xp Yl r e POLITICIANS See Page 2 .lit 43UUa D~ti 6= o S0- CONTINUED FAIR Latest Deadline in the State FOUR PA4 ' VOL. LXII, No. 148 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1953 FOUR PA It, Oil Strike Spreading, More Shortages Near Steel Workers Return to Jobs Detroit Area Gas Stations Threatened Aviation Gasoline SuppliesShort By The Associated Press DENVER-(P)-Effects of a na- tion-wide oil strike began mush- rooming last night as more key negotiations bogged down and plant shutdowns spread. Deputy Administrator Bruce K. Brown of the Petroleum Adminis- tration for Defense said an order will be issued next week to limit :ying in general. He said the strike has put the already tight supply of aviation gasoline "in a precarious position." Bruce esti- mated walkouts have cut that type of production by 35 per cent. * * * DWINDLING gasoline supplies in Detroit were cut still further as pipelines serving three unstruck firms were shut off by striking members of the oil workers union. Industry spokesmen estimated tonight that the supply of 70 per cent of Detroit's filling sta- tions had been shut off. Some airlines were reported to have been caught with less than 30 hours .supply of aviation gasoline on hand. A spokesman for the Air Transport Association said that most of the lines are "moving heaven and earth" in order to build up and eke out their sup- plies. WHILE little more than a third of the nation's refineries are af- fected, they include the big cata- lytic units that make aviation gasoline. And in Washington, the Air Force said it has issued orders cutting down on flying activity outside the Korean theater be- cause of the oil industry strike. Additional picket lines went up as members of 22 -AFL, indepen- dent and CIO oil workers' unions began tightening their grip on the industry in support of demands for wage increases. * * * 0. A. KNIGHT, president of the powerful Oil Workers Internation- al Union (CIO), promised coopera- tion "in every way possible" to see that public and emergency needs are met during the strike. The strike threatened to spread to California, now exempted by the unions to furnish Korean war supplies. Charles Arminl, District Director of OWIU, said in San Francisco that "we are not going to allow a strike of long duration across the country if a strike in California will settle it." Congressional Pop WASHINGTON - (P) - A water-drinking Congressman from New York State denied yesterday that he had even said fellow members of the house "were drunkards." And Rep. Edwin A. Hall, a Republican, accused some of his colleagues of having ganged up on him yesterday in "one ofthe most cowardly attacks on the House floor in history." Hall, who neither drinks intoxicants nor smokes, was taken to task severely in the House because of published reports that he told his constituents he resents Congressmen "who get genuinely plastered" at Washington cocktail parties. These and other remarks about tippling legislators led to talk of a resolution of censure against Hall for having reflected on the reputation of the House. GROWING FRANTIC: Truman Blasts 'Tactics Of 'Polical Gangsters' WASHINGTON-(o)-President Truman declared last night that "political gangsters" are trying to pervert the Government's loyalty program into "an instrument of intimidation and blackmail" as part of an unscrupulous campaign to sneak themselves into power "by the back door." Truman said also that his political opposition-"growing frantic," he said, as election day approaches-is filling the air with "downright lies" about corruption in his administraton. * * * *4 "THESE TACTICS contain the seeds of tyranny," the President e said in a fiery speech prepared for the National Civil Service League and the Society for Personnel Ad- tate P ison ministration. "t Moves Back To Normal JACKSON, Mich.-(W)-Under the scrutiny of two investigations, Southern Michigan Prison moved closer to its normal pattern yes- terday. But her guards, still shaken by the prisoners' four-day mutiny, put on more pressure for protec- tion. A three-man fact-finding panel appointed by Governor Williams began its study of the revolt that caused damage estimated from $1,250,000 to $2,500,000 at the prison. In addition, an independent study was being pushed by Michi- gan Attorney General Frank Mil- lard. His office has announced it will prosecute any prisoners found guilty of breaking state law during the mutiny. Activity at the 6,500-man pris- on was slowly being restored to pre-riot routine. Warden Julian Frisbie said limited recreation privileges would be restored to inmates in the north group of cellblocks. "Troublemakers" in the south- ern blocks were being isolated, the warden said ,with a view to re- storing eventually some of the privileges there. "Can we be sure that people who employ such tactics are really loyal to our form of gov- ernment, with its Bill of Rights and its tradition of individual liberty? "I believe such men betray our country and all it stands