t THE ACACIA PLAN'S VIRTUES See Page 4 Y Sir 43i9 U ~~IAt& + < t Z Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY i VOL. LXI, No. 151 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1952 SIX PAGES _______________________________________ I I Interest Lag Causes AIM. SA C OK-'s JudiC (Reds Reject -ntNPrisoner Trade Offer Taft Out Front in Ohio; in Florida 4 To Disband Quads Accused Of Unfair Attacks Russell Wins By RUSS AUWERTER The Association of Independent Men announced yesterday in a no- tarized document that they will no longer continue to operate, giv- ing as reason lack of interest and unfair attacks by quad govern- ment. Provides for More Representative, Centralized 'U' Judiciary System By CRAWFORD YOUNG The Student Affairs Committee unanimously accepted the new Joint Judiciary Council constitution yesterday, providing a more re- presentative and centralized student judiciary system. * * * * THE REVAMPED constitution will be submitted to the Board of Regents for approval, probably at their next meeting May 22. Pending final action by the Regents, however, the new constitution will be in effect. THE SIX PAGE paper, sent to residence directors, men and wom- en's deans, and President Hatcher, gave a detailed description of the reasons for the long expected fold up. t Claims made by AIM were: 1. Quad governments had kept up a sustained attack on AIM say- ing it was "in the way" and made a motion recommending that each house in the quad reject AIM's proposed constitution revision. 2. Quad governments falsely ac- cused AIM of small committee powerblocking and "dictatorship" tactics with the purpose of casting suspicion of AIM. 3. Quad Council attempted to pack an AIM meeting; moving to disband the group, and transfer all funds and office equipment to the Quad Council. 4. A quad resident director re- fused to listen to an AIM officer who went to him with complaints of unfair -quad practices. 5. Berton Braun AIM vice pres-' ident was refused recognition by the chair of a west quad council meeting when he attempted to make known AIM policies. 6. The AIM had been made to feel for the last few years that it was a thorn in the side of 'the University administration. The paper also said the chief function of the AIM has been that of a service organization. It was a co-sponsor of the A- Hop, initiated and maintained the "Little Club" and sold sports equipment. It was also stated that the few remaining members would inde- pendently continue to sponsor "The Little Club" as a public ser- vice to the campus under the name of AIM. The Association of Independent Men was founded in 1946 in an- swer to the need voiced by re- turning veterans. dependent men will be one that adopts the campus-wide viewpoint professed by AIM." * * * AIM WAS AT THE height of its popularity and prestige in 1950 but since then, due to gradually increasing competition presented by quad government, has continu- ally declined. The AIM document met with mixed student reaction yester- day with the quad councils put- ting up the strongest rebuff. West Quad Council president Ted Bohuszewicz considered the paper to be a somewhat humorous collection of charges saying "We were waiting for and expecting AIM to fall, but we certainly didn't pull any fast ones." He also said that members of the West Quad Council had ex- amined the AIM proposed consti- tution and the only purpose of the organization that they could find was "taken from the quad council jurisdiction over the elec- tion of Board of Governors of Res- idence Halls representatives." Asked how the collapse of the AIM would affect fraternities, IFC president Pete Thorpe said "There are too many unknown factors to judge the situation conclusively. 'Triangles From 'neath the heals of dusty feet, Within the vitals of the Arch, The great bronze seal called loyal men In dead of night to march. So came the men of Triangles. Once more beneath the pointed spires New faces toiled with fear; The seal of Triangles again shone bright Cleansed with blood and tear. WSBJ Asks Oil Workers To Return DENVER-()-The Wage Stab- ilization Board (WSB) yesterday asked oil workers to return to work as a nation-wide strike began to cramp commercial air transport and was even felt by the U.S. Air Force in Germany. * *4 * THIS IS the seventh day of the strike by some 90,000 CIO, AFL and independent unionists over wage demands. The nation's oil refining capacity has been reduc- ed by a third. Military aviation has been curtailed. The Govern- ment ordered a 30 per cent cut in aviation gasoline supplies for commercial and private flyers. WSB Chairman Nathan P. Feinsinger asked for an end to the strike and renewal of bar- gaining to settle issues. To both company and union, messages also suggested that all parties meet with the WSB next Tues- day. Feinsinger requested imme- diate replies. The 22 unions called the strike April 30 in support of demands for a general wage hike of 25 cents an hour. They also want an in- crease to 6 and 12 cents an hour from 4 to 6 cents in night and early-morning shifts. Wages now are $2 to $2.10 an hour. * * *S O. A. KNIGHT, of Denver, presi- dent of the Oil Workers Interna- tional Union (CIO), in behalf of the Coordinating Committee of CIO, AFL and independent unions involved, wired