FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________________________________________________________________________ I ________________________________________ I _____________________________________________________________ I May Day in Vienna (EDITOR'S NOTE: This another in a series of articles written by Harvey Gross, a former University English instructor and Daily music . reviewer, who is now studying in Europe as a Fulbright scholar.) A. GERMAN PROFESSOR has described the new European neurosis as Anti- Americanism: any manifestation of ugliness or 'vulgarity, any discomfort or unpleasant- ness has an American cause. And in the popular European mind, anything unusual, unpredicted, or unseasonable is supersti- tiously linked to the devilish goings-on in Nevada. The suddenness and warmth of this Viennese spring is connected, in some mysterious and sinister way, with American atomic experimentation. I don't think many people really believe this; such talk has nothing to do with belief or fact. Cranks and fools everywhere carry around such mental trash. Yet the primitive feelings about American corruption of nature indi- cate how deep the belief in American skill and power has penetrated popular con- sciousness. American ingenuity and perver- sity have contrived, at a distance of seven thousand miles, to change the weather of Central Europe. All this to say that May Day was ex- ceptionally warm and bright in Vienna; it was more like early July than the first of, May. Vienna is traditionally Socialist and second Internationalist-so May Day has the status of a national holiday and a popular festival; an excuse to take trips in the country and visit friends. There were two parades around the Ringstrasse: the Socialists marched earlier in the morning, the Communists started at elev- en and finished at about two. There were no riots, no disturbances, no clashes be- tween the police and the marchers, or between the Communists and Socialists. Although the Communist theme was a particularly poisonous and vicious kind of anti-Americanism, we walked around the Ring undisturbed. The theme this year was the accusation of American bacteriological warfare in Kor- ea. So effective a piece of propaganda has the cry of 'plague war' been, that even the usually unexcited editor of The New States- man and Nation has suggested that maybe there is Something Behind It After All. The Communists have exploited every aspect of this elaborate and fantastic lie: painted slo- gans have appeared on walls and streets saying 'Pest-Ami Go Home'-a modification of that great European ironic favorite, 'Ami Go Home.' 'Pest-Ami Go Home' was shouted by the Communist speakers, chanted by the marchers, but not picked up by the on- looking crowd. As usual, the Viennese did not respond to the Communist stimulation; -they have not forgotten the raping and plundering of 1945. Of course the whole atrocity business is cynically treated by the Viennese themselves, and they -will freely admit that many of the girls hollered after they were attacked and that many of the Russian plunderers turned out to be yout next-door neighbors. But if the Russians are not loved, neither are the Americans: Vienna is tired and ir- ritated with the long occupation. Even the Socialists were carrying signs reading "Ami Go Home and Ivan Too." There was one large cartoon showing the East and West Railroad Stations and GI Joe and Comrade Ivan surrounded by a Viennese crowd shout- ing "Gute Reise" (pleasant journey). When the Communists marched past the American held Bristol Hotel they shook their fists in comic opera menace and shouted their slo- gan, "Pest Ami Go Home." This Communist lie has been so success- ful and American counter-propaganda so feeble that I feel America has suffered a ' real loss in European prestige. The point is that many Europeans are beginning to believe America wages bacteriological war- fare, or if not believe it, willing to admit that the possibility exists. And so virulent is this plague lie and plague of lies that we have noted the effects on ourselves. The infection has contaminated the asep- tic certainty that we hold in American virtue. The point is that no one remains unshaken by effective propaganda; and the temptations of the sensitive, the in- telligent, and the morally intent are as great as those offered St .Anthony. Henry James has described the moral in- nocence of Americans when faced with the accumulated experience and the potential corruption of Europe. We have felt the great force of experience and the force of cor- ruption in this most unsubtle matter of political propaganda. We can hope that we have lost some of our dangerous innocence; more important, we hope that we haven't