{ l AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I BOUND FOR NAVY: Merow Winds Up Active Stay W* 'd U 0 * 0 One of the most impressive cam- pus careers of the decade will end this June when John Merow, '52E, outgoing Men's Judiciary Chair-' marq, leaves the University for a three year stint as a Naval officer. Extreme versatility has. marked- the busy engineering student's ac- tivity-packed three years on cam-: pus which began when he trans- ferred here after spending his freshman year at UCLA. * * * a FROM HIS work as Business: Manager of Gargoyle to his acti- vities on Judic and the Engineer- ing Honor Council, Merow has es- tablished a reputation for quiet competence which has enabled him to participate in numerous other activities and still maintain a 3.5 overall grade point average. His impeccable .dress and quiet manner establish an in- nate conservatism about him- he is "level-headed" in every respect. But beneath the con- servatism is an affability and subtle sense of humor which " have probably led to his suc- : cess as much as any factor.}::;:.. The whole cdmbination of the Merow personality has been a winning one. Gargoyle took on new life under his steady business management and made some whopping profits-a change in the publication's red ink status quo which caused amazement from Maynard St. throughout the cam- pus. * * * AS ONE Gargoyle associate re- marked, "He'd putter around the office quite unobtrusively, but -Daily-Malcolm Shatz JOHN MEROW ... outgoing Judic chairman * * * * * * Louisville Journalist To GiveTalk Harry Bingham, president and editor of the Louisville, Ky. Cour- ier-Journal, will deliver the final University Lecture in journalism at the fifth anual Journalism Honors Convocation at 3 p.m. to- morrow in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. Bingham's topic will be "How to Read a Newspaper." GENERAL excellence in jour- nalism, and excellence in graduate studies, reporting and editorial writing will be acknowledgedat the convocation. Among the awards to be presented are four McNaught Medals - gold, silver and bronze medallions mounted on weighted and inscribed bronze plaques. Four Sigma Delta Chi schol- arship recognition certificates plus departmental certificates in journalism for high scholastic standing both in journalism and general studies will be awarded. The last honor to be conferred will be elected to Kappa Tau Alpha, national journalism hon- or society. Bingham has held the position of president of the Courier-Jour- nal and Louisville Times Co., and editor of the Courier-Journal since 1945. He is also president of WHAS, Inc., Louisville radio and television station, and director of the English Speaking Union of the United States. Design Contest Open to Students A contest in the design of con- crete masonry homes is being sponsored by the Michigan Society of Architects, with any architec- tural student who is a Michigan resident eligible for competition. First prize will be $1,000. Details can be secured from Professional Advisor, 76 W. Adams Ave., Detroit, 26. The contest will close July 15. South Quad Plays Host to Ruthven South Quad played host to Alexander B. Ruthven at an in- formal dinner Sunday afternoon. A piano recital, held in the main lounge, was given in honor of the former president and was followed bythe viewing of the Michigan House Plan 'U' Teletour in South Quad's Club 600. Joint Choirs To Perform The University Choirs, consist- ing of the Michigan Singers, Men's Choir and Women's Choir will give a concert at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium. The Michigan Singers will open the program with three sixteenth century motets. Next will be the Women's Choir singing "The Bles- sed Damozel" by Claude Debussey, followed by the Michigan Singers doing "Fest-und Gedenkspruche" from Op. 109 by Brahms. After the intermission, the Men's Choir will sing "The Agin- court Song" by Healey Willan and "The Prodigal Son-A Sermonin Swing" by Robert Elmore. This selection will feature baritones James Fudge, Grad., John Wiles, Grad. and Russell Christopher, '52SM. -Daily-Malcolm Shatz ENGRAVING THE TABLE TOP IN THE UNION TAPROOM ** * * Traditional Union Table Top CarvingOpens for Seniors 0 TUESDAY, MAY '0, 1952 PHOTOS COPIED 2 e Prits $1,00 Original picture returned. Send any size photo or negative. Federal Wallet-Size Photo Co. P. O. Sox 2448 Kansas City 6, Me (No C. O. D.'s Please) STAR CLEANERS 1213 South University 3 for the price of 2 Dry Cleaning Sale .......... pretty soon we'd find he had mov- ed some organizational mountain and turned in a neat profit for Gargoyle at the same time." But Merow's chief interest has been his work on the Judiciary Council. As chief author of the revised Judiciary Constitution which recently passedothe SAC, U I FRATERNITIES SORORITIES * FtJ1Ir- 'we a he helped lay the foundation for a new, strengthened student discipline