Feinsinger: "The coordinating committee of the oil unions engaged in the wage dispute with the petroleum industry agrees to attend the meeting before the Wage Stabi- lization Board May 13. "Yctr request that the parties 'resume work and production im- mediately' is being considered by all groups involved and our reply to this request will follow at the earliest possible moment. Aviation was under the greatest stress from the strike. Pres. Hatcher Voted Degree Pres. Harlan Hatcher will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws Degree at the baccalaureate ceremonies of the University of Cincinnati on June 1. The board of directors of the University of Cincinnati voted yes- terday to confer four honorary de- grees at the school's 1952 com- mencement. The others wil go to Dr. Norman P. Ashburn, new president of Akron University, Dr. Winston E. Keck of the Bell Tele- phone Laboratories and L o i s Kronenberger, author and drama critic. PRINCIPLE stumbling block to passage of the revised consti- tution was in finding an acceptable method of representation on the interviewing board which will pick all the members of the new judi- ciary, which rules on all but ex- ceptional disciplinary cases in- volvingstudents. The SAC, after debating for two meetings over three al- ternative proposals, wound up accepting by a 9-3 vote yester- day the arrangement originally proposed by the members of the present Joint Judiciary Coun- cil, framers of the document. This provides for an appointing board consisting of the president, vice-president, treasurer and re- cording secretary of Student Leg- Petitions for the new Joint Judiciary Council may be ob- tained from 3 to 5:30 p.m. at the Student Legislature Bldg., 122 S. Forest, or from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Undergraduate Offices of the League beginning today, according to John Me- row, '52E, chairman of the now- defunct Men's Judiciary Coun- cil. Deadline for completed peti- tions, which should be returned at the SL Bldg., is 5 p.m. next Wednesday, he said. islature, plus the president and chairman 6f the interviewing board of the League. In addition, the chairman and vice-chairman of the Joint Judiciary Council will serve in an advisory capacity. At present, Joint Judiciary is a composite group containing re- presentatives from Men's and Wo- men's Judiciaries. The former group is picked by the SL cabinet, the latter by the League interview- ing board. UNDER THE reorganization scheme, Men's Judiciary ceases to exist, while Women's Judiciary will continue to handle infractions of women's house rules, but will have no direct connection with the Joint Judiciary. * The largest obstacle to imme- diate acceptance last week of the 4-2 SL-League ratio on the ap- pointing board was strong op- position from the League to this scheme. In a search for a compromise so- lution, the SAC last Tuesday, af- ter a heated discussion, agreed on establishing the student member- ship of the SAC as the personnel for appointing judiciary members. Ridgway Reveals Details of Talks TOKYO, Wednesday, May 6--(A) -Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway dis- closed today the Communists have rejected an Allied offer to trade the 12,000 UN prisoners in their hands for the 70,000 Allied-held Reds who have agreed to return to Communist control. 4. ' * RIDGWAY ripped the veil of secrecy from the high level truce talks at Panmunjom and revealed the details of the UN command's overall solution to the deadlocked armistice negotiations. In a sharply worded statement Ridgway said "the responsibility for peace in Korea now rests on the Communists." If the Reds agreed to the UN- proposed trade of war prisoners, Ridgway said, after an armistice the UN would be willing "to permit any suitable interna- tional body or joint Red Cross teams, together with observers from both sides, to interview the persons held by the UN com- mand who have indicated they would forcibly oppose repatria- tion." The Allied Supreme Comman- der said the UN would then return to the Reds any prisoners which an impartial, neutral survey show- ed were willing to go back. Ridgway said the Reds have re- jected this "fair equitable solu- tion." On the other two issues block- ing a truce, Ridgway said the UN command had offered to drop its demand for a ban on airfield re- construction if the Communists would abandon their nomination of Russia as a "neutral" nation to help police the armistice. Ridgway said both sides agreed at Tuesday's secret session to re- lease details of the Allied offer. s * *i MEANWHILE the 57,699 Chi- nese and North Korean soldiers who have chosen death to Com- munism were given a half dozen chances to change their minds. That was revealed yesterday by an unimpeachable informant who for the first time gave the substance of questions asked at the recent screening of Allied- held prisoners in connection with prisoner exchange. This is the key issue blocking a truce in Korea. He said that the questions ask- ed of the Red prisoners all were aimed at convincing as many as possible that they should go home. The questions took that approach because of the Allies' efforts to lean over backwardseon the pris- oner exchange issue to achieve a truce. Still the Communist prisoners declared they would commit sui- cide or make a run for it under the sharp-shooting guns of bat- tIe-trained American guards rath- er than return to the Communist world. 