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February 14, 1952 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-14

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1 4




EGYPT, traditionally a land of mystery,
lies in a land where three continents
cross; today, it is in the peculiar-and un-
comfortable-position of harboring three
clashing ideologies-Communism, Western
Democracy, and monarchial feudalism.
Ancient writers, Shakespeare, and Shaw
glamorized the Egypt of the pharoahs and
Cleopatra, but that Egypt was nothing
compared to the seething Egypt of today,
where a rectafigular conflict of interests
threatens to cast the world into another
The Soviet Union has long considered
Egypt a palatable plucking; over the years
Communist leaders have strained their ra-
pacious eyes on the warm water ports, Suez
Canal, air line communibations, and the in-
fluential position of reigning over a large
segment of. the world's 300,000,000 Muslims.
The Communists realize that strife-ridden
Egypt is, by virtue of its economic and po-
litical advancement, the leader among the
Muslim countries; they realize, too, that a
Communist victory in Egypt would echo
from Muslim Morrocco to Muslim Indonesia.
Great Britain, still grasping precariously
to the vestiges of empire, has had a vital
interest in Egypt since the early 19th cen-
tury. It's life-line to the Far East runs
through the Suez Canal; today, the imple-
mentation of the Anglo-American contain-
ment policy awards special consideration
to Egypt and -the Middle East.
The interests of the United States in
Egypt run concurrently with those of Britain,
though this nation has often sympathized
with the national aspirations of the coun-
And then there are the Egyptians.
** *
BEFORE even a partial insight into the
Egyptian problems can be gained, an
understanding of the country itself, its vital
statistics, is necessary.
Egypt is about the size of Spain, with an
area of about 363,000 miles, of which only
13,000 square miles in the Nile area are cul-
tivable and habitable. The rest is desert.
A hot, arid country, it possesses little na-
tural resources. The most important natural
resource is the Nile, which provides the two
main needs of the country-water and soil.
Such staple crops as cotton, wheat and rice
are the chief products of the rich river
valley. But there is little industry in the
The heterogenous population of Egypt
totals about 19,000,000 Arabic-speaking in-

. Pyramid of Ideologies

"Well, A Fellow Can't Spend All His Time Hunting"
=----- U.S cr


habitants. The masses are, by and large,
poor and illiterate, plagued with disease.
In effect, they are bona fide serfs, tied to
the land, tied to their creditors.
A small minority of pashas and landlords
holds, as hereditary privilege, title to some-
thing like 85 per cent of the land. The fel-
lahin are further milked by the upper crust
by being forced to bear the brunt of the in-
come tax. Consequently, there is a grossly
inequitable distribution of wealth.
The Egyptian Government operates as a
constitutional monarchy, under the incor-
rigible leadership of King Farouk. The
"malik" is quite authoritative, prone to
whim rather than law. He has the power to
appoint two-thirds of the Chamber of Depu-
ties, can appoint his own administrative
ministers, and can dissolve parliament at
The primary deficiency of the Egyptian
government is its budget, which, on many
occasions, would have been scarcely suf-
ficient to sponsor the trip of two camels
across the desert. Progressive attempts at
economic development are hampered by
the meager budget.
Egyptian politics are marked by an em-
phasis on personalities rather than issues.
The nationalistic Wafd party, which controls
the trade unions, is the most powerful. Re-
ligious fanaticism is inescapably tied in with
politics, and theIkwan-El-Muslimin, the
Moslem Brotherhood, flourishes in Egypt. A
fascistic, anti-Western, anti-Communist or-
ganization, the Brotherhood advocates a re-
turn to the ascetic tenets of Islam.
Prior to 1922, Egypt was dominated di-
rectly by the British. In that year, Egypt
gained its so-called "independence" and
was proclaimed a constitutional monarchy.
But the British never relinquished their
control over the country. The controversial
Treaty of 1936 was a humiliating subjec-
tion to imperial Britain, virtually cement-
ing Egypt in the clutches of the English.
Out of that treaty came two agreements
which are presently the chief straining
points between Egypt and Britain.
1) Britain was allowed to maintain
100,000 troops in the Suez Canal area.
2) Egypt bowed to condominium of 1899,
which provided for Anglo-Egyptian sur-
veillance over the Sudan.
Last year, Egypt formally denounced the
1936 treaty, insisted on British withdrawal
from the Suez Canal and the Sudan. Since
then, conditions have gone from bad to
worse. Riots have swept across Cairo and
Alexandria; Egyptian irregulars have clash-

