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May 22, 1952 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-22

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Of Bingham
"If you can make more people
understand the working of the
news, you will strike a telling blow
for the preservation of a free
press," was the advice given by
Barry Bingham to a group of
journalism students yesterday.
Bingham, president and editor
of the Louisville Courier-Journal,
spoke at the fifth annual Journal-
ism Honors Convocation in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre on "How To
Read a Newspaper."
EMPHASIZING throughout his
talk that too many Americans lack
the knack of reading a paper care-
fully and critically, he placed the
responsibility of getting the news
across with the reporters and edi-
"To persuade people that we
are worthy of their respect, we
mlust make them understand the
three elements of a newspaper,"
Bingham declared.
First, he said, a clear, fair ac-
count of what happens each day
should be given in the news col-
Secondly, opinion should be
expressed only on the editorial
page. Bingham said that al-
though editorials essentially
stress an opinion, the reader has
a right to expect the (material
used to be factual.
The third point Bingham
brought out was interpretation.
He said that because of the com-
plicated nature of today's news,
the modern newspaper reader has
to be a combination of Benjamin
Franklin, Leonardo DaVinci and
Albert Einstein.
Interpretive articles by staff
members or syndicated columnists
can fill this need.
He indicated that observance of
these points would "steer people
to clearer reading of the news-
Following Bingham's lecture,
there was an awards presentation,
with four students receiving Mc-
Naught Medals for journalistic
achievement. They were: Donald
G. Bremner, Grad.; Joseph Ep'
stein, '52; Floyd W. Thomas, '52;
and Gerald Peters, '52.
Epstein also received a Sigma
Delta Chi scholarship certificate,
along with Emily Blair, '52; and
Mary Dell Ford, '52.

Union Opera Chairman
Yobst Gets Things Done
* * *

"Comes a serious moment and
there is Yobst with a Witticism,"
is what his cohorts say.
For 1952 Union Opera, General
Chairman Jim Yobst is a fellow
who believes that "things can get
done only when you're having a
good time besides." That's what
happened with the Opera, he said,
referring to the show which for
the first time since the war netted
a sizeable profit.
* * *
KNOWN ALSO as "Yo-Yo,"
"Boy's Boy," "Small One" and
'Joy Boy" the jovial six-footer
feels life can be a very happy thing
if you just look at it that way.
A member of Druids, senior
honorary; Mimes and Phi Delta
Theta fraternity, Yobst finds
himself much too busy to worry
about the problems of the world.
"I'll have plenty of time for
that afterwards," he maintains,
referring to the years after his
June graduation.
In tune with his philosophy of
helping-others in order to be gen-
uinely happy yourself, is Ybbst's
decision to be a doctor. Surgery
or psychiatry are the fields the
ambitious senior is contemplating,
feeling they are the most interest-
ing. "But the main thing is that
I will be able to deal with people,"
he declared.
Hailing from "the greatest town
in the world," the Toledo native
is planning to do graduate work at
the University of Toledo before
entering medical school. i
Tracking down this gregarious
senior is ,a difficult task for any-
body. Like as not he may be
found sporting a pair of home-
made Burmuda shorts at Palmer
Field, studying anatomy in a sail-
boat or intently conversing at a
certain Liberty St. establishment.
"'As long as there are people
around, I'm having a great time,"
he explains.
Advisor Service
Ends Next Week
Student advisors will meet with
students who desire academic
counseling from 3 to 5 p.m. today
in Rm. 1209 Angell Hall.
The SL sponsored service will
end its work for the semester after
next Thursday's counseling ses-

