SL'S PROCEDURAL RED TAPE' See Page 4 Sir ujau :43 at C- Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI No. 157 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 195 i Lack of Gas May Force DSR To Halt Strike Settlement Near Says SB Unless more gasoline is made available by striking unionsd.the Department of Streets and Rail- ways may be forced to stop service on 59 lines in the Detroit area, DSR General Manager Leo J. No- wicki announced yesterday. DSR officials last night consid- ACCORDING to Floyd Rue, president of Local 456, and Fred Fell, business agent of Local 389, everything would depend on the outcome of DSR talks with a gas- oline distributing company. However in emergency meet- iFll b iess age t A Lct g supply more gas, later hinted that they might relent. Core of the dispute dies in the employment of eight non-union drivers by the gasoline distribut- ing company, which supplies the DSR with gasoline. Members of Local 456 refused to load trucks for the nonunion drivers at a fat pock refinery. Detroit officials were meeting with Edward Fleischman, presi- dent of the company, to 'work the that if the talksNwihkFleischman fail curtailment of DSR service c 4T+ t,. .j 4 ice" t4 4 . - 4 + DRAWING SHOWS PROPOSED NEW $2,650,000 COUNTY COURT HOUSE STEEL PRESENTS CASE:. CLOUDY, WARMED SIX PAGES Court House Site Given Approval County Board of Supervisors Gives OIL. After 15 Years of Delay By ERIC V ETTER After fifteen years of delay the County Board of Supervisors voted approval of thesite for the proposed $2,650,00h County Court House yesterday. Two hours of parliamentary procedure and heated debate pre- ceeded the vote which provides for the new structure to be located on the present court house site. The 25-7 decision paves the way for a November vote on. a bond issue to finance the structure. LAST MINUTE attempts to sidetrack the passage by factions from the Southeastern part of the county failed when a proposed amendment calling for a public Court Told Seizure WillCause Losses I -Daily-Matty Kessler ATOM DAY PARTICIPANTS-Walker L. Cisler, president of the Detroit Edison Co., looks over an "Atom Day" program with President Harlan H. Hatcher and Phoenix Project Director Dean Ralph A. Stewart of the Graduate School. * * * * Phoenix Progress Cited; In Atom Day Pro gram By VIRGINIA VOSS Industry and education joined hands yesterday as nearly 400 busi- ness executives spent "A Day with the Atom" to review the University's progress in the field of atomic research. Sponsored by the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, the "Atom Day" crowded schedule included talks coordinating the scientific, edu- cational, and economic implications of atomic energy in peace-time use and exhibition tours to campus research facilities. The huge assembly of prominent commerce and industry represen- tatives present expressed "amazement at the progress of the Phoe- nix Project" and interest in fur- ~~~~~ +'ni hafnr hl-XT~ Sr 'WASHINGTON- (A') -The Su- preme Court was told yesterday by the steel companies that govern- ment seizure of their mills could lead to losses of as high as 300 mil- lion dollars. An administration lawyer call- ed such fears "a lot of fantastic hobgoblins." * * * YESTERDAY'S arguments wound up the debate on what may be one of the historic constitution- al questions: - World News Roundup By The Associated Press JACKSON - Commenting on minor new outbreaks which up- set Jackson prison over the week- end, Warden Julian N. Frisbie yesterday annonced a new "get tough" policy. Meanwhile, the governor's fact- finding committee reported that the real causes of the riot were overcrowding and understaffing and the bill for repairing the riot- torn prison was officially estimat- ed at $1,091,548. * ~* * KOREA-Brig. Gen. Haydon L. Boatner, an experienced combat general, has been assigned the command of tense Koje Island. On the truce talk front, Vice- Admiral C. Turner Joy agreed to meet again today at Panmunjom as U.S. Fifth Air Force fighters reported five MIGs destroyed in air action. What right does a President have to seize private property? The only hint given on how long it may take to reach a decision came from Justice Jackson. He said from the bench that he would oppose handing down any decision until the opinion has been written. OCCASIONALLY, in an impor- tant case, the Court announces its ruling and then hands down a formal opinion later. Jackson said he would oppose such a procedure here. Most of the arguments yes- terda were devoted to (1) dam- ages, and (2) whether President Truman should have used the Taft-Hartley Act instead of seizing the mills, as he did on April,. 