system. "Judiciary was something I al- ways wanted to work on," Merow said. "It has been my most grati- fying experience on campus. DESPITE HIS heavy respon- sibilities connected with Judic and Gargoyle, Merow somehow found time to serve a stretch as Presi- dent of the Engineering Honor Council, president of Kappa Sig- ma fraternity and as a member of the Student Affairs Committee, the Union Board of Directors, the SL Committee on Campus Reor- ganization and the NROTC Bat- talion Staff. When Merow graduates as a Civil Engineer and goes into the Navy this June, it may be only a temporary break in an eventful campus career. After his Navy service is over, he hopes to come back here for Law School, if he does not go to Harvard instead. By BOB APPLE Seniors will have a chance to put their names down for "pos- terity" starting today in the Union Taproom. Any senior who wants to per- form the annual tradition of en- graving his name on a taproom table top can do so by presenting his ID card at the Union's down- stairs checkroom. There he will Democrats Rally To .Beat Sen. McCarthy MADISON, Wis. - Wisconsin Democrats moved today to put all their energy behind one candidate to defeat Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) in his bid for reelection this fall. In a harmony move, U. S. Dist. Atty. Thomas E. Fairchild of Mad- ison, who made an unsuccessful bid two years ago for the state's other seat in the Senate, declared he would not be a candidate for the Democratic nomination this year. In his statement today, Fair- child said there were many in his party who "hope there will be no primary contest because it means that the nominee will not be cho- sen until September and only a short period then remains before the election." Fairchild is a former Attornby General of Wisconsin and current- ly is attorney of the state's West- ern Federal District. He was the Democratic nominee against Sen. Wiley (R-Wis.) in 1950. be given wood cutting tools to be used in carving upon the specially designated table. * * * THE NAME-NOTCHING prac- tice, deeply rooted in University tradition, originated before the turn of the century in Joe Park- er's beer parlor. Fearing his tables would be hacked to splinters under the blades of the students, Joe started the practice of permitting the seniors to carve their names in a special table each year and then hanging the table on the wall. After Joe retired the table carving stopped. When the Un- ion was built, however, the fam- ous tables were transferred to its Taproom where the carving tradition was renewed. steve Feurth, Union staffman, has announced that seniorswill be permitted to engrave their names at the special table until May 30. Body of Child, Found in.River The body of a newly-born boy was found floating in the Huron River Sunday by Perry Johnson, a Detroit fisherman. An autopsy revealed that the infant had been in the water from 10 to 11 days and had died either at birth or by force. There were severe burns on the baby's back. Sheriff's office authorities indi- cated that the infant was prob- ably thrown in at the Geddes Bridge at 11:55 a.m. May 7 or May 8. Blood samples have been sent to Lansing for analysis. ENSIAN4 DISTRIBUTION "E" Day Has Arrived! 3:00 - 5:00 every afternoon + BRING YOUR RECEIPTS to the Student Publications Building 420 Maynard Street f <,. t CO-OPS I. Look at your budgets and then get our bid on cleaning or laundering your household articles. Campus Calendair PILLOWS - BLANKETS - DRAPES CURTAINS - WASHABLE RUGS Work done during vacation period. Call 3-4185 for estimate without obligation. KYER MODEL LAUNDRY EVENTS TODAY ART ASSOCIATION-The an- nual meeting of the Ann Arbor Art Association will be held at 8 p.m. today in the Union. * *s * HEALTH ASSEMBLY-Sir Al- len Daley, former Medical Officer of Health, London, England, will speak on "The Problems of the Medical Officer of Health" at 4 p.m. in the School of Public Health Auditorium. * * . COMING EVENTS COMPOSERSGFORUM-A Com- posers Forum, directed by Homer Keller, instructor of composition, will be held at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Assembly Hall. 'I 627 South Main Phone 3-4185 ' So You Wantto Go Into Business! Have you ever thought of going into Several Businesses at the Same Time? 'I Unusual thought? Perhaps, but the Property and Casualty Insur- ance field protects virtually every type of industrial and commercial enterprise. Factories, stores, schools; churches, hospitals, homes, represent only a few kinds of property being protected by the North America Companies. Careers in Underwriting, Claims, Field Representation and other services are open to the young man challenged by work involving analysis, judgment and business decisions. If you are sincerely interested, contact A Representative who will be on Campus May 21 at the Bureau of Appointments. Call Ext. 371 for an appointment. i I