for," the President went on. "I believe they are as grave a menace as the Com- munists." Truman named no names, but similar remarks of his in the past have been aimed directly at Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) and others in Congress who have charged the Truman and Roosevelt adminis- trations with harboring Commun- ists. The President also let fly at the many Republicans who have char- ged there is widespread corrup- tion among Government officials. World News Roundup By The Associated Press DETROIT-Some 7,000 Chrys- ler Corporation employes here yesterday were sent home follow- ing the protest walkout of 75 work- ers in the Jefferson Frame As- sembly Plant. Company officials said the 75 frame workers protested the firing of an employee this morning for failure to perform his job. WASHINGTON - Lt. Verne Goodwin, under court martial sentence for refusal to fly, has been offered a chance to resign from the Air Force "for the good of the service," his father- in-law said last night. PEARL HARBOR - The Navy decided yesterday to convene a special court-martial to try mil- lionnaire seaman Bruce S. Hop- ping on charges of criticizing Navy discipline. Hopping was a leader among crewmen who complained of "petty tyranny" on the salvage ship Re- claimer. A Navy board exonerated the two top officers of the ship. Verdict Set In McPhaul Dinner Case Dean Will Notify Accused Today Secret verdicts were arrived at yesterday afternoon by the Uni- versity Sub-committee on Disci- pline for 15 students charged with attending the celebrated McPhaul dinner. Indications were that lenient de- cisions were made in most cases, but no official word was forthcom- ing. Dean of Students Erich A. Walter said all the defendants would know of their fate by late today. REPORTERS from The Daily, sole newspaper to cover the ex- plosive March 6 Union dinner which honored banned speaker and alleged subversive Arthur Mc- Phaul, were barred from entering the Administration Bldg. late last night. Dean Walter told newsmen through locked glass doors that the Sub-committee's final deci- sion on individual recommenda- tions of the Joint Judiciary Council could not be made pub- lic until after the charged stu- dents had been officially noti- fied. The disciplinary group took less than three hours to arrive at the final verdict. Members of the Sub- committee and the Judiciary had no statement to make after the decision. The students are charged with breaking a Regents' by-law re- Convocation Ideas for the "Hatcher Con- vocation" to be held on Mon- day at Hill Auditorium may be mailed to Student Legisla- ture Bldg. at 122 S. Forest. President Harlan H. Hatcher will talk to the students about his educational philosophies and his plans for the University. garding use of University prop- erty through their presence at the ficticiously booked dinner. McPhau, executive secretary of the Civil Rights Congress' Michi- gan branch, addressed the banquet three days after being barred from speaking on campus. His original appearance was to have been spon- sored by campus Young Progres- sives. YP officers have disclaimed any connection with arrangements for the dinner. Allies Stiffen GermanPolicy BONN, Germany-()-Gen. Eis- enhower and Chancellor Adenauer talked yesterday of a brighter fu- ture for Europe even as Allied ne- gotiators told the Germans there would be no further concessions to get German aid for Western de- fense. Plans to add 400,000 German troops to Western armed forces are endangered by a dispute with- in Adenauer's three-party govern- metn over the terms offered by the allies in a peace contract now nearing completion. But allied authorities said yes- terday they have gone as far as they can to get German coopera- tion. -Daily-Larry Wilk POLIO VICTIM-Mrs. Nick Wehner, of Gladstone, North Dakota, is given her dinner shortly after arriving at the University Hospital respiratory center. Her nurse, Miss Darlene Swenson, of Bismarck, accompanied her on the plane. ~* a. * * Plane Flies Polio Victim To 'U' Hospital for Aid By JOYCE FICKIES A smiling, "iron lung" polio victim was rushed by plane yesterday from Bismarck, N. D. to the University Hospital polio center.-, The critically ill patient, Mrs. Nick Wehner,.+29 years old, of Gladstone, N. D., was flown to Ann Arbor for treatment at the hos- pital respiratory center. * . * * THE CENTER, one of five in the country and the closest to Bis- marck, provides special treatment for the crippling disease. It was established "in an attempt to collect in one place all the specialized services necessary to rehabilitate severe cases of Court Urges New Review, Of Seizure WASHINGTON-(P)-The U.S Court of Appeals said today "there is at least a serious question as to the correctness" of a district judge's ruling that President Tru- man's seizure of the steel indus- try was illegal. The five-man majority of the court made that statement short- ly after the steel firns and th Government, at odds on just about everything else, joined