by supporters of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Democratic absen- teeism gave the Republicans control during crucial voting yesterday and Thursday. The cuts reduced military aid to Europe by $829,000,000 and trimmed a total of $908,400,000 from economic aid for Europe and the Far East. , The explosive Middle East and Latin America were left un- touched. The Administration was unable to salvage the original bill, despite a warning from Speaker Rayburn that the United States had lost air superiority to Russia and must act to strengthen its Allies. At the last minute the House also adopted an amendment re- quiring the Allies to gear their re- sources for defense and to take further steps toward European unification to get continued aid. * * THE BILL as passed contained these main authorizations for the year ending June 30, 1953: Europe-military aid $3,316,- 000,000 .($829,000,000 cut by the committee); economic aid, $1,- 022,000,000 ($181,900,000 cut in committee, and another $615,- 300,000 on the floor, by a 221 to 137 roll call vote.) Middle East--military aid, $606,- 370,000 and economic $196,000,000, unchanged from Administration requests. Far East-military $611,230,000; economic, $296,800,000 (cut $111,- 200,000 on floor by a 192 to 15 roll call vote.) Latin America-military, $62,- 400,000; economic, $22,000,000. Senior Cabinet OfficersTold Officers of the new Senior Cabi- net were announced last night by Remus Boila, '53BAd, chairman. Jack Flynn, president of the architecture college senior .class, was chosen vice-chairman of the cabinet; Audie Murphy, treasurer of the school of education senior class, will also assume the treas- urer's post on Senior Cabinet. Virginia Adams, who is secre- tary of the nursing school senior class, will be the recording secre- tary; and\ Nancy Brewer, secre- tary of the literary school class, will be corresponding secretary. Senior Cabinet is made up of the preceding officers plus the five presidents of - the other schools. Council Petitions Due Tomorrow Today is the deadline for sub- -_ _ +--i" - . ~nirr r- -n- HONORARY SOCIETY: Phi Kappa Phi Names 256 New Members '4I Phi Kappa Phi, national honor- ary all-school scholarship fraterni- ty, has announced the names of 256 1951-52 initiates. Faculty members honored are Dean Deborah Bacon, Prof. Harold M. Dorr, Prof. Marvin Felheim, Prof. Russell H. Fifield, Dean Stan- ley C. Fontanna, Prof. Dorothy Hard, Mrs. Norma L. Heyde, Prof. Lionel H. Lang, Prof. Rhoda Red- dig, Dean Tom Rowe, and Prof. Julius D. S&hetzer. GRADUATE and undergraduate initiatesa re-Bvre M_ Ahhin '52 M. Blair; Robert H. Bloom, '54L; Robert R. Bockemuehl, '52E; Wilson Bond, Jr., A&D; Herbert Boothroyd, Jr., '52; Philip D. Bouffard, Grad.; Woodrow W. Boyett, Grad.; George U. Brauer, Grad.; Donald G. Bremner, Grad.; George R. Brewer'; Wil- liam M. Bristor; Stephen A. Bromberg, '52. Ernest C. Brookfield, '55M; Wil- lis R. Brown, '52D; Maurice A. Brull, Grad.; William I. Buiten, '52E; Joseph S. Bull, '52E; James A. Burns. '52E: J. Frank Camn- ;, 1 Group Plans Legal Advice For Students At an informal meeting yester- day a group of students laid plans for setting up a University system of legal'aid to foreign students. The group was moved to action by the recent impending deporta- tion of Joseph Singh Bains, an Indian graduate student. * * * THE FIRST SUGGESTION by the group is that forms be avail- able at registration for foreign students to fill out to ascertain if the students are here in full com- pliance with immigration laws. The students also plan to con- tact other schools throughout the country which have such legal aid set ups. Lastly the group has advised that a "competent legal advisor be provided by the University. This advisor would step in if a foreign student were called before the immigration authorities for violation of a regulation and if the case were taken to a court. Aiming for action in the fall, fh --mif -aa -"ane n - -r nn 1 1 i r 7 J e t 3 t TICKETS OUT MONDAY: Best Flash Card System Promised By JERRY HELMAN The Wolverine Club has an- nounced a new flash card policy designed to give the University the "best flash card section in the country," according to Dorothy Fink, '55, Co-chairman of the will begin Monday with students who will be seniors next semester getting the first crack. Senior dis- tribution will take place from 1 to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at Barbour Gymnasium. If there are. reservation stubs of the old senior section. "There will still be plenty of good seats left for seniors who do not want to participate in the activity," she said. The new policy is the result of a two year search by the Wolver- . _ . . . . . I