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May 21, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-21

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:3 a i4


Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND WARMER



Senate Confirms
Attorney General
J. McGranery Approved by 52-18;
Will Succeed Ousted H. McGrath
WASHINGTON-(M)-The Senate approved last night President
Truman's appointment of Federal Judge James P. McGranery of
Philadelphia to be Attorney General.
The nomination of the 56-year-old jurist to succeed J. Howard
McGrath in the cabinet post was confirmed by a vote of 52 to 18.
* '* *
ACTION HAD hung fire since April 3 when President Truman
named McGranery just after he had let McGrath out of the cabinet
. in a followup to McGrath's firing of Newbold Morris as government
corruption investigator.
Sens. Ferguson (R-Mich.) and Watkins (R-Utah) led the


to McGranery's nomination. They assailed him as a



Row Settled
Over :brazil
BPlane Wreck
BELEM, Brazil-OP)-Two rival
expeditions to the wreckage of a
double-decked stratocruiser were
reported yesterday to have patch-
ed up a peace after taking turns
holding each other captive in the
dense Brazilian jungle.
Col. Sinval Castro, Chief of
Staff of the First Air Zone, told
newsmen the row had been set-
tied by agreement to build an air
strip for small planes to fly out
the 30 or 35 armed members of a
private expedition financed by a
wealthy Sao Paulo State politi-
* * *
chutists, sent to the area Monday
by the Brazilian Air Force to res-
cue a Brazilian official and an
American held hostage by the Sao
Paulo group, were ordered to re-
turn to Rio De Janeiro without
taking action.
The hostages-Scott Magness,
U.S. Civil Aeronautics authority
official from Miami, and Maj.
Miranda Correa of the Brazil.
ian Air Force-radioed Monday
night that they had turned the
tables on their captors and were
in command of the situation.
The armed Indian guides and
newsmen of the private expedi-
tion, their own helicopter disabled,
apparently feared they were about
* to be left behind and took Magness
and Correa as insurance for their
own rescue.
The two parties, one an official
Brazilian-American expedition of
which Magness and Correa were
members, and the 'other an unof-
ficial expedition sponsored by Ad-
"r hemar De Barros, engaged in a
race to the mountainside where the
Pan American stratocruiser crash-
ed April 29 with a loss of 50 lives.
Hope Looms
For Quick End
To RailStrike
WASHINGTON-()-Three big
rail unions asked yesterday for
"clarification" of the White House
plan for settling their labor dis-
pute with the nation's railroads,
and there were signs that the un-
ions might accept the proposals
Union leaders spent about three
hours conferring with John R.
Steelman, the presidential assist-
ant who worked out the contract
IF THE PLAN is accepted by
the brotherhoods of engineers,
conductors, firemen and engine-
men, their members will collect
approximately 100 million dollars
in retroactive wage increases.
But the unions were apparently
not' quite ready to take Steel-
man's proposals on some highly
controversial working or operat-
ing rules, even though they ac-
knowledged the proposals were
better than anything offered
Changes in the operating rules
demanded by the carriers have
been the heart of the three-year
labor dispute.
The railroads themselves snap-
ped up the contract proposals a
few hours after Steelman made
them Monday. It will cost them,
Steelman announed . buew.n

man of "most questionable" in-
tegrity, ability and veracity.
They criticized him for past ac-
tions on investigation of public
officials-a job he has inherited
as Attorney General-and for his
current views on the emergency
powers of the President.
CHAIRMAN McCarran (D-Nev.)
of the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee and other Democrats spoke
out in high praise of McGranery, a
former member of the House.
McCarran described McGran-
ery as an "honest, sincere, God-
fearing, fair official" and pre-
dicted he would have "a great
administration" as Attorney
"It is easy to select small items
in the career of a public official
and nmagnify them to make them
appear as mountains instead of
molehills," the Nevadan said With
reference to the whole opposition
to the nominee.
Watkins and Ferguson were the
two signers of a Judiciary Com-
mittee minority report opposing
confirmation. The committee vote
in McGranery's favor was 8 to 4.
Allies To Sign
Bonn Contract.
BONN, Germany --(MP)-- The
Western Big Three Foreign Minis-
ters will meet with Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer Saturday and
Sunday to complete the Allied-
West German peace contract and
probably will sign it Monday.
The Bonn government an-
nounced this yesterday, even as
the West German Socialists and
the East German Communists
churned up hew efforts to scuttle
the agreement linking the United
States, Britain and France with
the 48 million Germans west of
the Iron Curtain.
Meeting for IFC
Positions Sated
The Interfraternity Council try-
out meeting will be held at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 3C of the
Union for all those interested in
positions on the rushing, social,
publicity, stewards, office and Big
Ten IFC-Panhel counseling com-
mittees, according to Sam Siporin,
'54, IFC publicity chairman.

