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May 22, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-22

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 at t ly,




Three-Year Rail
Dispute Settled
Return of Roads to Private
Y Owners Foreseen In Near Future










three-year rail-labor dispute end--
ed last night when three big
unions reluctantly accepted a
White House peace proposal.
Approval by the unions fore-
shadowed quick return of the
seized roads to private ownership
after 21 months under government
* * *
THE CARRIERS accepted the
White House proposal Monday
More than 150,000 members
of the Engineers, Firemen and
Conductors Unions will get an
immediate wage boost ranging
up to 37 cents an hour and
lump sum payments of $800 to
$1,100 for back pay to October,

Back wages
and estimated

will cost the roads
100 million dollars.

agreement, good until October
1953,. was announced by the Un-
ions at their hotel here. Official
'announcement from Presidential
Assistant John R. Steelman was
being prepared at the White
House. The unions had been con-
ferring there all evening.
The three rail union chiefs
said they accepted with "some
disappointment" but that "there
are ho better alternatives under
one-sided government seizure
and rule by labor injunction."
The roads have been under
bechnical control of the Army
since they were seized in August,
1950, to avert a nationwide strike.
Since March, 1949, when the long
dispute over working rules and
wages got started, strikes and
"sick" walkouts have occurred at
least three times-in 1950, 1951
and last March.
The March strike brought a no-
strike court order still in effect.
last night is substantially the same
as one tentatively accepted by
heads of the three unions in De-
cember, 1950, but rejected by the
But it contains one change
which the unions called a "ma-
jor improvement" over the
spurned 1950 proposal. That
change gives the unions the
Million Dollar
Gift to Law
School OK'd
A $1,100,000 bequest to the law
school was finally cleared by a
Cleveland Common Pleas Court
yesterday after a legal tangle un-
wittingly caused by the donor,
Frederick L. Lieckie. '04L.
The will was taken to court,
according to law school Dean E.
Blythe Stason, because Leckie left
the money to "the Law School of
the University of Michigan,"
which is not a legal corporation.
"The corporate entity to which
the money should have been willed
is the Board of Regents, which
has legal corporate status," Stason
Another legal question the court
settled was that the trust could
be set up under the Regents, and
not necessarily in Ohio, where
the will was made.
Stason explained that there was
really no contest as such over the
will-it was merely a question of
interpretation. The executor origi-
nally took it to court to be pro-
tected as to its legality.
Leckie specified that the large
sum of money should be used 'to
assist needy law students.
"This is a very valuable bequest
to the law school and the student
aid derived from it will be great,"
Stason said.
'Trumni Blasts
Congress Again

right to reject carrier demands
for extending the runs of train
crews beyond a divisional term-
inal point.
The fourth big operating union
the Trainmen, settled its dispute
with the roads a year ago when it
accepted the December, 1950 pro-
Yesterday's agreement means
that labor peace on the railroads
is virtually assured for nearly a
year an a half. The agreement
provides for a moratorium on
wage and working rule changes
until October, 1953.
Appeals To
The Interfraternity House Pres-
ident's assembly voted last night
to allow fraternities to appeal to
Joint Judiciary on cases where
they had been penalized by the
IFC Executive Council for vio-
lating rushing and pledging pro-
The by-law amendment was
passed only after IFC President
Pete Thorpe, '53, cast his tie-
breaking vote. Its passage elimi-
nates the House President's As-
sembly as a source of appeal for
houses that break rushing and
pledging rules.
amendment as "a significant step
forward in strengthening both the
IFC Judicial System and the Joint
Judiciary Council."
The Council also voted to set
up an interviewing board em-
powered to select a fraternity
buying agent to organize and
present to the hoise presidents
a plan for the central buying of
food for fraternities. This body
will be organized tonight.
The board will include the Dean
of Students Erich A. Walter;
Francis C. Shiel, manager of Uni-
versity service enterprises; Homr
Health of the Ann Arbor Trust
Company; Thorpe; Dave Kennedy,
'54E, chairman of the Stewards'
Committee and two house presi-
dents to be selected by the Execu-
tive Council.
A loss of $643 on Saturday's IFC
Ball was also announced at the
president's meeting. John Messer,
'52, treasurer for the IFC, reported
that this was due to a low income
from ticket sales which he esti-
mlated as being nearly $1800 under
last year's total receipts.
The Assembly also formally ap-
proved the seven. IFC committee
chairman appointments. They are
Bill Captain, '54, and C. A. Mitts,
'54, rushing co-chairmen; Dick
Manchee, '54, Big Ten IFC-Pan-
hen counseling service co-chair-
man; Chuck Pollard, '54, office
manager; Sam Siporin, '54, pub-
licity chairman; Dave Kennedy,
'54E, stewards committee chair-
man and Henry Crapo, social com-

