I WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND See Page 4 YI e it4U Da4j is Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY AND SHOWERS VOL. LXII, No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1952 SIX PAGES Student Deport Threat Criticized Campus Aroused by 'Unfair' Move; Danger to Foreign Students Feared By BOB KEITH Daily City Editor Impending deportation of a University graduate Indian student brcught forth a wave of severe criticism on campus yesterday, directed at U. S. immigration procedg.res and based partly on fears for the future security of the University foreign student community. Students and professors joined in protesting the move as being "unfair," "unconstitutional," and even "parallel to conditions under Communist and Fascist regimes." One legal expert called for a signi- ficant revision of American laws as a result of the action. Others be- gan pushing for a free legal coun- - seling service at the University for protection of students in the future. METHODS used by immigration authorities in ordering from the country the 29 year old political science student "would seem to be contrary to the spirit and even the letter of the United States Constitution," according to Prof. Lawrence A. Preuss, University political scientist and former mem- ber of the State Department. / Prof. Preuss, who in 1945 sup- ervised drafting-'of the statute of the International Court of Jus- tice in the United Natiqns char- ter, said the student, Joseph Singh Bains, apparently was be- ing ousted on the basis of a law which is "inequitable and un- fair." Detroit immigratiort authorities have ordered Singh to leave the country as soon as he can gain passage, .before the semester is "ver and before he can complete requirements for his doctoral de- gree. The deportation stems from a September decision by the Depart- ment of Justice not to renew Singh's student visa. The Student Legislature and Civil Liberties Committee protest- ed the move Wednesday, and the Indian Students Association is ex- pected to take some action tomor- row. UNIVERSITY International Center director Esson Gale and the foreign student counselor at the University of California, where Singh spent several years, flew to Washington yesterday and dis- cussed the case with the Indian ambassador. Sen. Blair Moody's office has also attempted to inter- vene. On campus, International Center assistant director Rob- ert Klinger said many of the University's 800 foreign students were "disturbed" by the inci- dent and a large number drop- ped into his office yesterday for advice. Klinger was one of several per- sons advocating a special legal counseling service on campus. Ad- ditional support came from Prof. James H. Meisel of the political science department, who predicted unfortunate consequences for the University if it should gain a rep- Union Hastens Oil Strike End WASHINGTON --()- o. A. Knight, top strategy-maker of a * score of unions involved in the nation-wide oil strike, said last night "we are calling off the strike," and government officials foresaw a quick end to the 16-day walkout. Union and government officials said an actual end to the strike Y could come only through local agreements between union and managementhnegotiators. Bar- gaining in the oil industry is on a local basis, involving some 22 different unions and hundreds of their locals. These officials stressed that an actual end to the strike will come gradually, as such local agree- ments are reached. Knight, who is president of the CIO Oilworkers Uinion, voiced his statement in a film made by Tele-News Productions, Inc., for television stations. 'U' Plays Host To ,journalists utation as having no legal pro- tection for its large foreign popu- lation. At present, students must go to private lawyers for any legal assistance. * * * PROF. MEISEL, who lived in Nazi Germany until 1934, com- mented that he "feels the paral- lel to. Hitler's early years very strongly." The pattern, he said, is to "start with aliens, then nat- uralized citizens, and finally iso-. .later liberals." The danger symptom "is not in what we say and do, but in what we don't say and don't do as a great silence spreads among the intelligentsia, with every- body scurrying from cover to cover and trying to get an alibi." He said he "viewed with alarm the trend in this country." Prof. Meisel added that pres- ent deportation procedures "will hardly help combat Communism in Asia, but will have an effect en- tirely opposite." * * * SINGH meanwhile, packed his bags and left Ann Arbor yester- day. Friends said he planned to confer with relatives in San Fran- cisco and 'probably will comply with the deportation order. While in Ann Arbor, Singh com- plained he had not been informed of the reasons for the Justice De- partment's decision. Detroit immigration officials explained that this was not re- quired by law. Detroit district director J. W. Butterfield said the decision was made on "good grounds" by offi- cials in Washington. He added, however, that the Justice Depart- ment "took into consideration" that Singh had already spent six years in this country, "more than enough time to obtain a degree," and that he had an unauthorized transfer to the University of Washington while here. His transfer to Michigan, which came after the deporta- tion decision also was never