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February 14, 1952 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-14

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Da itjy


Latest Deadline in the State






, .. -_

Five More Plant
Employes Fired
Five more Plant Service employes were discharged yesterday as
a University investigation of irregularities in the giant maintenance
and repair outfit continued.
This brought to seven the number of employes discharged in the
department within two weeks.


ACCORDING TO University officials, the dismissals were a "bud-
getary move," stemming from an earlier Plant Service decision to
employ a single roofing crew this
spring, rather than the two car-
P anhe H its ried on the payroll last year.
However, it was learned last
night that the discharged men
had all been employed in the
Snag Over department of a foreman whose
firing for "improper use of men
eand materials" was made known
Bias A0L10J1 yesterday. *
A source close to the discharged
quintet said that they were fired
By SID KLAUS for protesting the earlier dismissal
d th. annti miafl , nn nx o f e t

The Panhellenic-Student Legis-
lature Study Committee last night
reported to the SL that according
to a policy of the Nationaln an-
hellenic Association it is not a
unction of a college panhel group
to force the removal of discrimin-
atory clauses.
Speaking for the study commit-
tee, Karin Fagerburg, '54, said
that the local Panhel was limited
only to discussion of the problem.
This policy, therefore, left all pos-
itive action on the removal of
clauses up to the local sorority
The national panhel which set
this policy is composed entirely
of sorority alumnae.
ported that, the study group now
knows the names of all sororities
with clauses. (When the commit-
tee was first organized, some
chapters withheld this informa-
tion pending the advisement of
national officers.)
"However, the committee is
not in a position to reveal either
the names or numbers of the
sororities involved. But the
number is relatively small,"
Miss Fagerberg said.
Panhel president Bev Clarke,
'52, assured the SL that the names
of the sororities with clauses is
available to sorority rushees.
Though the list was not given at
a general rushing meeting, rush-
ees can receive the information
from the individual houses.
The committee also reported
the results of a poll on discrimi-
nation taken among affiliated wo-
men. On the question "Are you
in favor of written bias clauses in
sorority constitutions?", 567 wo-
men answered no, and 67 ans-
wered yes.
"The committee will continue
working with the national pan-
hel and with other alumnae
groups on the problem," Miss
Clarke said.
Members of the study commit-
tee in addition to Miss Clarke and
Miss Faberburg are, Barbara Ochs,
'52, Susan Roos, '53, Sondra Dia-
mond, '53, and Cathy Sotir, '52.

ana Mecon inue empiv ynib
a man who was reportedly re-
sponsible for disclosures which led
to the foreman's discharge. This
man was later fired too.
ALTHOUGH Administration of-
ficials were reluctant to comment
on the new firings, a spokesman
said yesterday that they had no
knowledge of improper actions by
any other worker in the Plant
Service but will continue to watch
for further irregularities.
However, after he was fired,
the foreman and his attorney
reportedly protested the dismis-
sal on grounds that his actions
were no different from those of
other people in the Plant Serv-
"If we find evidence of negli-
gence or improper action, we will
dismiss the individual involved no
matter how high his position,"
Vice-President Wilbur K. Pier-
pont said.
A conference of University and
Police officials on Monday decid-
ed that available evidence in the
foreman's case did not warrant
criminal prosecution. Withdrawal
of the police from the investiga-
tion leaves the situation in the
hands of University officials.
Vet Leaders
Demand UMT
Go intoEffect
of veterans' leaders yesterday
urged an immediate start on Uni-
versal Military Training a n d
scoffed at protests that it would
foster a militaristic spirit.
Representatives of the Ameri-
can Veterans Committee, AM-
VETS, the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Disabled American Veter-
ans and Jewish War Veterans all
spoke for UMT before the Senate
Armed Services committee.
They hit back too at the reli-
gious leaders' suggestions that
military life for inexperienced
youths would tend to corrupt or
degrade them.
Those had been major themes
for the churchmen and also for
labor and farm spokesmen.