Pressure Causes
Fox To QuitPost

By The Associated Press
Dr. Vernon A. Fox bowed to his
critics today and resigned as As-
sistant Deputy Warden at South-
ern Michigan Prison.
But in taking the action, the 36-
year-old psychologist whose role
in settlement of last month's pris-
on rioting roused a storm of pro-
test insisted:
"I still feel justice is on my side.
I realize Michigan is not ready for
the type of prison rehabilitation
for which I stand."
FOX, WHO played a major role
in settlement of the four-day re-
volt, came under fire because he
broadcast a message congratulat-
ing the prisoners just before they
surrendered April 24.
Yesterday, Fox said he receiv-
ed a verbal quit-or-be-fired ul-
Gives 'OK To
Control Bill.
ate Banking Committee gave final
approval yesterday to a bill to
keep economic controls in force
after June 30 but forbidding the
Wage Stabilization Board to rec-
ommend settlements in labor dis-
putes as it did in the steel crisis.
The extension of the Defense
Production Act also would abolish
the present WSB set-up of sfx
members each from organized
labor, management and the public
and substitute an all-public mem-
bership subject to.Senate ratifica-
* * *
BY ITS VOICE vote approval of
the whole bill the committee stuck
to its previous decision on WSB
in the face of a threat by the
American Federation of-Labor to
boycott any wage stabilization
program without labor members
on the board.
The WSB section and other
major provisions of the bill
were approved separately by the
committee last week.
The present WSB has been
sharply criticized in congress for
intervening in the steel dispute
and recommending that the CIO
steelworkers get a pay increase
of 26 cents an hour by next Jan-
uary, plus a union shop.
As approved in the committee
the bill would:
1. Extend wage-price controls to
next March 1. 2. Continue rent
controls and the authority to al-
locate materials to June 30, 1953.

timatum from corrections com-
missioner Earnest C. Brooks.
Fox explained to reporters that
his position at the prison had be-
come "untenable" in recent weeks.
His letter of resignation was not
available for publication.
BROOKS, in a statement is-
sued at Lansing, denied that he
has given Fox an ultimatum to
"quit or be fired."
"I just don't work that way,"
Brooks said. "I simply talked the
situation over with him, point-
ing out that he was going to be
made a whipping boy for a
long time to come if he stayed

only A Mop
A mop caught in the metal
grate of a sidewalk and a cig-
arette butt gave campus town
strollers and the Ann Arbor
fire departmentha scarelast
night, bringing two fire trucks
. to answer the alarm.
Firemen received a call that
there was a basement fire at a
beauty parlor next to a theatre
on East Liberty St. When the
two trucks-routine for that
type of fire-arrived, all they
found, was a mop burning mnd-
er a grating in the sidewalk
where a casual movie goer had
flicked his still burning cigar-
ette butt.
The firemen put out the mi-
nor conflagration with dispatch,
reassured the crowd which had
gathered and left.
The mop was scarcely singed.
W. Gerin
Pact Almost

CLOSING IN-Three men of a
huts in a Korean village behind

"I pointed out to him that cer- believed to contain Communist gt
tain legislators had already made The center hut is burning after a
him a political issue by demand- the gun fire. Twenty-five suspe
ing that he be fired. Furthermore, in the raid.
I pointed out his utility to the *
system had been gravely impaired. .
Some of the guards have threat-
ened to walk -out if he came back
and I wouldn't know where to as-
sign him under the circumstances. *
Earlier in the day, Warden Jul- i g e t
ian N. Frisbie of the State Prison
of Southern Michigan told a Leg-
islative committee today that a By The Associated Press
"struggle for authority" had been! Wi i t guns ra
going on for a long time at the across 20 miles of the Central
prison. Korean front in one of the heav-
Frisbie said that on occasions iest sustained barrages of the year,
his orders had been counter- Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy told the
manded and that he had been by-
passed at various times by Com- Ridgway Sees
missioner Brooks.
All this, he said, could have ee
caused unrest at the prison. Fris- Soviet Buildup
bie also said that "Fox has been
trying to change the prison pro- In
gram, but I wouldn't agree to it.", Far East

reconnaissance company fire at
the front lines. The village was
guerillas and civilian sympathizers.
ammunition in it was exploded by
ected guerillas were rounded up
* *