9. John W. Davis, 79-year-old for- mer Democratic presidential can- didate, spoke for the companies. Davis said there was no way to figure how much the companies may be hurt. But he saidrSecre- tary of Commerce Sawyer, who took over the mills, has "three, four, five times" talked of raising the wages of the 650,000 CIO steel- workers., Students Told Final Decision By Committee The McPhaul dinner episode came to a formal end yesterday when the last two of the five stu- dents who were placed on proba- tion were formally notified that the decision of the Sub-Committee on Discipline still stands. The notices came after the five students had been granted a re- hearing before the sub-commit- tee to protest tileir probation. The students were, placed on probation for "failure to cooper- ate" with the Joint Judiciary Council in the McPhaul dinner in- vestigation. - Those who received 'letters yes- terday from the Office of Student Affairs are Ed Shaffer, Grad. and Steve Smale, Grad. The other three students, who were notified Saturday are Valerie Cowan, '54, Dave Luce, Grad. and Myron Sharpe, Grad. According to Shaffer the only channel of further appeal is through President Hatcher's of- fice. "We have decided on no ac- tion yet," Shaffer said. Mighty Sphinx Grabs Slaves- Once again the Pharaoh has commanded his legions to cross the great desert and invade the land of the barbarians to pick slaves for the Pharaoh's court. Once again the East has learn- ed to fear the Pharoah's might. Into the temple, where gathers the Court, came neophyte slaves to the Great Court of Sphinx. Here they learned of many things. Here they learned to dedicate themselves to Michigan, and to the Pharaoh. So came .. . Marvin Anderson, Bert Braun, Dick Beison, Jack Carroll, John Codwell, Jack Cor- bett, George Chin, Ruedi Gingrass, Don Hill, Gordon Hyde, Willard Ikola, Lee Krumbholz, Dich Leach, Miles Lee, Harry Lunn, C. A. Mitts, Milt Mead, Bob McGrath, Snip Nalan, Bob Neary, Fritz Nilsson, Dick O'Shaughnessy, John Ross, Mike Scherer, Thad Stanford, Jay Strickler, Tom Treeger and Eric{ ther meetings Deween 5cit oarb and technicianst IN AN opening session devoted to the. scientific background of atomic science, University scien- tists explained basic nuclear re- search at the University and the uses of radiation and isotopes. Opening the afternoon ses- sion, Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law School examined the legal problems arising from atomic energy development. One of the primary conflicts, he ex- plained is "how far govern- ment censorship can cut across the normal judicial process." A n o t h e r featured speaker, President Harlan H. Hatcher cited the importance of research in the "dross-fertilization o f t h e educational process." He issued a request for continued expansion of research facilities, coupled with continual awareness of "human beings, for whom research is be- ing done.' * * * PREDICTING that atomic pow- er will be commercially practical in the next generation, Prof. Wil- liam Haber of the economics de- partment warned that nuclear re- search "cannot continue to de- velop as a 100% government mon- opoly." ... forsprii 'Ens ian woSale To accommodate the 900 sen- iors who have not bought a Michiganensian, sales will con- tinue through Thursday, ac- cording to Gordon Hyde, '54, 'Ensian Business Manager. A booth will be open on the diagonal in front of the library, with the books going at the usual $6 price. Those who have purchased their copies in advance will be able to pick them up on Friday and Saturday. will be ordered immediately, pos- sibly by 10 per cent. MEANWHILE the nation-wide oil strike continued with no firm prospect of cquick settlement de- spite a Wage Stabilization Boardl (WSB) statement that 'consider- dble progress has been made to- wards settling some of the dis- putes. A hundred or more oil execu- tives, representing major compan- ies across the country, and top of- ficials of a score of oil unions spent the day in separate meetings with WSB members. rg madness .. .an unmentionable WASHINGTON-A move de- veloped in the Senate Armed' Services Committee yesterday 7 to cut an additional 400 million dollars out of the Foreign Aid' Bill - despite two statements' from Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow- er that such a cut might en- danger American security. * * * . SAN FRANCISCO-Gen. Mat- thew B. Ridgway returned home yesterday from 17 months of Asia's hot war with a minimum of fanfare and deeply resolved to "put my shoulder to the