authorized, Butterfield said. He added that Singh had under- gone a "very thorough investi- gation by immigration officials in California. He was given an opportunity to answer a lot of questions, and must know the reasons for his ouster." Singh has admitted making his home in California with a group of Indian students who have since been deported as Communists, but he has professed no similar affil- tations himself. SeVeral. faculty members and students who know See THREAT, Page 4 MacArthur Sees Threat Of Mlitary General To Give Talk Here Today Special To The Daily By HARRY LUNN LANSING-"There is no politics in me, nor none intended in what I say; I plead nothing but Ameri- canism," Gen. Douglas MacArthur emphasized last night in preface to his blast at the Truman Ad- ministration. Addressing a jam packed joint session of the state legislature Gen. MacArthur criticized present financial policies, tax loads, for- eign policy, foreign aid and charg- ed that our two-party system was bing jeopardized because both par- ties were attempting to unite un- der the leadership of one indi- vidual. * * * THOUGH HE never named Gen. Eisenhower as the individual con- cerned'in the supposed secret par- ty alliance, he elaborated that "this form of political conniving is destructive to the very essence of true representative government and sets the stage for the emer- gence upon the American scene of the ugly threat of a military state."0 . "Nothing is more conducive to arbitrary rule than the military junta," he warned. MacArthur will pass briefly' through Ann Arbor today and will make a short speech at 9:45 a.m. on the steps of the Rackham1 Bldg. where he will be honored by city and University officials. . Speaking of the growing con- centration of federal power, he advised "a return to a diffusion of the political power so wisely{ ordained by the Constitution, leav- ing to the community the man- agement of its local affairs, and to the citizen the management of his personal life." "Nothing threatens us more acutely than our financial irre- sponsibility and reckless spend- thrift policies which jeopardize all thrift and frugality," he said. "The entire burden of taxation must be further materially reduc- ed," 'he emphasized, adding that "a reasonable limit must be plac- ed upon the very exercise of the power to tax." * * * DISCUSSING the threat of Communism, the General charged that the internal danger is great- er than the external. "We must not underestimate the peril from within," he warned. "It must not be scoffed at as our present leadership has been prone to do by hurling childish epithets, such as red herring,' 'character assassin,' 'scandal mon- ger,' 'witch hunt,' 'political gang- ster' and like vulgar terms design- ed to confuse or conceal the real issues and intimidate those who, recognizing the gravity of the danger, would expose it to the light of public scrutiny and under- standing." He minimized the threat of invasion or other overt Com- munist armed action remarking that "it is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred See MacARTHUR, Page 2 -Daily--Matty Kessler KEY FIGURES-Gov. G. Mennen Williams greets State Democratic Chairman Neil Staebler, as Sen. Mike Monroney of Oklahoma and a YD member look on. Democratic Caucus Monroney Lauds Democrats' Past Record of Action By DIANE DECKER Speaking yesterday at the second political rally of the semester, Sen. Mike Monroney (D-Okla.) pointed with pride to the Democratic record, asserting that it would be "tough to forget in November." The Freshman Senator maintained that ,although the party had made mistakes during its 20-year regime, it had erred through "a policy of action" which contrasts with the "drifter" policy of the GOP. IN AN INTERVIEW with The Daily later in the evening, Mon- roney singled out Williams as "the man who could get the vice- Truman To Stump for Democrats WASHINGTON -(A)-President Truman said yesterday he's ready to stump the country just as hard for this year's Democratic Presi- dential candidate as he did in his own famous whistle stop campaign in 1948. And he predicted the Democra- tic nominee will win on a platfotm of what he called "Trumanism" despite efforts of "the mossbacks" to depict administration farm and other measures as socialism. ALL THIS TALK about social- ism is just plain bunk and ho- kum," Truman told a crowd of several thousand at a Washington Monument presentation of awards for achievement to some 140 Ag- riculture Department employes. The President declared the Roosevelt and Truman admin- istrations have rescued the American farmer from poverty through a great crusade that World News' Roundup By The Associated Press SEOUL, Friday, May 16-Allied warplanes yesterday smashed a big vehicle repair center in Northwest Korea'and shredded the Commun- ists patchwork rail system with high explosives. BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Pre- mier Marshal Tito's government abruptly tightened its grip on Trieste's Zone B by decree yes- terday, less than a week after the United States and Britain grant- ed Italy broad administrative pow- ers in Zone A. * * * WASHINGTON--The govern- ment yesterday lifted controls on four metals, eased its ban on amusement and recreation construction, and gave out word that price ceilings on raw cot- ton and liquor are about to be