ed with British Suez troops. The Western
educated young Effendis, progressive-mind-
ed, are being persecuted. Martial law has
been declared. Egyptian laws against kissing
in public have been relaxed. The cabinet of
Nahhas Pasha has fallen. And the wave
of anti-Western hysteria continues, with
mobs calling for a diplomatic rapport with
The Soviet Union is taking full advan-
tage of the Egyptian crisis. The Commun-
ists have made efforts to enlarge upon their
trade agreements with the country. They
have thrown their moral support behind
Egypt's nationalistic attempts to oust the
As yet, the Foreign Office has failed to
recognize the imminent danger of shoving
the Egyptians into the Communist camp.
Prime Minister Churchill, with typical ef-
frontery, has even gone so far as to re-
quest American "token troops"' to safe-
guard the Suez passageway.
* * *
HERE IS Egypt's case.
1) The Suez Canal cannot be protected
by a mere 100,000 troops, the number al-
lowed by the Treaty of 1936.
2) There is no reason why the Egyptian
Army itself cannot protect the Canal Zone.
3) The Suez Canal is not as vital as it once
was, due to the fact that the Russians are
building a submarine base in Albania,nde-
signed to cripple the British Mediterranean
4) If the British remain in the Sudan,
they still can exercise great influence over
Egypt, because the headwaters of the Nile
are located in the Sudan, and the course of'
the river can easily be diverted, starving
Egypt into submission.
But the Egyptians' convincing argument
is simply an appeal for total independence.
It is an appeal which has its roots in the
faith they placed in the principle of self-
determination. It is an appeal for national
The State Department has studied these
arguments attentively, is presently looking
for a compromise. One such compromise--
perhaps the most reasonable-would be the
withdrawal of the British from the Suez
and the Sudan in return for Egyptian en-
trance into a Middle East Defense Pact..
This Pact would include Greece,. Turkey,
Egypt, the United States, and Britain. It
would be comparable to the Atlantic Pact,
in several respects, and might conceivably,
placate the Egyptians further by advanc-
ing them economic and technical aid.
The Middle East being the weakest link
in the containment chain around the
periphery of the Soviet Union, a Pact, in-
cluding Egypt, is the most reasonable goal
of the State Department.
If the Egyptians can get the Sudan and
the Suez at the same time, they will un-
doubtedly join the defense pact. An Arab
knows a good bargain when he sees one.
-Cal Samra

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
He Tarzan, You Jane.. . erence index number which could
be matched with the same number

(Continued from Page 2)
Steuben, Michigan, will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, Fri., Feb. 15,
1 to 3:30 p.m., to interview candidates
for the following positions: general
cabin counselors; experienced water-
front head; arts and crafts counselor;
camp doctor or registered nurse.
Director of Camp Nahelu, a camp for
boys and girls, located 40 miles north
of Detroit, will be at the Bureau of
Appointments, Fri., Feb. 15, 10 a.m. to
5 p.m., to interview men and women
for positions in camp counseling.
For appointment call at 3528 Admin-
istration Building or phone University
Extension 2614.
Summer Positions: The director of
Camp Q-Gull, a co-ed camp located on
Lake Charlevoix, will be at the Bureau
of Appointments and Ocupational In-
formation from 1 to 5 p.m. Thursday,
February 14 to interview general and
specialty counselors.
A representative of the Detroit area
Council, Boy Scouts of America, will
be at the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information from 10 A.M.
to 5 P.M., Thursday, February 14 to
interview mein for camp counseling
positions at Brighton, Michigan.
For appointment call at Room 3528
Administration Building or telephone
University Extension 2614,
Employment Opportunity, Gold Coast
of Africa: A representative of the Gold
Coast of Africa will discuss employment
opportunities for seniors and graduate
students, Thursday, February 14, at 4
P.M. in Room 35 Angell Hall. For fur-
ther information call at 3528 Admins-
tration Building or phone University
Extension 2614.
Personnel Interviews
Lever Brothers Company of New York
will be on the campus Mon., Feb. 18
and Tues., Feb. 19 to interview stu-
dents interested in their training pro-
gram. A group meeting will be held
on Monday for all those June people
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation
of Toledo, Ohio will Pe here Tues.,
Feb. 19 to see individuals interested in
talking to the representative. Men in
Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical,
Industrial, and Architectural Engineer-
ing, in addition to Accountants, Per-
sonnel Majors, and Business Adminis-
tration students are eligible if gradu-
ating in June.
The Girl Scouts of the United States'
of America will have a representative
here on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb.
19 and 20 to talk to women, graduating
in June or August who are interested;
in entering this field of wor:.
Ford Motor Company of Dearborn,
will be on the campus Tuesday and
Wednesday, Feb. 19 and 20, to talk to
men graduating in June from the fol-
lowing fields: Accounting, Law, Bus-
iness Administration, Mechanical, In-
dustrial, Metallurgical, Chemical, Aero-
nautical or Electrical Engineering in
addition to Physics and Chemistry. A
group meeting will be held on Mon.,t
Feb. 18, 5 p.m., for those -interested.
The Public Service Company of Nor-3
thern Illinois, Chicago, will be here7
Thurs., Feb. 14, to talk to women in-
terested in doing clerical or stenogra-
phic work with this concern.
For appointments call the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, Ext. 371.1
Personnel Requests
The State of Michigan Civil Service
announces examination for Personnelt
Technician L Application blanks aret
availalbe and must be filed no later
than February 20. Individuals graduat-
ing in June are eligible to take the ex-1
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building.r