in urging a, speedy review by the Su- preme Court of the seizure deci- sion by Judge David A. Pine. * * * e e t -n U.S. Steel Waits For'Assurance' Normal Production Expected Soo Despite Lack of Wage Settlement By The Associated Press CIO United Steelworkers began going back to work yester after a three-day strike was called off at the request of Presid Truman but many of the 650,000 workers may not be back on payroll for several days. U.S. Steel Corp., bellwether of the industry which employs ab 160,000 basic steel workers and produces a third of the nations st began calling back maintenance men but said it needed "some re onable assurance" that continuous production can be maintaii " before it would go into full fora * * * DETROIT-Great Lakes Ste Corp. declined yesterday to acce: the return of its 11,000 worker bringing talk from the union future "rough going." The CIO steelworkers here al- so charged the company with lockout. Great Lakes, largest of the D troit area steel mills, said it cou not operate on a "day to day basi and demanded "more assurance as to 'conditions." t A half dozen steel plants in t: Detroit area employ a total 18,000 workers. Latest Truce Talks Result In Stalemate MUNSAN, Korea, Satur.day, May 3-(P)-The full Allied and Coin- munist truce delegations talked for 24 minutes today in a "cooly impersonal" atmosphere but failed to reach any agreement on the Allied compromise proposal for a' Korean armistice. Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, chief Allied delegate, said after the j meeting that he could make no comment. commn ', * ,* AN ALLIED spokesman said the chief Red delegate, North Korean Gen. Nam II, read a prepared statement and that Joy responded briefly. Then Joy proposed ad- journment and Nam agreed. They agreed to convene again today. It appeared possible earlier that the Communists had come up with some kind of counter proposal. In Seoul, two U.S. destroyers slugged it out with Red shore guns Wednesday in Wonsan harbor in what the Navy today said was the longest such duel of the Korean war. Both destroyers were hit but damage was slight. The Wonsan battle began when the destroyer Maddox and Laffey steamed into that besieged East coast harbor and began bombard- ing beach targets. Their five-inch guns blew up a large supply area. Polio," according to Dr. David G. Dickinson, hospital research associate in pediatrics and com- municable diseases. Mrs. Wehner was transported from Bismarck to the Willow Run airport by a North Dakota Nation- al Guard airplane. At the air- port, a University truck, equipped with a generator to run the pa- tient's respirator or "iron lung,"! carried her on the last lap of her 800-mile journey. Because of the difficulty in transferring an "iron lung" to and from a plane, she was put into a different one for each part of the trip. Mrs. Wehner was in three different "iron lungs" during the day. * * * THE "CHEERFUL and coopera- tive" patient is the victim of both bulbar and spinal polio. She has been confined to a respirator since she was stricken in August, 1951. The woman has shown "good improvement," according to Dr. R. J. Strobel, one of Mrs. Weh- ner's physicians who accompan- ied her on the plane from Bis- marck. When she first became ill, it was necessary to feed her by means of a stomach tube, be- cause she was not able to talk or swallow, he said. Now, how- ever, she can do both. Her trip was delayed for several weeks because the North Dakota emergency plane was being used to help during the midwest floods. Both Dr. Strobel and Dr. Dick- inson praised the National Foun- dation for Infantile Paralysis who supervised the trip. The Founda- tion is paying for Mrs. Wehner's expenses in North Dakota and Ann Arbor. It has also provided much of the expensive equipment for the respiratory center. ..WHILE AGREEING the vital nature of the case calls for early action by the highest court, they disagreed diametrically on ' the correctness of Judge Pine's deci- sion. The judge ordered the steel mills returned to their private owners, but the effect of his or- der was stayed by the appeals court, 5 to 4. Besides asking the Supreme Court to overturn Judge Pine's decision, the Government in another brief told the Court that if it bars the Government from giving steel workers a wage raise, there is danger of a new strike. The companies had asked the court to freeze wages while it con- siders the case, but the Govern- ment said in reply that any change in the present status - which leaves the Government free to hike wages - "would probably re- sult in a new crisis, with danger of still another work interruption." The CIO steel workers union also opposed a ban on wage changes. In a brief it filed, it said that if the Government keeps the mills but can't raise wages, the union would "have no employer with which it can bargain and would be left, in short, in the mid- dle and holding the bag." Taft Passes Ikne In Popular Vote Contest ALONG WITH the CIO's ste workers of the