suspended. * * * DETROIT-Supporters of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower said last night prospects are good that he will make a major speech here June 14. S* * * EAST LANSING -An increase, in tuition rates was announced yesterday by the State Board of Agriculture,agoverning body of Michigan State College. * * * CHICAGO - Democrats yester- day chose Gov. Paul A. Dever of Massachusetts to deliver the key- note speech at their national con- vention. Rep. Sam Rayburn of Texas, Speaker of the House, was picked to handle the gavel as perm nent chairman-a role he filled in the 1948 nominating session. * * * WASHINGTON - A bill grant- ing a 4 per cent pay raise and 14 per cent increase in living allow- ances to members of the military service was passed by House and Senate yesterday and sent to President Truman. Urey Gives Talk To Packed Hall "Peace is a positive affair, it cannot be brought about by not making atom bombs," Prof. Harold IFC Sing /o Delta Tau Delta won first place in the IFC sing last night with their rendition of "The Love Story." Under the leadership of Carl Hedner, '53, who arranged and directed the song, the Delts successfully defended the first place honors they won last year. Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Delta Theta tied for second place. (For picture of winners see page 5.) SAC Passes Senior Plan A plan to revamp the entire senior class set-up has been ap- proved by the Student Affairs Committee. Under the new system, formu- lated 'by Nancy Watkins, '52, lit- erary college senior class presi- dent, presidents of the senior classes will form a central board to be known as the Senior Class Executive Committee. At the same time senior class treasurers and secretaries will elect one representative each to represent them and serve as treasurer and secretary in con- junction with the committee. The Senior Class Executive Committee, the treasurer and the secretary will thus form the Senior Class Cabinet. Those schools now taking part in the new organization are the engineering school, the literary college, the business administra- tion school, the education school, the architectural college and the nursing school. has brought about "a real revo- lution - a peaceful revolution"j in agriculture. More than that, he said, the last two administrations have proved that a planned economy works "in agriculture and in every other aspect of our national life." * * * STILL SILENT on his choice for the nomination, Truman told his news conference he may go to the Democratic national convention in Chicago to make a speech, but not, until after the Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees have been chosen. If he does, he said, It will mark the opening of the whistle- stop campaign he plans to make for the Democratic ticket. In 1948, Truman made 356 speeches and travelled 31,700 miles in quest of votes in his own behalf. The President also said Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New York made an untruthful statement last week-end when he accused the administration of rigging farm prices just before the 1948 election. Dewey, who was defeated by Truman in that election, made the charge in a television interview here. Large Oregon Vote Forecast PORTLAND, Ore. -( P)- The weatherman brightened the out- look for a big cross-section vote today in Oregon's primary and the far West's first presidential polling of the 1952 campaign. The forecast: Sunny, 72-degree conditions. It encouraged official estimates of a record 60 per cent response by the 778,000 voters. An energetic campaign in his behalf established Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as the man to beat in the Republican preferential elec- tion. Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio by-passed the Oregon race for 18 delegates, but Eisenhower' sup- porters contend eight unpledged delegate-candidates favor Taft. The Democratic run for 12 dele- gates presents Estes Kefauver of Tennessee against two reluctant candidates. Supreme Court Jus- tice William O. Douglas and Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois have urged the voters to ignore them. presidential nomination most eas-© ily if he went after it aggressively." He also maintained that Mich- igan would fill the positions of Governor and Senator with Democrats this year, in addition to casting her electoral votes for a Democratic President. Monroney's appearance was part of his avowed campaign for ,State Junior Senator Blair E. Moody, who is running on the Democratic ticket. His present plans include a week of extensive campaigning for Moody in the fall. Literature on the Junior Sen- ator was distributed at the rally by1 its sponsors, the Young Democrats. * * * REPEATEDLY during the day, Monroney upheld both Truman's seizure of the steel mills and U. S.] action in Korea. He based his steel seizure opinion "not on the1 inherent rights of the President, but on the inherent rights of a nation to self-defense." Stressing the role of students in his own senatorial campaign,1 Monroney pointed out in a soft,I Oklahoma drawl that "the Dem-I ocratic party is the party of1 youth, which knows Phe differ- ence between inaction and pro- gress." "The Republicans are running on a platform of fear," he em- phasized. "No matter how liberal their presidential candidate