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See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State p
Open Meetings
President Hatcher Expected To Put
Issue to Regents for Discussion
The Board of Regents holds its monthly meeting at 3 p.m. today
in the Regents Rm. of the Administration Bldg. amidst a simmering
controversy over whether the meetings, now secret, should be opened
to the public.
It is understood that President Harlan H. Hatcher will probably
lay the subject before the Board for discussion and possibly a decision
either confirming the present closed-door policy or opening the
* * * *
THE CHRONIC controversy, which has been an issue in most
Regents elections, but h4s remained for the most part dormant be-
tween campaigns, was recently brought into the limelight by the
Michigan Press Association. The organization has undertaken a cam-
paign to open the meetings of the governing bodies of Michigan and
Michigan State College.
In East Lansing, the open-doors drive seems to be making
headway. Members of the State Board of Agriculture met with
an MPA committee after a regular business meeting yesterday
~ and agreed to open negotiations
with the press on the subject.
> ed ross "The Board didn't make any
promise that they would open the
meeing."Kenneth R. West.
About Candidacy
'A Difficult Decision' Truman Says;
Intentions Still Mystery To Nation
WASHINGTON-(M)-President Truman, in an apparent turn-
about, said in effect yesterday that he hasn't made up his mind whe-
ther to run for another term, and he declared: "It is a difficult de-
cision for me to make."
The President told reporters, at his weekly news conference that
he wasn't trying to "confuse" them. But the effect, capping an 11-
month drama of riddles, served primarily to heighten the mystery of
his intentions.
S** * *
NEARLY A year ago, on March 29, 1951, Truman had said he
knew what he was going to do about running for re-election, but
wouldn't say what decision he had reached. He has since repeatedly
* * * told his news conferences essen-
KING LIES IN STATE--Yeomen of the Guard and Household A QUEEN MOURNS-Queen Elizabeth II, shown veiled in black,
troops stand in mournful silence at the Catafalque bearing the sitting in an auto on her way to view her father's body in West-
coffined body of King George VI in Westminster Hall, London.
The traditional crown and imperial candles may be seen. The minster Hall. The late King George VI was entombed at Wind-
body was moved to Windsor castle for the funeral today. sor Castle today.
X * :i
* * *
Camp Visits
OK'd by Reds
MUNSAN, Korea, Friday, Feb.
15--(R)-Communist staff officers,
yesterday agreed to United Na-
tions terms permitting joint Red
Cross teams to visit prison camps
d assist in prisoner exchange
after a Korean armistice, but on
the fighting front new battles
The Reds capitulated on the
Allied point in submitting a new
plan for exchanging prisoners.
k; But they still balked at the major
issue-voluntary repatriation.
The Communists continued to
demand that both sides release
and repatriate all prisoners with-
in 60 days after a, truce becomes
effective-forcibly if necessary.
The Allies have insisted that pri-
soners be given the right to re-
ject repatriation.
STAFF OFFICERS scheduled a
session on the new nine-point Red
'prisoner plan and on truce super-
vision terms in Panmunjom at 11
a.m., today (9 p.m., Thursday
Ann Arbor time).
The main armistice delega-
tions will resume their plenary
t session tomorrow on recommen-
dations to governments, follow-
ing the return of Vice Adm. C.
Turner Joy from Tokyo.
An Allied truce negotiator said
today he thinks the Reds are stall-
ing until after tomorrow's full
dress session by the top envoys. -
The Senior U.N. truce delegate
conferred yesterday with Gen.
John E. Hull, Army Vice Chief of
Staff; U. Alexis Johnson, Deputy
assistant Secretary of State for
the Far East, and Gen. Matthew
B. Ridgway, Supreme Allied Com-
Hull and Johnson flew in from
Washington earlier in the day.
Hull promptly brushed off spe-
culation that he brought instruc-
tions from Washington but ac-
knowledged that armistice nego-
tiations were discussed with Ridg-
way and Joy.
* * *
MEANWHILE, in Seoul, the
Communists last night broke the
quiet of the Korean battlelines
with a 1,100-man attack that was
r shattered by a storm of Allied fire
on the eastern front.
It was the largest Communist
attack in four weeks or more.
The Communists threw o u t
feeler thrusts all along the 155-
mile front, testing the strong Al-
lied defenses.
The struggle in the East raged
in Mundung valley for an hour.
One Allied unit was almost sur-
rounded. It hurled back the Reds
without a casualty of its own.
Sen. Connally
Raps Hungary
WASHINGTON -(A)-- Senator
connally (D-Tex.), chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, accused Communist
Hungary of "blackmail" and "ex-
tortion" yesterday and moved for
1Cu ls , X-11rr1 L. ~ ,
chairman of the MPA group and
managing editor of the Lansing
State Journal, said "but at least
we can report some progress to-
wards arriving at an understand-
THUS FAR the Regents have
planned no meetings with the
MPA. However, the scheduling of
such a session might well be an
outcome of today's Board meet-
Or, if a representative commit-
tee from MPA makes a surprise
appearance, as has been rumored,
it was learned that the Regents
wouldprobably be willing to dis-
cuss the problem with MPA now.
