.5 'I THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1952 4 U VISITOR'S TREAT: lce Cream Vendor's Hopes Foiled ____ / * , * * Air efec Mape .d By MIKE WOLFF Ann Arbor has seen many celeb- rities this spring, but they have all made their speeches and de- parted without giving Howard Craig, the well-known local ice cream vendor, an opportunity to fulfill his ambition. When Craig first drove his ice cream wagon on Campus on a snowy April 1, he had great plans for presenting a carton of ice cream to Queen Juliana, Sen. Robert Taft and Gen. Douglas MacArthur. The planning proved easier than the doing, however. * * * THE AMBITIOUS vendor cir- cled Hill Auditorium for two hours before Sen. Taft's speech without finding a parking space. "I could- n't even get a glimpse of anyone from his party when he did ar- rive," Craig complained. He was even more frustrated last Friday when wrong infor- mation causing him to arrive with a' wagon bursting with ice cream three hours after Gen. MacArthur had made his depar- ture. Queen Juliana's visit proved slightly more satisfying to Craig who was able to talk with an official of the Queen's party. The official informed him, however; that he didn't think it Would be dignified for the Queen to be seen eating ice cream on a stick. All this plan thwarting has left, the married ex-Navy man and former Wayne student undaunted, ~Jamuu3U.IU:''RAN I... DN:.N A.MA~ct K " ' S 0 *. - l:.: * .._...__.t..t..,__ UT4AOU FLTR ENER t24 HOUR AREA AR'EA ON PART TIME TEXASBASIS tru c 'A" P e Naue F ' -DailT-Bruce Knoll THWARTED-Howard Craig, a local ice cream vendor, glumly sits out a rainy day in his wagon, planning how to get close enough to future visiting dignitaries to present them with a carton of ice cream. * * * * * * ;r i however, and he still entertains hopes of presenting ice cream to the next visiting dignitary. While queens, senators and gen- erals will still rate only one car- ton, Craig plans to give two car-] tons of ice cream to a visiting king or a presidential hopeful. An exception was made in the case of the latter because, according to Craig, "they have a lot of hangers-on." COMPAREFT A with any other KING-SIZE cigarette By The Associated Press If war comes again, a woodsmai. in Maine, a farmer in Minnesota or a rancher in Montana may give the first news, says Benjamin W. Chidlaw, commanding general of the Air Defense Command. The minute men of the U.S. de- fense program are now being trained and many more are need- ed. Their job is to spot aircraft so that enemy bombers cannot sneak in under radar defenses. May 17 is the beginning date of 24-hour operation in a big section of the country for the Ground Observer Corps (GOC). But ci- vilian defense workers have been getting ready for this "Operation Skywatch" since February, 1950. There is still much work to be done. Only about 30 per cent of the neededvolunteers have been recruited and trained. The 24- hour watch. is being tried in only 27 states at first and no G00 work is being done in 12 states. GEN. CHIDLAW estimates that half a million volunteers will be needed. Probably many more could be used. About 150,000 are on the job. They plug a hole in the American Radar defense sys- tem. Radar works best above 5,000 feet. At lower altitudes the curva- ture of the earth and irregulari- ties of terrain make it less de- pendable because it works in "line of sight." Thus there is a chance that enemy planes could fly in at low level and do great damage be- fore they were spotted. Operation Skywatch calls for civilian volunteers to put training into practice. They have agreed to give at least four hours a week to the job. Many of them work in the filter centers which are shown on the map in the area where the 24-hour program is being tried. In another big area, practice work is being done in other centers. * * * KEY PEOPLE in the setup are out in po ts around the centers. They are trained to spot all air- craft, give descriptions, and esti- mate altitude, speed an'd direction of flight. Such reports are phoned into filter centers where they are processed. All are checked against flight plans which all pilots must file before they fly. When a plane does not fit the picture, defense forces go into action. The volunters are recruited Sthrough civil defense organiza- tions in each state and trained by flying squads of Air Force men. W. L. Wilson, civilian liaison man between Air Force and civil defense, says the ideal setup in normal country is a post each eight miles. In most cases a plane which flys out of sight and hear- ing of one such post should be picked up by the next. This ideal has been reached in few areas, he admits. But in many places, some of the remote valleys of the Rock- ies, for example, one post can spot planes 15 to 30 miles in any direc- tion. HE SAYS an average of about 25 part-time volunteers are needed to man a post and 500 to 1,500 to man a filter center. On the other hand, in some places where air traffic is light, one family can go on with its regular work and man a post continuously. The Air Force tries to keep about five officers and 10 men in each filter center. ,It also has many travelling training squads to train people manning the posts. Wilson, who has watched 'both recruiting and training work tep.s of the difficulties in making peo- ple understand the importance of the work. "But nobody is going to bomb me," a farmer or a sheep herder will say. "No, but they might bomb cities, and bombers go pretty fast. Sup- pose you spot an enemy bomber. If you got to the phone when the plane was overhead, fighter planes in the city would just about have time to get into the air." Besides the fact that 'more vol- unteers are needed, recruitment and training must go on continu- ously, Wilson says. Volunteers drop out for many reasons. A farmer goes to the city for a win- ter job. A sheep herder moves his flock to better pasture and can no longer reach a telephone. Other people get sick, change jobs-or just lose interest. He praised the work of the vol- unteers, but admitted that many mistakes are made. Sometimes two posts report the same plane flying in opposite directions and descriptions of a plane may be far from reality. But he pointed to Chidlaw's statement that GOC is "a vitally necessary step in the buildup of our continental defense system." . it °k __ .. ,...,.,. ,...,.,. Expansion and- improvement of the public health program in Eng- land is vitally necessary because the British government is now committed to heavy payments for care of the sick and cash pay- ments during illness, according to Sir Allen Daley, former Medical Officer of Health, London, Eng- land. Sir Allen addressed the public health assembly yesterday on "The Problems of a Medical Offi- cer of Health" in the School of Public Health Auditorium. He cited the need of the health officer to bring the cura- tive and preventative programs nearer to each other. This has been accomplished by giving a variety of jobs to the same per- son, he said. He corrected the misconception that many more people sought medical aid after the National Health Act was passed in England. After the act was passed the num- ber of practitioners' patients in- creased from 400 out of every 1000 to only 480, according to Daley. However, he said that in the fields of dentistry and eye care, the number of patients did in- crease greatly. Mimes Announce New Officers Mimes honorary society has an- nounced the installation of new officers for next year. John Daugherty, '53, was named president; Don Ghareeb, '54, vice- president; Dick Joy, '54, secre- tary-treasurer and Don Rosen- berg, '54, historian. Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results STAR C LEANER S PICT 7RE N JAWS Kl A t A L ONG- E A R E D P AL-wheresmall girls play with dolls, cats or dogs, Bessie Smith of Las Vegas, Nev., has this long-eared shaggy burro to keep her company during play. T AK I NC N O C H A N C E S --_Susie, 8-year-old chimp despite assurance of trainer Beatrice Dante, takes all precautions as they prepare to sail from San Francisco for the' Qrient. QUA LITIY ( *Compare Fatima with any other King-Size cigarette. If you're not convinced Fatima is better, return pack and unsmoked Fatimas by Aug. 1,'52 for honey back plus postage. Fatima, Box 37, New York 1, N.Y. f) _ N . " MR. mo w. ,. ..: I