See Page 4
tD igeau
Latest Deadline in the State
Oil Workers
Still Remain
Out on Strike
Steel Talks Also
Stay Deadlocked
By The Associated Press
The nation-wide oil strike will
continue, O.A. Knight, President
of the Oil Workers' ,International
Union, CIO said yesterday, adding
that-the union will attend a Wage
Stabilization Board meeting May
13 as requested.
In Washington, the wage board
put -off, until today any decision
regarding the oil dispute which
has caused the shut down of re-
fineries producing nearly half of
the nation's oil.
Nathan P. Feinsinger told the
House Labor Committee yester-
day that if the Board fails to ob-
tain an end to the strike, it would
probably send the dispute back to
the White House.
The strikers' original demand
was for a wage boost of 25 cents
per hour above the present aver-
age of $2 to $2.10. But Knight
said any company 'offering an
181/2 cent increase undoubtedly
would see the strike ended at
its plants.
Meanwhile, the nation was still
waiting for the solution to the
steel issue.
Philip Murray said yesterday the
CIO United Steelworkers Union is
ready and willing, anytime and
anyplace, to resume negotiations
with the steel industry.
BUT MURRAY told a news con-
ference "Industry is going to have
to bargain on an equal give-and-
take basis-not just bargain
The silver-haired steelwork-
ers' president, who is also head
of the national CIO, said the
union has bargained "for more
than five months in, good faith-
but not the industry."
In answer to a question raised
by Murray whether the govern-
ment had, approved salary boosts
given to steel industry executives,
an investigation is being carried
on to determine if the salary raise
met the stabilization rules.
It was learned yesterday the
Office of Salary Stabilization sent
telegrams Tuesday to more than
a dozen major steel firms asking
for data on salary boosts given in
1950 and 1951. The agency said
it particularly wanted information
on raises given to persons making
more than $25,000 a year.
The Truman administration yes-
terday raised sharp objections to
a proposal to block strikes in de-
fense industries through use of
receivership for both companies
and unions, backed by continuing
Spud Shorta ge
Danger Ends
By The Associated Press
The Agriculture Department said
yesterday that the quantity of new
crop potatoes moving to market is
picking up and that supplies
should be ample within three or
four weeks to wipe out all short-
Potato experts predicted that
supplies would be large enough by
the latter part of June to pull
prices in some areas below cur-
rent ceiling levels.
Meanwhile, in Washington,
government agents were alerted
in ten states to press investiga-
tion of reported price violations
on potato sales.
Although University "dormitory'
residents were warned last week
that no more potatoes would be
forthcoming after the standing
supply ran out, the staple is still
being served. The warning was is-
sued in view of the "black mar-
ket" costs in this area.
Wolverine Club
Slates Interviews
Interviews for Wolverine Club
positions will be held from 4 to
9 p.m. Monday in Rm. 3D of the
Positions include chairmanships
Tag Day
University Tag Day buckets,
manned by more than 700
workers, Yielded up $2,726.26 in
yesterday's drive.
The total fell short of the
optimistic $4,000 goal and was
below last year's $3,400 intake.
Drive leaders, however, express-
ed satisfaction with the results.
Proceeds will go to the Uni-
versity's Fresh Air Camp for
underprivileged children.
Prison Riot
Blame .laid
On Parolers
By The Associated Press
Mutiny leader Earl Ward, a
Cathlic chaplain and guards all
said yesterday that the April mu-
tiny and riot at Southern Michi-
gan prison could be blamed in
large part to practices of the
State's parole board.
An investigation of parole pro-
cedures was among 11 convict de-
mands to which the State agreed
in order to end the mutiny and
riot, in which guards were held
as hostages, one man killed, none
wounded and $1,500,000 damage
TESTIFYING before Gov. G.
Mennen Williams' independent
three-member fact finding panel
yesterday, Ward, in handcuffs and
leg irons, bitterly criticized what
he said were practices of the board
to hold men with spotless prison
records beyond their minimum
The prison chaplain, Rev. Fr.
Cahill, also testifying before the
panel, said he had sensed ten-
sion within the prison for a year
and a half before the mutiny
broke out, and expressed belief
that slowneses of the parole
board's operations and its de-
nial of freedom to good-behavior
men at the end of minimum sen-
tences shook the confidence of
convicts in Justice.
Ward told the fact-finding board
that he dictated the congratula-
tory message which assistant dep-
uty warden Vernon Fox read to
inmates a half hour before the
mutineers surrendered and releas-
ed the guards.
Speaking at a meeting in Flint
yesterday, Fox said that the agree-
ment the State signed to bring
about an end to the mutiny was
in such, general terms that the
State would have to yield none of
its prerogatives in handling pris-
Fox will speak on "Prison Ad-
ministration and Riot Control" at
7:30 p.m. Monday in Kellogg Audi-
'U' Plans To Host
Atomic Field Day
The University will play host to
nearly 400 business executives
next Tuesday at a Phoenix Pro-
ject-sponsored "atomic field day."
