THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 1 I I I Assembly Ball To Illustrate 'Femme' Leap Year Theme Greek goddesses and famous fe- males throughout the ages will illustrate the theme of Femame Fatale" and leap year at the an- nual Assembly Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri., Feb. 29 in the League ballroom. The coed-bid dance will offer an opportunity for coeds to treat the man of their choice to an eve- ning of dancing on the extra day of February in leap year. Carrying out a new plan this year refreshments will be served for the price of admission, which is $2.50. As in former years the dance will be semi-formal, with coeds wearing formals and their dates in. dark suits. Johnny Harbard and his or- chestra will provide the music in the ballroom while Bob Leopold and his combo will play in the concourse. Anyone who wishes may work on the committees and is asked to contact either the general chairman of the dance or the chairman of the committee she wishes to work on. The dance will be open to all campus. General chairman is Sue Alder- man. Other committee chairmen are Iris Pomroy, finance; Jan ZurSchmiede and Evelyn Gross- man, publicity; Mimi Blau, dec- orations; Ines Krause, programs; Lorraine Baldwin, tickets; Della Galloway, patrons. and Frances Kochin, building and grounds. ___ .1 q'imc t (nm 11ew opk . SPECIAL ANN ARBOR SESSION THIS WEEK ONLY . . . you can enroll in the course that brings the Powers Girls poise, con- fidence and extra loveliness that makes them famous. You'll learn the facts about feminine attractive- ness that made John Robert Powers the leading authority in his field. You'll become a better student, a more charming hostess, a better friend -above all a happier girl. For full details, phone Ann Arbor 3-0183. Be sure to ask for our free booklet, "Poise". New attractiveness of person and personality ANN ARBQR 3-0183 League Post Petitions Due By Tomorrow Petitions for all senior League posts will be due at 5 p.m. tomor- row in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Eligible junior women may pick up petition blanks in the Under- graduate Office. REPRESENTATIVES of the Interviewing a n d Nominating Committee will be on hand to answer any questions and to help with the organization of petitions. Positions available include League president, vice-presi- dent, secretary, treasurer, chair- man of the judiciary council, chairman of the interviewing and nominating committee and parliamentarian. Chairman will also be chosen for the candy booth, dance class, merit tutorial, orientation, per- sonnel, public relations, special projects and social committees. * * - OTHER POSITIONS are secre- tary of the judiciary council, sen- ior member of judiciary, secre- tary of interviewing, finance chairman of dance classes, two senior dance class chairmen, as- sistant chairman of special proj- ects, secretary of the orientation committee and information booth chairman of the orientation com- mittee. Petitions may be of any length and do not have to be typed. Students should sign up for Interviews when they turn in their petitions. Interviewing will take place from 3 to 6 p.m. Feb. 18 to Feb. 29. After interviewing all candi- dates, the Interviewing and Nomi- nating Committee will choose two women for each position. The women will then appear before the Board of Representatives who will make the final decisions. The League Lowdown may be consulted for additional informa- tion. Weddings & Engagements Meyers - W jillitt Announcement is made of the engagement of Elizabeth Meyers, daughter of Mrs. Frederic Irwin Myers, to Donald Willittt John- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willitt Johnson of Stillwater, Ok- la., and the late Arthur Willitt Johnson. Miss Meyers is a graduate of the University of Michigan and * * * Modern Dance Club To Hold Session for New Members All men and women on campus interested in becoming members of the Modern Dance Club may attend a Workshop to be held from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in Bar- bour Gym Dance Studio. This session is for the purpose of teaching future Modern Dance Club members the techniques and composition at elementary and intermediate levels. M i s s Esther Pease, faculty member of the Women's Psysical Education Department, and Mrs. Geraldine Miller will serve as in- structors, assisted by regular club members. Doris Melleky, manager of the Modern Dance Club, will be pres- ent to ansWer any questions. The club, organized many years ago by a~ small group of students interested in the new art form of modern dance, provides an op- portunity for men and women dance enthusiasts to study tech- niques, devise original composi- tions and work toward perform- ances. Instruction is offered in the regular club meetings in basic technique and elements of dance composition, and for those with previous experience an advanced technique session is held. I Plans are made each year for informal workshop presentations and discussions as well as for pub- lic perf ormances. These programs encourage the members to do original choreog- raphy and give an opportunity for Modern Dance All members of the Modern Dance Club are requested by the manager to attend the club meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Barbour Dance Studio. modern dance lovers to see the accomplished work. Last spring both the Modern Dance Club and Ballet Club par- ticipated in the Inter Arts Dance Festival. TYPEWRITERS rAggaft STUDENT 1' U I ce UUU Repaired - UPPLIE Sold 3 Ring Notebooks Rented Fountain Pens Bought Brief Cases - Stationery Greeting Cards WEBSTER-CHICAGO WIRE RECORDERS FOUNTAIN PEN, WIRE RECORDER and Typewriter repair work a specialty Sin 190 G. I. Requisitions Accepted for Supplies Only ce Phone 314 South State Street 7177 I OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS I , - - - - - - --impabom 1wimmooft Daily Classifieds Bring Quick Results ..... ... i. ..... .. ...............- .. ., ......._x.... We ;K I MORRILL'S The Typewriter and Stationery Store s I :. 