SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1952
Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-Big Jim Duff, one of the
best recent governor-senators of Penn-
sylvania, has been the center of speculation
regarding his present relations with New
York's Governor Dewey and his future re-
lations with General Eisenhower.
Because Senator Duff -cancelled two
speaking engagements for Eisenhower and
went fishing, there's been much surmis-
ing that the GOP solon from Pennsylvania
had tossed in the sponge as far as Ike
is concerned.
This is not correct. Duff will continue
pitching for Ike, but his feeling are hurt
and his red hair bristling over the way Ike
has given him the cold shoulder and the way
Governor Dewey has maneuvered himself
into the inside track.
What happened is that well over two
years ago, while still Governor of Pennsyl-
vania, Duff began laying the ground-
work for the Eisenhower campaign. At
that time he and Dewey were not too
friendly, Duff having led the fight against
Dewey's nomination at Philadelphia in
However, after Dewey came out publicly
for Eisenhower, Duff and Dewey patched up
their differences.
AS THE EISENHOWER campaign pro-
gressed, however, it became apparent:
1, that Dewey was playing an increasing
backstage role in directing the campaign;
2, that Duff was playing less of a role.
The first Duff rebuff, though probably
accidental, came from Eisenhower him-
self when, while visiting the United States
last December, he told the press he had
no plans for conferring with Jim Duff.
Six months have now passed, however,
and Duff has not gone to Paris.
On top of this, Senator Lodge of Massa-
chusetts, not Duff, was maneuvered into
the leadership of Eisenhower's campaign;
and this was chalked up as a score for
Furthermore, while Duff stayed in
Washington, Gen. Lucius Clay began com-
muting between New York and Paris
as the chief adviser to Eisenhower. Clay
is extremely close to Dewey and is credit-
ed by Duff's friends with knocking the
senator from Pennsylvania out of the im-
mediate circle of Ike intimates. They say
he performed this hatchet job expressly
for Dewey.,
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
+ ART+
EGINNING tomorrow in Rackham's east remaining to be done. The framing alone
gallery, Ann Arbor will have what I will have consumed many hours before
believe to be its first one-man showing of everything is finally hung. I tried to per-
student work. John Goodyear, a senior in the suade him to also repair a 15-foot mural,
school of Architecture and Design, is the the sections of which are coming apart, but
artist in question. he may not have enough time and the ex-
Goodyear's work will be familiar to any- hibit, after alL, will have to come down at
one who had regularly attended the exhi- the end of three days.
Bits at the University Museum of Art during During the course of the visit, I learned
the past year. He has also contributed a number of interesting things, but I'll
something to every, issue of Generation since withhold most of the information, since
its inception-either, story illustrations, you will have an opportunity to question
drawings, or paintings-and has served cap- him yourselves from 8 to 10 p.m. Monday.
ably as the magazine's art director for the (The galleries at Rackham are open from
past year. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily except Sunday.)
The idea for the Goodyear show orig- As you might expect from seeing his can-
nated in the Generation office. Good- vases, Goodyear's favorite painted is Ben
year casually mentioned that he intended Shahn, Shahn's influence is especially no-
to hold a private showing in his apart- ticeable in the treatment of figures and per-
ment for a few friends who had expressed spective, and at times in the peculiarly lum-
a desire to buy some of his creations. inescent quality of the coloring.
Fred Levitt, the genial fiction editor, Something that has long interested me is
thought it would be a splendid idea to hold the predominance of blue in all Goodyear's
it publicly, in conjunction with the publi- paintings I had seen. I discovered that the
cation of the Spring issue. reason was simply that he had more var-
Unfortunately, there was nowhere to hold ieties of blue in his paint-box than any-
an exhibit at the time, but Goodyear and thing else, and that he automatically used
Levitt went ahead with the idea, found more of the pigment with which he was best
that they could have the use of the Rack- supplied. Of course, he bought the pig-
ham galleries for three days between sched-. ments himself, and perhaps there is some
uled events, and-lo and behold!-the special significance in the predominance of
thing was accomplished. The procedure is blue in his paint-box, but that is a matter
so simple that it's a wonder no one has for the Freudians to ponder.
