THE MICHIGAN DAILY bu.Nt)Ai, MAY 4, 19)52 I I * a CAMPUS INTIMIDATION: The 'Communist' Danger 4 ART r- EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of editorials on the current controversy over student rights. DURING THE PAST two months the Uni- versity has been seriously fighting the oft-cited danger of "Communism" on the college campus. The fight has been carried on without any open statements as to its purpose, but it is a foregone conclusion that the speaker bans and the McPhaul inves- tigation would never have occurred had the people involved not been suspected of "Com- munist" sympathies. The pressure for such persecution of the suspected has been gradually increas- ing. Men like Louis Budenz and Fulton Lewis Jr., organizations of patriotic and political vintage, and sensation seeking newspapers are constantly charging "Red" ahd pointing at one educational institu- tion or another. The University, in the eyes of many of the state's citizens, is just such a Bolsheviktinfested school, especial- ly since Ann Arbor was named as the home of three Communist cells. Because of the political restrictions that are placed on the University-Regent's elec- tions and Legislature budgets-there is an expediency-born pressure to counteract such impressions. Administrators have therefore always been willing to bend over backwards to sacrifice the integrity of academic stan- dards, in order to clear the University of suspicions of unorthodoxy. The results are typified by the past two months of intimidation and legal manipu- lation carried out with ineffective secrecy. By now all but the zealots on both sides are fed up with the entire mess of ban- nings and probings. Practically all agree that they were grossly mishandled. The saddest fact i that the danger of campus "Communisn is ridiculously over- exaggeratd, and that the administrators, by fighting it so viciously, only add to the myth rather than subtract from the reality. *+ * * * DESPITE ALL THE fears and newspaper headlines, there is no trace of any or- ganized Communist or Communist-front group at this University. The Ralph Neafus Club, which is the only cell with any past history, has done nothing all year. The Neafus Club letter which was sent to stu- dents of Philosophy 63,,the Principles of Communism, Fascism and Democracy, was the work of a few individuals and not of a group.- The letters sent to The Daily and signed Ralph Neafus Club and Henry Ger- ard were also individual actions. The Marxist study groups of former years have disappeared, though occasion- ally there is a haphazard, informal gath- ering. The best that can be found are in- dividual exhibitions of bravado and sly hints of a, midget band of sympathizers. For all practical purposes there is neither form nor substance to any of this. By popular habit, the finger of suspicion is pointed at four socially active groups that are concerned with the problems of discrim- ination, civil liberties and peace, The Young Progressives, the Society for Peaceful Al- ternatives, the Council of Arts, Science and Professions and the Civil Liberties Commit- tee All four groups, however, have done nothing to warrant any charges. The Young Progressives have requested a series of speakers, all of whom are accused of being Communists. The Society for Peace- Iul Alternatives has been singularly inac- tive except for the showing of the Com munist film, "Peace Can Win." The Coun- cil of Arts, Science and Professions, made up of graduate students and teaching fel- lows, has kept to itself all year. It only ventured out of its discussions to issue, a pamphlet attacking the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee. As for the Civil Liberties Committee, it is perhaps the best of all campus pressure groups. The CLC membership includes peo- ple of every shade of opinion, and has con- sistently adopted a sane, levelheaded atti- tude toward campus problems. * * * * THE DIFFICULTY lies not in the organi- zations, but in a small number of people, at the very most 20, who belong to prac- tically all the social-action clubs. Because of 'their common interests and a stronger need for social activities, they tend to gather into an informal group, and as in all groups, several leaders emerge. A few of these people might be called Marxists. Only one of them ever claimed to be a Commuist and during the past few years he has remained silent on this count. Most of them, however, have no idea as to what either Marxism or Commun- ism means. To say that this Score of students is a threat to the remaining 15,675 is absurd. At their worst they are melodramatists and neurotic saviours. At their best they are inept and occasionally insincere fight- ers against discrimination and war. Their greatest fault is that they are more inter- ested in criticizing than in resolving the problems that face us. Mixed in are sever- al people who might be termed "agitators." Essentially they are "idea" men, who when the occasion arises, do not hesitate to em- barrass the University. In this effort they are consistently aided by University ad- ministrators. That then is the picture of "Communism" on campus. It is a harmless, ineffective and somewhat boring still life. Yet, the University has consistently been clubbing these people and who ever else may get in the way of the wide swing. Blanket charges have been made, regulations have