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May 06, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-05-06

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TUESDAY", MAX 6, 1952


Acacia Plan's
IT WAS interesting to note that over the
weekend that curious document of plati-
tudes, the Acacia Plan, won adoption by the
Big Ten convention of Inter-Fraternity
Councils and Panhellenic Associations.
It was also interesting, if not distress-
ing, to note that the Michigan delegation
apparently represented the apex of lib-
eral thinking at the conference, and that
it was only with their strong backing that
any action was taken.
On the credit side of the ledger, there are
several things to be said for the move.
First, it does represent a step forward.
This is the first time any such group has
subscribed to the principle that bias clauses
in an abstract sense are a bad thing.
Second, the educational and counseling
approach is perhaps, if effectively imple-
mented, the most constructive method for
dealing with the long-range problem of
eliminating both clauses and discrimination.
Third, the new president of the IFC ap-
pears sincerely interested in carrying out the
educational and counseling provisions of the
Big Ten Acacia Plan. It is significant that
he strongly opposed the Acacia Plan as in-
adequate when it was first passed by the
However, neutralizing these healthy
signs are the obvious limitations of the
Acacia Plan. It is based on the deplorable
premise that a fraternity or sorority may
retain discrimination if it so desires as a
fundamental principle at a state institu-
tion dedicated to ideals of racial and re-
ligious equality. There is no provision in
the plan compelling fraternities or sor-
orities with clauses even to accept the ax-
i om that discrimination is morally wrong
and work with the educational and coun-
seling service towards eliminating them
from national constitutions-without any
time limit.
The plan, in rejecting the coercive ap-
proach, presumes that the IFC's and Pan-
hel's leadership is responsible and interest-
ed enough to make any non-coercive meth-
od work. While coercion is admittedly not
the best mode of operation if any other
workable scheme is available, the past rec-
ord of the local IFC is not one to inspire
belief that alternatives relying on moral su-
asion are practical.
. In all fairness to the Big Ten group, led
by Michigan, one cannot pre-judge the func-
tioning of this plan. Perhaps the attitude of
IFC's as typified by the local group will un-
dergo a metamorphosis.
Potentially, the responsibility of provid-
ing the leadership in the Big Ten in anti-
discrimination work will give the local IFC
and Panhel the necessary incentive to
implement the Acacia Plan. We have the
pledge of the new leaders that something
wil be done.
On the other hand, the fact that the past
record of the local IFC and Panhel has been
one of negation compels an attitude of
skepticism. It can only be hoped that this
will be the long-awaited occasion when
IFC's, here and elsewhere, begin to live up
to their obligations to the campus and the
fraternities to lead the way in solving, the
discrimination problems of the Greek sys-
-Crawford Young