lost the other American qualities admired by James-spontaneity, integrity, and open- ess. -Harvey Gross Vienna, May 5, 1952 DORIS FLEESON: Stevenson May Be Persuaded To Accept 'Dem' Nomination MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Last Friday, the man of destiny came to Washington. Governor John Fine of Pennsylvania is a smallish, plumpish man, neatly but far from nattily dressed, his balding head a gleaming ex- panse of pink, his face comfortably be-jow- elled. At first glance, he might pass for a not very successful small businessman from Nanticoke, the grimy Pennsylvania coal town where he was born in poverty. There is a certain shrewdness in the small sleepy grey eyes peering out from behind the gold-rimmed spectacles. And there is shrewdness also in the remarks which the Governor utters in his peculiar confidential whisper. But what is really interesting about Governor Fine is that he controls the largest bloc of, uncom- mitted Republican delegates (variously estimated from thirty to fifty, the Gov- ernor's own figure) still loose in the Uni- ted States. As the Governor himself remarked last Friday, with visible relish, eI'm being kinda wooed." The results of all this wooing might quiet possibly determine the outcome of the Republican convention in July. This is what makes Governor Pine a man of destiny. A visit by General Douglas MacArthur to the Pennsylvania State Fair at Allentown some time ago isiin turn very likely to af- fect Governor Fine's course, at least ini- tially. Fine is a professional politician from one of Pennsylvania's toughest counties, and he is unaccustomed to consorting with the great. He is also a rather lonely man, and when MacArthur discussed lofty in- ternational issues with Fine, and was nice to his children, something of a spell was cast on the Pennsylvania governor. As of the moment, accordingly, Fine is rather obviously inclined to throw his delegate herd to MacArthur on the first ballot at Chicago, probably by prior ar- rangement with the Grundy-Owlett .Old Guard Pennsylvania machine. He and' Senator James Duff beat this machine in the last election, in one of the bitterest political fights in recent years. But Fine has now clearly reached the conclusion that an amicable working arrangement with the Owlett-Grundy faction is only sensible. Fine has been in recent and frequent con- tact with MacArthur, and he would certain- ly like to be the leader of a MacArthur movement in case of a deadlock. But he is also a practical politician, and as a practical matter he expects that either Senator Ro- bert A. Taft or General Dwight D. Eisen- hower will be the party choice. His admir- ation for MacArthur itself says a good deal about Fine's political views. The way he talks about "foreign spending" and related subjects puts him ideologically at least, rather firmly in the Taft rather than the Eisenhower camp. Mason Owlett and Jo- seph Grundy are, of course, in the same camp, also Owlett at least, has been careful not to commit himself publicly. Therefore it is a reasonable guess that Fine is also strongly inclined to switch to Taft if and when the time seems right. But the time will seem right if-and only if-Senator Taft's nomination will there- by be assured. Otherwise Governor Fine will certainly very easily overcome his private doubts about foreign spending, and turn to Eisenhower. Governor Fine is not, of course, in a mood to commit himself about such future con- tingencies, having achieved his present uni- que and enviable position by refusing to take a stand on any candidate. Yet the basic facts of his position, which will determine his course are clear enough. Although he could ask for and get just about anthing he wants, he has no hankering for national office. When he says this he sounds con- vincing. What he does want is to be a big frog in the national political lake, and the biggest frog of all in the Pennsylvania poli- tical pond. This is one reason why he has made his peace with the Grundy-Owlett faction and the Grundy-Owlett crowd will certainly do their best to pull Fine over to Taft. Yet if Fine is-to be the kind of really big frog he wants to be, it is essential that the Republicans win, especially in Phila- delphia which they lost in the last elec- tion for the first time in decades. The Philadelphia leaders are strongly Eisen- hower-minded, on the theory that Eisen- hower's coattails are longer and stronger than Taft's. Finally, it is absolutely es- sential to Fine that he should throw his support, when the time comes, to the winner. If Fine backs the loser, all the unique glories of his present position will turn to ashes in his mouth. He himself clearly be- lieves, on the basis not of personal prefer- ence but of cool political judgment, that Eisenhower is more likely than Taft to be nominated. This is why, on balance, the odds are that Pennsylvania's man of destiny will land in the Eisenhower camp in the end. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) YOUNG MEN are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for coun- sel, and fitter for new projects than for set- tled business; for the experience of age in things that fall within the compass of it, directeth them; but in new things abuseth them ,... Young men, in the conduct and management of actions, embrace more than they can hold. stir more than they can auiet; "Eni Garde!"' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN , ,: " , ' G '° rs ,y ,/ .. ; C. / 9 sj *,,,ss +4I+ .+M.AAJ4' ~w CHICAGO-Some Midwest Democrats who are still planning to make Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois the party's nominee for President have evolved an interesting argument which they are busily disseminat- ing among the trade. Their story runs like this:, Stevenson's present reluctance is a good thing because it is ridding him of the Tru. man label. Had he appeared willing to accept the crown from the President's hands when It was offered him, he would have gotten with it the. Administration liabilities. He would have been tagged the crown ,prince, stuck with the corruption issue and the cronies. Now, they continue, he can emerge as the honest draft of his party, the choice of the rank and file. Having explained that everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds, CURRENT MOVIES At The Michigan *., PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS, with Dan Dailey and Joanne Dru. THIS MOVIE attempts to follow the ca- reer of Dizzy Dean, onetime mainstay of the St. Louis Cardinal's pit'ching staff. from his barefoot days on the sandlots of the deep South to his present post as a pleas- antly illiterate baseball announcer. Like most film biographies of still-living person- ages, this 'one is hampered by the strictly factual and commonplace quality of the material which it chooses to use. Our in- sight into Diz's personal crises never gets much beyond that which could be derived from a newspaper story; it always seeTs incomplete. Dan Dailey, who manages a convincing imitation of the Dean dialect and affabil- ity, and Joanne Dru, as a very attractive Mrs. Dean, handle capably what the script has to offer. Except for the first few scenes in which she is wooed and won by the bumptious backwoodsman, Miss Dru's role is rather meager. It consists mainly of looking tense and worried in various grandstands and hotel rooms while Dailey acclimates himself to the fact that he is washed up as a ballplayer. Hollywood should perhaps try to invent some new devices for capturing the drama of a baseball game. Umpires emphatically shouting "Strike" and stadiums of cheering people don't quite do it. Though its shortcomings are several and 11 they profess to see also a new light in the governor's eye since his contact with cheer- ing crowds in New York and on the West coast. They are not quite prepared to promise to deliver him at Chicago if General Eis- enhower is nominated by the Republicans; they assert no doubt that he would make the race against Senator Taft. Governor Stevenson has said publicly that the election of Senator Taft would be a calamity.- He has been long and closely associated with General Eisenhower. It is known also that some of his friends have advised him that 1956 is his year and that he should passively cooperate with an Eisenhower vic- tory this fall. The General, he is assured, can't last more than one term and in that time he will have cleared out the Demo- cratic deadwood that offers such a discour- aging prospect to a new Democratic Presi- dent. What Governor Stevenson thinks of all this-and he must know that it is being said-is his secret. Publicly, he has not altered his position. However, so long as the Democrats lack a strong candidate-and they still think they do-Stevenson will be kept in the picture by Boss Jake Arvey of Chicago and others. Outside of Washington there seems to be little talk of a Truman draft, though this is not put beyond the bounds of possibility should Republicans choose Senator Taft as their nominee. How to persuade Democratic leaders to move their man from the second level to the first in their considerations is the great problem of the Kefauver camp. Despite the fact that the Democratic nomination seems to. be going begging, no general impression exists that the election is over, that any Republican can win. Per- haps this is only because the 1948 lesson on overconfidence still is fresh in people's minds. But it is rather interesting that, with all its handicaps of the moment, the party in power is rated still formidable. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Books At The Library Behrman, S. N.-DUVEEN. New York, Random House, 1952. Caldwell, Erskine - A LAMP FOR NIGHTFALL. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1952. ON THE WVsintnMerry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-When the nine black-robed justices of the Supreme Court assemble today, they will not hear arguments merely on seizure of the steel mills. They will also have echoing in the back- ground of the court chamber 150 years of argument over the same vital question of the President's power and where does it stop. - They will likewise have as precedents at least four famed Republicans who did pretty much the same thing as Mr. Truman, Democrat. It's possible that the Supreme Court may try to duck this basic issue. If so, they have an easy way out. They can cite their own opinion in 1867 when the State of Mississippi sought an injunction against President Andrew Johnson to prevent him from "reconstruct- ing" Mississippi's government, and when the court ruled that no court has the power to enjoin the President of the United States. Therefore, the Supreme Court today, citing this, could find that Judge Pine had no right to enjoin Secretary of Commerce Sawyer who was carrying out the direct orders of the President. This, however, would not decide the fundamental issue of the President's power-a debate which began about the time the Consti- tution was written and which has probably found more Republicans than Democrats upholding the powers now claimed by Mr. Truman. Here are some of them. ILLEGAL WAR W4ITH FRANCE' REPUBLICAN NO. to side with Mr. Truman was none other than the founder of the party, Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton went so far as to claim that the President of the United States had just as great power as the King of England when he ruled the 13 colonies. Among other things, Hamilton declared that, though the Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war, the President also has the power to make or declare war without the consent of Congress. REPUBLICAN NO. 2 was President John Adams who con- ducted an undeclared naval war with France in 1798. He even recalled George Washington from retirement at Mount Vernon to assume command of the American Armed Forces in preparation for a full-scale military operation. All this he did without author- ization from and despite bitter opposition from Congress. Incidentally, Thomas Jefferson, founder of Harry Truman's par- ty, disagreed with Hamilton and Adams. But later, on becoming Presi- dent, Jefferson followed their ideas by conducting war on the Bar- bary Pirates; President Madison likewise ordered Gen. Andrew Jack- son to take over Florida without any okay from Congress. PROPERTY ILLEGALLY SEIZED REPUBLICAN NO. 3 to set important precedents for Harry Tru- man was the man generally considered the foremost leader of the Republican Party-Abraham Lincoln. It was Lincoln who, without any congressional permission, en- gineered the most sweeping seizure of private property in all American history-the Emancipation Proclamation. There is no doubt, as far as actual legality was concerned, that the freeing of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of slaves was highly ques- tionable. Lincoln pushed the Presidential power to its limits in other res- pects. He set up military commissions to supersede the courts, sus- pended the writ of habeas corpus, and forcibly disbanded the Mary- land legislature. REPUBLICAN NO. 4 who seemed to agree with President Truman was Teddy Roosevelt. It was Teddy's belief that, regardless of Con- gressional consent, the President was the "steward" of the national welfare, and empowered to take any action for the national safety so long as the Constitution did not specify otherwise. Thus "TR" seized Panama without even intimating to Con- gress what he was up to. After taking over the Isthmus he asked his Attorney General, Philander C. Knox, to write an opinion upholding the legality of his action. "Mr. President," replied Knox, "I should prefer that your action be without a single taint of legality." TWO ROOSEVELTS IN 1902, Teddy Roosevelt was confronted with a nation-wide anthra- cite strike. There was no war on, and no emergency. However, Teddy felt that the strike threatened the national welfare and that the coal operators, because of their obstinate anti-unionism, were responsible. So Teddy sent word to J. P. Morgan that, if government pro- posals for settlement were not accepted, he would order Federal troops to seize and operate the mines. J. P. Morgan, less combative than