Another rumor has been cir-
culating to the effect that some
press representatives would try
to "crash" the meeting. This
happened at the Agriculture
Board session yesterday as re-
porters from the Associated
Press, United Press and Detroit
Free Press were refused admis-
sion to the meeting.
State Attorney General Frank
G. Millard declared Monday in re-
sponse to an MPA-inspired re-
quest for a ruling that the two
groups were entirely within their
legal rights in keeping their meet-
ings closed.
There was a possibility that the
Regents might not consider the
subject until the March meeting.
However, it seems likely that at
least a discussion of the issue will
be held today.
Report Cause
Of N.J. Crash
ELIZABETH, N.J.-(P)-A com-
bination of an engine failure and a
rare propeller system defect caus-
ed the crash of a DC-6 airliner
Monday with the loss of 32 lives,.
the Civil Aeronautics Board indi-
cated yesterday.
Joseph O. Fluet, chief CAB re-
gional investigator, said prelimi-
nary findings showed the right in-
board propeller of the four-en-
gined National Airlines ship was
The National Airlines plane
crashed into an apartment house
far to the right of its normal
T h r e e crashes within two
months took a total of 118 lives in
Chinese Say Britain's KingGeorgeBuri
West Want
a o
SAN FRANCISCO - (?) - 15
China's Premier Chou En-Lai y
terday charged the United Sta
Britain and Japan were prepari
for a new, larger-scale war
Asia and reminded the world
the military alliance between
country and Russia.
He spoke in Peiping at a me
ing honoring the second anniv
sary of the Sino-Soviet Treaty
Friendship, Alliance and Mute
Assistance. The talk was bro;
cast in English by Peiping Ra
and heard here by the Associa
CHOU CITED a long list of
legedly aggressive acts by
western powers and declared:
"American imperialism ar
its satellite states are revivi:
Japanese militarism, are pro
ing hostile to China and tl
Soviet Union, are menacih
Asia and preparing for m
aggressive war on a still greal
lHe threatened that the plans
the western powers "will in
future receive still more tell
Then Chou cited the milit:
clause of the treaty pledg:
China and Russia to aid e=
other in event of an attack
Japan or any state allied k
that country."
Tunisian Leader
Shot by Assassin
TUNIS, Tunisia-(P)-Repo
from Gafsa said yesterday
Caliph of that South Tunisan c
ter, a pro-French leader, has b(
Two French gendarmes w
killed near there Wednesday a
French military patrols were fij
on yesterday in a renewed o
break of Tunisian nationalist v
LONDON-()-Britain buried'
George VI at Windsor Castle today
with the trappings and words of
ancient ritual climaxing 10 days
of mourning since the monarch's
The last somber journey from
London to the old seat of Britain's
Kings was set to begin from West-
minster Hall at 4:30 a.m. Ann Ar-
bor time, only a few hours after
the great iron-studded doors clang
homage the closed coffin with the
body of "George the Good."
The reigning Queen Elizabeth
II, unnoticed by the thousands
streaming in homage past the
bier, stood silently for 10 min-
utes obscured in a shadowy
doorway of the great hall last
Storms Die
shut on the public lying-in-state W hie Nr*
of the dead sovereign. n' ie .iattoi
* * *
Upe T0 MIDNIGHT, 283,394 ConsT l
peon had filed past the purple-T
covered catafalque which for three
days has held aloft for public By The Associated Press
The weather settled down to a
normal wintry pattern yesterday
G 1 after an eruption of tornadoes,
'UPuts nd m ny ":ns
which claimed at least four lives.
Four persons were killed and 100
M arri +were injured in tornadoes which
! £ .hopscotched across Tennessee, Al-
Talk Oe'i s abama, Arkansas and Missouri
Wednesday. Homes and buildings
The Marriage Lecture Series,'
given during each spring semes-
ter for the past 14 years, was sus-
pended yesterday by the Marriage
Lecture Series Committee because
of apparent lack of student in-
The Committee'srdecision was
based on the reports of student
and administrative members. A
declining interest in the series
since 1947-culminating in a $491
deficit last year-also influenced
the decision.
IN THE PAST, nationally rec-
ognized psychologists, sociologists
and medical men were included in
the series. Tickets, pegged at
$1.20 per person, admitted .stu-
dents to five discussions on the
education of spouses, religion and
adaptability, the medical basis
for sane sex practice and other
related subjects.