Washington Merry-Go-Round{

"Been Coining High, Hasn't It ?"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON-The Senate is accustom-
ed to hear Republicans criticize Demo-
crats, but the other day Washington's barb-
tongued GOP Sen. Harry Cain delivered an
unprecedented, sarcastic speech lampooning
his fellow Republican, jolly Sen. Alexander
Wiley of Wisconsin.
In order to get past the Senate rules,
Cain pretended to defend Wiley. However,
Sthe gravel-voiced Washingtonian actually
ridiculed him with syrupy, double-edged
praise. By this subterfuge, Cain could not
be called down for violating the Senate
rule against attacking a fellow senator.
The instigator who really put Cain up to
this devious speech was Wiley's own col-
league from Wisconsin, Sen. Jumpin' Joe
McCarthy, who frequently uses Cain as a
mouthpiece for subjects that are too deli-
cate to handle himself. What provoked Mc-
Carthy's ire was a speech by Wiley, endors-
ing the bipartisan foreign policy of the late
Sen. Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan.
So, with the grinning McCarthy looking
on, Cain read to the Senate a Washington
Times-Herald editorial denouncing Wiley-
on the pretext of defending Wiley from the
"This editorial implies . . . that the sen-
ior senator from Wisconsin was an illiter-
ate country bumpkin, inflated to a point of
bombast by the fact that the purely auto-
matic processes of seniority had hoisted him
to the dizzy height of senior Republican
member of the foreign relations committee,"
mocked Cain.
Actually this was not the language of
the editorial. It was Cain's own language.
He got away with it, however, by sarcas-
tically adding: "The sterling character
of my colleague, the senior senator from
Wisconsin, shines forth. Are we to believe
that, having denounced Alger Hiss in Wis-
consin, he would come back to Wash-
ington and truckle to the Secretary of
State who said he would never turn his
back on Hiss? No, a thousand times no!"
The Washington senator then proceeded
to read a batch of Wiley quotes from Wis-
consin papers-quotes obviously supplied by
McCarthy, largely from his home news-
Wiley ignored Cain's barbs, but let it be
known privately that he will go on doing
his own thinking on foreign policy.
NOTE 1-McCarthy solicitously tried to
get Wiley appointed as ambassador to Nor-
way before the last elections-which, co-
laterally, would have made McCarthy the
senior senator from Wisconsin.
NOTE 2-Cain also served as McCarthy's
mouthpiece recently to defend Jumpin' Joe's
war record. Too many constituents were ask-
ing why he, McCarthy, quit the Marines in
the middle of the Pacific fighting, and Mc-
Carthy needed someone to put up an alibi.
** s
All you have to do is look at the ages of
some of the leading prisons in this country
to get the answer for prison riots.
One of the oldest in the nation is that
where one of the first riots occurred-the
New Jersey prison in Trenton, N.J. It was
first built in 1798, not long after George

Washington crossed the Delaware, and
while most of the present buildings ac-,
tually date back to 1838, at least one of
the original cell blocks built in 1798 is
still in use.
Runner-up for age is the Massachusetts
State Prison at Charlestown, Mass., built in
1805, and in use up to the present though it
is now being replaced by a new prison.
Here is the roilcall of other antediluvian
jails, all of them state-operated:
Maryland State Prison, Baltimore-1865.
Only partly modernized)
Illinois State Prison, Joliet-1858. A new
institution at Statesville opened in 1927
to replace old plant but increased prison
population has kept Joliet in use.
Connecticut State Prison, Wethersfield-
1827. Portions of old structures are still in
use, although additions have been made
over the years.
Indiana, Michigan City-1859. New addi-
tions have been made over the years and
several of the old cell blocks remodeled into
Michigan State Reformatory, Ionia-
1878. New cell houses added in 1928 but
portions of old cell house still in use,
Massachusetts State Reformatory, West
Concord-1877. Built originally to serve as
a state prison to replace old state prison at
Charlestown but this plan was discarded and
Concord was designated as reformatory in
1884. Most of original structures still in use.
* * *
When Colonel McCormick of the Chicago
Tribune was in Europe recently, 20 of his
top editorial pundits held an informal poli-
tical poll. Result was pretty much the oppo-
site of the Colonel's editorials-namely, nine
for Eisenhower, five for Taft, five for Tru-
man, one for Kefauver.. .. Before Governor
Stevenson of Illinois bowed out of the presi-
dential race, he received an amazing letter
from Eisenhower's campaign manager, Paul
Hoffman, stating that he, Hoffman, could
sleep well on election night if he knew that
either Stevenson or Eisenhower would be in
the White House . . . . A secret poll 'taken
by Ike's headquarters lines up 586 delegates
for Eisenhower at the opening of the Chicago
Convention. The rest of Ike's delegate poll
is 481 for Taft, 76 for Governor Warren, 25
for Stassen, two for'MacArthur, 47 undecided
Naturally, Taft disputes these figures
.... The Democratic National Committee
is beginning to worry about campaign ex-
penses. Except for their big political din-
ners, the Democrats are only getting a
trickle of the money they'll need for their
big campaign this fall.
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
1. .