thought of it before. Perhaps we can have Recently, he bought a tube of lovely
more of this kind of thing in the future. rose, and his later paintings reflect his
It really is a good idea, since there are purchase. His favorite is a beautiful thing,
doubtless many people who would like to "The Red Bird," and his preference is
purchase some good originals to decorate natural enough, since it is his latest
their premises, but don't know how to go effort. I might add that I liked it better
about contacting local artists. than any of the others myself, with the
Goodyear was good enough to invite me possible exception of a horse from his
over for a preview. Barring any last min- "blue" period.
ute changes, there will be about 12 paint- As long as I'm expressing my opinion, let
ings and 15 drawings, with perhaps a piece me close by saying that Goodyear is among
or two of sculpture or ceramic ware. All of thie ten or twelve best of out many good
the items are very good, as many of you local artists, not excluding faculty members.
will have remarked for yourselves, and all Mr. Slusser could do (and has done) worse
are modestly priced. than to add a few of Goodyear's drawings
* * * * aand paintings to his collection. And so
HE HAS PUT A staggering amount of could you.
work into the show already, with more -Siegfried Feller
Hatcher's Talk
President Hatcher's talk to the student
body at 3 p.m. tomorrow aternoon in Hill
Auditorium will provide a good opportun-
ity for students to hear his educational
ideas and his plans for the University.
The Studero Legislature and other cam-
pus organizations have gone to a great
deal of trouble to plan this worthwhile
and constructive assembly.
The address marks a heartening step
forward in student-administration rela-
tions. If it is successfully attended, it
may establish a precedent for yearly
meetings between President Hatcher and
the student body.
Undoubtedly students who attend will
be treated to an enlightening discussion.
-The Editors
WASHINGTON-Behind the new crisis in
Korea, there is a tragi-comic story. Aft-
er months of hopeless heckling, our nego-
tiators were at last convinced-and with
good reason-that the Communists genuin-
ely wanted to end the fighting in Korea.
Every outstanding disagreement had at least
been compromised, and then the Commun-
ist prisoners in our hands in effect rejected
the compromise by an overwhelming vote.
A month or so ago, when there were
such high hopes, there were only three
disputed points on the agenda. These were
the supervision of the Armistice, the con-
struction of additional airfields in North
Korea and the return of prisoners.
With hard-headed realism, our policy-
makers concluded that it did not matter
much whether Poland or the Soviet Union
supervised the Armistice on the Communist
side. They also concluded that it did not
matter much whether the Communists
promised to build no more North Korean
airfields, since they would cheat if they
could get away with it. Hence, they decided
to offer the compromise disclosed by Presi-
dent Truman, ignoring the airfields issue,
letting the Communists save face on their
nomination of Russia as an Armistice sup-
ervisor, and insisting only that no prisoners
would be forcibly repatriated.
and the Communist negotiators indicated
that his "package deal" would probably be
satisfactory to them. Even in the matter of
the prisoners, which they had pressed most
violently, they receded from their former
position. By an elaborate system of juggling,
the Communists were to retain some South
Koreans, while we were to retain the Chi-
nese and North Korean captives who chose
our side. Previously the Communists had de-
manded that all prisoners must be exchang-
ed, at gunpoint if need be.
At this point, ironically enough, both
the American and Communist negotiators
thought that the proportion of prisoners
wishing to stay with us would be relatively
THE SUGGESTION for screening the
prisoners emanated from the Communist
side, underlining their confidence in the
outcome. On our side, we did everything
we could to justify this confidence. We gave
the widest publicity to the Communist as-
surances that all returning prisoners would
be treated like the prodigal son. And we
just about asked the prisoners, "You do
want to go home, don't you?"
The results, again ironically, horrified
the American policy-makers as much as
it enraged the Communists. A large ma-
jority of the total prisoners, including
three-quarters of the 20,000-odd Chinese
in our hands, chose to stay with us. The
result was a situation where face-saving
and juggling were no longer possible.