been ignored in order to stifle them. By persecuting them, the University has added to their importance, has in fact, made mar- tyrs of several of the least worthy. The contention thatMarxist and Com- munist ideologies should be suppressed because of their dangerous influence is best disputedbythis group. When the few "Marxists" are free to talk openly, they can be debated, and their views neutraliz- ed, if not decapitated. When they are forced to talk secretly, there is no chance to counteract them. Democracy is not such a sterile, defenseless form of govern- ment that it need hide behind dogmatism or cliches. To emasculate whatever agitators may exist, the University would only have to re- move the abuses, the speaker bans, and the discriminatory policies that it sanctions. If the University would encourage its students to think freely, to consider civil liberties an integral part of college life, it would end the suspicions and antagonisms. By shadow boxing with itself, by kowtowing to the fears and prejudices of the general public, the University loses both its dignity and value. -Leonard Greenbaum Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: CRAWFORD YOUNG HE ANNUAL exhibition of student work from the Architecture and Design School opened Thursday last at the University Mu- seum of Art, and continues through May 25th. All three galleries are filled to over- flowing; even with a number of display stands and glass cases added, the show spills out onto the mezzanine. Generally speaking, the West Gallery is so arranged that in proceeding clock- wise around the room, the viewer can follow the technical progression of the students whose work is displayed. Basic drawing is followed by drawing on an intermediate level, and so on. It must be remembered that all of the exhibits are academic problems posed by instructors, and it is not until the more advanced courses are reached that the stu- dents have much freedom of choice in ex- ecuting them. Still it is amazing how good the results are. In basic design, for example, there are specimens of approximately 10 different projects, all of them well worked out within the imposed limits. It may be that the casual observer may not be inter- ested in the specific problem, but each is a functional rung on the ladder of art educa- tion. And many of them are quite as good compositions as their more highly regarded aesthetic elders produce and market. The architectural plans and projects of five years of courses are distributed over all the display panels on the floor of the West Gallery, and pn a portion of the walls. Un- fortunately, these displays are of a rather more technical nature, and . although they may look impressive enough, their true value will be appreciated by only a few. Such doings are, of course, a vital part of the curriculum, and obviously involve a good deal of labor. Anyone who has the patience to study these efforts, and the similar ones on the mezzanine, will be re- warded with a somewhat better under- standing of buildings and how they grow. Insofar as the system is responsible, the eventual result of the earlier labors is re- vealed in the exhibits housed outside the West Gallery. For me, the North Gallery contains the best work. Of the "advanced paintings," both 'of George Conkey's can- vases are very good, and one by Cyril Barnes is exceptional. Both of these gentlemen al- so excel in printmaking, as do most of their co-exhibitors. Along with several sculptural pieces and. the architectural displays, the mezzanine contains three glass cases full of ceramics, most of them distinguished by tasteful sim- plicity. The name of Marianne Gilmore par- ticularly caught my eye, and I admit that this is as much for her other contributions as for her many ceramics. None of the sculpture sprinkled throughout the show at- tracted me much, but apart from her metal twistings, Mrs. Gilmore exhibits a rich talent in everything she undertakes. The South Gallery is devoted to more advanced work of a commercial sort; metal work, particularized design, and advertis- ing components take up most of the space. The tapestry designs-especially the two large samples-are about as good as any- thing along those lines that you can find anywhere. Taken all in all, the current exhibition is not only the largest of the year, but also the most interesting. Even considering that the exhibits are a selection of the best work submitted during the course of the year, the end results are very impressive, to say the least. -Siegfried Feller SCURRENT MOVIES A 00, t 4 U More Monsters.. . To The Editor: AM WRITING in regard to the letter (The Daily, May 2) con- cerning the German element in the movie, "African Queen." I would like to point out to Doc- tors Denzel and von Hattingberg that it was these same "mon- strous" stereotypes that murdered six million Jews in concentration camps such as Buchenwald and Dachau, and that it was these same war scenes, "far-fetched and left-overs of war-time propagan- da," which reduced Rotterdam and Warsaw to heaps of bloody rubble, and saw the violent death of hun- dreds of thousands of the world's best young men. In light of these horrors I find it difficult to "forgive and forget." I find it difficult to do so even when a Western alliance is at stake, since it is obvious from re- cent newspaper reports that Ger- many still places nationalism above participation in such an alliance. The Russian offer of a unified Germany uncovered enough nationalistic sentiment to threat- en the uninterrupted continuance of U.S.