Presented to show "what the
University is doing and plans to
do in the field of Atomic re-
search," the day's program will
include speeches by prominent
University officials, a luncheon at
the Union and an inspection of
University atomic research facili-
Lifts Credit
Decision Eases
Time Buying
WASHINGTON -(P)- Controls
over installment buying were sus-
pended yesterday because the gov-
ernment decided inflationary
dangers have eased off.
For the consumer, the decision
means no government require-
ments as to down payments or
time to pay for automobiles, furni-
ture, radio and television sets, and
scores of other items.
* * *
MANY authorities said the re-
sult would be a trend toward small
down payments and more time to
pay. Dealers and finance com-
panies still may impose their own
terms, 41 the absence of govern-
ment regulations,
Industry hoped for an imme-
diate boost in sales, which have
been lagging in some fields. But
some officials said they thought
the stimulant would be slight,
and perhaps only temporary.
The Federal Reserve Board's
regulation "W" has required a
one-third down payment on auto-
mobiles and 15 per cent on most
other items, with 18 months to
.!. * *
THE regulation was clamped on
in September, 1950, shortly after
the start of the Korean war, to
curb a buying wave which was
pushing up prices then.
The board urges Congress to
extend its control powers, now due
to expire June 30, so the install-
ment buying curbs may be imposed
again if needed in any new infla-
tionary upsurge.
Today's action was another in
a series of steps in which the
government has noted a lessen-
ing of inflationary threats.
Only Monday, the reserve board
lifted its program of voluntary
credit restraints designedto con-
fine bank loans and other financ-
ing to defense projects and essen-
tial civilian needs.
Accused Men
To Face Bar
Jack Howard and Sylvester Sal-
va, accused slayers of bunkmate
Anthony Bedard at the Cassidy
Lake prison camp, face arraign-
ment at 10 a.m. this morning in
municipal court on a first degree
murder charge.
Bedard, 17 year old victim of
the slaying, was found May 1, his
body bound with electric wire and
weighted with a concrete block in
a septic tank at the camp, north-
west of Ann Arbor. He had been
murdered March 31.
Howard, 19, and Salva, 20, were
charged yesterday after both
youths broke down under ques-
tioning Tuesday night. Assisitant
Prosecutor Edmond F. DeVine
learned in grilling the two that
Howard had led the actual assault
on Bedard.
Authorities indicated that fear
of Bedard's 'squealing' on mutual
violations of camp regulations was
the motive in the crime.
Brothers, Raise Your Voices
Taft Leads GOP
Nominee Race
Kefauver Confident Despite Loss
To Russell in Florida Primary
By The Associated Press
Tennessee's Estes Kefauver and Ohio's Robert A. Taft swept into
the lead in the nation-wide races for delegates yesterday and both
promptly posted claims of virtually certain victory at' the Chicago
presidential nominating conventions in July.
Kefauver said that on the basis of a striking upset in Ohio-and
a strong but losing display in Florida-he is now "practically assurred"
of winning the Democratic nomination.
' A e. *
-Daily-Matty Kessler
For complete list of groups placing, see page five,
SL Rejects Move To Reveal Testimony
The Student Legislature last
night rejected a motion which
would have requested the Admin-
istration to release for publication
in The Daily testimony of McPhaul
Case witnesses who would grant
permission for such publication.
World News
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-East Germany's Com-
munist rulers announced last night
they are forming an army to de-
fend the Soviet Zone "against aug-
DANVILLE, Ill. -- A special
Federal Grand Jury yesterday
indicted an Air Force master
sergeant and three officers on
charges involving alleged bribes
to assist the officers in avoiding
active duty.
KOREA-Allied air power blast-
ed the crippled North Korean rail
system again yesterday in the
stepped-up campaign to choke off
Communist Armies from Manchur-
ian supplies.
* * *
LANSING - A bill increasing
some workmen's compensation
benefits and a measure appropri-
ating $37,836,000 for mental health'
purposes was signed into law yes-
terday by Governor Williams.
passed yesterday a bill putting
teeth in the Federal Mine Safety
Code by permitting the Secre-
tary of the Interior to fix mines'
safety measures and making it a
misdemeanor for an operator to
violate them.
* * *
TOKYO - A moderate earth-
quake, centered in Tokyo Bay,
gave the capital a sharp shock
yesterday, although there appar-
ently was no damage.
MEMBERS voting against the
measure spoke of the impracti-
cality of publishing the lengthy
testimony, which covered 124
pages with single spaced type dur-
ing the first hearing, and many
more pages when the Judiciary
considered the case.