To the Editor:


Washington Merry-Go-Round
r~ rr r r~~rrriwr Ii


WASHINGTON-The manner in which
an Egyptian cotton broker grossed $16
million at the expense of the U. S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture has cotton dealers
boiling mad and is almost certain to result
in a Congressional investigation.
The Egyptian cotton broker Is Loutfy
Mansour, who, acting on inside informa-
tion just before the Agriculture Depart-
ment suddenly decided to buy Egyptian
cotton, cornered 17,500 bales and cleaned
What cotton-bloc senators are aroused
over is the friendship between Egyptian
broker Mansour and Clovis Walker, head of
the Agriculture Department cotton branch.
Walker vigorously denies that he gave any
inside information to Mansour. Neverthe-
less, it is a fact that the two are friends,
have exchanged presents, and that the
Agriculture Department-official attended a
fancy dinner thrown by Mansour at the
Shoreham Hotel here last August.
It is also interesting that Walker recom-
mended Dyke Collum, onetime speculat-
ing partner of, ex-Sen. Elmer Thomas of
Oklahoma, to the Egyptian broker to be
Mansour's brokerage representative in
Thus, ties between Mansour and Walker
are close.
Walker, when questioned by this column,
admitted he had received gifts from the
Egyptian broker in the form of Egyptian
glassware and silver. He claimed, however,
that he had given electrically illuminated
pictures, which he makes, in return, and
that his gifts were as valuable as Mansour's.
When and if the Senate digs into Man-
sour's amazing cotton speculation, it will
want to inquire about several interesting
facts. One is the fact that Mansour had
enough advance information that Egyp-
tian cotton was to be bought to come to
Washington from Egypt in time to nego-
tiate. He also had enough advance infor-
mation to corner the Egyptian cotton
* * *
- RMED SERVICES officials who figured
in the huge and abortive machine-tool
contract, suddenly canceled following an
expose by this columnist, got a rough
working-over last week from a House com-
mittee probing military waste.
Committee Chairman Ed Hebert of
Louisiana had the atmosphere hopping
as he angrily demanded answers to:
1. Why the Fisher Body division of Gen-
eral Motors was given the Air Force contract
to make 757 vertical turret lathes, though
it had no experience in this field; also, why

