WOMEN'S SUPPLEMENT C, - r it9ian 04*4*F :43att WOMEN'S SUPPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1952 'Warm Weather Causes Coeds To Pack Away Winter Wardrobe Parisienne Designers Show 1> Season's New Styles, Colors Representatives of American Fashion Firms' Attend Premiere Featuring of Spring Lines -y__ _ 6 1$1 Summer Clothes To Feature Simple Designs, Practicality The spring since that time, By KATHY ZEISLER of 1952 started several weeks ago in Ann Arbor and coeds have been seen packing up their winter woolens By GAYLE GREEN Editor's Note: Gayle Green was a former member of the Daily staff who ~.is now studying in Europe. She was recently in Paris and sent the follow- ing description of the latest French styles. Among the high couturiers of Paris, the swirl of activity in the gold and white studio of a fashion designer, receives the hawk-like attententlon necessitated by keen competition. And as far away as the thriving little village ,of Ann Arbor, the Influence of this Parisienne de- s ". " Mgr . A . { 't #+ " {: r yd. .y}n El" }-,r Y J f~l~ fi$L{., ",a.:}+: .Ly~i ' ;.. ..rj Ng . 4. 1"r ' } lJy'\f:i :itL: '''"{"' +"{}f .... }it:.'.. in about an hour and a half is accompanied smoothly and with ease by a group of slim, sleek models, each with a personality of her own. Only one sported the popular poodle hair cut. Most of the others wore rather long, smoothly laq- uered hair styles that make the hair look much shorter than it actually is. Most of the French women wear their hair very short favoring the boy-cut so popular in the United States a short while ago. All themodels wore the palest nude stockings as a fitting com- plement to the neutral color scheme and shoes with needle slim heels. Though a few may have lacked the freshness and wholesomeness required of the popular American model, they retained more of an individuality and a great deal ofQ dash. With the final twirl of the last creation, a hostess, smartly dressed in a tailored black wool, pulls back the shirred flesh colored drapes and opens the windows to let the sunlight back into the gold and white room. Then a bevy of sales girls, iden- tically clad in crepe dresses rush out to take their favorite cus- tomers in hand and begin the real work of the selling of the crea- tions. In this manner, then, the de- signer gets his creations from the dressmaker to the manufacturers and buyers, and eventually to the dress-rack in a department store in the United States. Ultimately they will be worn by the ordinary housewife on her night out once a week. With so many people of all de- scriptions involved it is easy to see what a bustle goes on at a studio showing of the latest Paris styles. Some of the excitement gener- ated at the showings is still theref when a saleswoman shows a low- priced model to an eager customer. Just how much the French de- signers still set the pace for world fashions is a debatable point. It was the French, however, who started the trend for longer hem- lines after the war. Color in many unusual hues and flowing, feminine lines are the keynote of present Paris fashions and wil undoubtedly find their way soon into the American fash- ion scene. -Daily-Matty Kessler PARTY PREPARATION-Mary Jo Kohl assists Carolyn Crego with last minute adjustments before one of the many spring dances. Campus stores are showing dresses in a variety of styles and colors for formal affairs. with mothballs and putting them away for the duration of the warm weather. When the first warm rays of the sun began to warm the waters of the Huron, spring fever took hold of the female contingent when they realized the time it takes to keep summer cottons looking fresh. * * * * THE FASHION NOTE this year is made to order for women in this sort of dilemma. They stress wrinkle-proof fabrics of all varieties, and even more practical designs, minus frills, sleeves and other bothersome details. While new cottons are designed to be more wearable and durable, they are also made to be more comfortable. One of the most popular styles on campus these days is the sleeveless dress, not only because it is easy to take care of, but because it is cooler and gives freedom of arm movement. Full skirts and demure tucks will accent summer cottons. These styles have been so popular that they have lasted for several years now. * * * * SPORT CLOTHES on a college campus tend, like most other items in the wardrobe, to be more practical and comfortable than stylish. Take for instance the perennial pair of jeans. Running a close second are shorts of all descriptions, from whittled down jeans to corduroy. While the sun stays out, however, the dormitory lawns will continue to be littered with women clad in bathing suits, which offer the widest expantse of skin to get tanned. For cool evenings in the arb, only one word can be said-the Michigan sweat shirt and plaid wool shirt will never be replaced. When Saturday evening rolls around and the fraternities and dormitories celebrate with formal dances, no coed cares to be caught without a frilly summer formal. * *' * * ORGANDY OF ALL pastel hues of the rainbow designed with bell-shaped skirts just above the ankles are alleged to be the most popular this year. Of course this kind of formal requires just the right kind of dancing slipper, with the highest heel. Also sheer nylon stockings with a decorated heel pattern fit the bill for this year's formal outfit. Formal accessories include the white shortie coat. New to the market this year is the spencer jacket, fluffy white topper that comes to the waist and has batwing sleeves and usually a single decorative button at the throat or waist. NEW MATERIALS developed within the last year are