~FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THMSDAY, MAY s, 952 topP dote BOOKS . By CHUCK ELLIOTT TWO MONTHS of discussion, hypothesis, and curiosity came to an end Saturday with the announcement that five students had been put on probation for their conduct during the investigation of the controversial McPhaul dinner. From all the evidence, it was not an easy decision to reach. The body of law under which the investigating committees were forced to work was vague, and, at times, frustratingly inapplicable. A whole series of subsidiary points had to be set- tled before consideration of innocence or guilt could even begin. Charges had to be changed from time to time as their legal bases fell under closer examination; lack of precedent hampered the course of ad- judication from beginning to end. But a conclusion was arrived at, and when the conclusion was presented, some relatively lengthy statements were issued to explain its derivation. One of these statements, that presented by the University Sub-Committee on Disci- pline, clears up a lot of questions about what is and what is not permitted in the way of private meetings and unauthorized speakers on campus. Along with the answers, however, have come a new flock of confu- sions, which may be expected to plague somebody within the next few years. ACCORDING to point (2) of the Sub- Committee's statement "In the past no notice has been taken of lectures given in 'closed' meetings of recognized student groups, or at 'private' dinners held by stu- dents in the Union or in the League." Prof. Leon Blume, chairman of the discipline committee, has explained that the only thing indicated by this passage was that in allowing speakers at private meetings a practice of rather long standing was being recognized. Next, of course, is the question of what the Lecture Committee conceives of as being a "private meeting." The statement defines this by quoting Webster's diction- ary: "Sequestered from company of obser- vation; secret; secluded . .. Not publicly known; not open, secret." Then, more specifically, one reason why the McPhaul dinner was not considered private was the fact that an invitation had been extended to this newspaper to, send a reporter. Further, there was no apparent attempt made to restrict attendance, nor was there a host. The final point in the Sub-Committee's report was: "Students participating in a closed' meeting or 'private' dinner, at which an unapproved lecture is given, have the responsibility of seeing to it that the meet- ing is actualy 'closed' or 'private.' If they fail, they must justify their conduct or be held to have violated University regulations." So, it shapes up about like this: Unap- proved speakers may address meetings, if the meetings are closed tight before and after. If the affair is sufficiently undercover, then it is all right. * * * SOMEWHERE along the way, however, it would seem that certain principles have gotten rather rough treatment. Of most in- terest to me is the position of the press. The strongest statement of the Sub-Committee appears to be that there should be no ad- vance publicity on a private meeting. If there is, then it is no longer a private meet- ing. This curious concept of publicity is that it is "catching" to the extent that if a legal private meeting is publicly announced, then it is an illegal public meeting. I cannot help but regard this as somewhat amazing. This also goes for its logical extension; that if coverage is given to a meeting after it happens, then the nature of that meeting becomes automatically public, and hence illegal. Practical ramifications of such a concept are enormous; asuming that the newspaper (The Daily or any other) is. aware that a private meeting is scheduled to hear an unauthorized speaker, then the whole burden of the legitimacy of the meet- ing rests on .whether or not anything is printed. This is especially serious as regards coverage after the gathering, a job of report- ing which might possibly be of distinct interest to the newspaper's readers. What this obviously boils down to is the practical matter of the University's trying to be open-minded on the one hand, in allowing students to hear who they like, and scared to death on the other for fear that bad publicity will descend from out- state. It typifies exactly the predicament which the Lecture Committee finds itself in, since consideration of ALL speakers has shown itself in the past to be physically impractical because of time and the nature of some University facilities, such as the Union, and there is still the spirit of the Regent's By-law (i.e. no bad publicity) to be attended to. I can only conclude that as a practical resolution of an obvious problem. the Sub- Committee's statement seems to be a sincere attempt to find a way out of a dilemma; as a philosophically sound answer, however, it is