Ought to be. ..
To the Editor:
UNSETTLED BY a fear that the
University's conduct of the
McPhaul Dinner affair was with-
out legal precedent, I recently set
about searching for one. I am gra-
tified to be able to present not
one, but two, which I copied down
from an obscure 19th century text.
The first applies to the indictments
and the trial:
dAt this moment the King, who
had been for some time busily
writing in his notebook, called out
'Silence!' and read out from his
book 'Rule Forty-two. All persons
more than a mile high to leave the
Everybody looked at Alice.
'I'm not a mile high,' said Alice.
'You are,' said the King.
'Nearly two miles high,' added
the Queen.
'Well, I shan't go, at any rate,'
said Alice; 'besides, that's not a
regular rule: you invented it just
'It's the oldest rule in the book,'
said the King.
'Then it ought to be Number
One,' said Alice.
The King turned pale, and shut
his note-book hastily. 'Consider
yourverdict,' he said to the jury,
in a low trembling voice.
The second justifies the final
disposition of the matter (it is
an index of the improvement of
manners since the rude age of
Victoria that decapitation appar-
ently was not even considered in
the present case):
" 'Then the words don't fit you,'
said the King looking round the
court with a smile. There was a
dead silence.
'It's a pun!' the King added in
an angry tone, and everybody
laughed. 'Let the jury consider
their verdict,' the King said, for
about the twentieth time that day.
'No, no!' said the Queen. 'Sen-
tence first-verdict afterwards.'

'Stuff and nonsense!' said Alice
loudly. 'The idea of having the
sentence first!'
'Hold your tongue!' said the
Queen, turning purple.
'I won't!' said Alice.
'Off with her head!' the Queen
shouted at the top of her voice."
Thus it may seem that the Uni-
versity rests its case on clear and
apposite juridicial precedents, and
the authorities should take some
comfort from their disclosures.
-Robert L. Chapman
** * *
Give 'em Time .. .
To the Editor:
this morning (May 1st) that
a dissertation for the doctor's de-
gree in this university is being pre-
sented on the subject, "An Experi-
mental Study to Determine the
Effectiveness of Two Different
Methods of Teaching Tennis." It
seems a pity that so much research
should be wasted on the compara-
tively minor sport of Tennis. May
I suggest that some one in the near
future undertake a doctoral dis-
se'rtation on "Differential Empha-
sis in the Teaching of the Punt,
the Pass, and the Prayer in Mod-
ern Football?"
-Warren E. Blake
PHILOSOPHY can make it eas-
ier for mankind to take the
right steps in action by making it
clear that a sympathetic and in-
tegral intelligence brought to bear
upon the observation and under-
standing of concrete social events
and forces, can form ideals, that
is aims, which shall not be either
illusions or mere emotional com-
-John Dewey
THOSE IN whom reason is weak
are often unwilling to admit
this as regards themselves, though
all admit it in regard to others.
-Bertrand Russell



