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May 20, 1952 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-20

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TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1951



_______________________________________________________________________________ m


Counselor Positions To Open
For 12th Annual Girls' State
American Legion Sponsors Annual Program
To Stimulate Civic Interest in High Schools
- ---___ A

'Bluebook Ball' To Be Presented Saturday
In Union Ballroom; Shepard Band To Play

Positions as counselors for the
twelfth annual Wolverine Girls'
State are being offered to Univer-
sity women students.
Wolverine Girls' State, which is
sponsored by the American Legion
Auxiliary, will be held from June
16 to 25 on the University com-
Coeds who are interested in
working with outstanding high
school students from all -over
Michigan should contact Miss Mc-
Cormick sometime this week in

/IcI'~'4 Catnpu


WAA Managers-New manager
of the Folk and Square Dance
Club will be Allen Van Liere while
Jeanette Scoville will handle the
duties of manager of the Badmin-
ton Club. Both clubs are sponsor-
ed by the Women's Athletic As-
** *
Dorm Newspaper-Applications
' for dormitory newspaper editor are
due at 6 p.m. today in the Under-
graduate Office of the League. In-
terviewing will be held tomorrow
and Thurslay from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
Any independent woman is eli-
gible to apply.
* * *
House Presidents-There will be
a meeting of league house presi-
dents at 4:30 p.m. today in the
Ann Arbor Room of the League.

the Undergraduate Office of the
Women applying will be inter-
viewed by Miss McCormick and
Helen Yeager, head counselor of
this year's Girls' State.
The' predominate factor in the
choice of women for counselor po-
sitions will be their interest in
working with girls, besides an in-
terest in recreational leadership.
Women of upper class standing
are especially encouraged to make
application for the positions.
Miss Yeager will be meeting
with the women chosen at the first
of next week.
Those 15 women receiving posi-
tions will receive room and board,
as well as $25 for the nine day con-
Each councelor will be in charge
of 20 girls, who are chosen by
their high schools and sponsored
by civic organizations.
Girls 'attending the convention
will be housed in Alice Lloyd Hall
and will spend one week in re-
ceiving governmental and voca-
tional instruction.
The program is designed to
stimulate high school students to
take a deep interest in home and
community life.
Activities in this program of
leadership training and develop-
ment include guidance, instruc-
tion and demonstration in house-
hold arts, home economics, hospi-
tal work, dramatics, fine arts, phy-
sical education and activities in
other related fields.

* * ** * *

* * *

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Field - Siden
Mr.iand Mrs. Walter L. Field of
Detroit have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Har-
riet Lois to Franklin D. Siden, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Siden
also of Detroit.
Miss Field is a senior in the lit-
erary college.
Mr. Siden is a graduate of the
University of Illinois, where he
was affiliated with Sigma Alpha
Mu fraternity.
AnrAugustywedding has been
- *
Sichler.- Kepler
The engagement of Alice Anne
Sichler was announced by her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward H.
Sichler, Jr. of Grosse Pointe to
Charles W. Kepler, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Murry J. Kepler of Detroit.
Miss Sichler is a junior in the
literary college and is a member
of Collegiate Sorosis sorority.
Mr. Kepler is a senior in the
School of Business Administration
and affiliated with Sigma Nu fra-
Carter - Sullivan
At a dinner at the Delta Gam-
ma sorority house Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford M. Carter of Arlington,
Virginia announced the engage-
ment of their daughter, Ruth He-
lene to Richard Lawrence Sulli-
van, son of Mrs. J. Lawrence Sul-
livan of Fulton, N.Y.
Miss Carter is a senior in the
literary college and is a member
of Delta Gamma sorority.
Mr. Sullivan is a graduate of
Notre Dame University and is a
former instructor in the College of
Engineering at the University of
The couple will be married June
28, in Fort Myer Post Chapel, Ar-
lington, Virginia.
Yaeger - Hand
The engagement of Helen Ann
Yaeger to Harry E. Hand, Jr., son
of Mrs. Harry E. Hand and the
late Mr. Hand of Chillicote, Ohio,
was announced by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yaeger of
Miss Yaeger is a botany major
in the literary college.
Mr. Hand received his B.A.
from Ohio University and an M.A.
from the University of Michigan.
He is presently working on a doc-
torate in English.
* * -
Stein - Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stein of
Wayne announce the engagement