Grid Policy
Hit byMSC
Unfair Publicity
Attributed to 'U'
By The Associated Press
The athletic policy makers at
Michigan State College currently
are at odds with the University of
Michigan on two items that have
been making a lot of news lately.
It's unofficial, but the feeling is
still there. A Spartan spokesman,
who insists he be anonymous, says
Michigan State doesn't agree with
what he terms as:
1. The Michigan policy of pre-
maturely announcing with much
fanfare the names of the "hot"
athletic prospects signing there.
2. The policy of publicizing the
names of students who have
flunked out of their courses to be-
come athletically ineligible.
THE CRITICISM received a
cold reception at the University as
athletic officials generally agreed
that an unidentified outsider is
unqualified to direct established
policy at Michigan.
The allegation that Wolver-
ine publicity releases put enter.
ing players on the spot prema-
turely was denied by Assistant
Athletic Director Ernie McCoy.
McCoy also commented that
"University policy with regard to
ineligibility is consistent with that
of practically all other Big Ten
schools as well as major indepen-
dent colleges in the Midwest."
* * *
ON ITEM ONE, the Spartan
spokesman says:
"Michigan seems given to
prematurely announcing that
some of the better prospects are
going there. In some cases, we
think the publicity might make
the boy decide to go to Michi-
gan although he hadn't already
made up his mind.
Duncan MacDonald, the Flint
quarterback, he claims, had lean-
ings toward Michigan State after
all the publicity about his brief
visit to West Point.
Michigan announced he would
go there. So MacDonlad, who was
still shopping around, decided to
stay at Michigan because he didn't
want to make another switch and
once more get in the spotlight.
White House
Raps Election
Tale Mix-up
White House cracked down on
free-talking visitors yesterday as
new confusion erupted over what
President Truman is or isn't say-
ing about seeking re-election.
Press Secretary Joseph Short
declared two callers had quoted
the President without authority.
They were:
1. Benjamin Browdy, head of
the Zionist Organization of Ameri-
ca, who said Truman told him
yesterday he will make up his
mind "within the next 10 to 15
days" whether to run again.
Browdy expressed belief the deci-
sion would be to run.
2. Rep. Adolph J. Sabath (D-
Ill.), who quoted the President as
saying Tuesday he would be will-
ing to run if necessary to help

along the cause of world peace.
SHORT TOLD newsmen with a
hint of tartness:
"Many people go in to see the
President and some of them
come out and do a lot of talking.
I'm sure some people in their
enthusiasm confuse their re-
marks with those of the Presi-
Browdy's remarks were in ap-
nrent cnnflict with those of an-

Final Details i
Day' Given
Final details for the extendedc
Thanksgiving vacation were an-
nounced by Bob Neary, '54, at theE
SL meeting last night.
Working with the Dean's~ Con-
ference and the various faculties,
the University Calendering Com-
mittee stated the policies which
will be followed during the two
year trial period for the long1
weekend. There will be no added
vacation for the Medical School
and freshmen and sophomores in
the dental school. The Law School
will get the full weekend but
classes are to begin a day earlier
in September.
All other schools and colleges
will be given the entire weekend
without compensation.
"This move indicates a change
inattitude on both sides and shows
great strides in cooperation be-
tween the administration and SL,"
legislator Bob Neary said.
The policy of giving the ex-
tended Thanksgiving vacation to
a majority of students without
compensation terminates a two
year struggle by SL members.
"Even though, SL favored a
holiday without compensation our
policy was purposely left open so
that the colleges could adapt
these proposals to their own pur-
poses," president Len Wilcox, '52,
said last night.
YR.'s Re-elect
Thomas; Fill
Other Posts
By unanimous consent Floyd
Thomas, '52, was reelected as
president of the Young Republi-
cans in a well-attended meeting
last night.
Remaining officers of t h e
Young Republicans, as elected last
night, are: Ned Simon, '55, vice
president; Theresa Misuraca; '53,
secretary; and Joe Neath, treasur-
er. Miss Misuraca and Neath were
reelected to second term.
Dave Cargo, Grad., Hal Mayes,
and Walt Hansen, '53L, will com-
prise the club's executive board
for the coming year.
Following the Young Republi-
cans meeting, the newly formed
Students for Taft club held its
first open organizational meeting
and the Students for Eisenhower
group chose its temporary chair-
man, Cargo, as official president.
Hansen, vice president, and
Mal Schlesberg, '55, secretary-
treasurer, were also elected as of-
ficers of the "Ike" club.
Small Firms
Report Losses
WASHINGTON --()- Repre-
sentatives of five small manufac-
turing firms testified yesterday
they have suffered heavy losses
on defense contracts.
Senator Moody (D-Mich.) said
the testimony indicated the De-
fense Department has not been