rest of the natio all the Detroit area union men bers were ordered back to work 1 the union. Great Lakes took its stani within the same hour that CI( President Philip 1Murray callei off the national strike. Philip Murray, veteran ,C president and head of the Stee workers Union, flashed the greE light to his men to return to woi when he bowed to the Truman n quest. Within a few hour's tli1 sands of maintenance men e041 for the mills to go through tl long process of getting furnac heated. In many cases, it will be hours before the mills are reai fralthe men-in others po f4-,, n . ;±uy p h::wei" I MICHIGAN WISE: Future College Students Given Snappy 'U' Tour By ERIC VETTER "Which way is the Arb?" "Can I keep a car here?" and "what is the boy-girl ratio on campus?" were some of the questions more than 630 high school students asked their guides during the annual University Day yesterday. Designed to acquaint the visiting-students from Michigan and Ohip with the facilities and wonders of the University, the day was packed with talks, tours and general information about the campus. *' * * * BEGINNING THE DAY were addresses by President Harlan Hatcher, Dean Walter Rea and others at Rackham Auditorium. Next * *ta ONE IMMEDIATE good was seen in New York. There the end of the steel strike and the start of negotiations for a final peace in the industry brought on the big- gest advance in the stock market yesterday in more than five years. Just a few hoursdafter Mur- ray's order filtered down to the local level pickets began rip- ping up their signs. * * s REACTION of workers to the strike end was mixed. At some plant gates jubilant strikers cheered. At others, there was some bitterness at lack of a settlement, disgust at the "on again--offagain" nature of the walkout and jeers at employers. The walkout which started Tues- day night ended in the same at- mosphere of confusion which marked its beginning. NEWSMEN were waiting out- side Murray's office for his ans- wer to President Truman's appeal, that the strike be ended. Murray's aide distributed cop- ies of messages sent by Murray to union officers and to the Pres- ident. The aide said Murray had left for Washington and a White House conference today with Truman and six steel company presidents on the steel wage- price dispute. But reporters buttonholed Mur- ray at the office door a moment later on his way out. He said the union will insist on the 26-cent hourly pay boost and the union shop recommended by the Wage Stabilization Board. By Sunday night, a respectable tonnage is likely to be pouring out of the nation's steel mills. Army Reveals U.S. Lacking Home Troops WASHINGTON-(R)-The Ar- my's Chief of Staff disclosed yes- terday that foreign commitments the students were given a dose of' Michigan tradition with songs by the University Glee Club and cheers by the Michigan cheer leaders. Then in the proper frame of mind, the somewhat bewildered visitors were counted off into groups of 12 as they left the Au- ditorium and turned loose under the supervision of guides. The males and females were placed in separate groups. Offi- cials pointed out that the main VIOLINIST, SINGERS FEATURED: Two Concerts To Be Given Today WO R erS e1Vn * * By The Associated Press Sen. Robert A. Taft took the lead over Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower yesterday in popular votes tallied so far in eight state pri- maries, while Eisenhower had an edge in the race for delegates to the Republican National Conven- tion. The new developments marked a complete switch for the two front-running candidates for the GOP presidential nomination. Previously, Taft had led in dele- gates, Eisenhower in popular votes. BELATED FINAL retur s from the April 8 Illinois primary put Taft out in front in the so-called state "popularity" contests, 1,897,- 044 to 1,850,718-a margin of 46,- 326. In the eight elections, Taft and Eisenhower each figured as write-in candidates four times. Taft's name was on the ballot four times, Eisenhower's. three. Eisenhower was not entered in Wisconsin and write-ins were Physics Building and the Union, the students were given meals in the South Quad and Stockwell. Several Quad residents, expect- ing a better than average Friday noon meal, complained that the tuna fish was the same as ever. In the residence halls, requests by the visitors to visit friends took their toll on the group's ranks. Several guides reported that des- pite their efforts to keep the men, together their charges managed toj , , * * * A double header is slated for today's May Festival schedule with< > a 2:30 p.m. performance by violinist Nathan Milstein and the Festival Youth Chorus, and an 8:30 Wagner program by soprano Astrid Varnay and tenor Set Svanholm. Featured on tonight's concert will be the singing of two scenes from Wagner's operas "Die Walkure" and "Tristan and Isolde" by Metropolitan opera stars Miss'Varnay and Svanholm. TENOR SVANHOLM began his early career with several seasons mammmm .......z sdnrsa ;;.