Florida Primary To Test
Sen. Kefauver's Chances#
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.-The New South will match its strength
against the Old South when the adherents of Senators Kefauver
and Russell vote in Florida's presidential primary today.
The effects of the voting will reach much further than the
individual fate of the candidates. This contest could prove to be
the last gap of the secessionists who for almost a century have
barred Southern statesmen from national leadership.
Senator Kefauver has deliberately challenged them. He has rele-
gated sectional issues to a minor role. He has gone over the heads of
many southern politicians and senior statesmen with direct appeal to
the people below the Mason-Dixon line to vote as Americans first
and Southerners second.
Senator Russell, a popular and respected national figure in Wash-
ington, has been more or less trapped by circumstances into assuming
the sectional coloration of such Southern conservatives as Governor
Byrnes and Senator Byrd. There is reason that he is embarrassed by
the support of such men as Governor Talmadge of Georgia and Gov-
ernor Warren of Florida but he is helpless to escape them.
An internationalist and a new dealer in the field of agri-
culture, public power and other important matters, Senator
Russell is bearing down here on the civil-rights, issue and at-
tempting to convey that his Tennessee colleague with whom he
has often voted is far to the left.
With a really substantial Florida victory, the Georgian may be
able to hold together a solid bloc of upwards of 250 southern delegates,
influence the course of events at the national convention, and con-
ceivably get second place on the ticket with a not too belligerent
northern liberal.
A near miss for Kefauver here may prove a moral victory as
he privately admits this is the most difficult of the primaries in
which he has been entered. A clear-cut victory would almost
certainly widen into chasms the fissures already appearing in the
Russell ranks in Alabama, North Carolina and Arkansas. It would
dispose of the legend that Kefauver is unacceptable to his native
South which has been strongly argued against him.
But the odds are still on Senator Russell in Florida because of the
preponderance of his official support, the many Georgians in the
state, and his well-financed campaign. But nobody is counting out
Kefauver any more until the votes are in.
(Copyright, 1952, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Tension in Germany
WASHINGTON-For the first time in a good many months, the
storm warning is being officially displayed. The Kremlin has
invited us to stop the business of making peace with Western Ger-
many into the Atlantic community, in order to begin discussing the
reunion of Western Germany and the Soviet zone. We have refused
and will continue to do so. Thus the Kremlin is expected to take the
usual next step, which is to resort to naked terrorization.
The agreements granting substantial independence to West-
ern Germany and giving German divisions a place in the new
European army, are expected to be negotiated and signed in a
matter of weeks. Thereafter these agreements must be ratified
by the German, French and other Parliaments.
If the Kremlin follows the course now anticipated here, the im-
plied threat of war will be used in order to prevent the completion of
these agreements. Or if this proves impossible, then the attempt will
be to frighten the French Chamber or German Bundestag out of
ratifying the agreements.
As to what form the Kremlin's implied threat may take, thus far
there is only speculation rather than solid evidence. Berlin is perhaps
the most obvious arena for a drama of force and terror. The continued
status of West Berlin as an island of freedom amid enslaved Eastern
Germany, will become still more intolerable to the Soviets when a re-
arming Western Germany is integrated into a rearming Europe. Wes-
tern Germany's independence and attachment to the free world will
then contrast too sharply with Eastern Germany's subjection and
attachment to the Soviet empire.
In recent weeks, the always-present tension in Berlin has
been noticeably increased. Leaders of the puppet government
in the Soviet zone have bellowed threats of force, if the West
German rearmament project is not dropped. Not long ago, a mass
attack on West Berlin was launched by the Free German Youth,
which is the Soviet substitute for the Nazi Youth Movement. And
in the last few days, an Airi France airliner was attacked in flight
by a Soviet jet fighter-quite probably intentionally and as a
preliminary demonstration, according to the view widely held here.
On the other hand, full-scale renewal of the blockade of Berlin
will be an all but irrevocable act, openly and rather insistently inviting
a war. It is still'-strongly believed that the Kremlin does not want war
and does not want to risk war. Hence American official opinion, while
very far from ruling out Berlin as the main future storm center, in-
clines to the vie wthat in Berlin the Soviets will content themselvese
with multiplying such episodes as the attack on the Air France air-
In Vienna also, there have been some warning incidents-in-
terruptions of traffic between the Soviet and Western zones of

(Continued from page 2)
Student Recital: Marilyn Palm, violin-
ist, will present a program at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., May 6, in the Architecture Audi-
torium, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. A pupil of Emil Raab, Miss
Palm will play compositions by vivaldi,
Hindemith and Franck. The general
public is invited.
Voice Class Program, 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
May 7, in 506 Burton Tower. Soloists:
Glenna Gregory, soprano, Esther Mc-
Glothlin, Mezzo-soprano, Sally Hansen,
Contralto, Lloyd Evans, Tenor; accom-
panists: Janice Clark, Lucille Stans-
berry, Margaret Strand, Esther Mc-
Glothlin. Open to the public.
Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauen-
stein, flute, tare Wardrop, oboe, Albert
Luconi, clarinet, Ted Evans, French
horn, and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, with
Benning Dexter, piano, will be heard
Iat. 8:30 p.m., Wed., May 7, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The program will
include Trois Pieces Breves by Ibert,
Quintet by Deslandres, Sarabande et
Menuet, Op. 24 by D'Indy; Suite (d'ap-
res Corrette) by Milhaud, and Sextour
by Poulenc. The general public is in-
Events Today