Ten schools, after hearing Sheldon
Otis of Wayne University, who
has served as chairman of a Na-
tional Student Association sub-
commission on intercollegiate
athletics, suggest the project. M
OTIS DECLARED that he had
talked with Kenneth "Tug" Wil-
son, commissioner of the Western
Conference, and his assistant,
William R. Reed, who had indi-
cated that the athletic directors
would be in favor of this confer-
The main purpose of the con-
ference, Otis said, would be to
better acquaint students with ath-
letic policies and problems. Only1
a few students know anything
about the way their athletic de-
partment really operates, he said.
This proposal brought imme-
diate protest from Student Leg-
islator and member of the
Board in Control of Intercolle-
giate Athletics Bob Perry. TheI
conference would be worthless,
he reasoned, because it would
merely be -a case of "the blind
leading the blind."
Perry, who spoke from the gal-
leries by special consent of the
Legislature, defendedUniversity
athletic policy and maintained
that the students had a voice in
its formulation. "Both motions
made by student members since
I have been on the Board have
been passed," he pointed out.
BUT OTHER students have no
real knowledge of the inner work-
ings of the athletic program, he
said. Therefore, they would not
be able to come up with anything
very constructive.
Perry also objected to state-
ments by Otis that Michigan's
athletic program, while not as
professionalized as many schools,
was not beyond reproach.
"Only three per cent of our
scholarships go to athletes here
-and three per cent of the stu-
dents are athletes," he declared.
SL president Len Wilcox ex-
pressed optimism about the chan-,
ces for following through on the
conference proposal. The SL
committee to handle it will be set
up at next Monday's cabinet meet-
Other Big Ten schools have al-
ready expressed interest in the
project, Wilcox said.
Athletic Director H. O. "Fritz"
Crisler was out or town and could
not be reached for comment.
Board Extends
Visiting Hours
In Dormitories
Men will now be allowed to re-
main in women's residences until
1:25 a.m. on late permission nights
as a resultof a proposal passed
yesterday at a meeting of the
League Board of Representatives.
The new ruling, which will go
into effect immediately, came
about when the Board unanimous-
ly passed a proposal from the
Dean of Women's Office.
IN THE PAST, calling hours
have been 12:25 a.m. on Friday
and Saturday nights, regardless of
late permission.
However, under the newly
passed ruling, residents will still
be required to observe the "rea-
sonably quiet" rules now en-
forced after midnight.
In case the house has no resi-
dent assistant, the house president
will be required to close the house
on the night following a late per-

New Meeting on Revised
,Red Offers Agreed Upon
By The Associated Press
MUNSAN, Korea, Thursday, Feb. 14 (A)-Communist and Allied
negotiators today agreed to a plenary session of the armistice delega-
tions Saturday to hear the revised Red proposals for a final Korean
peace settlement.
Still unresolved was the Allied demand for voluntary repatria-

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"Are you there, Valentine . . .?

Athletic Confab
Planned by SL
Plans for a conference of Big Ten athletic directors and student
representatives to discuss college athletic practices were initated last
By a unanimous vote, Student Legislature decided to set up a
committee to begin work on the conference and invite the other Big

tion-giving prisoners a chance to d
SL Presses
Regents To
One more voice was added last
night to the clamor for opening
Board of Regents meetings to the
Student Legislature, without a
dissenting vote, resolved that Re-
gents meetings should "in the
main be open to the public," and
charged SL president Len Wilcox
to carry this policy statement to
the Regents. The motion was
passed without debate.
THE CHRONIC controversy of
closed doors on meetings of the
Regents and the MSC State Board
of Agriculture was recently stirred
anew as the Michigan Press As-
sociation launched a determined
drive to open the meetings.
On Monday, State Attorney
General Frank G. Millard ruled
.that the two institutions were
fully within their rights when they
maintained secrecy of the meet-
ings of their governing boards.
Wilcox said he intended to
present SL's resolution before
the Regents at the earliest op-
portunity. There will be a Board
meeting tomorrow night, but
the agenda is usually closed a
week beforehand, making it
dubious whether he will be able
to get his plea on the docket.
The Board will not meet again
till the middle of March.

decide whether to go home of their
own free will. The Communists
are holding out for mandatory
* * *
STAFF TEAMS of colonels
agreed temporarily to by-pass this
major point when they start the
final draft on an 11-point Allied
exchange plan.
They were scheduled to meet
in Panmunjom at 11 a.m. (8
p.m. Wednesday, Ann Arbor
Meanwhile, inter Communist
probing attacks _ainst Allied
ridge-top position cost the Reds
an estimate 320 dead on the froz-
en Eastern Korean battlefront,
the Eighth Army announced yes-
ern fronts, only light patrol con-
tacts were reported.
In the air, Allied pilots flew
423 sorties against Red rear
supply lines despite hazardous
weather conditions over much
of Korea. Communist MIG pi-
lots refused to battle American
Sabre jets.
Front line infantrymen, how-
ever, reported milder weather
along the front.
The Defense Department also
reported 237 more Korean war
casualties, the smallest weekly
figure for dead, wounded and
missing since the fighting began.
It made the total battle casualties'
for the war 105,508.
At the same time the whole-
war total of missing was cut by
798, and 816 men were added to
the roster of prisoners believed
held by the enemy. The prisoner
list went up to 991, and the "cur-
rent missing" dropped to 10,058..