Judiciary member Dave Brown
'53, was granted speaking privi-
leges to answer members' ques-
tions. Emphasizing that he spoke
only for himself and not as a
Judic member, Brown main-
tained that Judiciary's past poli-
Faculty Men
Vie, for Posts
Three University faculty mem-'
bers have filed petitions for city
Board of Education posts in the
June 9 elections.
A total of seven candidates have
entered the race for the three posi-
tions open. Up for re-election is
Prof. Donald C. Douglas of the
engineering college. Other Univer-
sity candidates are Prof. Lester V.
Colwell, also of the engineering
college, and James W. Orwig, as-
sistant football coach.
Albert E. Blashfield, incumbent,
Frederic B. House, Daniel G. Auer
and Dominic D. Dascola, '36, are
the other candidates entered. Mrs.
Florence Slater, a present board
member, is not seeking re-election.
IFC To Discuss
Stewards Group
A meeting to discuss the possi-
bilities of an Inter-Fraternity
Stewards Council will be held at
4 p.m. today in Rm. 4051 Business
Administration Bldg.
Pete Thorpe, '53, IFC president,
noted that since the meeting place
is small, only fraternity presidents
and stewards have been invited.
cy was to release no testimony
even though witnesses requested
such action, and maintained
that the policy should be car-
ried on.
When asked if witnesses had
been adequately warned that their
refusal to answer reasonable ques-
tions would lead to punishment,
Brown replied that "The average
student is well aware that any
student coming before a Univer-
sity body should give reasonable
* * *
AT A BANQUET earlier in the1
evening, former SL president Len
Wilcox, '52, formally bowed out
after three years of service to stu-
dent government. In a half-hour
long speech Wilcox outlined SL
progress in the past year, and cited
the problems that student goverx
ment must face in the future.
Chief among them, Wilcox
said, is the question of SL rela-
tions with other campus organi-
University Public Relations Di-
rector Arthur Brandon also spoke.
He too cited the need for coopera-
tion between SL and.other groups
and concluded that the Legisla-
ture was being watched with a
"hopeful" eye by the administra-
Joint Judiec
Openings for two men and
three women on the new Joint
Judiciary Council may be p-
plied for by any student wi at
least 60 hours of academic
credit and not a member of
Student Legislature, according
to John Merow, '52E.
Petitions are available from
3 to 5:30 p.m. at the Student
Legislature Bldg., 122 S. Forest,
or from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the
undergraduate offices of the
League. Petitions are due at
the SL Bldg. bye 5 p.m. next
Truce Talk
By The Associated Press
President Truman put the stamp
of finality on the United Nations
stand in Korean truce negotiations
yesterday with an assertion that
"We will not buy an armistice by
turning over human beings for
slaughter or slavery."
His formal pronouncement was
the climax of a series of official
American statements on the issue,
all aimed at making clear to the
Communists and to the world in
general that there will be no more
* * *
THE PRESIDENT followed up
statements from:
1. Deputy Defense Secretary
William C. Foster who told
newsmen that the package deal
offered to the Reds in Korea was
"final" but not an "ultimatum."
He confirmed that a naval block-
ade of Communist China and dir-
ect attack on the Chinese main-
land have been considered, among
actions that might be taken in
event of a final breakdown of truce
2. Secretary of State Dean .
Acheson who described the Com-
munist-rejected formula as "fair
and reasonable" and told a news
conference that if the Commun-
ists really wanted a truce they
would accept.
Korean truce talks-verging on
collapse after Red rejection of the
Allies' final compromise offer-
continue at Communist request to-
day. The outlook is dark. .
The Reds gave no reason in
asking for another top-level ses-
sion at Panmunjom yesterday,
with the shroud of secrecy remov-
ed. The full dress session lasted 18
minutes. Negotiators agreed to
meet again tomorrow.
The United Nations Command,
declaring it never would force pris-
oners to return to Red soil against
their will, said bluntly that further
debate was pointless and called
for an indefinite recess. Each side
said it was 'upto the other to
give in. s
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway de-
clared in Tokyo: "Our position is
one from which we cannot and
shall not retreat. The responsi-
bility for peace in Korea rests on
the Communist leaders."
will "never be headed" in his bid
Sfor the Republican prize.
Meanwhile, Sen. Russell of
Georgia had the prestige of a
primary victory in Florida over
Sen. Kefauver to bolster his
drive for national support in the
race for the Democratic presi-
dential nomination.
Russell won over Kefauver with
strong backing from the farmer
votes-particularly from the tier
of northern counties along or near
the Georgia-Alabama borders.
OHIO GAVE a thundering bal-
lot box endorsement and 56 Re-
publican presidential nominating
delegates to native son in yester-
day's primary.
The state's Democrats turned
over to Sen. Kefauver 27-ex-
actly half-of their 54 Chicago
convention votes.