absurd. If the freedom to hear speakers is to be restricted at all, it is by no means right to ask that the press be the deciding factor in that restriction. Further, suggest- ing that unapproved speakers merely go into dark alleys to give their talks represents a relatively benevolent, but hardly realistic approach to the problem. "Catholicism and American by James M. O'Neill. Harpers. Freedom," ON THE Washinton MerryGo-hound WITH DREW PEARSON SEVERAL YEARS AGO religious circles were greatly excited over the publishing of ex-University of Michigan student Paul Blanshard's now famous book American Freedom and Catholic Power. This book con- demned the American Roman Catholic hier- archy as being opposed to American ideals of Democracy. Catholicism and American Freedom by ex-Michigan professor James M. O'Neill contains a definite answer to this charge. O'Neill's main contention is that through faulty scholarship and misrepresen- tation Blanshard has constructed an entirely incorrect picture of the Catholic Church in America. The book is divided into three sections. The first deals with the historical back- ground of the Church in America. This section is not too significant but it does show that Catholics, largely through the efforts of Charles Carroll, one of the foun- ders of Maryland, were active in the fram- ing of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. In the chapters on "Democracy" and "Separation of Church and State," the myth that the Catholic Church is desirous of be- coming the state church in America is ex- ploded. O'Neill quotes, among many others, Cardinal Gibbons, who wrote: "The Separation of Church and State in this country seems . .. the natural, in- evitable, and best conceivable plan ..i- No establishment of religion is being dreamed of here, of course, by anyone; but were it to be attempted, it would meet with united opposition from Catholic peo- ple, priests and prelates." In the chapter on "Catholic Education," Blanshard's attacks on parochial schools are examined. O'Neill points out that as long as parochial schools continue to turn out stu- dents who meet our educational standards, these schools should be allowed to teach in accordance with their faith. He also de- fends the parents' right to send their chil- dren to the schoolrof theirschoice. The most significant chapter of the en- tire book deals with "Catholics and Social Policies." Examining the so-called "Catho- lie vote," O'Neill is able to show that the Catholic voting record runs the gauntlet from liberal (Senator Wagner) to reac- tionary (Senator McCarthy). On no one bill did Catholic congressmen in the 81st Congress vote the same way. In other words, there is no indication of an in- timidating Catholic pressure either for or against national legislation. As an example O'Neill cites the Wagner, Murray, Dingell Public Health Bill which Blanshard claims the Catholic hierarchy attempted to kill. Senator Murray, Senator Wagner, and Congressman Dingall, he notes, are all Catholics. Although O'Neill, in his haste to present his case, has made some of the same errors in logic that he accuses Blanshard of, his book is still very excellent reading to any- one who is interested in the subject of re- ligious freedom. By presenting the true facts, he has done a service not only to the Catho- lic Church but to the American people as well. -Mil Pryor Coeds' Rights THE PROGRESS made recently by the women's Board of Representatives in securing greater privileges for coeds has been admirable. Two of the three proposals discussed at the last Board meeting, which are now be- fore the women's houses for approval would make 11 p.m. Monday through Thursday the closing hours for senior women and would also extend to 11 p.m. the hours during final exam week. These comparatively minor improvements are an indication that at least something is being done to remedy the absurd restric-, tions on women that now exist on campus. As stated by the board, the third proposal would "provide greater flexibility and indi- vidual leeway in the granting of late per- missions by Judiciary officials and Univer- sity administrators." If this proposal were carried out effective- ly it could mean that house mothers would be authorized to be more lenient in the granting of late permissions and that, sub- sequently, women would be allowed to take full advantage of all cultural and educa- tional events on campus. There would be no situation arising similar to the restrictions on the attendance of the Arts Theatre pro- duction of "Othello." In striving for greater leniency, the Board should also arrange for the end of the present discrepancies existing between the different houses in the granting late permissions. As the problem now stands, some house mothers are more lenient than others in giving extra late permissions. All women should be entitled to know under what conditions they can secure late per- mission and these conditions should be the same for all houses. Although the Board's proposals indicate progress, a great deal remains to be done. But it appears, at the least, that the Board is becoming an effective organ in airing the complaints of coeds against the present double-standard treatment, under which men students are allowei complete freedom and women are forced to limit their parti- ninatnvi i -Q .