wheel" as NATO's new commander. PHILADELPHIA - The CIO steelworkers tossed out a hint of a possible new steel strike threat yesterday as union chief Philip Murray angrily charged the in- dustry with breaking govern- ment labor "rules." MINOT, N.D. - North Dakota Democrats, bitterly embroiled in an intra-party feud, yesterday voted to send 16 uninstructed delegates to the party's national convention. MacArthur Will Visit 'U' A crowded schedule will await Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his party when they arrive in Lansing tomorrow morning. Gen. MacArthur is scheduled to address a joint session of the state legislature at 8 p.m., but a full circuit of tours, receptions and luncheons as well as a huge pa- rade will occupy his time during the day. Mrs. MacArthur will accompany her husband on their two-day Michigan tour which will include a brief visit at the University Fri- day morning. The General will West Answers Russian Plan For Germany By The Associated Press The Western Powers told Russia yesterday they will talk about German unification-and about a peace treaty after that is achieved -only when the Kremlin gives evidence it really means business and is willing to grant freedom to the Germans. Identical notes from the United States, Britain and France advis- ed the Soviet Union that: 1. There can be no discussion of a final peace treaty, as was pro- posed in the Russian note the West was answering, until there is a unified and free German gov- ernment to deal with. 2. That government must have real freedom of action. 3. And the way to set it up is through unfettered all-German elections under conditions to be worked out by an actually impar- tial commission'with access to the whole country, not by a four-pow- er commission as the Reds had proposed. * * * IF RUSSIA insists on rejecting the commission set up by the Uni- ted Nations for this purpose, the three Western Powers said they would consider "any other practi- cal and precise" plan-aside from a group controlled by a Soviet veto. In submitting their proposal, the United States, Britain and France firmly rejected the Soviet demand that a unified Germany must be forbidden in advance to join the Western defense line-up. Awards Given To 722Preps, Dean of Students, Erich A. Wal- ter, announced yesterday that Regents-Alumni Honor Awards at the University have been granted to 722 graduating seniors in state high schools. Regents - Alumni Scholarships went to 473 of the honor award winners. These scholarships carry a stipend equivalent to semester fees for the freshman year and are renewable for three more years. Strandlund Backs *r _ 0 _ _.1_ e 1 DEMOCRATS: Williams, Monroney OpenRally Tomorrow * * * D. S. Leonard Enters Race For Governor Donald S. Leonard, Commission- er of State Police for 29 years, announced yesterday that he will be a Republican Candidate for Governor. Announcement by the recently retired police commissioner ended speculation which previously link- ed his name with the nomination for United States Senator. - - - LEONARD WILL oppose Secre- tary of State Fred M. Alger, Jr., and Lt. Gov. William C. Vanden- berg, in the August 5 state pri- mary. Winner in the primary will most likely face Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams in the November election. Leonard said that he will urge "a restoration of old-fashioned common sense to the Governor's office" and complete harmony with the Legislature. The 49 year old Detroiter also promised an all out attempt to restore the State's financial balance. SL Meets Tonight In East Quad The Student Legislature will meet at 7:30 tonight at Anderson- Strauss dining room in the East Quadrangle. Disoussions on the Lecture Com- mittee and the student book ex- change are on the agenda. SL members will also approve an ap- pointment to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Joe White, '53, last week. referendum on a site failed by a 12-23 vote. This appeared to be the final attempt by the group advocat- ing a Washtenaw Avenue site outside the city limits. In April a one month delay gave the Washtenaw group time to present their plan more fully when it seemed certain passage on the newly approved site would be obtained. The new Court House will be a U shaped structure bounded by E. Huron, N. Main, N. Fourth and E. Ann. It will provide room for services now housed in the old building and many departments located in other buildings. A three story structure, the new Court House will be designed so an additional three stories can be added if more space is necessary *5 * * THE BUILDING'S U shape