THE 'COMMUNIST' DANGER See Page 4 :Y 0hr~t :43 a it -I m :i'oo (400 oQ t Latest Deadline in the State FAIR AND WARMER VOL. LXII, No. 150 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1952 High Court Blocks GovernmentSeel Wa SIX PAGES e Hike * *' * * * * * * * w :1 * * * Big.Ten Adopts Anti-Bias Plan Miehigan IFC Program Passes; 'U' To Head Counseling Service Special To The Daily MADISON, Wisc.-Michigan's Interfraternity Council anti-bias clause plan was adopted yesterday by an overwhelming vote as the basic anti-discrimination policy for the Big Ten Pan-Hellenic and IFC associations at their conference in Madison, Wisconsin. Y Jibing almost completely with the controversial IFC proposal sponsored by Acacia fraternity which was adopted last December, the conference's resolution recommended that members "take action for the removal of discriminatory clauses from their local and national constitutions." ** * * IT FURTHER stated that "the IFC-Panhel's feel that the re- spdnsibility for removing these clauses rests with the individual fra- ternities and sororities with such clauses . . . and feel that it is not within the scope of any group to coerce fraternities and sororities to remove these clauses." Instead of coercion, the associations recommended that edu- cational procedures be set up through a Big Ten IFC-Panhel Counseling and Information service. Delegates unanimously voted to designate Michigan as the school which would organize and run the service. The whole proposal was passed without a dissenting vote, although two delegates were absent and three abstained because they felt they were not well enough instructed in the wishes of their individual associations to vote on anti-discrimination policy questions. Each school was represented by one IF.C and one Panhel delegate. EVENTUALLY each group may ratify the plan. One abstainer from Ohio State and two from Purdue are holding meetings within the next week at which time they will consider the proposal and wire the results of their decisions to Michigan. Notices are also being sent out to the absentees, who were the Panhel representatives from Indiana and Illinois. It is hoped they will take action on the proposal. Bias-clause agitation varies from school to school with Greeks at some universities under terrific pressure from newspapers, state administrators and campus groups. Time limits or modified anti- discrimination plans are in effect at several schools, and degates said anti-discrimination action was taking place within the fraternity- sorority system. Other delegates reported that they were relatively free from drastic pressures. ** . *. MICHIGAN'S DELEGATES were IFC president Peter Thorpe, '53, and Panhellenic president Diane Harris, '53. Other representatives were Assistant Dean of Students Joseph Fee and Mark Sandground, '52, outgoing IFC secretary. Thorpe and Miss Harris indicated that the local IFC and Panhel groups would immediately begin organizational work on the Big Ten counseling service, and hope to have it in effect as soon as possible. It has not been determined just what form the service association will take, but in all probability it will be led by joint chairmen, one from Panhel and one from IFC. ACCORDING TO Thorpe and Miss Harris, the service will coor- dinate anti-discrimination and bias clause action information from the universities and use it as individual fraternities or sororities re- quest help. It is felt that the prestige of a combined Big Ten coun- seling service wil add weight to any fraternity or sorority appeal for bias clause removal directed at the national organization and other chapters. Only last Wednesday the Michigan IFC had voted to reaffirm the Acacia Plan as its existing policy basis after members of Acacia charged outgoing IFC officers with failure to fulfill their responsibili- ties under the 'broad educational program." At the meeting house presidents adopted a set of six proposals designed to implement the existing policy and make it more workable. In conjunction with their recommendations Wednesday night, Acacia members also asked IFC help in removing their own discriminatory clause. It has been anticipated that the Big Ten plan might eventually be adopted by the national IFC-Panhel association if it proves workable. <. r.*p: * * * * * * * * * * * * Settlement Talks Stay Deadlocked High Court Set To Review Case WASHINGTON-()-The Sup- reme Court blocked President Tru- man's plan to give 650,000 steel- workers a pay raise over manage- ment's head yesterday, and an ad- ministration drive to end the great dispute by an industry-union agreement failed for the time be- ing. The President, summoning in- dustry and union leaders to the Cabinet Room of the White House yesterday morning, warned that he would raise wages Monday un- less an agreement was reached "now."~ '* * * SEVEN HOURS later, after a conference in their chambers, the nine justices acted. They ordered Secretary of Commerce Sawyer, whom Truman had put in charge of the seized industry, to make no change in wages or working condi- tions unless management agrees. By a vote of 7 to 2, the high tribunal agreed to review the great legal row over Truman's seizure of the billion dollar in- dustry on April 8 to avert a threatened strike. Meantime governmental control over the industry continues. Whether this would mean an- other walkout by the CI union was not immediately apparent. However, with the government in control of the industry, an in- junction against such a walkout could be obtained quickly. But the administration, in ar- guing against any ban on a wage increase, had said such a prohi- bition would create danger bf a new work stoppage. * 0 * THE UNION had joined in the government's appeal to the Su- preme Court for. a free hand in regard to wages and working con- ditions. The union said that if seizure continued and the govern- ment's hands were tied, the union in effect would have no employer to bargain with and would be left "holding the bag." The Supreme Court was thus left with the constitutional is- sue: did Truman exceed his pow- ers when he seized the industry on April 8 to avert a strike? Seven of the Supreme Court justices voted to take over the case and review it and set arguments for May 12. In the meantime it ordered government operation of the huge industry continued. * * * WITH THE wage-raise club thus snatched from its hand, the Ad- See HIGH COURT, Page 6 Tuition Revised figures from the Uni- versity place the semester tui- tion for