The interesting aspect of this wry little
story is, very simply, a clear proof of the
Communist desire to bring the Korean fight-,
ing to an end. They were not-they almost
certainly are not-willing to end the fight-,
ing at the expense of an enormous loss of
face, any more than we are willing to do so
at the expense of using more than 100,000
mnen in our hands for human sacrifice-which
is what forcibly repatriation would amount
to. But an end of the fighting was unques-
tionably desired by the enemy, as by us.
As these words are written, the Ameri-
can policy-makers are uncertain of the
outcome, but dimly hope against hope that
world opinion will persuade Peking and
the Kremlin to accept a heavy loss of face
after all. Our allies, particularly the Brit-
ish, are optimistically suggesting "re-
screening" the prisoners, on the theory
that the problem may thus be brought
within manageable bounds. Yet they sup-
port us on the basic principles. We do not
intend to take the initiative in ending the
haggling at Panmujom, since we have no
clear idea what to do if the truce talks
break down. And the odds are quoted at
about two-to-one against the other side
breaking off the truce talks and resum-
ing the offensive.
Thus the chances are that the whole ugly
costly, dreary business will simply drag on,
at least until a new American president
has been elected. Yet the inherent danger
of the situation must not be forgotten. The
Communists now have a million troops and
an air force of 2,000 planes ready for ac-
tion in Korea, and while building up all
--Daily-Bill Hamptfmi
(Continued from page 2)
The Week's News
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of English. "Mr. Eliot's
Technique of the Interior Landscape."
MARSHALL McLUHAN, Professor of
English, St. Michael's College, Univer-
sity of Toronto, Mon., May 12, 4:15 p.m.,
Architecture Auditorium.
Sociology Department Student-Facul-
ty Committee. Dr. Vernon Fox, Deputy
Warden in Charge of Individual Treat-
inent during the recent prison distur-
bance at the State Prison of Southern
Michigan, will speak on "Prison Man-
agement aid Riot Control," Mon., May
12, 7:30 p.m., Natural Science Auditor-
ium. Everyone interested is invited.
University Lecture: "Historical Sig-
nificance of Classic Vienna. School,"
by Dr. Eberhard Preussner, Director,
Mozartum, Sazburg, Austria. 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., May 13, in the Rackham Amphi-
theater, sponsored by the School of
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium: Mon., May
12, at 3 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Professor A. T. Selberg, of the Insti-
tute for Advanced Studies, will speak on
'Non-analytic automorphic functions
and number theory."
Seminar in Complex Variables. Mon.,
May 12, 3 p.m., 247 W. Engineering Bldg.
Mr. G. Brauer will work on the the-
orem of Jentzsch.
Aircraft Icing '-Research Seminar:
Mon., May 12, 3:30 p.m. 4084 E. Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr. James E. Broadwell
will continue the discussion of the work
of Chapman and Rubesin on heat trans-
fer from a non-isothermal flat plate.
Doctoral Examination for Carroll H.
Clark, Political Science; thesis: "Some
Aspects of Voting Behavior in Flint,
Michigan-A City with Nonpartisan
Municipal Elections," Tues., May 13, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 1:30
p.m. Chairman, J. K. Pollock
Aero Seminar: Dr. Th. Theodorsen,
Consultant, USAF, will talk on "Mech-
anism of Turbulence," Tues., May 13,
4 p.m., in Room 1504 East Engineering
Bldg. Interested students, teaching and
research staff welcome.
Doctoral Examination for Martin
Richard Kaatz, Geography; thesis: "The
Settlement of the Black Swamp of
Northwestern Ohio," Tues., May 13, 17
Angell Hall, at 4 p.m. Chairman, S. D.
Student Recital. John Mueller, organ-
ist, will present a program at 4:15
Sunday afternoon, May 11, in Hill Au-
ditorium, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Master of Music
egree. A pupil of Robert Noehren, Mr.
Mueller will play works by Louis and
Francois Couperin, Bach, and Alain.
The program will be open to the pub-
Student Recital: Ruth Orr, Soprano,
will appear in recital at 8:30 Sunday
evening, May 11, in the Architecture
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of
he requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. Miss Orr is a pupil
f Arthur Hackett, and her program,
including works by Dvorak, Debussy,
Delius and Santoliquido, will be open
to the public.