ed. For further information call Bill
Wise, 30521, ext. 252, or Eve Kadden,
Hillel News: Hillel Publications Com-
mittee will be interviewing people who
are interested in working on the Hillel
News staff, Wed., May 7, 4 p.m., at 1429
Hill. For those who can not attend,
please contact Beki Fagenbaum, 30715,
or Joan Fried, 9322.
Weekly Union Bridge Tournament.
Wed., May 7, 7:30 p.m., small Ballroom,
Union. Open to all students. Late per-
mission for coeds.
Undergraduate Botany Club. Business
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed., May 7, at Dr.
Clarer's house, 1522 Hill St. Elections
for the fall semester. Speaker at 8 p.m.,
Dr. Wehmeyer, Botany Department.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet at 'r
p.m., Wed., May 7, University High
SchoQ1 Auditorium.
Canterbury Club. Holy Communion
and breakfast, 7 a.m., Wed. Canterbury
Club: Friday through Sunday, May 9-
11, is the time for Holiday House, a
conference for college students held at
Pine Lake, Michigan, under the aus-
pices of the College Commission of the
Diocese of Michigan. If you would like
to attend, please mecke your reserva-
tion immediately at Canterbury House.
A fee will be charged.
Hiawatha Club. Picnic, 8 p.m., Fri.,
May 9. For further details call Caroline
Clucas, 22591; Don Hurst, 31013; or Doris
Schweikert, 23225.



Afternoon Concert
THREE DIFFERENT works with entirely
different purposes made the fifth con-
cert of the May Festival the most varied,
and perhaps, for this reason, the most en-
tertaining. The opening number, the third
Leonore Overture of Beethoven, is essen-
tially dramatic, with such devices as the
trumpet call in the development, contrast
of the introduction to the allegro, and sud-
den dynamic changes, contributing to this
characteristic. Thor Johnson certainly had
this in mind, but I felt that because of a
sameness in crescendos, obscuring the dy-
namic curve and feeling of climax in the
work, the performance was not as suc-
cessful as it could have been.
But in the choral work, Belshazzar's
Feast by Walton, Johnson was at his best.
This is a work of theatricality. It makes
use of many orchestral effects, and uses
the chorus in a declamatory manner. And
where the work maintains a consistency,
by virtue of its many effects and declama-
tory style, it tries to achieve intensity and
climax by a continual pounding away in
loud, fortissimo choruses, with the result
that a real feeling of climax is never felt.
But Johnson, the Choral Union, and solo-
ist Mack Harrell, did a magnificient job
in bringing out the bombast and theatri-
cality of the work.
The most rewarding performance of the
program was the Beethoven concerto in G
major. This work brought to the campus a
young pianist of real talent. Jorge Bolet
played the work with a sincere understand-
ing of its lyricism. In this work Beethoven
was concerned with sustaining a lyric flow
while retaining the classic concerto struc-
ture; Bolet always played through the
phrases, keeping the totality of the work in
mind. He deserves to be heard more often.
-Donald Harris

Evening Concert
GOOD FELLOWSHIP flowed freely at the
final concert of the 1952 May Festival.
After it was all over, conductor and soloist
embraced with enthusiasm, the University's
"youngest alumnus" (Ormandy was granted
an honorary doctorate Thursday night) pay-
ed tribute to his new alma mater with a
rendition of the "Victors," and the response
of the delighted audience sounded more like
a gridiron than a concert hall.
The soloist for the occasion was Patrice
Munsel, a charming and diminuitive so-
prano who is so graceful, poised and the-
atrically gifted that it would seem quite
unnecessary for her to sing. However, she
did sing-a potpourri of tuneful members
which taxed her vocally not at all, and
which were ideally suited to her histrionic
talents. Her voice is a pleasing one. It
thins out at the top, but has- considerable
flexibility in the middle range, and sur-
prising carrying power in the low register.
The post-intermission suite from "Die
Fledermaus" was made up of some of the
most tuneful moments in a deliciously tune-
ful opera. The prevailing tone was one of
high-class musical comedy, made more em-
phatic by Miss Munsel's dramatically timed
entrance, whole-hearted portrayal of the
flippant role, and piquant mannerisms. Rest-
ful as the occasion was, for audience and
artists alike, one cannot fail to wonder if a
tone of high-class musical comedy is, after
all, the most satisfying choice for a festival
of music.
Following the Haug "Passacaglia" and
Miss Munsel's first group, the general
level of the performance was considerably
elevated by a masterful reading of the Si-
belius Fifth Symphony, in which the or-
chestra got its only workout for the eve-
ning. Despite its paucity of musical ideas,
and its constant reiteration and reworking
of eamnrn nf hm~am thmatie material.