'Ensian MICHIGANENSIANS will be sold on the diagonal today and tomorrow. There are only 450 'Ensians left and less than two weeks to buy them. Those who have al- ready bought their books will be able to pick them up May 16 and 17, on "E" days. Campus sales will also be held Monday through Thursday next week. i InimatesdTell Committee, More Riot' JACKSON, Mich.-(P)-Two in-3 mates of Southern Michigan Pris- on told Gov. Williams' Fact Find-! ing Committee yesterday that fur- ther trouble was likely at the world's largest walled prison. Ray Young, 23, of Detroit, serv- ing a five to 15-year sentence for safe-cracking, said the convict mutineers were all set to "blow up" the prison at the riot which ended April 24. He wouldn't elab- orate. But he said the convicts were! still going to blow up the place- "I'll stake my life on it." YOUNG, CLAIMING major cre-, dit for the riot, said it was plan-I ned six months ago and "I was the only one who knew the definite time when it was to come off." Young also claimed a prison official, whom he would not name, gave him the big heavy knife which he carried during the riot. He said the official was still friendly to those who took part in the revolt. Young said the riot actually was planned to take place on Monday, April 21. (It started April 20). He explained a "disciplinary . court" was scheduled to convene that day. The youthful convict said the prisoners were going to try to cap- ture all members of the disciplin- ary court, composed of prison of- ficials. But on Sunday night, Young went on, the prisoners saw Thomas Elliott, a rookie guard, in such a position that they could capture him easily. They did so and the riot was on. Publicity for their alleged grievances was the only objectivee of the riot, Young said.t Asked what would have happen-1 ed to the guard-hostages if police had stormed cell block 15, YoungE replied:r "We'd have killed every copper (guard) that was up there." The guards captured as hostages weres kept on the upper floor of the tier of cells. While Young was before the committee, prison officials con- ducted another examination of his cell. They found a section of a steel rod, about 30 inches long, which had been twisted from his bed and sharpened on one end by scraping it on the floor. it a ._ ce 1S. TAG DAY-Dean Erich Walter gives Torn Watkins, '52, a tag as the annual University Tag Day drive gets underway today. The drive is to provide funds for the 'U' Fresh Air Camp which provides a summer vacation spot for 240 underprivileged boys. More than 700 faculty members, alumni, students and townspeople will aid in the collection of the funds which provide about one-third of the camp's operating expenses. The drive will continue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the goal is $4,000. See FRESH AIR, Page 6. Judge Welsch Calls Gambling Tax Stamps Unconstitutional' fTaft Seizes Lead Over. Eisenhower Kefauver Trails By 8000 Votes By The Associated Press Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio pulled ahead of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in Republican presi- d e n t i a l nominating delegate strength yesterday and lead in all the reported races for convention spots in his home state primary. ON THE Democratic side Sen. Richard B. Russell of Georgia took a long early lead over Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennessee in the Florida presidential popularity vote but most part of the margin by the time a little over a third of the vote was in. Then with over half the voting places reported he pulled 8,000 ahead again. Even before the vote counting started in Oho, Taft had taken the delegate lead 285 to 281. And on a tabulation just before mid- night his delegate candidates were ahead of candidates pled- ged to Harold E. Stassen for all 10 of the at-large places and' in all 15 of the district races, in- volving 30 votes, on which there were reports. - Kefauver, in the lighter Ohio Democratic voting, staked a claim to a substantial share of the Demo- cratic delegates. His men were ahead in 19 races but fonmr Sen- ator Robert J. Buckley as a "fav- orite son" had leads in two con- tests and was unopposed for 22 votes. In the Alabama Democratic primary four delegates favoring Russell took an early lead and three who said they were for Ke- fauver were elected without op- position. Eisenhower got two committed delegates from Missouri and one listed as "leaning" for a count of 281. The tabulation covers dele- gates pledged, instructed, favor- able, willing to state a first bal- lot choice, or conceded by candi- dates. The count from 593 of Ohio's 10,312 polling places gave Sen. John W. Bricker, the top Taft At- Large Delegate candidate 24,557 votes. The top Stassen delegate, J. Paul Brenton, had 6,450 votes. His total was far below that of the lowest Taft delegate, who had 20,- 210 votes. The District delegate races re- ported, the Taft slate was leading for 22 delegate places and the Stassen slate for none. In the democratic at-large race, the count from 459 pre- cincts gave Kefauver's top dele- gate, 8,412 votes. The