Student Recital: Frederick Donald
rruesdell, pianist, will be heard in a
recital at 8:30 Monday evening, May 12,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall, play-
ng Liszt's Sonata in B minor, and
Samuel Barber's Sonata in E-flat m -
or, Op. 26. Mr. Truesdel lis a pupil of
Helen Titus and his program will be
pen to the public, being presented in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree.
String Quartet Class under the direc-
tion of Robert Courte, 8:30 p.m., Tues.,
May 13, in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
playing Haydn's Quartet in E-flat ma-
jor, Op. 33, No. 2, and J. F. Peter's String
Quintet in A major with Two Violas.
ON A BLEAK, chill Thursday night, Indian warriors bold took to
the warpath. Drums beating and raucous voices clamoring forI
prey, a mechanized Michigamua proceeded to mess up 21 palefaces
with war paint. But the heap big senior honorary was nearly thwartedr
in its attempt to muzzle some of the "tipped-off" neophytes who hadI
climbed in a roadster and given the truck-driving Indians a merry
chase. The thin-clad tontos were shivering by sunrise. Meanwhile,
the campus braced itself for another spraying spree with the dreaded
Druids, the voluptuous Vulcans, and Sphinx-Stinx yet to tap . . .
sometime within the next six weeks.
* *, * *
KENISTON REPLACEMENT - Charles Edwin Odegaard wasn
named to replace Prof. Hayward Keniston as dean of the literary col-
lege. The youngest dean ever to head the literary college, 42 year old
Odegaard will assume his duties on Sept. 1. The new Dean holds one
of the most important positions in the educational field as executive
director of the American Council of Learned Societies. He is also notedv
as one of the leading writers and speakers on educational problems ine
the field of the humanities and liberal arts.t
MORE McPHAUL-The five students who were put on probationi
for "conduct unbecoming a student" in the MPhaul investigationI
filed separate appeals for a re-hearing with the Office of Studentt
Affairs. It seemed likely that the appeals would be rejected.
Later Student Legislature rejected a motion which would haver
requested the Administration to release for publication in The Dailyi
testimony of McPhaul case witnesses, deciding that it would be im-
practical to publish the lengthy 124 page report.c
Meanwhile, in "lock-the-barn-after-the-horse-is-stolen" fashion,
the Civil Liberties Committee passed a resolution asking for Judic
reforms which would prevent a recurrence of the MPhaul action.f
The resolution asks that testimony, in the future, be published at the
defendant's requests and that defendants be warned when they aret
acting in an "unreasonable" manner before the body.r
ARRESTED DISHWASHER-Alias "Rick" James, popular South
Quad dishwasher was shot in the leg by city police when he attempted
to escape arrest. Moore, his real name, was wanted in Cook County,
Ill. for assault with intent to murder and bond forfeiture. His arrest
brought surprise and dismay from South Quad friends who lauded him
as a "nice, quiet fellow and a good hard worker." Patrolman Jim
Lucas, who stood guard over Moore's hospital bed, commented that
Moore's conduct at the hospital had been above reproach.
S* *
TAG DAY-Tag day buckets manned by students and administra-
tors netted $2,726.26 in the bi-annual drive for funds to go to the
University Fresh Air Camp for underprivileged children.
* * *
THE FINISHING TOUCH-This year's May Festival came to a1
grand finale when Mack Harrell and Jorge Bolet performed in the
afternoon and Patrice Munsel sang in the evening concert.,
* * * *
AIM FOLDS-The Association of Independent Men folded its tent
and quietly stole away, but not without a final indignant blast at quad
government. In a six page document which was sent to residence dir-
ectors, President Hatcher and men and women's deans, AIM claimedc
the quad councils had moved that each house reject AIM's proposed1
constitutional revision. AIM also claimed quad council members had
attempted to pack its meeting, moved to disband the group, and trans-
fer all funds and office equipment to the quad council.