Reports from the different
student representatives on the
committee ran from favorable
to a strong disinterest. The re-
port showing little interest in
the series came from represen-
tatives of the League. Students
from the men's organizations
were more favorable toward
continuing the marriage lecture
Erich A. Walter, Dean of Stu-
dents, expressed the feeling of the
committee in a comment, "I don't
believe we should attempt to press
the series on the students unless
there is a widespread interest."
After the meeting, Ivan Parker,
Assistant to the Dean of Students
and chairman of the Marriage
Lecture Series Committee, indi-
cated that if sufficient student in-
terest was shown toward the lec-
tures within a week it might be
possible to continue the series
this spring.
Registration Still
Open For Rushing'
Rushing registration will con-
tinue through Wednesday in the
Interfraternity Council's booths
on the first floor of the Adminis-
were smashed, telephone cables!
ripped down and power linesI
Hailstorms were reported in
Mississippi and inhthe tornado
area, with some hailstones de-'
scribed by witnesses as "as big as!
baseballs." There were thunder-
storms in the southeast.
Colder weather moved into the"
northern tier of states yesterday'
and appeared set to remain for
a few days at least. Widespread~
light snow fell yesterday from the
northern and central plains east-
ward into the Central Mississippi
valley. Sleet which struck central
Illinois and Indiana early yester-
day had ended, leaving a number
of power and telephone lines down
in Indiana and many roads haz-
Little change in temperatures
was expected, except for some-
what cooler readings in parts of
the southeastern section of the
Senator Charges '
New Tax Fraud
WASHINGTON - (: - Sen.
John J. Williams (R-Del.) said on
the Senate floor yesterday a
$636,000 government tax bill
against a midwest brewing com-
pany was, changed to a $35,000
refund after former U.S. Tax
Commissioner Joseph D. Nunan!
Jr., got a special permit to repre-
sent the firm.
The Senator asserted that a spe-
cial waiver allowing Nunan to act<
as attorney for the company was;
granted by the treasury.I
ed Today
night, joining in the people's
reverent farewell to her father.
She came in a surprise visit to
the hall just after nightfall with
her sister, Princess Margaret, and
her husband, the Duke of Edin-
Shortly before midnight, the
widowed Queen Mother Elizabeth
also visited Westminster hall on a
pilgrimage of sorrow.
MEANWHILE the Duke of
Windsor was driving 20 miles to
Frogmore Village to get his ad-
miral's uniform out of mothballs.
The ex-King appeared as an
Admiral of the Fleet-a rank he
still holds-when he walked in
the royal funeral procession for
his brother.
The uniform is the one he wore
when he was Kirig Edward VIII.
Preparations were quickly and
efficiently completed last night in
Windsor as slopes leading up to
St. George's Chapel, where King
George VI was entombed, we're
being converted into a garden of
colors. There were flowers from
the ends of the earth.
Within the chapel, lights gleam-
ed. Some choir singers were prac-
ticing softly. Workmen were plac-
ing seats and covering the stone
floors of the chapel with mauve
colored carpets and strips of white
Student Hurt
In Smashup
A three-car crackup in front of
the Natural Science Building last
night resulted in head injuries for
a University student, Littleton
Bachus, '52.
The accident occurred when
Bachus stopped short before the
building's door to drop off Orville
Van Eck, Grad. A car driven by
Dale Westfall, a high school stu-
dent, smashed into the double-
parked Buick, propelling it into
the rear fender of another parked
car and causing Bachus' head to
hit a sun-visor.
Neither of the other men were
hurt and Bachus was discharged
from the Health Service after
Morse Raps Taft
Morse (R-Ore.), in language
plainly directed at Senator Taft
(R-Ohio), yesterday denounced
attacks on the Joint Chiefs of
Staff as "a great public disser-
Asks Power
For Morris
WASHINGTON -- ) - Presi-
dent Truman, countering charges
that his clean-up-the-government
program is really a "whitewash,"
asked Congress yesterday to give
cleanup chief Newbold Morris the
power to subpoena witnesses and
records from outside the govern-
The President announced his
action at a news coiference in
which he also said, giving no de-
tails, that the question of his
seeking another term in -the
White House is a "difficult deci-
sion" for him to make. .
IN NEW YORK, Morris said he
accepted the cleanup post on
three conditions, all of them
acceded to yesterday by Mr. Tru-
Morris said he demanded
subpoena powers for witnesses
outside of government. He said
he did not need them for gov-
ernent employeebecause they
could be fired if they refused to
Morris said he also insisted on
moving out of the Justice Depart-
ment and into a commercial
Finally, he demanded an inde-
pendent budget for his operations.
"All of these things show. I'm
independent and not acting under
the Attorney General," Morris ex-
* * * .
at the outset of his news confer-
ence that he was asking Congress
to vote subpoena powers for Mor-
ris so that the New York Republi-
can lawyer can make a thorough
search for any "illegal or impro-
per conduct in the transaction of
T he proposed legislation
which the President sent to the
capitol also would give Morris
what Mr. Truman called "the
power to compel testimony by
granting immunity in appropri-
ate cases."