spend $7,000,000 for expanding the lathe.
making facilities of the Bullard Company,
though the government stood to lose more
than that in tooling-up expenses at the
Fisher Body plant?
Congressman Hebert and his colleagues
also brought out that the government
agreed to "rent" Fisher-G.M. all but 80 out
of some 507 units of tooling machinery
needed to fulfill the contract. But it turned
out that this was not actually rent, but a
free gift to the company under a "credit"
* * *
THE REVELATIONS brought gasps from
spectators but little worthwhile infor-
mation from Assistant Air Secretary R. L.
Gilpatric, who nervously argued that the
contract was. awarded Fisher-G.M. because
it could "get the job done faster" than the
Bullard Co.
Gilpatric at first denied that anyone
formerly associated with Fisher Body
Company had anything to do with placing
the order. However, under some cross-
examination by Congressman Paul Cun-
ningham of Iowa, he was forced to retreat.
It developed that Boyer not only is a
former official of General Motors, which
owns the Fisher Company, but that Boyer
had a prominent voice in awarding the con-
tract-in fact, he "personally recommended
to me that the best way to get on with this
job from a time standpoint" was to give it
to Fisher, Gilpastric told the committee.
Gilpatric defended Boyer on the ground
that he had a "special competence" in his
Most fantastic touch was provided by
Swan E. Bergstrom, a machine-tool expert
with the National Production Authority.
Replying to questions by Hebert about why
the Fisher Company was to be paid $90,600
each for the same turret lathe another
company was selling for $38,000, Bergstrom
said it was perfectly normal for Fisher to
charge the government 2Y2 times as much,
because Fisher was "inexperienced" in mak-
ing machine tools.
"Does that answer your question?" asked
the witness.
"It's as clear as mud," replied Congress-
man Hebert, who indicated later that he
still can't understand why inexperience
should cost twice as much as experience.
Congressman Jack Dempsey of New Mexi-
co, long-time crusader against waste in
government, noted that the inexperience
seemed to be on the side of Gilpatric and
others responsible for the machine-tool
blunder. When Bergstrom conceded that the
$90,600 price was prohibitive to private cus-

Air Port Mania
Associated Press News Analys.,
GOVERMENT officials report no wave of
hysteria throughout the United States
among people living near busy airports. But
there certainly is one in and around New
Automobiles collide, ships sink and air-
liners crash. As long as it involves only
those who pay their money and take their
chances, the general public accepts it as
part of life. But when three big planes
crash into one small, apartment-congested I
area within two months, the impact is dif-
Newark airport, even when it was the busi-
est in the world, produced only one serious
commercial crash in more than 20 years.
Then suddenly, by strange coincidence, there
are three in a row. Public officials, already
under heavy pressure because the second
crash took life and property from innocent
residents, closed the field in the middle of
the night without even waiting for the pub-
lic clamor of dawn.
Yet the chances against the Elizabeth
string of crashes being stretched by one or
more new ones would seem almost incalcu-
lable. But the Governor of New Jersey, the
officials of the Port of New York Authority
which operates the field, the Mayor of Eliza-
beth were unanimous. They might know that
hysteria was taking over, but the pressure
was too great.
Then it spread to Queens, 20 miles away,
where Idlewild and LaGuardia fields
shared with Newark the load of nearly
all the vast metropolitan and international
air traffic. Shifting the Newark load ran
the flight total at LaGuardia to 100 an
"Close them down," demanded the chair-
man of the Aviation Committee of the
Queens County Jurors Association. Leaders
of civic and taxpayers groups, already op-
posed to the fields because of their nuisance
to residents, took up the crT'-
It takes a mixture of human congestion,
fear and dramatics to produce such a reac-
tion. More than a million people have died
on the nation's highways. Thousands of
vehicles have crashed into stores and homes,
crushed pedestrians on sidewalks, and pub-
lic reaction to safety measures remains ex-
asperatingly mild.
Yet great masses of people shudder into
protesting groups when something as un-
predictable as lightning strikes nearby,

THE OTHER evening, while
thumbing blithely through
next semester's time schedule, I
came across a bit of information
which at first amused me, then
perplexed me, and finally left me
in a state of fearful bewilderment.
On page 71, under Physical edu-
cation for men, the following
course is listed: no. 48, square and
social dancing. It will meet each
Monday and Wednesday evening
at Waterman gymnasium at seven
P.M. This, in itself, is innocuous.
But at the bottom of the very
same page is listed course no. 48
under physical education for wo-
men, also called 'square and social
dancing. It too meets at Water-
man gym on Monday and Wed-
nesday evenings. But, and this is
significant, it meets at seven-fif-
teen P.M.
What takes place during this
What preparations must the
male students undergo before the
female students are allowed to
dance with them?
Apparently harmless on the sur-
face, it is this sort of unpublicized
intrigue which may be the factor
undermining the spirit and morals
of the university.
Under the guise of these so-call-
ed 'educational' endeavors, there
is no telling what actually is tak-
ing place.
It is up to the Daily, to SL, to
the students themselves to find
out, once and for all-
Who are the people that take
such courses? Why do they take
them? What do they know, and
not reveal?
And perhaps, in the future,
there may be a time when the
men and women of this university
can enterdWaterman gymnasium
in the daylight, together un-
-Steve Davis
* * *