4, & P85 SALE OF WOMEN'S LOW HEELS in Sandler Sportsters and California Cobblers Suedes or Smooth Leathers . .. Black-- Board Votes On Late Hours At a meeting of the Board of Representatives yesterday in the League, representatives passed a proposal from the Dean of Wo- men's Office which will allow men to remain in women's residences until 1:25 a.m. on late permission nights. (See story on page 1). In addition to this, Miss Frat- cher, Field Secretary of the League of Women spoke to the Board on the activities of the League. Miss Fratcher explained the functions of the League of Wo- men Voters, which is not partisan and works on a local and national level. At present the League is concerned with the deficit tax problem in Michigan. The Board of Representatives members will inform their respec- tive houses of the League of Wo- men Voters and its functions, and will take a vote in the houses to determine whether or not stu- dents are interested in forming a college group. The members of the college group would not be members of the League of Women Voters but would work with them. The Board of Representatives also discussed the repetition of marriage lectures, which have been given in previous years. A vote will be taken in the houses to determine whether stu- dents are interested in having the lectures. They will be open to all students if they are repeated. ELIZABETH MEYERS .* * * is now completing work for a MA degree in Fine Arts. She is a member of the Delta Zeta Sor- ority. Mr. Johnson graduated from Oklahoma Agricultural and Me- chanical College and served with the Merchant Marine and with the Armed Forces. He is now a senior in Law School at the Uni- versity. He is a member of Pi Gamma Mu and Phi Alpha Theta National Honor Fraternities and Phi Alpha Delta, Legal Fraternity. Staff To Hold Union Smoker Clouds of smoke will pour from the Union tonight as the staff conducts the annual Union try- out smoker at 8:45 p.m. in room 3D for all male students interested in Union staff work. Working at the Union offers tryouts experience and training in leadership with an opportunity to put into practice ideas for im- proving the campus. Tryouts will also have the opportunity to meet University officials and personali- ties on campus in the course of their work. Tryouts will work with the Union committee of their choos- ing under the supervision of the chairman. After one semester of work the tryout is eligible for a staff award and for consideration as a candidate to a junior position on the Executive Council. There are five committees open to tryouts. The Campus Affairs committee, designed to promote campus wide activities such as supervision of homecoming dis- plays, orientation and student polls as well as directing univer- sity day and Union Opera House. The House committee handles ac- tivities within the Union such as bridge tournaments, tutorial serv- ice and faculty coffee hours. The Personnel and Administra- tion committee supervises the of- fice work while the Public Rela- tions committee handles publicity to acquaint students with "what's new" at the Union. The Social committee sponsors the Union Saturday night dances and the Gulantics all-campus talent show. I .I Mortar Board To GiveDance Mortar Board, honorary society for senior women, will present its annual "payoff" dance from 9 p.m. to midnight Saturday in the League ballroom. This year entitled "Something for the Boys," the dance is given to afford coeds with an opportun- ity to thank their dates through- out the year and especially their J-Hop escorts for their attentions and expenses. Decorations will be in a black and white motif by members of Mortar Board. Tickets are priced at $1.80 a couple and may be purchased from any member of the society and at the League. Informal attire will be worn by coeds for the event. RUSHING CHAIRMAN HAVE YOU ENOUGH PLEDGE BUTTONS? IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WHERE NATIONAL REGULATIONS PERMIT. Invitations Monogram Matches Place Cards Pledge Dance ,Programs L. G. BALFOUR CO. 1319 S. University Phone 3-1733 S. State off N. Univ. . .. ...Yt . . .... i . .... :Sf.,l'. .,.1..............>........::a ...n . . .A. atf. S ,sr.: ..:....".: ...a .a:}....2":i.. - - - - BLOUSES SWEATERS° HOSIERY SCARFS BELTS ' LINGERIE JEWELRY " BeHap COME IN AND LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE stroke world's best cigare e- ey'rG ddgbt 4:smoket 'rn too Isng'r rondand -4irrn n -$49 He re Luck Strike O9 o Sue Titcomb Texas State College for Women Brown-Grey-Green. These Are All From Our Regular Stock But In Broken Size Runs-Values to $9.95. /; If you and she have bada* d ou two now are partrn To pach 4zhifl upn ge her a gift f.uCle5 esWthebcarton Selwy e erg City College of New Yorc C Van fovei Shoes I 17 Nickels Arcade 64cn'44 Camnpus NEW SHIPMENTS of I USED TEXTBOOKS SENIORS -- Senior representa- tives from all houses will meet at 5 p.m. today ni the Senior Board Rm. of the Student Legislature Building. SCROLL - Members of Scroll will meet at 4:30 p.m. today in the League. Room number will be posted. UNION OPERA-Both men stu- dents and coeds who wish to work on promotions for Union Opera, which will be held March 26 to 29, may contact Mark Sandground at the Union Opera office in the Michigan Union. The office is open from 3 to 5 p.m. every day. ;f r< z {3 .. : r M 1'1.x" ': e' 'rr, "{'":': J:. . . / b arriving daily! f- LUCKI ES TASTE BETTER! The difference between "just smoking" and really enjoying your smoke is the taste of a cigarette. You can taste the difference in the smoother, mellower, more enjoyable taste of a Lucky ... for two important reasons. First, L.S./M.F.T.-Lucky Strike means fine tobacco ..fine, mild tobacco that tastes better. Second,- Luckies are made to taste better... proved best- made of all five principal brands. So reach for a Lucky. Enjoy the cigarette that tastes better! Be Happy-Go Lucky! Buy a carton today! NEW BOOKS IF YOU PREFER For that hard-to-find textbook King Midas sat upo histrone pad u4&tered tis decree,d bu + golden -ouch you've heard aou ks L.S.ITM.F.. Mark Simpsonl .......... . . ........