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May 21, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-21

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The Lecture Committee

Housing Expert

CHUCK ELLIOTT'S Editor's Note in yes-
A terday's Daily is commendable for its
honesty. But the general tone of discour-
agement and defeat is disheartening and
Elliott is unfortunately correct in say-
- ing that the reasons for banning speakers
have gone from deplorable to intolerable.
However, his feeling that after each new
blow from the Lecture Committee it be-
conies more difficult to react is not shar-
ed by this writer.
Elliott seems to throw up his hands in
defeat because it appears, so, that "the
public temper has changed," that people
are no longer enthusiastic about civil liber-
ties. While this premise may seem justified
in view of campus and national apathy, it
does not in any way mean that the minor-
ity who are concerned with what is happen-
ing should give up. On the contrary, this
disinterest should be one of the prime moti-
vations for a fight for apathy is a funda-
mental basis of totalitarianism.
While the Administration has constantly
brushed aside a student voice, no matter
how large or small, it is still imperative that

that voice keep talking. The current ban-
ning of Ann Shore primarily on the basis of
her association with the Civil Rights Con-
gress is certainly the most revolting action
the Lecture Committee has ever taken.
I am sorry to see that Elliott is tired
and no longer actively angry. However,
I am confident that this last misuse of
power by the Lecture Committee will not
put others to sleep. The Civil Liberties
Committee, Students for Democratic Ac-
tion, Young Democrats, Young Republi-
cans and Young Progressives are the
groups who in the past year have struck
out against the speakers ban. Their mem-
bership is small in proportion to the
campus population. But their voice is
none the less vital if a campus freedom is
to be regained.
Perhaps all this is simply a "pep talk."
But that "pep talk" stems from a personal
conviction that no matter how insurmount-
able the obstacles may seem, the only way
to win the fight for freedom is to keep
-Alice Bogdonoff

_.._ - --f '

Washington Merry-Go-Round

- 1

WASHINGTON-A careful check of pre-
vious decisions by individual members
of the Supreme Court shows that if they
follow their own precedents they will vote
with the Government in favor df seizing
the Steel Industry.
If, however, they live up to the words
of' the famed "Mr. Dooley" and "follow
the election returns," they will probably
find against the Government.
At any rate, study of previous opinions
and executive acts shows that eight justices,
either before or after they got on the bench,
have condoned drastic seizure of private
property in time of emergency. Here is the
Chief Justice Fred Vinson-was economic
Stabilizer under Roosevelt when the Gov-
ernment seized Montgomery Ward mail-
order house. Though the United States was
then at war, the seizure was rougher than
the seizure of the steel mills. Federal troops
actually entered the mail-order house and
bodily carried out Sewell Avery, head of the
Vinson was among the top Roosevelt ad-
visers who recommended seizing the com-
Justice Sherman Minton-sat on the
4th Circuit Court of Appeals when it
passed on the legality of the Montgomery
Ward seizure and ruled in favor of the
Justice Tom Clark-wrote a letter as At-
torney General placing himself on record
that the President has "exceedingly great"
power to "deal with emergencies." Clark
wrote the letter, Feb. 2, 1949, to the Senate
Labor Committee, then considering the same
problem now at issue in the steel dispute.
He maintained no law was necessary to
give the President the power to enjoin par-
ties in a strike, since he already had the
"I might point out," Justice Clark wrote,
"that the inherent power of the President
to deal with emergencies that affect the

health, safety and welfare of the entire na-
tion is exceedingly great."
Justice Robert Jackson-passed upon a
seizure similar to that of the steel mills
when, as Attorney General in 1940, Roose-
velt ordered the Army to take over the
North American Aviation Plant in Califor-
nia. Justice Jackson advised the President
that his action was legal, though no war
had been declared, and no specific law was
on the statute books.
During the recent steel arguments, how-
ever, Justice Jacksdn queried Solicitor
General Perlman about the question of
whether Korea was "war" or a "police
action" in a manner which looked as if
he had forgotten the North American{
aviation case.'
Justice Hugo Black-wrote the majority1
opinion in one of the most notable emer-
gency seizures in the history of the United
States-the removal of Japanese-Americans
from the Pacific Coast immediately after
Pearl Harbor. Though there was no law
whatsoever -for the removal of American
citizens of Japanese descent, they were fore'.
ed to evacuate their homes, give up their
jobs, abandon their property, and were re-
moved bodily to concentration camps.
Later the Supreme Court ok'd Roosevelt's
unauthorized action.
Justice William O. Douglas-who now
sits on the steel seizure, concurred in the
emergency right of the President to seize
the person and property of Japanese-
Justices Frankfurter and Reid--also con-
curred in the seizure of Japanese-Americans,
though Justice Jackson dissented.
This makes a total of eight justices now
on the bench who have gone on record,
either as judges or as members of the execu-
tive branch of the government, that the
President has the power to seize property
in time of emergency.-,
Judging by some of the questions asked
from the bench, however, the court may live
up to Mr. Dooley's prediction.
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

