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May 14, 1952 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-14

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English Lecture Centers
On Poetry of T. S. Eliot

Greek Week-'s Social Whirl Begins Todayl

. . *

. *

. . .*

"The techniqUe of interior land-
cape achieves moments of arrest-
ed awareness in poetry," Professor
Marshall McLuhan of the Univer-
ity of Toronto, said in his lec-
ure before a capacity audience
Speaking on "Eliot's Techni-
ques of Interior Landscape," the
noted scholar - critic explained
andscape in terms of the meta-
phoric symbolism in poetry. The
mages must be sufficiently com-
plex to evoke in the realer's mind
a variety of pictures reacting si-
arganize Right
Wing Society
A group of college men and wo-
nen have. just formed a new
'right wing" organization in
Washington, D.C.
The group calls itself The Inter-
ollegiate Society of Individualists
nd lists among fts objectives "the
>romotion among college students,
nd the 'public generally, of an
inderstanding and appreciation of
;he basic principles of the Consti-
ution, rlaissezpfaire' economics,
and the philosophy of individual-

he declared.

in time and space,

* * *
"POETRY OF the past is a
mode of expression in a simple
scenic narrative," the tall profes-
sor said, citing the example of "a
violet by a mossy stone," to illus-
trate the point of simple imagery.j
As a modern poet, McLuhan
noted, Eliot achieves the im-
pression of many complex and
arresting pictures through such
imagery as "the evening spread
out against the sky, like a pa-
tient etherized upon a table."
The images of the evening and
the patient both enter the read-
er's mind together, to create an
effect which would be an interior
TO CONTRAST the use of in-
ternal reflection Eliot achieves
through his method of complex
metaphor, the literary analyst dis-
cussed Alexander Pope's use of
wit in poetry.
"Wit is the combined force of
external situations acting upon
each other," he said. "Wit is de-
veloped in the surprise use of un-
usual situations, like, unusual
metaphors," he added.
"Words are tools to explore lost
territories in the mind," he said,
evaluating the power of both po-
etry of landscape and wit.
Nine Enter
Board Race
Nine people have filed as candi-
dates for three posts on the Ann
Arbon Board of Education for the
coming June 9 election.
The last person to file before
last Saturday's deadline was
James W. Orwig. Others who filed
were Daniel G. Auer, Albert E.
Blashfield (incumbent), James F.
Brinkerhoff, Horace W. Campbell,
Lester V. Colwell, Dominic D. Das-
cola,* Donald C. Douglas (incum-
bent) and Frederick B. House.
Officers Elected
New officers were voted in at
a recent election of the University;
chapter of the American Foun-
dryman's Society.
Named to head the organization
were: Jack Rose, '52E, president;
Larry DeBoer, '53E, vice-presi-
dent; Jim Morse, '52E, secretary;
Jim Watson, '53E, treasurer.

? ;"


--Daily-Bruce Knoll
HELPING OUT-Wood chopping fraternity men Bruce Rogers,
'54, Earl Keim, '52, and Henry Heil, '53, clear up the front yard
of the Phi Delta Theta house during typical Help Week activities.

German Anthem Called Try
For Unity by U' Professors

* * *

WM. F. BUCKLEY, whose recent
ok "God and Man at Yale"
aused much controversy in aca-
emic circles, was named presi-
ent of the new organization.
Membership in the society is
mited to college students and to
udents who have been in college
i the past five years. The society
ans to contact students who are
terested in the individualist ap-
oach to social problems, prim-
rily for the purpose of organ-
ing discussion groups and study
ells" where current events and
ends, as well as the text books
w in use in college curricula will
ebrought up for analysis.
In addition to college members,
ere will be a Senior Advisory
ommittee of distinguished liber-
,rians, particularly those from
Le fields of economics and edu-
tion. t
Those desiring further informa-
on about the group cap contact
e national headquarters in
'ashington, D.C.,x

Colombian Soccer Fans at 'U'
Listen to Home Game Scores

Seven stealthy figures arrange
hemselves around a radio on the
ront lawn of East Quad every
unday night.
The clandestine group are not
ending subversive code, as some
vorried spectators may think, but
nstead are merely well-meaning
occer enthusiasts from Colombia.