Band Concert
The University Symphony
Band outdoor concert, original-
ly scheduled for last night, will
be held at 7:15 p.m. today on
the steps of the Rackham Bldg.
Blasts GOP
By The Associated Press
W. Averell Harriman hit at both
major Republican candidates yes-
terday and bid for labor's support
in his own campaign for the Dem-
ocratic presidential nomination.
At a Boston news conference,
Harriman had these things to say
about the leading GOP contend-
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower--
"No experience on the domestic
side . . . he has embraced the
policy of the Republican party
which has blocked progress in
this country."
"Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio-
"Taft and I disagree on practically
every issue, domestic and interna-
* * *
..THE 60-YEAR-OLD foreign aid
chief also pictured himself as the
only candidate with more experi-
South Quad
Jerry Parker, '53BAd., newly
elected president of Gomberg
House, and Marty Suber, '53,
president of Van Tyne House,
were elected as president and
vice-president respectively, of
the South Quad Council last
ence in international affairs than
Eisenhower, and he told newsmen:
"We can't have a progressive
foreign policy and a lookback
policy at home."
Harriman, a scion of wealth
who has been hailed by President
Truman as a "great liberal," came
up with a bid for the backing of
labor unions by declaring himself
for a new law to replace the Taft-
Hartley Act which he said was
enacted "out of vindictiveness."
Harriman made the remarks
prior to attending two big labor
meetings in Boston to confer with
APL, CIO and railroad union lead-
Meanwhile, Eisenhower said he
does not aspire to the presidency
and would accept the nomination
only out of a sense of duty.
Sen. Robert Taft predicted last
night on a television 'interview in
Washington, that President Tru-
man may het be the Democratic
candidate for President this year.
"I don't mean to question Mr.
Truman's good faith in withdraw-
ing," the candidate for the GOP
presidential nomination said.
"But by the time the Democrats
look over the field, as they try out
this man, and another balloon for
somebody else-and find that af-
ter all he hasn't got very much
strength-they may finally con-
clude that Mr. Truman is as
strong a candidate as they can
come back to."

Thuma Tells
New Policy
On Religion
Lack of Funds
Halt Program
"A concentration program in
religious studies centered around
the existing courses is to be estab-
lished," Acting-Dean Burton Thu-
ma of 'the Literary College an-
nounced last night at the last lit-
erary college conference of the
"As soon as we have sufficient
funds," he continued, "the pro-
gram will be expanded to include
such courses as the history of
religion and comparative religion.
We hope to have the needed funds
to set up the full program by
DEAN THUMA added that "A
committee has been set up to se-
lect men who are qualified to
teach the courses recommended by
the joint Student Legislature-
Student Religious Association
He expressed the position the
college has taken by stating, "it
is not the function of the Uni-
versity to compete with the
"It is our job to give knowledge
about religion while the churches
are concerned withinculcating
faith," he added.
* * *
at the end of an extensive discus-
sion of the topic "Religion in Edu-
cation." The conference was
opened with a report by Alan Ber-
son, '52, chairman of the SL-SRA
committee, who emphasized "If
religion is recognized as belonging
in education, then it should have
a more concrete place in the cur-
The group agreed with Prof.
Frank Huntley of the English de-
partment who noted that "Reli-
gion is a complicated area with
two sides, knowledge and experi-
ence. The more we know, the bet-
ter our experience can be.
"Belief should be the by-
product of the course, not their
purpose," Huntley added.
Prof. Leslie A. White of the
anthropology department present-
ed the view that there is a division
of labor between the church and
the secular which should be pre-
served. "To reintroduce sectarian-
ism would be a retrogressive step,"
he stated.-
* * *
wered by former Dean of the Lit-
erary College Hayward Keniston,
who said "Education requires the
study of all of man's life, includ-
ing his personal beliefs, as well as
his behavior. Three things basic
to understanding his beliefs are his
art, his philosophy and his reli-
"Because of a fear of sectar-
ianism, religion has been left
out of education," he added,
"but we need to understand reli-
gion as a grounds for under-
standing man's behavior."
A student then asked if such a
course in religion would not deny
atheism its place as a belief. The
group felt that atheism should
definitely be included in any type

of survey course in a study of
The coiference ended with a
speech by Sanford Cain, '53, new-
ly elected chairman of the literary
college conference steering com-
mittee. Cain noted that the atten-
dance at last night's discussion
was the largest of the year.