* * * *s
NEW JUDIC PLAN-The men's judicial body will be incorporated
within the new Joint Judiciary Council, whose constitution was ac-
cepted by Student Affairs Committee. Principle stumbling block to
passage of the revised constitution was in finding an acceptable meth-
od of representation on the interviewing board. However, three weeks
of debate ended with Student Legislature and the League sharing
honors on the board.
* * * *
FOX TALE-A talk by Dr. Vernon Fox, the young psychologist+
whose congratulatory message to rioters at Southern Michigan Prison
stirred a hornet's nest of reproof, was announced for 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row at Natural Science Auditorium.
RELIGIOUS COURSES-Student Legislature went on record in
favor of coordinating University religious studies and adding furtherI
courses to the curriculum. The plan is now pending approval by
Student Religious Association Inter-Guild after which it will be left;
in the hands of the Administration. Local clergymen gave their]
Gail Hewitt and Louise Leonard, violin-
ists, Marilyn Palm and Walter Evich,
violists, and Velma Streicher, cellist.
Open to the general public.
Concerts. The University Musical So-
ciety announces the following concerts
for the season of 1952-1953:
Tucker, tenor, Oct. 8; Yehudi Menu-
ehin, Violinist, Oct. 22; Danish State
Symphony Orchestra, Nov. 13; Vladimir
Horowitz, pianist, Nov. 19; Bidu Sayao,
soprano, Dec. .1: Vienna Boys Choir,
Jan. 16; Minneapolis Symphony. Feb.
12; Gershwin Concert Orchestra, Mar. 2:
Artur Rubinstein, pianist, Mar. 12; and
the Boston Symphony Orchestra, May
vens, mezzo-soprano, Oct. 17; Cleveland
Orchestra, Nov. 9; Claudio Arrau, pian-
ist. Nov. 25; Hefetz, violinist, Feb. 17;
and the Boston "Pops" Tour Orchestra,
Mar. 23.
Orders for season tickets are now be-
ing accepted for both series. Orders are
filed in sequence and later filled in
the same order and mailed September
15. Address: Charles A. Sink, Presi-
den, University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower,
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association: There
will be no activity at the Center due
to the L.S.A. Retreat at Silver Lake.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club: Meet at Center at 3:30 p.m. for
outing at Dexter-Huron Park,
Congregational-Disciples Guild: 7 p.-
m. program at Guild House. The Fresh-
man Group of Guild will lead discus-
sion on 'Loopholes of Democracy.'
Unitarian Students: Meet Sunday
evening, 7 p~m. at East Lansing. Reser-
vations should be made with the Church
office, 2-0085.
SRA old and new Cabinet will gather
at the Baldwin Residence, Sun., 9 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Meet at Lane Hall, 8:45 p.m.
for transportation. Breakfast and din-
ner will be served.
Nelson International House. Open
House, 2 to 5 p.m. A display of Native
costumes and art will be featured.
miliel. Sunday Evening Supper Club,
5:30 p.m., new Hillel Foundation.
Michigan Arts Chorale will meet on
Sun., in room 506, Burton Tower, 7:30
Coming Events
Single Admissions for all Drama Sea
son Plays on sale tomorrow. Tickets for
individual performances of all plays to
be presented by the University of Mi-
chigan Drama. Season go on sale to-
morrow, 10 a.m., at the box office, Lydia
Mendeissohn Theater. The spring sea-
son offers the following bill of current
plays with Broadway stars: Sylvia Sid-
ney in "Goodbye, My Fancy," May 13-
17; Joan Blondell in "Come Back, Little
Sheba," May 20-24; Betty Field and
Burgess Meredith in "The Fourposter,"
May 26-31; Constance Bennett in "A
Date With April," June 2-7; Edward
Ashley and Margaret Phillips in "Venus
Observed," June 10-14. Season tickets
are still available.
La P'tite causette meets Monday
from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in south room,
Union cafeteria.
Barnaby Club: Meeting for supper and
discussion. Lane Hall, Mon., May 12, 6
p.m. Phone 5838 for reservations before
Volunteer Naval Research Reserve Unit
9-3. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., May 12,
2082 Natural Science Bldg. "Research in
Natural Resources of Michigan" Dr.