-German negotiations. Speaking for myself, as an American who did not suffer dur- ing the last World War, I must personally forgive, but not forget. In the interests of "mutual trust and good will" I believe that the world should no longer "fight" World War Two, but on the other hand, in the interests of interna- tional peace, I believe that the world should not forget the special brand of "mutual trust and good will" which characterized the Mu- nich conference of 1937. --David J. Owens /etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from itsreaders on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 304 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. i m [ DAILY. OFFICIAL BULLETIN --Daily-Bill Hampton "And I understand they're going to investigate the investigating committee." The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). The Week's News* ... IN RETROSPECT .. . SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1952 VOL. LXII, No. 149 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, and the Arts: Meeting, Mon., 4:10 p.m., 1025 Angell Hall. Agenda Local.. . McPHAUL PROBE-After nearly two months of investigations, the University three-man faculty Sub-committee on Discipline finally came forth with its decision on the controversial McPhaul dinner case, placing five of the 16 students involved on probation and letting the other 11 off without punitive action. Immediately a cry went up from those placed on probation that they were found guilty on a charge on which they were not tried. The basis of their argument was that they were penalized for "conduct unbecoming a student" and not for violating any Regents by-law. They expressed intentions of carrying their case to the highest pos- sible authority. * * * . TUITION HIKE-Papa was faced with new expenses last week as the University announced tuition hikes ranging from $15 to $75 per semester. Declared essential by the University to avoid a $570,000 loss on next year's operations, the raise hits medical and dental students hardest. Increased scholarship funds will be available for "hardship cases," officials pointed out. Students were generally resigned to the increase. * * .* MAY FESTIVAL--Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra conductor Eugene Ormandy was awarded a Doctor of Music degree at the first May Festival Concert, after starting off the annual music program which has become famous for its excellent artists and diversity. National . . STEEL TANGLE-Work in the steel mills was an off again-on again affair. After District Judge David Pine ruled that President Truman acted without authority in seizing the steel mills a cheer went up from the steel industry. Immediately union chief Philip Murray called his men out on strike. The next day, however, a U.S.. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling put the government back in control of the industry for an indefinite stay. After this ruling the President issued an appegl to Murray to get his men back on the job in order to protect national safety. The steelworkers complied to his request, but the giant U.S. Steel Corp. showed signs of reluctance in putting the men to work. Great Lakes Steel Corp., however, managed to settle its wage dispute. As the week ended nobody was quite sure just what the next de- velopment would be. Most of the 160,000 strikers were back on the job, but both steel industry chiefs and the government were keeping their fingers crossed over the outcome of the Supreme Court hearings on the dispute. PETROL SHORTAGE-Gas tanks were running dry over the na- tion as the mushrooming five-day-old oil wage strike seemed no nearer to settlement. Critical aviation gasoline supplies were cut by an estimated 35 percent and gas stations were doing a land-office busi- ness as motorists sought to fill their tanks before the entire supply ran out. By week's end an estimated 70 per cent of Detroit's and Ann Arbor's gas stations were faced with a shut-down if the strike was not settled early this week. PRIMARY BATTLE-In what resembled a Kentucky Derby, Sen. Robert Taft and Gen. Dwight Eisenhower shifted positions in the delegate and popular vote count in the presidential primary races. With final returns in from the Illinois primary Taft shot into the lead in the popular vote count but undaunted Eisenhower supporters came back and elected 27 out of 28 Massachusetts delegates and captured. eight more in Missouri to put Ike ahead of Taft in delegate strength 278 to 274. * * * * MOVING UP-General acclaim greeted the news that Gen. Mat- thew B. Ridgway was named as the man to succeed Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. The appoint- ment takes effect on June 1, the date Ike is slated to return, to the U.S. to press his bid for the GOP presidential nomination. Also pro- moted was Gen. Mark Clark to succeed Ridgway-as United Nations commander in Korea and as Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Armed Forces in the Far East. Remaining in the same post is Gen. Alfred Gruenther as Chief of Staff in Europe. * * * * CHURCH AND STATE-The old conflict of the separation of church and state came up again last week as the Supreme Court approved by a 6 to 3 vote the New York "released time" plan of re- ligious instruction. It allows schools to excuse pupils for a short period of religious teaching in a church of their own choosing. * * * * INVESTIGATIONS-Jackson Prison officials began to get their affairs back to normal during the week while three investigating Science, May 5, 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of April 14, 1952 (pp. 1767-1774). 