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May 11, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-11

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Ait ta
Latest Deadline in the State

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To Give


** * *

President Harlan H. Hatcher
will take the stage at 3 p.m. to-
morrow at Hill Auditorium to talk
to the student body.
He will deliver a 30 minute
speeh which will cover his edu-
cational philosophies, his ideas of
the student's role on campus and
his plans for the University.
In addition, he will discuss stu-
dent suggested topics which were
recently gathered by Student Leg-
islature members. Sue Popkin, S
secretary, reported that , the two
most popular topics were relations
between undergrads and graduate
students and problems surround-
ing the Lecture Committee,
** *
PRESIDENT Hatcher will be in-
troduced by SL President Howard
Willens, '53. Classes will not be
excused for the convocation.
The president's talk will mark
the first time in recent years that
the University's president has
spoken directly to students.
The President's Convocation has
been in the planning stage ever
since the huge student farewell
was given to retiring President
Alexander G. Ruthven last May.
At that time SL leaders thought
it would be an excellent idea if
students could informally meet the
new president.
Due to President Hatcher's
crowded schedule last . fall, it
was impossible to make definite
plans for the giant meeting until
early this spring. Dave Brown,
'53, is general chairman of the
assembly and has been assisted
in planning and publicity by
numerous campus organizations.
Brown emphasized that "many
students have not had a chance
to hear President Hatcher's views,
and the convocation should pro-
vide a fine opportunity for them
to do so."
Turns Down
Three students who were placed
on probation for "failure to co-
operate" with the Joint Judiciary
Council in the McPhaul dinner
investigation revealed yesterday
that their~ appeals for a rehearing
have been turned down.
Although the other two had not
received formal notices there were
indications that the verdict re-
mained the same in their cases.
THOSE WHO received letters
from the Office of Student Affairs
were Dave Luce, Grad., Valerie
Cowen, '54, and Myron Sharpe,
Grad. The other two students are
Ed Shaffer, Grad., and Steve
Smale, Grad.
The notices stated that the
Sub-Committee on Discipline
reaffirmed the students' proba-
tion and saw no reason for
changing their decision.
The only change came in the
case of Sharpe. The Committee re-
moved the charge of "misrepre-
sentation of facts." However, as in
the case of the others, the charge
t of "refusing to answer reasonable
questions" remained.
According to Luce, the five
plan to consult the Administra-
tion in order to find "the best
possible channels of further ap-
a peal."
Although the students filed sep-
arate appeals, all five centered
around the protest that "we have
been found guilty of a charge on
which we were not tried."
The original charge against the
students was that of having vio-
lated a Regents by-law which in-
volves the use of University pro-
perty. They were acquitted on this

Gargoyle Is
Ieumeii In
Jumping gleefully from his
perch on top of Burton Tower,
Don Malcolm, '53, freshly hatched
managing editor of the Gargoyle,
landed in the midst of a group of
friends and well-wishers clustered
"Hear ye," he murmured as he
set his broken bones with the dex-

. . . will speak to students tomorrow

Union, Industry Prepare'
Briefs for Steel Case
WASHINGTON-(P)-The steel industry and the Government
squared off yesterday in the great constitutional battle over Presi-
dent Truman's seizure of the.nation's eight billion dollar steel industry
to prevent a strike.
The two antagonists formally presented the Supreme Court with
thick legal briefs bristling with arguments which each side hoped will
convince the nine High Court Justices.
* * * *

THE CIO STEELWORKERS, all but lost in the court battle but
with a vital interest in the outcome, gave the court their version of
the legal issue: that their futile
wage talks with the industry wereE
a "sham"; that the real fight is Reds Block
over how much of a price incrrase
the Government would grant the Allies From
industry to offset higher pay. ti e
The industry contended seiz-
ure was "wholly illegal and Berlin Entrance
wholly unconstitutional." Its
brief, signed by John W. Davis
and other attorneys for the na- BERLIN-P)--The Western Al-
tion's major steel companies, lies were back in a familiar posi-
said the Government was at- tion last night: wondering what
tempting to impose "compulsory
arbitration under force of seiz-
ure"; that it was trying to settle Booted Russian border guards
a labor dispute by "executive refused yesterday to let Allied'
fiat"; and that it bypassed a military patrols enter the Berlin-
specific law-the Taft-Hartley Helmstedt Autobahn from the
Act-which Congress had in- eastern end. They gave no rea-
tended for deadlocked labor dis- son, although the patrols along
putes. the single highway linking Ber-
The nub of the argument made lin and the West across the Sov-
by the Justice Department for the iet zone are daily routine.
Administration is this: U. S. British and French com-
The President "brought to solu- mandants said they had "called
tion of the emergency the sum of Gen. Vasily I. Chuikov's attention
his powers" and that these pow- to the matter." Chuikov is com-
ers, set forth in the Constitution,
are a "grant of all the executive man of Russian forces in Ger-
powers of which the Government many.
is capable." Some Allied officials admitted