Earlier Vote
Kills Time
Motion Awaits
SAC Approval
After months of debate and un-
certainty, the Student Legislature
last night firmly recommended
that the Student Affairs Commit-
tee require all campus organiza-
tions with discriminatory clauses
in their constitutions to petition
and actively urge the removal of
such clauses before their national
The motion asks the SAC to
deny recognition to any organiza-
tion not taking this action.
The vote was 27 in favor, one
opposed, with eight abstentions.
EARLIER in the evening, the
legislature voted down the Jules
Perlberg proposal to introduce a
time limit of Oct. 15, 1957 as the
deadline for bias clause removal.
This motion failed by a 22-14
The final motion, offered by
Howard Willens, '53, also states
that organizations with clauses
must report to the SAC at the be-
ginning of each school year on
the action taken at their conven-
tion and if there is no convention
within two years, that the frater-
nity had at least petitioned its na-
' * * *
IN A PREAMBLE to the propos-
al, the SL claimed that by taking
these steps the University will-
violate no more property rights
than they are currently violating
on such matters as drinking and
motor vehicle restrictions.
The vote, which came at 15
minutes before midnight, cli-
maxed a four and a half hour
session, packed with oratory,
debate, emotional pleas, and
procedural wrangles.
When it was all over, SL Presi-
dent Len Wilcox, '52, said, "'I
think we've made headway." WIl-
lens claimed that the action was
"e lmost progressive te the
legislature could have taken,"
THE SENTIMENT was appar-
ent among the bill supporters that
last year's time limit proposal, ve-
toed by former President Alexan-
der Ruthven, was a bit too drastic
and that their new motion was as
progressive as now possible.
But a large group of legisla-
tors maintained that as SL veep
Bob Baker put it, the Willens
proposal was weak and watered
down-that a time limit was
necessarydif any progress were
to be made.
.. But when the time limit pro-
posal was defeated, most of this
group transferred their support to
the Willens bill.
Another motion by Baker that
SL take no action rather than
pass the Willens bill was soundly
Baker also claimed that the
University will do whatever it feels
like doing, despite the stipulations
of SL motions.
LAST NIGHT'S action climaxed a
long movement since Pres. Ruth-.
yen's veto last Spring. At this
time, the SL Cabinet stated that it
would put the same proposal be-
fore new President Harlan Hatch-
er when he takes office. But since
then the sentiment of most SL
leaders has changed.

Justhbefore Christmas vaca-
tion the SL on a straw vote ten-
tatively passed the same propos-
al that was passed last night,
but postponed any definite ac-
The new proposal will now go
to the SAC, where its future is
highly uncertain. If approved by
that group it must then be okayed
by President Hatcher.
The only negative vote was of-
fered by Ed Kerr. Abstentions
came from Leislator s Bakr. Cnx


World News Roundup


Another Official Quits
As Tax Scandal Grows
* ,.1


By The Associated Press
PORTLAND, Ore.-If the peo-
ple don't elect a Republican ad-
ministration they cannot have
"common honesty" in the Federal
Government, Sen. Robert A. Taft
of Ohio said in an address last
Immoral conduct, too much and
too costly government, and bung-
led foresgn policy were charged to
the present Democratic adminis-
tration in his speech prepared for
delivery at the Civic auditorium.
CONCORD, N.H. - Sen. Estes

main objects if elected because
"inflation is the silent partner
of Communism."
He said the first thing he would
do if he became president would
be to "reorganize our government
from top to bottom."
* * *
retary Thomas K. Finletter last
night announced a three-nation
agreement under which Canada
will build Sabre Jet fighters
equipped with U.S. engines to be
flown by pilots of the British

WASHINGTON -(k)-- Another'
high tax official resigned yester-
day, by request, while his office
was under investigation.
And there were signs of a grow-
ing feud among probers of na-
tion-wide revenue irregularities.
These were developments in a
sudden new flareup in the tax
scandal situation:
1. President Truman an-
nounced he had accepted the
resignation of Frank Scofield,
veteran $11,000 a year Internal

mer collector at Boston, Denis De-
laney, has been convicted and
sentenced to two years in prison.
2. Dunlap said agents of a
House Subcommittee investigat-
ing the tax scandals have
whisked away Revenue Bureau
files from New York "in the
dead of the night."
The files belonged to the Bu-
reau, not the subcommittee, Dun-
lap said. He added that the sub-
committee's action is "unprece-
AontaA - ua a ofcm h

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