ten to a broadcast of results from
all the soccer games played in
their home country during the
week. They say they will continue
to be faithfully by their radio ev-
ery Sunday, until the snows come
and the soccer season is over. ,
Using a transoceanic radio
with a super-sensitive antenna
has made their out-door eve-
ning vigil a necessity. The re-
ception is clearer and there is
less interference from the "deaf-
ening" noise in the quad. Also
the lawn gives them a privacy
they find impossible inside.
Not content with just hearing
about the games, Samir Daccach
and his cohorts, Erick Montoya,
The Official M

Humberto Rada, Jose Romero,
Hernando Rada, Hugo Ramerez,
and Luis Vargas, are all members
of the Latin-American Students
Soccer team of the English Lan-
guage Institute, where they are
* * *
THEY HAVE played the Latin-
American team at Ypsilanti State
Normal and the Turkish club at
the University, "But we are only
amateurs," Daccach is always sure
to explain with a disarming smile.
United in their addiction to
soccer the men disagree fiercely
in' their loyalties to teams now
competing in the Colombian
Soccer Championship.
Jose Romero claims allegiance
to the "Boca Juniors," a team us-
ing the Michigan colors. Most of
the others, however, auspiciously
favor the "Millonarios" team.
But despite the argument they
all agree soccer is still the most
popular game in the world. But
then, they democratically add,
this statement is a quoted statistic
from an impartial American
spor'ts magazine.


The revival by Germany's Bonn
government of "Deutschland Ue-
ber Alles" as their new national
anthem was viewed by several
University professors as an at-
tempt to unify the people.
West German President, Theo-
dore Heuss announced the song's
adoption as WestnGermany pre-
pared to regain much of her na-
tional sovereignty by signing a
Get Awards
In Chemistry
The first Department of Chem-
istry Honors Convocation, which
is to become an annual event, was
held at 4:15 p.m. yesterday with
28 students receiving awards,
scholarships and fellowships.
Garry L. Schott, '52, received
the first American Institute of
Chemists Medal ever to be award-
ed at the University.
i i
OTHER undergraduates hon-
ored are: Carl E. Wulfman, '53;
Barbara J. Rassweiler, '53; Wil-
liam H.' Reusch, '53; Walter L.
Meyer, '53; Roger S. Roof, '54,
Patricia Ann McVeigh, '53; Joseph
A. Amy, '53; Edwin P. Przybylo-
wicz, '54; Richard -E. Schreiber,
'54; Adelbert T. Tweedie, '53; Mar-
vin V. Andersen, '54 and Jeremy
D. Webster, '53.
Those in graduate studies re-
ceiving fellowships and scholar-
ships are: Lawrence S. Bartell,
Richard H. Schwendeman, Kath-
ryn G. Spackman, Jr., Saul S.
Kushney, Thomas C. Bissot, Ches-
ter E. Smith, Randel Q. Little, Jr.,
Guido L. Vidale, Robert G. Craig,
and Stephen L. Wythe.
The list concludes with George
A. Miller, Leonard B. Bruner, Jr.,
Te Piao King, Edwin Benjamins,
and Thomas R. Stengle.
Blood Quota Met
By Local Donors
Donors in Washtenaw county
are meeting the monthly blood
quota set by the American Red
Cross according to Mrs. Ethel At-
kinson, executive secretary of the
county chapter.
Washtenaw's quota is set at 5,-
000 pints of blood annually, with
half of the amount labeled for
military and half for local needs.

peace contract with the Western
THERE WAS considerable hesi-
tancy on the part of Heuss to do
this. Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political s c i e n c e department
pointed out that it was probably
due to the fact that the song had
become associated in European
minds with Germany's aggressive
Heuss previously tried to find
another song which would dis-
place the popular "Deutschland,"
but was unable to. The Adenauer
cabinet had suggested several
times that it be adopted as the
new national anthem, with Heuss
finally bowing to their will "with
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
the history department saw the
adoption as a "symptom of
emergent nationalism." But he
agreed that it was an attempt
to rally the German people
around a common ;symbol.
The song's history was traced
by Karl H. Reichenbach of the
history department. It's melody
was taken from Haydn's second
string quartet and the words were
written in 1840 by Hoffman von
Fellersleben, a German patriot.
According to Reichenbach, it
became popular -during the crisis
of 1840 when France was threat-
ening to invade Germany, and
served, as a rallying point.
In reality, the song has been
more associated with Germany's
democratic movements than with
authoritarianism. It was the na-
tional anthem of the Weimar Re-
public and during Hitler's regime
was sung only in conjunction with
the "Horst Wessel."
"Although it does declare 'Ger-
many above all,' it also limits Ger-
many's territory within its accept-
ed boundaries," Reichenbach de-
clared, "and is not associated by
Germans with imperialism."
U.S. High Commissioner John
J. McCloy commented "this is an
internal German matter, but I
don't like this song."
"Most important, however," he
added, "is not what the people
sing but how they act."
Doktor Will Make
European Tour
A former University music lec-
turer, Paul Doktor, will make his
second European concert tour be-
ginning in June.
Doktor, a lecturer in viola and
chamber music at the University
from 1948 to 1951, will make ap-
pearances in Switzerland, Germ-
any, France, Belgium, England
and his native Austria.