'Favorite Son
Slate Given
To Williams
State's National
Delegates Chosen
By The Associated Press
The Michigan Democratic State
Convention meeting in Grand
Rapids yesterday sent 128 dele-
gates and alternates .to cast 40
"favorite son" votes for Gov. G.
Mennen Williams at their Nation-
al Convention-thereby muddling
the status of the entire delegation.
The convention, adopting a com-
promise slate, chose 12 delegates
at-large to cast four votes and four
more alternates at-large with no
votes in a move to give recogni-
tion to all factions of the party.
WILLIAMS was the unanimous
choice of the convention as a fa-
vorite son candidate for the Pres-
idency, but no one took that too
seriously and Williams' nominat-
ing petitions for reelection as Gov-
ernor were being circulated dur-
ing the convention.
The National Committee had
allotted Michigan 36 Congres-
sional District delegates with one
vote and eight delegates at-large
with half a vote each.
Instead the convention elected
62 district delegates, some with
full votes and some with half votes
and 12 delegates at large, each
with a one-third vote. In addi-
tion it chose 54 alternates.
This threatened a row in Chi-
cago, since the National Coin-
mittee does not expect sufficient
seats to, be available for all.
Party leaders were careful to al-
low no open commitments to any
Presidential candidate except Wil-
iams, but there was an undercur-
rent of top-brass support for both
Senator Paul A. Douglas (D-Ill.)
and Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illi-
* * *
IN DETROIT, Harold Stassen
declared yesterday that if he were
elected President he would "eim.
inate those who have pushed a soft
policy toward Communism" from
State Department jobs.
Stassen, candidate for the GOP
Presidential Nomination and form-
er Minnesota Governor, said he
also would advocate independence
and sovereignty of such groups
as Ukrainians, Armenians, White
Russians, and other nationalities
under Communist domination."
On the national political scene
Vice President Barkley was be-
ginning to attract attention as
a possible Presidential nominee
among Democrats who oppose
Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennes-
When Barkley speaks at a Jef-
ferson-Jackson Day banquet in
Kentucky Saturday, it may be the
signal for the beginning of a "fa-
vorite son" move to line the state's
26 Chicago convention votes up
behind the Vice President.
U.S., Britain ;
Request Global
Aviation Cut
By The Associated Press
Global restrictions loomed last1
night for aviation as fuel short-
ages stemming from an 11-day'
strike of 90,000 United States Oil
Contract negotiations over de-
mands for higher wages were stall-

ed as Britain and the United
States issued a joint appeal to all,
nations to conserve fuel.-,
Beginning Monday, Britain's
nationalized airlines will cut by
30 per cent consumption of avia-
tion fuel, most of which it imports,
from the U. S. Military flying by}
both U. S. and Royal Air Force,
has been trimmed.
A UNION charge was hurled
that "government interference"
may make the current halt in
settlement negotiations "critical
and insolvable."
Efforts to reach local settlements
that would send the 90,000 strik-
ers back to refineries and other
oil facilities have been suspended
until a meeting of union and in-
dustry representatives in Wash-
ington Tuesday.
They were summoned by the
Wage Stabilization Board (WSB)1
for a hearing on the union de-
mands for 25 cents an hour wage


-Daily-Matty Kessler
* 1* * * * *l *o *
MichganMSC inesSpli TwoTilt


Get Minor concessions

Tom Lawson, ace Michigan
State right-hander, turned in a
sparkling two-hit 4-0 shutout over
the Wolverine baseball team here
yesterday to earn a series victory
for the Spartans.
In the first game, Michigan won
handily 10-2, as Jack Corbett
coasted to his fifth win of the sea-
son behind an eleven hit attack
sparked by Paul Lepley, Frank
Howell and Don Eaddy.