in the other column thus easily
determining who accompanied
whom to the J-Hop. A greater
break- down in the number sys-
tem would enable a further analy-
sis by interested students wishing
to determine who doubled, tripled,
quadrupled, etc with whom.
I must admit that this is but a
modest objective. Eventually, per-
haps, the "Daily" could offer such
information as the make and year
of the car used (if any), the day
in advance of the J-Hop on which
the date wasmade, the occupation
and Dunn & Bradstreet rating of
the parent or guardian of each in-
dividual attending the dance, and
the place where each couple dined
before and after the dance.
Although such improvements
may only be viewed as possible
future developments, the estab-
ment of an annual cross reference
system of recording the names of
the couples who attended could
easily be started next year. This
would certainly be a great service
to the University of Michigan stu-
dent body.
Yours for better J-Hop issues,
-E. Sterling Sader


The University Extension Service an-
nounces that most of the Spring se-
mester classes offered in the evening
program for adults open this week.
Students electing courses scheduled
to be held in the Business Administra-
tion Building (Monroe at Tappan) and
in the Architecture Building may reg-
ister from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Monday
through Thursday during the first two
weeks of the semester, beginning Feb.
ruary 11, in Room 164 Business Ad.
ministration Building. Students elet-
ing courses scheduled to be held ti
all other buildings may register in the
thirty-minute period preceding the
first class session in the rooms desig-
The following classes open tonight,
February 14:
Design Principles in the Home. Prof.
Catherine B. Heller is offering this ele-
mentary course for those interested in
the design and organization of the
modern home. Students will be ex-
pected to work out assigned elemen.
tary problems illustrating basic princi-
ples of line, space, color, texture, and
form that can be applied to home de-
sign and decoration. Planned as a
preparation for the further develop-
ment of living space. Sixteen weeks,-
$16.00. 7:30 p.m. 346 Architecture
Personality Development (Psych. 151,
two hours credit). Dr. Elizbeth Im.
Douvan, the instructor, will cover the
major dynamic approaches to person-
ality development and function, with a
review of pertinent clinical and exper-
imental evidence. Sixteen weeks, $16..
00. 7:30 pam. 176 Business Adminl.
tration Building.
Short Course in Personal Typewrit-
ing. Offered as an experiment by the
Extension Service, the School of Edu-
cation, and the School of Business Ad
ministration, this intensive course will
present the basic fundamentals of
touch typewriting for personal use.
Designed for those who have only a.
minimum amount of time available for
formal training. A second section is
scheduled to follow this one in April.
Fred S. Cook is the instructor. Six
weeks, $5.00. 7:00 p.m. <276 Business:
Administration Building.
May Festival (6 concerts), May 1, 2,
3, 4. By purchasing season tickets,
which are now on sale, a considerable
savings is made-$8.00, $9.00 and $10.00
-at the offices of the University M.
stcal Society in Burton Memorial Tow-
Faculty Program: Norma Heyde, So-
prano, will present a program at 8:30
Thursday, February 14, in Lydia Men-
delsohn Theater, An Instructor in
the School of Music, Mrs. Heyde-will
open her program with compositions
by Gluck, Haydn and Mozart, followed
by a group of songs by Schubert, aI
Scena and Aria from "Faust" by Gou
nod. The second half of the recital
will include Ravel's Cinq Melodies Pop-
ulaires Grecques, Granados' La Maja
y el Ruisenor from "Goyescas," and
three English songs by Griffes. Mrs.
Heyde will be accompanied by Mary
Fishburne, Assistant Professor of
Piano. The public is invited.
Events Today
Modern Dance Club. Meet in Bar-
bour dance studio, 7:15 p.m. All, in-
terested new members are urged to
SL International Relations Commit-
tee: Meeting, 4:30 p.m., SL Bldg. All
those interested are invited.
Pershing Rifles. Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Rifle Range. Bring gym shoes.
Faculty-Student Sports CompetbRn,
auspices of the Intramural Depart-
ment. Two hundred faculty members
competing against two hundred stu-
dents in eight sports-volleyball, ba-
ketball, water polo, paddleban hand-
ball, squash, bowling, and billiards.
Sports Building, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
International Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m.
Civil Liberties Committee. Meeting.
7:30 p.m., Room 3K, Union. Agenda:
Discussions pertaining to the Un-Am-
erican Activities Conunittee, the Le-
ture Committee, and a campus refer-
La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to
5 p.m. in the south room of the Union
Hillel Social committee. 4 p.m., Lane
Hall. Open to all who wish to attend.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Business meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., 311 West Engineering.
Acquiring of new plastic hulls to be
discussed. Also talk on functions of