* * *
AN EXTREME amount of procrastination
has marked Student Legislature action
on the Lecture Committee during the past
few months, but tonight SL has the chance
to end their indecisiveness and take a stand
consistent with the ideals of student free-
dom in an intellectual college community.
From the Lecture Committee bannings
several months ago, SL members have
quibbled, discussed and dodged over the
issues, refusing to do anything until a
"study" of the situation has been made.
A motion that had some courage behind
it was proposed last week by Herb Cohen
who asked that the SL condemn the Lecture
Committee in principle and petition the Re-
gents for removal of their by-law covering
speakers on campus. This motion was tabled
then, but will probably be brought on the
floor again tonight.
This proposal should be passed over the
weaker motions which will be advanced.
Any study of the Regent's ruling shows
a deep contradiction. As guardians of a
free University, it is incongruous that
they should protect civil liberties by lim-
iting one of the fundamental liberties--
that of freedom of speech.
Seemingly the purpose of the Committee
is to deny access to University buildings of
people who would conceivably advocate the
overthrow of the government. However,
there already exist state and national laws
which make such advocation a crime, so
anyone who dared to incite overthrow of
the government here on campus or any-j
where else would be subject to prosecution.
The basic reason for the Committee's
existance has thus already been provided
for by law.
But the Lecture Committee has cut out
a far mre subtle role for itself. It now
stands as the determiner of what constitutes
subversion and may decide who is a sub-
versive on the basis of his past affiliations.
This extension of pow'er is as frighten-
ing as it is absurd. There is no basis in con-
stitutional law to declare that a member of
an organization on the Attorney General's
list is per se asking the overthrow of the
government by unconstitutional means.
Though these people may be a threat
to the country, they are best handled by
letting their arguments speak for them-
selves, and when the arguments are ad-
vanced, they generally fall flat. Banning
and exclusion from the campus commun-
ity only allow the McPhauls and Shores to
martyr themselves at the University's ex-
pense and cast unfavorable publicity on
the school.
There will be arguments advanced at to-
night's meeting that addition of two non-
voting student representatives to the Com-
mittee is a step forward in maintaining stu-
dent freedom here, and consequently the SL
should work through these people to liber-
alize the Committee.
However, the student body was represent-
ed last Saturday at the meeting in which
Mrs. Shore was banned and their repre-
sentative was unable to argue down this
most flagrant violation of' student freedom.
There is no indication that the representa-
tives will bq any more successful in the fu-
ture unless the students are given a vote
and greater representation on the Com-
mittee. Granting of voting privileges or fur-
ther representation may be used like the
carrot in front of the horse's mouth in order
to promote SL hope and delay action. On
this basis, the argument to "hold on to our
progress" becomes absurd. Student repre-
sentatives only give respectability to a tar-
nished group.
SL members may also argue that the or-
ganization is too weak at the present time
to take any strong measures on the Com-
mittee. But SL will grow no stronger in stu-
dent respect if it hedges on vital issues and
refuses to recognize that one of their prime
claims to existence lies in protection of stu-
dent intellectual health on the campus.
-Harry Lunn



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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