%IIQ -y - lC nn a hn-.ai "Look Out - Here's Another 'Peace' Demonstration" de 1 >, 4 J4 WJ ' b.o I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTO -Now that the steel mills are running again, some Administration leaders are canvassing means of winding up the entire mess by giving the Steel Industry a moderate price increase in order to take care of a wage increase. Several cabinet members privately have long favored such a plan, especially Sec- retary of Defense Lovett. John Steelman, the acting defense mobilizer, once also definitely favored a $5-a-ton price increase for steel, as did Charles E. Wilson. However, each move in this direction has run up Against the quiet, adamant opposi- tion of an ex-Governor from Georgia, Price Administrator Ellis Arnall. And Arnall flatly refuses to budge. At one White House meeting held just before the President seized the Steel In- dustry, various cabinet members were urging SCURRENT MOVIES At The State . . THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER, with Thelma Ritter and Jeanne Crain. SINCE ALL OF the people involved in this movie are capable of better things, it seems apparent that the sloppy result of their efforts can be blamed either on the story or the director. The plot itself abounds with uninspired coincidences and unnecessary sentimental- ity. Most of the potentially comic situ- ations are milked for everything they are worth, but it appears that with a little more ingenuity the scriptwriters could have gone all the way and produced a completely farcical comedy. It would have been more desirable. As it stands the pic- ture is a "romantic comedy" with too much romance and not enough comedy. Thelma Ritter, as the marriage broker, has probably become the most typed actress in Hollywood. She is invariably a tough doll with a heart as big as her head. In this case her heart is even bigger. We might sug- gest, by way of variation, that she try some- thing similar to Queen Elizabeth (T) or T adv a moderate price increase in steel prices as a stop to the industry. "You can increase 'em all right," drawled Arnall good-naturedly. "You can increase 'em if you want to wreck the country." Arnall wasn't mad a bit. He even sound- ed as if he was half kidding. But those who know him realized that he was deadly serious, especially when he added: "You can increase 'em all right. But you'll have to get yourselves a new price adminis- trator." STEEL PROFITS The quiet threat of Arnall's resignation was enough to stop further discussion. Fur- thermore, he was backed up by his imme- diate superior, Roger Putnam, a manufac- turer from Springfield, Mass., who knows what it's like to make a profit and meet a payroll. Arnall also produced figures showing that the Steel Industry could pay the package wage increase recommended by the Wage Stabilization Board and yet re- duce its profits only 12 cents a ton under the high profit base from 1946 to 1949- after taxes. Arnall likewise showed that the Steel Industry, after paying the wage increase, and after paying taxes, would have a profit of only 60 cents a ton less than its record-breaking profits during the year 1951 when steel dividends soared to an all-time high as a result of the Kor- ean war. He argued that the Steel Industry should not make money at the expense of the Kor- ean War. He also pointed out that these profits were after taxes. The Steel Industry has not challenged Ar- nall's figures. * * * -STOLEN DIARY- Pentagon circles expect Lt. Gen. Edwin Brooks to go easy on his fellow general, Ro- bert W. Grow, the former military attache in Moscow, who left his diary lying loose so a Communist spy was able to photograph it. Brooks is commander of the Second Army, which will decide whether to go ahead with a court-martial of General Grow. Actually, the Army is afraid the spy may also have photographed other top-secret documents that were in Grow's possession (Continued from page 2) factor requirements and a study of radiation effects. Applicants should be familiar with biological research tech- nics. Jack & Heintz, Inc., Cleveland, is re- quiring a graduate engineer, preferably with a Master's Degree, and a knowledge of noncommunication electronics and servomechanisms. Milner Hotels Management Co., Inc., Detroit, the largest chain of hotels in the World, offers good opportunities for men interested in the hotel field. A sound, secure and bright future is of- fered