Alpha Kappa Psi, the Professional
Business Fraternity, will have a rush-
ing smoker at their house, 1325 Wash-
tenaw, 7:30 p.m.
Actuarial Club Meeting: 4 p.m., west
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Mr. Henry Unruh, Actuary, Provident
Life and Accident Insurance Company,
will be the speaker.
Coming Events
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "Heredity," and
"Heredity and Prenatal Development."
7:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 15, Kellogg Audi-
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion,
7 a.m., Fri., Feb. 15, followed by break-
fast in Canterbury House.
Westminster Guild :' Square Dance
and Welcome Party for new students
at First Presbyterian Church on Fri-
day evening.
Hillel. Friday night services, 7:45
p.m., Lane Hall, followed by a speaker,
Mr. Milton Rosenberg, Social Psycholo-
gist. "Minority Self Hatred." Re-



J-Hop Extra . .
To the Editor:
MAY I take this occasion to
congratulate you on your J-
Hop issue of the Michigan Daily?
There are, however, several addi-
tions which, if made, would con-
siderably expand the scope of your
annual coverage of this event.
One year ago, when you printed
a similar issue, the editors of the
Michigan Daily saw fit, in making
known the names of the couples
attending, to first print the name
of the lady and subsequently the
gentlemen. This procedure was re-
versed in your last issue. Both
methods, no doubt, have caused
numerous students to hunt
through countless names in order
to find the information they de-
sired and, in many cases, still de-
I suggest that you print two al-
phabetical lists-one of ladies, an-
other of gentlemen. Next to each
name could be printed a cross ref-

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ..........k..Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn .........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .... .Associate Sports Editor
Jan James...........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller... ......Business Manager
Gene Kuthy Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish..........Finance Manager
Circulation Manager........Milt Goetz
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The ; Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year. by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

University Lecture, auspices of the
Phoenix Proect, "The Application of
Spectrometry in Biological Research."
Dr. Lewis H. Rogers, Oak Ridge ,Ten-
nessee. 4:15 p.m., Fri., Feb. 15, 1300
Chemistry Building.
American Chemical Society Lecture.
University of Michigan Section, Amer-
ican Chemical Society, presents Pro-
fessor A. E. van Arkel of the Univer-
sity of Leiden, Netherlands, in a lec-
ture on "The Structure of Complex
Halides" on Thursday, Feb. 14. at 8:00
p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry Build-
ing. Visitors are 'welcome.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 152, The Mind of Pri-
mitive Man will meet in Room 1025
Angell Hall instead of in Architecture
Engineering Mechanics 103, Experi-
mental Mechanics is being offered this
semester. Tentative hours are Tues-
day and Thursday at 1 p.m. with one
three-hour lab period to be arranged.
Classroom is 109 West Eng. Instructor,
T. A. Hunter. Three credit hours.
Geology 90 will meet in 146 Business
Administration Building. Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m.
History 146 will meet on and after
Friday, Feb. 15, in 69 Bus. Ad.
Seminar in Linear Spaces: Organi-
zational meeting, Thurs., Feb. 14, 4
p.m., 3010 Angell Hall.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Organizational meeting at noon,
Thurs., Feb. 14, 3200 Angell Hall.
Seminar on Representation of Groups
(continuing Math. 217) will meet on
Thurs., Feb. 14, 3-5 p.m., 3011 Angell
Geometry Seminar: Thurs., Feb. 14,
4:10 -p.m. 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Kilby
will speak on "Convex Polyhedral
Seminar in Transonic Flow: Organ-
ization meeting, Thurs., Feb. 14, 2
p.m., 1508 East Engineering.





Mom. I'm going to be six
years old, maybe. And I-

Well, could we have
some people in? To

We'll invite all

A nice idea, your mother's.
After the serious business


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