* 1Y ear's By The Associated Press
The Westerr Allies and Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer announc-
ed early today they have com-
2 C c o pleted writing the Allied-West
German peace contract except for
4 a few details.
Reds "There is nothing left to Secretary of State Acheson and
negotiate-the decision is in your his British and French colleagues
hands." are preparing to come here and
sign the pact.

in ns iarewen s iauemenc as
Chief Allied Truce Delegate, Joy
said that no amount of argument
and incentive would budge the Al-
lies in their refusal to send back
prisoners of war who do not want
to return to Communist rule.
* * *

Half Billion
Cut in Foreign
Aid Proposed
Merrow (R-N.H.) opened a new
attack on the Administration's
foreign aid bill yesterday with a
demand that it be cut an addi-
tional 500 million dollars.
He proposed to the House that
most of the reduction be made
in the funds President Truman
has requested for ecconomic as-
sistance to nations allied' with
the United States.
* *. *
THE HOUSE Foreign Affairs
Committee already has chopped
the measure down from $7,900,-
000,000 to $6,889,000,000.
Rep. Richards (D-S.C.), com-
mittee chairman, told the House
that if it cut any deeper it
might throw away "the best
chance of avoiding World War
As the mutual security debate
got off to a fast start, W. Averell
Harriman, Mutual Security Ad-
ministrator, said Congress is "toy-
ing with the future security of the
United States" in considering
further reductions in the program
for the fiscal year beginning July
In the House, Rep. Vorys (R-
Ohio) called for further reduc-
tions in the $1,400,000,000 ear-
marked for economic aid to Eur-
ope, Vorys did not specify the
amount of trimming he had in
Economic aid is intended to
prime Westren European industry'
with machine tools and raw ma-
terials needed in a rearmament
Vorys said the bill should re-
quire European nations to make
further progress toward unifica-
tion before receiving Mnore aid

Matthew B. Ridgway said yes-
terday Soviet Russia is carrying
on a big and "significant" mili-
tary buildup in the Far East, while
the -Communists in Korea com-
mand a bigger, offensive punch
than ever before.
But the four-star general said
that if the Reds should strike
now with an all-out attack on
Korea, they would be thrown back
with "tremendous losses" on their
*, * *
DISCUSSING the critical Far
East situation with senators on
Capitol Hill and with newsmen at
the Pentagon, Ridgway made
these other points:
1. The outlook for an immed-
iate cease-fire agreement in
Korea is not bright, but efforts
to reach a settlement should
2. He would not advocate any
ultimatum to the Reds in con-
nection with the truce negotia-
3. The United Nations are not
strong enough to stage an all-
out offensive to drive the Com-
munists out of Korea, or to be-
gin bombing nearby Soviet
Manchurian bases.
Ridgway will address a joint
meeting of Congress at 11:30 a.m,
Ann Arbor time, today with at
least one television network (NBC)
carrying the event from coast-to-

ON THE FRONT, bright yel-
low flashes from the 40th Divi-
sion's Patton tanks dotted ridge-
lines and vallies as Allied gun-
ners drummed 90 mm. shells into
Red strongpoints from the west-
ern base of the old "Iron Triangle"
at Chorwon.
The Eighth Army said the
rattons in,32 hours had destroy-
ed or damaged 250 bunkers,
killed more than 100 Chinese
and probably wounded more
than 300 Red troops.
"After 10 months and 12 days,
I feel that there is nothing more
for me to do," Joy, who will leave
Korea in a few days to become
Superintendent of the Naval Acad-
emy at Annapolis, declared.
His successor is Maj. Gen. Wil-
liam K. Harrison, Jr.
S * *
THE OBJECTS of the truce
deadlock, the Red prisoners on
Koje Island, were stopped in a
new riot attempt by the tough pol-
icy of Brig. Gen. Laydon L. Boat-
The new commander disclosed
today that a new riot that threat-
ened the stormy prison camp was
prevented last Saturday after a
U. S. soldier killed a menacing Red
It was the fourth Red uprising
in five days. Three were onKoje
and the fourth broke out at near-
by Pusan, where another prisoner
was killed.
The first two revolts last week,
one in a hospital compound and
the other in the women's prison
quarters were put down without