top Bulk- ley At-Large Delegate had 4,708 votes, compared with 7,616 reg- istered for the lowest Kefauver candidate. .In district races reported, Ke fauver candidates led in 11 con" tests and Bulkley in only two. SAC Requests YP Charges The Student Affairs Committee yesterday requested that the Lec- ture Committee present a list of specific charges against the Young Progressives, before any review of the group would be undertaken. THE INVESTIGATION was- called for a month ago by the Lec- ture Committee, who announced that they would not approve a pe- tition for the YP to sponsor an appearance of William Hood, con- troversial secretary of Ford Local 600 (UAW-CIO), pending clarifi- cation of the YP's "responsibility." In their move yesterday, feeling among SAC members was that spe- C' i' PHILADELPHIA--(P)-A Fed- eral Judge cracked down yester- day on a law that requires gamb- lers to buy a $50 tax stamp, call- ing it unconstitutional on the ground it is a police measure and not a tax bill. U.S. District Judge George A. Welsh declared the measure illegal since its provisions required a man to be a witness against and an informer against * * * himself others. Wilson Urges Congress Strip Stabilization Board of Power 04 WASHINGTON-- (P)- Charles E. Wilson, who quit as Defense Mobilizer in the row over steel, told Congress yesterday it should strip the Wage Stabilization Board of power to step into labor dis- putes. * * * HE ALSO advised the lawmak- ers to make sure of a firm policy on pay and prices in any extension 'RICK JAMES': Quad Worker's Arrest Brings Shock, Dismay of economic controls-"If it is flexible policy you cease to call controls." He figured that Government-r commended raises for the CIC Steelworkers would amount t about three times what the me have coming under the rules an would set an inflationary goal f other workers. He took the stand that it ie "not realistic" to expect the in. dustry to absorb such a cost in. crease without raising prices. And he accused President Tr man of having "left me out on limb" by changing his mind aftE telling Wilson to work out a com promise on the steel pay-price i sue. The former chief of the Offic of Defense Mobilization set oi1 his views as the first witness in House Labor Committee investiga tion of the.Wage Board and ii handling of the steel crisis whic has brought seizure of the vit: industry, an "on-and-off" strik and a court fight that will mal hicnr a it SL To Have : Banquet Today to n University public relations di- id rector Arthur L. Brandon and Len or Wilcox, '52, past president of Stu- dent Legislature, will be guest s speakers at an SL banquet to be - held at 6 p.m. today in the Union. - Dave Brown, '53, will emcee for the occasion. a- Following the banquet, there a will be a regular SL meeting in er the Hayden-Cooley house dining - room in the East Quadrangle. - i Campbell New YD President Campus Young Democrats last night elected John Campbell, '55, as incoming president and gave outgoing president Gene Mossner, '52, a standing vote of apprecia- tion. Other new YD officers are: Judy Bender, '54, vice-president; Marcia Blumberg, '54, corresponding sec- retary; Bernard Backhaut, '55, re- cording secretary; Dave Kornbluh, '54, treasurer; and Lyn Marcus, '53L, and Marvin Failer, '53L, board members at large. YD members also discussed plans for May 15 appearances of Gov. G. Mennen Williams and Sen. Mike Monrony (D-Okla.) at a rally in Rackham Lecture Hall, Topic of the rally will be "The Year of Decision-1952." THE 73-YEAR-OLD jurist, a Republican on the bench since 1932, strongly attacked the meas- ure and asked: "Is the purpose of the act a delegation of bureau- cratic powers to create revenue or to constitute a host of informers?" Specifically, the bill requires the gambler to list names, both real and aliases, and addresses of persons working for him. Judge Welsh did not rule on the legality of another section of the act which requires gamblers to pay a 10 per cent tax on. their earnings. In Washington, the Justice De- partment was reported planning a quick appeal Internal Revenue Commissioner John B Dunlap said that he was recommending an appeal. He add- ed that pending final disposition the Bureau will continue to sell the gambling tax stamps. Since the law went into effect Nov 1, 1951, the Internal Revenue Department has sold 18,913 stamps for a total of $547,000. Starting in December, the first month of collections under the 10 per cent tax on gambling, the U.S. has col- lected 10 per cent of the reported $22,483,270 gambling take. RIOT QUELLER: An atmosphere of shock per- vaded the South Quadrangle yes- terday after the wounding and ar- rest Monday of Richard Moore, Jr., a dishwasher in the Quad who was wanted by Cook County, Ill., police for assault with intent to murder and bond forfeiture. Adding that Moore was a hard and conscientious worker, the resi- dent director said "as far as- the- Quad's administration isaconcern- ed we will be happy to have him backas soon as he is free and clear to do so." Al Warshawskv nresident of the Vernon Fox To Speak Here Dr. Vernon Fox, the young psy- chologist who's congratulatory Student-Faculty Committee of the sociology department. The fact-finders also heard of friction within Dr. Fox's own de-