to those who are interested in entering the hotel management busi- ness. The University of Chicago, Institute for Nuclear Studies, has openings for electrical and mechanical engineers. Ex- cellent opportunities for young engi- neers to get in on what is essentially the infancy of a new and promising in- dustry. For further information call the Bu.. reau of Appointments, 3528 Adminis- tration Building, extension 371. Academic Notices Camp Davis. Students intending to attend Camp Davis this summer will meet in Room 205 W. E. at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., May 8. Registration for Directed Teaching In Elementary Education for both semes- ters of the academic year 1952-1953 will be held in Room 2509 University Ele- mentary School, May 12-16. E. E. 5 Final Examination date has been changed from Wed., June 11, 2 to 5, to Sat., May 31, from 2 to 5. be- cause of the State Board Examinations. Aero Seminar: Dr. L. L. Rauch will talk on "Information Theory and the Design of Experiments," Thurs., May 8, 4 p.m., 1504 E. Engineering Bldg. In- terested students, teaching and re- search staff welcome. Seminar in Applied Mathematics. Thurs., May 8, 4 p.m., 247 W. Engineer- ing Bldg. Mr. Keeve M. Siegel, of WRRC, will speak on "Forced Separation of Variables." Astronomical Colloquium. Sat., May 10, 2 p.m., the McMath-Hulbert Ob- servatory. Doctors Orren C. Mohler and Helen W. Dodson will speak on "Re- cent Studies of the Solar Spectrum at the McMath-Hulbert Observatory." For those who have not been on a tour of the installations, the Observatory will be open beginning at noon. Psychology Colloquium: Fri., May 9 4:15 p.m., Room 3-G, Union. Dr. George Katona will speak on: "Rational Man and Rational Behavior." Doctoral Examination for Lynn Ran- dolph Peters, Chemistry; thesis: "The Thermal Decomposition of 2, 3-pyrro- lidinediones," Thurs., May 8, 1 p.m., 3003 Chemistry Bldg. Chairman, W. R. Vaughan. Doctoral Examination for Willis Nor- man Pitts, Speech; thesis: "A Critical Study of Booker T. Washington as a Speechmaker with an Analysis of Seven Selected Speeches," Thurs., May 8, 3 p.m., East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, G. E. Densmore. Doctoral Examination for John Lothar George, Zoology; thesis: "The Birds on a Southern Michigan Farm," Fri., May 9, 9 a.m., 2089 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, H. W. Hann. Doctoral Examination for Richard Blaine Barrar, Mathematics; thesis: "Some Estimates for the Solutions of Linear Parabolic Equations," Fri., May 9, 2 p.m., 277. W. Engineering Bldg. Chairman, E. H. Rothe. Doctoral Examination for William Jo- seph L. Felts, Anatomy; thesis: "The Prenatal Development of the Human Femur," Fri., May 9, 3 p.m., 3502 E. Medical Bldg. Chairman, B. M. Patten. Doctoral Examination for Warren Lounsbury Smith, Economics; thesis: "Alternative Monetary Interest Theor- ies: A Comparison and Evaluation," Fri., May 9, 3 p.m. 105 Economics Bldg. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave. Seminar in Transonic Flow: Friday, May 9, at 4 p.m., in RoQm 1508 E.E. Prof. O. Laporte will discuss certain results obtained in the shock tube that per- tained transonic flow. Time permitting. Mr. J. Kline will begin with work of W. Vincenti on the transonic flow passed a wedge. Concerts Student Recital: Jennie Parker Hilde- brandt, pianist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., May 8, in the Architecture; Auditorium. laving a program in nar- Lierr eColege Conference Steering Committee, 4 p.m., 1011 Angell Hall. Chess Club. Meeting, 8 p.m., Union. Marketing Club. "Marketing Research in Action at Goodyear." Mr. B. A. De- graff, Sales&Research Department, Good- year Tire &s Rubber company, Inc. 7:30 p.m., 131 Business Administration. Ev- eryone is invited. Refreshments. La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the south room of the Union cafeteria. Modern Poetry Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Ann Arbor Room, League. Poems to be discussed: Dylan Thomas' Fern Hill, The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower, A Refus- al to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London and The Marriage of a Virgin. All these poems will, be found In Oscar Williams. Mr. Feiheim of the English Department will participatedin the discussion, and everyone is invited. Graduate Student Council Meeting. 7:30 p.m., Graduate Outing Club Roo, Rackham Bldg. To elect officers and other business. Hillel Social Committee meets, 7:15 p.m., 1429 Hill St. All members and in- terested people are invited. Students for Democratic Action. Pan- el discussion, by Profs. W. G. Stolper, of the Economics Department, Marshall Knappen and Russell Fifield, of the Political Science Department, on "Am- erica's Investment in Backward Areas." 7:30 p.m., Union. NAACP. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Confer- ence Room, League. New officers will be elected. All interested persons invited. Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1209 Angell Hall. Discussion of the McPhlaul dinner verdict. Judi- ciary members Barbara Buschman and David Brown will be present to clarify the Judiciary's viewpoint. All those in- terested are invited. Women's International House. Meet- ing of the Committee for an Inter- national House for Women, 7:30 p.m. at Nelson International House, 915 Oak- land. Anyone who is interested in es- tablishing such a house is urged to attend. Young Republican Meeting: Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel and Prof. H. M. Dorr, Political Science Department, will lead a discussion on the needs and fu- ture of the Republican Party at 8 p.m., League. Business meeting also. The pub- lic is welcome. Refreshments. Coming Events Department of Astronomy. Vistors' Night, Fri~, May 9, 8 p.m. Dr. Freeman D. Miller wil speak on "Photographing the Sky." After the lecture in 3017 An- gell Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for tele- scopic observation of Saturn and the Moon, if the sky is clear, or for in- spection of the telescopes and plane- tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcome, but must be accompanied by adults. Canterbury Club: Holy Communion and breakfast, 7 a.m., Fri., May 9. Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer- sity Museums. "Monarch Butterfly Story," and "The Story of the Bees." Fri., May 9, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium. No admission charge. Hiawatha Club. Picnic, 8 p.m., Fri., May 9. For further details call Caroline Clucas, 22591; Don Hurst, 31013; or Doris Schweikert, 23225. Hillel. Friday evening services at New Hillel Foundation, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday morning services, 9 o'clock. Christian Science Lecture (Free): Sun., May 11, 3:15 p.m., Architecture Auditorium, Corner of Tappan and Monroe Sts., sponsored by the Christian Science Organization at the U. of M. Lecturer: Robert Stanley Ross, C.S.B. of New York City, member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. Subject: "Christian Sci- ence: The Principle and Practice of Di- vine Metaphysics." Civil Liberties Committee Party. 8 p.m., Fri., May 9, Women's Athletic Building. Square dancing, social danc- ing, entertainment, and refreshments All invited. HE THAT hath wife and child- ren hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments fn ...of o -- - ..:cn . i ho... - :. ASP Calls .:.. To the Editor: TOTHOSE who have written the many excellent letters and edi- torials on the visit of the Un- American Activities Committee and its campus aftermath, (the Affair McPhaul), and to all those who nodded in agreement, this letter is addressed. The Council of The Arts Sciences and Professions believes that it is possible to do something about the rising tide of conformity which threatens to make automatons of us all. Among the possible actions, scholarly research on the problems of peace and civil liberties can help to clarify the situation for ourselves and the community at large. An example of such research is the A.S.P. documentary booklet on the Un-American Affairs Com- mittee, "Operation Mind." A fol- low-up to this document is being planned and "stumbling blocks to peace" isanother project in prog- ress. You are cordially invited to help. We will meet this Thursday, 8 o'clock, May 8, in the League Ballroom. The business of the evening will also include a showing of slides of the famous Hiroshima murals. For any further information about A.S.P. call 3-0425. -Betty Enfield, for the Executive Board of the Council of the Arts Sciences, and Professions. International House..* To the Editor: IN RESPONSE to the need for housing groups where Ameri- can and foreign students could live together on an international, intercultural basis, Nelson Inter- national House for men was set up two years ago. As yet there exists no house where women of all na- tions may 'share the cultural and social advantages of life in such a varied group. We firmly believe that there exists a definite inter- est in such a house among many women on this campus. For thiq reason, the Committee for an In- ternational House for Women which was active on campus a year ago is being reorganized. The first meeting of the group will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 at Nelson House, 915 Oakland. Any- one who is interested in working for the establishment of a women's International House or who would like to live there once it is estab- lished is invited to attend this meeting. -Lisa Kurcz, Chairman Committee for an International House for Women SDA Invitation .. To the Editor: TWO-THIRDS of the world's population live in 'underdevel- oped' countries; countries without highway systems, investment cap- ital, agricultural