- In essence, it provides that in
cases where Morris forces wit-
nesses to give self-incriminating
testimony, they shall not be pro-
secuted, except for perjury or
contempt, on the basis of it. Any
witness who refused to testify de-
spite the immunity could be pros-
ecuted for contempt. And a wit-
ness could be prosecuted for per-
jury if he gave false testimony.
Senator Mundt (R-S.D.) de-
nounced the immunity proposal as
"an outrage" and said "Congress
never will grant it." The Senate
Judiciary Committee must pass on
the legislation.
Mr. Truman told a reporter his
action would answer newspapers
which have charged-as many
Republican nembers of Congress
also have done-that the cleanup
program actually is an attempt to
"whitewash" the Administration.
tially the same thing.
But yesterday he clearly in-
dicated that he still doesn't
know himself the answer to the
big question.
The White House underscored
the importance of the President's
remarks - by authorizing direct
quotations on the subject. Ordin-
arily, his news conference re-
marks may not be directly quoted.
"I don't want to confuse you,"
Truman told newsmen. "I have
told you it is a difficult decision
for me to make, and as soon as it
is time for the announcement to
be made, you will have the infor-
mation promptly."
TRUMAN also sought to dis-
courage newsmen from taking too
much stock in what visitors to the
White House say about his plans.
Some 'of them have carried out
widely varying impressions.
The point arose when a reporter
asked about quotations attributed
to the President by one of yester.
day's White House visitors, Ben-
jamin Browdy, New York Zionist
leader. Browdy had quoted Tru-
man as saying he would make up
his mind "within 10 to 15 days"
about running again; '
"Well," Truman said, "you
know everybody is entitled to
have his say when he comes
out of the 'President's office,
but I wait to tel you fellows
that whenever I get ready to
make an announcement I will
make it to you.
The President refused to en-
gage in a debate at his news con-
ference over Robert A. Taft's
statement that the Korean con-
flict is a "Truman war."
The chief executive said the
public would have to come to its
own conclusion about that.
Meanwhile, Taft continued his
stumping tour through the North-
west after telling overflow crowds
in Portland, Ore., that he is the
Republican party's best bet for
the presidency.
Place Lecture
Ban on Ballot,
Group Asks
In an effort to mobilize student
opinion against the University
Lecture Committee, the Civil Lib-
erties Committee voted last night
to circulate petitions resulting in
placement of the issue as a refer-
endum on the, spring Student Leg-
islature election ballot.
According to SL regulations, the
committee must have 600 signa-
tures by March 1 if the referen-
dum is to go on the SL ballots
early in April.
Students will be asked to sign
the petitions if they favor place-
ment of the following tentatively
worded question on the spring bal-
lot: "Do you oppose the power of
any administrative committee
(such as the Lecture Committee)
to restrict any recognized campus
organization in their choice of
speakers and their subjects as log
as such speakers and subjects do
not lead to direct violence."
The- Civil Liberties group also
voted to send letters to. several
newspapers deploring the presence
of the House Un-American Acti-
vities Committee in the event that
that body comes to the Detroit
The Un-American Activities
Committee has made known that
it intends to inkstigate two uni
versities in the Detroit area at
the end of the month.
'Ensian Price Will
World News Roundup
3 1
By The Associated Press
NAPLES, ITALY-Hundreds of warships and warplanes of the
United States, Britain, France and Italy will open a nine-day test of
their fighting power in the Mediterranean Feb. 26.
* * * *
VIENNA-Austria's five-day Alpine disaster claimed its 29th vic-
tim last night, raising to 33 the number killed in avalanches since the
beginning of the winter.
WASHINGTON-Senator Humphrey (D-Minn.) says "we
cannot afford further delay" in joining with Canada to build the
St. Lawrence seaway.
WASHINGTON-A presidential board recommended yesterday
that the nation's railroads grant the union shop and dues check-off
to 17 unions representing a million non-operating railworkers.
WASHINGTON-National Commander Donald R. Wilson, of
the American Legion, endorsed Universal Military Training yes-
Horse Shy Chicago Offered Free Beef
CHICAGO --(R)-- Horsemeat-
wary Illinoisans yesterday were in-
vited to eat hamburgers at a 20-
hour free-loading marathon.
The stated purpose is "to re-
store faith in the traditional
will be served "absolutely free
to the public" from 6 a.m. to-
day until 2 a.m. tomorrow.
"Preparations," the announce-
ment said, "are made to serve up-
ward1 0f 0 nnn enleAnnuiing+h
Chicago Board of Health has quit.
Two food inspectors on his staff
have been suspended..
Charges of peddling unlabeled
horsemeat have been filed against
n Amnn m' n