;' l

(Continued from page 2)
May 22, 4 p.m., 1504 E. Engineering Bldg.
All interested are welcome.
Orientation Seminar. (mathematics).
wed., May 21, 2 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. Akers will complete his talk on
"Thomsen Geometry," and Mr. Collins
will commence his discussion of "Boo-
lean Algebras."
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Wed., May 21, 3 p.m., 3201 Angel Hall.
Mr. Royston and Mr. Lunger will speak.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics.
Thurs., May 22, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Earl Raiiville will speak
on "Generating Functions for Bessel
and related polynomials."
Logic Seminar. Wed., May 21, 2:10
p.m., 2219 A. H. Mr. Schoenfield will
conckide his discussion of "Axiom sys-
tems for Mathematics."
Botany Seminar. "An investigation of
the factors contributing to the selective
herbicidal activity of 2, 4-D," by Avery
H. Gallup, Wed., May 21, 4 p.m., 1139
Natural Science Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for James
Douglas Anthony, Zoology; thesis: "At-
ractolytocestus huronensis n. gen., n.
sp., Caryovestus n. gen. (Cestoda:'Ly-
tocestidae) with notes on the biology
of the former and a review of the Ly-
tocestidae," Wed., May 21, 1 p.m., 2089
Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, A. E.
Doctoral Examination for James Fred-
erick Woodruff, Geography; thesis:
"Present and Future Settlement in the
Hearst-Nipigon Region," Wed., May 21,
3 p.m., 210 Angell Hall. Chairman, K. C.
Doctoral Examination for Alfred A.
Levinson, Mineralogy; thesis: "Miner-
alogy of the Muscovite-Lepidolite Ser-
ies," Wed., May 21.2 p.m., 4083 Natural
Science Bldg. Chairman, L. S. Rams-
Doctoral Examination for Robert Eng-
lish Chamberlain, Bacteriology; thesis:
"Characterization of Leucocytolysis in
Experimental Sensitization to a Group
B Streptococcus;" Thurs., May 22, 10
a.m., 1564 E. Medical Bldg. Chairman,
D. M. Merchant.
Doctoral Examination for Stuart Wins
ston Churchill, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Convective Heat Transfer from
a Gas Stream at High Temperature to
a Cylinder Normal to the Flow," Thurs.,
May 22, 9 a.m., 3201 E. Engineering
Bldg. Chairman, J. C. Brier.
Doctoral Examination for Maude Jo-
sephine Yancey, Education thesis: "A
Study of Some Health Misconceptions
of Prospective Teachers in Negro Col-
leges of North Carolina," Thurs., May
22, 2:30 p.m., 4014 University High
School. Chairman, M. E. Rugen.
Doctoral Examination for Myrtle Fos-
ter Black, Education; thesis: "The Or-
ganization of a Public Community Col-
lege Program in Relation to Postsec-
ondary Educational Interests and
Needs in an Industrial Community,"
Thurs., May 22, 2 p.m., 3203 University
High School. Chairman, A. D. Hender-
Doctoral Examination for David Cor-
nell, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"Flow of Gases through Consolidated
Porous Media," wed., May 21, 8 p.m.,
3201 E. Engineering Bldg. Chairman, D
L. Katz.
Zoology Seminar. Thurs., May 22, 8
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Bert M.
Johnson will speak on "The Biology of
the Millipedes and Centipedes of Michi-
gan," and Allan A. Tucker on "The
Relation of Phyto-Chemical Environ-
ment in Certain Michigan Lakes"
Spring Concert by University of Mich-
igan Choir, Maynard Klein, Conductor,
8:30 p.m. Wed., May 21, in Hill Audi-
torium, witi Norma Heyde, soprano,
and Arlene Sollenberger, contralto, as
soloists. The concert will open with the
Michigan Singers presenting worksdby
Tomnas Luis de Victoria, DiLasso, and
Gabrielli; the Women's Choir will fol-
low with Debussey's The Blessed Damo-
zel, after which the Michigan Singers
will return with Brahms' Fest-und Ge-
denkspruche, The. Men's Choir will sing
Healey Willan's The Agincourt Song,
with Donald Van Every and Robert
Kerns, soloists, and Robert Elmore's
The Prodigal Son, with James Fudge,
John Wiles, Pussel Christopher featur-
ed. The Michigan Singers will close the
concert with Neue Liebesleder by
Brahms. The public will be admitted
without charge.

fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 22, in the Architecture
Auditorium. A pupil of Mischa Meller,
Miss Strand will play compositions by
Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and Chopin.
The program will be open to the public.
Events Today
Industrial Relations Club. Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Union. Election of officers.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional business
administration fraternity. Brief busi-
ness meeting, 7 p.m. at the chapter
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. The last meeting of
the semester will be celebrated with a
party. Games and refreshments. All
those interested are invited.
Comparative Religions Seminar, Lane
Hall, 7-9 p.m.
Spanish Club. Final meeting, 7:30
p.m., League. Program : election of
officers for next year, annual poetry
contest, announcement of winners of
the scholarship to Mexico, dancing and
Central Committee for Soph Cab.
Meeting, 3 p.m., League. The theme is
to be chosen so all members are re-
quested to be present.
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet at 7:15
p.m. at the ROTC Rifle Range. The
collegiate record course will be fired to
determine the high club member. All
members are eligible to compete.
Ukrainian Students Club. Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 1024 Hill St. Topic: Early
History of Ukraine. Guests are welcome.
Undergraduate Botany Club. Last
meeting of the year, 7:30 p.m., at Dr.
Clover's house, 1522 Hill St. Mr. Fred
Case will speak and show slides.
Wesleyan Guild. Matin service, 7:30
a.m. in the chapel. Do-Drop-In for tea
and chatter, 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the
lounge. Cabinet meeting, 8:30 p.m. in
the lounge.
Student Science Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Bldg. Election
of officers and discussion of plans for
next year. Refreshments.
Student Legislature. Meet at 7:30
p.m., Anderson-Strauss dining roomn,
East Quadrangle. All interested students
are invited. The girls of the Legislature
should get late permission.
Research Club. Meeting, 8 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Election of officers
for 1952-53. Papers: "The Electoral Sys-
tenm of the Federal Republic of Ger-
many-A study in Representative Gov-
ernment," by Prof. J. K. Pollock; "Some
Recently Recognized Constitutional
Syndromes with Particular Reference to
the Ocular Associations," by Dr. H. F.
Falls. (Members only.)
Coming Events
School of Music. Prof. Charles Steven-
son, Department of Philosophy, will
present a talk entitled "Is There a
'Correct'yInterpretation of Music?"
Thurs., May 2)2, 8 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Graduate stu-
dents and faculty invited.
Anthropology Club. Meeting, Thurs.,
May 22, 7:30 p.m., East Lecture Room,
Rackham Bldg. Dr. Harry Hoijer will
discuss "The Relation of Language to
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., May 22.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting, Thurs.,
May 22, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering
Bldg. Shore school for new members.
Informal sailing at Whitmore Lake on
Saturday and Sunday.
Co-operative Apartment Housing for
Married Students. Meeting of all people
interested in establishing a cooperative
apartment house for married students,
Thurs., May 22, 7:30 p.m., at Owen Co-
operative House, 1017 Oakland Rd. Fu-
ture action upon this project rests
solely upon the degree of interest
shown by those attending.
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Initia-
tion. Thurs., May 22, 8 p.m., Lecture
Hall, Rackham Bldg. Dr. Frank D. Kern,
past national president, will speak on
"Phi Kappa Phi Ideas and Ideals." In-
formal reception will follow in Assem-
bly Hall. Members invited.
Brandeis Camp Alumni. Meeting,
Thurs., May 22, 4 p.m. at the new Hil-
lel. Irma Mae Wolf will speak.