At The Michigan.
SINGIN' IN THE RAIN, with Gene Kel-
ly, Debbie Reynolds, and Donald O'Con-
WITH AN AUDIENCE of people made
light-spirited by various stages of spring
madness, this zestful musical manages to be
very entertaining.
Opening with a delightful bit of satire, on
the Hollywood of the late Twenties, .the pic-
ture later slows down to a true-to-formula
but nevertheless exuberant romance. Gene
Kelly, as a matinee idol who camne up
through the ranks of show business, finds
himself facing the drastic switch to talkies.
Hie makes the change easily, but the
leading lady with whom he is teamed is
not so fortunate. Jean Hagen, who plays
this part well past the hilt, is cast as a
dumb but unprincipled actress with an
incredibly squeaky, nasal voice. Playing a
highly talented and very nice young lady
who leaps out of cakes in a night club,
Debbie Reynolds is easily perceived by
Kelly as the perfect leading lady for both
his screen and private lives. So the prob-
lem is to relieve the squeaky-voiced one of
both roles, to which she clings with un-
derstandable tenacity.
For a while this struggle gets lost in a
rather long musical within the musical, but
it emerges finally and is successfully solved.
In the inner movie Cyd Charisse and Kelly
do a couple of sultry dances, one of which
has Miss Charisse trailing what seems to be
a hundred yards of windblown white gauze.
Included perhaps for an arty effect, this
sequence leaves one with the impression that
it was leftover footage from the more lavish
"An American in Paris." It doesn't fit in
with the jubilant air of the rest of this pic-
ture, and could have been profitably left out.
-Bob Holloway
d-IONSTDER HOW great is the encourage-


Science Research Club. May meeting
7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Election of Officers and constitutional
amendment, Program: "Blood Flow,
Studies on Mammalian Muscle with
Particular Reference to the Effects of
Curare,"' by Leonard H. Elwell, Physi-
ology. "Determination of Age by Radio-
activity," by H. R. Crane, Physics. Mem-
bers only.
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Ballet Club: Barbour:Gym Dance
Studio; Intermediates: 7:15-8:15 p.m.
Beginners: 8:15-9:15 p.m.
Hillel Choir. Organizational Meeting,
7:15 p.m., 1429 Hill St. All those inter-
ested in choir work are invited.
The Society for Peaceful Alternatives
is sponsoring an open discussion on the
question of Germany. 8:30 p.m., Union.
A business meeting will be conducted
from 7:30-8:30 p.m., including a report
from Madison.
Phi Eta Sigma, honorary freshman
fraternity. Initiation banquet, 6:15
p.m., Rm. 3-D, Union. Next year's offi-
cers will be elected. Speaker: Dr. Peek,
of the Political Science Department.
Cercle Francais: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
League. Short movie, presentation of
actors of French Play and songs by a
SRA Intercultural Department pro-
gram, Lane Hall, 8 p.m. David Plumer
will show slides taken during his 10
months as technical research assistant,
Center for Japanese Studies field sta-
tion in Okayama, Japan, All students
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m.
SRA Executive' Committee meets at
Lane Hall. 4 p. m.

J-Hop Committee will
p.m., Room 3D, Union.

meet Wed., 7

ul 4P


3ti4 t~3~ii


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the* Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ......... .Feature Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint .. ..Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .. .. .Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .............Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor
ftners Sta f7
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson .. .Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz.........Circulation Manager

Austria and the like. The Western garrison of Vienna is weak.
Vienna, like Berlin an island, is linked to Western Austria by only
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