Fresh Air
Camp Needs
An opportunity for 50 students
to ap ly classroom theory to ac-
tual practice is available for those
who would like to counsel at the
Fresh Air Camp this summer, ac-
cording to Prof. William Morse
at the education school.
There are still openings for
counselors at this summer's eight
week "Workshop in Human Be-
havior." Seniors and graduate stu-
dents in the fields of education,
sociology, social work and psy-
chology will be given supervised
first-hand experience in the study
observation and treatment of mal-
adjusted boys, Prof Morse said.
As counsellors at the camp, the
student is responsible for a cabin
of eight boys for four weeks.
Although previous experience is
helpful, it is not necessary since
the camp offers a week of orien-
tation to all new counsellors.
Seniors and. graduate }men and
women may enroll now for the
eight week program. Room and
board is furnished, although the
counsellors must pay the regular
summer school tuition fee. Appli-
cants can write to the camp of-
fice for any additional informa-
tion and for application blanks.
Letters can be addressed to W.
C. Morse, Director, University of
Michigan Fresh Air Camp, 504D
University Elementary School.
Rule Change
Asked by SL
(Continued from Page 1)


-Daily-Matty Kessler

Events Today
SERVICES-Masses will be held
foi Catholic students at 7 a.m., 8
a.m., 9 a.m. and 12 noon at St.
Mary's Chapel for the Feast of
* * *
Events Tomorrow
OPEN HOUSE-Students inter-
ested in learning more about ca-
reer opportunities in the field of
public health can attend an open
house sponsored by the public
health school, which will last
throughout the day.
* * * .
CONFERENCE-About 75 busi-
ness and industrial executives
from Jackson will visit the Uni-
versity for the third annual Jack-
son Day program sponsored by
the Engineering Research Insti-
tute and the Greater Jackson As-
sociation, with the opening ses-
sion set for 10 a.m.
LECTURE-Gustave Reese, out-
standing musicologist from New
York University and co-founder of
the American Musicological So-
ciety, will lecture on the "Imagi-
native Uses of Canon and Imita-
tion at the Time of Josquin," at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-

T m




fure "Directoire" by Parisian
stylist Jean Clement is inspired
by fashions prevalent in late
18th century France and is .a
Precursor of winter styles.,

HERO HAT - Paris cre-
ation of white pique and black
satin with a veil held by a gold-
en buoy is called "Captain Carl-
sen" in honor of the hero of the
Flying Enterprise.



P L A N N I N G A T7RI P-Dr. Louis Bombard studies a
sailboat model in Nice, France, as he plans an Atlantic crossing onk
raft with five friends, subsisting on what the ocean provides.


so that it does not appear that the
University is endorsing any parti-
cular party or candidate."
THEY ALSO stated SL "belief"
that the University should rise
above criticism of "conservatives
who take exception to any idea
deviating from the opinion of the
majority of the public and will
criticize the University for allow-
ing individuals who hold these
views to be heard."
Last night's action came after
weeks of study by the Campus Ac-
tion sub-committee headed by
Beers. Impetus to make the inves-
tigation resulted from recent Lec-
ture Committee bannings and the
student referendum.
This spring the Committee ban-
ned four speakers: Arthur Mc-
Phaul, Abner Greene, William
Hood and Ann Shore.

T H E OL D A N D T H E N E W-British soldiersdem-
onstrate contrast between the new .280 rifle (left) and old Enfield,
at Warminster, Eng. New lighter weapon has higher fire rate.


A GK I S LT 5 U 5I N E S S-Workmen fit together bones
of synthetic human skeletons at Goettingen, Germany, where they
are manufactured for schools and research institutions.


. ..





H I G H C' E A S Y H E R E-Singer Rise Stevens pores
over music scores in study of her Quogue, N. Y.; home as she
prepares for coming season. The home used to be a windmill,



C H I T - C H A T, AND CH U C K L E S- screen actor
Joseph Cotten (left) and heiress Barbara Hutton (right) have an
*njoyable conversation at lavish party in palace of Countess
Natalia Volpi at Venice. Woman in center is unidentified.

TAN K FORE R U N N E R -- Eleanor Halltsits at the wheel
of a battery-powered armored car built in 1898 and exhibited in
Chicago Museum. Vehicle mounts automatic gun with armor shield.



Opportunities For Men Interested
in Learning About And Working For
The Fraternity System. Positions
Are Open On All Committees.





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