B U T COACH Ray Fisher's
southpaws couldn't h o 1 d the
righthanded MSC lineup down.
Mary Wisniewski followedthe ex-
ample of his fellow port-sider Dick
Yirkosky, in losing the seven-inn-
ing nightcap.
"Corky" Ghise, Ray Lane, and
Dick Moser got all eight of the
hits off the young lefthander.
In the third inning, lead-off bat-
ter Moser got the second of his
four hits, a two-out single to left.
Whereupon Ghise unlimbered on
a fast ball and sent a towering
home run over 400 feet into left,
for the first two Spartan runs.




rally again in the fifth when he
New Staffs singled pitcher Lawson, who had
walked to third and took second
Six new night editors were ap-
pointed to the editorial staff of YP Requests
the Michigan Daily yesterday by
the Board in Control of Student SAC Hearing


on Howell's throw to Eaddy. Ghise
then was given an intentional pass
to load the bases whereupon Lane
promptly knocked in State's last
two tallies with a clean base hit
into left.
Lawson pitched brilliantly ov-
er the seven-inning distance,
giving up only two hits-both
by Wisniewski, and not allow-
ing anyone to reach third and
only two men got as far as sec-
ond base.
The opener saw the Wolverines
run rough-shod over Coach John
Kob's charges. Lepely batted in
five runs, scored two, got three hits
and walked twice to lead the at-
IN THE THIRD inning after
Mogk, Howell and Eaddy had sin-
gled to fill the bases, Lepley clean-
ed the bases with line-drive double
between left and center field.
The young freshman from
Warwick, Ohio, came through
again with the sacks full in the
fourth when he singled home the
fifth and sixth Michigan runs.
The Wolverines ended that scor-
ing spree by tallying four times
in the sixth.
Three Spartan pitchers absorb-
ed the pasting, starter Bob Carlson
getting charged with the loss.
Carlson gave up five hits and
four runs before he was replaced
by southpaw Don La Pointe in the
third. LaPointe yielded four more
runs and gave way to righty Bob
Dangel in the sixth.
Michigan got to Dangel for two
more runs in the sixth frame but
he hung on to finish the contest.
Corbett had an easy time of it
with the lads from East Lansing,
yielding only six hits. He had clear
going except for the sixth inning
See BASEBALL, Page 3

UN General
By POW's
Prisoner Terms
To Be Announced
SEOUL, Korea, Sunday, May 11
-(R)-Brig. Gen. Francis T. Dodd
was freed unharmed and in good
spirits last night by his Commun-
ist captors on Koje Island.
The price of his freedom-con-
cessions made to thousands of Red
prisoners of war-probably will be
announced later.
In a dramatic, late hour an-
nouncement to correspondents, the
U.S. Eighth Army said Dodd was
released at 9:30 p.m. (7:30 a.m.,
EST, Saturday)-78 hours and 15
minutes after he was dragged
bodily into a compound of 6,000
surly North Korean prisoners late
Wednesday afternoon.
* * *
DODD WILL BE flown to Eighth
Army headquarters for a news con-
ference sometime today. Details of
Dodd's release were not announced
immediately. The Eighth Army
said it came after a meeting of
Communist ringleaders of the com-
pound-a conference attended by
leaders from other prison com-
pounds on the rocky island.
Dodd, 52, commander of the
island prison, was seized as he
conferred with the prisoners at
the gate of compound 76. He and
Lt. Col. Wilbur Raven of New-
ton, Tex., were grabbed by the
Red leaders, but Raven fought
his way out of the group.
Dodd was held hostage inside
the compound, where he negotiat-
ed with the Reds for settlement of
some of their grievances.
Dodd asked camp authorities to
refrain from using force to free
him until the Communists had
completed listing their demands.
The Army said yesterday some
"minor requests" of the Reds had
been granted.
* * *
ABOUT 80,000 Communists now
are held on the island, including
most of the 70,000 who have said
they yish to return to Communist
Koje was the scene of two bloody
riots, both of them instigated by
die-hard Korean Red prisoners.
Seventy-five prisoners were killed
and 135 wounded Feb. 18 when
American guards were forced to
fire on prisoners attacking them
with crude but deadly weapons.
One guard was killed and 38
Another riot erupted March 13.
Twelve prisoners were killed and
26 wounded when South Korean
guards fired into a compound af-
ter being stoned by the prisoners.
Korea Confab
Still Snarled
MUNSAN, Sunday, May 11-M
-Korean armistice delegates-
sidetracked by angry debate on
Communist seizure of an Ameri-
can General on Koje Island-meet
again today, still tightly dead-
A charge by the Red truce dele-
gates that the Allies planned "an-
other massacre" of prisoners to
free Brig. Gen. Francis T. Dodd
was punctured last night by the
prisoners themselves.
Saturday's truce session lasted
only 12 minutes. Eleven minutes
were taken up by debate on the