+l 1Q ,'at e nn

Conclusion . .
To the Editor:
Freedom in The Daily for May
20th, signed by Crawford Young
and the other six members of next
year's staff of Senior Editors,
raises an awkward question. The
words "dispensed .with" (do with-
out) are twice used where the
meaning is clearly "disposed of"
(to deal with definitely). Are we
to conclude that not one of the
incoming Senior Editors knows the
difference between the two words?
This seems impossible, but the only
other explanation is that the edi-
torial does not represent the con-
sidered views of all seven, being
really the work of only one or two.
The two explanations seem almost
equally abhorrent.
-Joshua McClennen
EDITOR'S NOTE: The editorial
represents the considered views
of all seven Senior Editors.
SL Must Lead..."
To the Editor:
SEVEN weeks ago, as presidents
of the five campus political
clubs, we urged the student body
to 'Vote Yes'. Two-thirds of the
voting students joined us then in
opposing the principle and prac-
tice of the restrictive authority of
the Lecture Committee.
We now urge the Student Legis-
lature to act on this statement of
public will. The SL must join and
lead the struggle to remove the
Regents rule which empowers the
Lecture Committee.
We are particularly disturbed
over the growing extension of re-
strictive authority, loose defini-
tions and contradictionsevidenced
by the Committee's latest actions.
We endorse the SDA's appeal to
the Board of Regents to reverse
the banning of Mrs. Shore from
the genocide debate, and we urge
full campus support for this ap-
We believe that the Lecture
Committee's purpose and proce-
dure is alien to the University's
spirit and that the Committee
should be abolished. So long as it
remains on the scene, the Regents
should at least clarify their direc-
tives and reverse the dismaying
series of hasty and unnecessary
bannings by. University authorities.
-Floyd Thomas, YR
Gene Mossner, YD
Marge Buckley, YP
Joe Savin, CLC
Ted Friedman, SDA
Michigras . .
To the Editor:
THE 1952 MICHIGRAS has set
many new records. Looking
back over the many months of
preparation that went into this
year's Michigras, we feel that rec-
ognition should be given certain
people for the special effort that
they contributed in making the
1952 Michigras the tremendous
success it was.
First of all we wish to give our
humble thanks to the 19 members
of our central committee and to
our most cooperative and helpful
advisors, Miss Marie Hartwig and
Dean Walter Rea. It was through
their expert guidance that many
details of Michigras were not over-
looked. Credit should also be given
to the numerous students who
served on the various Michigras
committees and carried out the
many details that were necessary
in making the event a success.
We would also like to extend"our
thanks to the merchants of Ann
Arbor and the townspeople who
backed and patronized our carni-
val. We are especially grateful to
those who helped with the parade,
furthered our publicity, and con-

tributed prizes.
The cooperative attitude of the
faculty and administration of the
University helped us in innumer-
able instances.
Seventy student groups partici-
pated in the parade and field house
activities. Without their enthusi-
asm and cooperation, The Michi-
gras could hardly have been a
These same students also con-
tributed their time, ideas, and tal-
ent in putting on the big show on
Friday and Saturday night. The
highest gross profit ever taken in
by a Michigras can be directly at-
tributed to the originality and
hard work of these student groups.
Last but not least we would like
to express our sincere thanks to
the people who attended the carni-
val of Friday and Saturday nights
and the Kiddies' Matinee on Sat-
urday afternoon. You were the
backbone of Michigras. You have
given your support to the Wendy
Owen Fund for Blood Research,
the Women's Swimming Pool
Fund, and the Fresh Air Camp.
Michigras' greatest contribution

references in the article to the
'Constitution, American treaties,
and presidents; but what, may I
ask, does the embracing of reli-
gion by the state, have to do with
a university offering courses to
increase religious knowledge. The
purpose of such a program is not
to instill a specific religious phil-
osophy into the students, but to
afford them a broad base of his-
tory, philosophy and comparisons
between religions to help them in
coming to their own decisions:
There is a statement in the Bill
of Rights to the effect that: Con-
gress shall make no law respecting
an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise there-
of. The state has at no time been
free to establish a religionor to
prohlbit any. particular beliefs,
neither is the University trying to
do any of these things.
There are many students on
campus who have not had the op-
portunity to learn about other re-
ligions, and in some cases they do
not have an adequate knowledge
of the foundations of their own
professed beliefs. As for agnostics
and atheists, perhaps a little of
such learning would give them a
greater tolerance for the beliefs
of others.
The trend is now toward the
more mature practice of religions.
You cannot possibly be mature
without a familiarity with other
And may I remind Mr. Jaffe
that these courses will not be
mandatory. Everybody will be free
to stay in their nice complacent
little ruts-the believers and the
non-believers, or they can increase
their knowledge and understand-
ing of the subject as they would
any other.
-Sue Brown
-Marilyn Kaplan
To the Editor:
THIS IS IN appreciation of the
Convocation 'Talk given by
President atcher on May 12.
Such talks are highly essential for
the close contact between the stu-
dents and the Administration. But
the 'real value of such talks lies
in lifting up the spiritual atmos-
phere on the campus, which in my
opinion should be the backbone of
the healthy campus life.
I deeply appreciate and realize
the value of the last point made by
President Hatcher in his talk,
namely, the place of religious or
spiritual development in secular
education. I and many of the stu-
dents I know are wholeheartedly
in support of the President's sug-
gestion of inviting some world re-
nown religious personality to stay
among the students for a certain
length of time. I hope this propo-
sal bears fruit in the immediate
This practice of holding the
convocation is prevalent in some
Indian universities. It was the
practice of Dr. Radhakrishnan
former Indfan ambassador to Mos-
cow, and at present the vice-presi-
rent of the Indian Republic, to hold
a series of convocations in a se-
mester at Benares University over
which he presided. One of the
series was devoted to lectures on
.the Gita, an Indian religious book.
I hope that such convocations
will be held more frequently by
the President, from which a prac-
tice of holding a series of convo-
cations may arise by which not
only the students but Ann Arbor
community at large will benefit.
-Hiru Shah