the steel masters of 1952, per- suaded the coal operators to wield. Seizure was averted. Aside from these distinguished Republicans, the Supreme Court will doubtless examine some interesting precedents by Democrats, - among them, Andrew Jackson who flouted the will of Congress re- garding the Bank of the United States; to say nothing of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Several times Roosevelt ordered the seizure of strike-bound plants not only during the war, but prior to war. Most notable case came shortly before Pearl Harbor when he seized the North American Aviation Plant in California after Communist sympathizers called a strike in the fall of 1940. FDR promptly ordered the Army to take over. Another drastic seizure by Roosevelt was the internment of more than 10nn wnn estr ant Jannee.Americans in 19 4.Thnneh mnt. nf (Continued from Page 2) anism of Turbulence," Tues., May 13, 4 p.m., in Room 1504 East Engineering Bldg. Interested students, teaching and research staff welcome. Geometry Seminar. wed., May 14, 4:10 p.m., 3001 A. H. Mr. Joseph Ben- nett will talk on "Equidistant Loci in Hyperspace." Orientation Seminar (mathematics). Wed., May 14, 2 p.m., 3001 A. H. Mr. Akers will discuss "Thompson Geome-; try." Seminar in Mathematical Statistics. Wed., May 14, 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Messrs. Tysver and Royston will be the speakers. Doctoral Examination for Carroll H. Clark, Political Science; thesis: "Some Aspects of Voting Behavior in Flint, Michigan-A City with Nonpartisan Municipal Elections," Tues., May 13, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:30~ p.m. Chairman, J. K. Pollock. Doctoral Examination for Martin Richard Kaatz, Geography; thesis: "The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio," Tues., May 13, 17 Angell Hall, at 4 p.m. Chairman, S. D. Dodge. Doctoral Examination for Sidney Ro- sen, Social Psychology; thesis: "Social Power and Interpersonal Adjustment," wed., May 14: 10 a.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, Ron- ald Lippitt. Seminar in Organic Chemistry. 'ues., May 13, 7:30 p.m. 1300 Chemistry Build- ing Miss Kathryn Spackman will speak an "I-Strain." Engineering Mechanics Seminar wed., May 14, 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engi- neering Bldg. Mr. J. R. Sellars will speak on "Some Problems in Stability' of Laminar Flow" Concerts Concerts. The University Musical So- clety announces the following concerts for the season of 1952-1953: CHORAL UNION SERIES. Richard Tucker, tenor, Oct. 8; Yehudi Menu- hin, Violinist, Oct. 22; Danish State Symphony Orchestra, Nov. 13; Vladimt Horowitz, pianist, Nov. 19; Bidu Sayao, soprano, Dec. 1; vienna Boys Choir, Jan. 16; Minneapolis Symphony, Feb. 12; Gershwin Concert Orchestra, Mar. 2; Artur Rubipstein, pianist, Mar. 12; and the Boston Symphony Orchestra, May 19. EXTRA CONCERT SERIES. Rise Ste- vens, mezzo-soprano, Oct. 17; Cleveland Orchestra, Nov. 9; Claudio Arrau, pan- ist, Nov. 25; Heifetz, violinist, Feb. 17; and the Boston "Pops" Tour Orchestra, Mar. 23. Orders for season tickets are now be- ing accepted for both series. Orders are filed in sequence and later filled in the same order and mailed September 15. Address: Charles A. Sink, Presi- den, University Musical Society, Bur-' ton Memorial Tower. Arts Chorale and Women's Choir, Maynard Klein, Conductor, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Wed., May 14, in Hill Auditorium. Solists will include Glenna Gregory, Mar LeCompte, Joan St. Dennis, Ruth Orr, Arthur Jones, Robert Kerns, Sylvia Schreiber, and Donald Haas; Mary Catherine Hutch- ins, Jane Townsend and Kathleen Bond will accompany the groups. Included in the program are compositions' by Brahms, Franck, Wather, Mozart, Ran- dall Thompson, Ralph Vaughan Wi- liams, and Ross Lee Finney of the School of Music faculty. The public is invited. String Quartet Class under the direc- tion of Robert Courte, 8:30 p.m., Tues.,, May 13, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, playing Haydn's Quartet in E-flat ma- jor, Op. 33, No. 2, and J. F. Peter's String Quintet in A major with Two 'Violas. Gail Hewitt and Louise Leonard, violin- ists, Marilyn Palm and walter Evich, violists, and Velma Stretcher, cellist. Open to the general public. Events Today Opening Tonight-Sylvia Sydney in "Goodbye, My Fancy," first play of the 1952 Drama Season, running through Saturday evening with matinees Thurs- day and Saturday. Tickets are on sale daily at the box office, Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre, which is open 10 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. Season tickets for the full series of five plays are still available. MichiganArts Chorale will meet at Hill Auditorium at 7 p.m. 46th Annual French Play: The pic- ture of the cast of "Le Monde ou 1'on s'ennuie" is ready. Call for it in 112, Romance Languages Bldg. Graduade History Club. Meeting, 8 p.m., E. Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the. Social Psychology Program will speak on "Con- cepts of Position and Role." Election of officers for the coming year. Ballet Club: Classes tonight at Bar- bour Gym Dance Studio. Intermediates: 7:15-8:15 p.m. Beginners: 8:15-9:15 p.m. Finance Club. Brief business meeting, 4:15 p.m., Student Lounge of the Busi- ness Administration Building. All mem- bers are requested to attend. Christian Science Organization: Tes- timnonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. Mathematics Club: 8 p.m., East Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Pro- fessor Richard Brauer will speak on "Groups of Collineations of Finite Or- der." Wolverine Club. Meeting, 7:15 p.m. at the League. J-Hop Committee. Meeting, 7 p.m., Room 3N, Union. Women's International House. The Committee for an International House for Women will meet at 7:30 p.m., Nel- son International House, 915 Oakland. Evewyone interested in this project is invited. Deutscher Verein. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 3G, Union. Annual "Faculty Farce Mord in der Deutschen Abteil- una."E lectinn ofrnext vpar's officers. Emory, slides of Sam will be shown and refreshments served. Meet at Lane Hall, 7:15 p.m. for transportation. Coming Events U. of M. Rifle Club will meet Wee., May 14, at the ROTC Rifle Range, 7:15 p.m. A return match with the- Ann Arbor Rifle Club is to be fired. Town and Country Club. Hayride. dancing, refreshments at Huron River Stables. Fri, My 16. Meet at WAB at 8:30 p.m. Call Dieter Hanauer 30521 extension 733 for reservations, Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea and talk, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Wed., May 14. Guild Lounge. 'Cabinet meeting, 8:30 p.m., Guild Lounge. Coffee Hour for students and faculty of Speech and Music, Wed., May 14, 4 to 6 p.m., Union Terrace Room. Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting, wed., May 14, 7:30 p.m., League. Elec- tion of officers. All members are urged to attend. All other persons are we- come, TO THE EDITOR Thai Day... To the Editor: M AY WE add to and correct the announcement m a d e i n Thursday's Daily about the pro- gram being put on as part of In- ternational Week by the Thai As- sociation and the S.R.A. Intercul- tural Department? It will be held today (not 'tomorrow, as was stated). We cordially invite anyone who is interested in learning more about Thailand to meet at Lane Hall (200 S. State) at 7:15 p.m. today. From there we will be tak- en to the home of Prof. and Mrs. Donald Katz for the evening. Our discussion, which will be open to all, will be preceded by color slides of Thailand and followed by refreshments. -Thai Association S.R.A. Intercultural Dept. Insidious Dragon... To the Editor: W HILE RUMMAGING through Bob Marshall's book store the other day, I came across a small, green - bound magazine called "Anceps" which is put out by some local talent. My curiosity over- came my reason and I bought it. The preface to the magazine sets forth certain noble ideals which are admirable until you re- alize oppressively that the author is laughing at you. This insidi- ously-green book then continues on with a gory (but rather well written) short story, some porno- graphic poetry, a morbid bit about carcasses, a take-off on T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" and then a take-off on the take-off, not to mention a take-off on the proverbial critical paper. Even an Emerson-patterned biography is to be found in this dragon-green little book. The reaction with which the reader is left is one of a deflated bubble. Here is an art magazine laughing at art. Why? There are too many affirmative aspects of life to write about. Why accentu- ate the negative (which is creat- ing nothing at all) especially when you have talent. - Patty Jewett ALL I KNOW is that I know nothing. ..-Plato HE WHO CAN does, he who can- not teaches. -G. B. S. 1. w h1 I I" t A A 'V .4 4 Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith..............City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts ............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ,... ..... ..Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker ..... Associate Sports Editor Jan James ....... Women's Editor Jo Keteihnt, Associate Women's Editor Bnsiness Stan~ Bob Miller ..........Businew Manager Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz........Circulation Manager I Vn.nn R.'hpl T.-TThJTIF.~RE1X1UTCFA- I