Koje island incident, the -Allies
c o 1 d ly rejecting Communist
charges of planning a "slaughter"
to free Dodd.
On the fighting front, Al-
lied patrols raidEd Communist
frontline positions Saturday
with one unit chasing the Chi-
nese Reds in a two-hour clash
on the east-central Pukhan
River sector.
A thick overcast hid Commun-
ist targets from Allied warplanes.
The Eighth Army reported 18

* * *
MEANWHILE three big railroad
unions today won the right to tell
the Supreme Court how issues in
the steel industry seizure case af-
fect President Truman's 1950 seiz-
ure of the railroads.
The high tribunal in an unsigned
order late yesterday granted un-
ion attorneys an hour to preseht
arguments, after the Justices hear
five hours of legal debate in the
steel case.
The railroad unions, in an ap-
peal filed with the Supreme Court
yesterday, assailed presidential
seizure of the railroads and the
steel industry.

frankly they were bewildered by
the abrupt move, which came on
the eve of the third anniversary
of the end of the Soviet blockade
of Berlin.
Others termed it just another
stitch in the needling process the
Russians often give the West in
But all seemed determined to
avoid stress on the incident.
For a time Russian guards re-
fused to let patrols enter from
the Helmstedt end of the 110-mile
stretch. Later they permitted
Helmstedt patrol cars to enter.
This added to Allied confusion.

The new editors are: Diane
Decker, '54; Alice Bogdonoff, '54;
Alan Luckoff, '53; Virginia Voss,
'54; Harry Lunn, '54 and Eric
Vetter, '54.
Also appointed by the Board
were seven assistant night editors.
They are: Bob Apple, '54; Helene
Simon, '54; Cynthia Boyes, '54
Mike Wolff, '54; Joyce Fickies,
'54; Jerry Helman, '53 and Marge
Shepherd, '54.,
THE BOARD appointed the fol-
lowing editors to the women's staff
of The Daily: Elizabeth Barber,
'54; Marilyn Campbell, '54; Beat-
rice Johnson, '54; Roberta Mac-
Gregor, '54; Nancy Reganall and
Katherine Zeisler, '54.
At its meeting the Board in
Control named next year's junior
editorial staff for the Michigan-
ensian. The new junior staffers
are: Conrad Giles, '54, Features
Editor; Vonda Genda, '54, Organi-
zations Editor; Jeanne Doerr, '54,
Copy Editor; Maureen Sweeney,
'54, Schools and Colleges Editor;
Joni Marlow, '53, Office Manager;
See BOARD, Page 6
City To Mark
Ann Arbor will join the rest of
the nation today in officially be-
ginning Armed Forces Week.
A week's program is planned
featuring a series of talks, Thurs-
day, on 'what the University con-
tributes to the Armed Forces.'
These will be broadcast over three
Ann Arbor and Detroit stations.

At a meeting yesterday, the
Young Progressive executive com-
mittee drew up a petition request-
ing a hearing before the next Stu-
dent Affairs Committee meeting.
According to Gordon MacDoug-
all, chairman of the YP education
committee, the officers plan to
ask why the Lecture Committee
has not passed on the YP's peti-
tions for speakers Arthur McPhaul,
Lorraine Meisner and William
Hood. "It has been two weeks
since the petitions were submit-
ted." MacDougall protested.
The statement which the group
plans to submit to SAC also claims
that the Lecture Committee has
defied SAC's directive to deal im-
partially with the YP's.

W'or ld News
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Gen Matthew B. Ridgway, the soft-spoken paratrooper
who steeled Allied forces to fight back from their greatest defeat in
Korea, leaves today for his new job as Supreme Commander of Allied
Forces in Europe.
* * * *
DURBAN, South Africa-The provincial governments of South
Africa's four provinces may soon take a slap at the race segregation
policies of Prime Minister Daniel F. Milan.
Natal councilmen are calling a nation convention of legislatures
to protest the Union Government's policy of going over the heads
of the appellate court after it ruled an act restricting colored voters'
rights unconstitutional.
W-s* *r
WASHINGTON-Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) said yesterday the

Jacks on Psychologist
Will . Speak Tomorrow
Vernon Fox, who was relieved
of his duties as Deputy Warden
following the Jackson Prison riot,
will speak here at 7:30 prm. to-
morrow in the Natural Science
The speech, "Prison Adminis-
tration and Riot Control," is one
of a series of lectures beig given
by Fox since his dismissal. Thus
far, he has appeared in Detroit,1
Flint, Jackson, Lansing and overt
a Detroit television station.
Fox's speech is expected to
cover his views on the causes of 4
the riot and to defend his handl-
ing of the negotiations which <' {

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