machinery, elec- tric power, sanitation safeguards, and minimum nutritional stand- ards. These backward areas of Asia, Africa, and Latin America are be- set by the problems of both pov- erty and progress. The political direction and methods of their im- pending technological improve- ments will be a major factor in the history of the coming decades. The national and campus Stu- dents for Democratic Action or- ganizations have striven to em- phasize issues and problems rather XetteP TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from pubUcation at the discretion of the editors. than personalities and party or- ganizations on the political scene. This Thursday, May 8 (tonight), at 7:30. at the Union, the SDA is presenting a discussion on "U.S. Aid to Backward Areas." Three faculty experts on aspects of this question, (Professor Stolper of the Economics Department, and Pro- fessors Fifield and Knappen of the Poltical Science faculty) will offer their views and suggestions. Anyone interested in this vital facet of U.S. world policy is in- vited to come down to listen and add to thediscussion at tonight's opening meeting. -Ted Friedman President, SDA Peace, S'wonderful To the Editor: THE NEED for a stable world peace was never so great as it is today. To that end, the Society for Peaceful Alternatives is pro- posing that we ask the leaders of the U.S., U.S.S.R., People's Repub- lic of China, Great Britain, and France to meet and attempt to resolve their differences in a pact of peace. During World War II, meeting after meeting was held by the leaders of the Allied Powers. At Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam, Casa- blanca, Cairo, and Dumbarton Oaks a design was worked out- a plan for saving mankind from another war. The basis of this plan was the unanimity of the Great Powers. Those governments with the greatest power for good or evil had to move together on minimum areas of agreement or there could be no peace. The prob- lems of the world rose from many sources, but the purpose was to prevent them from breaking into war.' Peace could be maintained only by agreement among these five great powers. This was the basis for the United Nations. But this great plan is failing. It is difficult for the U.N. today to act effectively for peace. Also, the People's Republic of China has been barred from the U.N. And, it is unlikely that there can be a real world settlement without Chin Now the United States, Korean, and Chinese soldiers are in bitter conflict in Korea. Fighting is also raging in Viet Nam, Burma, Ma- laya, the Philippines, and Indo- nesia. Powerful nations are re- arming everywhere. At any mo- ment new outbreaks of war seem possible. This situation can be met only by restoring a minimum basis of agreement for peace among the Big Five Powers. The people can act to bring the leaders! of these five nations together to come to an agreement on the issues that are leading us to war. A confer- ence of this kind can reduce world tensions and the drive toward war. A resulting pact of peace will lay the groundwork for a real, lasting peace. -Executive Board of the Society for Peaceful Alternatives Chairman:lrkeley Eddins OR PRACTICAL life at any rate, the chance of salvation is enough. No fact in human na- ture is more characteristic than its willingness to live on a chance. The existence of the chance makes the difference, as Edward Gurney says, between a life of which the keynote is resignation and a life of which the keynote is hope. -William James i I The Very Proper Gander. NOT SO VERY long ago there was a very fine gander. He was strong and smooth and beautiful and he spent most of his time singing to his wife and chidren. One day somebody who saw him strutting up and down in his yard and singing remarked, "There is a very proper gander." An old hen overheard this and told her hus- band about it that night in the roost. "They said something about propaganda," she said. "I have al- ways suspected that," said the rooster, and he went around the barnyard next day telling every- body that the fine gander was a dangerous bird, more than likely a hawk in gander's clothing. A small brown hen remembered a time when at a great distance she had seen the gander talking with some hawks in the forest. "They were up to no good," she said. A duck remembered that the gander had once told him he did not believe in anything. "He said to hell with the flag, too." said the duck. A guinea hen recalled that she had once seen somebody who lnlrr I ""rn a a M ._+. r -- a" Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith .................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James .............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Bistness Staff Bob Miller ...........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager Milt Goetz.......Circulation Manager I i