Greek Week begins today for
the more than 2,000 fraternity
men on campus who will celebrate
the occasion with a hectic round
of social events climaxing with
the annual IFC Ball Saturday
High spots of the program in-
clude the House Presidents Din-
ner tonight and the annual IFC
Sing which will take place at 8
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
THERE IS a more serious side
to fraternity life,however, which
began for campus affiliates in
1846 when the faculty tried to eli-
minate the first three fraterni-
ties from University life by invok-
ing a rule that stated that "no
student shall become a member
of any society . .. which has not
first submitted its constitution to
the faculty and received their ap-
Public opinion won over, how-
ever, and with the ratification
of a new constitution in 1850
fraternities grew until World
War I when many houses en-
listed en masse in the Army.
Several houses were again forc-
ed to close during the last war but
the great influx of veterans that
followed caused the Inter-Frater-
nity Council to set up a special
committee to investigate Univer-
sity regulations governing eligibil-
ity of fraternity men for dormi-
tory space. -
SINCE 1946 fraternities at Mi-
chigan have undergone many
changes-the major one being the
revamping of rushing and pledg-.
ing procedures.
"Help Week" has superseded
the traditional "Hell Week" and
most fraternities cooperate with
the IFC in doing constructive
work for the University and the
A councilor system was also set
up last fall to advise rushees on
the intricacies of rushing and to
help solve their problems..Such a
system might have proved useful
in 1948 when three coeds pledged
three traternities after an hour-
long tour during which they
smoked black cigars behind a not-
too-successful disguise of men's
* * *
THE CURRENT major issue in-
volving fraternities has been the
pressure for the removal of bias
clauses in fraternity constitutions.
At present the Acacia plan,
which calls for the removal of bias
clauses through the efforts of the
individual houses with the help
of the IFC Counseling and Infor-
mation service, is in effect.
It was adopted after seven
months of intermittent heated
discussion that followed the veto
by retired President Alexander G.
Ruthven of the SL-SAC time limit
ruling calling for the removal of
all fraternity bias clauses by 1956.
Klein Directs
Choirs Tonight
The University Arts Chorale and
University Women's Choir, con-
ducted by Prof. Maynard Klein of
the music school 'wil present a
public concert at 8:30 p.m. to-
night in Hill Auditorium.
During the first half of the pro-
gram, the Choir will sing "Veni
Rogo In Cor Meum," by Heinrich
Schutz, "Psalm 13, Op. 27" by
Johannes Brahms, "Psalm 1" by

Ross Lee Finney and "Rosemary"
by Randall Thompson.

. . .*


-Daily-Bruce Knoll
TUNING UP-Phi Delta Theta song leader, Dave Calahan, '53
BAd, tuns up fraternity brothers Henry Neil, '53, Joe White, '53,
and Bruce Rogers, '54, for the annual IFC Sing to be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. The sing is one of the highlights of
Greek Week which starts today and ends Saturday with ,the
IFC Ball.
ENSIAN DISTRIBUTION Friday and Saturday,
May 16 and 17, at the Student Publications Bldg.

City Barbers
Plan To Raise
Haircut Prices
Men's haircut prices are due for
a 25 Cent price rise in Ann Arbor
in the near future according to
Ernest Dascola, president of the
Ann Arbor Barbers Association.
The increase would be tailored
after a Detroit price raise where
haircut fees were upped 25 cents
on week-days and 50 cents on
Saturdays and days preceding
holidays. Weekend and pre-holi-
day cuts might not have as big a
jump as in Detroit, Dascola in-
The association is nbw conduct-
ing a survey to get member's atti-
tudes on the price raise. The raise
will probably go into effect Mon-
day if a favorable response is


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