Kefauver took top ranking
among Democratic candidates in
delegate totals, just as Sen. Taft
climbed into a comfortable mar-
gin over Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower by his sweeping home-state
* * *
campaign manager called the
Ohio results "the most impres-
sive victory of any of the primary
contests held thus far."
Late counted returns from
yesterday's 1,300,000 vote pri.
mary-which eclipsed slightly
the 1948 record of 1,286,721 bal-
lot total-gave Taft a clean
sweep and Kefauver an amazing
absentee. victory.
* * *
KEFAUVER soundly whipped a
Democratic state organization
slate pledged to former Sen. Rob-
ert J. Bulkley. The Bulkley dele-
gates are not committed to any
major candidate.
The Bulkley slate salvaged 27
delegate votes largely because it
won 22 of them by default after
Kefauver failed to assemble a
full slate. The crime busting
Tennessean contested for a total
of 31 votes, got one of them by
default and won 26 direct races
with Bulkley candidates.
In an at-large race where 16
delegates were chosen with a half
vote each, Kefauver entered only
eight candidates.
SHouse Passes
Foreign Aid
WASHINGTON -- () - T h e
House Foreign Affairs Committee
yesterday unanimously approved a
$6,889,100,000 foreign aid bill
which includes Spain for the first
The approved bill was cut by
$1,010,900,000 from the $7,900,000,-
00e originally requested by Presi-
dent Truman, with all of the re-
ductions taken from funds ear-
marked for Europe.
*: '* *
THIS LEAVES a total authori-
zation of 42 billion dollars for
military assistance abroad-most-
ly guns and other war equipment
-for the year ending June 30,
In addition to this, the com-
mittee voted to give military of-
ficials the authority to transfer
one billion dollars worth of
equipment from American stocks
to foreign allies if the need
Chairman Richards (D-SC) told
newsmen the purpose of this un-
precedented provision is to give
military authorities leeway to meet
any global emergency.
* * *
THE 4/; BILLION for military
aid covers the manufacture of war
equipment in this country and in
Europe for use in arming allied
Experts Give Va
A wide divergence of opinion over the steel controversy was evident
among Univprsity experts as they discussed the precedent-building
seizure case which now awaits Supreme Court review.
When President Truman went on the air last April 8 and announ-
ced "at midnight the Government will take over the steel plants," a
whole series of climatic and anti-climatic moves originated as big
steel and the unions jockeyed for the upper hand in court and in the
mediation rooms.
ORIGINALLY THE Wage Stabilization Board had proposed a total
wage raise of 26.4 cents an hour for the steelworkers. (Average steel
wage is now $1.88 an hour.) The recommendations were passed over
the objections of the WSB's six management representatives.
President Truman's action was precipitated by a threatened
steelworker strike, for steel management would not agree to the
WSB recommendations.
But the President's seizure action made big steel even more bitter,
and they took the fight against government control to District Court
where they won the first round when a week ago Tuesday Judge David
aried Views on Steel Strike Action
all sides pursue a course of watchful waiting for the Supreme Court
Fundamental issue of the whole dispute involves the theory of
Presidential powers, but settlement terms and other side issues have
caused great controversy. These are the main questions and the argu-
ments which have been waged over them in court and on campus:
*' * * *
JUDGV PINE RULED that "neither singly nor in the aggregate
do (the provisions of the Constitution) grant the President . . . inher-
ent power which authorizes him . . . to take such action as he may
deem to be necessary . . . in the public interest."
On the other side, Government attorneys maintained:g"We
must argue that (the Constitution) must be construed as a grant
of power sufficient to permit .. . action in protection of the na-
ional interest.
According to Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the law school, there is no'
definite precedent in point. "I find it difficult to sustain the President's
position," Prof. Kauper said. "He has neither the broad executive pow-
ers nor the inherent powers for seizure."
feels that the Court will not sustain the President's power of seizure
in the terms by which he took over the industry.
"Either they will order the plants turned back to steel or they
will allow them to remain under temporary government control,
hedging their decision so that no precedent will be fixed to permit
seizure to become an inherent power," he predicted.
If such a decision were handed down by the high court, Prof. Dorr
believes that it would not portend a reversal of the trend to grant
more powers to the executive, but 'rather a leveling off of the trend.
"It may have some influence in bolstering the position of Congress"
he added.
* * * *
SIDES ARE CAREFULLY drawn on settlement terms by both
management and labor. Murray and the union stand behind the WSB
recommendations, but big steel will not accept them unless they are
granted an increase of $12 a ton in the price of steel.
Although steel profits have been at record highs in the last
few years, the twenty year average of return on invested capital
is only two and a half per cent for the industry. This profit' ra-
tion is higher than that of the meat packing industry, but lower