being used for the lining of summer coats, and are advertised as being more practicable for both summer and winter wear than the old satin or faille linings. Local shopping centers are continually getting requests for the artificial flowers that go with every outfit from cotton dress to daintiest formal. It is becoming more and more handy to add a spot of color to an outfit or vary an outfit from day to day with different artificial flowers. Summer suits, in navy or pastels are a welcome addition to any wardrobe. With a sheer nylon or cotton batiste blouse, and an artifi- cial flower at the neck, these ensembles will fit most occasions. Suits are about the easiest item to take care of that coeds can wear. If made of wrinkle-resistant fabric, they can be worn time and again after being hung near a steamy bathtub, and never have to have an iron touched to them. Summertime is fun-time, and most coeds get enjoyment in plan- ning their clothes for day-to-day wear and for the many activities she will participate in from now until the winter winds blow again. Jewelry with a light touch can liven up any outfit. White bead necklaces with earrings and bracelet to match are very low-priced and are pracitcal because white can be used with any combination of colors. If a little brightness needs to be added, pearl necklaces are avail- able in hues ranging from pink, blue, lavender, purple to aqua and gold. Pearls seem to be year-round favorites, but pastel colors to match formals or cotton dresses look especially nice. Another accessory that appears about this time of year is white nylon gloves. Certainly not designed for any practical purpose, they just look nice. Variations include navy-and-white herringbone plaids, and checks in cotton fabrics. signer reaches the consumer with- in weeks of his Paris opening. * s s THIUS IT IS, that an end-of- the-season visit to a courtyard studio ablaze with crystal chande- liers, offers a chance for study of this influence. Here are twirling, sleek young mannequins with impossibly small waists, dressed in the well- cut styles that have set the trend in the spring wardrobe of the American woman. At the beginning of the fashion season, the premiere showing of new spring lines began with the fanfare and popping flash bulbs of presses and American fashion magazines. REPRESENTATIVES of hun- dreds of large American firms, sat back in the gold and white chairs, thoughtfully paid court to the flow of tweeds, silks and shantungs be- fore them and put in their bids for those they felt might best suit the American taste and pocket- book-. Within a few months, the $400 original might have to run the gamut of the ready-to-wear field in New York and even find a trace of itself in a $9.95 copy in a department store window. It may be only a sleeve line or a hem length or an over-all trend that catches the public fancy, but it is impossible to ignore what has has been for years a steady influ- ence on American fashion. * * * THE BEST WAY to discover just what Paris has to say about that new suit hanging in the closet of the University coed is to take a look at an over-all picture of the 150 or so outfits in a show- ing. One thing stands out immedi- ately-color. Dresses foretell a muted spring in every shade of beige, grey, eggnog and off- white. The light wools and soft flannels as well as the many stiff shantungs and silks all echo this natural theme. Occasionally there is an out- burst in bright red or with less deviation from the neutral in a ,dull olive green. s s PRACTICALLY three-quarters ?of the outfits in the Paris lines are convertible into something else. The flanel outfit pictured labove consists of a medium grey jacket and simple skirt, flat over ,the stomach and full at the side seams with an extra panel in the back. When the jacket is removed a dress underneath cut on the same lines in pink and grey stripe is revealed. Then by bring- ing the panel around in front and fastening it, one has a full swirling skirt of the same stripe. The same idea with slight vari- ations is done in silks and shan- -Daily-Malcolm Shatz SUIT STANDBY-Pictured above is Janet Eckfield, a graduating senior, who is glad for the beautiful spring weather in order to wear her newly acquired summer suit. Suits in all varieties of materials and styles are being featured this spring and summer in all the stores. A new addition to the regular advantages of summer suits is a guarantee against wrinkling. The new wrinkle resistant fabrics, offered in navy or pastels, can be worn from time to time without ironing, if they are hung near a steamy bathtub. Sheer nylon or cotton batiste blouses are featured with the ensembles to fit many occasions. Summer suits featured this year are perfect outfits for traveling, because they are so easy to care for and keep looking nice. -Daily-Matty Kessler BIKE HIKE-Always a favorite for active sports, nothing can replace a pair of shorts or jeans in the coed's wardrobe. These three, off on a trip to a local scenic spot, dress for comfort, not for fashion. Diane Cooley on the left wears a Bermuda tennis sweater which is light weight but still warm enough for cool weather. Carol Wilkey, on the right, sports a typical short and shirt outfit which is popular for women students throughout the summer. Other clothes which coeds find useful for warm weather are pedal pushers and Bermuda shorts. The latter come in bright plaids and stripes and are often worn with knee-length shorts. " Something new in the sports- ^wear scene are the popular blue- jeans dressed up in new bright shades. Red, brown and green colors are replacing the faded '> a. dark blue that has been so fa- miliar on the campus. Shirts .