out-state public health students at $300 instead of $275 as previously stated. -Daily-Matty Kessle BANNED SPEAKER ARTHUR McPHAUL ADDRESSES "GERARD" DINNER WHICH SET OFF CONTROVERSIAL INVESTIGATION * * * 0 * * * *< * * * * Ten Exonerated InMePhaulCae Student 'Attitude' In Dinner Inquiry Causes Joint Judiciary Discipline The smoke-screen lifted over the controversial McPhaul dinner investigation yesterday as the Joint Judiciary Council and the Sub- Committee on Discipline cleared fifteen students of breaking a Re- gents' by-law, but put five of them on probaton for their conduct before the council. Eight confusing weeks of deliberations involving foir University bodies and hundreds of pages of testimony reached a climax as stu- dents received official notification of their acquital or punishment from University officials yesterday morning. FIVE OF THEM were put on probation for "failure to give the Judiciary the cooperation students should reasonably be expected to give a student disciplinary body." All will be forced to drop out of extra-curricular activities where regular eligibility is required. This consists of elective offices or other positions where the student repre- sents his group or the University, according to an Office of Student Affairs ruling. The penalty will last until Jan. 31, 1953. Those disciplined are: VALERIE M. COWEN, '54, 18 years old, who will be forced to resign from Student Legislature. DAVID R. LUCE, Grad., 25 years old, a teaching fellow in the philosophy department. EDWARD H. SHAFFER, Grad., 29. years old, who will have to drop his post as Inter-Cooperative Council accountant. MYRON E. SHARPE, Grad., 23 years old, who was disciplined for "misrepresentation at the dinner" for signing the check "Henry Gerard" as well as for conduct before the committee. STEPHEN SMALE, Grad., 21 years old, who will be required to drop out as secretary-treasurer of the Chess Club and treasurer of Society for Peaceful Alternatives. Shaffer, Sharpe, Smale and Luce all graduated with honors and Luce is a Phi Beta Kappa. All said they would file an immediate appeal for a rehearing in accordance with Sub-Committee rules. They have drawn up a joint statement which reads: "We have been found guilty of a charge on which we were not tried . . . On this new charge, we did not even have a chance to defend ourselves. "When we appeared before the Joint Judiciary Council, we were specifically told that "misrepresentation of facts" would be considered "conduct unbecoming a student." Only one of us was informed that refusal to answer questions would be placed t in the same category. -Daily-Don Campbell CONVICTED DEFENDANTS STEVE SMALE, MIKE SHARPE, DAVE. LUCE PLAN TO APPEAL U nioAppoints_12_Council Members Union officials announced yes- terday the appointments for next year of twelve men to the Union Executive Council. In announcing the appoint- ments, Jack Ehlers, '53E, Union vice-president, also r e v e a 1 e d changes inthe executive structure which establishes a special Coor- dination Committee to serve as the Union's link with other cam- pus organizations. THE MEN appointed to the council are Phil Flarsheijn, '54, and Bill Libby, '54, to the Personnel and Administration Committee: Al Magnotta '54 and Art Bublitz, '53E, to the Social Committee; Hal Abrams '54 and Jay Strickler, '54, to the Public Relations Commit- tee; Ron Kaminsky, '53, and George Chatas, '54, to the Cam- pus Affairs Committee; Stu Mit- tenthal '54 and Steve Fuerth, '54, to the Student Service Committee and Ruedi Gingrass '54 and Hugh Kabat '54 to the Coordination Committee. The new committee is in charge of a special Union ser- vice which takes effect immed- iately. The plan is designed to permit campus groups and or- ganizations the use of Union meeting rooms and facilities such as typewriters, mimeo- graph machines and special sec- retariate services. Also included in the project is a plan whereby the organizations will be provided with special fil- ing cabinets for material such as constitutions, mailing lists, min- utes and other essential informa- tion. In this way, Ehlers ponted out, groups will have old data at the beginning of semesters and a reference source in case they lose material. As a final service the committee will draw up a schedule of meeting times and place of campus groups. This will enable clubs to schedule meetings so their members will not have conflicting dates. Another committee change was the renaming of the House Com- mittee to the Student Service Committee. This group is in charge of travel service, tutors, and ticket resales. world New By The Associated Press INTERNATIONAL MUNSAN, Korea - The dead- locked Korean truce talks seem to be headed toward a breakdown. r Last night's session lasted for only 13 minutes. * * SEOUL, Korea-U.S. sabre jet pilots have reported blasting six Communist MIGs from the skies in two dogfights near the Man- churian border. American sabre pilots shot down five communist 1TATC~z in ~ rn ef n,..P ~ . r - a 's Roundup -after a month's delay-President Truman's disputed nomination of Federal Judge James P. McGran- ery to be Attorney General. COLUMBUS, 0.-Nearly a mil- lion Republican ballots in next Tuesday's Ohio primary promise to boost Sen. Robert A. Taft back into the lead over Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in their battle for presidential nominating delegates. * * * ' DENVER-A 30 percent slash in use of 'gasoine for civil aviation CHORAL UNION TO PERFORM: Harrell, Munsel Will Wind Up May Festival __________---+4 **1* L - "Though the Administration in its press release stated that- no student was forced to incriminate others, we have our doubts. We re- fuse to answer those questions which in our judgment might in- criminate others. We always have been and still are willing to ans- wer any legitimate queston. "We are perfectly willing to make the transcripts of our tes- timony public. Some of us have even signed statements grant- ing both The Michigan Daily By MARILYN FLORIDIS This year's May Festival sea- son will come to a close today with Choral Union, soloist Mack Harrell, and pianist Jorge Bolet in + he>. 0 nn ~m.oncert, and snrano leading American conductors, be- sides concert tours in Europe and South America. Under the baton of Thor Johnson, University Choral Un- ion. Metropolitan baritone Mack Coloratura soprano Patrice Munsel will spark tonight's con- -cert with operatic arias from roles she has portrayed at the Metropolitan, by which she has received the comment of a I {+: ,.