t Lydia Mendelssohn . .
Inge, Starring Joan Blondell and Wilson
T IS HARD to decide whether this play
was meant to be a comedy or a tragedy.
As presented last night, it was not definitely
one or the other, but this indecision does
not reflect, in my mind at least, on its high
Since I have never seen Shirley Booth
play the part of Lola, I have no solidly
preconceived notions of how the character
might be handled. But I am fairly certain
that she did not do it quite the same way
as did Joan Blondell. I would suppose
(though this is strictly hypothesis) that
Miss Booth was essentially less appealing
as a dramatic individual than Miss Blon-
dell, that she was duller, more basically
sleazy and worthless. The play would fit
together better if this was true: it would
give Doc a good, solid excuse for being
revolted by his wife, and the same revul-
sion would be present at the end, to infer
This is a kind of backhanded way of say-
ing that Miss Blondell, for all her slouch,
slop, and creases, shapes up as a rather
acceptable individual. Grief never really bent
her, and even in especially maudlin moments
she didn't seem basically sad. In context,
doleful wailing for Little Sheba, her lost

was consistent, and it may just be that Miss
Blondell is incapable of being entirely de-
This treatment has the additional virtue
of making the production move along rapidly
and with steady interest. Also pulling it
along with encouraging skill was Wilson
Brooks in the part of Doc, a pained, tor-
mented character, whose worried flight back
and forth between his wife, their young.
roomer Marie, and a bottle provides the
core dramatic conflict. Brooks is entirely
convincing, and his extraordinarily tense
presentation is in fitting opposition to Miss
Blondell's shoulder-wagging one.
Anne Meacham seemed miscast as the
embryo slut Marie. She did not appear to
be naturally vivacious, and the part defi-
nitely required such a personality. Even
so, she has moments of complete ade-
quacy, but her boyfriend Turk, played by
Chris Hofer, is much better. An athletic
stereotype but not an exaggerated one,
Turk comes easily to life, as does Mrs.
Coffman, the next-door neighbor, nicely
done by Jean Stapleton.
Perhaps the most important thing about
this production, critically observed, is the
way its character is shaped by the person-
ality of Miss Blondell. Her unflagging viva-
ciousness, even in the depths of misery,
somewhat blunted the intended irony-es-
pecially in the last scene-but its consis-
tency, and genuine appeal, helped produce a
good, entertaining play.
--Chuck Elliott

WASHINGTON - President Truman


now declared himself neutral in the
contest for the Democratic Presidential no-
This is equivalent to saying that he does
not perceive any candidate who surpasses
all the others in the sum of Vis qualities.
Since he undertook three times to provide
the party with his successor-Chief Jus-
tice Vinson, General Eisenhower and Gov-
ernor Stevenson of Illinois, all of whom
said no-he is not holding back out of
mere modesty,
The President's statement is a blow to
his foreign-policy aide, Averell Harriman,
whose people were representing him as a
heavy Truman favorite. For the others it
represents a gain.
Governor Stevenson wants to be nomi-
nated by a convention draft, figuring he
thus will escape the Truman liabilities. Sen-
ators Kefauver, Russell, Humphrey, Kerr
and McMahon had never expected a Tru-
man endorsement; in fact, several of them
had more or less directly asked him to stay
The South, like Pavlov's dogs, has been
educated to froth at the mouth when Sena-
tor Humphrey's name is mentioned, but he
is an exceptionally good political speaker.
It is just barely possible that when the
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Sixty-Second Yea?
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