J. W. Leonard, Michigan Department
of Conservation.
Finance Club. There will be a brief
but very important business mieeting
ih the Student Lounge of the Bus.
Admin. Bldg., Tues., May 13, 4:15 p.m.
All members are requested to attend.
Grad. History Club. Meeting 'rues.,
May 13, E. Lecture Room, Rackhamnat
8 p.m. Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
Social Psychology Program will speak
on "Concepts of Position and Role."
Election of officers for the coming year.
Mathematics Club: Tues., May 13, at
8 p.m., in the East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Professor Richard
Brauer will speak on "Groups ofrCol-
lineations of Finite Order."
Town and Country Club. Hayride,
dancing, refreshments at Huron River
Stables. Fri., May 16. Meet at WAB at
8:30 p.m. Call Dieter Hanauer 30521
extension 733 for reservations.
mtr~ialt Bil
At The State ...
bott, Costello and nothing else.
same effect that was used so successfully
in the Wizard of Oz. Begun in sepia tone,
the film switches to technicolor when Lou
Costello begins to relate the story of Jack
and the Beanstalk to a typically obnoxious
Hollywood child. This is the high point of
the movie.
Often, when one sees a comedy, there is
a feeling of partial satisfaction -- if only
something had been inserted or left out, the
satisfaction might have become entirely
realized. This is not the case with Jack and
the Beanstalk. It is completely unsatisfac-
The delightful children's story which
our collective Mama used to tell us has
been completely perverted by the advent
of Abbott and Costello, a few production
numbers, and a love story which was un-
tastefully superimposed upon the original
Costello plays the. part of Jack, bumbling
his slapstick way through the film with a
maximum of effort and a minimum of talent.
For some unknown reason, Hollywood felt
At The Orpheum. . .
EDITOR'S NOTE: This review is reprinted from
The Daily of October 4, 1950 when "Kind Hearts"
first put in a local appearance. After seeing the
show we believe the opinions expressed here still
go-and so should you.
Dennis Price, Alec Guinness, Valerie Hob-
son and Joan Greenwood.
IMAGINE AN impoverished young man,
who is ninth in line for a dukedom and
who despairs of ever reaching that lofty
pinnacle. Imagine further that in despera-
tion he decides to take matters into his ovi
talented hands and remove these obstacles
to his succession. Add to this somewhat im-
probable situation the spectacle of a versa-
tile actor playing all eight roles of the ob-
stacles and you have the germ of a refresh-
ingly different motion picture.
This British import has all the aspects
of a farce and in this respect it is played
to the hilt. But its farciality has a uni-
versal quality about it that makes the
picture more than a playful spoof of the
stuffiness of British nobility. It makes
light of worldly ambition, the rigidity of
the British social system, marriage and
infidelity, among others.
The acting is both deft and infectious.
Dennis Price as the multiple murderer plays
Perverted Birthright ...
To the Editor:
HE LETTER on "Christian
Birthright," by Marc LaFrom-
boise, like many such statements
in recent months, misses complet-
ely the point regarding the es-
sence of Americanism. In fact it
perverts it into its opposite.
I am a Jew. Am I to be ex-
cluded, with five million people of
the same faith, from national life
on equal terms? What about the
Buddhists, Moslems, odd sectar-
ians, and-yes-freethinkers who
carry on an ethical and demo-
cratic life in every respect with-
out meeting the formal standard
of Christianity?
Controversely, what about all
the pious Baptists, Presbyterians,
or Roman Catholics who pray on
Sunday and chisel or profiteer
during the rest of the week? I
know that the majority of the
Christians (as well as of other
Americans) are honest and hard-
working, but what about the oth-
ers? Does church affiliation mean
a license to misbehave in business
life while lack of church affilia-
tion dooms you even if you are
near-perfect in your actual way
of life?
No, America was not meant to
be a medieval-type church state,
and religion should remain purely
a matter for the individual in the
best traditional of undistorted
Am rirvnis vn
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .............. Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
.Bnsfnes Sta ff
Bob Miller ...........Busnewi Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz.........Circulation Manager