will enable use of the old structure un- til sufficient work is completed on the new one to allow moving in. A second feature of the new build- ing will be parking space in the rear for upwards of 200 cars. Previous plans for use of the approved site met with disfavor because they did not provide for parking or for accommodations of activities of the present court house. during the construction period. Other factors favoring the use of the present Court House lo- cation included: nearness to trains and bus depots, accessa- bility for townspeople and law- yers, central location for the county's population, present ownership of property and lo- cation next to county jail. The vote on the bond issue ap- pears to be the last great obstacle before construction actually be- gins according to Mack C. Taylor, chairman of the Ann Arbor Citi- zens Court House Committee which strongly advocated the ap- proved site. In 1950 a similar bond proposal was defeated by a small margin. Board member Ruth Dana and city councilman Professor Arthur D. Moore, of the engineering col- lege, predicted approval in the November elections. They cited the desperate need of the new structure and the fact that the voters will probably turn out in larger numbers as reasons for a favorable vote. Taylor estimated construction would take about 14 months once it got under way. Taft Takes Heavy West Virginia Vote Increases Lead In Delegate Race By The Associated Press CHARLESTON, W. Va. - Sen. Robert A. Taft's candidates were leading last night in 13 of the 16 West Virginia primary contests for seats in the Republican Presiden- tial Nominating Convention. Candidates supporting Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower held bare leads in two races. In the popularity voting, Taft was running away from Harold E. Stassen by a margin of five to one. PRIOR TO the outcome in West Virginia, the latest Associated Press tabulation showed Taft lead- ing the GOP field with 349 dele- gates followed by Eisenhower with 300 and Stassen with 23. Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tene see still led the Democratic roster with 1071/2, trailed by Foreign Aid Chief W. Averell Harriman with 93%/ and Senator Richard B. Rus- sell of Georgia with 46/2. The tabulation is based on dele- gates pledged, instructed, favor- able or willing to express a first ballot choice, and on candidate concessions. Meanwhile, Sen. Carlson (R- Kan.), a leader in the Eisen- hower-for-President campaign, told a rally in Mitchell, South Dakota, that the Five-Star Gen- eral "was approached late In 1951 by emissaries of the Dem- ocratic high command who of- fered him the Democratic nom- ination on a platter." Carlson said Eisenhower turned his back on the bid. Countering assertions that Eis- enhower would have to support the Truman Administration's for- eign policies, since the General has been a participant in carrying out the military phases of it in Europe, Carlson declared: "Gen. Eisenhower has spoken often and plainly against the Ad- ministration and its fumbling." ROTC Plans Big Assemly High spots of the Armed Forces Week will be a special assembly o ROTC cadets at Rackham Lecture Hall, tomorrow and the dress9 Armed Forces Day parade Satur- day. The assembly, sponsored by the University ROTC units is directe at the research contributions 0: the University to the Unite States armed forces. Travel Service To Open Today The Union Travel Service wil begin its end of the semester ser vice today. All those who wish to share ride, either as a driver or rider, V different parts of the country ma submit their names in the lobb: of the League, the old entranc of the East Quad, the Law Qua or in the Union lobby. The service will end Thursday May 29, in order to have all ar ran gements complete before fin The second political rally of the semester will glat underway with a bang at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham lecture hall when key Democratic figures Sen. Mike Monroney and Gov. G. Mennen Williams address the local audi- ence on "The Year of Decision: 1952." The Senator from Oklahoma will spend a whirl-wind seven hours in Ann Arbor, during which time he will deliver two speeches and be feted at two dinners. Gov. Williams, favorite son candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination and avowed candidate for reelection at the gubernatorial slot, will be here only for the rally. ARRIVING AT Willow Run Air- port shortly after noon, Sen. Monroney will be .whisked by car to a private luncheon at the Un- ion, where he will address mem- GOV. G. MENNEN WILLIAMS