of their daughter, Cynthia Lou, to
Dwight H. Vincent, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold S. Vincent of
Milwaukee, Wis.
1riss Stein is a senior in the
School of Education.
Mr. Vincent is in law school
and is a member of Alpha Tau
Omega and Delta Theta Phi, pro-
fessional law fraternity.
* * *
Hanson - Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer J. Hanson
of Detroit have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Ann
Cerinne, to R. Tyler Perkins, Jr.,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T.'
Perkins of Detroit.
Miss Hanson is majoring in so-
ciology in the literary college.
Mr. Perkins attended Michigan
State College where he is affili-
ated with Delta Upsilon. The
couple will be married on Aug-
ust 23.
* * - ,
Kritschgau - Verschoor
June 8 is the wedding date set
by Marie Emilie Kritschgau,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
N. Kritschgau of Grand Rapids
and Curtis Carl Verschoor.
Miss Kritschgau is a senior in
the literary college.
Mr. Verschoor is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Verschoor, also of
Grand Rapids. He is a graduate
student in the business school and
is affiliated with Beta Alpha Psi,
professional accounting fraternity.
Whitfild - Gabel
The engagement of Jane Whit-
field to W. Creighton Gabel, son
of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Gabel of
Muskegon was announced by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whit-
field of Muskegon Heights.
Both Miss Whitfield and Mr.
Gabel are juniors in the literary
college. They plan an early Sep-
tember wedding.
Jones - Licero
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Jones
of Mutchinson, Kan. announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Mariana Jo, to Ross James Licero
of Warren, Ohio.
Miss Jones is a senior voice
major in the School of Music and
Mr. Licero is a senior in the lit-
erary college. A summer wedding
is planned.
Bradfield - Waddell
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Henry
Bradfield of Houston, Texas an-
nounce the engagement of their

Parents Reveal Coed Engagements

daughter, Mary Margaret to Al-
bert Edsel Waddell, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Waddell of Pick-
Both Miss Bradfield and Mr.
Waddell are juniors in the liter-
ary college. The couple plans to
be married Sept. 6, in Ann Arbor.
Miller - Gerst
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Miller
of Saginaw have announced the
engagement of their daughter,
Barbara June, to David G. Gerst,
son of Mrs. Beth Gerth of Tra-
verse City.
Miss Miller is a senior in the
education school. Mr. Gerst at-
tended Central Michigan College
at Mt. Pleasant.

Climaxing social activities for
the semester the Union will offer
students one last fling before set-
tling down to the final grind with
"Bluebook Ball" from 9 p.m. to
midnight Saturday in the Union
The dance will feature the mu-
sic of Clare Shepard, a familiar
figure at Union dances.
* * *
sors will hand out miniature sized
graded bluebook programs to car-
ry out the theme of "Bluebook
Blues" for the dance.
Dick Pinkerton, '55, will em-
cee the intermission entertain-
ment which will consist of a
variety of numbers ranging from
a singer to a pianist.
General chairman of the dance
is Al Bonnel. Others on the com-
mittee include Ken Culter, deco-
rations; Bill Cartwright, publici-
ty; Ton Leopold, programs; and
Myron Waxberg, entertainment.
* * *
TICKETS, priced at $1 per cou-
ple may be purchased Saturday in
the Union Lobby. There will be
no advance sales.
Throughout thf semester the
staffinen on the Union Social
Committee have strived to pre-
sentha variety of entertainment
at the dances.
In March the men staged a dar-
ing publicity stunt for "Bowery
Ball" by actually succeeding to
have the City police arrest "de
bums" instigating the dance. It

will be remembered that "de bums"
had caused a slight riot in front
of the Union which led to their
* * *
were able to escape convention by
dressing in their sloppiest attire
for the party.'
"Wishing Well Ball," the big-
gest Union dance of the semes-
ter, was presented in April to
herald the coming of spring with
spring scenes and flowers lend-
ing a romantic atmosphere.
Besides the feature dances the
Union maintained a schedule of
weekly Saturday dances in the
Ballroom which have become a
favorite pastime for many stu-
Clare Shepard and his popular
band have been on hand through-
out the season to serenade dancers
at all the Union dances.
Another feature on the Union's
social calendar which became pop-

Viar with students this year were
the weekly Sunday evening record
dances. With no admission charg-
ed these dances soon competed
with the moving pictures for top
Sunday entertainment.
Judiciary Council
To Be Organized
In League Houses
Women living in league house
or who expect to live in one next
year are urged to attend a teaat
4:30 p.m. today iii the League if
they are interested in working on
the new league house judiciary
The tea will be on the program
of the regular league house presi-
dents meeting.
Chairman of the council next
year will be Nancy Staffon; coeds
may call her for information.


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