-D:a.;-Matty Kessler
Pusan Prison Riot Stopped by- Guard





* *


By The Associated Press
U.S. soldier-guards yesterday
stamped out a rebellion in a big
Pusan prison camp, killing one
Red prisoner and injuring 85 in a
wild battle lasting nearly three
It was the first bloody prisoner
uprising on the Korean mainland.
Truman Calls
Korea 'Step
To Freedo '
dent Truman said yesterday Kor-
ea has put the free world on the
right, track "to preserving our
freedom without paying t h e
frightful cost of world war."
"I believe we are well on the
way," he said with sober but un-
mistakable optimism. "We are on
the right track." He held out hope
there may still be an armistice in
Korea but insisted "We must also
be alert and ready to meet treach-
ery or a renewal of aggression if
that should come."
* * ,
THE PRESIDENT spoke at the
U.S. Military Academy's 150th an-
niversary celebration. He told
West Point cadets-the nation's
future generals-that "as a result
of Korea, the free countries are
infinitely better prepared to de-
fend themselves than they were
two years ago."
But he tempered his optimism
at points and, in'words as grim as
the gray, dripping sky above this
Hudson River redoubt, told the ca-
"But I don't want anyone to
get the impression that there is
any basis for relaxing or letting
up. No one should assume that
the possibility of world war has
become remote."
At the sametime, Army-Secre-
tary Frank Pace told the nation's
future generals that a peacetime
army such as America knew in the
1930's will never return.

It came as the U.S. Eighth Army
disclosed that two minor revolts
had been squelched without blood-
shed on nearby Koje Island last
* * *
KOJE IS the main prisoner
camp for hard-core Communists.
They staged two riots and kidnap-
ped the camp commander recent-
The Pusan fighting broke out
at a prison hospital enclosure
where both Communist and
anti-Communist prisoners are
Senator Hits
LANSING-(RP)--Sen. G. Elwood
Bonine (R-Vandalia) accused
that Gov. Williams' administra-
tion apparently "still is follow-
ing the steak and ice cream philo-
sophy" toward troublesome in-
mates in Southern Michigan Pris-
on in the State Legislature yes-
Meanwhile, speaking at Michi-
gan State College on being ousted
from the prison, Vernon R. Fox,
assistant deputy warden of Jack-
son prison, was debating over a
"resign or be fired" ultimatum.
"I haven't made up my mind
yet whether to resign or let them
try to fire me," Fox said.

The army said a small group of
fanatical Reds who served as hos-
pital attendants defied orders to
leave the compound for transfer
* * *
fantrymen went into the com-
pound to get them, and the fight-
ing erupted. The infantrymen
were armed, but they fired no
shots in the battle of clubs and
One soldier was injured
slightly. About half of the 85
prisoners injured received only
minor hurts, the Army said. It
did not say how the one prisoner
died. Possibly he was bayoneted.
For two and one-half hours the
fighting swirled across the com-
pound. The soldiers used riot tac-
tics in rounding up the prisoners.
The Army gave few details, and
correspondents were not permit-
ted to enter the camp, known as
Compound 10. It was not known
whether the prisoners were North
Koreans, Chinese or both.
The hospital enclosure at one
time housed 10,000 prisoners. Some
rabid Communists have been mov-
ed since to Koje Island. It is pos-
sible the rebellious prisoners were
resisting transfer to Koje.
Meanwhile in Munsan, Allied
negotiators yesterday told the
Communists voluntary repatria-
tion of prisoners was base'd on
United Nations principles from
which there could be no retreat.