2. Election to Executive Committee Panel, Library Committee, Adinlnistra- tive Board, and the Standing Commit-r tee on Curriculum.C 3. Consideration of reports submitted with the call to this meeting. a. Execu- tive Committee-Prof. A. W. Bromage. b. Executive Board of the Graduatev School-Prof. H. R. Crane. No report.I c. Deans' Conference-Assoc, Dean B. D.T Thuma. No report.e 4, Special Order. Student evaluationt of the Faculty.. 5. Announcements. 6. New business.I Co-op rooming applications for menc and women are now being accepted forI those students desiring membership in5 cooperatives for the summer and fall sessions. Students should make appli- cation in person, or write to Luthers Buchele, 1017 Oakland. Office hoursn from 1 to 5 p.m. Phone 7211. Personnel Interviews. The Royal Liverpool Group, a casualtyt insurance firm from New York City, will be interviewing June men for Un- derwriting or Claims work, on wed., May 7.1 The Parker Rust Proof Company, De-7 troit, will be on the campus Wed., Mayt 7 to interview men for industrial sales to call on manufacturing firms. Terri- tories will be any place in the United States. These positions are open to LSA or Business Administration graduates. Personnel Requests.t Radio Corporation of America, RCAs Victor Division, Indianapolis, Ind., is looking for Electrical Engineers, who areI interested in Manufacturing Engineer-t ing or production supervision.I Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Com-) pany, 'Paducah, Ky., are seeking youngj men with a degree in Mechanical, Elec- trical, Civil, or Chemical Engineering. Aluma-Lite Company of Detroit (A Florida Corporation) is interested in June graduates to take over protected sales territories in Michigan, especially in Wayne County. The company sells roofing materials new on the market. National Cash Register Company, To- ledo, Ohio, desires salesmen for cash registers and accounting machines with marketing and accounting background.1 Minimum age requirement is 24. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, is now accepting applica- tions for the positions of Special Agent Employees from men who possess a Bachelor's, Accounting or LLB degree. June graduates are eligible. Applicants must be citizens, 25 years old, invper- fect health and be willing to serve in any part of the U. S. or Territorial possessions. Palmquist & wright, a Detroit arch- itectural firm, is currently in need of an architectural draftsman. June grad- uates would be considered. To make application contact the Bur- eau of Appointments, 3520 Administra- tion Building, or call Ext. 371. Academic Notices Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., May 6, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell H. Prof. G. S. Young will speak on "A Jacobian Con- dition for Interiority." Zoology Seminar. John Lothar George will speak on "The Birds of a Southern Michigan Farm" and Wilbur Brooks Quay on "The Skin Glands of voles and Lemmings (Microtinae)," Wed., May 7, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Doctoral Examination for Eunice Eli- zabeth Herald, Education; thesis: "Re- lationship Between various Factors and Types and Requencies of Problems Brought. to Vocational Homemaking Teachers in Seventy-Seven Michigan High Schools," Mon., May 5, 4019 Uni- versity High School, 4 p.m. Chairman, R. C. Wenrich. Doctoral Examination for Wilbur Brooks Quay, Zoology; thesis: "The Skin Glands of Voles and Lemmings (Microtinae)," Tues., May 6, 1:30 p.m., 2089 Natural Science Bldg., Chairman, E. T. Hooper. Sunday, May 4, 8:30. Artist night. Patrice Munsel; soprano; Pliladelphia Orchestra; Eugene Ormandy, conduc- tor. Concerts will begin on time and doors will be closed during numbers. Tickets on sale at Hill Auditorium box office. Student Recital: Marilyn Palm, violin- ist, will present a program at 8:30 p.m., Tues., May 6, in the Architecture Audi- torium, in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Emil Raab, Miss Palm will play compositions by Vivaldi, Hindemith and Franck. The general public is invited. Events Today Photography Group meets at Lane Hall, 7 p.m. Graduate Outing Club meet at the rear of the Rackham Building, 2 p.m. Canoeing and games, Unitarian Student Group: Will not meet today. Next meeting May 11, at which time group will travel to East Lansing to have a joint meeting with Michigan State group. Anyone inter- ested in this pilgrimage please 'con- tact Dick Phillips, 206 Wenley House. Congregational-Disciples Guild: 7 p.m. program at Congregational Church. Bob Inglis, new associate director will talk on his experiences during his tour of 90 American colleges and universities this year. Refreshments. Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m., morning seminar in Pine Room. Guild Supper and program at 5:30 p.m. Prof. Rowe will speak on "Religious Drama." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club: Supper program at 5:30 pm. Sound movie: "venture of Faith." Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., supper at Student Center. Program 7 p.m. Speaker: Rev. Henry O. Yoder; topic-"Courtship and Marriage." Coming Events Science Research Club. May meeting 7:30 p.m. Tues, May 6, Rackham Ampi- theatre. Election of officers and con- stitutional a m e n d rn e n t. Program: "Blood Flow Studies on Mammalian Muscle with Particular Reference to the Effects of Curare," by Leonard H. Elwell, Physiology. "Determination of Age by Radioactivity." by H. R. Crane, Physics. Members only. Women's Research Club. Annual din- ner meeting, Mon., May 5, 6:15 p.m., Rooms 101-103, Union. Program: Illus- trated dance-lecture "Ancient Medicine Rites and Modern Dance Therapy," by Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, with Helen Snyder, flute, and Estelle Titiev, piano. La P'tite causette meets - Monday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in south room Union cafeteria. At ' R i I + MUSIC + .' , Afternoon Concert AN EXCITING performance of the open- ing number and an inspired playing of the finale was somewhat tarnished by a drab in between at the May Festival concert yes-. terday afternoon. The orchestra gave an immediate and dynamic response to conductor Hilsberg's baton in the first number, "The Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla" by Glinka. The clear-cut classical form of this overture was well projected as was the fanciful vigor and spirit of the music symbolizing the imagina- tive Pushkin poem on which the opera is based. The Festival Youth Chorus, under the dir- ection of Marguerite Hood, gave a charming rendition of a group of familiar art-songs. Miss Hood showed well her capacity to manipulate children's voices and attention.. Though many of the songs lacked depth and richness, the lovely tone quality of the young chorus was ample recompense. Unfortun- ately the orchestra made little effort to fol- low Miss Hood and even less effort to hide its boredom. The performance of Schubert's Fifth Symphony in B-flat Major was uninspired. The interest in this symphony is depen- dent to a large degree on the delicacy and precision with which it is performed. The orchestra made only 'a few attempts to rouse itself to the quality of the music. Evening Concert AN IMPRESSIVE program devoted to the music of Richard Wagner was presented last night in Hill auditorium by the Phila- delphia Orchestra and soloists Astrid Var- nay and Set Svanholm. The occasion was impressive in part for its high-level vocal- ism, in part for its magnificent orchestral- ism, but primarily for its adherence to Wag- nerian ideals. The program was ideally planned to dis- play the development ; of Wagner's art, from the early experimentation of the "Flying Dutchman" to the full maturity of "Tristan." The contrasts of the two op- eratic introductions were masterfully pointed up by the orchestra. The Over- ture to the "Dutchman," shows Wagner's art in a formative stage, in which the leit-motif has a merest beginning and the symphonic concept of opera is still to be realized. The Prelude to "Tristan," on the other hand, exemplifies the height of Wag- ner's musical development, in which every aspect of high romanticism is revealed. Miss Varnay and Mr. Svanholm were well chosen for this occasion. Each is particularly interested in the music of Wagner, and each meets the dramatic and vocal demands of this music with competence. Miss Varnay has the upper hand in point of vocal equip- ment, Mr. Svanholm in the matter of dra- matic realization. From every aspect the program was well At The State... I I FIVE FINGERS, with Danielle Darrieux. James Mason and IF THE PAST few weeks are any indication, the movies really are "better than ever." With a minimum of the usual spy movie hysterics "Five Fingers" is a clean, sus- penseful interpretation of the story of the "biggest spy of them all," ostensibly true. And, barring a few developments at the end which smack of a cinematic code of ethics, the tale is quite believable. . James Mason, as the spy "Cicero," is a man whose morals extend no further than his pocketbook. By cleverly playing Germans against British and a countess against both of them he manages to sell enough infor- mation to wreck the Allied war plans for the last world war. He is suave and cool in the most ticklish situations, a beautiful example for anyone considering espionage as a live- lihood. The Polish countess, Danielle Darrieux, is a member of the Riviera set who also seems to be out to get the most for her money. Michael Rennie, the British coun- ter-espionage agent, is perhaps a little too orthodox; the same might be said for the Sixty-Second Year Edited andl managed by students of' the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor Bob Keith ..................City Editor Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor Ron Watts .............Associate Editor Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor Ted Papes ................Sports Editor George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor Jan James .............Women's Editor Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor Basiness Staff Bob Miller .........Business Manager Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager Charles Cuson ... .Advertising Manager Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager r 'i . ,