is, he will be hogtied by the reactionary Congress which will sweep in with. him.' * * * GOV. G. Mennen Williams in- troduced Monroney. However,he was forced to leave immediately after the Senator's address in or- der to meet Gen. MacArthur in Lansing. The lightest moment of the afternoon came when YD Pres- ident Gene Mossner, '52, intro- duced Williams as "a man to look for in the White House." After a round of applause from the audience, Mossner.continued, "Now, speaking seriously . .. In an interview Monroney said that the party Presidential can- didate will be Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn of Texas, for whom he has sponsored a one-man boom since October. As a member of the committee investigating Sen. Joseph McCa- thy, Monroney revealed that a de- cision on the Wisconsin Senator will be forthcoming in two or three weeks. He felt that it would take the form of public censure, rather than unseating. joint, Judic Picks Five Joint Judiciary announced the appointments of five mem- bers early this morning. The appointees are Joel Bil- ler, 153L, Vernon Emerson, '52, Cyrille Landes, '53, Albeta Co- hrt, '52SM and Leah Marks, '52. 'T he new members are re- quested to attend a meeting to be held at 3 p.m. today in the Dean's Conference Room in the Administration Building, Firm- Rule Declared at Koj eIsland By The Associated Press A new era of firm rule was pro- claimed yesterday for Kole Island, ending soft measures that allowed Red prisoners to negotiate with their captors and flaunt "insult- ing signs." Brig. Gen. Haydon Boatner made this clear to correspondents 24 hours after he had taken over the festering prison island-scene of two riots and the sensational seiz- ure of Brig. Gen. Francis T. Dodd. * * * BOATNER DECLARED he would, of course, hew strictly to the Geneva Convention for hu- mane treatment of war prisoners, but that the Communists behind the barbed wire would have to learn who was boss. Even as Boatner talked with correspondents, three prisoners tried to escape from their com- pounds and one of them was shot by a guard. * * 9 In. Munsan, repercussions from Gen. Mark Clark's repudiation of the Koje Island prisoner pact were expected today at the Korean truce talks, already ,rocked by violent Red charges. In Washington yesterday, Rep.. Mansfield (D-Mont.) introduced. a bill for a Congressional investi- gation of the incident, declaring "We in the Congress must find out who is responsible for this monu- mental blunder that has so irre- parably damaged our military ef- fort and truce negotiations in Ko- rea." Druids Brew MagicPotion From the'Stonehenge circle Aided by th witches cauldron Mystic plans were brewed in darkness, Many twigs were examined Many rocks were overturned Subjected to heat from blazing torches Observed by men of knowledge and magic. Most decayed, were burned, were destroyed. Finally from the murky grove From the cave where Fingal lingered The Order of the Mighty Oak emerged Causing the earth to shake and shiver Causing nations and cities to cower All to bend the twig and sapling And to capture the sturdy awends: Bunting Balsam Billings, Big House Boxwood Bohaskowitz, Murderous Mahogany Moak, Mon- ey - Minting Magnolia Messer, Spouting Sage Samra, Whisper- ing Willow Whipple, Deadly Dog- wood Dugger, High-hollering Hon- eysuckle Hedner, Hilbrious Holly- hocks Heck, Crawling Crabapple Carlisle, LoquaciousLavender Li- lac LaRue, Double Dealing Dahlia Demmer, Maneuvering Maple Mc- Kennell, Scribbling Sandalwood Sewell, Slipping Sequoia Smith, Recommending Rhubarb Robert- son, Record-Making Rhododen- dron Rankin, Crusading Kumquot Klaus and Go-Getting Gooseberry Goetz. The Almighty DRUIDS have spoken! ARMED FORCES WEEK: Importance of Science In War Told to ROTC ,0, Describing the scientific laboratory of today as the battlefield of a future war, six University scientists yesterday gave a glimpsej of the campaigns being won here for the armed forces to 600 ROTC cadets and midshipmen assembled in Rackham Lecture Hall. Col. William ,B. McKean, United States Marine Corps, and a professor of naval science, opened the half-hour program given in connection with Armed Forces Week. PROF. ALBERT E. WHITE of the engineering college, next spoke of the 210 projects now under way at the Engineering Research In- stitute and especially of the guided missile work being carried on at the Willow Run Research Center. A second featured speaker, Prof. Harry C. Carver of the mathematics department, described his recently devised method . permitting a navigator to mark his position on a chart ten seconds after he has made his celestial observations. Outlining additional advances in the field of aviation Prof. Emer- son W. Conlon, chairman of the department of aeronautical engi- ne rinet+no f the high dpcrp nf nnpration ahieved between the PLANS FOR FUTURE: Heck Appointed Head, of Union Opera, By BOB APPLE Pat Heck, '52, was appointed general chairman of the Union Opera yesterday. Heck, a 22 year old literary col- lege senior from Toledo, Ohio, is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha playing in Chicago, Detroit, Cleve- land and possibly even New York. Also in his plans is thet organ- izing of a finance committee in the Union Opera and a more efficient promotions committee. On the actor's side of the Onera. "Hot Dog" Heck. as he is