Students Fill
Local Chapel
For Session
Shore, Slosson
Present Views
Nearly 100 students crowded in-
side a small Unitarian Church
chapel last night to hear banned
speaker Mrs. Ann Shore. take the
"pro" stand in a debate: "Is the
United States Practicing Genocide
Against the Negro People?"
Other groups of students clus-
tered around windows and stair-
ways as attractive Mrs. Shore and
a Detroit attorney Lebron Sim-
mons set forth the genocide charge
opposing Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department and John
Ragland, a local lawyer.
4' *s
STANDING in direct contrast to
the famed Slosson-Phillips debate
in April 1950, the two-hour sessio
proceeded in a calm, good-natured
manner. Prof. Marshall Knappen
of the political science department
moderated the discussion.
Mrs. Shore, organizational dir-
ector of the Civil Rights Con-
gress, maintained that the fed-
eral government is practicing
genocide with "a deliberate in-
fliction of conditions of life cal-
culated to bring about physical
destruction" to the Negro people.
She cited statistics from a CRC
document entitled "We Charge
* * *
IN ANSWER to Mrs. Shore's
charge, Prof. Slosson explained
that "whatever happens in the
United States is not the sole re-
sponsibility of the government."
Prof. Slosson, citing decreased
lynching rates, added that the
trend is away from genocide to-
wards a "constant betterment
with which the government is
In his colorful arguments, Prof.
Slosson recalled the several times
the University has "banned" him
from campus-in the 1938 cam-
paign, in the Phillips debate and
in last night's session.
RAGLAND, supporting Prof.
Slosson on the negative side, held
that only an "attitude of gradual-
ism" towards discrimination could
uphold the democratic legal sys-
Explaining that he ws "not
ready for gradualism," Simmons
charged that the "U. S. govern-
ment has done nothing toward
changing representation which
places Southerners in commit-
tee control" or toward enforc-
ing equality laws.
He felt the problem could
only be solved through action by
the United Nations. Mrs. Shore
thought it unlikely that UN meas-
ures or recommendations would
affect existing conditions.
Opposing police power for elim-
inating discrimination, Prof. Slos-
son cited constitutional and po-
litical obstacles to rapid allevia-
tion of the problem. "Perhaps my
opponents are better acquainted
with powers of totalitarian gov-
ernments," he added.
IN AN INTERVIEW later in the
evening, Mrs. Shore told The
Daily: "Genocide is a conscious
policy by the United States gov-
ernment to keep races and classes
disunified so the Wall Street forc-
es can keep control of the coun-

She also stated that "there is
a tie-in between American do-
mestic and foreign attitudes and
actions toward the colored peo-
ples of the world."
Mrs. Shore declined to answer
whether she was a Communist on
the grounds that "It's none of
yours or anybody else's business."
She added that "Ten years from
now I'd be glad to answer it."
Keniston To Speak

'U' Choirs To Present
Program Today at Hill
The University Choirs, composed of the Michigan Singers, Men's
Choir and Women's Choir, conducted by Maynard Klein, professor of
choral music, will present a program at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
Opening the concert will be the Michigan Singers doing three
16th century motets, "Judas, Mercator Pessimus" by Tomas Luis de
Victoria, "Surrexit Pastor Bonus" by Orlando di Lasso and "Jubilate

Student Riots Continue
On Nation's Campuses
By The Associated Press
Spring madness swept another batch of college campuses Monday
night, turning thousands of feverish young men into baying, brawling
panty raiders.
Nearly a dozen schools witnessed riots or near-riots as the males
stormed co-ed dormitories in search of sexy sourvenirs. It was the
biggest outbreak yet in the snowballing, weeks-old fad.
It was good clean fun in some
spots. But not in Columbia, Mo.,
where the National Guard was
called out to cope with rioting
University of Missouri students.
And not so at Colorado University
i Issu e where one youth broke his hip.
Some 3,000 Missouri students

Deo" by Giovanni Gabrielli.


* * *
FOLLOWING their performance
the Women's Choir will sing "The
Blessed Damozel" by Claude De-
bussy, the music for which was
adapted to a tone poem by Gabriel
Rosetti. Soloists will be Norma
Heyde, soprano, and Arlene Sol-
lenberger, contralto.
The Michigan Singers will
end the first half of the program
with "Festund Gedenkspruche"
by Johannes Brafhms..
Following intermission, the
Men's Choir will sing "The Agin-
court Song" by Healey Willan with
Donald Van Every, '52SM, and

SLDivided on Speakers' Bai

When the Student Legislature
takes its long awaited action on
the Lecture Committee tonight,
members will have to decide be-
tween three controversial courses
of action, any one of which may
meet violent opposition from var-
ious factions of the group.

SL to condemn the Lecture Com-
mittee in principle and advocate
removal of the Regents' by-law
concerning student -sponsored
speakers. Herb Cohen, '53, made
such a motion at last week's meet-
ing, but it was tabled.
Only last week, the Legisla-
ture succeeded in getting two
non-voting student renresenta-

main schools of thought on the
stand SL should take:
1) Ask the Regents to remove
their by-law and abolish the Lec-
ture Committee.
2) Propose that no Commit-
tee approval need be given if
a student group is willing to
take responsibility for its speak-

school, financied by taxpayers'
Many legislators agree that the
Lecture Committee is basically un-
desirable, but they point out that
the University has a responsibility
to the public, and, in the current
campaign against Communism in
this country, the public would not
accent Communists as sneakers

went wild on their own campus
and then raided two nearby girls'
schools, Stephens and Christian
At Boulder, Colo., Robert Bako,
20 years old, of Des Moines, Iowa,
broke his hip as 1,500 Colorado
men stormed girls' sorority houses
and dormitories. Several others
were less seriously injured.'
Firecrackers exploded during a

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