"WE ARE READY for the for-
eign ministers," the Assistant U.
S. High Commissioner, Samuel
Reber, announced after a 13-hour
conference of the Western, High
Commissioners with Adenauer.
The negotiators settled the
basic principles of the contro-
versial finance questiol, which
had held up completion on the
pact, he said.
They will hold their 33rd and
final conference on the pact at
11 a.m., Ann Arbor time, today
to wind up the few remaining de-
tails of the contract ending the
seven-year occupation of West
Germany and allying the Ade-
nauer government politically and
militarily with the West, Reber
Alien Bill Foes
Suffer Defeat
WASHINGTON -(P)-- Foes of
the McCarran bill to overhaul
the nation's immigration laws suf-
fered a major defeat yesterday
when the Senate rejected, 51 to
27, a substitute they offered.
It was the second sharp set-
back this week for senators who
want to liberalize the bulky Mc-
Carran bill and accept into this
country thousands more aliens
than it would let in. They failed
earlier, on a 44 to 28 vote, to
send the legislation back to Mc-
Carran's committee for revision.
One major difference between
the McCarran bill and the substi-
tute sponsored by Senators Leh-
man (D-N.Y.) and Humphrey (D-
Minn.) is that the latter would
have allowed the pooling of un-
used immigration quotas to let in
more applicants from countries
whose present allotments are

Move Ends
Week Long
Violation Control
By JudicSought
The Student Legislature voted
overwhelmingly last night to ask
the Board of Regents to liberalize
their by-law concerning speakers
in order'to fix responsibility for
remarks of alleged subversives
with the sponsoring organizations.
SL also proposed that the plan
be presented to the Faculty Sen-
ate and campus groups before it
be sent through administration
channels to the Regents.
* * *
ACTION CAME in a meeting
marked by lengthy debate and at-
tended by a crowd of student
spectators. The approved proposal
was made by Gene Mossner, '52,
and amended with sections of a
motion by Keith Beers, '52E, chair-
man of the SL Lecture Committee
The new SL plan provides
1) Campus organizations, fully
recognized by the Student Affairs
Committee, be free to sponsor
speakers of their choice, and that
rooms be assigned to speakers on
an equal basis with no political or
other discrimination..
2) Each group before sponsor-
ing such speeches must inform
the Lecture Committee of the
proposed talk and submit a
signed statement that the
speaker will not advoeate violent
overthrew of the government
and that the meeting will be
peaceful and orderly.
3) If the speaker does advocate
violent overthrow of the govern-
ment or the meeting becomes dis-
orderly or riotous, the sponsoring
group will have a Joint Judiciary
hearing with the Joint Judiciary
Council recommending disciplin-
ary action to the University Sub-
committee on Discipline.
4) The Lecture Committee be
empowered to enforce this pro-
MOSSNER asserted that the
alternate Beers' motion in re-
quiring the sponsoring group to
get "advice" from the Committee
on the speaker would place a stig-
ma on the sponsoring group.
Ted Friedman, '53, said that
the Mossner motion was a neces-
sary compromise on the issue,
although it did not completely
carry out the SL mandate as
expressed in the April election
in which students voted two to
one against having a Lecture
The Beers' amendments incor-
porated in Mossner's motion re-
commended a revision of Regents'
rules on political speeches to say
that "political speeches having
educational value may be given as
long as there is sufficient balance
See RULE, Page 6
SL Decides
To Bypass
AIM Assets
In a heated four hour session
last 'night, Student Legislature
took action in a wide variety of
campus activities.

1. By a vote of 17-16, the legis-
lature decided not to take over
the assets of the now defunct
* * *
2. FOLLOWING UP the letter
which SL wrote to the immigra-
tion authorities last week, a mo-
tion was passed to write to NSA
informing them that SL is con-

Ban Called Unnecessary
By Genocide Debaters

Both local participants in Tues-
day night's off-campus genocide
debate agreed yesterday that "not
a single word was said in the
meeting that need have disturbed
anyone on campus."
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department maintained that
"the University would have es-
caped being embarrassed and
people would have had room to
sit down" if the Lecture Commit-
tee's banning of Ann Shore had
not forced the debate off-campus.
Ragland, '38L. local attorney, took

He added that though genocide
"scare, a lot of people," he still
doubts the wisdom of the charges.
According to Prof. Slosson "the
charge of genocide from a legal!
standpoint is so preposterous that
Mrs. Shore and Simmons didn't
take it seriously but merely used
it as a peg on which to hang a
discussion of Negro problems."
* * *
PROF. SLOSSON saw the de-
bate as just another indication of
the fact that "by banning leftist
speakers the University is only
giving them the publicity they

Deportation Spurs Legal Aid Plans

Prompted by the deportation
last week of a University Indian
graduate student, a small group of
undergraduates and political sci-
ence graduate students will meet
tomorrow to discuss a system of

tends to submit a report to
Administration in the fall.
* * *


THE PROBLEMS facing foreign
students came into sharp focus
as Indian student Joseph Singh
Bains was forced to leave the

lature also went down on record
as protesting the deportation.
Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the
political science department,
who remarked earlier that the
deportation law was "Inequit-
able and unfair," pointed out



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